• 2 months ago
The girls' and boys' academies share a joint sixth form.
00:00Sam Ward is the head of sixth form here at St Aidan's and St Anthony's. How have we done?
00:05We are really proud of how hard our students and staff have worked and what they've achieved this year.
00:10There were 30 A-star grades and 50 A-grades. Our students are now ready to progress onto their next stage at university, apprenticeship or employment.
00:20Callum Kendry is here at St Anthony's and St Aidan's. How have we done?
00:25I got four A-stars in biology, chemistry, maths and Spanish.
00:30Excellent. Is that in line with expectations?
00:34It's definitely what I wanted but it's not what I was expecting.
00:39And what's the plan from here?
00:41I've got an offer for medicine at Oxford Uni.
00:46Is that something you've been interested in for a long time?
00:49For the better part of three years.
00:55Emma Codes, what are your results?
00:59I got an A-star in Christianity, an A-star in politics, an A-star in history and an A-star in English literature.
01:05Excellent. And what's the plan from here?
01:07University of Oxford to do theology and world religions.
01:10And why is that of interest to you particularly?
01:13I think it's just always been something that's been part of my life and then my teachers last year just really inspired something in me.
01:19I was going to do history originally but then this just felt more right.
01:24Lovin Sharma has just received his results here at Aidan's and St Anthony's. How have we done?
01:29Pretty good. I got an A-star in maths, A in physics and a B in computer science.
01:33Excellent. And what happens next?
01:35I'm going to uni, Newcastle University.
01:37And what are you going to study?
01:38Computer science.
01:39Is that something you've been interested in for a long time?
01:41Yes, a long time.
01:43Eve Fawcett is here at Aidan's and Anthony's. How have we done?
01:47Really well. I got four A-stars in biology, chemistry, maths and Spanish.
01:51That's not bad at all. So what's the plan from here?
01:54I'm going to Edinburgh University to do medicine.
01:59And any particular field you want to specialise in?
02:01I don't know yet. That's a long way away. I've got lots of ideas but I'll see what happens.
02:08James Spence, I understand congratulations are in order. How have we done?
02:11In chemistry I got an A, in physics I got an A and in maths I got an A-star. So very well.
02:17Excellent. Congratulations. And where do we go from here?
02:19I'm going to the University of Manchester to study chemical engineering.
02:23And with a view to doing what long term?
02:25I'd hope to do long term because I've been looking at this for quite a while and it's got a P as well.
02:31Gabrielle Collins, how have we done?
02:33I've got an A-star in French, an A in psychology, an A-star in English literature
02:39and an A in my extended project qualification.
02:42And what's the plan from here?
02:44I'm going to the University of Edinburgh to study English literature and French.
02:47And what would you like to do long term? Any thoughts?
02:49I'm not sure. Maybe something involved with publishing or translation or editing.
