Alamin: Ang mga dapat at hindi dapat gawin kapag may emergency

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Alamin: Ang mga dapat at hindi dapat gawin kapag may emergency

00:00If you are in the middle of a crisis, an emergency, or any medical situation that requires urgent attention,
00:07the possibility that you will be saved or you can save the lives of others is greater if you know what you should do.
00:17That's why today, we have someone with us who will share with us the knowledge of what to do and what not to do when there is an emergency.
00:27Now, we have Doc. Louie Ocampo, Managing Director of Ronin Emergency Medical Service.
00:33Good morning, Doc. Louie, and welcome to Rise and Shine, Philippines.
00:36Good morning, Audrey. Thank you very much. We are here at RISP, Rise and Shine, Philippines.
00:44Doc. Louie, all Filipinos have experienced an emergency, especially when we travel on the streets.
00:52There are people we see, there are people who are suffering, there are situations where we get flooded, we get drenched.
00:58So, if the situation is like this, what should and should not be done?
01:04Well, with regards to emergency, I created something that is easier for us to remember.
01:11Let's remember RSP.
01:13Oh, it's like Rise and Shine, Philippines.
01:16So, R is a response plan.
01:18So, when the so-called big one happens, the government will activate the response plan on what to do.
01:27At the same time, the S, the services like the command center will be activated, the communication will be activated,
01:35and the emergency medical services like Ronin, which is one of the 100% supporters of our government
01:44that can help with emergency incidents in our country.
01:49And the letter P, public information is important. So, RSP is important.
01:57Okay, Doc. Louie, let's talk about your group, Ronin Emergency Medical Service.
02:03So, 24 hours, if you need, if you have a hotline, you can contact us, Ronin will arrive.
02:12Yes, Ronin will arrive because what's important to us is that we are ready.
02:17And what's good about Ronin is that all of our ambulances have advanced life support.
02:23Meaning, we have complete equipment.
02:25We have a defibrillator, we have a mechanical ventilator, we have oxygen, we have medicine, we have a nurse, we have a doctor.
02:33If they need it, it's automatic.
02:3524-7, we have a call, we don't have a call.
02:40Our emergency medical technicians, the nurses and doctors, they are ready 24-7 in the areas where we have a command center.
02:49Okay, you mentioned the area. So, is it only here within Metro Manila?
02:54Our operation right now is in NCR. We have one in Iloilo City.
02:59So, in Iloilo, we also have one in Angeles, Pampanga, and we also have one in Boracay.
03:05And soon, we will have one in Bohol.
03:07And Ronin's dream is that Ronin will operate in major cities throughout the Philippines
03:13because there is a huge gap with regards to the emergency response plan.
03:19Okay, let's talk about the emergency situations, sir.
03:22So, Dr. Louie, for example, you are with your family and there is an emergency, a disgrace,
03:32what should be done by those who are still able to make the right decision?
03:40Number one, we need to calm down first.
03:42Usually, when there is an emergency, even if you are in the medical field,
03:47you will panic.
03:49You will scream. You will lose your mind.
03:55So, we should stay calm.
03:57Then, we should prepare ourselves.
03:59Then, we should check the situation when there is an emergency.
04:06It is important that we know who we are going to call
04:10so that we can quickly reach the emergency assistance to those in need.
04:16Well, sometimes, the emergency happens in isolated places.
04:22So, it is important that you say that those hotline numbers are already listed on your cell phone
04:27so that they can be called immediately.
04:30But even so, let's talk about the big one that you mentioned earlier.
04:34This is a strong warning that could happen here in Metro Manila.
04:41Is the Philippines ready for this?
04:45Our government is doing a lot in what we call the big one.
04:51Like the drills, we are doing important drills.
04:54The information dissemination is very important
04:59because we don't know when it will be correct.
05:02But it is important for our countrymen that we are always ready.
05:06Especially if it is in our house or in our office.
05:09Let's check the paths.
05:11Let's see what can fall there.
05:13So, if you know that it will fall, you should tie it immediately or secure it immediately.
05:18And if such a thing happens, who should we call?
05:24And Ronin is one of the people who helps those in need.
05:29Because if such a thing happens, all the agencies will be activated.
05:34So, Ronin is there so that we can save more lives.
05:39Well, Dr. Luis, I just want to know.
05:42Recently, we experienced a heavy flood here in Metro Manila.
05:46What was the help from you?
05:50Our real challenge there, of course, when it floods,
05:54our ambulance will not be able to enter.
05:57But in Boracay, we are arranging to have jet ski medics there.
06:03So, for those who go swimming or other activities.
06:09But here in NCR, in Iloilo and Pampanga, we have what we call biker medics.
06:16That is for traffic.
06:18That is the first responder while waiting for our ambulance.
06:22But when it really floods, we cannot do anything
06:25because the ambulance will not be able to go there.
06:27But soon, we will have a Ronin boat that can go through the flood.
06:35Okay. Dr. Luis, first aid is also important.
06:38It is better if more Filipinos know about this.
06:41Do you conduct seminars to teach the communities about first aid?
06:46Yes, we conduct basic life support training,
06:50first aid training in every barangay,
06:53in every subdivision, in every company,
06:55so that we can have a broader knowledge
06:58with regards to emergency or what we call immediate response
07:04that can be done for first aid.
07:06So that we can save more people.
07:10Okay. Dr. Luis, lastly,
07:12what are your reminders to our RRSP
07:16in case they have an emergency situation?
07:20Our reminders in case we have an emergency situation,
07:24number one is stay calm.
07:26So let us check ourselves first
07:28so that we can think of who we will call.
07:31And we should know the number of emergency services,
07:37just like Ronin,
07:39in case something like that happens, we will immediately call.
07:43And it is important for us not to panic
07:47because most of us panic.
07:49And it is important to have knowledge.
07:52That is why training is important,
07:54saving lives information is important
07:58because in times of emergency, that is where it comes out.
08:01Alright. Thank you very much for all the information
08:03that you shared with us this morning.
08:05We are still with Dr. Luis.
08:07Again, thank you very much.
