• last year
Another Fig Tree
00:23Well, good morning friends
00:26Welcome to the podcast and sunny morning. It's nine o'clock Pacific Time. It's nine o'clock in Arizona. Thank you for tuning in
00:33It's podcast time with brother Mike on Sunday mornings
00:39Thank you for your prayers for yesterday's service in Carlsbad the there was a mix-up of some kind with our
00:49That was supposed to attend the meetings then nobody from the church attended
00:53So the attendance was very low something screwed up somewhere. So
00:58Sorry about that
01:00But we had a wonderful time of teaching yesterday and thank you very much for your prayers
01:05Please remember at the Arizona Deliverance Center. I'm in Oceanside right now, but I'm heading back
01:11tomorrow going back home and
01:16Thursday and Friday nights. We have a live service at the Arizona Deliverance Center at 7 o'clock
01:21Preaching teaching healing and deliverance at both services
01:24You know, we're located downtown in Phoenix. We're at Osborne and 15th Avenue
01:30It's a red brick building there on the west side of the road on 15th Avenue
01:34And we'll hope you're planning on attending. Please bring somebody that needs to be healed or delivered
01:40God will be
01:42More than happy to help them and that's what I love about the Lord. He's always more than happy to help you
01:52Also, remember our Monday night zoom for ladies. We have Wednesday and Saturday night zoom services for everybody
02:00Those services are extremely effective
02:03Very anointed and you can send me an email Mike at hardcore Christianity calm. I'll send you the code and
02:10The password and you'll be good to go and
02:15We're having a children's deliverance service coming up in
02:19September those things are absolutely fantastic. I hope you'll take advantage of them
02:25And bring your preteen to the service. I got another good one for you today
02:33It's in Luke chapter 13 I
02:36Use Luke 13 a lot in my ministry because it's the chapter on the woman with the spirit of infirmity
02:45The old woman that had a spirit of infirmity she had it for 18 years she was all bent over and
02:53When the demon was cast out of the woman she stood up immediately right in the middle of the synagogue service
02:58Absolutely amazing people were like stunned because they knew the woman they knew she was totally disabled
03:05And she just stood right right up just like that
03:09Well, this is a different part of chapter 13. It's really good. I want to share it with you
03:16It'll help you get help give you some understanding about sin and bad things that happen to people. It's really interesting
03:25Luke chapter 13 verse 1 says there was present at this season
03:30Some that told him about the Galileans
03:33whose blood
03:35pilot had mingled
03:38With their sacrifices. Well, this is an incident that Josephus talks about
03:45book 18 in his
03:49Section on antiquities he mentions this apparently what had happened was
03:563,000 Galileans had entered the temple and they were I
04:02guess political
04:04Politically against Rome and they were against pilot and they were people who were rebelling
04:13pilot had them all murdered
04:183,000 people dead in the temple and their blood mixed in with some of the blood for the animal sacrifices
04:29Worshipping Jehovah and
04:34Asked a question in verse
04:37Number two, which is really interesting. He says do you suppose that these Galileans?
04:43were worse sinners
04:47Than all the other Galileans
04:50That were not killed by pilot
04:55And verse 3 Jesus says no
04:59In addition to that they not only were they not worse sinners than the ones that weren't murdered
05:06He said if you don't repent
05:12You're gonna be Perry you are gonna perish Greek word Apollo me it means to
05:18To be destroyed or be ruined
05:23Then he mentions another incident that happened locally there that none of us know anything about in
05:29the village of
05:32He says how about those 18 people the tower fell on in?
05:38Salome and
05:41Killed them you think they were worse sinners above the people that are living in Jerusalem
05:50Jesus says no verse 5. No, I tell you unless you repent
05:59You will all you will all likewise Apollo me be destroyed or be ruined
06:08Weird very strange discussion
06:13Apparently Salome had a big tower there or something and the building codes weren't up to snuff and
06:18Boom the thing collapsed and all these people got killed
06:22What's Jesus saying here? Look bad things happen to good people all the time. Good things happen to bad people all the time
06:30Sin is a very strange commodity in humanity
06:35Sometimes it it's instantaneous destruction
06:39Sometimes it's gradual destruction. Sometimes the destruction doesn't occur until
06:44After the person is dead and they're in hell
06:48Sin is weird
06:51Sin doesn't seem to add up
06:54But sooner or later
06:57Be sure your sin will find you out
07:01What Jesus is saying here is that the theory that
07:07People who are really bad sinners something bad happens to them all the time is false and
07:16People that don't send that much. They're they're very
07:20You know
07:22weak sinners
07:24Sometimes really bad things happen to them
07:27Cancer car accidents and so on and so what Jesus was saying there was hey, you can't judge
07:35People sin by the disasters that strike them. Sometimes the innocent are killed
07:42Sometimes the guilty go free. Okay, kind of like the OJ syndrome syndrome and
07:51This Greek word is essential here metano a oh
07:56he says
07:57to the people look
08:01Unless you repent
08:04You will all likewise perish repentance
08:07Metano a oh is a Greek word. That means to change your mind and go back the other direction and
08:16Repentance was one of the main themes of the great preaching of John the Baptist
08:24He routinely reprieve preached repentance
08:29Because repentance has a sowing and reaping
08:33capacity to it
08:36When you so
08:39There's reaping
08:41When you're reaping somebody sowed something
08:46Jesus used agriculture to describe that quite often
08:50he would
08:53He would say hey we planted this fruit
08:56This seed and that fruit came up
08:58This fruit didn't come up because that wasn't the seed we planted we planted these seeds and that fruit come up
09:05When you plant a seed, it doesn't come up right away
09:09It doesn't come up at the same pace as all the other seeds
09:13But eventually it grows if it's properly watered
09:20He said unless you repent you will all likewise perish
09:26Luke chapter 15 Jesus said there's great joy in heaven over one sinner
09:34Who repents as opposed to 99 other Christians who already repented
09:42The joy in heaven is always over the new convert who repents
09:49notice it says
09:51repentance not read a canned
09:54sinners prayer on a
09:57card at a rally
10:00Repentance is something that occurs inside the person's inner man and
10:07there when that actually happens and
10:10The person truly is born again, and they truly repent
10:14There is great joy in heaven
10:19Every person who repents
10:23Has this joy
10:26cover their lives
10:29in Luke chapter 24
10:32They were preaching this said that
10:35repentance and remission of sin should be preached in
10:38His name among all nations Luke 24 was part of the Great Commission and Jesus was giving his final words
10:46Before he went back to heaven
10:48What were those final words? Well, there was Mark 16 Matthew 28 and Luke 24 the Great Commission
10:58our job is to preach repentance and
11:01remissions of sins in Jesus name among all nations
11:06Repentance is the key you cannot have Christianity without repentance
11:15People have to change
11:17Matano a oh, they change their attitude towards sin, which then results in their behavior changing
11:24If you know a born-again Christian who keeps on sinning
11:30Has no remorse for their sin
11:33doesn't make any attempt to change and
11:36Doesn't change. That's a red flag. That person was never actually born again. They just had a mental experience with Christ
11:43That's a red flag
11:46In Peter's great sermon on Pentecost
11:48He said
11:49repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and
11:55You will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost in
11:59Chapter 3 he said repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. So the times of refreshing
12:07Will come from the presence of the Lord here. You see a lack of repentance
12:12causes misery and sorrow
12:15in a person's life
12:18And the refreshings from God do not come because the person has not repented
12:24change their attitude towards sin and
12:28Got went back the other other way. You're going this way and you repented you go back the other way
12:34And you change
12:36Christians who do not change who keep continue living in sin. That's a red flag. They haven't spiritually been born again
12:47In Acts chapter 17 Paul said and
12:52those times in the past
12:54When people were ignorant God winked at it, but now he commands all men everywhere
13:02to repent
13:04Repentance Matano ale people change and they go back the other direction
13:10But first they change mentally here
13:14Which causes the behavior to?
13:18Change and go back
13:21Matthew chapter 4 the first sermon on a Jesus mouth was what?
13:28Repentance repent for the kingdom of heaven
13:31is at hand
13:33Well, he taught all this stuff about these people dying and he was explaining to them
13:38look, no, they weren't worse sinners and the people that didn't die and
13:42In fact if you don't repent eventually something's going to happen to you
13:50He then tells the parable
13:54Not of the fig tree
13:56That was the one that was in them related to the middle of the tribulation
14:01He tells the parable of the fruitless fig tree
14:05Verse 6 he spoke this parable to them a certain man had a fig tree
14:12planted in his vineyard and
14:16He came and sought fruit on the tree and didn't find any
14:23This happens a lot. Apparently with these fig trees that happened to Jesus one time. He went through the tree there and
14:30He didn't find any figs on it and it was a season of figs. Well, this tree wasn't producing so he put a curse on it
14:37He spoke a curse on that fig tree
14:40And when they came through that area a day or two later bang the fig tree had died from the roots up
14:46Which is the opposite of how a tree dies it always drop dies from the top to the bottom
14:52This tree died from the roots up when the curse landed upon the tree the roots of the tree
14:59the heart of the tree died and
15:03The disciples were amazed at that curse Jesus put on that tree. Well, it was a training experiment
15:09Jesus was illustrating the power of Holy Spirit spoken words the power of
15:17Words that are spoken with true faith
15:20Illustrating to them how they could move mountains not just put curses on trees
15:29Well in this parable, this is the fruitless fig tree and
15:33Jesus said that this farmer came there and he looked at it. He said wow, there's no
15:38There's no figs on this tree
15:42Verse 7 then he said to the dresser of the vineyard the guy running the vineyard
15:49behold these years
15:51Three years we've been coming here three years
15:56Looking for fruit on this fig tree
15:59And it's not on there
16:02Cut the thing down cut it down
16:06Okay, the Tower of Salome was cut down. It fell down
16:11Right pilot cut down the Galileans
16:14they were slaughtered and
16:17In this illustration here. He says cut this fig tree down the things unproductive
16:23But you can see it here clearly
16:26God's grace said verse 8 Lord. Let it alone this year and
16:36Then I will dig around it and I will put dung in it
16:43Okay, copriya is
16:49Dung I
16:51Will throw dung in it. It says and
16:54And if it doesn't bear fruit, okay
17:00We'll cut it down
17:02We'll cut the thing down. So here you see it
17:06twofold illustration here the nation of Israel and
17:10You can see a third one Jesus's ministry notice. He said three years here
17:15This was at the end of Jesus's ministry where he was entering the fourth year of his ministry
17:20When he was when he was murdered and went to Calvary he said hey we've been coming here for three years
17:29Okay, let's give it let's give them some grace and we'll go into the fourth year
17:36That's exactly what happened
17:3940 years later
17:42The Romans came through Jerusalem and ended the nation of Israel and destroyed it
17:4840 years later 70 AD. The Romans came through and destroyed
17:53The nation of Israel, which is exactly what Iran Hezbollah and Hamas want to do to Israel to this day
18:01There's a major war about ready to start in the Middle East
18:05They want Israel destroyed just exactly like Rome did
18:11They want the exact thing to happen to them
18:16Grace and mercy says no
18:18We'll give them another chance and Jesus did they gave him another chance when he cried over the temple on the Mount
18:26He wept that day
18:28Shortest verse in the Bible. Jesus says Jesus wept. He was crying over
18:33this fig tree
18:36They had been given the three years. They had been given part of his fourth year and
18:42They hadn't repented and
18:46Therefore the fig tree was going to be cut down
18:50Jerusalem and Israel was going to be cut down and destroyed
18:55That's exactly what happened
18:58The other meaning of the parable is
19:01You and I to this day 2,000 years later many bad people
19:08Have nothing bad happened to them
19:11and many good people
19:13Have bad things happen to them
19:18And it goes on and on
19:20And just because someone's a horrible sinner
19:23Doesn't mean something whole horrible and horrific are going to happen to them. For example, Joseph Stalin
19:30He was probably the biggest murderer
19:34Pol Pot might have been worse of
19:37Anybody who ever lived I
19:40Mean I don't think Nimrod killed as many people as Stalin did
19:47He killed many more people Adolf Hitler he died of old age
19:53Nothing nothing horrible happened to him. He didn't get run over by a truck or blown up by a tank
19:59Nah, he died old age. Boom. He just fell over
20:03Went right straight to hell
20:05Adolf Hitler
20:07One of the worst people that ever lived
20:12Committed suicide quietly in his bunker. He was in a bunker and he just went down there with his wife and
20:21That was it boom took the
20:24Took the poison, but
20:27Shot himself in the head
20:29You know nothing nothing incredibly bad happened to him
20:34but you see
20:36Christians being persecuted in the Middle East and in Africa and they're being murdered and slaughtered and
20:45Faithful wonderful servants of God being martyred
20:51So sin extracts a horrible toll on humanity, but it
20:59Extracts it in aberrant fashions
21:02It's all different it appears to be without rhyme or reason
21:09Good things happen to bad people bad things happen to good people. There's no way to predict it
21:17But we all know that your sin somehow some way
21:23Will find you out what God's speaking to you today the fruitless fig tree parable in Luke 13
21:30Mercy has come to you. Hey, you may have had a season of
21:36Unproductivity you may have been living for yourself. You may have been selfish. You may have been disobedient you have a
21:43period in your life where things are
21:48Disobedient and you're not serving God during this period and the mercy of God is calling out to you and
21:56He's telling you hey, let's
21:58Let's pour some fertilizer on you
22:02You need a big load of fertilizer poured on you. It doesn't sound good. But boy, it's a lifesaver and
22:09Let's give them one more year. Let's give them another chance grace and mercy from God is
22:16Fantastic. It always gives you another chance
22:20You get another chance to change
22:24But eventually those chances run out
22:31Time runs out on a sinner on a Christian time runs out
22:41Time ran out on the nation of Israel
22:4570 AD
22:48The whole nation was destroyed
22:51They try to come back and 135 AD
22:54Israel rebounded and tried to take back the temple and
22:59took back parts of Jerusalem and
23:03The Romans said no
23:08You feisty little Jews
23:12And they were slaughtered again
23:14135 AD
23:16Now as I'm talking to you
23:20Hezbollah and Iran and
23:22others are
23:24Planning the destruction of Jerusalem right now as I'm speaking to you a war is going to break out in the Middle East pretty soon
23:33Three years
23:34No fruit cut it down and mercy stepped in and the vine dresser said I'll tell you what. Let's give it one more
23:43year and
23:44I'll fertilize it
23:49Then if it doesn't
23:53Produce fruit
23:55Let's cut it down
23:57God is giving you fertilizer
24:00So to speak mercy and grace. He's giving you a
24:05Boost he's giving you
24:08God's energy. He is blessing you and
24:12You are not at this time one of those Galileans that got killed
24:16You're one of the Galileans that didn't get killed. They got away
24:22At this time
24:25At this time you are
24:27You're one of the people that should have been killed
24:31But mercy fell upon you
24:34Why doesn't God give mercy to this person? Why does he give it to that one? Why doesn't he give it to this one?
24:39Why does he give it that why why why why no one knows the exact answer?
24:45No one can figure it out, but we do know this
24:51Nay, I say unto you
24:54Unless you repent
24:56You will all likewise
24:59perish Apollo me you will come to
25:02total ruination
25:05Total ruination
25:08That time is running out
25:11Time is running out. Okay. I
25:15Had another Bible study last year on the planet Earth and the planet Earth is cursed
25:21You and I live on a cursed
25:25The whole planet Earth is under a curse
25:32Genesis 3 the curse of this planet
25:36Is real this planet is
25:40jacked up
25:42from north to south pole
25:44all around the planet
25:47jacked up
25:51Everywhere the planet is jacked up
26:04People dying everywhere
26:08Volcanoes erupting
26:10geishas in California erupting hurricanes in Florida
26:15Flooding everything the whole planet is crazy
26:19and as I said in that Bible study
26:22the planet Earth instead of
26:25Being a blessing to everybody and everything which it was originally intended. It was created perfectly with perfect beauty
26:33And perfectly designed to support life on the planet and to bless life on the planet
26:40After the curse fell on it is actually a murderer of
26:45Everything on the planet the earth
26:48Murders everything on the planet. It kills everything
26:52Everything is alive at this moment is in the process of dying
27:00That's why you and I die, that's why animals die. That's why insects die. That's why plants die everything
27:07Everything that's alive the planet Earth eventually murders everything dies
27:15From dust you are to dust you shall return
27:19when and how that happens as
27:23Jesus explained in Luke 13 is
27:28We don't know when it's going to happen how it's going to happen
27:32Good things happen to bad people bad things happen to good people and there's no way to explain it
27:40There is no apparent rhyme or reason to it, but the bottom line
27:45There's tremendous rhyme and reason to it
27:48Nay, unless you unless you repent you will all likewise
27:54Perish not in the same manner or at the same time
28:01Mercy is available for you today. Grace is available to you today
28:06Lord, let's take let's take another year. Let's give this fig tree
28:11Another year, I'll fertilize it. I'll dig it up now fertilize the thing and
28:17That should do it and it should become productive for you
28:20But if it doesn't after it's been fertilized again after it receives more grace
28:28after more grace comes in
28:33Then we'll cut it down that'll be the end of it
28:38I have in my office a list of people I've mentioned this to you before
28:45I've been doing this for a
28:47few decades
28:49Okay, I have a list in my office of people who came to the Arizona Deliverance Center people
28:55we work with people we tried to help people that we tried to get to repent metano ale and
29:01They wouldn't do it or they did temporarily and then they went back and so on and that list of people on
29:09my desk are
29:11Dead people. I keep track of them. I
29:16Actually keep track of them. I know that sounds kind of morbid
29:22that list
29:24illustrates the parable of the fruitless fig tree
29:28the people
29:32Fertilized they received grace. They received the word they received the mercy of God
29:41They did not repent and they did not change and time ran out on them
29:50Time ran out on them
29:55Now does time run out on everybody? Oh sure. I'm not talking about
29:59Generally people generally speaking dying. That's the planet Earth killing everything
30:04We live on a cursed planet, that's a separate Bible study. I went over that last year. This is different
30:11This is God
30:13Talking to you as he was talking to the nation of Israel. Look, we'll give you another chance
30:18This is the fourth year. It was the fourth year of Jesus's ministry. He had gone through three years
30:25The Jews didn't repent they saw the Messiah in full power
30:32All the supernatural powerful scriptures of Isaiah and Ezekiel and so on there. He was
30:39Live and in living color and they wouldn't repent they wouldn't change
30:45So Jesus said let's give him another year. Let's give him some more grace and
30:52Wait and see if it produces
30:55Israel did not produce and
30:58Was destroyed in 70 AD
31:01At the end of the fourth year if that fig tree didn't produce it was cut down
31:08If you're in this season of your life if this is your if this is your season Wow
31:16This is your season of that life you have to change right now
31:21Because God is fertilizing you giving you another chance
31:25He loves you he wants to help you he's trying to help you he's fertilizing you
31:36He doing it for a reason why because sooner or later
31:43It ends it stops
31:48It's not a good thing
31:50It ends it stops
31:54It doesn't go on forever
32:01And your time is now and you and I both know looking at the news
32:08Looking at
32:11Tribulation that has to be just a few years away. I mean this thing's so close. I can't even believe it
32:15I never dreamed somebody at my age would ever
32:18Could ever possibly be raptured and I didn't believe that was going to happen years ago
32:24I'm starting to wonder if I'm gonna make it at my age an old an old man like me
32:30Wow, that's amazing
32:33But it looks like it's it's right on top of us
32:37And God needs you
32:40Now more than ever
32:42He needs you now
32:44To fulfill your destiny in your call
32:47To receive your gifts and your anointing and to make your move
32:55He wants you to make your move now
32:57He wants you to make major changes now because this is your fertilization period
33:03Okay, you've been unproductive in the past
33:07Like that fig tree it went three years
33:10Israel went three years
33:14Wasn't productive and God said well, let's give them a fourth year. Let's fertilize them here
33:20We'll give them the cross of Calvary. We'll give them the resurrection of Christ. We'll give them the day of Pentecost
33:26We'll give them the revival. Let's fertilize Israel again and see what happens
33:34Well, they never repented guess what happened
33:40The nation was destroyed and it stayed destroyed believe it or not until 1948 you imagine that
33:51What was that?
33:551945 years later
33:58Israel finally
34:03Well, that's a long time
34:06Well, you and I don't have that kind of time as you know human beings live, you know, what is the what is the
34:1576 something or I don't remember. I haven't looked it up lately, but you know, it's a mid 70s or so people died
34:21That's statistically yet
34:23But God's not going to have you do that. He's going to fertilize you right now and give you grace and mercy and love and care
34:32Why he wants you productive
34:35and he wants you ready to go you are not to be a
34:40Fruitless fig tree. That was the Jews. That was Israel. Okay
34:45They did that you are not supposed to do that
34:50You are not supposed to do that
34:53You are supposed to be a Holy Ghost filled
34:57spiritual powerhouse
35:01By God's Word and the spirit of the Lord and you are just you are supposed to be some kind of
35:09Animal against the kingdom of darkness, you know, I King Kong or Godzilla or something like that
35:17Pounding down the gates of hell
35:20In your life in the lives of others, that's what you're supposed to be doing
35:28That's what you're supposed to be doing
35:30now the rapture either occurs before the tribulation or it
35:33Occurs at the end of the tribulation or if it doesn't occur at all, it doesn't matter. It's all going to come to an end
35:40The parable the fruitless fig tree
35:42comes to an end
35:45sooner or later and
35:47That's what's going to happen to you. If you do not repent
35:51You have got to repent
35:56And if you don't
36:02You're gonna get cut down by the devil he's gonna he's gonna smash you God's not going to do it
36:08but the law of sowing and reaping will
36:11Come to fruition and it's going to end for you and I have that list of my office right there
36:16Of all them dead people. They're all dead now
36:21It's absolutely amazing they're all dead
36:25They didn't listen
36:27They wouldn't follow instructions
36:29They got fertilized
36:31They had manure dumped all over them
36:34This is the only incidents in the Bible where it's a glorious blessing to have somebody dump manure on you
36:40It's a time of glorious celebration. I just got manure dumped on me. It's symbolic
36:47Mercy grace love it's all yours now
36:55You need to be ready to go but first
36:58Jesus said nay except you repent you shall all likewise perish
37:10And repentance doesn't have anything to do with church doctrines or whether you believe the rapture is real or the second coming is real or
37:17Millennials real or then none of that stuff matters repentance is personal. It's your personal sin
37:25You need to repent for criticizing others. Do you need to repent for your temper?
37:29do you need to repent for this or that now is the time to do it because this is your season of
37:35Fertilization you are in your manure
37:43Take a whiff of that
37:49grace mercy love
37:52Is yours and it's time for you to make your move now
38:00And I
38:02Had a service yesterday in Carlsbad is one of the worst service I've ever had in my ministry
38:07I was just I was standing there. I was stunned
38:10everybody that showed up to the service literally either was totally disinterested in
38:16the Word of God or
38:19Repenting or
38:22serving God or
38:24They were not really interested in deliverance. I had never had that happen. I never had that happen since
38:332004 I had never had a service like that where every single person in the service either wasn't interested at all or
38:41They were not God seekers and had no interest in being delivered from demons had no desire
38:47No fight. No nothing for God. It was phenomenal. I had I was stunned
38:54But was I stunned?
38:57No, what happened was I taught the Word of God to them I did the best I could to
39:07Bad ground
39:10Most of the people there were bad ground
39:14Didn't matter to me. I just I taught as strong and as hard as I possibly could to help them
39:21Then why because of manure?
39:24Mmm, that's it. It's poop season
39:27Poop season is wonderful. It's a season of
39:32Fertilization and
39:35God is going to fertilize you but remember
39:41Remember at the end of the fertilization period if you haven't responded to it
39:52Guess what happens yikes
39:57It comes to an end
39:59Doesn't come to a horrible end like the Galileans
40:02Not necessarily
40:05Are you gonna die in a hurricane or a flood?
40:08Not necessarily
40:11Jesus was explaining there's no rhyme no reason
40:15Why this occurs and why that occurs?
40:18That's not your emphasis. The point is that it runs to an end
40:26Somehow in some way
40:29the fertilization period and ends
40:32your season of poop
40:40Please don't let that happen to you
40:43Take advantage of this season of grace and mercy and love
40:47It's being poured all over you and God wants to help you he cares about you he needs to help you he enjoys it
40:56But the nation of Israel was wiped out by the Romans 70 AD 135 AD it happened twice
41:05Cut it, dude
41:09They were given chance after chance after chance to change
41:16okay, and
41:18You are being given chance after chance after chance to change
41:25It's time for you to change
41:29Time for you to change
41:31Getting upset and concerned and babbling about church doctrines over and over again that it's coming to an end. It's gonna stop
41:42Fighting over hell fighting over a water baptism, but
41:48Fighting over the rapture what a waste of life
41:52Unless you repent you will all likewise perish
42:06See you next time
