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00:00I built two massive cubes so these 100 kids can compete against these 100 adults.
00:05Whichever cube has the most people inside of it after 100 hours splits half a million dollars.
00:10100 kids are going head-to-head with their parents.
00:14We just get close in.
00:16We're close.
00:17We're by ourselves.
00:18Are you going to lose to a bunch of adults?
00:20You're not going to let a bunch of kids beat you, are you?
00:23You do have to split the 500 grand.
00:25I'm a giver, so I'll share a little bit.
00:27That's right, only the remaining players on the winning team split the half a million dollars.
00:32We just hit an hour.
00:33So far, I have been retaining my sanity.
00:36Attention, you're an hour into the challenge and I'll give you a thousand dollars if you get out right now.
00:41And this is the only time anyone will be receiving money unless you win.
00:45You have 60 seconds to decide, starting now.
00:50A thousand dollars is not enough.
00:52I'm going to leave for a thousand dollars.
01:01Wait, is that your son?
01:02Wait, is that father like son?
01:04This is not good.
01:05You are the last one out. Let's see the damage.
01:07In just one hour, we've eliminated 12 adults and 10 kids.
01:11How y'all going to leave and leave us with 88 adults?
01:14It's not people just win.
01:16I don't know how to feel about that.
01:18And now that we know who wants to win, there's something we need to take care of.
01:21They got to sign this.
01:22We have to sign this paper that says our kids can spend the money responsibly
01:26and we won't use it on ourselves.
01:28As long as the kids win.
01:29I can't believe they're actually signing it.
01:31And Chris brought the bathroom.
01:32I've got a toilet!
01:34Are you good?
01:35How many YouTubers does it take to have a port-a-potty?
01:38Poop time!
01:41They just go home because it smells really bad in here now.
01:44It smells horrible.
01:47Is there somebody in there?
01:48Why didn't you tell me?
01:50I'm sorry, enjoy your poop.
01:52I don't know how you do this, but is this the fart pipe?
01:55That's the fart pipe.
01:57I hope that was sand that fell off.
01:58We're five hours into the challenge,
02:00so I left everyone alone until the morning to see what they'd do.
02:03So the boredom's kind of kicked in.
02:05We've been looking at these tiles and kind of realized that we can take them off.
02:08So now we're going to do that.
02:18Who's going to school tomorrow?
02:22Take this.
02:23Stand right there.
02:24Hey, Nolan!
02:25I need you.
02:29These things are so much fun.
02:30I've got an idea.
02:34In the next morning, one of the kids tried to see how many adults were left.
02:41He's trying to cheat.
02:43Are you trying to tell them?
02:44I'm going to have to escort you away from the 500 grand.
02:46What was the number?
02:48And because of him, both teams are now tied at 78 people remaining.
02:51Let's see if we can get some people out.
02:53We brought you all oatmeal.
02:54That's not good.
02:56Who made this?
02:57I don't know. It was not me.
02:58You did a terrible job, and I want you to put the license plate on.
03:02What just happened?
03:03Did you just walk out?
03:06The oatmeal always works.
03:09Now that eight of you just left, who do you think's winning?
03:13Because the oatmeal is deadly here. It's so bad.
03:19Since nobody liked the oatmeal...
03:20It didn't have no sugar?
03:22I had an idea.
03:23If two of you get out, I'll give everyone Taco Bell.
03:27Now I'm going to make the same offer to the adults,
03:29but I think they might want something else.
03:31I want a cup of coffee so bad.
03:35Here's the situation.
03:36If you want coffee, two of you have to get out,
03:39and I'll go get 75 cups of coffee.
03:41You'll do it?
03:44We're just going to air on the YouTube.
03:46The YouTube?
03:47Nolan promised 75 coffees.
03:49Let's go see how Starbucks reacts.
03:51Can I have 75 coffees?
03:5475 what?
03:55Even though the kids turned down my offer,
03:58a few of them then proceeded to leave.
04:02Somebody's about to step out of the circle, guys.
04:06I'm gone.
04:07More money for Adam and Sue as they leave.
04:11We brought the coffee.
04:13Thank you so much for the coffee, ma'am.
04:15Everybody seems so happy and merry now.
04:18Now we're really going to ramp this show up.
04:20Carl, Nolan, open the doors.
04:22In front of each cube is a giant button.
04:25At some point in the next 24 hours,
04:27this button's going to turn green,
04:28and whichever side presses the green button first
04:31shrinks the other team's zone.
04:32And Carl, whenever you feel like it,
04:34change the color to green.
04:35It's up to you.
04:36Do you see this?
04:37Your foot's an inch away from the line.
04:39You got some strategy?
04:40We have three people that are ready to run out.
04:44We all just had coffee, so we're up.
04:46We are jacked.
04:47I'm going to change the color to blue
04:48and see if we can catch anybody.
04:53That was me.
04:54I got out.
04:55You got out?
04:56All right, you two together.
04:57Come on, let's do this.
04:58There's only 50 of you left.
04:59How many do you think are in the adults?
05:01I think, like, 60.
05:02Let's switch the colors a few more times,
05:04then turn it green.
05:08Let's do it.
05:19They just barely beat you.
05:20I'm sorry.
05:21I feel a lot down to my feet.
05:22I'm sorry.
05:23Look, they love you.
05:26It's the end of day two,
05:27and already the kids are down by 18 people.
05:31Hey, everybody.
05:32I have a new proposition.
05:34I think we can all agree oatmeal sucks.
05:36If you allow me to shrink your square,
05:38I'll give you each a pizza for dinner.
05:40Oatmeal all the way until we go home.
05:43You have one minute to decide.
05:44I'll be back.
05:50This is all I've wanted all day.
05:51I'm sorry.
05:52Jimmy's making me do it.
05:58All right, y'all enjoy.
05:59If I don't make it,
06:01this is why.
06:03As promised,
06:05I bring pizza.
06:07Here you go.
06:08I got one for each of you.
06:09We got a whole pizza.
06:10I'm gonna cry.
06:12Would you say this was worth shrinking the zone?
06:16Not much happened during the day,
06:18but at night...
06:21It was way harder than I thought it was gonna be.
06:23It's getting smaller and smaller.
06:25There's like no room in there.
06:26There's $60 left.
06:27How many kids do you think are left?
06:28They're getting the same oatmeal we're getting every single day.
06:32I think we're losing by a lot.
06:36By day four,
06:37people were starting to get really,
06:40really bored.
06:44So we decided to give them a surprise.
06:46This is not a drill.
06:51Hey, do you guys want a pipe to talk to your parents?
06:55All right, bet.
06:56I'm so excited!
06:59Mama's still here!
07:02She's not here.
07:08That's my girl!
07:09I've missed y'all so much!
07:10Hey, stay strong.
07:11Stay away from the red line.
07:12I love you, buddy.
07:16Sorry, guys!
07:17The boys wanted to play a little prank
07:19to see how many people they could get out.
07:20This is an empty briefcase,
07:22and we're gonna bring it in there
07:23and try to get people out with it.
07:24Hey, everybody!
07:25Do you see this?
07:28They can't handle the temptation.
07:32Come on, let's go this way.
07:34Well, you just said that you were gonna get out anyway, right?
07:38They could have had 10K,
07:39but at the same time,
07:40in all the other videos,
07:41it was empty.
07:42I don't ever trust what they're doing out there.
07:43Surely the adults are too smart to fall for something like this.
07:46There's no way.
07:51No way!
07:52Oh, my God!
07:53It is just a briefcase.
07:54You know, Jimmy said he was only giving away the $1,000 once.
07:57Nothing beyond that.
08:00We're gonna do it again,
08:01but this time,
08:02it's really gonna rock.
08:06Why didn't another person leave?
08:08Let's see if we can go four for four.
08:10Whoever walks out here is straight-up goofy.
08:14Oh, now this time,
08:15with just $1 sticking out.
08:21Was it the dollar?
08:22No, I didn't even see the dollar.
08:28He also got out for the same thing,
08:30but he is a kid.
08:31You're really just terrible.
08:33Who can blame me?
08:34I'm just gonna show them an empty briefcase,
08:36and if they walk out, so be it.
08:37Can I, like, make a shot into the briefcase?
08:39I'll try.
08:42I don't think they want it.
08:43Surely the adults will have enough confidence.
08:45The adults will be smart enough.
08:46It's gonna be the most embarrassing thing.
08:49What's in there?
08:50I will point out,
08:51the kids didn't fall for this one.
08:52Oh, I can believe that.
08:55Jimmy hasn't been in since yesterday,
08:57and we're noses on the roof,
08:58so we're waiting to see what happens.
09:00Now we're on top of the cube!
09:02With a balloon!
09:03We told these contestants not to pop these balloons.
09:06And if they follow those orders,
09:07they won't get punished.
09:12Send her down.
09:13And while we wait to see if they pop the balloon,
09:15I want to tell you about our brand sponsor, Nerf.
09:17This is the Nerf Mythic Gel Fire Blaster,
09:19and watch this.
09:22It shoots gel pellets!
09:23I wish we had things like this when we were kids.
09:25This is ridiculous.
09:26These things are crazy.
09:27So crazy, in fact,
09:28that I asked them if I could make my own.
09:30This is the brand new Mr. Beast Nerf Blaster,
09:32and as you can tell,
09:33the hopper on ours is smoother.
09:35It has a retractable stock,
09:36rechargeable batteries,
09:37and you can put it on semi-fire,
09:39which shoots one at a time,
09:40or full-auto.
09:41And this cartridge can hold tons of blasts.
09:47They popped it already.
09:48Bring it closer.
09:49A little bit closer.
09:51We only made a limited supply of these,
09:53so click the link in the description
09:54and pre-order our Mr. Beast Nerf Blaster
09:56while you still can.
09:57It's Nerf for nothing!
09:58Oh, this is so much fun.
09:59All right, everybody.
10:01Who has to know from the balloon?
10:03Because you popped the balloon,
10:05we're going to shrink your cube.
10:08So it's Nolan's fault?
10:16I cannot win.
10:17Hey, everybody.
10:19This is from the kids' balloon.
10:20They popped it.
10:21Because you popped the balloon,
10:22we're going to shrink your cube.
10:24So you guys passed the test.
10:27But while that was going down,
10:29someone did step on the line.
10:30Carl, if you want to show them the footage.
10:33Right there.
10:34But even afterwards,
10:35right there, your foot's on the line.
10:36I made y'all more money!
10:40Thank you for coming out, sir.
10:41Do you know what you're carrying?
10:43A table.
10:44Can you follow me?
10:45Oh, my goodness.
10:46What is this?
10:47Before I reveal this,
10:48I need a leader real quick.
10:50All right.
10:51I just need you to simply pick a number
10:53between 1 and 5.
10:55All right.
10:56This is your cube.
10:57This is the kids' cube.
10:59The number they pick
11:00decides how many lines
11:01will divide the other team's cube.
11:09All right.
11:10Pick a number between 1 and 5.
11:13Oh, OK.
11:14Right in the middle.
11:17Now, let's reveal
11:18what the adults did to your cube.
11:24Even though these lines
11:25don't take up a lot of space,
11:26stepping over them
11:27can cause a lot of mistakes.
11:28It's about to get
11:29real stressful up in here.
11:30Be careful
11:31when you go to the bathroom.
11:32If I'm honest with you,
11:33I wouldn't cross it that much.
11:34Why is everybody crossing it?
11:35This is rough.
11:36It's going to be a fun night.
11:40Now that you just left,
11:41the adults are down to 50 people,
11:42which means every single person in there,
11:44if they stay,
11:45wins $10,000.
11:46That's fantastic.
11:47I'm glad that I was the one
11:48to make it happen.
11:49None of these kids
11:50have gone to school
11:51for the past five days,
11:52so I wanted to do something special
11:53for their teacher.
11:54So, first off,
11:55I want to apologize
11:56for barring your students.
11:58And during the challenge,
11:59I asked them
12:00who their favorite teacher was
12:01and they said you.
12:02So, give me one second.
12:03Do they like math?
12:04I hope you like math
12:05because I'm going to need you
12:06to count how much money this is.
12:08Are you kidding me?
12:10Are you kidding me?
12:12So, I'm just going to dump
12:13the money right here.
12:14If you win and you are my student,
12:15no homework for the rest of the year.
12:18Okay, I'm going to go tell them that.
12:20She freaked out.
12:21She also said that
12:22if you guys won,
12:23no homework for the rest of the year.
12:25With only two hours left in the challenge,
12:27I wanted to give them
12:28something besides oatmeal.
12:29So, this is a perfect time
12:30to see if they like my chocolate bars.
12:31Attention, I have Feastables.
12:33And if you say Hershey's sucks,
12:35I'll give you one.
12:36This is our milk chocolate crunch bar.
12:38It's about to launch at Walmart.
12:39Hershey's sucks,
12:40Feastables for the win.
12:42Hershey's sucks.
12:43I agree.
12:44I like Hershey's sucks.
12:45Which one?
12:46You can forget the adults.
12:49Three, two, one.
12:52Three, two, one.
13:00We're 99 hours in
13:01and somebody just stepped out
13:04a little bit ago.
13:13We're going to give you five grand.
13:15Jimmy didn't give you permission,
13:16but you know what?
13:17Better to ask for forgiveness.
13:19I agree.
13:23There's only 30 minutes left.
13:25We're going to win.
13:26We're going to win.
13:27We're just praying
13:28that there's less kids
13:29than there's adults.
13:30How many adults
13:31do you think are left?
13:32I'd say 73.
13:34We have been in here for days
13:36and I'm ready for the adults to win.
13:38Really curious to know
13:39what's going on
13:40with the kids over there.
13:41What's the first thing
13:42you're going to do
13:43when you get out of here?
13:44Probably shower.
13:45The adults are going to win.
13:46Sorry, son.
13:47Parents are losing this one.
13:49We started with 100 kids
13:51and 100 adults.
13:53I can't wait to see their faces
13:54when they walk out.
13:55All right.
13:5610, 9, 8, 7, 6,
14:005, 4, 3, 2, 1.
14:05The challenge is officially over.
14:07Everyone, you may exit the squares.
14:10Come out front.
14:11Come on out.
14:12We're going to keep it here.
14:14All right.
14:15It is now time
14:16to reveal the winners.
14:18The winners of the challenge
14:20by a landslide
14:22were the adults.
14:32And as a reward
14:33for you guys staying
14:34the entire time,
14:35we're going to give each of you
14:36$1,000 as a thank you.
14:39Oh, my God.
14:40You did it, buddy.
14:45I don't even know how to feel.
14:46I told my mom.
14:47Yeah, go say hi to your parents.
14:51Oh, baby.
14:53You did it.
14:54Baby, you can do it.
14:57I missed you.
15:00I missed you.
15:01I missed you.
15:02I missed you.
15:03I missed you.
15:04I missed you.
15:05I missed you.
15:06I missed you.
15:08You made it.
15:16Thank you so much.
