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Inspired from a true story, Zidd is a tale of conviction, persuasion and commitment. It’s the story of a man whose ability to turn impossible into possible, makes him unique and inspiring. The series follows the life of a Special forces officer Major Deep Singh who is left paralyzed waist below after fighting the Kargil war, but his army training and never-give-up attitude help him get back to life and eventually on his feet despite all odds. It encapsulates all the key moments from his life right from his military training to deadly missions to Kargil war and the journey after where he cracks IIM and becomes a successful professional in the corporate world.


00:48Come on come on don't give up come on
02:30How is he doing, doctor?
03:00It was a narrow scape.
03:01The bullet has ruptured the small intestine.
03:04The operation was successful, but the recovery will take time.
03:08How long will it take for him to recover?
03:09Minimum eight months.
03:11Keep a close eye on him.
03:12Yes, of course.
03:13And doctor, if you allow me, I want to talk to him alone for a while.
03:16He's all yours.
03:25Come on, sir.
03:26The doctors said you are doing good.
03:29Deep, this is a case of gross insubordination.
03:32You took this step against my orders
03:34and put the lives of four more people in danger.
03:39Will you behave as you please with your own men?
03:41Yes, sir.
03:41Do you realize your responsibility?
03:43Sir, I did what I thought was right.
03:45Shut up!
03:46Just keep your fucking mouth shut!
03:48Be thankful that you're back alive.
03:53Good morning, sir.
03:58And now, I'll decide whether you want to re-join the unit or not.
04:13May I?
04:17Which book is this?
04:21It's interesting.
04:22Most people read detective novels here.
04:25And here, they read magazines.
04:27This is a bit different.
04:32Sister, why do you ask all these interesting questions
04:34when I have this thermometer in my mouth?
04:36The temperature is just right.
04:37I'm telling you, I'm fine.
04:39But you guys won't let me leave.
04:41Only your medical officers can tell you that.
04:44And they told you to rest.
04:47I pray that you'll be fine by the time you get married.
04:50Married? To whom?
04:52Just for you.
05:07Deep Singh Sengal.
05:09Have you ever boxed before?
05:10No, sir.
05:11I can fight a little.
05:13Everyone can fight a little.
05:14You know how to dodge.
05:17If someone comes to hit you, you'll turn around and start running.
05:20I know you're a good sprinter.
05:21You have good stamina.
05:23Concentrate on that.
05:25This is boxing.
05:26Not everyone can do it.
05:29I don't want to be like everyone else, sir.
05:31Is that so?
05:32This time, the fight is going to be a tough one.
05:35Prevo's trained boxer is coming.
05:37One round.
05:38You won't be able to last even one round.
05:40Don't waste time. Go away.
05:41Then we'll definitely fight, sir.
05:43You're very stubborn, man.
05:46Come on, let's see.
05:48Do a warm-up.
05:56Are you learning from yourself?
06:02Watch and learn a little.
06:04I have to.
06:22In my blue corner,
06:23gentleman cadet, Deep Singh Shengar from Dograi company.
06:28In my red corner,
06:29gentleman cadet, Surya Sethi from Drava company.
06:33Suriya! Surya! Surya!
06:37Surya! Surya! Surya!
06:39Surya! Surya! Surya!
06:42Surya! Surya! Surya!
06:45Surya! Surya! Surya!
06:48Suriya! Surya! Surya!
06:51Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya
07:21Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, S
07:51Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, S
08:21Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, S
08:51Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, S
09:21Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya, Surya.
09:29Winner is, red cadet Surya Sethi.
09:32Surya Serya Surya Surya Surya.
09:40Surya Sethi. Delhi.
09:42Deep Son Singer. Vipal.
09:45Have you ever heard of Gus Woodruff?
09:47Read about him.
09:49In 1949, there was a boxing match between him and a bear.
09:53Do you know who won?
09:55The bear.
09:56Because he could never defeat the wild.
09:58You have the same bear inside you, my brother.
10:01The same wildness, the same anger.
10:03Otherwise, who defends so long?
10:06Only he can do it, who has anger inside him.
10:08And can't get out.
10:13I heard the people of Bhopal talk a lot.
10:15You are sitting quietly, won't you say anything?
10:17Nice fight.
10:19Come, come with me.
10:21You have guts, man.
10:23What did you hit me with?
10:32Run in the morning, run in the evening.
10:35Our feet are like birds.
10:37They are beasts.
10:39You are right.
10:41On this note,
10:43let's take a short cut.
10:44Are you crazy?
10:45What are you doing?
10:48What are you doing?
10:49Drink it.
10:50Drink it.
10:51The bear is amazing.
10:53When will he live his life openly?
10:56He trained day and night.
10:58He trained all the muscles of his body.
11:01Except for one muscle.
11:06Okay, listen.
11:07Drink it.
11:08Drink it, please.
11:09No, no.
11:10You won't drink it?
11:11Are you being stubborn?
11:14Be stubborn.
11:15As long as you are stubborn,
11:16I will be after you.
11:20we got our Dhanu sitting here.
11:24But listen, pal.
11:27We got Dhanu.
11:28When will we get our Basanti?
11:33We are not going to get Basanti.
11:37Come on.
11:38Let's make a promise to each other today.
11:41The one who gets Basanti first,
11:44will be present there.
11:47Yes, sir.
11:48Promise for me?
11:50Let's do it.
12:12It's all about timing.
12:13That's okay,trafal!
12:14I could have used foul language with you.
12:16Did you mind?
12:17A lot.
12:18Tell me,
12:19are you the only son of a family
12:21who is divided with love?
12:24Is this the first activity
12:26that you participate in the army?
12:29Tell me,
12:31why am i amazon?
12:32On the ground, No!
12:39Let's go.
12:57Start fair, man. You can't enter the IMA ballroom without a girl.
13:00Tell me something.
13:02You become a lion in every field.
13:03Why do you get so many tattoos here?
13:06You're the lion of this field, bro.
13:08Listen, will this work?
13:25What's wrong with him?
13:26I don't know.
13:27You checked the petrol, right?
13:29What's wrong with him today?
13:31Excuse me, any problem?
13:33Yes, it's not starting.
13:36May I go to the washroom?
13:37Yeah, sure.
13:51Leave it. You can't do it.
13:53Let's try. It'll work.
13:58Hello. What happened? Is everything okay?
14:01Yes, we've been trying for a long time. It's not working.
14:04It's a small thing. I'll do it.
14:08What's wrong with him?
14:09What's wrong with him?
14:10What's wrong with him?
14:25Here you go. Your scooter will start.
14:27Thank you so much.
14:28I'm Bhavna. She's Sarika.
14:30Yes, I'm Surya. I'm from the IMA.
14:33IMA? No wonder. I should have guessed.
14:37If you don't mind, can I ask you something?
14:40Yes, go ahead.
14:43Will you come with us to the IMA ball?
14:48You'll go with two girls?
14:50No, no. I mean, you'll go with me and she'll go with him.
14:57Since you're inviting me, do it properly.
15:00One second.
15:02Will you be my partner at the ball?
15:16By the way, is he your friend?
15:23Honestly, I think this is the first time in history
15:26that a guy has to go to the IMA ball without a girl.
15:30It happened once. What's there to it?
15:31Come, I'll get you tea.
15:33Come on.
15:35It's 7 o'clock, Deep. She's still not here.
15:38Did she fool us?
15:40Why would she?
15:43Balu, she's here.
15:52Sorry, I hope I'm not late.
15:55No, you're in time.
15:58Do you have a problem finding your way?
16:03No, it's nothing.
16:07Thanks for coming.
16:09You helped us find our way.
16:11We had to come.
16:13Shall we go?
16:14Yes, let's go.
16:16Yes, please.
16:28Come, I'll introduce you to my friends.
16:31Actually, I have to introduce you to someone as well.
16:35That's strange.
16:37You know people here as well?
16:44What are you doing here?
16:45Well, today we're invited to the ball.
16:48Oh, I see. Who invited you?
16:50General Cadet Deep Singh Singh.
16:51General Cadet Surya Shetty, sir.
16:55Dad, I told you that our scooter broke down.
16:58They were the ones who invited us.
16:59Yes, sir.
17:01It's good that Bhavna told us the back story.
17:05Otherwise, you two would've been in trouble.
17:12Relax, guys. Just kidding.
17:14It's your evening.
17:20Thank you for today.
17:22Why? Because I saved your face?
17:26I had to come because you gave me that rose so cutely.
17:29Thank God, I have a boyfriend.
17:31Otherwise, today...
17:36You have such a cute smile.
17:40Okay, let's dance now.
17:41Otherwise, there's no point in me being so ready.
17:44Yes, sure.
17:59Let's go.
18:26This time, I'm sure you'll get a good shot.
18:29Yes, you should take this one.
18:31Okay, take this one.
19:00Where are you coming from?
19:01It's a wedding.
19:04I said, wait.
19:05No, it's okay.
19:07It's my friend's wedding, Surya.
19:09I said, don't go.
19:11I'm a patient. I'm coming from the hospital.
19:13Surya, look at him.
19:14Get back. What are you doing?
19:18You're finally here.
19:20I had to come.
19:22Since when did you change your uniform?
19:23Forget the uniform. Give me a good dress.
19:24Don't insult me.
19:25Come on.
19:29Come on.
19:58Come, ma'am.
19:59It's your first wedding. Show some respect.
20:08Jaya, this is my friend, Deep.
20:11Major Deep Singh Sen.
20:12This is my friend, Divya.
20:13Hello, Major Deep.
20:15And this is Jaya, Lipti's best friend.
20:18Is it a new fashion to attend a wedding
20:20in a hospital uniform?
20:23No, I just got saved from an accident.
20:26I didn't have enough to eat.
20:28So I came to see the other side of the world.
20:30That's great.
20:32You were a nobody in the same department.
20:33You didn't even train in that.
20:34Did you know he was coming?
20:36Of course, I knew.
20:37We had a deal.
20:39You love your friend so much
20:41that you took Deep away and brought Lipti.
20:44Come, let's take a picture.
20:46Jaya, don't leave my friend alone.
20:48Give him company.
20:49I'll be back. Let's take a picture.
20:57By the way, your injury looks pretty bad.
20:59How did the hospital allow it?
21:01Looking at my condition, you must think the doctor allowed it.
21:05Did you run away from the hospital?
21:09What do you do?
21:12With whom?
21:13With everyone who doesn't listen to me.
21:16Who did you fight with last time?
21:17With my dad.
21:19The same old story.
21:20He wanted me to go abroad
21:22and do my MBA from a big university.
21:24And then get married.
21:25But you didn't like either of them.
21:29What do you do besides fight?
21:31I teach.
21:32To whom?
21:33To students.
21:35St. Columbus.
21:36Now you'll ask me what I teach.
21:42Your face looks like my face in school.
21:45I see.
21:47Your guess can't always be right, Mr. Major.
21:53Why? What's wrong?
21:56If you're afraid of something in life, it's maths.
21:59Really? You're not afraid of anything else?
22:05You're very fond of challenges.
22:08Who are you talking about?
22:11You know...
22:11He's just like that. He's nothing.
22:13You look like it.
22:18Your lives are definitely more challenging than ours.
22:22But what has been the biggest challenge for you till now?
23:13But seriously, you look very handsome here.
23:16I know.
23:19I'm looking so weird.
23:22But who's the one eating behind your back?
23:26I didn't know that army weddings are so interesting.
23:30Surya has promised me such a grand wedding.
23:32You two are making a lot of promises.
23:36Do all army officers keep their promises?
23:40Yes. I had told Deepti that the wedding will be according to her.
23:43And Halla will be according to me.
23:45She's not talking about your promise.
23:48Oh. Okay.
23:50So, you're talking about Balu here.
23:53She's enquiring about him.
23:55I'm telling you. Don't expect anything from her.
23:58He's an action hero.
23:59I don't know about the enemy.
24:01But romance is definitely far from him.
24:03I'm telling you.
24:15He's definitely going. Think about it again.
24:21Deep, the success rate is 6 to 7 percent.
24:26Two years ago, two officers left the regiment.
24:29Nothing happened. They came back.
24:31You're listening to me, right?
24:37Do you remember? You asked me once.
24:39What's the purpose of joining the army?
24:43I'm going to fulfill that.
24:59Nagrata, Nagrata, Nagrata.
25:04Nagrata, Nagrata.
25:10I'm here for probation.
25:10What's your name?
25:11Captain Deep Singh Singh.
25:13What's your unit?
25:13Sixth line.
25:14Don't you know how to respect a senior?
25:21Jai Hind, sir.
25:22Jai Hind.
25:23Ustad, his uniform is not good.
25:29You're here to be a commando, right?
25:31Let me show you what a commando is.
25:32Pick up your bag and put it on the back seat.
25:42Put it down slowly, slowly.
25:44Put it down slowly.
25:45Put it down slowly.
25:46Put it down slowly.
25:53Haven't you sat in a car since childhood?
25:55It's 16 kilometers.
26:00Take it to the car.
26:01Put it in the car and run after the car.
26:15Come on.
26:45Come on.
27:12Two minutes in the training area.
27:15Yes, sir.
27:32Come on, come on, come on.
27:33March up.
27:35March up.
27:36Can you all see the picture?
27:38Yes or no?
27:39Yes, sir.
27:40If you want to write a thousand words on it,
27:42then start writing, mother.
27:46Come on.
27:48Come on.
27:49Come on.
27:51Come on.
27:52Come on.
27:53Come on.
27:54Come on.
27:55Come on.
27:56Come on.
27:57Come on.
27:58Come on.
27:59Come on.
28:00Come on.
28:02Come on.
28:08What do you think, Mr. Sikandar?
28:10Will Deep Singh Senga be able to complete the probation?
28:13Looking at his performance so far, I think he'll be able to do it, sir.
28:17Bring his file.
28:20Do you want a written request?
28:21Sorry, sir. I'll bring it right away, sir.
28:27All good?
28:28Yes, sir.
28:29But Mr. Sikandar is a little unwell today.
28:32So we'll make you work less.
28:34You have to run only 10 kilometers.
28:36But there's a little change.
28:38You'll run in pairs.
28:39First 5 kilometers.
28:40One buddy will pick up the other.
28:42And the other 5 kilometers will be for the other buddy.
28:44And to complete these 10 kilometers,
28:46you'll have a total of two and a half hours.
28:48Is that clear?
28:49Yes, sir.
28:52Is that fucking clear?
28:53Yes, sir.
28:56Make a pair in 30 seconds.
29:11Your buddy is here.
29:14There's a little change.
29:15Your buddy is injured.
29:17A Kashmiri militant shot him.
29:20You'll run the entire 10 kilometers.
29:23I'll give you a little concession.
29:2510 minutes extra.
29:28But if you don't reach on time today,
29:30it'll be the last day of your training.
29:35Yes, sir.
29:36Come on, go.
30:06Come on.
30:18How much time is left?
30:19Six kilometers, sir.
30:20Six kilometers?
30:22Six kilometers.
30:36Come on.
31:07Good, good, good.
31:08Good, good.
31:10Come on, hurry up.
31:11Hurry up.
31:12Come on, hurry up.
31:19Come on, sir. What's going on?
31:20You're taking too long.
31:22You have to walk on time.
31:23Mr. Devi, get him some water.
31:25Sir, don't you know how to drink water?
31:27Sir, have some water.
31:28Get well and then go.
31:29You're getting too hot.
31:31Get the sir out. Hurry up.
31:32Are you going to be everyone's officer?
31:34Hey, finish him if you can.
31:37Good, sir. Go.
32:04Come on, come on. Don't give up.
32:07Come on.
32:10How much time?
32:11Five minutes left.
32:12Okay, okay.
32:34Keep on moving.
32:44Move fast
32:55One more time.
32:56Very good.
32:58Where did they go?
32:584 more to go, sir.
33:04Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
33:3430 seconds late, sir.
34:22I run away from negativity.
34:25I was told that it would take months to get to the hospital.
34:29And, whether you call it my ignorance or arrogance,
34:37I knew that I would fall sick only when I think of myself as sick.
34:43I became obsessed with researching my own illness.
34:49Although I could not become a doctor, I learned about my illness
34:54that the most important thing for this illness is
34:59psychological recovery.
35:02And that's why I did everything I could
35:09to distract myself from my pain and condition.
35:16At that time, I found out that I was getting married to a unit officer.
35:21I could not let that opportunity go to waste.
35:27And I decided that, colostomy bag or not, I would attend the wedding.
35:34I took all my bags in my hands and wore a lungi.
35:37I went to attend the wedding.
35:41And not only that, even on normal hospital days,
35:46I went out and watched a lot of movies because I wanted a change of environment.
35:51I wanted to reach an environment where I could find myself
35:59as a capable and happy person.
36:05And that is what I continued doing.
36:08I was always clear that I wanted to marry an army officer.
36:13I wanted to wear his uniform, live in a big house,
36:17and travel the country with him.
36:20I wanted to be posted every two years.
36:22But when I met Deep for the first time, he gave me a crash landing.
36:27He said, nothing like that happens.
36:29You might not get a house.
36:31You will be staying in tented accommodations.
36:34And I will not come home for months.
36:37And the best thing that he said to me was,
36:40I have been shot once and this can happen again.
36:43And this is the quality that I liked about Deep.
