Shubho Bibaho

  • last month


00:00We are the new generation.
00:02We are the new generation.
00:04We are the new generation.
00:06We are the new generation.
00:08It's good to make me suffer.
00:10One day you made me look younger behind the car.
00:12Today you made me look older in the car.
00:14I mean, the younger I look,
00:16the stronger I look,
00:18the inferior I look,
00:20then you are still the same.
00:22You are still searching to create a scene.
00:24Actually you should become a professional actor, you know.
00:26You're acting, you have to put on an act.
00:28It's your hobby to act.
00:30You can do it very well.
00:32And it's your hobby to humiliate and belittle people.
00:35Because that's what you love more than anything.
00:38Who told you to take the car behind me?
00:41I didn't even want to get in the car.
00:42So why did you take the car now?
00:44I have no intention of taking you in the car.
00:46Have you forgotten?
00:48I have an idea.
00:49You are the daughter-in-law of a rich family.
00:51If people saw you walking on the road in the afternoon,
00:54then the family's reputation would be ruined.
00:56That's why I took you in the car.
00:58Otherwise, I don't have any problem with you.
01:01When you don't have any problem,
01:03then why did you hide my problem from me?
01:07Why did you take 30 lakhs from our house?
01:11Why did you take back my father's money?
01:16Oh, I got it.
01:18Actually, after helping me,
01:20it's your hobby to talk to me and humiliate me.
01:24Otherwise, you won't be able to eat.
01:27Oh, my God.
01:30If you can keep your hypocrisy,
01:34then people from all over the country will come to see you.
01:37You have done such a big favor.
01:39Now you are humiliating me.
01:41Who told you to do a favor for me?
01:43You can't ask for anything.
01:45You can't do anything.
01:46Why do you care so much about his favor?
01:48I did what I did for my family's reputation.
01:51If my in-laws come to my house after two days,
01:54then I will also be humiliated.
01:56How did you think that I will let my family come to my house?
01:59I will arrange the money to move out of the house.
02:03Where did you hear it from?
02:10The one who will help me,
02:12has called me.
02:16How are you?
02:17Yes, I am fine.
02:20Do you remember tomorrow's date?
02:25Who is she talking to with a smile on her face?
02:27She is looking so beautiful.
02:31Will anyone give her the money?
02:35I got it.
02:36Prepare the backup plan before madam.
02:40She is not as simple as I thought.
02:54Yes, I am listening.
02:56I will meet you in Kolkata.
03:13What is the matter?
03:15You are not talking to the car.
03:17Where are you going tomorrow?
03:18What is there?
03:19Why should I tell you?
03:20I am talking to someone with a smile on my face,
03:22with a smile on my face,
03:24with a smile on my face,
03:26with a smile on my face,
03:28what is your problem?
03:30Oh, yes.
03:31I know.
03:32If I talk to someone with a smile on my face,
03:34I know you have a problem.
03:35But if I know that someone wants to help me,
03:38then I will be happy.
03:41And I will talk to him with a smile on my face.
03:44And yes,
03:45listen to one more thing.
03:47From now on,
03:48I will not take any help from you.
03:50I don't want to owe you anything.
03:52So, in a few days,
03:53when I get the money from him,
03:55I will give it to you.
03:57You will not take help from your husband.
04:00But will you take help from outsiders?
04:02Yes, I will.
04:03Because I have no right over you.
04:06But who are those outsiders?
04:08Who are those people?
04:11Who are you talking to with a smile on your face?
04:14I want to know.
04:16Give me the phone.
04:17I want to see.
04:19I am not in a position to talk to you.
04:21I am in a position.
04:22Give me.
04:24Give me the phone.
04:26Mukherjee Events?
04:29I got a job there.
04:32And I will join tomorrow.
04:41What happened?
04:42Where are you going?
04:43Why did you stop the car on the way?
04:46Mr. Bokshamalik.
04:50Mr. Bokshamalik, you can't leave like this.
04:52Listen, Sudha.
04:54There is a saying in Odishka.
04:58Bokshamalik does not go out of the house
05:01without his wife.
05:04And he will never go.
05:07So, you too
05:09will never be able to get a job.
05:16But Mr. Bokshamalik,
05:18it is my personal decision
05:19whether I will work or not.
05:25I have no right to decide
05:26what happens to the girls in our family.
05:29I and the rest of the boys
05:31will do what is right for them.
05:35And you support that?
05:37Do you think
05:38it is not right for girls of this generation
05:40to work outside?
05:42Or do you think
05:43they should be allowed to do so?
05:46It is not important
05:48what I think or not, Sudha.
05:52It is my decision
05:54and it is my decision to decide.
05:56But Mr. Bokshamalik, it is different.
05:58Yes, it is different.
05:59I don't understand, Sudha.
06:00Bokshamalik's wife
06:02doesn't work outside
06:03and you won't either.
06:04This is final.
06:08I can't help you here.
06:13I can't help you here.
06:22If you don't return the money,
06:24I will become a servant to my wife.
06:41You said you were going to the temple.
06:43I was thinking of going to the priest
06:45to offer prayers for my brother.
06:47But there is no temple here.
06:50Then where is she going?
06:52Whose bike is she riding?
07:02Sudhadi works in your office?
07:07She doesn't just work.
07:09She listens to me day and night.
07:11She keeps her head down.
07:13She works day and night
07:15to save money.
07:19Oh my God!
07:20What is she thinking?
07:23After marriage,
07:24she is so arrogant.
07:26If I didn't know
07:28that Sudha is in love with Tej,
07:31I would have killed her.
07:33I wouldn't have let the marriage happen.
07:36And I would have made sure
07:38that Sudha doesn't get a job.
07:44Don't think about her job.
07:47If she is so rich,
07:49does she need a job?
07:53Sudhadi wanted to live with her brother.
07:56That's why she didn't say anything
07:58even after seeing your face.
08:00She didn't say a word.
08:02What does a person do?
08:04They fight, fight,
08:06talk to each other,
08:08but nothing.
08:10On the contrary,
08:11brother and sister are fighting.
08:15They are thinking that nothing will happen.
08:18We have to do something
08:20to stop them from fighting.
08:28Isn't he Sudhadi's friend?
08:32let me know if you have any idea.
08:34Can I come today?
08:41Isn't he Sudha's younger brother?
08:43Or am I mistaken?
08:48Why are you standing there, Bijit?
08:50What do you want?
08:53Yes, ma'am.
08:54The Bengali sweets supplier
08:56who took the responsibility yesterday
08:58has backed out.
09:00He can't deliver.
09:02Yes, ma'am.
09:03And you are telling me this now?
09:05At the last moment?
09:07So many sweets orders,
09:08so many decorations.
09:11What will he do now?
09:19The daughters and daughters-in-law of the Basumunlik family
09:22will not go out of the house.
09:24They will never go out.
09:28So you will never be able to work.
09:32If I don't work,
09:33I won't be able to repay the debt of Mr. Basumunlik.
09:36The respect of my father-in-law's house
09:38will be tarnished.
09:40I can't let that happen.
09:44Mr. Diwani.
09:46Have you made
09:47nimki, singhara
09:48and everything else
09:49with tea?
09:51Yes, ma'am.
09:53hot singhara in the rain today.
09:55Nimki again.
09:56The water will be soaked in the evening.
09:59The smell is making me dizzy.
10:02My stomach is aching.
10:05Me too.
10:09My stomach is aching.
10:11And Muni and Puchaputi
10:13are arguing with each other.
10:15Oh, God.
10:16I am so hungry.
10:18Leave me.
10:19Leave me.
10:22give me some singhara.
10:24I am very hungry.
10:26And you guys
10:27will eat before me.
10:29I have it.
10:30I have it for everyone.
10:31I have forgotten it.
10:32But I will eat before everyone.
10:34Leave me.
10:35I will eat before everyone.
10:43Eat properly, sister-in-law.
10:45You have to sit for the wedding ceremony
10:46after two days.
10:48If you gain weight,
10:49you won't like it anymore.
10:59I don't like to eat oily food.
11:04What should I do?
11:10You know, Dali.
11:11Everyone likes your personality.
11:13So, there is no restriction on food.
11:28Everyone will eat singhara.
11:30You will also eat singhara.
11:32I have made it for you.
11:35make it in the oven.
11:37Without oil.
11:38And yes,
11:39don't make it with flour.
11:40Make it with wheat flour.
11:41Come on.
11:42Try it.
11:43How is it?
11:45You made these
11:47for me again?
11:52You are the best, sister-in-law.
11:55Take it.
11:56Eat it.
12:02without oil?
12:03I will eat it.
12:04Leave it.
12:07Listen, sister-in-law.
12:08I will serve the rest.
12:10You serve tea.
12:12Tej and Dada are talking
12:13about the factory.
12:15You serve tea.
12:16The manager is sitting downstairs.
12:18I will serve him singhara
12:20and take him upstairs.
12:24I am hungry.
12:35our special
12:36and thin crust
12:37has been sold.
12:38I am worried about it.
12:40there are so many
12:41foreign cookies in the market.
12:42There are so many
12:43healthy diet items.
12:44We have to
12:45make it.
12:46We have to make it.
12:47We have to make it.
12:48We have to make it.
12:49We have to make it.
12:50We have to make it.
12:51We have to make it.
12:52We have to make it.
12:53There are so many
12:54healthy digestive biscuits.
12:55People of that region
12:56do not like eating
12:57those typical
12:58thick crust cookies.
13:01they are interested
13:02in foreign cookies.
13:04I would like to say
13:05that if people
13:06could buy
13:07their cookies
13:08at low calories
13:09it would be better,
13:11That's right.
13:12Tej Bakery
13:13sold many
13:14thick crust cookies
13:15for so long.
13:16Such cookies
13:18are now
13:19out of the market
13:21they are very tasty.
13:22Don't be so hasty.
13:25I swear, no foreign product will enter my company.
13:29But mom, you don't understand.
13:31If you don't take a little risk, you can't make any progress.
13:34New machines, new people.
13:36You will be able to spend.
13:37But you will have to take a little risk.
13:39But I agree with Mejoka.
13:40Tej Bekari hasn't gone out of their comfort zone for more profit.
13:46It won't be right to go today.
13:49Yes, my grandfather was right.
13:52We don't speak foreign languages.
13:56We have many types of biscuits in Bangla.
14:00Prajapati biscuits, elephant-horse biscuits.
14:03People have almost forgotten them.
14:05You can't find them anywhere except in tea shops.
14:09Since their demand is low, they don't like them.
14:13What if we bring back all those old biscuits from Bangla?
14:19Dad, will the wives of the family talk to the businessman?
14:25No, dad.
14:26The wives of our family don't talk about such things at all.
14:31Look at him, dad.
14:32He never comes home during the business meeting.
14:38But he has a good brain.
14:41You can see it by thinking like this.
14:44But I know he is doing all this to please Thambi.
14:49You know, I will help my mother and mother-in-law.
14:59Wait, Nathbhuma.
15:03I don't like what Nathbhuma said.
15:08If we can bring back our childhood memories,
15:12then we won't eat those foreign biscuits.
15:17He is right.
15:24And they will make less money.
15:28My daughter-in-law is very lucky.
15:31She has saved a lot of money.
15:33Well done, daughter-in-law.
15:35Then what?
15:36Do you want me to go to the police station with this file?
15:40No, not at all.
15:42The wives of this family and the people of this family
15:45will go to the police station only.
15:49Dad, sister-in-law.
15:51Let's not discuss the budget.
15:53The manager has come.
15:54Let's go.
15:55Thambi has brought you home as her daughter-in-law.
16:01She is trusting you and giving you the respect you deserve.
16:06But please don't do anything that will make Thambi sick.
16:13That will make Thambi sick.
16:28Here is the money.
16:33I want to apologize to you for stealing my family's necklace.
16:41And I have returned the money.
16:46You are the innocent daughter-in-law of this family.
16:48You stole the necklace.
16:50You kept the necklace's name.
16:52You said it very nicely.
16:56But Thambi, there is less than 20,000 rupees in it.
17:00I will pay you back slowly.
17:03How will you pay me back, daughter-in-law?
17:06I am happy that you returned the money to your family.
17:13Thambi, can I ask you something?
17:16What is it?
17:18You are a woman.
17:19You are a businesswoman.
17:21You are a businesswoman.
17:23Why are you against women working in the family?
17:27I don't have the courage to ask you this question.
17:33But I am telling you that you are brave and honest.
17:37This Kanonbala Devi was not like this from the beginning.
17:42I had given her permission to work outside.
17:46But she could not keep my trust.
17:50And I have worked very hard to run this business.
17:54Our family has no shortage of happiness, wealth and property.
17:58Then why will the daughters and daughters-in-law of this family suffer?
18:01Someone can work very well.
18:03Someone can handle the work of the family with two hands.
18:07Just one support...
18:12The work of the daughters-in-law of the family is to handle the family.
18:17Only then the family will be happy.
18:19Husband will be satisfied.
18:21I made the mistake once by giving support.
18:25I don't want to do it again.
18:28But Thambi, trust me once...
18:31I don't want to discuss anything else with you.
18:36I will not change my mind.
18:46Why can't the daughters of this family work outside?
18:50It is clear that they will not change their old beliefs.
18:56But the daughters of this family can work outside.
19:02They can stand on their own feet.
19:05They will have to understand this one day.
19:09But before that, I have to find out how to repay Mr. Bashomoli.
19:13But how will I find out how to repay Mr. Bashomoli without going out of the house?
19:21I don't know...
19:23You show me the phone.
19:27Can't you do it?
19:31No big sweet shop is willing to make sweets in one night.
19:35No designer is available to make so many sweets.
19:39And you can't get all this in a ready-made shop.
19:42But you have sent me such a long list of sweets.
19:46Why didn't you update me earlier?
19:51You have given me such a big problem.
19:53Ma'am, how will I know that they will go out of the house at the last moment?
19:57You told me that you will deliver it.
19:59I am not readying it now.
20:01Then who will I ask to do these things, Bijit?
20:04Listen Bijit, listen to me carefully.
20:07We have many big wedding events in front of us.
20:10And if we miss this event at this moment, then I will fire you.
20:25Ma'am, I know a person who can do all this in one night.
20:29He is an expert in making sweets.
20:34Who is he?
20:36Sudhanna will not let me go.
20:40You don't know him, ma'am.
20:42But he can do this job very well.
20:45He can do it in one night.
20:47I will give him as much money as he needs.
20:50I will give him as much money as he needs.
20:52But please ask him to cancel this order.
20:55I want everything ready in one night.
21:01I know that only Sudhanna can do this job in one night.
21:10What are you thinking?
21:13I am thinking how to search your ring.
21:18You can't.
21:20You will never be able to search Tej Basumulli's ring.
21:24You will have to carry the burden of this ring for the rest of your life.
21:29And you will have to listen to me.
21:33Listen, if I don't get the ring, then Gajanan will show me the way.
21:38He will not let me insult you anymore.
21:57Yes, Bijit.
21:59Tell me.
22:05Why are you talking to me so suddenly?
22:08But how will I do this job?
22:10What do you mean?
22:11Can't you make sweets?
22:13It's not about whether I can or not.
22:15Then why?
22:17I don't want to work outside.
22:19Give me the phone, Bijit.
22:23You always wanted to work, didn't you?
22:36Who are you talking to?
22:39I still want to work.
22:41I want to work all my life.
22:44But I am not able to talk to you.
22:46The reason is the situation.
22:48The rules of this house.
22:50The husband of this house does not work outside.
22:53He will not allow me to work.
22:57Okay, Bijit.
22:58You don't mind working outside, do you?
23:01But what if you start working from inside the house?
23:06What do you mean?
23:08You said it very well, Jinook.
23:10Look at this.
23:11Listen, Sudha.
23:12Sweets are everything.
23:14What if I bring sugar, milk, ghee, flour to you?
23:18Look at this.
23:20Listen, Sudha.
23:21Madam said she will give a lot of money.
23:29But I don't allow you to work from inside the house.
23:32Then what will you do?
23:35I will work.
23:41Who is she talking to?
23:48We will bring whatever you need.
24:07Who were you talking to so late at night?
24:11Why should I tell you?
24:13What do you mean?
24:15I asked you.
24:16You have to tell me.
24:17I don't have to tell you.
24:20You don't have the right to touch me.
24:23And you don't have the right to talk about me.
24:36What do you feel?
24:40Why do you bind me?
24:43Why do you keep me in your heart?
24:48Why can't I control myself before you?
24:57Who is mine?
25:00Why don't you go?
25:03You can't take your eyes off Tej Bose Malik.
25:07My eyes are always on you.
25:16She ran away from me.
25:19She is sleeping.
25:20I have to save her.
25:22I have to finish everything before dawn.
25:32Is he planning something new?
