• last year
Is it bad ?
00:00I've given this example before you're driving over a bridge
00:04you know late at night 3 in the morning and
00:07You know some guy jumps out in front of you on a bicycle and you hit that person
00:12You know you may not even get a ticket if the person did didn't jump down
00:16It was their fault, and you know you the person died, and it's a tragedy no doubt
00:20But you may get out of that without a ticket
00:23Same exact thing happens three o'clock in the morning same bridge. You're drinking leaving a bar
00:28You got a blood alcohol level 72 times the legal limit and you hit a person on a sidewalk in a bike same exact spot
00:34I promise you're going to jail same exact thing happened, but it's the predicate axe
00:39The predicate axe in which should have been a secure Secret Service site the predicate axe should have been securing the damn site
00:48You had at minimum two to three days at maximum seven days
00:52I'm still trying to get from my sources how long of a site advance this was the site advance agent had
00:59Probably anywhere from two to seven days to secure that site
01:02How the hell do you give up the visual tactical high ground and have no way to get up on the roof the body cam video?
01:08is damning
01:11Not only do they not secure the roof. There's no one watching the roof, and there's no way to access the roof
01:18For those of you out there who are in the military SWAT your police officers
01:22You know this very simple axiomatic truth of tactics
01:26You never ever ever give up the high brown high ground the reasons aren't complicated folks
01:31You don't need to be a physics major to figure it out
01:34If you occupy the high ground
01:37It's use a simple example
01:39You're on a ladder near a wall looking down on a mosh pit full of people
01:45Really simple and you have a firearm
01:48What's the benefit you have the benefit is you can see them. They can't see you
01:56The benefit of the high ground also is just simple gravity
02:01You get to shoot down at them while if they shoot back at you the bullets can't go up over the wall and come down
02:08They may in the future, but they don't now
02:11It's not hard you never ever ever forfeit the high ground folks
02:17I was an instructor in the Secret Service Academy for three years
02:21My name was actually signed to a lot of the investigative courses
02:25We rewrote you can go check it out if you can for you that stuff look about the time
02:29I was there you'll see it. I don't make up stories. I'm not Tim Walz
02:33This is not complicated
02:36People know this instinctively by playing Cowboys and Indians and playing war when they're kids
02:43You know we were kids in Glendale. That's we would play war on the weekends everybody have their fake guns
02:47We had that I remember I had the the Jaguar Matic. It was a cap gun or something. It's just look they look really cool
02:53They don't sell those anymore because they look too real
02:56Now every fake gun is like green or pink or something like that
02:59We were kids it was just funny because there were back then there were there were no mass shootings really now
03:04No kids are allowed to play with fake guns everybody's kids want to kill everyone
03:08But when I was a kid my favorite spot was we had a little garage in the back of my house
03:13It was the attached garage
03:15Well in New York City everything was like alleyways and stuff
03:18And I would go and climb up the back of that why because I could see everybody coming and they couldn't see me
03:23You don't need advanced Secret Service advanced training to figure this out
03:27Not only did they cede the high ground at this site they had no way to access it
03:35Now combine all of this grotesque
03:38What I believe to be potentially borderline criminal negligence at this point with this new shocking story
03:46about the Pakistani guy
03:48Who was supposedly engaged in Iranian plot to assassinate President Trump which I told you to be skeptical about?
03:54Combine that with this
03:56And ladies and gentlemen, tell me we aren't in a massive misinformation washing machine right now being thrown around
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05:13Our good friend mike ben's a friend of the show where we always go for deep state information put this out on twitter
05:20He says remember the pakistani guy just arrested for a plot to assassinate trump
05:25Well, the fbi gave him special permission to enter the country even though he was on the terror watch list
05:30The guy's name was asif raza murchan
05:33Apparently he was given a significant public benefit parole waiver, even though he was flagged on a terror watch list
05:43To the liberals out there you morons you freaking imbeciles. I is can you do anything right with this government? You keep shoving?
05:54Just today jim just today
05:57Can you do anything right with this government
06:01See, we don't have this problem conservatives. We can't stand government. You know, why because it sucks
06:08It can't do anything
06:12Asked the government to build a series of electric chargers that elon musk could do in five minutes
06:18And it spends 10 billion dollars and two of them work
06:24The government can't do anything
06:29Jim turn your mic on this important
06:32This is not a trick question, dude
06:35Why do you think the united states government would have a terror?
06:39Watch list for terrorists if you need a second to think about it. I promise you it's not a trick question any ideas
06:44To keep terrorists from coming in
06:47That keep freaking terrorists out of the country
06:53Jim give us all your experience in the intel law enforcement space. It's going to be a long time. Tell us your resume, please
06:58Uh, I have zero experience zero. I thought you down. I'm sorry. I thought you did
07:05The government sucks
07:08It's not just that the government
07:11Kicks you in the balls every day
07:14It's not it like demands you spread them
07:16So it hurts worse
07:20The government sucks
07:22They can't do anything
07:24They can't keep the president from being shot in the head
07:28They can't keep a terrorist out of the country on the terror watch
07:32It's called it's literally called the terror watch list because you watch people on the list
07:39It's not called the terrorism invite list where we invite people it's called the terror watch list
07:54Yet the liberal liberals like
07:56We definitely need more of this
07:58Everything government does sucks. Don't worry. We'll provide for your social security report out the other day
08:05Actually social security's going bankrupt there. Oh, really?
08:08It's a trillion dollars in taxes every year. We give the government money. We're like just hold this for my retirement
08:13They can't even stop sucking at that
08:16They've already spent that
08:18Medicare yeah doctors don't want to take it anymore. It sucks. There's anything the government does not suck anything
08:29I'll give you one exception
08:32Our soldiers marines navy and airmen
08:35We are still the most powerful military in the world, but even pentagon brass are still trying to screw that up
08:42Eliminate the military for a second. Does anything they do
08:46Not suck anything
08:49There we go, there's your presser right there
08:57No, no, they definitely do the education government school they don't do that right either
09:01We're like the dumbest people in the world on the oecd things in spite. We spend trillions of dollars over decades on education
09:11You have a three billion dollar secret service and I don't even know the fbi budget who the hell knows billions more
09:19They have a terror watch list
09:22And not only they let a guy on the terror watch list who according to them wanted to kill trump into the country
09:28They let him in with a special permission parole thing
09:34And then after they let him in not suggesting they're connected they're connected by one thing the government's sucking
09:39The three billion dollars secrets are three but give me three billion dollars. I promise you no protectee will get hurt
09:46Just hand it over bongino ink cut the check tomorrow. Everybody. Give me a week to figure it out
09:53Three billion dollars we can't even secure a roof line
09:59Does anything the government does not suck anyone anyone in the rumble chat
10:06John says he's digging to where I that may make this is
10:10Why do you suck so bad at everything why do you want more of the suck
10:16Liberal a-holes, why do you want more of this suck?
10:21Everywhere you're in charge. Everything sucks. San Francisco, Chicago, New York
10:28La everywhere you're in charge things suck
10:34Every time
10:35Republicans do more liberal stuff. The republican party sucks, too. The stink of your suck is everywhere
10:43There is nothing you do, right?
10:48Absolutely nothing
10:51Your candidates suck your ideas suck
10:54You were a vortex of sucking
10:57Like a 1960s vacuum before the government screwed up vacuums with their new regulations on appliances. You suck
11:07Hey, thanks so much for listening you can check out my radio show every day on a station near you just go to bongino.com
11:14Station finder or you can listen every day on rumble at rumble.com slash bongino really appreciate it
11:20Thanks a lot
