The Legend of Hanuman S04E05 Web Series

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00:00I lost the war that day, but I won a friend, a brother.
00:12Wali is no more.
00:14But when I see his bravery, his greatness in his people,
00:19I think, how similar are the two races.
00:24A demon and a monkey.
00:27The same strength, the same courage.
00:31It is impossible to control both.
00:35They should have been friends.
00:38But the monkeys chose two nomads.
00:43The monkeys would have accepted their mistake.
00:46They would have pulled their claws back from the land of Lanka.
00:49Then I would have forgiven them and hugged them.
00:53But they hit their claws on my face.
00:57I had to answer this question to my son today.
01:00With my brahmastra.
01:03Leaving the forest, these millions of monkeys came into battle.
01:08Smoke in a moment.
01:14Friend, what have I done?
01:19Red body like fire, wind speed.
01:23You don't stop, you don't bow, oh strong one.
01:28There is lightning all around you.
01:32Your light is seen, the world is amazed.
01:49Jai Jai! Jai Jai! Jai Jai! Jai Jai, Lord Hanuman!
02:10The battlefield is covered by the remains of our brothers.
02:13We will win today, Indrajeet, with the blood of the monkeys.
02:16And we, we won't do anything.
02:19What do you think, Angad?
02:21I'm not sad.
02:23But this is not the time to lose hope.
02:25It's time to think about how we can defeat Indrajeet.
02:29The more we wait, the more monkeys will die.
02:33Can you tell me how many of our brothers have died today?
02:37No, right?
02:38It's impossible to count so many corpses.
02:41Father, husband, son.
02:43Many relationships with every monkey have died here today.
02:47So now, even the relationship between a demon and a monkey will die.
02:52We will take this war to Lanka.
02:55What are you saying, nephew?
02:57Attack Lanka?
02:59What do we have to do with those innocent people?
03:01They are demons.
03:03And no demon is innocent, uncle.
03:06Indrajeet killed millions of monkeys,
03:09went home laughing at Suryastha,
03:11and we kept watching?
03:13This is not justice!
03:16Don't forget the line between justice and revenge, Angad.
03:21Don't forget justice in pain.
03:23Lanka started this injustice.
03:26We will put an end to it.
03:28Let's go, brothers.
03:30Let's turn this golden city into a pile of ashes.
03:33Stop! This is not right.
03:37I'll tie him up.
03:40The demons have seen us coming.
03:44I'll bury their Lanka right in front of them.
03:48The city's wall is half-closed.
03:51We'll break it and go inside.
03:53And we'll do to them what Indrajeet did to us.
03:59Tonight, Lanka will be set ablaze.
04:02Not alone.
04:03Take me along.
04:05You come too, Hanuman.
04:07We're going because we're inspired by you.
04:10The fire you set in Lanka,
04:12the demons will burn it.
04:14We weren't bound by the rules of war, Angad.
04:17Lanka will burn.
04:19Tonight, it will burn.
04:21Didn't you see Indrajeet?
04:24The blood of the monkeys.
04:28I'll give peace to their souls.
04:33All right, Angad.
04:35Take your revenge.
04:37Just tell me this before you leave.
04:39The killing of innumerable innocent women and children
04:42will give peace to which monkey's soul?
04:46Hanuman is right, Angad.
04:48We have to punish Indrajeet for what he did.
04:51Not ourselves.
04:55What has this war made of me?
05:00I'm going against my own principles.
05:05No, Angad.
05:07This war has brought you up in the eyes of the world.
05:11It has made you a brave Angad from a prince Angad.
05:19It is your bravery that the defeat did not frighten you,
05:23but instigated you.
05:25But there is only one way to victory, my brothers.
05:28The path of righteousness.
05:30The path of revenge takes you to the cremation ground.
05:33But in that, along with the enemy,
05:35you have to burn another pyre.
05:37Your own.
05:39Hanuman, next time,
05:41we'll have to burn our own pyre.
05:46Hanuman, the next time I do something like this,
05:49explain it to me later.
05:51First, kill the donkey.
05:53I'll explain it to you.
05:55But with a hug.
06:02I don't want to become a demon while fighting demons.
06:06It's not easy to see your companions die, Uncle.
06:09I understand their feelings.
06:12But I can't control my emotions.
06:17Because I have Lord Ram's blessings on my head.
06:20Your knowledge in my ears.
06:22And my brothers' hands in my hands.
06:24Even if I want, you won't let me wander.
06:30Always be like this, Hanuman.
06:33You are the light of the morning for this world,
06:36which is filled with darkness.
06:39I am not the sun, Uncle.
06:41No, you are more than that.
06:44Because day or night,
06:46you keep spreading your light.
06:54You really thought,
06:56I won't be able to recognize you,
07:01What was missing in my disguise?
07:04You took the upper form of Jamvan.
07:06But I am well aware of the darkness inside you, nephew.
07:10How will you hide it?
07:14Why does everyone start preaching these days?
07:17Why have you come here?
07:19There is no place for your conspiracies in this war.
07:25I am just a spectator.
07:27I have come to see the last few days of the war.
07:30Because this army will not be able to stand against it.
07:34In front of Indrajeet.
07:36You know that too.
07:38What do you want, nephew?
07:40What you want.
07:42The end of this war.
07:44It is not possible to defeat Indrajeet.
07:47Then why are you sacrificing her?
07:50Tell her to go home.
07:54After enduring so much?
07:56It is a war, Uncle.
07:58Someone will have to lose.
08:00You have seen the darkness inside me.
08:02But Indrajeet?
08:04Indrajeet's bravery has crossed the limit today.
08:07And her cruelty is also fierce.
08:10Which was never there in you.
08:12And will never be, Ahiravan.
08:17It is not fierce.
08:18It is cowardice, Uncle.
08:20He is deceiving everyone.
08:23I am what I am.
08:25But Indrajeet?
08:26Do you remember?
08:27Instead of leaving Indra alive, he took a boon from Brahma.
08:31Do you know what the boon was?
08:34A boon that Indrajeet cannot lose to anyone.
08:40He becomes invincible.
08:42And now?
08:43Now he is disrespecting that boon.
08:47He is violating the rules associated with it.
08:51What is this?
08:52You are lying.
08:54I have seen it with my own eyes.
08:57In the same old temple where father used to forbid to go.
09:01But Indrajeet did not listen to anyone then, nor does he listen today.
09:06I am leaving, Uncle.
09:07Take care of yourself.
09:11I cannot let you go.
09:13Will you be able to stop me?
09:16Do not worry.
09:17I am going straight home.
09:19If you hurt anyone here, you will not be able to escape from me.
09:23Why will I run from you?
09:25You are my uncle.
09:28Think about what I said.
09:31Leave as soon as you can.
09:39Ahiravan told me the secret of Indrajeet in a fit of rage.
09:43We should take advantage of it.
09:46But what if this is a trick of the demons?
09:49Why should we trust Ahiravan?
09:52Because we have no other option.
09:54This is the only chance to stop Indrajeet.
09:58So this is the place where Indrajeet performs his victory yagya.
10:02Yes, Prince Ram.
10:04This is a very old temple.
10:06That is why it does not look like a part of today's Svanlanka.
10:09The temple and the surrounding areas have been forgotten.
10:13No one comes here even after getting lost.
10:17That is why Indrajeet has chosen this place for the yagya.
10:20He will definitely go here today to plan for tomorrow's war.
10:24Even if he fights like he did today,
10:27the existence of the monkey clan will be destroyed.
10:30We will not let that happen.
10:32Have faith.
10:34We have to stop Indrajeet from completing his yagya.
10:37I will call the monkey army.
10:39We will attack the secret temple right now.
10:43No, King.
10:44If Indrajeet sees the army coming,
10:46he will leave the temple and complete his yagya somewhere else.
10:49Indrajeet's solution is not violence.
10:51He is a talker.
10:53He will not listen to anyone.
10:55I will talk to him.
10:57And if he listens to me, he will stop this yagya.
11:02Why would Indrajeet do such a foolish thing, Hanuman?
11:05I will find a way to make him do this foolish thing.
11:13I will go alone.
11:15You cannot be alone as long as I am alive, Hanuman.
11:19You cannot be alone as long as I am alive, Hanuman.
11:27The monkeys went towards Lanka.
11:29And then they returned.
11:31Yes, King.
11:32Hanuman stopped them from moving forward.
11:34Why would he do that?
11:36We did not hear this from so far away, King.
11:39Because Hanuman is certain of his religion.
11:42He stood among the corpses of his companions.
11:45He was filled with anger.
11:47Even now, he is following the rules of war.
11:50Your words seem to have respect for him, father.
11:55Hanuman is my enemy.
11:57And he will die in my hands.
12:00But this does not change the fact that he is a true warrior.
12:11Along with Ghana, he has earned my respect as well.
12:16The one who entered your kingdom and killed your own son?
12:21He killed Akshay...
12:23Do not mention his name.
12:25Today, I only wish to bear the pain of tomorrow's victory.
12:29Not the pain of the past.
12:33What I did today...
12:35Countless lives, father.
12:39In a single moment.
12:42I used to tease Akshay by calling him a wise man.
12:46Today, I yearn to hear those words from him.
12:49We were the youngest in age.
12:52But he was the most intelligent.
12:54Isn't that right, father?
12:56All three of us are your children, father.
12:59We inherited your qualities.
13:03I inherited your desire to become great.
13:07I inherited your desire to get what you wanted.
13:12What about Akshay?
13:14Akshay was different from all of us.
13:19Looking at you, I understood at a young age...
13:23That the most dangerous weapon of a warrior...
13:27Is his pride.
13:30Pride gives you the confidence of victory.
13:35And confidence gives you victory.
13:39But there was one thing I didn't understand.
13:43That you should be as proud as you are skilled.
13:48I learned from you and improved my skills.
13:53And I was able to control my pride.
13:56But Ahiravan couldn't do that.
13:59Even after you told him not to do it...
14:02His pride kept growing.
14:05Without thinking about the consequences.
14:09I don't know what would have happened to him...
14:13If you hadn't saved him again and again.
14:16When Ahiravan couldn't be your disciple...
14:19You took away his right to be a son.
14:23But Akshay...
14:25His pride couldn't even touch him.
14:28Akshay was the son you wanted to be for your father.
14:33He had the qualities of a grandfather.
14:39He was the only one...
14:41Who could bring a smile on your face.
14:46Which you didn't consider a disciple...
14:48But a son.
14:50You loved him.
14:52You respected him.
14:55Sometimes I think...
14:58This world would have been something else.
15:01I would have been something else...
15:03If you had only adopted the weapons.
15:06Not the weapons.
15:08You are wrong.
15:10Because to keep the world at peace...
15:14You need the power of the weapons.
15:19There is no place for good people like Akshay.
15:23Only for people like us.
15:26If there was ever any goodness in you and me...
15:30It's gone now.
15:33I should plan for tomorrow's battle.
15:38You should.
15:40Today you introduced the monkeys to fear.
15:44Tomorrow you will introduce all three.
15:48No one should survive.
15:54I will not disappoint you, father.
16:10Did you hear that?
16:12Did you hear that?
16:16Chanting the mantra.
16:20I think he is inside.
16:23The sun is about to rise.
16:25We don't have much time.
16:32Look over there. Fire.
16:57Yes, me.
17:01You came to fight with me?
17:04I didn't know you were such a fool.
17:06I didn't come to fight with you, Prince Indrajeet.
17:09I came to solve our problems.
17:13See? I told you.
17:16You win.
17:18I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
17:21What victory? What belief?
17:23That your power is not the result of your physical strength.
17:28It's the result of your boon.
17:30And I thought he was a better warrior than me.
17:33What respect to fight by insulting a boon?
17:36What's wrong with insulting him, Lakshman?
17:39We have fire in our arms.
17:41But some people have to burn with the fire of the Yajna.
17:45But at least we got to know the secret of his victory.
17:53I will behead you both right here and now.
17:58At night?
18:00I admit that you are not very brave, but...
18:03But your father must have taught you to follow the religion.
18:07Or that too, by himself.
18:11Let's go, Hanuman.
18:13We have to tell the monkeys about this Yajna.
18:16They will laugh at us.
18:18At least we got to know that you would have defeated Indrajeet if you had fought fairly.
18:23What would have been your name then, Lakshman?
18:26Indrajeet Jeet?
18:28What kind of a warrior would not believe in fighting fairly?
18:32One who does not have self-respect.
18:37I brought the Gods on my knees.
18:40I sent Devlok under my feet.
18:43And I sent Indra's life in these fists.
18:46Without violating any boon.
18:49Who are you to ask for proof of my bravery?
18:53Those who do not believe in such superstitious stories.
18:56I only believe in what I see.
18:58And right now, in front of me is a prince who was raised with love and affection.
19:04Who is afraid to face me without a boon.
19:09You are saying this?
19:11You, son of Vayu.
19:14And you, whose brother is much more powerful than an ordinary human.
19:20I admit that we all have powers.
19:22But our powers can cut each other.
19:25But you.
19:27You attack in the shade of your boon.
19:31You are not a warrior.
19:33You are a murderer.
19:35Tomorrow, I will kill both of you with my own hands.
19:39After that, I will go to Ayodhya with my army.
19:44After that, I will go to Ayodhya with my army.
19:49And I will destroy that city.
19:52I will do all this.
19:54Without yajna, without worship.
19:57Only on the basis of my strength.
20:00Because, a warrior greater than me,
20:04has never been born, nor will he ever be born.
20:08Okay, Indrajeet.
20:10I take your words as your promise.
20:13Tomorrow, when we come in front of each other,
20:16only the warrior will face the warrior.
20:19My donkey will wait for you.
20:25What do you think? Will you keep your promise?
20:28We will know that only in the morning.
20:30Which is about to happen.
20:32We should return to our people.
20:36Today, either Indrajeet will be defeated,
20:39or we will be destroyed.
20:55You don't stop. You don't bow.
20:57Oh, strong one.
20:59You are like lightning.
21:01You are everywhere.
21:03The world is astonished to see you.
21:25Jai, Jai, Jai, Jai, Jai.
21:29Jai, Jai, Hanuman.