Types Of Future Tense

  • last month
00:00hi friends today we will learn about future tense so let's start we use
00:09future tense to write or speak about things that may happen or will happen in
00:15the future for example I will practice in the race she will sing for us present
00:24tense and past tense that we have already learned have their own verb
00:29forms for example let's go for a walk here the verb is go and go is the base
00:40form of the verb go which is used for present tense they went for a movie
00:48here the verb is went which is the special word for the verb used for
00:55depicting past tense only but the future tense does not have its own verb forms
01:02so in order to create a future tense a model auxiliary and auxiliary verbs
01:12model auxiliaries and auxiliary verbs both are forms of helping verbs where
01:20model auxiliaries are can could may might must shall should will would and
01:32auxiliary verbs are forms of to am are is be been being was were forms of have
01:46had has have having forms of do do did does so we make future tense using these
01:59model auxiliaries and auxiliary verbs let's have examples dad will be baking
02:06pizza for us tonight Jane might get late for the party tonight she should complete
02:14her homework by evening I must look good in the party tonight so we have used
02:23base forms of the verb along with model auxiliaries and auxiliary verbs in order
02:29to form future tense now we will be learning types of future tenses future
02:38tense can be a simple future tense future continuous tense future perfect
02:45tense future perfect continuous tense so let's first learn about simple future
02:52tense we use simple future tense to talk about something that may happen any time
03:00in the future and also that may happen only once in the simple future tense we
03:08use the base form of the verb along with a model auxiliary like will so the
03:14formula for forming a simple future tense is model auxiliary will along with
03:21verb in the base form let's have examples I will eat a pizza for dinner
03:29here will is a model auxiliary and eat is the base form of the verb eat and we
03:38have written a simple future tense that shows something that will happen in the
03:43future but not at any fixed time and will happen only once here we have
03:50another example you will definitely clear exam this year here again we have
03:58used a model auxiliary will and base form of the verb clear and we have
04:06created a simple future tense that expresses an action that will happen
04:11anytime in the future and will happen only once here we have another example I
04:18will go to church in the evening here we have used model auxiliary will and base
04:25form of the verb go now let's learn another type of future tense which is
04:33future continuous tense this tense is used for depicting things or actions
04:39that will be continuously happening in the future for depicting the future
04:45continuous tense we use a model verb a model auxiliary and a verb ending with
04:51ing here we have examples dad will be making pizza for us tonight so we have
05:01used model auxiliaries auxiliary verb and present participle form of the verb
05:07that is verb along with ing here we have some more examples I will be
05:16playing chess with my dad tonight I will be leaving for airport at 8 p.m. so come
05:23before that she will be studying at 6 p.m. so we will go to her to play at 4
05:30p.m. so these were examples of future continuous tense now let's learn about
05:37future perfect tense if we are talking about two things that will happen in the
05:44future future perfect tense is used to talk about the thing that will happen
05:49first for example she will have completed her homework if we go to her
05:57house at 8 p.m. so we are talking about two things that will happen in the
06:04future one is she will have completed her homework and other is if we go to
06:12her house and the first thing that will happen in the future is expressed in
06:18future perfect tense she will have completed her homework this part is
06:25future perfect tense which is formed using will have and third form of the
06:32verb complete here we have another example I will have cleaned my room by
06:39the time my mom reaches so here again we are talking about two actions that will
06:45happen in the future and the action that will happen first is expressed in future
06:51perfect tense I will have cleaned my room this is future perfect tense and
06:58this action will happen first in the future out of the two things that will
07:04happen in the future so a sentence written in future perfect tense has
07:11subject plus will plus have plus the past form of main verb here we have
07:19another example by the end of next year we will have shifted to our new house
07:25here again we are talking about two things that will happen in future and
07:31the thing that will happen first is expressed in future perfect tense we
07:38will have shifted to our new house this action will happen first in the future
07:45now let's learn about future perfect continuous tense this tense is used to
07:53describe the progressive action that will happen until a certain time in the
07:58future in order to form this sentence we use model auxiliary primary auxiliary
08:06being and first form of the verb along with ing let's learn with the help of
08:13examples by 2025 we will have been studying in school for 10 years so this
08:23sentence shows a progressive action that will happen till 2025 and we have used
08:31model auxiliary will primary auxiliaries have and been and continuous form of the
08:39verb which is studying so it is by 2025 I will have been studying in school for
08:4910 years here we have another example before our stopover in Hong Kong we will
08:59have been traveling for over 12 hours we have again depicted a continuous or a
09:06progressive action that will happen until a certain time in the future here
09:13we have another example by the end of next year bill have been working in the
09:19company for five years again you can notice that we have described a
09:25continuous or a progressive action that will happen until a certain time in the
09:31future and we have used model auxiliary will primary auxiliary have been and
09:41continuous form of the verb work working so friends we have learned about all
09:49types of future tense now let's revise the rules for a simple future tense we
09:57use model auxiliary well and base form of the verb for example will go and for
10:06future continuous tense or future progressive tense we use a model
10:11auxiliary well and base form of the verb along with ING for example we will be
10:19going future perfect tense for future perfect tense we use model auxiliary
10:26well auxiliary verb have and third form of the verb for example we will have
10:35watched the movie by then next is future perfect continuous tense in this we use
10:43model auxiliary well auxiliary verb have been and first form of the verb along
10:52with ING for example by the end of next year we will have been living here
10:59continuously for five years so friends today we learned a lot about types of
11:06future tense now you need a lot of practice now you may go ahead and take a
11:11quiz to learn more bye-bye