Ekspor Bijih Logam dan Perhiasan Naik

  • last month
Surplus neraca perdagangan yang terus menurun, terjadi akibat tekanan pada sisi ekspor dan naiknya impor. Namun ekspor non migas tercatat masih berkontribusi pada ekspor bulanan, di mana beberapa komoditas unggulan, seperti biji logam hingga perhiasan menjadi penopang utama.


00:05Yes, the continuous decline in trade surplus
00:08is due to pressure on the export side and the increase in imports.
00:11However, non-MEGAS exports are recorded to still contribute to the monthly exports,
00:15where some commodities such as metal seeds
00:18to jewellery are the main supporters.
00:25The Statistics Agency or BPS reported in July 2024
00:29the export value reached US$22.21 billion
00:33or increased by 6.55% monthly.
00:36In the BPS report, MEGAS exports still contribute
00:39with US$1.42 billion
00:43or increased by 15.57%.
00:47While the value of non-MEGAS exports is recorded to increase by 5.98%
00:51with US$20.79 billion
00:55where the export value of metal seeds,
00:57metal and silver commodities
00:59is recorded to increase by 3.973%
01:02with 3.32% interest rate.
01:06In addition, noble metals and jewellery
01:09also increased by 51%
01:11with 1.28% interest rate.
01:14Then, electrical appliances and parts
01:17increased by 14.89%.
01:21Based on the sector, mining sector and others
01:24US$3.77 billion
01:27and the manufacturing industry sector
01:29US$16.51 billion.
01:32In terms of this monthly increase,
01:34it mainly occurs in the mining sector
01:37with an increase of 19.51%
01:39which is caused by the increase in the value of metals,
01:43titanium and other metals.
01:46From Jakarta, Praharjo Padmo, IDX.
01:50For more information, visit www.ilo.org
