(Ep12) 101 Marriages (2023)

  • last month
00:30回到了 从前 Back to the past
00:34仿佛 你的身影又浮现 几遍 As if your figure has reappeared a few times
00:43温暖冷却 温暖冷却 Warm and cold
00:45我们到临界点 我们到临界点 We've come to the end
00:49跨过终点线 We've crossed the finish line
00:51只是你我 温柔互相再见 It's just you and me, gently saying goodbye
00:57陪你走过的路线 The path I've walked with you
00:59再走一遍 复习你给的甜 I've walked it again, revising the sweetness you've given me
01:05可是在你世界里面 我叫了白卷 But in your world, I've called it a blank sheet
01:12我穿过人海拥抱你 我穿过人海拥抱你 I've crossed the sea to embrace you
01:15乘雨滴 遇到了空气 I've met the cold air in the rain
01:20临界的回忆 爱我的你 The memories of the past, the you who loved me
01:24我不想忘记 I don't want to forget
01:30而已 That's all
01:54老师 这饭都凉了 The rice is getting cold
01:56要不然我给你叫个外卖吧 Why don't I order a takeaway for you?
02:03老师 你还没和兰珊解释清楚吗 Shi, haven't you made it clear to Lan Shan yet?
02:06被心病累积 到时候身体出问题 就麻烦了 You'll be in trouble if you get a heart attack and get sick
02:12她不接我电话 She doesn't answer my calls
02:15那要不然 我和她说说 How about I talk to her?
02:21算了 我可不想她跟着我担心 Forget it. I don't want her to worry about me
02:27等忙完这几天 我会找她说清楚的 I'll talk to her when I'm done
02:31可是咱们采访的新闻很快就会报道出来的 But the news of our interview will be out soon
02:35是啊 新闻一出 韩家就更难了 Yeah. Once the news is out, it'll be harder for the Han family
02:41但愿韩城池能挺得过去 I hope Han Chengchi can make it through
02:57亏城池哥还救过我一命 He saved my life
03:00我现在居然帮不了他了 I can't help him now
03:03难道真的一点办法都没有了 Is there really no way?
03:18喂 繁华 是我 Hello, Fang Hua. It's me
03:21有空我们见一面吧 Let's meet sometime
03:23盛氏集团对外一直都是公开公正透明的态度去做事 Sheng's Group has always been open, just and transparent
03:28从来不掺杂任何私情成分 We never meddle in any personal affairs
03:31我们也随时欢迎证监局监督和审查 We also welcome the supervision and review of the Securities Bureau at any time
03:35我听说盛氏集团高层和韩氏集团私交甚好 I heard that the senior members of Sheng's Group have a good relationship with Han's Group
03:38您怎么能保证你们的股票没有牵涉其中 How can you be sure that your stocks are not involved
03:41私交归私交 在商场上还是公私分明的 The business is still clear
03:45如果能早点发现韩氏集团在股票上的违规操作 If we can find out as soon as possible that Han's Group has violated the stock market
03:50我们也一定会向证监局实名举报 We will definitely report to the Securities Bureau
04:01喂 Hello
04:03二十 Thank you
04:05谢谢 Thank you
04:08这个东西就离我远点吧 Keep this away from me
04:10之前弄坏你领带的事真的是对不起啊 I'm sorry I broke your tie before
04:16其实我当时就只是想让楚楚送我的东西都是独一无二的 Actually, I just wanted to give Chu Chu something that was unique
04:22这么多年我太了解你了 I've known you for so many years
04:24你总是这么把闹 You always do this
04:27那这样 我以茶代酒跟你赔罪 Well, I'll drink tea instead of wine to apologize to you
04:33谢了兄弟 Thank you, brother
04:41抱歉了 I'm sorry
04:43你也不用用这么别叫的理由请我吃这顿饭 You don't have to treat me to this meal for such a despicable reason
04:46你不用抱歉 You don't have to apologize
04:48是我父亲犯了错 It was my father who made a mistake
04:50反倒还连累到你 And it got you into trouble
04:52是我欠你一句对不起 I owe you an apology
04:55没事 It's okay
04:57以后你要是有什么事就告诉我 Just let me know if you need anything
05:00兄弟我一直都在你身边 I'll always be by your side
05:03谢了 兄弟 Thank you, brother
05:10走 Let's go
05:21所以这件事情真的那么严重 Is it really that serious?
05:25最近就会下判决 The verdict will be issued soon
05:27韩家很快就会进入破产清算的流程 The Han family will soon enter the process of bankruptcy settlement
05:33那你从律师的角度分析就没有什么可以主张的部分吗 Do you have anything to say as a lawyer?
05:40韩伯父确实做了违法的事情 Uncle Han did do something illegal
05:43人证物证都有 He has both personal and material evidence
05:45而且这件事情啊 And this matter
05:47也把盛氏集团给牵扯进来 has also involved the Sheng Group
05:49就算善儿是坚持不划清关系 Even if Shan'er insists on not breaking off the relationship
05:52也不会有任何帮助 it won't help
05:54划清关系划清关系 Breaking off the relationship
05:57才是保住盛氏集团唯一的方法 is the only way to keep the Sheng Group
06:02所以 So
06:04真的是我误会他了 I really misunderstood him
06:11我听说盛氏集团高层和韩氏集团私交甚好 I heard that the senior members of Sheng Group have a good relationship with Han's Group
06:15您怎么能保证你们的股票没有牵涉其中 How can you be sure that your shares are not involved?
06:17私交归私交 Private relations are private relations
06:19但是在商场上我们还是公私分明的 But in the business world, we are still private
06:22如果能早点发现韩氏集团在股票上的违规操线 If we can find out as soon as possible the irregularities in the shares of Han's Group
06:33喂 姐 Hello, sister
06:35珊珊 Shanshan
06:36二叔怎么可以这样 Uncle Han, how could you do this?
06:38他不帮就算了 He didn't help
06:39怎么还能落井下石 撇得这么干净 How could you do this?
06:42姐 这件事情比我们想的要严重 Sister, this is more serious than we thought
06:45够了 Enough
06:46我之前还想着你们能够帮他 I thought you could help him before
06:49没想到你们只顾着自己 根本没有人管城池的死活 I didn't expect you to only care about yourself. No one cares about the dead goods in the city
06:53好 你们不管 我管 Fine. You don't care. I care
06:55姐 Sister
06:58芳华 我先不跟你说了 My sister misunderstood me
06:59我姐误会我了 我得去找她 She misunderstood me. I have to go to her
07:01艾珊 你现在去了只会火上浇油 Shanshan, if you go now, you will only burn the oil
07:05怎么会啊 How come?
07:07你去了也改变不了事实 You can't change the fact that you went there
07:09安安刚刚给你打电话 应该是看到盛氏集团盛名和韩家撇清关系的新闻了 An'an just called you. She must have seen the news about the separation of Sheng's Group and Han's Group
07:17我 I
07:18安安 你在做什么 An'an, what are you doing?
07:36我要把这些东西给盛氏送过去 我这一定能帮她渡过难关的 I'm going to send these things to Chengchi. I'm sure I can help her get through this
07:42你疯了 Are you crazy?
07:46我没疯 I'm not crazy
07:48从小到大是她一直护着我 照顾着我 这次她落难了 轮到我帮她了 She's been protecting me and taking care of me since I was a kid. This time she's in trouble. It's my turn to help her
07:55你以为这些就够了吗 Do you think this is enough?
07:58大小姐 你没看新闻吗 韩家涉案金额是三个亿 三个亿 Miss, haven't you seen the news? The amount of the Han family's case is 300 million. 300 million
08:05你这些又能帮她多少啊 How much can you help her with this?
08:07妈 那你帮帮成吃好不好 我们给她一笔资金 她肯定能东山再起的 Mom, can you help Chengchi? We'll give her some money and she'll be able to get back on her feet
08:19我知道 I know
08:26恩恩 就算是想帮她 也是有心无力啊 自从你爸爸走后 咱们顾家这么多年 我辛苦维持 以前妈妈不跟你说 是因为你还太小了 现在妈也没有办法 妈妈现在只想你能幸福 而不是为了生活委屈求全 Enen, even if you want to help her, it's because you're too weak. Ever since your father left, I've had a hard time maintaining our family for so many years. I didn't tell you before because you were too young
08:40现在妈也没有办法 妈妈现在只想你能幸福 而不是为了生活委屈求全 Now I can't help you. I just want you to be happy, not for the sake of life
08:49你要不信就自己试试 你看她现在还能像以前一样陪着你吗 还能像以前一样让你去追求梦想吗 If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. Do you think she can stay with you like she used to? Can she make you chase your dreams like she used to?
08:57嗯 Um.
09:15道歉怎么就这么难打了 私交归私交 但是在商场上我们还是公私分明的 如果能早点发现韩氏集团在股票上的违规操作 我们也一定会向证监局实名举报 还是等说是回来当面道歉才算得有诚意 这两天向证监局报告比较忙 我是公司了 你早点休息
09:46他来之前过两天才能到 他来之前过两天才能到
09:48你能陪我去吗 你能陪我去吗
10:18我这几天可能会很忙 但你放心 一切都会好起来的 相信我
10:48妈 我们走吧 Mom, let's go.
11:19嗯 Um.
11:24帮我搞定一个人 我要让他永远没有翻身的机会 Help me get someone. I want him to never have a chance to turn over.
11:43真是美好的一天哪 What a beautiful day.
11:49我们路天集团离一家独大的机会那么近了 Well, it's even more promising for us to remain isolated.
11:57惯事俱备 吃钱多了 Everything is well prepared.
12:02您好我叫韩城豉 Hello, I'm Han Chengchih,
12:05在国外在有五年的复威广告经验在国外我有五年的复威广告经验 在国外我有五年的复威广告经验
12:08这个是我的简历 麻烦你了 This is my resume. Please take a look at it.
12:10抱歉 你可能不太适合我们 Sorry. We can't bring you up to our level.
12:12It doesn't really suit us.
12:17I'm sorry, but we can't use you.
12:25Hello, this is my resume.
12:27Hello, tell Mr. Lu that I did a good job.
12:57Hello, Brother Tang.
12:59Remember what you said before.
13:02Let's do it again.
13:11Do it.
13:27I'm sorry, but we can't use you.
13:42I'm sorry, but we can't use you.
13:57I'm sorry, but we can't use you.
14:20Here's your food delivery.
14:22Brother, what are your hobbies?
14:25Singing and drawing.
14:31Here's your food delivery.
14:33Do you usually dress like this?
14:35I usually dress like this.
14:41Mom, I'm back.
15:23This microphone has to be put here for the best sound to come out.
15:30I'm really sorry to ask you to come and help at this time.
15:35But I didn't find the wrong person.
15:39It's okay. I don't want to listen to my mother's nagging at home either.
15:44Ever since Cheng Zhi Xia's accident, she always wanted me to break up with her.
15:48But I believe that difficulties are temporary.
15:52Cheng Zhi will definitely be able to earn enough money to redeem the villa.
15:55Then she will ask me to marry her.
16:00Here, take it as a thank you gift. A ticket to the concert.
16:09Actually, I really envy Han Cheng Zhi.
16:14But I heard that she and her mother have moved to the village in the city.
16:21But you have to know that with her current salary level,
16:24it will take 500 years to redeem their villa.
16:41Why don't we work together?
16:43Just take it as a test.
16:45This is what your husband can't do for you.
16:50I'm sorry.
17:20I'm sorry.
17:54I didn't miss anything, right?
17:56I should have bought all the food that Sheng Shi likes.
17:59Wait for me to go home for dinner tonight.
18:03Go home for dinner?
18:04While eating hot pot tonight, I apologize to Sheng Shi formally.
18:07He probably won't be so sorry.
18:14Aunt Han, what's wrong with you?
18:16I'll take you to the hospital.
18:17It's okay. It's okay. No need. No need to go to the hospital.
18:19It's an old illness of mine.
18:20I'll take you to the hospital.
18:22It's okay.
18:23Let's go.
18:24Why are you so busy?
18:27I've already transferred your salary for this month to you.
18:29Pay attention to it.
18:31Thank you, team leader.
18:32Work hard.
18:56Please help me get a ticket for the Miwan concert.
18:59Our ticket price is ¥2,880.
19:01Which one do you need?
19:09Do we still have tickets for ¥880?
19:11Wait a minute. I'll take a look for you.
19:15But I'm still very happy today.
19:18I'm also very happy.
19:19I also want to hold a concert like this in the future.
19:22Today is my day off.
19:24I'll go buy you some water.
19:41Here you are, sir.
19:42Okay, thank you.
19:43Then please give me a ticket for ¥880.
19:53Isn't that your husband?
19:55How is that possible?
19:56You're mistaken.
19:57Let's go take a look.
19:59What's so good about a delivery man?
20:00Let's go.
20:01I'll treat you to dinner.
20:12I don't care.
20:13You have to make it up to me in a few days.
20:15Okay, I'll make it up to you.
20:19In a few days,
20:20I'll get you a bigger office.
20:23No, no, no.
20:24I'm as tired as a dog right now.
20:26If you ask me to move to another office,
20:28I'll be exhausted.
20:29And that position
20:30is a good place for me to calculate first.
20:32Don't change it.
20:34isn't it good to work with Fan Hua?
20:40You have no problem with this document.
20:42Other relevant documents
20:44will also be submitted to the Securities Regulatory Commission.
20:46The stock price will also be settled.
20:47You can go home with no worries
20:49and communicate with Lan Shan.
20:51You know me so well.
20:54Fan Hua.
20:55Do you think
20:56you should prepare a gift
20:58for the apology?
21:01Why are you asking him?
21:02Ask me.
21:04Of course I want it.
21:05What does a girl like most?
21:07Skin care products.
21:08Let me tell you.
21:09This is very useful.
21:10Take it back and give it to her.
21:13Look at your sales.
21:17How about
21:18I sell this brand?
21:20No, no, no.
21:21Mr. Ji finally
21:22made my mom happy
21:23with this brand.
21:25If you buy it now,
21:27my mom will have to
21:28find a new boyfriend for me everywhere.
21:29Then you can buy it.
21:31Do you think others will like you?
21:33You are so kind.
21:35Buy it yourself.
21:36Okay, okay, okay.
21:37I'm serious.
21:38What kind of gift
21:40should I buy?
21:46Flower must be right.
21:47Didn't you say
21:48Lan Shan's favorite color
21:49is blue?
22:20I'm at the door of your house.
22:46Although there have been
22:47some situations recently,
22:49I hope
22:51my situation
22:52won't affect you.
22:54By the way,
22:56this is the ticket for
22:57the concert tomorrow night.
22:58Here you are.
23:00I can't go with you.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:11Trust me.
23:14will be over soon.
23:16Don't worry.
23:22I have other things to do.
23:24You go back first.
23:25Don't catch a cold.
23:46Will it be better?
23:52I envy Han Chengchi.
23:57I heard that he and his mother
23:58have moved to the village in the city.
24:01But you should know
24:02with his salary level now,
24:04it will take five hundred years
24:07to redeem their villa.
24:44I'm sorry.
24:45I didn't tell you
24:46because you were too young.
24:48Now I can't help it.
24:50I just want you to be happy
24:52instead of living in misery.
25:15The heartbeats are speeding up.
25:18They all prove my innocence.
25:22No courage to kiss.
25:24The last moment
25:26makes you know
25:28my script.
25:34This is the Bain River
25:35I made by myself.
25:37The piano piece in it
25:38is also played by me.
25:41It's called Love You For Life.
25:43Hope you like it.
25:45Love You For Life
26:16Love You For Life
26:26I hope
26:28you can be with me forever.
26:46I think my aunt is right.
26:48It's really not easy
26:49for Chengchi to turn over.
26:50You have to plan
26:51for your future life, right?
26:54It's easy to make a living.
26:55It's hard to make a living.
26:57Do you really want to
26:58live a hard life with him?
27:00Chengchi has always been so good to me.
27:02He has never done anything
27:03wrong to me.
27:06If I leave him at this time,
27:08I will definitely be
27:09looked down upon by others.
27:12I really don't want to leave Chengchi.
27:15I don't know what to do.
27:35are you free tonight?
27:38I want to talk to you about En En.
27:45Guo Lanshan,
27:46your sister has been
27:47locked up in the house all day.
27:49I can't persuade her.
27:50If you still think
27:51your sister is good to you,
27:52come and have a look.
27:54I'll be right there.
27:59En En,
28:00I'm not scaring you.
28:02If you really marry Han Chengchi,
28:04it may be the last time
28:06you shop like this.
28:11In the future,
28:12if you insist on
28:13marrying Han Chengchi,
28:16you can only have a look.
28:17So you really can't get involved.
28:19The choice between you and him
28:21directly determines
28:22the quality of your life for the rest of your life.
28:24You really have to be sober,
28:25En En.
28:27Friendship is precious.
28:30It's going to rain tomorrow.
28:31I'll pick the flowers first.
28:34En En,
28:35you said you were born
28:36to be a lady,
28:41Let's go.
28:55Open the door.
28:56Yes, Madam.
29:10En En.
29:34Chuchu will definitely like it.
29:41Chuchu will definitely like it.
29:44Do you really agree
29:45to marry En En?
29:46I've figured it out these days.
29:48Since you love each other sincerely,
29:50I can't break off the engagement.
29:52As long as you treat our En En well,
29:53I'll agree to your marriage.
29:57After En En takes a bath,
29:58we'll discuss the details of the marriage.
30:01I swear
30:02I will treat En En well.
30:05Come on,
30:06have a cup of tea first.
30:07This is the new tea that just arrived yesterday.
30:09It's freshly brewed.
30:28Brother Cheng,
30:29Lan Shan,
30:30sit here.
30:40Where's my sister?
30:42She's taking a bath.
30:43Wait a minute.
30:49Brother Cheng,
30:50are you waiting for your sister?
31:00I'm sorry.
31:01It's all wet.
31:02I'll get a towel.
31:04Your clothes are all wet.
31:06Shan Shan,
31:07go to En En's room
31:08and get changed.
31:09Tell them to wash it for you.
31:12Hurry up.
31:28are you okay?
31:30I'm fine.
31:33I'm here to borrow your clothes.
31:35Shan Shan,
31:36why don't you wear His Majesty's dress?
31:38It's freshly washed.
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