• 2 months ago
Students at Portsmouth High School have made everyone proud as the school obtains a 100 per cent pass rate for A-levels.
00:00Could you introduce yourself please? I'm Jane Westcott, I'm Headmistress at Portsmouth High School.
00:06Tell us a bit about this morning, the girls are all here opening their results, how has it gone?
00:10Well you can hear from the background noise there's a lot of excitement and the girls are absolutely delighted,
00:15quite rightly so, because they've done very well and they're into their choice of university
00:20and you can just feel the buzz in the room.
00:23I mean there's a few exemplary results that I've seen this morning, how proud are you as a Headmistress?
00:29Oh really really proud because the students do it at the end of the day, they're the people who've worked really really hard,
00:34supported of course by the staff but yeah I'm really pleased for them.
00:39And in terms of where they're off to and their plans, is there any that have stood out this year
00:46that are going off to do something that perhaps the school have never seen before?
00:50We do have one going off to rechemistry with cosmetic surgery along with it which is quite unusual,
00:57I don't think we've had that one before.
00:59We spoke to her, very specific, she has a life plan very well.
01:04But other than that no I don't think so, it's what we would expect.
01:09Right thank you very much.
01:12Could you introduce yourself please?
01:14Yeah I'm Olivia and I've attended Portsmouth High School since nursery.
01:18Oh wow so how have you found it?
01:20I've loved it here, I've really enjoyed my time here, I feel like it's made me far more confident
01:26and the support that it's given me has been really beneficial.
01:30Well confidence is going to be important, tell us where you're off to and what you're going to be doing?
01:35Yeah I'm off to Royal Holloway to do drama and theatre studies.
01:38Amazing and what's the goal, what would you like to do out of the back of that?
01:42So I'd like to go into teaching, so do a PGCE then become a drama teacher hopefully.
01:47Lovely okay.
01:48And you've got mum and dad here, very proud moment today?
01:52Yes very proud, very pleased.
01:55Is Sad flying the nest now?
01:57Yeah she's our last one so it's going to be a bit quiet at home in September.
02:03I can imagine, well thank you for talking to us and good luck with everything that's coming.
02:07Thank you very much, thank you.
02:09Could you introduce yourself please?
02:11My name is Ilmi Taverson.
02:13And how long have you been coming here?
02:15Seven years since Year 7.
02:17And are you happy with your results today?
02:19Very happy, very very.
02:21And they've got you into your university of choice?
02:23They did.
02:24Tell us more about that.
02:25So I'm going to the University of Reading to study chemistry with cosmetic science with a year in industry.
02:30Amazing, okay and with a view to doing what with that?
02:33I want to be a cosmetic chemist, formulating products for a make-up brand or a skincare line or to be honest the real goal is to own my own brand one day.
02:42Amazing, do you have ideas already about what that might look like?
02:45I've actually already been thinking of a name, I've already been on it.
02:49I'll tell you what, keep that to yourself, you don't want to give that away too soon.
02:51But good luck at university and hopefully we'll see your brands in the future.
02:55Thank you so much.
