The Disables CEO's Substitute Bride FULL EPISODES | Chinese Short Movie

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The Disables CEO's Substitute Bride FULL EPISODES Chinese Short Movie
00:00:00Hahaha, just waiting for this day.
00:00:02Of course.
00:00:04We are different.
00:00:07How are you?
00:00:08I'm fine, all good.
00:00:11Dad, have some coffee.
00:00:16Dad, I don't want to marry that cripple.
00:00:21Hey, but...
00:00:23the eldest daughter of the Su family
00:00:24is the one who wants to marry our Zhao family's daughter.
00:00:27The Su family is a great talent.
00:00:28可是大财阀,你要是不嫁,那咱们赵家可就得嫁破人亡了。 If you don't marry, then our Zhao family will be ruined.
00:00:35月初,你这要是嫁到了苏家,这一辈子可是享不尽的荣耀啊。 Yuechu, if you marry into the Su family, you will have an unimaginable glory in your life.
00:00:42是啊。 Yeah.
00:00:45爸,这苏家呀,是说要咱们赵家女儿了,可是没说一定是我呀。 Dad, the Su family did say they wanted our daughter, but they didn't say it had to be me.
00:00:54你让温然姐姐嫁过去,好不好? Why don't you let Wenran marry?
00:00:58乔温然? Qiao Wenran?
00:01:02阿峰,你看月初如果不想嫁过去,你就别勉强她了。 Feng, look, if Yuechu doesn't want to marry, don't force him.
00:01:09依我看呀,温然也已经到了该结婚的年龄了,不如让温然替嫁过去。 In my opinion, Wenran is at the age to get married. Why don't you let Wenran marry?
00:01:17是啊。 Yeah.
00:01:23爸! Dad!
00:01:24你这是干什么?快起来! What are you doing? Get up!
00:01:26我不起来! I'm not getting up!
00:01:29姐姐从小最听你的话了。你让她嫁过去,她一定会嫁的。 Sister has always listened to you. If you let her marry, she will definitely marry.
00:01:35爸!我求你了!我真不想沾你那个裙子!我真的不想!爸哥,我求你了! Dad! I'm begging you! I really don't want to stand on your dress! Dad, I'm begging you!
00:01:44好,我去跟她说。只要不得罪苏姿姐,给我们赵家酒来灭门之灾就行。 Come on, I'll talk to her. As long as you don't offend Sister Su, just give us the Zhao family wine to wipe out the disaster.
00:01:51来来来,起来,快快快。 Come on, get up.
00:01:54宝贝,别哭了啊。快起来吧。孩子快谢谢爸爸。 Baby, don't cry. Get up. Say thank you to your father.
00:02:00谢谢爸。爸,你喝咖啡。谢谢爸。 Thank you, Dad. Dad, have some coffee. Thank you, Dad.
00:02:15少爷,赵方璇的大女儿乔木然替赵家谋夺利,您看,要给她们教训。 Young Master, Zhao Fangxuan's eldest daughter, Qiao Muran, is taking the Zhao family's revenge. Do you think you should teach her a lesson?
00:02:24我要的就是乔木然。 What I want is Qiao Muran.
00:02:42你已经猜到了赵岳初会拒绝了吗? You already guessed that Zhao Yuechu would refuse?
00:02:44这还用猜吗?赵岳初什么德行,我知根知底。 You don't need to guess. I know what kind of person Zhao Yuechu is.
00:02:49你先回去吧。 You go back first.
00:02:51等等,记得通知我喜欢的那个歌手上线。如果听不到她的音乐,恐怕今晚我又要失眠了。 Wait, remember to tell the singer I like to go online. If I can't hear her music, I'm afraid I'll have insomnia again tonight.
00:02:59是。 Yes.
00:03:03赵岳初,这一时,我一定不会放过你。 Zhao Yuechu, I won't let you go this time.
00:03:20温然。 Wenran.
00:03:33温然,爸有事想跟你聊聊。你看,咱们家最近生意也不景气,还受到当地大财阀苏氏的邀请。 Wenran, I want to talk to you about something. You see, our family's business is not doing well recently, and we are invited by the local rich family Su's.
00:03:43我知道,苏家有催婚的美人。 I know, the Su family is not married yet.
00:03:46是啊,刚好你这个年纪,也该出嫁了。 Yes, you should get married at this age.
00:03:50你要我嫁给苏丝姐。 You want me to marry Su's.
00:03:52那苏丝姐也是个人才,你看她年纪轻轻的,就是南城的首富,是吧?那只不过,她腿有点问题。 Su's is also a talent. You see, she's young, she's the richest woman in Nancheng, right? It's just that she has a problem with her legs.
00:04:02这门亲事,我同意。 I agree with this marriage.
00:04:06此话当真? Are you serious?
00:04:07自然是真的。 Of course it's true.
00:04:10好。 Good.
00:04:13温然果然是爸的好女儿。 Wenran is really dad's good daughter.
00:04:16对了,明天就要举办婚礼了,你要好好准备准备啊。 Oh, right, the wedding is tomorrow. You have to get ready.
00:04:21明天? Tomorrow?
00:04:24你准备准备。 Get ready.
00:04:33嫁给一个瘸子,也比待在这个冰冷的屋子里好受些。 Marrying a cripple is better than staying in this cold room.
00:04:45温然,我一定会好好爱你的。 Wenran, I will definitely love you.
00:04:55没想到他还挺帅的,可惜是个瘸子。 I didn't expect him to be so handsome, but he's a cripple.
00:05:11刚结婚就这么迫不及待地嘲讽我。 I can't wait to mock me when I just got married.
00:05:16看什么呢? What are you looking at?
00:05:19没什么。 Nothing.
00:05:23温然,我现在是你的丈夫,我希望你有什么事情可以直接告诉我。 Wenran, I am your husband now, I hope you can tell me everything.
00:05:31我知道,我会尽力做好一个妻子的。 I know, I will try my best to be a good wife.
00:05:34不过,你以后要是遇到喜欢的女孩,你得告诉我,我会离开。 But if you meet a girl you like in the future, you have to tell me, I will leave.
00:05:40温然,难道我在你心里就是这样一个男人吗?以后不许再说了。 Wenran, am I such a man in your heart? Don't say it again.
00:05:47我既然已经娶了你,从此以后我的心里只有你乔文然一个女人,请你相信我。 Since I have married you, from now on, you are the only woman in my heart. Please believe me.
00:05:56我会试着相信你的。 I will try to believe you.
00:06:00老婆,我一定会好好表现的。 Honey, I will do my best.
00:06:04那个,我去给你拿衣服。 Well, I'll get you some clothes.
00:06:09好的。 Okay.
00:06:33谢谢。 Thank you.
00:06:34不用谢。 You're welcome.
00:06:36你不是瘸子。 You're not a cripple.
00:06:39温然,我不是有意瞒你的。我之所以装瘸是因为让幕后的人浮出水面。 Wenran, I didn't mean to hide it from you. The reason why I pretend to be a cripple is because I want the people behind me to be exposed.
00:06:47温然,这次你能原谅我吗? Wenran, can you forgive me this time?
00:06:51那我就原谅你这一次。 Then I'll forgive you this time.
00:06:54真的? Really?
00:06:55但,但你以后不能再骗我了。 But, but you can't lie to me anymore.
00:06:58我答应你,我发誓。 I promise you, I swear.
00:07:01我发誓。 I swear.
00:07:02我以后只有乔·温然一个女人。如有违背,天打我。 In the future, I will only have one woman, Qiao Wenran. If I break my promise, God will punish me.
00:07:09不能胡说。那个,你去洗澡吧。 You can't talk nonsense. Well, go take a shower.
00:07:14好,我这就去。 Okay, I'll go right now.
00:07:32老婆大人,什么样好看的书,反正也能看啊? Madam, what kind of good-looking books can be read anyway?
00:07:50不是,很讨厌。我,我要先睡了。 No, it's annoying. I, I'm going to sleep first.
00:07:54哎,新婚之夜,你怎么能自己睡呢? Hey, how can you sleep alone on your wedding night?
00:08:25快快等我回来。快快等我回来。 Okay, wait for me to come back.
00:08:27知道了。 I know.
00:08:29临别我。 Say goodbye to me.
00:08:32去吧。 Go ahead.
00:08:33那我走了。 Then I'm leaving.
00:08:38奇怪,他的声音怎么那么像我的镜子爸爸?奇怪,他的声音怎么那么像我的镜子爸爸? Weird, why does his voice sound like my camera dad?
00:08:43哎,想什么呢?怎么可能呢? Hey, what are you thinking? It's impossible.
00:08:51你来干什么? What are you doing here?
00:08:54姐姐,我这不是关心一下新婚之夜过得怎么样嘛? Sister, I'm just concerned about how your wedding night is going.
00:09:01不需要你来这儿献殷勤,我也不需要你的关心。 I don't need you to come here to give me money, and I don't need your concern.
00:09:11姐姐,我这不是担心你嫁给一个瘸子受委屈吗? Sister, I'm just worried that you'll be wronged by marrying a cripple.
00:09:20你放心吧,我过得很好。 Don't worry, I'm doing fine.
00:09:25装什么呀?嫁给一个瘸子,我还能受委屈吗? What are you talking about? It's not easy to marry a cripple.
00:09:29赵悦楚,你是来嘲讽我的吗? Zhao Yuechu, are you here to mock me?
00:09:32姐姐,这怎么能叫嘲讽呢? Sister, this is not a mockery.
00:09:35我今天来啊,是来告诉你一件事情。 I'm here today to tell you something.
00:09:38咱爸决定了,这以后赵家的财产呢,都留给我。 Our dad has decided to leave all the property of the Zhao family to me.
00:09:44我前脚刚走,他就后脚把财产都留给你,真是我的好爸。 I just left, and he left all the property to you. He's really my good dad.
00:09:48我的好姐姐,我可是要提醒你一件事情,就算这姐夫不行,你也一定要耐得住寂寞。 My good sister, I have to remind you of one thing. Even if your brother-in-law can't do it, you must be able to bear the loneliness.
00:09:59这咱们赵家不比苏家,你行事作风之前可是一定要小心谨慎的。 The Zhao family is not like the Su family, you must be careful before you act.
00:10:05妹妹,我想你搞错了一件事,你姐夫呢,他很厉害,你对他很满意。 Sister, I think you made a mistake. Your brother-in-law is very good, and you are very satisfied with him.
00:10:14你回来了? You're back.
00:10:16姐夫,他居然不是缺货。 Brother-in-law, he's not short of money.
00:10:22老婆,你们刚才在说什么呢?什么后悔不后悔的? Honey, what were you talking about? What do you regret?
00:10:26没什么。 Nothing.
00:10:29姐夫,你,你这腿它不是…… Brother-in-law, you, your legs are not...
00:10:33我平时嫌走路累,出门就喜欢坐轮椅,怎么,不行吗? I usually like to walk on the road, and I like to sit on the wheelchair when I go out. What's wrong?
00:10:46姐夫,你不知道吧?这本来要嫁给你的是我。 Brother-in-law, you didn't know, did you? I was supposed to marry you.
00:10:53赵月初,是你求爸爸让我替你嫁过来的? Zhao Yuechu, did you ask your father to marry me for you?
00:10:56姐夫,我没有,不是这样的。 Brother-in-law, I didn't, it's not like that.
00:10:58赵月初,实话告诉你,我原本看上的就是你姐。 Zhao Yuechu, to tell you the truth, I used to like your sister.
00:11:05乔温然,我不会放过你的。 Qiao Wenran, I won't let you go.
00:11:09赵月初,温然是我的妻子。 Zhao Yuechu, Wenran is my wife.
00:11:13我希望你聪明。 I want you to be smart.
00:11:15他好像能知道我内心的想法。 He seems to know what I'm thinking.
00:11:21姐夫,我今天来是有事要找你。 Brother-in-law, I came to see you today.
00:11:25老婆这是吃醋了吗? Is my wife jealous?
00:11:27既然有事情了,就坐下来慢慢地说。 Since you have something to say, sit down and talk slowly.
00:11:30是。 Yes.
00:11:36姐夫,今天... Brother-in-law, today...
00:11:38你不觉得你应该坐到那边去吗? Don't you think you should sit over there?
00:11:46好吧,你坐过来。 Okay, sit here.
00:11:51有什么事,说吧。 If you have something to say, say it.
00:11:53姐夫,你也知道我们家做房地产的。 Brother-in-law, you know that we do real estate.
00:11:57这金三角那块地皮对于我们家来说至关重要。 The land of the Golden Triangle is very important to our family.
00:12:01如果能拿下的话,那我们赵家将更上一层楼啊。 If we can get it, then our Zhao family will have a higher floor.
00:12:06所以,我有什么好处? So, what benefits do I have?
00:12:08事成之后,我们将给苏家两成利润。 After it's done, we'll give the Su family 20% of the profit.
00:12:13两成?这就是你们的诚意啊? 20%? Is this your sincerity?
00:12:16那,姐夫想要几成利润啊? Then, how much profit does brother-in-law want?
00:12:21看在你姐的面子上,我只要五成。 For the sake of your sister, I only want 50%.
00:12:24五成? 50%?
00:12:25不行吗? No?
00:12:26我得回去跟父亲商量一下。 I have to go back and discuss it with my father.
00:12:29请便。 As you wish.
00:12:30乔文然,我不会放过你的。 Qiao Wenran, I won't let you go.
00:12:34你给我等着。 Just you wait.
00:12:43他没有欺负你吧? He didn't bully you, did he?
00:12:44没有。 No.
00:12:45老公,你不用看在我的面子上给赵家帮助的。 Honey, you don't have to help the Zhao family for my sake.
00:12:49他们从来没把我当过家人。 They've never treated me like family.
00:12:51老婆,从今天开始,我的心只有一条。 Honey, from now on, I only have one heart.
00:12:56以后啊,我就是你永远的家人。 From now on, I'll be your family forever.
00:13:02我帮助赵家是因为赵家对我很有用。 I help the Zhao family because the Zhao family is useful to me.
00:13:07以后你就知道了。 You'll see.
00:13:16夜色酒吧? A nightclub?
00:13:22姐姐,那天是我看姐夫站起来。 Sister, that day I saw my brother-in-law standing up.
00:13:29我不知道怎么鬼迷心窍了,在他面前冤枉了你。 I don't know why I was so confused and wronged you in front of him.
00:13:34是吗? Really?
00:13:35当然是这样了。 Of course.
00:13:37姐姐,我发誓,并且保证,我以后绝对绝对不会做出这样的事情了。 Sister, I swear, and I promise, I will never do such a thing again.
00:13:44姐姐,你别生气了。 Sister, don't be angry.
00:13:46我不生气了。 I'm not angry.
00:13:50这样,姐姐,我干了,你随意,咱们俩喝完这杯酒,忘掉赢的事情,好吗? How about this, sister, I'll drink, and you can do whatever you want. After we finish this glass of wine, let's forget about winning, okay?
00:14:04等着吧,很快苏四姐就要知道你是一个什么样的女人。 Wait and see, soon Sister Su Si will know what kind of woman you are.
00:14:10对了,姐姐,我这当面跟你道完歉了,那我还有事,我就先走了。 Oh, by the way, sister, I've apologized to you in person. I have to go now.
00:14:14拜拜。 Bye.
00:14:17他就这么走了?难道约我过来就只是道歉? He just left like that? Did he just come to apologize to me?
00:14:24老师。 Mr. Su.
00:14:43真不错呀,这么样,还真带劲啊。 You're really good, you're really good. You're really good.
00:14:49小爷我,我好好的。 I'm good.
00:14:52来,来。 Come, come.
00:14:58住手。 Stop.
00:15:00妈的,谁呀。 Damn, who is it.
00:15:05洪燃,洪燃。 Huang Ran, Huang Ran.
00:15:09许伯。 Uncle Xu.
00:15:12少爷,这个人把他给我拉到山上处理了。 Young Master, this person dragged him to the mountain.
00:15:16明白。 Understand.
00:15:19洪燃,洪燃,洪燃。 Huang Ran, Huang Ran, Huang Ran.
00:15:22洪燃。 Huang Ran.
00:15:41我要回家。 I want to go home.
00:15:43洪燃。 Huang Ran.
00:15:53再坚持一会儿。 Let's hold on a little longer.
00:15:55好,李嘉欣。 OK, Li Jiaxin.
00:16:07你们两个去那边。 You two go over there.
00:16:09我去卫生间搜一下。 I'll search the bathroom.
00:16:10外面好多人追我。 There are a lot of people chasing me outside.
00:16:11你不要说话。 Don't talk.
00:16:12我可以。 I can.
00:16:13帮帮忙,好吗。 Help me, okay?
00:16:15帮帮忙。 Help me.
00:16:18我有钱。 I have money.
00:16:19我可以给很多钱。 I can give a lot of money.
00:16:21你可以吗? Can you do it?
00:16:42我看到你了。 I see you.
00:16:43出来。 Come out.
00:16:44快点。 Hurry up.
00:16:50打给你了。 I'll call you.
00:17:10喂。喂。 Hello. Hello.
00:17:11李嘉欣。 Li Jiaxin.
00:17:12怎么样?事情办妥了吗? How's it going? Is it done?
00:17:14别提了。 Don't mention it.
00:17:15不知道从哪冒出来的。 I don't know where it came from.
00:17:17给那娘们带走了。 It was taken away by that woman.
00:17:19废话。 Nonsense.
00:17:20这点小招都办不好。 You can't even do this little trick.
00:17:22办吧。 Yes, you can.
00:17:23岳飞小姐,您听我说。 Ms. Yue Fei, listen to me.
00:17:24我跟您讲,要不是我... I'm telling you, if it wasn't for me...
00:17:26失败了就是失败了。 It's a failure.
00:17:27那么多废话做什么? Why are you talking so much nonsense?
00:17:28不是。 No.
00:17:31喂。 Hello.
00:17:35妈的。 Damn it.
00:17:50老婆。 Honey.
00:17:51我已经找人查过了。 I've already got someone to check it out.
00:17:53昨天的事情是赵悦初找你的。 What happened yesterday was done by Zhao Yue Chu.
00:17:56我知道。 I know.
00:17:57昨天多亏你了。 Thanks to you yesterday.
00:17:59不然,我... Otherwise, I...
00:18:01都过去了。 It's all over.
00:18:03而且啊,我已经找人去教育赵悦初了。 And I've already got someone to teach Zhao Yue Chu.
00:18:07谢谢你啊,老公。 Thank you, honey.
00:18:09不用谢。 Don't mention it.
00:18:11我是你老公嘛。 I'm your husband.
00:18:14表哥。 Honey.
00:18:15好好想一想。 Think about it.
00:18:16到底得罪了谁。 Who did you offend?
00:18:18不要。 No.
00:18:19下家。 Stop it.
00:18:21你干坏我好事。 You're doing something bad to me.
00:18:27两个大老爷们儿接下来, The two of you are going to be married soon.
00:18:29谢谢你啊,老公。 Thank you, honey.
00:18:31不用谢。 Don't mention it.
00:18:33我是你老公嘛。 I'm your husband.
00:18:35谢谢你啊,老公。 Thank you, honey.
00:18:37不用谢。 Don't mention it.
00:18:39我是你老公嘛。 I'm your husband.
00:18:41两个大老爷们儿欺负一个小姑娘。 Two men bully a little girl.
00:18:44是不是不太好呀。 Isn't that bad?
00:18:46不好是吗? Is it bad?
00:18:47我看不好的是你吧。 I think it's bad for you.
00:18:52我已经报警了。 I've already called the police.
00:18:54还不快滚。 Get out of here.
00:18:58你小子给我等着。 Wait and see.
00:19:00苏总是不会放过你的。 Mr. Su won't let you go.
00:19:02走。 Go.
00:19:04苏总? Mr. Su?
00:19:05难道是苏慈琪? Is it Su Zi Qi?
00:19:08姑娘,安全了。 Miss, you're safe.
00:19:12起来吧。 Get up.
00:19:19我没事。谢谢你。 I'm fine. Thank you.
00:19:22以后一个人出门注意点。 Be careful when you go out alone.
00:19:25不是每一次一切都没这么好。 Not everything is always this good.
00:19:30我知道了。 I know.
00:19:32我以后会注意点。 I'll be more careful.
00:19:34谢谢你今天救了我。 Thank you for saving me today.
00:19:36对了,安然。我还不知道你的名字。 By the way, An Ran, I don't know your name yet.
00:19:45你到底是谁? Who are you?
00:19:47我一定会找到你的。 I will find you.
00:20:02喂,什么事? Hello, what's up?
00:20:03少爷,我安排的人被断手了。 Mr. Su, the person I arranged has been cut off.
00:20:05有人把这位处理救了。 Someone saved this person.
00:20:07照片我已经发给你了。 I've sent you the photo.
00:20:08您看,要的这个懒人下手吧。 You see, I have to do it.
00:20:10稍等。 Wait a minute.
00:20:13他怎么回来了? How did he come back?
00:20:16不用。 No need.
00:20:17是。 Yes.
00:20:22好了,朋友们。今天的直播就到这里了。 Okay, friends. That's all for today's live broadcast.
00:20:25我们下次再见。拜拜。 See you next time. Bye.
00:20:28这个是今晚的红睡歌。 This is the song for tonight.
00:20:31我结婚了。 I'm married.
00:20:32以后的红睡歌我就这样录好发给您。 I will record and send it to you in the future.
00:20:35您看,可以吗? What do you think?
00:20:43喝咖啡。 Have some coffee.
00:20:45今天怎么这么贤惠啊? Why are you so generous today?
00:20:47那个,我想跟你商量一件事。 Well, I want to discuss something with you.
00:20:50我明天想和你聊聊天。 I want to talk to you tomorrow.
00:20:53好啊。 Okay.
00:20:56我明天想去剧组试个戏。 I want to go to the set tomorrow.
00:20:59你想当演员啊? You want to be an actress?
00:21:01我想当演员。 I want to be an actress.
00:21:03希望你能支持我的决定。 I hope you can support my decision.
00:21:05说什么傻话呢? What are you talking about?
00:21:07你是我老婆,我当然支持。 You are my wife, of course I support you.
00:21:09那就好。 That's good.
00:21:11你先忙吧。 You go ahead.
00:21:18事情调得怎么样了? How is it going?
00:21:20回老大,之前您救的那个姑娘是赵佳楠小姐赵诺初。 Boss, the girl you saved before was Miss Zhao Jialan, Zhao Nuochu.
00:21:24支持绑架她的人确实是苏慈瑾。 The person who kidnapped her was indeed Su Cijin.
00:21:27因为赵小姐之前找人玷污苏慈瑾的妻子。 Because Miss Zhao was looking for someone to sabotage Su Cijin's wife.
00:21:31我知道了。 I got it.
00:21:33去,查一下苏慈瑾妻子的信息。 Go, check Su Cijin's wife's information.
00:21:36好。 Okay.
00:21:41乔为然! Qiao Weiren!
00:21:43你个贱人,让你绑架我! You bitch, how dare you kidnap me!
00:21:49赵语初,之前的事我还没找你,你还敢来找我? Zhao Yuchu, I haven't asked you for help before, how dare you come to me?
00:21:53乔为然,你敢打我! Qiao Weiren, how dare you hit me!
00:21:55我打的就是你。 I hit you.
00:21:58赵语初,我告诉你,之前的事就这么算了,要再有下次,我不会这么轻易放过你。 Zhao Yuchu, I'm telling you, let bygones be bygones. If there's a next time, I won't let you go so easily.
00:22:04乔为然! Qiao Weiren!
00:22:07给我等着,我这样轻易放过你! Wait and see, I'll let you go so easily!
00:22:24这是今晚的粉碎歌,我现在已经结婚了,不太方便每晚给你打电话唱,以后每天要的粉碎歌我提前录好发给您,您看,可以吗? This is tonight's lullaby, I'm married now, it's not convenient for me to call you every night. I'll record and send you the lullaby I want every day. What do you think?
00:22:38这乔为然的声音,怎么那么像我妈妈呀? Qiao Weiren's voice sounds like my mom.
00:22:43阿健,你怎么了?你不是说你要一生一世和我在一起吗?阿健! Jin, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say you wanted to be with me forever? Jin!
00:22:49开! Open!
00:22:53你看看你长的什么颜色,怎么拍?你叫我怎么拍?说话! Look at what kind of actor you look like. What do you want me to do? Speak!
00:23:01对不起导演,这是王制片让我推荐给你的,这个女孩。 I'm sorry director, this is a film recommended by Director Wang. This girl.
00:23:13这个角色也不适合她,换个角色吧,要进我房间,背一下台词。 This character doesn't suit her either, let's change the character, let's go to my room and memorize the lines.
00:23:21好,老师,你先休息一下,一会儿给你换个角色。 Okay, teacher, take a break, I'll change the character for you later.
00:23:28导演,我出去给你看看还有没有什么意见。 Director, I'll go out and see if there's anything else.
00:23:31快去啊! Go!
00:23:32好。 Okay.
00:23:37导演导演,你看看这个,今天是咱们面试的最后一天。 Director, look at this, today is the last day of our interview.
00:23:42导演。 Director.
00:23:45直接开始就可以了。 Just start.
00:23:46那个导演,我想去换个衣服。 Well, director, I want to change my clothes.
00:23:48可以,去吧。 Okay, go.
00:23:49导演,时间。 Director, time.
00:23:50谢谢导演,我马上回来。 Thank you, director, I'll be right back.
00:23:52我看看,这女演员多专业,面试还自己戴西服,这才叫professional,知道吗? Look at how professional this actress is, wearing a suit for the interview, this is called professional, you know?
00:23:58把这个女孩的皮料给导演看看。 Show the director this girl's material.
00:24:06小艾琪。 Xiao Ai Qi.
00:24:10这个才是我心中乔温婉的形象。 This is the image of Qiao Wen Wan in my heart.
00:24:14来,我们准备好我们就开始了。 Come on, we're ready, let's start.
00:24:16开始! Action!
00:24:17阿千,你怎么了阿千?阿千你醒醒啊! What's wrong with you, Qian? Qian, wake up!
00:24:20你不是说要一生一世跟我在一起的吗? Didn't you say you wanted to be with me for the rest of your life?
00:24:23陆子言,你个骗子。 Lu Ziyan, you're a liar.
00:24:27你不是说你回国就来娶我吗? Didn't you say you'd marry me when you got back?
00:24:30这实验啊。 This is a test.
00:24:33但是没关系,我来嫁你。 But it's okay, I'll marry you.
00:24:36好,你演得太好了。 Great, you're great.
00:24:38导演,我还没演完呢。 Director, I'm not done yet.
00:24:40继续,继续,继续。 Go on, go on, go on.
00:24:42但是没关系,我来嫁你。 But it's okay, I'll marry you.
00:24:49陆子言,穿婚纱来嫁你。 Lu Ziyan, marry me in a wedding dress.
00:25:04好,演得太好了。 Great, you're great.
00:25:07这才是我心中的那个桥纹嘛。 This is the bridge in my heart.
00:25:09导演,我演得行吗? Director, am I good?
00:25:11OK,没问题。 No problem.
00:25:13这部戏的女主角就是你。 The heroine of this movie is you.
00:25:15谢谢导演。 Thank you, director.
00:25:17过来,我们签个合同。 Come here, let's sign the contract.
00:25:20来,小姐,这是合同。 Here, miss, this is the contract.
00:25:23这是剧本。 This is the script.
00:25:26片酬呢,每集十万块。 The total is 100,000 yuan.
00:25:31你看一下,没有其他问题,我们可以签个字。 Take a look, if there's nothing else, we can sign it.
00:25:35这也太多了吧。 This is too much.
00:25:36比金主爸爸给我唱歌哄睡的钱还要多。 It's more than the money my father gave me when I was sleeping.
00:25:40来,小姐,不满意吗? Miss, are you not satisfied?
00:25:42没有,我很满意。 No, I'm very satisfied.
00:25:47合作愉快。 Have a good cooperation.
00:25:48合作愉快,合作愉快。 Have a good cooperation, have a good cooperation.
00:25:54不好意思。 Sorry.
00:25:57怎么了,有什么事吗? What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?
00:25:59没事,我家临时出点事,让我回去一趟。 It's nothing, there's something wrong with my family, let me go back for a while.
00:26:02反正今天也聊得差不多,那就我们过几天主场见。 Anyway, we've talked a lot today, so I'll see you at the main stage in a few days.
00:26:07导演,那我先走了,回头出去见。 Director, I'm leaving, see you at the main stage.
00:26:17真倒霉,非催我回家又不说什么事,这么着急要我回家,难道又是赵玉出口的鬼。 What a bad luck, he urged me to go home but didn't say anything. He was in such a hurry to ask me to go home. Could it be that Zhao Yu's doing again?
00:26:30姑娘,你没事吧?需要帮忙吗? Miss, are you okay? Do you need help?
00:26:33没事,我就是不小心摔了一下。 I'm fine, I just fell down by accident.
00:26:36让我帮你看看。 Let me help you.
00:26:37不用,不用,真不用。 No, thank you.
00:26:39那这样,我送你去医院吧。 How about this, I'll take you to the hospital.
00:26:42谢谢。 Thank you.
00:26:44都这样了,还说没事。 You're already like this, and you still say you're fine.
00:26:47姑娘,我长得很像坏蛋吗? Miss, do I look like a bad guy?
00:26:49不,我不是这个意思。 No, that's not what I meant.
00:26:52那个,我叫的车到了,我先走了。那个,我叫的车到了,我先走了。 The car I called is here, I'm leaving.
00:26:55谢谢。 Thank you.
00:26:57有意思,乔总监,我们还会再见的。 Interesting, Director Qiao, we'll meet again.
00:27:03少爷,这是夫人今天的剧组诗集片段。 Young Master, this is the first episode of Madam's drama.
00:27:08阿全,你怎么了?阿全,你醒醒啊。 Ah Chen, what's wrong with you? Ah Chen, wake up.
00:27:11你不是说要一生一世跟我在一起的吗? Didn't you say you wanted to be with me forever?
00:27:14不愧是我苏慈禁的妻子,戏演得这么好,再给她们剧组投三千万。 You really are my wife, you're such a good actress, and you're going to give them another 30 million?
00:27:20是。 Yes.
00:27:21对了,少爷,今天夫人好像要回赵家了,我们把赵家生意搞不好的事。 Oh, right, Young Master, I think Madam is going back to Zhaojia today, and we're going to...
00:27:26闭嘴,饭可以乱吃,话不能乱讲。闭嘴,饭可以乱吃,话不能乱讲。 Shut up, you can eat, but you can't talk nonsense.
00:27:30下去吧。 Yes.
00:27:38乔文然,快给我跪下! Qiao Wen Ran, kneel down!
00:27:40我不,凭什么要我下跪啊? No, why should I kneel down?
00:27:42就凭你找人绑架,玷污你妹妹! Just because you asked someone to kidnap and defame your sister!
00:27:44当初赵悦初找人绑架我,玷污我的时候,你怎么让他给我道歉啊? When Zhao Yue Chu asked someone to kidnap me and defame me, how could you ask him to apologize to me?
00:27:47爸,妈,我没有。 Dad, Mom, I didn't.
00:27:51乔文然,你能不能别胡说? Qiao Wen Ran, can you stop talking nonsense?
00:27:53月儿多善良啊,她怎么会这样啊? Yue Er is so kind, how could she do this?
00:27:56还不快给你妹妹道歉。你现在跪下给你妹妹道歉,我们就原谅你。 Hurry up and apologize to your sister. If you kneel down and apologize to your sister now, we will forgive you.
00:28:00你们怎么有脸让我给你们道歉的呀?你们怎么有脸让我给你们道歉的呀? How dare you ask me to apologize to you?
00:28:03还有你,我亲爱的爸,自从我妈死后你管过我的死活吗? And you, my dear dad, have you ever cared about my life since my mom died?
00:28:08乔文然,就算你嫁去苏家,你也不可以为所欲为这样跟爸爸说话啊。 Qiao Wen Ran, even if you marry into the Su family, you can't talk to your dad like this.
00:28:13乔文然,你以为你嫁到苏家,我就不敢惩罚你了? Qiao Wen Ran, do you think I won't dare to punish you if you marry into the Su family?
00:28:20你道不道歉? Are you going to apologize?
00:28:21我不。 No.
00:28:24看我今天不打死你的命运! Let's see if I don't kill you today!
00:28:26岳父大人,这是要打我苏家的脸啊。 Father-in-law, are you going to hit my family?
00:28:32你什么时候连我苏家的人都敢打啊? When did you dare to hit my family?
00:28:36你打你啊? You hit you?
00:28:38是文然找人绑架玷污她妹妹。是我让她认错,她还污蔑她妹妹。是我让她认错,她还污蔑她妹妹。 It was Wen Ran who asked someone to kidnap and defame his sister. I made him admit his mistake, and he even slandered his sister.
00:28:43所以…… So...
00:28:44所以!你就可以不分青红皂白地污蔑我夫人吗? So you can slander my wife without any distinction?
00:28:48好女婿,你先别生气啊。我跟你讲啊,我们没有冤枉夫人。这事啊,月儿可以作证。 My good son-in-law, don't be angry. I'm telling you, we didn't slander my wife. Yue'er can testify for this.
00:28:56姐姐,你还是不肯承认吗? Sister, you still won't admit it?
00:28:58放肆!叫你一声岳父,不是给你面子。动了我苏家的人,就得道歉! How dare you! I didn't call you father-in-law to give you face. If you hurt my family, you have to apologize!
00:29:04什么啊?明明就是姐姐绑架的我! What? It was you who let me go!
00:29:07看来赵家是想和我苏家决裂呀。 It seems that the Zhao family wants to break up with my family.
00:29:11快给文然道歉!文然,刚刚是爸爸莽撞了。你不要怪爸爸。 Hurry and apologize to Wen Ran. Wen Ran, it was dad who hit you. Don't blame dad.
00:29:17我要他,给我道歉。 I want him to apologize to me.
00:29:20岳儿,乖,我们先道歉了。苏家我们可对不起。 Yue'er, good boy, let's apologize first. I'm sorry for what happened to my family.
00:29:25乖呀,对不起。声音太小了,我没听见。 Good boy, I'm sorry. The volume is too low, I didn't hear it.
00:29:29乔文然,对不起。 Qiao Wen Ran, I'm sorry.
00:29:33行了,老公,咱们走吧,不跟小龙一块见面。 Okay, honey, let's go, we won't see each other anymore.
00:29:36等等,倘若再有下次,就别怪我不留情面。 Wait, if there is a next time, don't blame me for being merciless.
00:29:46妈,我没有,我根本就没有绑架他。 Mom, I didn't, I didn't tie him up.
00:29:51好吧,放心吧,妈妈会给你报仇的。 Okay, don't worry, I will avenge you.
00:29:56爸,你受委屈了,有个乖女儿。 Mom, you are wronged, you have a good daughter.
00:29:58爸。 Dad.
00:30:00对了,那个苏苏姐,她的腿没有缺呀。 Oh, right, Su Su Jing, she didn't remove her leg.
00:30:05你怎么来了? Why are you here?
00:30:06我觉得你刚才的称呼挺好的呀。 I think your title was pretty good just now.
00:30:09我刚刚,我刚刚那是因为…… I just, I just because...
00:30:12好了,不逗你了,是许波告诉我你活着赵徐,我怕你受欺负,所以就过来了。 Okay, I won't tease you anymore, it was Xu Bo who told me that you were alive, and I was afraid that you would be bullied, so I came here.
00:30:21谢谢你啊,老公,这是奖励你的。 Thank you, honey, this is a reward for you.
00:30:25我的老婆答应了,这可不够呀,等回了家,我们可得…… My wife agreed, this is not enough, but we have to go home.
00:30:29我的老婆答应了,这可不够呀,等回了家,我们可得…… My wife agreed, this is not enough, but we have to go home.
00:30:36苏九,上一世就是你背着我和赵语初搞破鞋,夺我家产害我,这一世,我一定不会让你好过。 Su Jiu, the last thing you did was to steal my property and hurt me behind my back with Zhao Yu Chu. I won't let you off the hook this time.
00:30:46少爷,您找我。 Young Master, you want to see me?
00:30:48去查一下苏九的茂盛公司,最近和哪些公司有合作意向,查清楚然后截胡。 Go and check which companies Su Jiu's Maosheng Company is cooperating with recently, check it out, and then cut it off.
00:30:54另外,台岗的那批货不走原定路线,安排几艘空船去走原来那条路线。 In addition, the goods in Taigang will not take the original route, but arrange a few empty ships to take the original route.
00:31:02是,少爷,我认识他。 Yes, Young Master, I know him.
00:31:04去吧。 Go.
00:31:06前世你就是和那几家公司合作,最后赚得盆满钵满,这一世,我不会让你得逞的。 The last thing you did was to cooperate with those companies, and in the end, you made a lot of money. I won't let you succeed this time.
00:31:14妈,妈,乔文然她现在是赵岛欣欣的女主角。 Mom, Mom, Qiao Wenran is the heroine of Zhao Daoxin now.
00:31:21妈,你帮帮我,我也要演戏,你帮帮我。 Mom, help me, I also want to act, help me.
00:31:25好了,好了,好了,这个乔文然,以为她攀上苏家的高枝就可以为所欲为,月儿放心,咱们家呀,有人,这事,妈帮你。 Okay, okay, Qiao Wenran, you think you can do whatever you want just because you have a high position in Su's family? Yue'er, don't worry, there's someone in our family, I'll help you.
00:31:39妈,你对我真好。 Mom, you're so nice to me.
00:31:41等着吧,乔文然。 Wait and see, Qiao Wenran.
00:32:11你从目前没有你的尺码,我今天让人从S市给你调过来,可以吗? Can you transfer me from S market today?
00:32:16可以,我带一张助理过来拿。 Okay, I'll bring an assistant.
00:32:18好的,小姐。 Okay, Miss.
00:32:20乔文然,还真是冤家路窄啊。 Qiao Wenran, you're such a narrow-minded person.
00:32:23看来我昨天出门没看黄历啊,走哪儿都能碰见晦气。 It seems that I didn't see Huang Li yesterday, I can meet bad luck wherever I go.
00:32:27你什么意思? What do you mean?
00:32:29自灭意思。 Self-destruction.
00:32:31我告诉你赵悦主,你之前算计我的事,咱俩没完。 I'm telling you, Zhao Yuezhuo, we're not done with you scheming against me.
00:32:38你! You!
00:33:00你好,能帮我开一下门吗?我找你们总裁。 Hello, can you open the door for me? I'm looking for your CEO.
00:33:28小姐,请问您有预约吗? Miss, have you made an appointment?
00:33:30没有。 No.
00:33:32看到了,宋美。咱们总裁和慕尼简直也太配了吧。 See, Miss? Our CEO and Mu Ni are a perfect match.
00:33:36对啊,我也这么觉得。 Yeah, I think so too.
00:33:38小姐,你好。没有预约是不能见总裁的。 Hello, Miss. You can't meet the CEO without an appointment.
00:33:41那你能给总裁办打个电话吗?你就说我是乔文然。 Can you call the CEO? You can just say that I'm Qiao Wenran.
00:33:45不好意思,不能。 Sorry, I can't.
00:33:50原来男人都是一个样,得到了就不珍惜。 It turns out that men are all the same, they don't cherish what they get.
00:33:54谢谢啊。 Thank you.
00:34:17一个女孩子在酒吧喝醉酒可是很危险的。 It's dangerous for a girl to get drunk in a bar.
00:34:23你是谁啊?我都认识。 Who are you? I know you.
00:34:28你忘了我们之前见过的女白小妹一次。 You forgot the time we met before, when you were a girl.
00:34:33白小妹? I remember.
00:34:40你来。 You drink.
00:34:46来,我陪你干。 Come on, let's drink.
00:34:50好,喝完这杯。 Okay, let's drink.
00:34:53我送你回家。 I'll send you home.
00:35:07好了,走吧。 Okay, let's go.
00:35:09走吧。 Let's go.
00:35:22你怎么能这么对我? How could you do this to me?
00:35:24苏紫棋? Su Ziqi?
00:35:31你在干什么? What are you doing?
00:35:37苏紫棋,你疯了? Su Ziqi, are you crazy?
00:35:39你有什么事情可以冲我来? What can you do to me?
00:35:41她不是你能碰的人。 She's not the one you can touch.
00:35:44没想到一向多心女色的苏紫棋竟然会为了一个女人打自己的弟弟。 I didn't expect Su Ziqi, who has always been heartless, to hit her brother for a woman.
00:35:51怎么只有两个苏紫棋? Why are there only two Su Ziqi?
00:35:56苏九,我警告你。 Su Jiu, I'm warning you.
00:36:00以后看见她给我放尊重一点,她可是你嫂子。 Show her some respect in the future. She's your sister-in-law.
00:36:07我们走。 Let's go.
00:36:10走。 Let's go.
00:36:14别走。我还要喝。 Don't go. I still want to drink.
00:36:18凭什么你样样地逼我抢? Why are you trying to force me?
00:36:21等着吧,我会让你在乎的女人乔温然离你而去。 Wait and see. I'll make the woman you care about, Qiao Wenran, leave you.
00:36:33苏紫棋,你干什么? Su Ziqi, what are you doing?
00:36:35苏九能亲你,我不能是吗? Su Jiu can kiss you, but I can't, right?
00:36:36苏紫棋,你放开我。 Su Jiu, let me go.
00:36:57安森,你既然已经决定跟慕宁在一起了,为什么还来招惹我? Anson, since you've decided to be with Muning, why are you still bothering me?
00:37:07招惹? Bothering you?
00:37:10你先说说昨天为什么去酒吧。 Tell me why you went to the bar yesterday.
00:37:13我去不去酒吧关你什么事? It's none of your business whether I go to the bar or not.
00:37:15反正你已经决定跟慕宁在一起了。 You've decided to be with Muning anyway.
00:37:18谁告诉你我跟慕宁在一起的? Who told you I was going to be with Muning?
00:37:26你看。 Look.
00:37:31所以,就是因为这个,你昨天去酒吧买醉了。 So, that's why you were drunk at the bar yesterday.
00:37:37好了。 Alright.
00:37:39我跟慕宁没有任何关系。 I have nothing to do with Muning.
00:37:41之前不是说给你打造一个增益吗? Didn't I tell you I was going to make a deal with you?
00:37:44慕宁很难请的,所以我就只能亲自去了。 Muning is hard to invite, so I had to go in person.
00:37:48真的? Really?
00:37:52不过,倒是你这个小丛容,那天在酒吧好像…… But, you, little girl, I think you were at the bar that day...
00:37:58我那不是因为喝多了吗? I was there because I was drunk.
00:38:01我把那个人看上你了,所以我才…… I saw that person in you, so I...
00:38:06好了。 Alright.
00:38:08哦,对了,赵益初也要禁足,你要当心一点,我也会安排人盯住她的。 Oh, right, Zhao Yichu is also going to be grounded. You have to be careful. I'll have someone keep an eye on her.
00:38:15谢谢你啊,老公,你真好。 Thank you, honey, you're so nice.
00:38:18老婆,时间还早,不如我们…… Honey, it's still early, why don't we...
00:38:37老大,您找我? Boss, are you looking for me?
00:38:40王强,去找人把苏四季在海港的那批货拿下来。 Wang Qiang, go find someone to get the goods of Su Sichi at the port.
00:38:44好,我这就安排。 Okay, I'll do it right away.
00:38:46记住,事情要做得赶紧。 Remember, you have to do it quickly.
00:38:50老大,您就放心吧。 Boss, don't worry.
00:38:53苏四季没了那批货,苏氏集团的资金链可就断了,哥,你可别怪我心狠。 If Su Sichi loses the goods, Su Group's capital chain will be broken. Bro, don't blame me for being cruel.
00:39:06老公,他怎么在这儿? Honey, why is he here?
00:39:19他就是我那个不成器的弟弟。 He is my incompetent brother.
00:39:21哥,嫂子,你们来了,这交流会开始还得一会儿。 Brother, sister-in-law, you are here. The meeting will start in a while.
00:39:27那个,弟弟,酒吧的事,我…… Well, brother, about the bar, I...
00:39:30没事,嫂子那天喝醉了而已。 It's okay, sister-in-law was just drunk that day.
00:39:33苏总,我敬你一杯。没想到苏总真是苏家二少爷。 Mr. Su, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I didn't expect Mr. Su to be the second son of the Su family.
00:39:41幸会。 Nice to meet you.
00:39:49姐姐,我今天就让你成为整个南城的笑柄。 Sister, today I will make you the laughingstock of Nancheng.
00:39:55那我拭目以待了。 I look forward to it.
00:40:03这是你做的? Did you make this?
00:40:05你猜呢? You guess?
00:40:06走,看看去。 Let's go and have a look.
00:40:15拜托,拖鞋。 Please take off your shoes.
00:40:17拖一下嘛。 Take it off.
00:40:18好。 Okay.
00:40:22等我啊。 Wait for me.
00:40:32妹妹,你说你怎么这么倒霉啊? Sister, why are you so unlucky?
00:40:46乔闻然,都是你搞的鬼吧? Qiao Wenran, it's all your fault, isn't it?
00:40:50妹妹,我好心给你送衣服,你怎么这么对我? Sister, I was kind enough to give you clothes. Why did you do this to me?
00:40:55你别在这儿跟我假仁假义的。我明明让李福天…… Don't pretend to be nice to me. I made Li Fudian...
00:40:58我看这赵悦初就是活该。没想到他这人这么恶毒。 I think Zhao Yuechu deserves it. I didn't expect him to be so vicious.
00:41:02这就是偷鸡不成吃把米啊。 This is called cheating.
00:41:04妹妹,我这跟你无冤无仇的。你怎么这样啊? Sister, I have no grudge against you. Why did you do this to me?
00:41:09你给我倒车。 You, get out of my way.
00:41:15诸位,交流会马上就要开始了。大家都入座吧。 Everyone, the exchange meeting is about to begin. Please take your seats.
00:41:20话说,你怎么知道他要在你礼服上动手脚? How did you know he was going to do something to your dress?
00:41:24那天我去李福殿的时候。 That day, when I went to Li Fudian's shop.
00:41:27那女人跟你说什么了? What did that woman say to you?
00:41:29没,她就让我把她的礼服改得比你漂亮一点。 No, she just asked me to make her dress more beautiful than yours.
00:41:34你不说是吧?你不说我就把视频打给你们店长看。 You didn't say anything, did you? If you didn't say anything, I would send the video to your manager.
00:41:39别,我说我说。她给了我一百万,让我把你的礼服从现代搜。 Don't, I'll say it. She gave me a million dollars, and asked me to search your dress from the modern era.
00:41:46赵悦初啊赵悦初,你还真是舍得呀。 Zhao Yuechu, Zhao Yuechu, you are really willing to do that.
00:41:49你把她的礼服肩带改算,事成之后我就把视频删掉。 You change her dress shoulder strap, and I'll delete the video after it's done.
00:41:53好。 Okay.
00:41:56事情就是这样,儿子,你不会觉得我是个坏女人吧? That's the way it is. Son, you don't think I'm a bad woman, do you?
00:42:02怎么会呢?如果换做是我的话,我下手更狠。 How could it be? If it were me, I would be more cruel.
00:42:08老公,你真好。 Honey, you're so nice.
00:42:10宴会就要开始了,我们入座吧。 The banquet is about to begin, let's sit down.
00:42:20老公,我下午要去干一件大事。 Honey, I'm going to do something big this afternoon.
00:42:23什么大事? What is it?
00:42:25当年是去给赵悦初一个教训,她几次三番地害我,我必须告诉她,我不再是以前的那个乔温然了。 I was going to teach Zhao Yuechu a lesson, he hurt me so many times, I have to tell him, I'm not the same Qiao Wenran anymore.
00:42:32那你需要帮忙吗? Do you need any help?
00:42:34不需要,这点小事呢我还是可以的。 No, I don't. I can handle this little thing.
00:42:38好吧。 Okay.
00:42:40给你一个上班吻,赶紧去上班吧。 I'll give you a kiss at work, go to work.
00:42:41哦,对了,晚上的话得跟温妮一起吃个饭,上次她知道你误会了,所以要吃饭解释清楚。 Oh, by the way, I have to have dinner with you tonight, I know you misunderstood me last time, so I have to explain it to you.
00:42:51行。 Okay.
00:42:52那我走了。 Then I'm leaving.
00:42:53去吧。 Go.
00:42:58早点回来。 Come back early.
00:43:06赵悦初。 Zhao Yuechu.
00:43:12你们,你们谁啊,我告诉你,你们竟然敢打赵家千金。 Who are you? I'm telling you, how dare you hit the daughter of the Zhao family.
00:43:17赵家千金是吗? The daughter of the Zhao family?
00:43:20我打的就是赵家千金。 I hit the daughter of the Zhao family.
00:43:28你说,我要是戴着你这张漂亮的脸盖上的牙齿,怎么样啊? What do you think if I put my face on your pretty face?
00:43:34不要,你们放了我吧。 No, let me go.
00:43:37我有钱,我要很多很多钱,我可以给你们,都给你们。 I have money, I have a lot of money, I can give it to you, all to you.
00:43:41钱是吧? Money, right?
00:43:43但我不缺呢。 But I don't need it.
00:43:45只要你跪在地上歇口叫,我都考不上。 As long as you kneel on the ground and scream, I won't let you go.
00:43:50我不想歇,你们放了我吧。 I don't want to learn, let me go.
00:43:54把她给我带走。 Take her away.
00:43:59我学。 I'll learn.
00:44:02我学,我学,我学。 I'll learn, I'll learn, I'll learn.
00:44:05保证很多。 A lot of guarantees.
00:44:06保证很多。 A lot of guarantees.
00:44:10开始吧。 Let's start.
00:44:17大点声。 Louder.
00:44:29我还以为你有多大能耐呢。 I thought you were so strong.
00:44:32这就取得了。 That's it.
00:44:36小温然,你敢耍我,我杀了你。 Xiao Wenran, you dare to fool me, I'll kill you.
00:44:41赵悦琼,我告诉你。赵悦琼,我告诉你。 Zhao Yueqiong, I'm telling you.
00:44:43你下次要是再不算钱,事情就没进层了。 If you don't get the money next time, it's over.
00:44:49走。 Let's go.
00:44:50姐,我杀了你。 Sister, I'll kill you.
00:44:54小温然,我不会放过你的。 Xiao Wenran, I won't let you go.
00:45:01菜已上齐,三位贵客请慢用。 The dishes are ready, please come in.
00:45:04谢谢。 Thank you.
00:45:06是。 Yes.
00:45:08乔小姐,实在是不好意思啊,让您误会我和苏总之间的关系了。 Ms. Qiao, I'm so sorry to let you misunderstand the relationship between me and Mr. Su.
00:45:14慕宁小姐,你快别说了,应该是我不好意思才对。 Ms. Muning, stop it. I should be the one to apologize.
00:45:18那个,我敬你一杯。 Well, let me make a toast to you.
00:45:19客气了。 You're welcome.
00:45:21我先干杯敬。 I'll drink with you first.
00:45:27乔小姐可真好手。 Ms. Qiao is so good.
00:45:29其实啊,你应该相信苏总的。 Actually, you should trust Mr. Su.
00:45:31上次我们聊完,我就知道,你在他心中的地位,没有人可以比。 After we talked last time, I knew that no one could compare to you in his heart.
00:45:37是。 Yes.
00:45:39对了,苏小姐,我听苏总说,你靠自己的实力夺得了赵导电影的女一号啊。 By the way, Ms. Su, I heard from Mr. Su that you won the female lead role in Director Zhao's film with your own strength.
00:45:46算是吧,让慕宁小姐见笑了。 I guess so. I'm sorry to let Ms. Muning see that.
00:45:49乔小姐,你不用谦虚。 Ms. Qiao, don't be modest.
00:45:52你现在可比我刚出道那会儿厉害多了。 You're much better than when I first debuted.
00:45:54你们先聊,我出去接个电话。 You guys keep talking. I'm going to answer a call.
00:45:57嗯,知道了。 Yes, got it.
00:46:04喂,徐伯。 Hello, Uncle Xu.
00:46:06少爷,幸亏你提前交代,茂盛集团合作那家公司才能成功被我接过。 Young Master, I'm glad you told me in advance that I would be able to take over Mosheng Group's joint venture.
00:46:12合同我已经和他们签好了,就等你盖章生效了。 I've already signed the contract with them, and I'm waiting for you to seal it.
00:46:15等我回公司以后再处理。 Wait until I get back to the office.
00:46:17对了,港口那批货怎么样了? By the way, how are the goods at the port?
00:46:19还好我们之前准备的货车换了航线,不然货真就被他们赶下了。 Fortunately, the ship we had prepared had changed course, or the goods would have been taken by them.
00:46:23目前的确认,航部知道我们之前准备的那艘船是空中的。 At present, it is confirmed that the ship we had prepared was empty.
00:46:27好,我知道了。 Okay, I got it.
00:46:28终于到家了,累死我了。 I'm finally home. I'm so tired.
00:46:35去洗漱啊。 Go wash up.
00:46:38洗完漱再休息,明天不早了。 You can take a break after washing up. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
00:46:42我知道了。 Okay, I got it.
00:46:44我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:46我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:48我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:50我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:52我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:54我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:56我也知道了。 I know.
00:46:58你不是还有剧组试镜吗? Don't you have a filming crew audition?
00:47:00好吧。 Okay.
00:47:28Honey? Why are you here?
00:47:30Oh, I see.
00:47:32You're not here to peek, are you?
00:47:36I'm your husband.
00:47:38If you want to see me,
00:47:40you have to look at me like this.
00:47:42How can I peek?
00:47:48Or else,
00:47:50I can't see you.
00:47:52I can't see you.
00:47:54I can't see you.
00:47:56Or else,
00:47:58what are you going to do?
00:48:18you're here.
00:48:20Zhao Yun He, it's you again.
00:48:24I didn't say anything about you
00:48:26stealing my boyfriend.
00:48:28You can't change
00:48:30your nonsense, can you?
00:48:32I'm sorry, sister.
00:48:34I've caused you trouble again.
00:48:36Of course.
00:48:38You're nominated by the crew.
00:48:40Our crew doesn't dare to accept you.
00:48:42Your role has embarrassed you.
00:48:44Is this the director's idea
00:48:46or yours?
00:48:48I'm the producer of this crew.
00:48:50I have the final say.
00:48:52Who dares to ask my wife to leave the crew?
00:48:56Who dares to ask my wife
00:48:58to leave the crew?
00:49:04Why is he here?
00:49:06If only Brother Su Jiu
00:49:08could protect me like him.
00:49:10Su, you...
00:49:12You want her to leave the crew, right?
00:49:16you stole Zhao Yun He's boyfriend.
00:49:18It's so ridiculous.
00:49:20It's a misunderstanding.
00:49:22Mr. Su, why are you here?
00:49:24Director Zhao,
00:49:26the producer of your crew is very arrogant.
00:49:28He wants my wife to leave the crew.
00:49:30And he wants
00:49:32this woman to be nominated.
00:49:34It's a misunderstanding.
00:49:36It's a misunderstanding, Mr. Su.
00:49:38Shut up.
00:49:40It's a misunderstanding.
00:49:42Director, Mr. Su.
00:49:44It's this woman who asked me to do this.
00:49:46Zhao Yun He,
00:49:48shut up.
00:49:50And all of you,
00:49:52listen up.
00:49:54If I hear
00:49:56anyone talking about my wife again,
00:49:58it means
00:50:00I'm the enemy of the Su family.
00:50:02Do you understand?
00:50:10Get out.
00:50:18Get out.
00:50:24Miss Hu, come and sit.
00:50:30Brother, come.
00:50:32What's up?
00:50:34Sit down and talk.
00:50:38I'll cut to the chase.
00:50:40I want to talk to you
00:50:42about Miss Hu's variety show.
00:50:44Go ahead.
00:50:46I want to
00:50:48invest in this variety show.
00:50:50With Miss Mu's support,
00:50:52I think it will be a hit.
00:50:54Su Jiu,
00:50:56you should know
00:50:58I created this variety show
00:51:00for Wen Ran.
00:51:02Of course I know that.
00:51:06you asked me here
00:51:08to talk about this.
00:51:10I thought there was something else.
00:51:12There isn't.
00:51:14I just want to invest
00:51:16and make some money.
00:51:20I can see that.
00:51:22I'm very interested in this variety show.
00:51:24Come on.
00:51:26Let's drink
00:51:28to the success of our variety show.
00:51:30Come on, brother.
00:51:46about the investment,
00:51:48I beg you.
00:51:50I beg you.
00:51:56Miss Mu.
00:52:14Miss Mu.
00:52:46don't blame me.
00:52:48Blame yourself.
00:52:50Why do you have to take
00:52:52everything I like
00:52:54since I was a kid?
00:52:56I just want to
00:52:58show you
00:53:00how I feel.
00:53:14Let's go.
00:53:22Let's go.
00:53:30Miss Mu,
00:53:32I hope the photos I see today
00:53:34are fake.
00:53:44Miss Mu.
00:53:50Let me explain.
00:53:52It's not what you think.
00:53:54Forget it.
00:53:56I was wrong.
00:53:58Honey, it's not what you think.
00:54:00Let me explain.
00:54:02I saw it with my own eyes.
00:54:04It's not what you think.
00:54:06I don't have to listen to you.
00:54:08Let me explain.
00:54:14Miss Su,
00:54:16let's divorce.
00:54:24Let me explain.
00:54:26It's not what you think.
00:54:28Let me explain.
00:54:30Let's break up.
00:54:32Let me go.
00:54:38Miss Su,
00:54:40I've checked my body.
00:54:42You didn't touch me.
00:54:44And we drank the red wine
00:54:46that Su gave us last night.
00:54:48Su Jiao.
00:54:50What we need to do now
00:54:52is to find the evidence
00:54:54to prove our innocence.
00:54:56Otherwise, Miss Qiao won't believe us.
00:54:58Mr. Su.
00:55:00Mr. Su.
00:55:02Have you and Miss Mu
00:55:04confirmed your relationship?
00:55:06I heard you spent the night at the hotel.
00:55:08Mr. Su, do you plan to get married?
00:55:10I'm sorry. I don't have any friends.
00:55:12Let's talk about it later.
00:55:14Mr. Su.
00:55:16Mr. Su, answer me.
00:55:20Su Ziqian.
00:55:22You said you only love me.
00:55:26You liar.
00:55:40Is my sister-in-law okay?
00:55:42She's fine now.
00:55:44Why am I in the hospital?
00:55:48You fainted on the street.
00:55:50I'll take you to the hospital.
00:55:52Thank you.
00:55:54You're welcome.
00:55:56Miss Qiao.
00:55:58I'm pregnant.
00:56:02Doctor, are you sure?
00:56:04I'm sure.
00:56:06By the way, you need to pay attention to your diet.
00:56:12Your father doesn't want me anymore.
00:56:14He has another woman.
00:56:16Come here now.
00:56:26Why didn't my brother come?
00:56:32What's wrong?
00:56:34Mr. Su.
00:56:36Don't call me sister-in-law anymore.
00:56:40I'm going to divorce your brother.
00:56:46Because he has another woman.
00:56:56Wen Ran.
00:56:58What are you going to do with the kid?
00:57:04The kid is innocent.
00:57:06I want to give birth to him.
00:57:12I'll take care of the kid for you.
00:57:20Go to bed now.
00:57:24Su Qiao hugged Qiao Wen Ran on the street?
00:57:26Yes, Miss Zhao.
00:57:28It's true.
00:57:32Keep listening to me.
00:57:38Qiao Wen Ran.
00:57:40Forget about Su Si Jin.
00:57:42If you dare to grab my Su Qiao,
00:57:44you will pay for it.
00:57:52Wen Ran.
00:57:54The doctor said you can leave the hospital tomorrow.
00:57:56Su Qiao.
00:57:58Thank you.
00:58:02It's okay.
00:58:04Wen Ran.
00:58:06There's something I don't know if I should tell you.
00:58:08What is it?
00:58:10Tell me.
00:58:22Qiao Wen Ran.
00:58:24Qiao Wen Ran.
00:58:26You still want to give him a chance to explain.
00:58:30Wen Ran.
00:58:32Don't be like this.
00:58:34Su Qiao.
00:58:36I want to be alone.
00:58:38You go out first.
00:58:42I'll go home first.
00:58:44Call me if you need anything.
00:58:48Have a good rest.
00:58:56Su Qiao.
00:59:02Where did you hide Wen Ran?
00:59:04Su Si Jin.
00:59:06Are you stupid?
00:59:08Why are you asking me?
00:59:12Su Qiao.
00:59:14Let me tell you.
00:59:16Wen Ran loves me, not you.
00:59:22Look at you now.
00:59:24Even if you find him,
00:59:26so what?
00:59:28Qiao Wen Ran.
00:59:30This has something to do with you.
00:59:36So what?
00:59:52How is the investigation?
00:59:54Young Master, we found the murderer.
00:59:56He is in the hospital now.
00:59:58Wait for me.
01:00:06Why are you here?
01:00:08I'm not feeling well recently.
01:00:10So I came to the hospital.
01:00:12Why are you here?
01:00:14I'm here to find Wen Ran.
01:00:16The world is so small.
01:00:18You can find him anywhere.
01:00:20Wen Ran.
01:00:22I finally found you.
01:00:24Why are you looking for me?
01:00:28Wen Ran.
01:00:30What happened that day was a misunderstanding.
01:00:32Let me explain.
01:00:34Mr. Su and Miss Mu
01:00:36have a good relationship.
01:00:38I went to the hospital with him.
01:00:42Brother, you already have Mu Ni.
01:00:44Don't argue about my girlfriend, okay?
01:00:46How could she be your girlfriend?
01:00:48Miss Qiao.
01:00:50I hope you can calm down.
01:00:52I will find the evidence.
01:00:54Su Jiu is right.
01:00:56He is my boyfriend.
01:01:02Wen Ran.
01:01:04Go back with me, okay?
01:01:06Su Ci.
01:01:08I wish you and Mu Ning a long time.
01:01:12A long time.
01:01:18A long time.
01:01:20It seems that your wife
01:01:22has fallen in love with you.
01:01:24Did you check it?
01:01:26I already found someone to check it.
01:01:40The monitoring of the hotel and the car were all deleted.
01:01:42Go and check it for me.
01:01:44If you can't find it, don't come back to see me.
01:01:54Wen Ran.
01:01:56Are you okay?
01:01:58I'm fine.
01:02:00Thank you.
01:02:02Don't mention it.
01:02:04Do you have a place to stay after leaving the hospital today?
01:02:06Why don't you stay at my house for a while?
01:02:08Thank you.
01:02:10But I don't need it.
01:02:12I have found a place to stay.
01:02:16Let's have a meal together
01:02:18after leaving the hospital today.
01:02:20Then I will send you back.
01:02:30Can you live here
01:02:34It's okay.
01:02:36I can do it alone.
01:02:38Thank you for sending me back.
01:02:40Wen Ran.
01:02:44you don't need to thank me.
01:02:52Wen Ran.
01:02:54I have something to do.
01:02:56If you need anything,
01:02:58call me.
01:03:00Be careful.
01:03:02Don't worry.
01:03:14I have done what you asked me to do.
01:03:16There is nothing wrong with Su Zi Jin.
01:03:20Good job.
01:03:22Keep an eye on Su Zi Jin.
01:03:24If there is any news from him,
01:03:26report to me immediately.
01:03:34Su Zi Jin.
01:03:36Su Zi Jin.
01:03:38Do you know
01:03:40what you have done
01:03:42to Su Zi Jin?
01:04:10It's just that
01:04:12Su Zi Jin...
01:04:16Don't you know?
01:04:18Su Zi Jin
01:04:20cheated on me.
01:04:22I heard that
01:04:24he is divorced now.
01:04:26He is with Mu Ning.
01:04:30When did I lie to you?
01:04:32That's great.
01:04:34Now I have a chance
01:04:36to make Su Jia
01:04:40But you have to remember
01:04:42that you have to
01:04:44catch Su Jia.
01:04:46Don't let that bitch
01:04:48Qiao Wen Ran
01:04:50do anything to you.
01:04:52Mom. I got it.
01:05:00When you are born,
01:05:02I will do my best
01:05:04to give you the best.
01:05:24Zhao Xiao Chou. What are you doing?
01:05:26I have something important to do.
01:05:30Be quiet.
01:05:32Are you crazy?
01:05:34Sister Qiao Mu.
01:05:36I will make you
01:05:42How dare you treat me like this?
01:05:44Aren't you afraid that Su Zi Jin won't let you go?
01:05:46Do you think I'm stupid?
01:05:48Su Zi Jin
01:05:50has been with you for a long time.
01:05:52He abandoned you.
01:05:54You know why you still treat me like this.
01:06:00If you take it away,
01:06:02I will make you suffer.
01:06:06You are so pitiful.
01:06:10I'm pitiful?
01:06:14I want to see
01:06:16if I can
01:06:18live with you for three days and three nights.
01:06:20Anyway, who is pitiful?
01:06:22You don't know
01:06:24if you can live
01:06:26until that time
01:06:28with your little sister.
01:06:30You are so vicious.
01:06:32You don't even let go of your child.
01:06:36Zhao Yun Shu.
01:06:38Zhao Yun Shu. Are you crazy?
01:06:44Young Master, something happened.
01:06:46What happened?
01:06:48Young Mistress is missing.
01:06:52Go to Su Jiu's house.
01:06:58Su Jiu.
01:07:04Is this how you take care of Wen Ran?
01:07:06Wen Ran is missing.
01:07:08What? Wen Ran is missing?
01:07:10Su Jiu.
01:07:12I'm telling you.
01:07:14If anything happens to Wen Ran,
01:07:16I will definitely find you.
01:07:18Su Jiu.
01:07:28Find out where Wen Ran is right now.
01:07:30Hurry up.
01:07:36I want to drink water.
01:07:48Zhao Yun Shu.
01:07:50I beg you to let me go.
01:07:52I have nothing to do with Su Jiu.
01:07:54Thank you, Wen Ran.
01:07:56Do you think I will believe
01:07:58what you said?
01:08:02By the way,
01:08:04Sister Wen Ran,
01:08:06you haven't drunk water for several days, right?
01:08:10you beg me,
01:08:12I can give you a sip.
01:08:14Don't go too far.
01:08:18This is too much.
01:08:20It's even worse.
01:08:22It's even worse.
01:08:24When I become
01:08:26Su Jiu's girlfriend,
01:08:28I will give her
01:08:30another child.
01:08:32Then the whole Su family
01:08:34will be ours.
01:08:38Zhao Yun Shu.
01:08:40I beg you.
01:08:42Give me water.
01:08:44What did you say?
01:08:46What did you say?
01:08:48I can't hear you.
01:08:50Zhao Yun Shu.
01:08:52I beg you.
01:08:54Give me water.
01:08:56I can't hear you.
01:08:58Zhao Yun Shu.
01:09:00I beg you.
01:09:02Give me water.
01:09:08Zhao Yun Shu.
01:09:10I beg you. Give me water.
01:09:12Qiao Wen Ran.
01:09:14I thought you were very capable.
01:09:16Can't you do this?
01:09:30Qiao Wen Ran.
01:09:32Drink less water.
01:09:36Stop dreaming.
01:09:38Let me go.
01:09:44You dare to resist?
01:09:52You will be punished.
01:09:54Do you think I'm afraid?
01:10:00I can't die here.
01:10:02The girl hasn't been born yet.
01:10:04Qiao Wen Ran.
01:10:10I beg you.
01:10:12I beg you.
01:10:14Let me go.
01:10:16I promise.
01:10:18If you let me go, I'll leave here.
01:10:20I'm far away from here.
01:10:22I won't go out again, okay?
01:10:26Stop dreaming.
01:10:28You have to die.
01:10:31I beg you.
01:10:33I beg you.
01:10:35Let me go.
01:10:52Wen Ran.
01:10:54Wen Ran.
01:10:56Wen Ran.
01:10:58Wen Ran.
01:11:03Wen Ran.
01:11:05Wen Ran.
01:11:17Wen Ran.
01:11:26Wen Ran.
01:11:56Wen Ran.
01:12:14Wen Ran.
01:12:16Wake up.
01:12:18Wen Ran.
01:12:26Wen Ran.
01:12:28Wen Ran.
01:12:42Young master.
01:12:44Young master.
01:12:46Take him to the hospital.
01:12:56Wen Ran.
01:12:58My child.
01:13:00Don't worry.
01:13:02The doctor said the child is fine.
01:13:04Uncle Su.
01:13:06You saved me last night.
01:13:08It seems that
01:13:10Wen Ran doesn't remember what happened last night.
01:13:12I saved you.
01:13:14You fainted on the ground.
01:13:16The fire in the warehouse is very big.
01:13:18Thank you.
01:13:20If it weren't for you,
01:13:22I'm afraid my child and I...
01:13:24Let's go.
01:13:26Don't think about it.
01:13:28Have a good rest.
01:13:30I'll buy you a meal.
01:13:38Wang Qiang.
01:13:40Bring Mu Ni here.
01:13:42In addition,
01:13:44find a few reporters to follow her.
01:13:46Tell them that the CEO of Su's Group
01:13:48didn't save Miss Mu.
01:13:50She can't be the CEO.
01:13:52Episode 2
01:13:56How is my young master?
01:13:58The patient must be fine.
01:14:00It's just too much inflammation.
01:14:02There will be a weak period.
01:14:04It is recommended to observe for a while.
01:14:06You can be discharged if you are fine.
01:14:08Thank you, doctor.
01:14:12How is Mr. Su?
01:14:14What's the situation now?
01:14:16The doctor said he was fine.
01:14:18He needs to observe for a while.
01:14:20How do you know my young master is here?
01:14:22Didn't you send me a message?
01:14:24When did I send you a message?
01:14:28Miss Mu.
01:14:30Mr. Su didn't save you this time.
01:14:32How is Mr. Su now?
01:14:34Don't you plan to get married?
01:14:36I'm sorry.
01:14:38I won't answer any questions now.
01:14:46Wen Ran.
01:14:48Mr. Su.
01:14:50Mr. Su, what's wrong?
01:14:52Wen Ran.
01:15:04Actually, my brother...
01:15:06He knew you were kidnapped.
01:15:08But Miss Mu was also kidnapped.
01:15:10He chose to save you.
01:15:12He chose to save you.
01:15:16So, in his heart,
01:15:18you are more important.
01:15:20Don't be too sad.
01:15:22Actually, my brother
01:15:24didn't do it on purpose.
01:15:26I know.
01:15:28He just doesn't love me.
01:15:32Don't be sad.
01:15:34It's not good for the baby.
01:15:38I hope you won't blame me in the future.
01:15:40Don't blame me.
01:15:42I can take care of you by myself.
01:15:44Wen Ran.
01:15:46Have you ever thought about
01:15:48living abroad?
01:15:50Living abroad?
01:15:52Have you ever thought about it?
01:15:54Actually, living abroad
01:15:56can give the baby a good education environment.
01:15:58You can change a place
01:16:00and start over.
01:16:02I don't plan to go abroad for the time being.
01:16:04Don't worry.
01:16:06You can think about it.
01:16:10Qiao Wen Ran is not dead.
01:16:12He was rescued.
01:16:14Uncle Su is with him in the hospital.
01:16:18Keep an eye on him.
01:16:20If he is kidnapped,
01:16:22inform me immediately.
01:16:26Qiao Wen Ran.
01:16:28I won't let you go easily.
01:16:34Young Mistress.
01:16:36You're awake.
01:16:38I'm tired.
01:16:40Young Master is still sleeping in the ward.
01:16:42You can go to see him.
01:16:44Your Young Master wants to see Meng Ling,
01:16:46not me.
01:16:48Young Mistress, you misunderstood.
01:16:50Young Master and Miss Meng Ling are innocent.
01:16:52Xu Bo.
01:16:54It's called innocence to lie in bed with a man and a woman.
01:16:56Young Mistress.
01:16:58Young Master is actually trying to save...
01:17:00Xu Bo.
01:17:02Wen Ran just woke up.
01:17:04You'd better go back
01:17:06and take a good look at your brother.
01:17:10Let's go.
01:17:16Wen Ran.
01:17:18Take a break here for a while.
01:17:20I'm in a hurry.
01:17:22I need to go back to the company first.
01:17:24Go ahead. I can do it alone.
01:17:26Take care of yourself.
01:17:28I'll go first.
01:17:30Who are you?
01:17:32Let me go.
01:17:34I'm the daughter of the Zhao family.
01:17:36My father won't let you go.
01:17:46Brother Su Jiu.
01:17:48Why did you...
01:17:52tie me up?
01:17:54Zhao Yue Chu.
01:17:56Do you know that Qiao Wen Ran is my man?
01:17:58You even dared to kill him.
01:18:02Brother Su Jiu.
01:18:04Is there any misunderstanding?
01:18:08Don't worry.
01:18:10I won't do anything to you.
01:18:14Brother Su Jiu.
01:18:16I knew it.
01:18:18You still have me in your heart.
01:18:22I invited you here today to warn you.
01:18:24Qiao Wen Ran is my man now.
01:18:26Don't do anything to him again.
01:18:28Now you kidnapped him for me.
01:18:30I don't care about it.
01:18:34Brother Su Jiu.
01:18:36What's good about Qiao Wen Ran?
01:18:38He has slept with Su Zi Jun.
01:18:40Only I still...
01:18:42Shut up.
01:18:44So what if he slept with Su Zi Jun?
01:18:46I don't care.
01:18:48Brother Su Jiu.
01:18:50Look at me, okay?
01:18:52I'm a thousand times better than Qiao Wen Ran.
01:18:56I can do what he can.
01:19:00Zhao Yue Chu.
01:19:02Let me tell you one last time.
01:19:04Qiao Wen Ran is my man now.
01:19:06If you want to do anything bad to him again,
01:19:08I will send you to Juzi Tower immediately.
01:19:18It must be him.
01:19:20Brother Su Jiu.
01:19:22I will prove to you that I am a thousand times better than Qiao Wen Ran.
01:19:26Young Master, you're awake.
01:19:28Uncle Xu.
01:19:30Wen Ran...
01:19:32How is Wen Ran?
01:19:34Young Master, Madam is fine.
01:19:36She's fine.
01:19:38No, I have to go see her.
01:19:40I... I have to go now.
01:19:42Young Master.
01:19:44The doctor said your heart is black.
01:19:46It will take a few more days.
01:19:48I'm fine.
01:19:50I'll go see her now.
01:19:52Young Master.
01:19:54Let's go to the park downstairs.
01:19:56Young Master has a lot of opinions.
01:19:58What do you think?
01:20:00Take me there.
01:20:08Wen Ran.
01:20:10What's wrong with you?
01:20:14For Miss Mu,
01:20:16Mr. Su can do anything.
01:20:18What does this have to do with Mu Ning?
01:20:20Su Jiu.
01:20:22Mu Ning and I were kidnapped at the same time.
01:20:24But you went to save Mu Ning.
01:20:26I am your wife.
01:20:28Wen Ran, how is this possible?
01:20:30Mu Ning wasn't kidnapped.
01:20:32Besides, the person I saved was...
01:20:36Because of Miss Mu,
01:20:38we know everything.
01:20:428 a.m. tomorrow morning.
01:20:44The people recommend
01:20:46we get a divorce.
01:20:48Let's get a divorce.
01:20:50Wen Ran.
01:20:52I know
01:20:54I'm saying this for no reason.
01:20:58I will find evidence
01:21:00to prove my innocence.
01:21:02What evidence?
01:21:04I saw you two lying on the bed.
01:21:06Wen Ran.
01:21:08Sometimes what you see may not be true.
01:21:10Anyway, I will prove it to you.
01:21:12Xu Bo.
01:21:14Let's go.
01:21:18Let's go.
01:21:38Don't be sad.
01:21:40I bought some fruits.
01:21:42You are pregnant now.
01:21:44You need to take care of yourself.
01:21:46Don't get me wrong.
01:21:48He was nice to me when we got married.
01:21:50I know my brother.
01:21:52He likes Miss Mu.
01:21:56That's true.
01:21:58Alright. Don't think about it.
01:22:00By the way,
01:22:02what do you think
01:22:04about going abroad?
01:22:08I haven't decided yet.
01:22:10Don't worry.
01:22:12Take your time.
01:22:16This has something to do with Su Jiu.
01:22:18Xu Bo.
01:22:20Investigate it.
01:22:22And suppress Su Jiu's company
01:22:24so that she won't have time to care about Wen Ran.
01:22:28You are so nice to her.
01:22:30It's not her fault.
01:22:32Anyone who sees that
01:22:34will collapse.
01:22:38Young Master.
01:22:40I forgot to tell you something.
01:22:42I won't be your matchmaker anymore.
01:22:44Don't play with me anymore.
01:22:54Qiao Ran.
01:22:56Wen Ran.
01:22:58Qiao Wen Ran.
01:23:00Xu Bo. Investigate Qiao Ran.
01:23:04Tell me.
01:23:06What's going on?
01:23:10We have been suppressed by Su Jiu.
01:23:12Our capital chain is about to break.
01:23:14Su Jiu?
01:23:18What do you think?
01:23:22There is a page in this card.
01:23:24Check it out.
01:23:26Okay, President.
01:23:30find more medicines.
01:23:32Find a nurse.
01:23:36What are you doing?
01:23:38Let Wen Ran have her own baby.
01:23:40We will have our own baby.
01:23:42Okay, President.
01:23:48What should I do now?
01:23:50Don't worry. Let me think about it.
01:23:54Qiao Wen Ran, that bitch.
01:23:56She is lying in the hospital alone now.
01:23:58I guess Su Jiu
01:24:00will stay with her for 48 hours.
01:24:04How about this?
01:24:06Bring some people to tie her up.
01:24:10So many people are watching in the hospital.
01:24:12What are you afraid of?
01:24:14No one will care about money.
01:24:18What about after tying her up?
01:24:20After tying her up?
01:24:22I will leave it to you.
01:24:24You can do whatever you want.
01:24:28I know.
01:24:30You are the best to me.
01:24:32Miss Qiao.
01:24:34This is the tonic the hospital prepared for you.
01:24:44What are you afraid of?
01:24:46Zhao Yue Chu.
01:24:48What are you doing here?
01:24:50Miss Qiao.
01:24:52This is the tonic the doctor prepared for you.
01:24:54I will leave now.
01:24:58This tonic?
01:25:02What are you doing here?
01:25:04This is the hospital.
01:25:06What am I doing here?
01:25:08Qiao Wen Ran.
01:25:10I will send you to hell.
01:25:12Crazy bitch.
01:25:18Don't come here.
01:25:20I have called the police.
01:25:22Call the police?
01:25:24Your phone is with me.
01:25:26Why did you call the police?
01:25:28Don't come here.
01:25:30Come here.
01:25:32Zhao Yue Chu.
01:25:34As long as you let me go today.
01:25:36I won't blame you for what you did to me.
01:25:40You won't blame me?
01:25:42I will kill you.
01:25:44Let me go.
01:25:46Let me go.
01:25:48Miss Qiao.
01:25:50Someone kidnapped me.
01:25:52Qiao Wen Ran.
01:25:54I will kill you.
01:25:56I won't let you go.
01:26:00Let me see how you won't let me go.
01:26:06Forget it.
01:26:08It's no fun to kill you.
01:26:10Take her away.
01:26:12What are you doing?
01:26:14Zhao Yue Chu.
01:26:16Take Wen Ran to the infirmary.
01:26:18Let's go.
01:26:26Wen Ran.
01:26:28Wen Ran.
01:26:30Wen Ran.
01:26:40How is Wen Ran?
01:26:42The patient's head was hit.
01:26:44It may cause amnesia.
01:26:46Don't go too far.
01:26:56Wen Ran.
01:26:58You are awake.
01:27:02Who are you?
01:27:04Don't you recognize me?
01:27:08I am Su Jiu.
01:27:16I am your husband.
01:27:18Su Jiu.
01:27:22My husband?
01:27:24Your husband.
01:27:26You are really my husband.
01:27:28How do you prove it?
01:27:30Wen Ran.
01:27:32We have been married for more than a year.
01:27:34You are pregnant now.
01:27:40I am pregnant?
01:27:42We all look forward to the birth of a child.
01:27:44But unfortunately,
01:27:46you had a car accident at this time.
01:27:48Fortunately, the child is fine.
01:27:50Wen Ran.
01:27:52If Wen Ran doesn't remember the past,
01:27:54how can I take her to live abroad?
01:27:56Wen Ran.
01:27:58We plan to live abroad together.
01:28:00Live abroad?
01:28:08What's wrong, Wen Ran?
01:28:10You don't want to?
01:28:14I just feel that I am not ready yet.
01:28:16Have a good rest.
01:28:18I will help you with the procedures.
01:28:26Young Master.
01:28:28Today, Zhao Yue went to the hospital to kidnap Shao Feng.
01:28:32But he didn't find Shao Feng at the hospital.
01:28:38Where is he?
01:28:40What's going on?
01:28:42Young Master.
01:28:44Check it out.
01:28:48It's strange.
01:28:50Why do I feel strange here?
01:28:54Because you just lost your memory.
01:28:56It's normal to feel strange here.
01:29:06Wen Ran.
01:29:08Have a good rest here tonight.
01:29:10I will go to the company first.
01:29:12Go ahead.
01:29:14Let's go.
01:29:16Go ahead.
01:29:18Come back soon.
01:29:20Let's go.
01:29:38I am afraid that you are not used to living abroad.
01:29:40So I decorated it according to the domestic style.
01:29:42How is it?
01:29:44Are you satisfied with my new house?
01:29:50Zhao Yue.
01:29:52How is it? Have you found out the news of Wen Ran?
01:29:54Su Jie took his wife to Myanmar.
01:29:56I haven't found out the details yet.
01:29:58Go and get me a ticket to Myanmar right now.
01:30:14Eat more.
01:30:16Look how thin you are.
01:30:22It's okay.
01:30:24Take your time.
01:30:30I want to go out for a walk after dinner.
01:30:34Okay. I will go with you.
01:30:36Wen Ran.
01:30:42Wen Ran.
01:30:44Wen Ran.
01:30:46Who are you?
01:30:48I am sorry. I mistook you for someone else.
01:31:06Zhao Yue.
01:31:08I found out who Qiao Ran is.
01:31:10Okay. I got it.
01:31:14Su Jie.
01:31:16Do you like boys or girls?
01:31:18As long as you give birth to me,
01:31:20I like them all.
01:31:22Wen Ran.
01:31:24Just call me Ah Jiu.
01:31:28Ah Jiu.
01:31:30Wen Ran.
01:31:32As long as you stay with me forever,
01:31:34I will love you forever.
01:31:36Let's go.
01:31:50Xu Bo.
01:31:52The company that suppressed Su Jie
01:31:54asked me to talk to him.
01:31:56If he doesn't hand over Wen Ran,
01:31:58within a week,
01:32:00his company will go bankrupt.
01:32:06We are in trouble.
01:32:08Su Jie suppressed our company.
01:32:10And he asked me to tell you
01:32:12if he doesn't hand over Wen Ran,
01:32:14within a week, his company will go bankrupt.
01:32:16I got it.
01:32:22Su Jie.
01:32:24I won't hand over Wen Ran.
01:32:26I want to see
01:32:28how you make me go bankrupt.
01:32:34Wen Ran.
01:32:40Wen Ran.
01:32:50I finally found you.
01:32:52Who are you?
01:32:54Wen Ran.
01:32:56Don't you remember me?
01:32:58I'm your husband.
01:33:02I'm your husband.
01:33:04Nonsense. I have a husband.
01:33:06Wen Ran.
01:33:08Are you okay?
01:33:10I'm fine.
01:33:12Su Jiu.
01:33:14What did you do?
01:33:16Why doesn't he remember me?
01:33:20Su Jiu.
01:33:22Who is he?
01:33:24He is my brother.
01:33:26I have something to talk to him.
01:33:28Wait for me.
01:33:30Come with me.
01:33:36What did you do to Wen Ran?
01:33:38Why doesn't he remember anything?
01:33:40It has nothing to do with me.
01:33:42But I have to tell you.
01:33:44Wen Ran is my wife now.
01:33:46And he can't leave me now.
01:33:48He promised to have a baby with me.
01:33:50Su Jiu.
01:33:52Do you want to die?
01:33:56Wen Ran can't be with you anymore.
01:33:58Send Wen Ran back to China right now.
01:34:00Otherwise, I will make your company bankrupt.
01:34:04I can take Wen Ran back to China.
01:34:06But he has to stay at my house.
01:34:10If you don't agree,
01:34:12I will make your company bankrupt.
01:34:14I can't take him back.
01:34:16You are so scheming.
01:34:18I can promise you.
01:34:20But you have to promise me one condition.
01:34:24Let Wen Ran be my assistant.
01:34:58Mr. Su.
01:35:00What can I do for you?
01:35:06Wen Ran.
01:35:08You are finally back to me.
01:35:10It's strange.
01:35:12Why do I feel sad when I see him like this?
01:35:14Show some respect.
01:35:16I am your brother's wife.
01:35:18You were cheated by him.
01:35:20I am your husband.
01:35:22Don't slander my husband.
01:35:24Why don't you believe me?
01:35:28If you don't have anything else to say,
01:35:30I will leave first.
01:35:38You are shameless.
01:35:44I kissed my wife.
01:35:46How many times have I told you?
01:35:48I am not your wife.
01:35:56I am warning you.
01:35:58Stay away from Su Zi Jin.
01:36:00Please figure it out.
01:36:02It's him who pestered me.
01:36:04Don't pester me again.
01:36:06It's funny.
01:36:08The president likes him.
01:36:12He doesn't look at himself in the mirror.
01:36:14Before you lie,
01:36:16look at yourself first.
01:36:18If you apologize to me now,
01:36:20maybe I will be polite to you
01:36:22in the company in the future.
01:36:24If you want me to apologize to you,
01:36:26how dare you call me aunt?
01:36:28I will break your mouth today.
01:36:32I want to see
01:36:34who dares to hit my woman in the company.
01:36:40Who dares to hit my woman in the company.
01:36:44She is really the president's wife.
01:36:46The legendary president's wife.
01:36:50What are you doing?
01:36:52Put me down.
01:36:54If you keep doing this,
01:36:56I will hit you again.
01:36:58Xu Bo.
01:37:00Fire the employee who bullied my woman.
01:37:04I am sorry.
01:37:06Zhang Xue.
01:37:08You are fired.
01:37:24Are you stunned?
01:37:30Respect me.
01:37:32I am your brother's wife.
01:37:36Let me go.
01:37:38You liar.
01:37:42I will let you know what a liar is.
01:37:44What are you doing?
01:37:46Let me go.
01:37:48Let me go.
01:37:51What are you doing?
01:37:56Mo Ran.
01:37:58I am sorry.
01:38:00You bastard.
01:38:06Su Jiu is right.
01:38:08I can't get close to him.
01:38:10I will kill him.
01:38:22Mo Ran.
01:38:24How do you feel about your new job?
01:38:26It's good.
01:38:28Did my brother do anything bad to you?
01:38:36That's good.
01:38:38I will go to work first.
01:38:40Su Jiu.
01:38:42We meet again.
01:38:46The lesson I gave you last time is not enough.
01:38:50Su Jiu.
01:38:52I am here to help you.
01:38:54Help me?
01:38:56I heard that your company has some financial problems.
01:39:00I can help you.
01:39:02But you have to promise me one thing.
01:39:04I heard that your company has some financial problems.
01:39:08I can help you.
01:39:10But you have to promise me one thing.
01:39:12You can't refuse me.
01:39:14You have to promise me.
01:39:16Are you kidding me?
01:39:18How can I refuse you?
01:39:20Of course you can.
01:39:22Su Jiu, just promise me.
01:39:24You just need to promise me that I can be with you.
01:39:26I will let our company transfer the money to you as soon as possible.
01:39:34I promise you.
01:39:40Young master.
01:39:42Madam is pregnant.
01:39:44She gave birth when she first came to the hospital.
01:39:50That means
01:39:52Wen Ran's baby is mine.
01:39:54Yes, young master.
01:39:56But I also found out that Su Jiu once bought a nurse.
01:39:58She wants to abort the baby.
01:40:00But when Zhao Yue went to kidnap the baby,
01:40:02she accidentally broke so many pills.
01:40:04I know.
01:40:12Wen Ran.
01:40:14Come with me to see someone.
01:40:16Zhao Xiaochun has something to explain to you now.
01:40:18Mr. Su.
01:40:20It's after work now.
01:40:22I don't want to see anyone with you.
01:40:24And you have no right to command me.
01:40:26Wen Ran.
01:40:30Mr. Su.
01:40:32Who is Su Jiu's wife?
01:40:34Don't you know?
01:40:36What are you talking about?
01:40:38Wen Ran.
01:40:40Let's go.
01:40:42Let's go to the hospital with me.
01:40:46Wen Ran.
01:40:48Let's go.
01:40:52Wen Ran.
01:41:00Wen Ran.
01:41:02You're awake.
01:41:04Su Jiu.
01:41:08Wen Ran, are you okay?
01:41:10Do you feel uncomfortable?
01:41:12It's my baby.
01:41:14Don't worry.
01:41:16As long as the baby is okay.
01:41:18Come on.
01:41:20Let's go.
01:41:30Why don't you answer the phone?
01:41:32I already have a phone.
01:41:34Don't worry.
01:41:36I'm afraid it's a woman.
01:41:40Wen Ran.
01:41:42Have a good rest.
01:41:44I'll see you in a few days.
01:42:00Wen Ran.
01:42:02My brother has been a hooligan since he was a child.
01:42:04If he doesn't like something,
01:42:06he will take it for granted.
01:42:08Don't be like him.
01:42:10I don't think he is a good person.
01:42:14You didn't expect it, did you?
01:42:16Wen Ran only listens to me now.
01:42:18Wen Ran.
01:42:20Have a good rest.
01:42:22I'll see you in a few days.
01:42:32Wen Ran.
01:42:34You are...
01:42:36Don't you remember me?
01:42:38I lost my memory a while ago.
01:42:40I don't remember many things.
01:42:42Do you remember your husband,
01:42:44Su Si Jin?
01:42:48You don't even remember this?
01:42:50Isn't my husband Su Jiu?
01:42:52What? Su Jiu?
01:42:54It's impossible.
01:42:56Your husband is clearly...
01:42:58Miss Mu.
01:43:00Miss Mu.
01:43:02Long time no see.
01:43:04I'm afraid Miss Mu's memory
01:43:06is getting better and better.
01:43:08Wen Ran's husband
01:43:10is my husband.
01:43:12Miss Mu.
01:43:14Miss Mu.
01:43:16Is what you said true?
01:43:18Yes. I'm sure your husband is...
01:43:20Miss Mu.
01:43:22Your brother is still in the hospital.
01:43:24Why don't I
01:43:26show you something?
01:43:28Mr. Su.
01:43:30Why are you here?
01:43:32Miss Mu.
01:43:34I'm here to remind you
01:43:36not to talk nonsense in front of Wen Ran.
01:43:40I didn't expect you to be such a person.
01:43:42If I remember correctly,
01:43:44your brother is about to have surgery.
01:43:48What do you want to do?
01:43:50I'm warning you.
01:43:52Don't touch him.
01:43:54What do I want to do?
01:43:56If you ruin my plan,
01:43:58I don't mind
01:44:00doing something to your brother.
01:44:04How dare you!
01:44:06I'm not threatening you.
01:44:08I'm here
01:44:10to inform you.
01:44:22Miss Mu.
01:44:24Is what you said true?
01:44:26Wen Ran.
01:44:28I was just kidding.
01:44:30I have something to do.
01:44:32I have to go.
01:44:36Miss Mu.
01:44:38Wen Ran.
01:44:40Miss Mu is so strange.
01:44:44Do you think so, Mr. Su?
01:44:48Wen Ran.
01:44:50Miss Mu has been kidding since she was a kid.
01:44:52By the way,
01:44:54she is my brother's girlfriend.
01:44:56Su Ci is a scumbag.
01:44:58How dare he touch me when he has a girlfriend.
01:45:04Wen Ran.
01:45:06I'm your husband.
01:45:08What do you know?
01:45:10I'm sorry.
01:45:12Maybe it's because of amnesia.
01:45:14I don't think I'm ready yet.
01:45:18I'll wait for you.
01:45:20Let's go.
01:45:22Let's eat.
01:45:30Please call me back.
01:45:32I will definitely tell Wen Ran.
01:45:34If I remember correctly,
01:45:36you are my uncle.
01:45:40What do you want to do?
01:45:42I'm warning you.
01:45:44Don't touch him.
01:45:48Su Jiu is with Qiao Wen Ran in the hospital.
01:45:54What are you doing?
01:45:56We haven't found it yet.
01:46:00I'd like to see
01:46:02how Wen Ran will die.
01:46:12Qiao Wen Ran.
01:46:14Long time no see.
01:46:16You are...
01:46:18You don't know me?
01:46:20I lost my memory a while ago.
01:46:22I don't remember many things.
01:46:28Wen Ran.
01:46:30I'm your cousin.
01:46:34Don't you remember me?
01:46:42We were good friends.
01:46:44But something happened.
01:46:46You moved out.
01:46:48I didn't expect
01:46:50when I saw you,
01:46:52you became like this.
01:46:54Don't cry.
01:46:56It's just amnesia.
01:47:00Do you feel better now?
01:47:02Much better.
01:47:04The doctor said I can be discharged tomorrow.
01:47:06Wen Ran.
01:47:08I brought it for you.
01:47:14Why are you here?
01:47:18Su Jiu.
01:47:20You are really...
01:47:22My sister lost her memory.
01:47:24Why didn't you tell me?
01:47:26I never told you about my sister and Jialin.
01:47:28You are my husband.
01:47:36Why are you here?
01:47:44What are you doing?
01:47:52I warn you.
01:47:54Don't do what I say.
01:47:56I will kill you.
01:48:00I won't stop you.
01:48:06Zhao Yun Shu.
01:48:08Listen to me.
01:48:10Don't come to me
01:48:12if you have nothing to do.
01:48:16Don't come to me if you have something to do.
01:48:20Su Jiu.
01:48:22I won't let you go.
01:48:24I won't let anyone take you away.
01:48:36What did you say to my sister?
01:48:38Why didn't she come in?
01:48:42She has something to do.
01:48:44Listen to me.
01:48:46Your sister was not good to you.
01:48:48Don't get close to her.
01:48:52She didn't say that to me.
01:48:54Just listen to me.
01:48:56I won't hurt you.
01:49:04I think you know about the stranger.
01:49:06I heard that
01:49:08you got the video of hotel and restaurant.
01:49:14But I can't give it to you now.
01:49:16Su Jiu...
01:49:18Your brother's life depends on it.
01:49:20Su Jiu is not that capable.
01:49:22As long as you give me the video,
01:49:24I can send your brother to the best hospital
01:49:26and find him the best doctor.
01:49:34I hope you can keep your promise.
01:49:38Don't worry.
01:49:40I will keep my promise.
01:49:42Have some tea.
01:50:12I lost my memory.
01:50:14I can't remember a lot of things.
01:50:16It's okay.
01:50:18That's right.
01:50:20It's different when you are the president.
01:50:22You have no one in your eyes.
01:50:24I already have the president.
01:50:26It's normal that I have no one in my eyes.
01:50:28What are you talking about?
01:50:30Secretary Qiao.
01:50:32I can't stand your behavior.
01:50:34What do you mean?
01:50:38Secretary Qiao, you misunderstood.
01:50:40It's about the surgery.
01:50:42Wen Ran, Secretary Qiao.
01:50:44Don't be angry.
01:50:46They won't say anything behind your back.
01:50:48Let me tell you.
01:50:50I just lost my memory.
01:50:52I'm not a fool.
01:50:54If I hear you talking behind my back again,
01:50:56I will make you suffer.
01:50:58What happened?
01:51:00What happened?
01:51:04Let's discuss what to eat tonight.
01:51:06Tell me.
01:51:08If I know you lied to me,
01:51:14they were talking behind my back.
01:51:16Secretary Qiao.
01:51:20If I remember correctly,
01:51:22you were there when Zhang Xue was fired.
01:51:24You don't remember, right?
01:51:26Xu Guang, take them away.
01:51:30don't let me tell you this again.
01:51:32Okay, young master.
01:51:34Don't worry.
01:51:36Are you okay?
01:51:42Are you okay?
01:51:44I sprained my ankle.
01:51:48Put me down.
01:51:54Wait for me.
01:51:56I'll get you some ointment.
01:52:00Although I feel you saved me,
01:52:02I don't want to have anything to do with a scumbag.
01:52:06Let me go.
01:52:08Sit down.
01:52:22Sit down.
01:52:26What are you doing?
01:52:28Don't move.
01:52:30I'll get you some ointment.
01:52:32I don't need it.
01:52:34If you move again,
01:52:36I won't be nice to you.
01:52:40You dare?
01:52:42See if I dare.
01:52:44I advise you to be obedient.
01:52:52Be gentle.
01:52:54Bear with it.
01:52:56Do you feel better?
01:53:02He looks
01:53:04quite handsome.
01:53:08How can I think a scumbag
01:53:10is handsome?
01:53:12Are you done?
01:53:16If there's nothing else,
01:53:18I'll leave first.
01:53:27Brother Sujiu.
01:53:31Brother Sujiu.
01:53:33How is it?
01:53:35Our Zhao family
01:53:36can still help you, right?
01:53:38Don't refuse me.
01:53:40Qiao Wenren can't come back for a while.
01:53:42She won't find out.
01:53:48I hope
01:53:50Zhao family's funds will arrive as soon as possible.
01:53:56I hope Zhao family's funds will arrive as soon as possible.
01:53:58I hope Zhao family's funds will arrive as soon as possible.
01:54:00I hope Zhao family's funds will arrive as soon as possible.
01:54:02It's strange.
01:54:03Seeing Sujiu and my sister like this,
01:54:05I'm not jealous.
01:54:07Does it hurt?
01:54:11What the hell?
01:54:13Why did I think of that scumbag?
01:54:21It's not what you saw just now.
01:54:23Yes, sister.
01:54:25We didn't mean it.
01:54:27I didn't see anything.
01:54:29Go on.
01:54:31Go on.
01:54:33Brother Sujiu.
01:54:34Qiao Wenren doesn't like you at all.
01:54:36She just saw us like this.
01:54:38She's not jealous at all.
01:54:40Zhao Yuechu.
01:54:42You did it on purpose.
01:54:43I didn't.
01:54:45How could I know
01:54:46Qiao Wenren was peeping?
01:54:48You'd better tell the truth.
01:54:58My son's father
01:55:00can't be such a person.
01:55:03Qiao Wenren.
01:55:05I'm sorry.
01:55:06You are...
01:55:08I'm Zhao.
01:55:10Don't you remember me?
01:55:12You are the heroine of our crew.
01:55:22Where have you been?
01:55:26I'm sorry.
01:55:27I lost my memory.
01:55:29So I don't remember much.
01:55:31It's okay.
01:55:33Let me tell you.
01:55:35What happened to you...
01:55:41That's what happened.
01:55:44I see.
01:55:46I finally found you.
01:55:48Come back with me.
01:55:49We have three days to shoot.
01:55:51We can finish it after shooting.
01:55:54Okay, director.
01:55:57Why didn't Mr. Su accompany you?
01:56:00I guess he's busy
01:56:01flirting with other women.
01:56:03No way.
01:56:04With Mr. Su's love for you,
01:56:06he won't find other women.
01:56:08And I heard that
01:56:09you were kidnapped abroad.
01:56:10He went abroad to find you.
01:56:15We've been abroad all the time.
01:56:20Wen Ran.
01:56:21I have something else to do.
01:56:22See you on the main stage in a few days.
01:56:24Okay, director.
01:56:28Wen Ran.
01:56:29I'm sorry.
01:56:30It's not what you saw.
01:56:32Su Jiu.
01:56:34I'm really not angry.
01:56:38Wen Ran.
01:56:40I'm your husband.
01:56:42You are not angry
01:56:43when your husband kisses another woman.
01:56:45I'm sorry, Su Jiu.
01:56:47I've tried.
01:56:49But I just can't feel at ease with you.
01:56:53It's okay.
01:56:54We still have a lot of time.
01:56:56We can cultivate it slowly.
01:56:58It's impossible.
01:56:59I can't allow my child
01:57:01to have a father like you.
01:57:03Wen Ran.
01:57:05Think about it.
01:57:06You can't let your child
01:57:07have no father as soon as he is born, right?
01:57:09How can the child grow up healthy?
01:57:13Wen Ran.
01:57:15Can you give me another chance?
01:57:21Let me think about it.
01:57:28Wen Ran.
01:57:30I will make you fall in love with me.
01:57:35Ask for a three-day leave to film in the theater.
01:57:38I won't agree.
01:57:41Director Zhao told me
01:57:43your scenes
01:57:44can be finished in a day.
01:57:47You know Director Zhao?
01:57:48Of course.
01:57:50It was because you were in this play
01:57:52that I invested in it.
01:57:54Wen Ran.
01:57:55I'm really your husband.
01:57:57You have a girlfriend
01:57:58but you still say you are someone else's husband.
01:57:59You are really a jerk.
01:58:00Who told you I have a girlfriend?
01:58:02Su Jiu?
01:58:04Mr. Su.
01:58:05I can let it go about last night.
01:58:07But I hope you
01:58:08don't treat me like this in the future.
01:58:10I will tell your girlfriend Mu Ning.
01:58:16Wen Ran is jealous.
01:58:18Who is jealous?
01:58:33Mr. Su.
01:58:37Wen Ran.
01:58:38Get ready.
01:58:39We will shoot right away.
01:58:40Okay, Director.
01:58:42Get ready.
01:58:44Wen Ran.
01:58:45Don't be angry
01:58:46about what happened yesterday.
01:58:48I'm not angry.
01:58:51Get ready.
01:58:54Are you ready?
01:58:56Let's go.
01:58:58Mr. Su.
01:58:59Go over there.
01:59:03Mr. Su.
01:59:04Change your positions.
01:59:05Come on.
01:59:10Come on.
01:59:12Get ready.
01:59:18You drugged Lu Jing Yan.
01:59:21So what if it was me?
01:59:25But I didn't expect
01:59:27he would rather kill himself
01:59:28than touch me.
01:59:33Sell him to the mountain.
01:59:36Your acting is good.
01:59:37Not bad.
01:59:38Qiao Wen Ran.
01:59:39Go to hell.
01:59:44This scene is not in the script.
01:59:46Xiao Qi.
01:59:47Go away.
01:59:51Xiao Qi.
01:59:52Go away.
01:59:55Wen Ran.
01:59:56Are you okay?
01:59:58Xu Bo.
01:59:59Go after him.
02:00:01Damn it.
02:00:02I let you get away this time.
02:00:04Thank you just now.
02:00:05Thank you.
02:00:08Wen Ran.
02:00:09Are you okay?
02:00:10Did you get hurt?
02:00:12I'm fine.
02:00:13I saved you just now.
02:00:15Why don't you treat me a meal?
02:00:20I can treat you a meal.
02:00:22Wen Ran.
02:00:23How about this?
02:00:24Let's make another one.
02:00:25Okay, director.
02:00:27Come on.
02:00:28Everyone, get ready.
02:00:35Tell me.
02:00:36Who asked you to do this?
02:00:37I'll tell you.
02:00:38Zhao Yue Chu asked me to do this.
02:00:40He said he would give me one million yuan.
02:00:42Zhao Yue Chu again.
02:00:44I'll send you to death.
02:00:45Just kill me.
02:00:51Mr. Su.
02:00:53Thank you for today.
02:00:55I won't care about
02:00:56what you did to me
02:01:01What did I do?
02:01:03I don't know.
02:01:05All right.
02:01:06I won't tease you anymore.
02:01:07Let's eat.
02:01:10This is your favorite food.
02:01:14I can add it myself.
02:01:17Mu Ning is my girlfriend.
02:01:20Su Jiu told you, right?
02:01:23I can swear.
02:01:24I don't have a girlfriend.
02:01:26And you were the one
02:01:27who married me at that time.
02:01:29How could it be me?
02:01:31If you don't believe me,
02:01:32you can ask Su Jiu
02:01:33to show your marriage certificate
02:01:34at night.
02:01:36What if Su Jiu shows it?
02:01:38She can't show it.
02:01:40Is Su Zi Jin my husband?
02:01:44Should I believe him?
02:01:48I'll show you a video.
02:01:49A video that can make you misunderstand.
02:01:52What video?
02:01:54What misunderstanding between us?
02:02:02It's not good for you and Wen Ran
02:02:04to eat alone, right?
02:02:06Su Jiu.
02:02:07Do I need your permission
02:02:10to eat with my wife?
02:02:14I know you think Wen Ran is beautiful
02:02:16and want to play with her.
02:02:18But she is my wife.
02:02:20Please stay away from her.
02:02:24Wen Ran.
02:02:25I've made dinner at home.
02:02:27Let's go eat.
02:02:30Wen Ran.
02:02:33Wen Ran.
02:02:41Wen Ran.
02:02:43Stay away from Su Zi Jin.
02:02:45I know
02:02:46what she is like.
02:02:49Su Jiu.
02:02:50I have something to ask you.
02:02:53Are you my husband or not?
02:02:57Su Zi Jin fooled you again.
02:03:00If you are my husband,
02:03:02show me your marriage certificate.
02:03:06You don't believe me.
02:03:24I'm sorry.
02:03:25I misunderstood you.
02:03:29It's okay.
02:03:31Just stay away from her.
02:03:34I know.
02:03:36Su Zi Jin.
02:03:38Why did you say that again?
02:03:43Come in.
02:03:47Wen Ran.
02:03:48You are here.
02:03:49Take a look at this video.
02:03:51No need.
02:03:52Su Jiu explained to me last night.
02:03:55What did Su Jiu say to you again?
02:03:57Su Jiu showed me our marriage certificate.
02:04:00I hope you won't treat me like this anymore.
02:04:04Do you really believe what Su Jiu said?
02:04:06He is my husband.
02:04:07I don't believe her.
02:04:19Are you crazy?
02:04:20Are you crazy?
02:04:23That's right.
02:04:25Because of you, I'm really going crazy.
02:04:29Didn't you say I was crazy?
02:04:31What are you doing?
02:04:39Wen Ran, don't cry.
02:04:51It seems that...
02:04:53Su Jiu can abandon Qiao Wen Ran for the company.
02:05:00as long as Qiao Wen Ran knows that the marriage certificate is fake,
02:05:04it's okay.
02:05:11Hello, sister.
02:05:13I'm Yue Chu.
02:05:14What's up? What's the matter?
02:05:15I have something very important to talk to you face to face.
02:05:18Then come to the company to find me.
02:05:28what's wrong with you?
02:05:31Why did you ask me to come today?
02:05:36I have something to tell you.
02:05:39Say it.
02:05:42Su Jiu...
02:05:45Su Jiu actually...
02:05:49is my boyfriend.
02:05:53I know.
02:05:56Su Jiu lied to you about one more thing.
02:05:58What is it?
02:06:00Are you going to say again that Su Jiu is not my husband?
02:06:04How do you know?
02:06:05Everyone in the company always says that.
02:06:07But Su Jiu has already shown me the marriage certificate.
02:06:09He is indeed my husband.
02:06:10That marriage certificate is fake.
02:06:15That marriage certificate...
02:06:17is fake.
02:06:18If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you.
02:06:20That's impossible.
02:06:21Su Jiu is so nice to me.
02:06:23Don't be silly.
02:06:29Don't you have to get off work?
02:06:30I'll take you to a place.
02:06:42Zhao Yue Chu,
02:06:44why did you bring me here?
02:06:49Su Jiu,
02:06:50don't be so cold to me.
02:06:52I miss you so much.
02:06:58I advise you to think twice.
02:07:02Su Jiu,
02:07:04I have transferred some of our funds to you.
02:07:08The rest will arrive soon.
02:07:11Su Jiu,
02:07:16Yue Chu,
02:07:18you have to arrive in three days.
02:07:20I'm begging you.
02:07:22By the way, Su Jiu,
02:07:24did Qiao Wen Ran believe...
02:07:26the marriage certificate you asked me to make?
02:07:29He believed it.
02:07:32But you can't let him know about this.
02:07:35Su Jiu,
02:07:37you have been lying to me.
02:07:41You have been lying to me.
02:07:44Wen Ran.
02:07:45Wen Ran.
02:07:46Listen to me.
02:07:48Su Jiu,
02:07:49I envy you so much.
02:07:50Why did you do this to me?
02:07:53Wen Ran,
02:07:54it's not what you think.
02:07:56Wen Ran.
02:07:58Su Jiu didn't do it on purpose.
02:08:00Listen to his explanation.
02:08:04Zhao Yue Chu,
02:08:05it's all your fault.
02:08:07Su Jiu,
02:08:08I didn't do it.
02:08:11I asked him to bring me here.
02:08:13Su Jiu,
02:08:14I'm so disappointed.
02:08:16Wen Ran.
02:08:19I did all this for you.
02:08:21Give me another chance, okay?
02:08:23I can't believe a liar again.
02:08:28Wen Ran.
02:08:29Su Jiu.
02:08:31What's so good about Qiao Wen Ran?
02:08:32I've always been by your side.
02:08:34Look at me.
02:08:37I'll deal with you when I get back.
02:08:39Wen Ran.
02:08:42Wen Ran.
02:08:43Give me another chance, okay?
02:08:45No way.
02:08:47Wen Ran.
02:08:49I'm sorry.
02:08:50I was wrong.
02:08:52Even if you don't forgive me,
02:08:53think about the baby in your belly.
02:08:55You can't let the baby
02:08:56have no father.
02:08:58The baby in Wen Ran's belly
02:08:59is not yours.
02:09:02The baby in Wen Ran's belly
02:09:03is not yours.
02:09:06What did you say?
02:09:08Wen Ran.
02:09:09What did you say?
02:09:11The baby in Wen Ran's belly is mine.
02:09:14Su Jiu.
02:09:16Do you know
02:09:17the truth?
02:09:19I don't know the truth.
02:09:22Wen Ran.
02:09:23Do you believe him or me?
02:09:25Su Jiu, tell me.
02:09:26Whose baby is it?
02:09:29Wen Ran.
02:09:30The baby in your belly
02:09:31is mine.
02:09:34Wen Ran.
02:09:36Don't believe him.
02:09:37He's a liar.
02:09:39Then who are you?
02:09:46Wen Ran.
02:09:47Wen Ran.
02:09:50Zhao Yue Chu.
02:09:54This is our marriage certificate.
02:09:55If you still don't believe me,
02:09:57I can take you to the police station.
02:10:02By the way,
02:10:03by the way,
02:10:12Mu Ning and I are innocent.
02:10:14You are my real legal wife.
02:10:17We are in love with each other.
02:10:21Have I
02:10:23wronged you all the time?
02:10:26Wen Ran.
02:10:27Do you remember anything?
02:10:31I don't remember anything.
02:10:34It's okay.
02:10:35Take your time.
02:10:39What if I can't remember anything?
02:10:41Even if you can't remember anything,
02:10:43I'm confident
02:10:44that I will fall in love with you again.
02:10:47I haven't accepted you yet.
02:10:49You can't hug me casually in the future.
02:10:51You can't kiss me casually.
02:10:53I promise you.
02:10:54I won't kiss you casually in the future.
02:10:59Where are we going?
02:11:01Go home.
02:11:06Zhao Yue Chu.
02:11:07Zhao Yue Chu.
02:11:09Brother Su Jiu.
02:11:11I didn't tell you.
02:11:13Don't tell me.
02:11:14I didn't tell you.
02:11:15Zhao Wen Ran followed you.
02:11:22Let me go.
02:11:24Don't let me go.
02:11:27I still have a lot of money.
02:11:35Within three days,
02:11:37the money must be returned.
02:11:38The money must be returned.
02:11:40I want to let you go this time.
02:11:49It's all because of Qiao Wen Ran.
02:11:52Su Jiu can't do this to me.
02:12:00Qiao Wen Ran ran away with me.
02:12:03I will make him disappear.
02:12:22How is it?
02:12:23Do you feel familiar?
02:12:26But I can't remember what happened.
02:12:30It's okay.
02:12:31If you can't remember,
02:12:32let's not think about it.
02:12:34Go to rest first.
02:12:40Oh, that.
02:12:45Is this your initiative to hug me?
02:12:48I didn't.
02:12:49I didn't.
02:12:53You are too close to me.
02:13:01Didn't you say you couldn't kiss me casually?
02:13:03I didn't kiss you casually.
02:13:05I kissed you seriously.
02:13:10You are shameless.
02:13:15I'm even more shameless.
02:13:16Do you want to try?
02:13:17Who wants to try?
02:13:34One more.
02:13:42By the way,
02:13:43I'll take you to the hospital later.
02:13:45No need.
02:13:46I can handle this little thing.
02:13:48Then I'll ask the driver to send you.
02:13:50No need.
02:13:51I can do it myself.
02:13:54If you have anything,
02:13:55call me as soon as possible.
02:14:03It's strange.
02:14:04Why do I feel like someone is chasing me?
02:14:16Why do I feel like someone is chasing me?
02:14:24The bird ran away.
02:14:27I'll go back to where I was.
02:14:28There must be another chance.
02:14:47Wen Ran.
02:14:49Why are you here?
02:14:51I'm here to review today.
02:14:53Have you recovered your memory?
02:14:55Not yet.
02:14:57But I misunderstood you before.
02:14:59I'm sorry.
02:15:00It's okay.
02:15:01It's good that Mr. Su can explain to you.
02:15:06You said before
02:15:07that before I lost my memory,
02:15:09A Ci loved me very much.
02:15:12Before you lost your memory,
02:15:13you had a good relationship.
02:15:14But because of this misunderstanding,
02:15:15you had some small problems.
02:15:18you seemed to lose your memory.
02:15:21I see.
02:15:23Thank you.
02:15:25It's okay.
02:15:26I hope you can recover your memory as soon as possible
02:15:28and have more trust in Mr. Su.
02:15:33I'll go in first.
02:15:45What's wrong?
02:15:46You seem to have something on your mind today.
02:15:48I was followed today.
02:15:50Are you okay?
02:15:52I'm fine.
02:15:53Those two were too stupid to be thrown away by me.
02:15:57if I have something to do, I can't come back.
02:16:00I'll make a call.
02:16:04Help me check
02:16:05who was following Wen Ran today.
02:16:15Mr. Su,
02:16:16are you looking for me?
02:16:18From now on,
02:16:19don't call me anymore.
02:16:30When there's no one around,
02:16:33you can call me husband.
02:16:36What do you want to see me for?
02:16:40I just want to invite you over for a meal.
02:16:44That's not good.
02:16:48You are my wife.
02:16:49What's wrong with having a meal with me in the company?
02:16:53Don't touch me.
02:16:54I'll be angry if you do it again.
02:16:55You have no resistance
02:16:57to my physical contact.
02:17:00Mr. Su,
02:17:05What's the matter?
02:17:07Mr. Su,
02:17:08the one who kidnapped my wife yesterday
02:17:09was Zhao Yuechu.
02:17:10Zhao Yuechu?
02:17:11Zhao Yuechu?
02:17:13My sister?
02:17:16I got it.
02:17:21Zhao Yuechu kidnapped you before.
02:17:23He almost burned you to death.
02:17:25From now on,
02:17:26you'd better stay away from him.
02:17:30I got it.
02:17:36Zhao Yuechu.
02:17:43He can't do it well.
02:17:44I'll find another chance to kill him.
02:17:46Keep an eye on him.
02:17:51Zhao Yuechu.
02:17:58when you are born,
02:17:59I'll give you the best.
02:18:10Hello, Su Jiu.
02:18:11What's up?
02:18:13I know I was wrong.
02:18:14I want to apologize to you in person.
02:18:16You don't have to apologize.
02:18:17For the sake that I didn't treat you badly during this time,
02:18:20can you come out to see me?
02:18:22I'm going abroad soon.
02:18:46sit down.
02:18:50Are you hungry?
02:18:51Eat something first.
02:18:53Why do you want to see me?
02:18:58I know I was wrong.
02:19:00Can you give me another chance?
02:19:03Su Jiu,
02:19:04you lied to me for so long.
02:19:05Do you still want me to give you a chance?
02:19:09I know I was wrong.
02:19:11You don't have a memory now.
02:19:13Give me a chance to compete fairly with Su Cijin.
02:19:17Although I haven't recovered myself now,
02:19:19my heart tells me
02:19:21I have a feeling for Su Cijin.
02:19:23How many days have you been with him?
02:19:25How many days have you been with him?
02:19:27If you called me out just to say this,
02:19:30I'll go first.
02:19:35I beg you.
02:19:38Give me another chance, okay?
02:19:40I've made it very clear to you.
02:19:43Since you don't know this,
02:19:45don't blame me.
02:19:56Su Jiu,
02:19:57you're crazy.
02:19:58Let me go.
02:20:02Do you want me to let you go?
02:20:09No way.
02:20:11Only in this way
02:20:13can I keep you by my side.
02:20:15Are you going to lock me up?
02:20:20I won't.
02:20:22Are you going to lock me up?
02:20:25My Wenran is so smart.
02:20:27Come on.
02:20:29Let's eat.
02:20:31I don't want to eat.
02:20:35You don't have to eat.
02:20:38But you have to think about the baby in your belly.
02:20:41You pervert.
02:20:42Are you crazy?
02:20:47Mom, that's enough.
02:20:48Let's eat.
02:21:01That's good.
02:21:04As long as you listen to me,
02:21:06I won't hurt your baby.
02:21:09Do you dare?
02:21:12It's up to you.
02:21:16One more bite.
02:21:25All right.
02:21:27I'll see you later.
02:21:33Don't move.
02:21:35You can't escape.
02:21:50How's it going?
02:21:51Have you found Wenran?
02:21:53Not yet.
02:21:54Then why did you come back?
02:21:56Go find her.
02:22:05Su Jiu.
02:22:09Su Cijin.
02:22:10What do you want to do?
02:22:11Where is Wenran?
02:22:12How do I know where Wenran is?
02:22:15Shall we keep searching?
02:22:16Shall we keep searching?
02:22:19I don't know what kind of person you are.
02:22:21Are you going to tell me or not?
02:22:24Su Cijin.
02:22:25I'm telling you.
02:22:27First of all, I don't know where Wenran is.
02:22:30And even if I knew,
02:22:33I would never tell you.
02:22:52Looks like you're in trouble.
02:22:56Don't touch me.
02:23:00Qiao Wenran.
02:23:02Don't you feel sorry for me?
02:23:07I don't feel sorry for you.
02:23:09I don't feel sorry for a fool.
02:23:16Qiao Wenran.
02:23:19I've fallen in love with Su Cijin.
02:23:22I beat him up so badly.
02:23:25What did you do to him?
02:23:26Don't you care about him?
02:23:37What do you want to do?
02:23:41Since I can't get your heart,
02:23:43I'll get your body.
02:23:47What do you want to do?
02:23:48You beast.
02:23:52Let me go.
02:23:54Su Cijin.
02:23:55I beg you.
02:23:56Su Cijin.
02:23:57I beg you.
02:23:59Let me go.
02:24:00Let me go.
02:24:04I'm sorry.
02:24:05I shouldn't have done that.
02:24:07I'm sorry.
02:24:10Go down.
02:24:11Go down.
02:24:14I'll go down.
02:24:16I'll go down.
02:24:23Get out.
02:24:24Get out.
02:24:25Get out.
02:24:26Get out.
02:24:31I'll get out.
