• last year


00:00I built a massive isolation chamber and we're gonna see if these two strangers can survive in this chamber for the next 100 days
00:09They have never met each other ever Bailey. This is Susie Susie. This is Bailey
00:16If the two of you can survive the next 100 days in here
00:19I will give you the half a million dollars inside of this bowl
00:22But if one of you leaves before the hundred days is up you both get nothing
00:27All right, I think you guys understand the rules have fun, okay, bye this is gonna be crazy
00:39Yeah, this is actually like an insane asylum they're currently looking at all the stuff we put in there
00:45We gave them enough food for a hundred days, which is healthy, but basically the exact same thing over and over again
00:50We also gave them their own private bathroom
00:52Which comes with the shower and obviously has no cameras inside and a bed to sleep on they have everything they need to survive 100
00:58Days, it's just a question of do they want it. I got a comb. I don't know if I've ever come I hear my life
01:05Interesting see how they're both standing on different sides of the room
01:08They're so awkward when I had them take their blindfolds off. That was legitimately the first time they had ever met
01:15I just keep thinking of the feeling like of exiting. Oh, yeah, how good is that gonna feel?
01:25Only a hundred sleep only 100 sleeps and then the world will have just kept going
01:31That's like what?
01:32Freaks me out the most interesting part of this experiment is that in this room?
01:36You have no idea what day or time it is and already on night one
01:41Susie and Bailey made the mistake of only sleeping for two hours
01:45Which means they started their second day at 237 a.m.
01:49Just act like this is just the new normal. Okay, what do you want to eat? Are you feeling beef or chicken?
01:55Chicken chicken sounds great
02:03It's good
02:05As you can see you living inside a white cube is pretty boring besides eating the same thing over and over time in the chamber
02:11Consisted of two things trying to hide from the bright light
02:14Lights are just so bright that we have to make these things to shield ourselves and desperate attempts to keep themselves
02:20Entertained like on day four when they use the paper from their journals to make a deck of playing cards. He making
02:27Card, all right, so I just finished my deck of cards. I think that they actually came out
02:30All right, which honestly looked pretty fun. So I made myself a
02:34$30,000 seat and joined in
02:40Day five they made a sign-in sheet, which was really just an elaborate trip. What is this?
02:45You have to sign our sign-in sheet. Oh, these are camera people. Yeah, this is everyone that's come in today
02:50Wait a minute. You're having them do this. You can track the date and the time. Hold on
02:55I need to follow this. No, no, I wrote the date
02:58I wrote the date which I gotta say was pretty smart
03:00But by the time we got to day seven anything considered smart was thrown out the window
03:05Bailey's lost it
03:07He's whipping the poor
03:11Yeah, I bet he's next to the champ
03:14five more throws
03:16But I only need one
03:18Let's freaking go, baby. It's actually crazy to me that already on day nine of this challenge
03:23They're bored enough to expose the red line that if they cross they lose every dollar of their prize money
03:30It is now day number ten, I don't know good and I got a pretty interesting offer
03:39So it looks like they took the
03:41$500,000 and put 250 on her side and 250 on his to remind themselves of what's at stake
03:47This the whole door opening thing so dramatic. How's it going?
03:50We're about to reveal the most interesting part of the challenge. I need you to just face this wall
03:55They don't even know that there's a door back here. Let's do this
04:04This is our first time seeing the outside world and you are
04:09Hitting me
04:11Sky every ten days. I will give you something that will make the challenge easier
04:15But if you actually want it, you'll have to pay for it with some of your prize money and first for day ten
04:20We're gonna give you the option to buy a private chef
04:23They'll cook you whatever you want between now and the end of the challenge for
04:26$50,000 before you answer if you want to give up some of your prize money
04:29We're gonna let you have a nice meal use this as a floor for your imagination as to what you could be eating for 90
04:35More days you are kidding me 50 grand a lot though. Okay, let's not think about it right now
04:40These look like some people that have only canned chicken for 10 days
04:43I love just looking at the sky you forget that they literally haven't seen the Sun in 10 days now
04:50I feel bad after eating this the thought of that food is like grossing me out even worse rough
04:55They're starting to talk about whether they should take it. I don't know what to do
04:59This is a good first one attempt us with
05:03All right, it's time for the decision would you pay
05:08$50,000 to have this for the rest of the challenge. Nope. I think we decided no really
05:13I honestly didn't think you guys would say no
05:18I'll have another offer in 10 days. We'll see if you came then. I really thought you were gonna say yes. Mm-hmm. That was crazy
05:24Bye, I'm really curious about what the next temptation is
05:29You know what? I'm proud of us for staying strong. Good job. And now with the chef gone
05:33It seemed like Susie and Bailey were already starting to regret their decision. Bon Appetit. My favorite part is that you can hold it sideways
05:42The next few days were pretty mind-numbing for the both of them their routine consisted of waking up
05:47Cooking food and then eventually just going back to sleep, man
05:50The longer I'm in here the more I feel like I'm sharing a space with an annoying sibling
05:55Telling me
05:59And even though they were getting used to each other one thing they weren't getting used to were the constant beaming light
06:04It's just so bright in there
06:06I came to the bathroom because the the light you can keep it off
06:08So it's nice and like dark in here once it gets super late at night. I
06:13Physically feel my eyes stinging just because of how bright the lights are in here
06:17And because it was so hard for them to get any sleep. I had the perfect offer plan for day 20
06:25You're 20% done. Are you two ready for the offer? Yeah
06:29Your day 20 offer is simple
06:32I will give you each a smart bed that are super comfortable and combined will cost
06:36$50,000 of your prize money. I will also give you this iPad with the ability to turn off the lights
06:41Dang, you have exactly one hour to decide if they want to spend
06:45$50,000 of their prize money for these beds and the ability to turn off the lights. The answer might be yes
06:50I haven't seen Susie this happy since we literally started the challenge
06:54Let's remember what we would have to live with if we don't say yes. Oh
07:00My gosh, I think you're gonna take it I I think we should it's only 10% of our money. It's decision time
07:10You're one hours up this is what your eyeballs could have but if you say no, this is what you're stuck with
07:16For 80 days straight, do you want these comfortable beds? I'm actually okay with whatever you say five four
07:22Oh my gosh, three. I'm happy with whatever you say. Two. Bailey yes or no. Bailey yes or no. One. What's your decision?
07:34Okay, well I
07:36Did not see that one coming. I think I made a mistake maybe. Oh what a heavy mistake
07:42I cannot believe you guys said no. I'll leave you alone for a couple of days. I hope you don't regret your decision
07:48Bye. I think we made the right decision. I can't believe that in the heat of the moment you said no
07:54Oh, I feel that slight regret right now. I don't I feel no regret in your decision
08:02So today I made my calendar and I was just writing my mom's birthday it's gonna be tough on that day I think
08:15So bored, I think that we're hitting a point where boredom is that like the all-time high I woke up this morning and
08:22Didn't feel like doing anything. So I just sat there and stared
08:27Are you gonna do with this money? I have a house. I was probably gonna pay a lot on the house
08:31Oh, that's awesome. I want to pay off my parents debt. That would be like my ideal world throughout the following days
08:38I made sure to not interrupt the routine
08:40However, I was also taking note of things they missed from the outside world like on day 24 when I overheard them wanting seasoning on
08:47their food
08:52On day 27 Susie was craving coffee. I am a big coffee drinker and
08:58La of water and on day 28 Bailey clearly needed entertainment
09:04By day 30, I had the perfect plan to get them to spend money. It's now day 30. That's time for another offer
09:10How's it going? Hi. Today's offer is simple each of these five items cost $10,000
09:16You can buy one phone call the entire Harry Potter collection your own coffee machine
09:21Spices salt and pepper for your food or you can buy Monopoly for $10,000
09:25You can buy one of them. You can buy all five of them. This is tough. Actually, you have 10 minutes aside
09:29Just let me know what you want. I'm so nervous. This is a big decision coffee. Ooh, it does sound kind of nice
09:35Does and then the seasoning seasoning sounds nice, too. I'm doing this one 1,000% I'll be honest with you
09:41I don't really care about that sick coffee would be nice as like a treat every morning. I've made my mind up
09:48Decision time. Are you buying Monopoly? No
09:53Are you buying the spices no
09:58You buying the coffee does it come with cream or sugar if you say yes in three seconds, yes, okay
10:07Find the Harry Potter book. Yes
10:11Are you buying the phone call no
10:14We finally got you to to buy something this feels good. It was pleasure doing business. Thanks for taking your money
10:21Most expensive coffee maker in the world 30 days in we got something new. That's exciting. We caved you're welcome
10:27That's my closet. That's my bookshelf. I could stay another 70 days easy and we still have
10:32$480,000 it's crazy over the next few days. Not a lot happened. She's already preparing a meal
10:38It's like being married. The most interesting thing was when Hurricane Idalia took out the power on day 34. Oh, no way
10:45Way as you can imagine our cameras became pretty useless
10:49So I'm just gonna take you to day 39, how's it going? Hello? Hey, I know you guys have been struggling
10:56I'm sorry. It took so long
10:58Hold up
11:00No, there we go. That was a long delay. You should be able to use your coffee pot again cook food
11:05You should have hot shower. That's excellent. I'll see you tomorrow with the surprise. Oh, I'm so excited
11:10Look it's light feels like cheerier. The lights are back on again. I just had a hot meal hot shower
11:18Life is finally looking up here. It's now day 40
11:23Can I come in come in your gift at no expense is this TV but every single movie is
11:30$10,000 a pop you have one hour to decide have fun. This is crazy the amount of movies in here
11:35We can watch this documentary about Nolan
11:37We love Susie and Bailey to discuss the offer and told them we'd be back later, but they didn't seem too interested
11:42How about 10 grand for all I'll go ahead and tell you now
11:46No, you might as well just come in here because I think we both are set in our ways
11:52Okay, the best I could do is buy one get one half off
11:56Mmm, can't do it. All right gang. Come on in take every last one
12:01Oh not any of the Hunger Games
12:04I left the TV in the chamber to remind Susie and Bailey of what they could have had
12:08But little did I know they were gonna outsmart me an antenna is just a piece of metal rip this little wire off the wall
12:15So I had to take this knife so that the wire is like frayed
12:19I literally just plugged it into the antenna spot. Now. We're gonna see if it works just anything give us one channel. Oh
12:26What it says that there's seven digital channels. Oh my god
12:29It says that there's seven digital channels. Oh my god, if this actually works
12:37Wait, I'm like actually shaking Bailey really the only thing that we can get on the TV is a racecar race
12:42I've never really been a fan. Oh, he's in second, but today all of a sudden we're huge racecar fans
12:48Our time is gonna fly by and Susie was right because for the next six days, that's all they did
12:55Having the TV feels like we're in purgatory. It's like almost normal life
13:00It is my mom's birthday tomorrow, even though I won't be able to spend the day with her
13:04I got some time in here to make her a little birthday present. Although I didn't go out and buy something
13:09I'm technically spending money on it. Tomorrow is day 50
13:13So I'm gonna use toilet paper to do streamers and decorate the room
13:18It's day 50. Oh, oh, hey, so what do you think your surprise is today? I have no idea
13:24This one is a very big one
13:26Alright, so the offer for day 50 is $20,000 for the both of you to see your families
13:31They're in the other room watching that feed and they can hear everything. We're saying
13:34I miss you guys
13:37I'll be back in 10 minutes to hear if you're gonna take the offer
13:39Good luck 10 minutes. This is a pretty easy decision. What are your thoughts?
13:43I'm excited. I'm excited. I'm excited
13:46This feels like a pretty easy decision. What are your thoughts?
13:49This might be the only chance in this challenge to see them until the end
13:52I think it's a no-brainer personally, so it's up to you on if we spend 20 grand for both
13:56Of course, I want to see my parents too
13:59He's a yes and she's a no
14:01Mom, dad, tell me what to do
14:03All right. What are you thinking? Where are you guys at?
14:05He's been a yes from the beginning. As soon as you said it. About 10 seconds left
14:09But it's my mom's birthday today and we're saying yes. All right, give me $20,000 now go get him
14:14Best 10k ever spent I think
14:16Okay, they've paid the 20 grand. Come on in. I'm so excited
14:30And to celebrate her birthday we brought a birthday cake
14:36This is the best tasting thing they've had in forever
14:39It's little things like that that you don't realize you won't have until you're in it
14:46That's the worst feeling so far the highest of highs and now back to our little cube all alone
14:54Like I said earlier the things we're offering them are based off of what we're overhearing them talk about in the cube
15:00So you better believe that when Susie said this
15:02Probably the only thing I'd say yes to at this point is like if they do Tesla. You already know on day 60
15:07I knew exactly what to surprise them with. How's it going? Hi. Oh, hey first things first
15:12I brought you a giant mystery gift. Yay. Do the two of you want to spend?
15:17$50,000 to keep what's inside of this box? Hmm. This is either gonna be the best moment of their life or the worst moment
15:23Just give me your answer in an hour. All right. Thanks. We'll be thinking 59 minutes remain
15:28We should I know I think it might be worth it. Imagine it is something great
15:32We said no, would it ever be a car? Well, it could be could actually be the keys to a car
15:37It's not gonna be equal to the value that we're spending. She's right. It's almost three times more
15:41I don't feel confident in the yes, let's say no, but are you sure? Yeah, if you're not confident
15:47I just know they would never do a car. Yeah, they would and I feel like they could do anything
15:52Let's just say no
15:57Decision time. Okay. Do you want to spend?
16:00$50,000 to keep what's inside this box?
16:03Yes, or no
16:04No, really
16:06What is your answer? I'm going with now really? Yeah, I can't believe you guys didn't take it. Do you want to unlock it?
16:15All right inside is
16:18$50,000 so you would have got your money back and then you want to open up that stack of money just grab that
16:23Here is a Tesla key for you and a Tesla key for you
16:29They would have gotten their money back plus these two Tesla's for free. Oh, I want to cry
16:37That's literally my dream we're gonna head out you leave their beef. Thank you. Bye
16:43That's wild Bailey
16:49I feel like we made the wrong decision. I'll regret this forever. Yeah. Yeah, I will
16:55It's all a dream. Yeah, I like my Prius
16:59Okay, there I said it
17:02And after getting hit hard by yesterday's offer Susie literally whined about the Tesla for nine days straight
17:08It's really hard to see the positive in all this. I like actually won't be able to sleep. I'm actually
17:14Feeling sick right now. I'm so mad
17:19Susie's taking it hard and so to make up for it. I made sure this next offer was the best one yet
17:25It's day 70 today's a big day because this is the last offer
17:29So obviously on day 80, you're gonna be like, there's only 20 days left and on day 90, you're gonna be like, why would we spend money?
17:34There's 10 days left, correct? Yeah, let me just open the door. Okay. No shot. You reject this offer what you see here is
17:40Everything you said no to so far in this challenge before I tell him the price tag. I'm gonna move everything in here
17:45I'm gonna make it as easy as possible for them to say. Yes, Nolan Chris put those by the TV. Oh
17:50As much as I love to bully Nolan
17:53He's just dumb
17:55Here's a bed if you guys say no we have to move all of this back out
17:59Well, then give us a good price what you are considering buying is these two?
18:03$30,000 beds a brand new mystery box. This one doesn't have 50 grand inside. It has something else
18:09Sounds like 25 grand one phone called each
18:13Spices monopoly every single movie in the Walmart movie. I and lastly the cook you said no to
18:20Plate I see a lot of good food and to remind you how good it is. Here's some chicken Alfredo
18:25That looks so good
18:26It's time to find out how much this will cost you behind these curtains is the number if you bid higher than that number you
18:33Get everything here for the rest of the challenge
18:35But if you say $1 one penny lower you get nothing. I'll give you an hour to figure out your bed
18:41I'm thinking what if it's like way low and they want us to say 150 grand. I think if we've been
18:47175 that would be too little they're thinking at least a hundred K
18:51I actually feel like we should go a little bit lower because we were prepared to say no to it
18:54That's true. But are you prepared to walk away with nothing and while they're deciding what to do?
18:58I want to tell you about the shop app the shop app is the best way to shop on your phone and it's completely free
19:04It'll basically look at everything you're interested in and recommend you products you love
19:08This is the only wild card because we know what beds are and we know what movies are we don't know what's in here
19:12I have a feeling I want whatever's inside
19:15It's actually a third contestant
19:18And when you're ready to buy you can speed through checkout using shop pay. Let's do this
19:2380 grand 101 because it's day 70. I don't want to go under 70
19:26I feel like this is like gives us space I get what you're saying
19:29But imagine that was the reason why we didn't end up getting all this. Yeah, I would be so sad
19:37Shop app will even track all your packages in one place
19:40So, you'll know exactly when they'll arrive for the holiday hundred thousand and one hundred dollars. Yeah, it's not really that much damage
19:47Okay, this is the one ready official. All right, we're flipping it. I
19:51Hope we get it
19:52Let the shop app AI
19:53Assistant scan hundreds of millions of products all over the shop app to recommend these perfect gifts for this holiday season time is up
20:00What's the number? Let me see it before you do make sure you download the shop app right now
20:05If you haven't already I explained all the benefits of it's a beautiful amazing app down the shop app
20:08Okay, what is your bid if it's one dollar below mine you get nothing?
20:13100,000 101 dollars Chandler
20:16reveal it
20:22You overpaid by 30
20:26No, this is most excited I've been so far in this mystery box, which I did clarify was different it's too
20:34Smaller Tesla. No, I love this. I'll be teaming up with the shop app to grant thousands of wishes this holiday season
20:40I'll tell you more about it at the end of the video. Our room feels
20:44Drastically different right now. It's a dream. We now have so many things to do. It's like a vacation. It's an investment for sure
20:50I think it was well worth a hundred thousand dollars. You may think oh the challenge is over now
20:54But one of them may lose everything you'll see on day 99 what I'm talking about. Oh my god
20:59This is crazy. Now. You would think that getting all this stuff would make both of them a lot happier
21:03But strangely enough the opposite actually started to happen
21:10One thing I took for granted on the outside
21:12Was a hot shower that I also did not share with anyone hot water tank here runs out so quickly and Bailey always showers
21:20Before me, so I've been stuck showering with cold water for honestly a couple months now
21:25We've been playing the same Monopoly game for like seven days because Susie refuses to play like I maybe she just hates board games
21:32I think we need to take like three days and cram as many movies as we can
21:36All she ever does is read or watch movies. We gotta have like a movie marathon
21:39So whenever I'm like, can we just finish that game? She's like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then it never ends up happening
21:43It's impossible to get her to focus
21:47Hey, do you wanna watch the notebook later? No, I don't want to watch the notebook later
21:51We just spent the last like 25 minutes trying to choose a movie and Susie. What did you say? You're about to go do shower?
21:58She literally does this
22:02Bailey is wired right now. This happens literally every morning. He's just non-stop. So energetic all the time
22:09I just had to come in here because I can't go anywhere else. That's a rave right there Bailey. It's 3 a.m
22:14Yeah, but sometimes you got a rave
22:21Do you wanna play Monopoly?
22:27Nah. Do you know what dice are? Yeah, I
22:32Hid them cuz you keep asking me to play so I was like, maybe if I just hide them then we'll never be able to play
22:44Your toes look so long. No, that's sickening. My dogs are barking. Ew
22:51I would like to be saved
22:56Mom I'm ready to leave. Even though at this point they could hardly stand each other with the end so close
23:01They set their differences aside and counted down the days. Four days left. Three. And Bailey, well. It's gonna be
23:09Really couldn't wait to walk out those doors
23:13I wasn't in the middle of saying anything. All right day
23:1799 for me. It feels like it's been honestly an entire year
23:21I can't imagine what they're feeling. I have to brush my teeth one more time. Ever
23:2624 hours remain. This many. Yes. So this is the first second of the challenge when you both walked in. Oh my gosh
23:34How is that us?
23:37I feel like I look like a fetus in that
23:39Come on in gentlemen. Set it up right above the door
23:43You officially have 24 hours left in the challenge. Don't forget what I said. We got a fun twist for tomorrow
23:51I'm scared. You think they'll still be friends after this? Depends what their answer is tomorrow
23:55I'm worried that it's gonna be double or nothing. He's so like quiet about it. You can't guess
23:59Yeah, and with their final night coming to an end it was time to present them with an opportunity to double their money
24:06Hey everyone
24:08This is chaotic. What is going on? I don't know
24:12Big boy. I want to help but not really. They're literally just taking everything
24:17Do you know what these are? Those are our blindfolds from the first day. That was quick
24:21I remember like it was yesterday. If you would both please put them back on. Let's see if they want to double their money
24:28Oh my gosh, my heart is actually beating out of my chest
24:32A hundred days ago, they were strangers. One hour ago, they were best friends. Let's see if they become total enemies. Bailey and Suzy
24:38Take your blindfolds off
24:40So you might be familiar with what we're about to offer you
24:44You each have the choice to split the money and nothing changes. You both hit split
24:49You just split it keep what you have
24:51Or if you hit steal you can steal the other person's money. And if you both hit steal you would get nothing
24:58Suzy has earplugs in and noise cancellation headphones on top of them. She can't hear us. What's going through your head?
25:06Don't even like know Suzy if you put steal I
25:09Can't imagine. What do you say to somebody that steals 180 whatever? Maybe you get ahead of it and you steal it there
25:16Yeah, Bailey actually might. Bailey might. All right, throw the music back in his ears
25:21What if while we were over there? He was like, oh, this is a no-brainer. It's too much money
25:25We would never speak again. You guys have become like such close friends
25:28I don't know you get to know anyone and when you've gone through the same thing and like how hard this challenge has been
25:34We both deserve half for sure. And now you're making me nervous
25:38Like I could do it too. Whoa, what did she just say?
25:42Maybe it'll be a case of you think you know someone
25:44I don't know. If both of them press the steal button, they literally spend a hundred days in this room together for absolutely nothing
25:50There's 30 seconds left in the challenge at the very last second. I want you both to place your vote
25:55Do you want to walk away with 360 grand or half of it? No one speak. Carl and Chris you two don't talk either
26:01I know that Suzy's gonna split but the thought of walking away with almost
26:06$360,000 that could do so much. Do you want to split the money or steal it?
26:11The fact that I entered this challenge three knowing that there would be pretty dark times ahead
26:18And I still overcame all those things
26:21There's no price you can put on that
26:24No way if the room turns red then someone stole if the room turns green then you split the money
26:35Congratulations, that's right
26:45And like I said earlier in the video don't forget to download the shop app if you go on my store in the shop app
26:50You can tell me whatever you want for the holiday and I'm gonna be fulfilling thousands of wishes
26:53You can say like a Tesla, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Beastable cards, doesn't matter. Thank you shop app
26:59I appreciate you so much. And as always let's blow this place up
