Minimalisir Hambatan Pengembangan Ekspor UMKM

  • last month
Tantangan ekspor nasional kedepan dipastikan cukup berat, mengingat berbagai hambatan terus menganggu pengembangan produk ekspor nasional, terutama produk UMKM. Plt Dirjen Pengembangan Ekspor Kemendag menjelaskan, bahwa adanya hambatan non tarif, telah membuat banyak potensi ekspor UMKM nasional masih terhambat.


00:00Next, the national export challenge is quite heavy in the future as various obstacles continue to interfere with the development of national export products, especially UMKM products.
00:15The PLT, the Directorate of Development and Export of Kemendak, explains that the non-tariff obstacles have made many UMKM national export potentials still hindered.
00:24The government ensures that it continues to encourage the increase in export trade, especially UMKM exports that are needed to continue to pursue the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.
00:37However, since the last few years, there has been a global surge that has made exports depressed.
00:42The Executive Officer of the Department of Trade Development, Mardiada Listiowati, explains that the government continues to encourage efforts to increase the export market, especially to non-traditional countries.
00:53However, in the midst of the current global market situation, many national UMKM products are hindered by non-tariff factors such as product quality requirements to environmental issues.
01:03However, Indonesia will continue to make efforts to protect the domestic market, such as through an additional income tax policy.
01:12Actually, it's the same between us and them.
01:15We apply for non-tariff income tax, they also do the same thing.
01:20Or related to standards, if it's taxed, maybe it's not a standard, but it can also be a standard.
01:26Because maybe the color is not good for health or disturbing the environment.
01:32So there are environmental issues, there are health issues.
01:37On the other hand, the Ministry of Trade ensures that it will continue to encourage the development of exports through a diplomatic channel on trade.
01:45Because Indonesia has many foreign representative offices that are constantly pushed to help penetrate national exports.
