• 2 months ago


00:31You're up early.
00:33You're no visiting time, are you?
00:35Yeah, just couldn't sleep.
00:37I'm going to go into town, you know, to that vegan deli.
00:40Get some kombucha that Toya likes.
00:42Oh, yeah, yeah. I got her some yesterday.
00:45No, you got her the supermarket pasteurised stuff.
00:48This is organic kombucha.
00:50OK, so you got the microbiome chat as well?
00:53She was telling me about the little bacteria,
00:55snotty thing at the bottom,
00:57which, frankly, I didn't really want to know about.
00:59Anyway, they're going to put a bottle aside for me.
01:03Yeah, she'd love that.
01:07Yeah, from now on, she's my focus.
01:15There you go, Ken.
01:19I love this one.
01:21It's dead chilled.
01:24Yeah, it's a grating inaccuracy,
01:26spread by certain commercial radio stations.
01:29All classical music is relaxing.
01:32But I have to admit, if you want to unwind,
01:35you can't beat Debussy.
01:37I'm always saying that.
01:40Thought you'd have had your fill, though, after yesterday.
01:43Surely you can't get too full of the things that make you happy.
01:46I've got a few mates in rehab
01:48who disagree with you over that one, Kenny.
01:51What are you doing?
01:53Having a brew.
01:54Yeah, in my mug.
01:56Oh, you've got a mug?
01:58Well, are you number one, cabbie?
01:59Are you number one, cabbie?
02:01I, I, I, I, Debussy.
02:04It's my favourite.
02:05You're a grown man with a favourite mug?
02:07Yeah, what's wrong with that?
02:08I mean, what sets this apart from the others?
02:10It's the right size.
02:11Oh, and of course it is.
02:13It's the right size.
02:15It's the right size.
02:17It's the right size.
02:19Oh, and of course it, it reminds you of what job you do,
02:22just in case you forget.
02:24And it has a good mouthfeel.
02:28That's the right terminology he uses, that about his wine.
02:31Yeah, well, never, ever say that in front of me again.
02:34Just use a different mug, right?
02:35Oh, don't you worry.
02:36I will not be using this one again.
02:50It would be nice having everybody over yesterday, wouldn't it?
02:57Do you know, maybe we should do it more regularly?
03:00You know, like, do it every Monday or...
03:10Shame that Kit wasn't here.
03:13Yeah, yeah, I know.
03:15Look, I was going to say something.
03:17Erm, I didn't really want to, but you probably should not...
03:21Chill your boots.
03:23Yeah, I think you're going to wear that one out.
03:26He didn't have work yesterday.
03:29That was a lie.
03:31I found him at the pub, washing his clothes, not his hair.
03:39Mum, what, because Bernie was here?
03:43Yeah, I mean, I get why he was angry at her, you know, from his point of view.
03:47She abandoned him, but she's worked really hard to win his forgiveness.
03:51You know, I thought he'd sort of...
03:55What, chance of that happening?
03:57Yeah, maybe.
04:01Remote control.
04:03What, because she lobbed the remote control at him?
04:06That was very unfortunate.
04:08That was very unfortunate.
04:12Maybe forgiveness isn't going to be very forthcoming any time soon.
04:17Look at that.
04:19Nails done perfect.
04:26All right?
04:27You going to hospital?
04:29Yeah, I've just dropped Sam off at Mum's.
04:31Oh, but be nice to him. He's nursing a broken heart.
04:33I'm nice to everyone, mate.
04:35I know a thing or two about being dumped and all.
04:37And give Toya my, you know...
04:39Yeah, yeah, will do.
04:40I mean, that should keep her going for a bit.
04:42Mm. Don't like that big snot thing at the bottom, though.
04:45Can't stop looking at it.
04:46I reckon it's looking at you, then.
04:48Leanne, can I have a quick word?
04:50Oh, is it urgent? I'm just off to see Toya.
04:53It is a bit. Won't take long.
04:55I've spoken to Amy, and it seems like she's pulling out the investment opportunity.
04:59And I don't need to tell you how important it is that we secure funding.
05:02Rowan, I'm really sorry. Can I call you about this later?
05:04I can't talk about Amy now. I really need to go.
05:06No. Of course.
05:23Right. I'll leave you guys to it, yeah?
05:26Probably for the best.
05:28Before she starts going on about her honeymoon plans.
05:30I... I do not go on, Adam. I talk about it normally.
05:33See you later.
05:37So, how are things?
05:41I just feel like my life's been tipped upside down, you know?
05:44I definitely need your help.
05:46You going to try again on the DNA test?
05:49What's the point, you know?
05:51I mean, why would she lie?
05:53I'm the one that wants something from her, so...
05:55And what do you want?
05:57Well, you know, I just want the chance to be able to see my son.
06:01Be part of his life, you know?
06:04I'm scared.
06:06I'm scared that she's just going to take him abroad
06:08and that I'll never get to see him again, you know?
06:10If she knew I was here talking to you, she would freak out, you know?
06:14But also, if she took him away and I hadn't spoken to you,
06:17then I would...
06:21Look, I just want to know what my options are, OK?
06:23If she takes him abroad, what can I do?
06:26Look, worst-case scenario, you would need a prohibited steps order.
06:30You know, as Doran was born in the UK and spent all of his life here,
06:33his dad, you could argue, is in his best interest to stay here.
06:36Right. But I'm talking worst-case scenario.
06:39That's the nuclear option, OK?
06:41That's acrimony, courts, misery for everyone involved, including Doran.
06:45Yeah, yeah.
06:47Does Fiz know you're here?
06:51Oh, come on. She's just found out that I've got a son, you know?
06:54She needs time, right?
06:56And I wanted to get all the information first, you know?
06:59Honestly, once I've got my head around all this,
07:02we're in it, we're in it together.
07:04I hope you know what you're doing.
07:06I've got no idea what I'm doing and that's why I need your help.
07:15How are you doing?
07:17I'm OK.
07:18They said it hasn't spread.
07:20They told me it's been contained to 103, yeah.
07:23That's brilliant.
07:26I'm sorry I've not been there for you.
07:28I got it all wrong.
07:30It's OK.
07:32I'm just glad you're here now.
07:35Me too.
07:37Can I give you a hug?
07:51Er, Bernie?
07:58Oh, course, yeah.
08:00No, Billy was just asking me to go round to our pals
08:04to talk about Kit.
08:11coffee, then?
08:13Yeah. Yeah.
08:15Sorry, love.
08:17Was it to take away?
08:19You know what? No, I'll sit in and treat myself.
08:21All right. Right, I'll bring it over, darling.
08:25Shall we look at the hotel photos again?
08:28I'm going to look again.
08:30You can. I've got to get back to work.
08:34I'll let your dad guess what we've booked.
08:36The honeymoon. I mean, wait until you see the photos.
08:39I warn you, there's a lot. You might be here a while.
08:41Sorry, darling, I'm in a bit of a rush.
08:43I only popped in for a caffeine injection.
08:45Bernie! Bernie!
08:47Builder's coffee. Pleased to go?
08:49Yeah, of course, darling.
08:51Is Builder's coffee a thing?
08:53Yeah, I'm making it a thing.
08:55Look, I tell you what, I'll pop round a bit later and have a look at him properly.
08:59Hey, what time do you think you'll be finished?
09:01Er, I'm pretty rammed.
09:03You guys crack on without me.
09:05All right, OK. I'll see you later, then.
09:07See you.
09:17I'll have one of them and all, please, Bernie.
09:19Are we drinking in? I thought you were just nipping out.
09:21Well, it'll take me five minutes to drink this.
09:23Same as nipping out, innit?
09:24It's fine by me.
09:25Hey, what did you have in the bistro last night?
09:27I had the chicken. It was banging, literally.
09:29Because it was bang-bang chicken?
09:31Ah, yeah.
09:32No, I had a pizza, which was all right.
09:35Should have gone for the burger, cos you know where you are with the burger, don't you?
09:38But I hate ordering the wrong thing in a restaurant because it ruins your evening.
09:42Yeah, you made the right choice about the other thing, though, didn't you?
09:45Demi or Cassie?
09:47Oh, well, me and Cassie, we're a non-starter.
09:49I mean, she's not even pizza, she's more like a disappointing side salad, you know?
09:52So Demi's the burger?
09:53Yeah, well, yeah.
09:55Oh, look, Demi's the pizza.
09:56I don't know, you know.
09:59Maybe I'm just meant to not be with anyone but Tracy, you know?
10:03I'm so touched that you bought the boot.
10:06Looks lovely.
10:08I'll take your word for it.
10:10Do you want some?
10:11Oh, I didn't bring any corbs.
10:14Oh, well, there's a water cooler in the hall. I can get some.
10:17No, it's all right, I'll go. I need the loo anyway. Two secs.
10:24It's brilliant that she came.
10:28She gave Rowan the brush off.
10:31Yeah, I saw it. He wasn't too happy, but she did it.
10:35Looks like we might have the old Leanne back.
10:47Doesn't change anything, though.
10:54Doesn't, er...
10:56change how I feel about you.
11:00Yeah, look, er...
11:02When you're out of here, I'm going to tell her.
11:06Because she needs to know.
11:10She needs to know, er...
11:13That I love you.
11:33Sorry, now's not the time for some dramatic announcement.
11:36We've just come out of surgery.
11:38I'm not going to pretend that there isn't something between us.
11:41Yeah, it's OK, it's OK. You know, we don't need to talk about this now.
11:45No, we do.
11:47We do because you're right.
11:49If she's started standing up to Rowan, then we might be getting Leanne back
11:53and we can't risk pushing her away again.
11:55If she finds out what we've done... Yeah, it's OK, I know.
11:58..then she'll go back to them and we might never get her out.
12:01So, I mean, whatever there is between us, you know,
12:04Leanne has to be our priority.
12:07I have to get my sister back
12:09and if that means that you and me can never...
12:15Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, we don't need to decide anything now, do we?
12:18No, I need you to agree on this, Nick. Leanne comes first.
12:21Right, come on, then. Let's give it a try.
12:24Yeah, great.
12:29And then he has to get me for using his mug.
12:32I mean, a grown man with his own mug.
12:34I'm not sure I've ever thought of Steve as a grown man.
12:37Fair point.
12:41You know, I've got massive respect for you.
12:43About how grown up you've been.
12:45Over Alina's kid and not flying off the handle.
12:48I've been pretty close, believe me.
12:51I didn't mean to stir up trouble by bringing her here.
12:55Yeah, I know. Yeah.
12:57Must have been hard, though.
13:00Oh, look, love, I'm sorry.
13:02No, it's fine.
13:04Yeah, no, that was a stupid thing to say.
13:06It must have been hard for you.
13:08I mean, what a massive understatement.
13:11Yeah, it has been hard.
13:15I mean, he's already left me once for Rosni
13:18and now she's got his kid, like,
13:21biologically or technically or whatever, so...
13:25She's got me beat there, hasn't she?
13:27Tyrone adores you, isn't he?
13:29She's got me beat there, hasn't she?
13:31Tyrone adores you and the girls, anyone can see that.
13:34He loves the bones of you.
13:36The hardest thing
13:38was that Alina happened in the first place, you know?
13:42And, erm...
13:45I mean, the person I'm worried about most now is Hope,
13:48because she said that she's worried
13:50that he's going to leave us for his other family.
13:53I'm sorry.
13:55Which, I mean, I know that he won't.
13:57No, no, he wouldn't do that, no.
14:00But I also get why she'd worry.
14:03Oh, come here, love, come here.
14:09You're going to be OK.
14:13I'll only be over the road at the cafe,
14:16so just give us a shout when you're done.
14:19I think Bernie's going to pop over in a bit, too.
14:22Right, OK.
14:24Hey, mate.
14:29He's been, erm, programming something in.
14:32I think it's quite long. It's taking him a while.
14:35War and peace. Got it.
14:46I'm guessing this is because I backed out yesterday.
14:49I'm sorry, I just didn't want any aggro between us.
14:52I didn't want any aggro between me and...
14:55Sorry. Jumped in.
14:57Not entirely fair, is it?
15:05I need you to forgive Mum.
15:09I know she heard you.
15:11She was a mess back then more than now even.
15:15She loves you.
15:17She wants your forgiveness.
15:19We all want that.
15:23OK, er...
15:27I'm not going to, like, sugarcoat this because of the situation.
15:39Ever since she didn't turn up that day,
15:42I've been...
15:47I could do with one of those things.
15:49I could do with one of those things.
15:53I've been angry.
15:55Like, really.
16:01Then I met you guys.
16:04And I wanted you to hate her for what she did.
16:07So I focused on the worst things.
16:10I tried to make it hard as possible for her.
16:14Truth is, Paul...
16:16..I'm not always a nice person.
16:20So if you're hoping that I'm just going to forgive and forget...
16:25..I'm going to tell you that's not going to happen.
16:38The gold shepherd himself had a supposed fondness for opium.
16:45OK, you've got a lovely way of looking at things.
16:49You say fondness for opium.
16:51I say scaggered.
16:54Yeah, I feel Steve may have been a little careless with his words yesterday.
16:58What's saying I wouldn't get past the first filters on his dating app?
17:02Don't worry about it. I haven't given it a second thought.
17:08Fancy another cuppa?
17:10First filters, eh?
17:12Says the man with his own favourite mug, I mean.
17:15Look at the state of it. It's as ugly as sin.
17:19Your poppy ones are much nicer, Kenny.
17:21Yeah, they're pretty, aren't they? Tracy bought those.
17:26They're lovely.
17:30Are you OK?
17:32It just slipped. Butterfingers.
17:35Oh, dear.
17:37Steve will be disappointed.
17:39I know.
17:41Shame, isn't it?
17:48Let's have a look at these photos, then.
17:50Yeah, hang on, let me show you one here.
17:52Then you won't have to squint at a phone.
17:55Oh, flippin' heck. Battery's dead.
17:58And I've left the charger at the office.
18:00Is this not yours?
18:01No, that one's Joel's. I don't know his password.
18:04Oh, probably best.
18:06Probably best.
18:07Man's got to keep his secrets.
18:10Although, it's just under notification.
18:13Dad, a bit of privacy, please.
18:15Write your recent experience at Belfast City Airport.
18:17When was he in Belfast?
18:20He wasn't.
18:25That's weird.
18:33I thought you were Paul.
18:35I'm not going to lie to you, Billy.
18:37I thought it was better to leave it.
18:40But Kit knows that I'm ready to move forward with this.
18:44It's up to him to decide whether or not he wants me...
18:47So he's got the family stubbornness, then, has he?
18:50Like Paul and Gemma?
18:52Yeah. Yeah, they must get it from their dads.
18:56Well, let's just hope he's like his siblings in other ways, too, then.
19:01Now, I've been on the wrong side of that stubbornness, both of them.
19:04But, you know, Paul always comes round, eventually.
19:07He took his time with me.
19:09But he came round.
19:11Which shows he's got the capability for forgiveness.
19:14Let's just hope Kit does, too.
19:20Another war and peace?
19:23Just joking.
19:25Take your time.
19:27Although I don't think you're going to say anything that's going to make me...
19:29Mum is not perfect, God knows, but give her a chance.
19:34I don't know...
19:35I don't regret much, but I regret the years I spent resenting her.
19:41You know, it's really hard to say no to you with that thing.
19:45You're like a flipping black belt in emotional manipulation.
19:54Paul, what is it, mate?
19:56Paul? Paul, Paul, Paul.
19:58No, no, no, no.
20:00Paul, what is it, mate?
20:04Got everything?
20:06Yeah, more clothes, she's got toiletries.
20:08Yeah, that's everything.
20:11Oh, come here.
20:18Don't think we've done enough of that lately.
20:22Been a tough few months.
20:24It has.
20:26But we survived.
20:28Yeah, yeah, we did.
20:39You have one new voice message at 13.58.
20:44Hi Nick, it's Rowan.
20:46Glad to hear toys do better.
20:48Just to let you know, the deadline for you investing that 20 grand is midnight tonight.
20:53I'd hate for you to miss it.
20:55I'm pretty sure Leanne would too.
20:57Especially once she understands how deeply you care for her sister.
21:02Answered messages.
21:22Who was that? Not the hospital.
21:24Er, no, no, no, it was Sam.
21:27Oh, you look upset. Is he OK?
21:29Yeah, yeah, yeah, he just wanted some, er, some money.
21:33What for?
21:34Oh, I don't know, some collector bullet he'd seen online.
21:37When did he become a teenager, eh?
21:39Yeah, yeah, he'd be, er, asking for driving lessons now.
21:42Oh, don't. Listen, I can always go to the hospital on me own if you want to go and talk to Sam.
21:46No, no, no, no, I'll speak to him when he comes back from Mums. Come on, let's go.
21:54No, he's got MMD.
21:56Boonie, he can't breathe.
22:01All right, love.
22:03OK, sweetheart, nice and easy.
22:05Just take some big, deep breaths for me.
22:07Rosman Street. What number is it?
22:09No, hang on, hang on.
22:11What happened?
22:12I don't know. He was talking, he was fine, and then this.
22:18Let's get his NIV.
22:23Now this, this should help get his breathing under control.
22:29Right, I'm going to place this over his head.
22:33There we go, son. There we go.
22:37Make sure that the mask is over his mouth.
22:41There you are.
22:43OK, son, right.
22:45Just take some big, deep breaths for me.
22:49Oh, we'll have you sorted in no time.
22:54You've got this, Apollo.
22:58Good lad.
23:00It's all right. It's OK.
23:03It's all right, it's OK.
23:07Right, I'm going to call Bill, eh?
23:09No, I know you're all right.
23:12But I'm going to call him anyway.
23:16Good lad.
23:21What are you doing here? I thought you were working late.
23:24I forgot this.
23:29What are you doing?
23:33Why not?
23:35Because you hate cleaning.
23:37And it's the middle of the day.
23:39When did you go to Ireland?
23:41I didn't.
23:43I saw a notification on your tablet about your flights to Belfast.
23:48Oh, yeah, I was meant to go with work, but the meeting was cancelled.
23:52I completely forgot to cancel my flights.
23:55Only you never mentioned you were meant to be going to Ireland.
23:59It was weeks ago now. It completely slipped my mind.
24:02What with everything else that was going on.
24:07Ah, that's really annoying, isn't it?
24:10I could have swapped them, couldn't I?
24:13Taken you on a romantic weekend away.
24:15Or put them towards the honeymoon.
24:18I'm sorry.
24:20You can stop stress-cleaning now.
24:23As much as I'm enjoying seeing your domestic side...
24:27Well, you know, don't get used to it.
24:39Can I get you anything?
24:41You must be hungry.
24:43No, not really.
24:45Do you know what? I could murder a cuppa, though.
24:47Right, one cuppa coming up. Do you want one?
24:49Yeah, please.
24:53I've got a problem. What?
25:04Hi, Nick. It's Rowan.
25:06Glad to hear Toy's doing better.
25:08Just to let you know, the deadline for you investing that 20 grand
25:11is midnight tonight.
25:13I'd hate for you to miss it.
25:15I'm pretty sure Leanne would too, especially once she understands
25:18how deeply you care for her sister.
25:23I suppose I've got to pay him, haven't I?
25:26Maybe not.
25:28I've got an idea.
25:32How are they getting divorced?
25:35They got married a year ago.
25:37Who's getting divorced?
25:40Absolutely no idea who that is.
25:44Hard at work, I see.
25:46I'm allowed a break. What's your excuse?
25:48What do you mean?
25:50I mean, you're not working either, unless I am actually hallucinating
25:53and we are in a taxi right now.
25:55Er, I just got stuck on a long-distance job,
25:58so I'm having a late lunch, if you must know.
26:00Which you mustn't, so keep your beak out.
26:05What's this in my mug? Have you broke it?
26:08It fell off the shelf.
26:10Oh, it just fell off, did it? What, we got a poltergeist?
26:12Quick, quick, call the exorcist.
26:14Actually, no, tell you what, let's call the exterminator.
26:17Are you calling me a rat?
26:19No. Good.
26:20Calling you a pest, so get out.
26:22I am not going anywhere.
26:23You just broke my flippy mug on purpose, so get out.
26:26I am not losing my job just cos you can't hang your mug up properly.
26:30Ted, Ted, quiet, both of you.
26:33Oh, concentrate with your both bickering.
26:43You OK?
26:46I'm fine.
26:51At least let me give you a kiss.
26:58Thanks for looking after him.
27:00I didn't do much, it was all Bernie.
27:05Usually, I'd calm under pressure at work,
27:07but today I was useless.
27:09I crumbled.
27:11Yeah, you are.
27:13It's different when it's someone you care about, isn't it?
27:15You were with him.
27:17It's the most important thing.
27:23Is he OK?
27:25Yeah, he's just having a little micro-sleep.
27:29Must be exhausted after all that excitement.
27:32Here, sir, stick the kettle on.
27:34Make us all a brew while we wait for him to wake up.
27:40Oh, you two stay with him.
27:43I'd best get going anyway.
27:49You know, things to see.
27:51People to...
27:56You could go after her.
27:58Why would I do that?
28:04Love, are you in?
28:11Oh, wow, you look gorgeous.
28:13Oh, well, thank you. You need to go and get changed.
28:15What for?
28:17Because we're off into town.
28:19I've booked us a table, the four of us,
28:21at that place the girls keep going on about,
28:23you know, where they've got the staircase
28:25and the influencers take the photos in front of it.
28:27La Belle Magie? Mm-hm. That's the one.
28:29Bit pricey, don't you think?
28:31Yeah, well, it's a treat, isn't it?
28:33Cos we're not going on holiday.
28:35Oh, no, I just... I don't think we can afford it.
28:39I'm just saying, until all this gets sorted,
28:41you know, we might have to make some cutbacks.
28:43And our girls suffer again.
28:45No, no, I'm not saying that. We can still take them out.
28:47Just somewhere a bit more reasonable, you know?
28:49I could book a table at the bistro or something.
28:51Yeah, fine.
28:53Oh, come on, love. You know if I had the money,
28:55I'd spoil you rotten. You know that, don't you?
28:57Yeah, I know.
29:01It's a good job I hadn't told those girls where we were going.
29:03They wouldn't be quite so forgiving.
29:05Go on, go and get changed.
29:11Gemma's at work.
29:13I know.
29:15It's you I came to see.
29:17Oh, I thought you were here on landlord business.
29:21Why, is something wrong with the house?
29:23No, no, not that I'm aware.
29:29Why aren't you looking at me?
29:31Look at me.
29:37I'm sorry.
29:39I'm so sorry.
29:43It's just...
29:45seeing him like that,
29:47you know, struggling to breathe.
30:01You were so calm earlier.
30:03Yeah, well, in front of Paul,
30:05I'm a rock.
30:07But the minute I'm out of his sights...
30:13He's been so brave.
30:17He can't know that I'm not even
30:19remotely ready for the day he leaves us.
30:21Well, it's worth it.
30:23I don't think you're ever ready
30:25for something like that.
30:27I suppose not.
30:31So, um...
30:33Have you been, you know,
30:35since your mum... Fine.
30:41So, what does
30:43this mean?
30:47Well, you being here.
30:49You know, us talking
30:51like this.
30:53I don't know.
30:55And why did you
30:59I honestly don't know.
31:05You didn't have to give me
31:07the money in person, you know.
31:09A bank transfer would suffice.
31:11Yeah, I'm not giving you any money.
31:13Are you having cash flow issues?
31:15I'm happy to wait a few days.
31:17Yeah, I don't think you're understanding, so I'm gonna say it a bit slower.
31:23getting a penny
31:25out of me. Fine.
31:27Shall I send Leanne the photo now,
31:29or do you want to be with her when she finds out?
31:31Yeah, yeah, send the photo, and I'll tell the police.
31:33Tell them what?
31:35You're blackmailing me.
31:37Dora's still got the text with the photo on it.
31:39And now this voicemail
31:41proves you're trying to extort
31:43money out of me.
31:59messing with something you don't understand.
32:01Yeah, look,
32:03I'm aware you've got quite the
32:05criminal history,
32:07but I bet you'll be back inside
32:09before your feet can touch the ground
32:11if you're charged with it. That's all in my past.
32:13Okay, so you might not get a custodial
32:15sentence, but it's not going to do anything
32:17for your institute's reputation.
32:19Are you really sure you want to do this?
32:21Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
32:23I'm not the aggressor here, okay?
32:25I'm just trying to protect me
32:27and my family.
32:29You don't even love Leanne.
32:31Why can't you accept that she wants
32:33to be with us? I do love Leanne.
32:35I have a photo that says otherwise.
32:39You don't know the first thing about our relationship.
32:41You know, we were fine
32:43until you came in here filling her head
32:45full of nonsense. You're stifling her progress.
32:47She'll end up hating you.
32:49Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take.
32:51But Leanne is exactly
32:53where she belongs.
32:55And that's with me.
32:59I think you should leave.
33:11So, how was work?
33:19Yeah, fine.
33:25Sorry I'm late. Got your usual.
33:27Thanks, Dad.
33:29I asked Joel about the flights.
33:33Yeah, he said it was a work trip
33:35he forgot to cancel. Oh, well, there you go.
33:37Just like you said, a simple explanation.
33:39So you think it's feasible,
33:41yeah? What?
33:43His excuse.
33:45His excuse?
33:47Do you not believe him?
33:49I don't know, I just...
33:51It felt a bit...
33:53I don't know, there's just
33:55been a few things recently that haven't
33:57felt right.
33:59All right, darling, listen, this is important, all right?
34:01Trust is the
34:03utmost important thing in a relationship.
34:07So the question is,
34:09do you 100% trust Joel
34:11or not?
34:15Yeah, I do.
34:17Well, that's all right, then.
34:19Thanks, Dad.
34:21Can you not get a new one?
34:23Nope. Made for me.
34:27I know how you feel, mate. Sally wouldn't choose my favourite
34:29pint unless I make beef stock in it once.
34:31Let me be, it tastes so beefy.
34:35I'm glad I haven't got a woman in me life.
34:37More trouble than there were.
34:39Oh, here we go.
34:41If you've come to apologise,
34:43I'm not ready to forgive you yet.
34:45You see, the thing that you don't understand about me...
34:47I've not come to apologise, and like I said,
34:49I've done nothing wrong. Well, what are you here for, then?
34:51To tell you I quit.
34:53I mean, all the spicker in it, it's not fair on Ken,
34:55so I'm going to go and break the news to him.
34:57That's a bit extreme, isn't it? No.
34:59Probably for the best.
35:01Bye. Bye, then.
35:05Well done.
35:07Well, that didn't exactly go to plan, did it?
35:09We're in nothing but trouble.
35:11The only thing that bothers me is that
35:13we're going to have to find a new carer for Ken now.
35:17How was it? Yeah, it was lovely, thanks.
35:19Great. Can I get you another drink?
35:21No, I'm all right, Dad.
35:23Well, I might take another lager, please.
35:25Do you want a lemonade?
35:29I'll just take two lemonades for the girls, please.
35:33Right, can we chat?
35:35Stop being a cow to Dad!
35:37Shut up! You shut up!
35:39Hey, cool it.
35:41I hate all this. What?
35:43Everyone just being angry with each other.
35:45Well, whose fault is that?
35:47Mine. I know, and I'm trying to fix it.
35:51Do you know, I think...
35:53I hope that anger might actually be fear.
35:55Do you think that might be right, love?
35:59What are you scared of?
36:01That you're going to leave us again?
36:07No, that is not what's happening here.
36:09Girls, please look at me, both of you.
36:11I swear to you,
36:13I am going nowhere, right?
36:15I know our family might have grown a bit recently with Doreen,
36:17but that does not lessen
36:19the love that I have for my girls.
36:21All three of you.
36:25Do you promise?
36:27Yes, I promise.
36:29Hi, Nigel.
36:31It's Ken Barlow here.
36:33I'd like to make an appointment
36:35to come and see you and talk over some
36:37investment and saving options.
36:39It would seem that
36:41my number came up in this month's
36:43premium bond draw, and I've won
36:47Barely believe it myself.
36:49I mean, I've had them for years
36:51and got absolutely nothing.
36:53Anyway, Nigel, grateful if you
36:55call me back. Bye.
36:59Only me.
37:03Hiya. You all right?
37:05Yeah, good, good. You?
37:07Yeah. Great tar.
37:09Anything new?
37:13No, no, no.
37:15Oh, yes, brilliant.
37:31I'm guessing he didn't take you lying down.
37:33No, he was beaming. I mean, he knew you snookered.
37:35Definitely saw behind that
37:37smooth, easy-going exterior.
37:39I mean, he's just a common criminal
37:41in an expensive suit, isn't he?
37:43Is that meant to put my mind at ease?
37:45Don't worry. He won't come after us. He's got too much to lose.
37:47Well, thank you.
37:49No. Thank you.
37:51It was your idea.
37:53Well, we did it together.
37:59I was in the bistro earlier
38:01and Tyrone and
38:03the kids were in there.
38:05Yeah, I heard about Alina and the kid.
38:07How were they all doing?
38:09It was sad.
38:11You know, he was trying to
38:13convince them he'd never leave, but
38:15don't know, I could just see the fear in their
38:17faces. It's tough.
38:19I'd hate for Sam
38:21to look at me that way, or Leanne.
38:23They're not going to find out. We agreed
38:25that they come first now.
38:27I told
38:29Rowan that me and Leanne were fine
38:31before he came along,
38:33but, you know, I was lying.
38:35We were already
38:37in trouble. Nick, stop it.
38:39We agreed. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
38:41Yeah, I know.
38:43You can make things better again.
38:51But you're fine now,
38:53though, yeah? Yeah.
38:55Except you won't let me call the doctors
38:57or get them checked over.
38:59He was just saying how stressed
39:01you've been and he could do with a night out.
39:03Ignore him.
39:05Alright, fine.
39:07I will have to get somebody
39:09to come and watch her,
39:11and only to the pub. Yeah, fine by me.
39:15Hmm? Hmm.
39:17It's a text from your mum. She's in the pub
39:19with Kit. You did that.
39:27Hey, er, great of yous.
39:29Oh, Nick,
39:31thank you. You look beautiful.
39:33Well, I know
39:35how stressful the last few weeks have been
39:37and, er, I just wanted
39:39to remind you how much I love you.
39:41Aww. I love you, too.
39:43And listen, I know
39:45I've not been easy to live with recently.
39:47You've been a bit of a saint
39:49to put up with me, to be honest. Don't say that.
39:51Why not? It's true.
39:53Yeah, but let's not dwell
39:55on the past, eh? The tour is on the mend
39:57and maybe we can concentrate on us.
40:01How? I don't know. We could take
40:03some into town, go to the pictures,
40:05maybe let them loose in some museums.
40:09Yeah, that sounds good.
40:17I love you.
40:35I've just helped Ken to bed,
40:37taken him a bowl of chicken casserole.
40:39There's more in the pot if you want some.
40:41I thought you'd quit. Well, I was going to,
40:43but by the time I got round here
40:45my anger had gone and
40:47I realised how much I actually love this job.
40:49Really? Forged a real
40:51bond with Ken.
40:53Couldn't bear to tell him I was leaving him.
40:55Right. Sorry about your mug.
40:59Well, sorry for shouting.
41:03For Ken's sake.
41:05Yeah, go on then. Can't be bothered
41:07getting a new carer anyway. Oh, go away.
41:09You know how much you love having me round here.
41:21Sam wants to stay at Mum's.
41:23Yeah, that's fine by me. Have you told him
41:25about the plans for tomorrow? Yeah, he's excited.
41:27Yeah, so am I. It'd be nice to
41:29spend some time together. Well, all three of us
41:31spend time together. Yeah.
41:37Oh, hi.
41:39Come here. Sorry to just drop in.
41:41I sneaked through as someone was leaving
41:45For you. Oh.
41:47How come? Seems I'm not
41:49the only one bearing gifts.
41:51Oh, yeah. They're for me from Nick.
41:53Lucky you.
41:57I wanted to apologise.
41:59I wouldn't have pushed on with our
42:01conversation if I'd known how bad things
42:03were with Toya. I know you wouldn't.
42:05I just get so
42:07caught up in the mission I lose
42:09perspective sometimes, but I don't want you
42:11thinking you're not valued.
42:13Oh, no, I don't. I get it. And listen,
42:15I'm sorry too for snapping earlier.
42:17So we're all good? Yeah, of course.
42:24That's okay.
42:26It's a shame
42:28that you're no longer able to invest
42:30in the Resource Centre.
42:32Oh, we're not?
42:34Yeah, I spread to the bank. It's a
42:36no-go. I was gonna tell you later.
42:38Oh, right. Well,
42:40maybe in the future, eh? Yeah.
42:44I actually have an ulterior motive
42:46for dropping by.
42:48Oh, yeah? I really need your help
42:50for a group upload session.
42:52Yeah, yeah, of course. When? Tomorrow.
42:54Oh. Right.
42:56It's just we're going out
42:58for the day tomorrow. Yeah.
43:00Yeah, it's booked.
43:04Right. Oh, yeah, yeah. I'll cancel
43:06the meeting. No, no. Well, can't you find
43:08somebody else to do it?
43:10It's actually a special meeting
43:12for you. For me?
43:14Yeah. A reward
43:16for your fantastic progress with a
43:18very special guest.
43:22I didn't tell you that.
43:24Right. Well, maybe
43:26I could join you afterwards after the session tomorrow?
43:28What? Well, you and Sam, you could
43:30have some father and son bonding time
43:32and then go see the museums
43:34and I'll join you for the film.
43:36Yeah, yeah, yeah.
43:38Good idea. Great. I can't believe it.
43:40Willow actually wants to see me.
43:42She can see how special you are.
43:44With everything that's going on,
43:46it's the perfect time to
43:48re-centre and remind yourself
43:50of where you belong.
43:54Oh, that's great.
43:56Great. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye.
43:58Yeah, bye.
44:16trombone solo
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44:22trombone solo
44:24trombone solo
44:26trombone solo
44:28trombone solo
44:30trombone solo
44:32trombone solo
44:34trombone solo
44:36trombone solo
44:38trombone solo
44:40trombone solo
44:42trombone solo