
  • last month


00:30I need a favor.
00:31What kind of favor?
00:32I need the health status.
00:33I'm a chucho, but I need this.
00:35Somehow Chucho figured out I'm working for the DEA.
00:37It was either him or me.
00:40Chucho isn't just my number two.
00:42He's a brother to me.
00:43What if he regains consciousness and talks to the cops?
00:46He will never betray me.
00:48Cabal's smart.
00:49If he tries to grab his man, he's in for a rude awakening.
00:52This walks lovely.
00:54They switched him out for a fucking dead guy.
00:56Let's go, fuck.
00:57What the fuck is this?
00:58The loan documents I signed to gain control of this property and build the mutiny.
01:01I forged the signature of my father under his nose,
01:04and the nose of my cunt of a sister.
01:07I'm gonna need everything you got on Nestor Cabal.
01:11There's nothing you want to tell me about that night we haven't talked about?
01:16As soon as Chucho wakes up, he'll either tell Zulio or Nestor what I did.
01:20And Valeria will grow up without a father.
01:22Roman's life is at stake.
01:24Please, I just need a nurse's uniform.
01:26I need a new second in command.
01:28You're my new Chucho.
02:27Oh, my God.
02:41Come on, don't go.
02:42No te vayas.
02:45My first visit to El Famoso Mutiny.
02:49Now I understand what all the fuss is about.
02:51Bienvenido, hermano.
02:52Trust me, it's less fun when we work here.
02:55I'm gonna make you so fucking rich,
02:58you're gonna kiss this place goodbye.
03:08Hey, hermano.
03:09I can't replace Chucho.
03:11I'm not in your business.
03:12I don't know how it really works.
03:14You learn.
03:15And as it happens, I have a job that coincides.
03:18At the moment, you're very well placed for information.
03:22There's a Colombian staying in your hotel.
03:25His name is Alvaro Gomez.
03:27Word on the street is this guy's trying to break into the market in Miami.
03:31He's guaranteeing better purity than the shit I bring from Medellin.
03:3520% less per key.
03:37See, that's... that's what I mean.
03:39I mean, I don't know the first thing about drug smuggling.
03:42Brother, you didn't know the first thing about gun smuggling,
03:44and you managed to smuggle all those fucking guns under Castro's nose.
03:48Smuggling is smuggling.
03:51So what do you need?
03:52Find out if this Alvaro Gomez is for real.
03:54If I can trust him.
03:56How and where is he getting this shit into Miami?
04:00Can't your guys just follow him around?
04:02If he ever left his room.
04:04But he's been holed up in there, meeting with my friendly competitors.
04:08Gomez invited me, too, but I'm not gonna meet with him till I know more.
04:12You have access to his room.
04:14Search it. See what you can find out.
04:16No. No.
04:17See what you can find out.
04:18No. No.
04:29Gomez is in the Marquis de Sade suite.
04:31Check it out.
04:40Fuck Pablo Escobar.
04:43That fadass motherfucker is robbing you blind.
04:47It costs him less than a thousand a key to produce,
04:49and he's charging you upwards of 50 grand.
04:52Not to mention the purity level is about 75%.
04:57Our purity level is 95% at 30 a kilo.
05:05Feel free to sample the product.
05:08Coño de pinga, chico.
05:12That's some premium bloke, Gomez.
05:14Mr. Almo. Mr. Armas. Mr. Solis.
05:19I am here as a representative of a very powerful man
05:24who is ready to take control of Miami and make you tens of thousands of dollars.
05:32I am ready to take control of Miami and make you tens of millions more than you already do.
05:40Cut to the chase, Gomez.
05:43What is his name?
05:45No names, but you will know him by his symbol.
05:51La Cobra.
06:03Are you ready for more?
06:06I got it.
06:12You got it.
06:18Povo Blanco.
06:19Are you ready for more?
06:26Baby, why so serious?
06:28It ain't what it seems.
06:32It's secret safe with me.
06:42Baby, why so serious?
06:43It ain't what it seems.
06:47It's secret safe with me.
06:52I got it.
06:58You got it.
07:03Povo Blanco.
07:05You know where we at.
07:06Hotel Cocaine.
07:08Hotel Cocaine.
07:10Hotel Cocaine.
07:12Hotel Cocaine.
07:14Might just blow your brains.
07:16Might just maintain.
07:18Might just do the thing.
07:20You know where we at.
07:21Hotel Cocaine.
07:23Hotel Cocaine.
07:26Are you ready for more?
07:29You must find the right bra for your particular tatas.
07:37Ladies, I want each of you to go see my girl at Burdine's.
07:40She'll get you fitted and set up with new knocker lockers.
07:44Yes, Janice.
07:53Any news?
07:55The juicer died.
07:57Apparently a fatal arrhythmia.
08:01Well, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
08:08You didn't have anything to do with it, did you?
08:15Of course not.
08:19But this gets you off the hook, right?
08:21With your brother and the DEA?
08:22No, not exactly.
08:25Now, Nestor wants me to replace Chucho as a second-in-command.
08:31Zulio's happy.
08:34I'm still screwed.
08:53Well, we're back to square one.
08:55Of course, that could be a good thing.
08:57I want out.
08:58I did want to get the goods from Chucho
09:00until that stupid son-of-a-bitch croaked on me.
09:03But on the other hand,
09:04has forced Nestor to rely more on you.
09:06Did he say anything?
09:07Did you not hear me?
09:10Is that any way to speak to your favorite DEA agent?
09:14Don't worry, I...
09:15I don't care.
09:16I don't care.
09:17Is that any way to speak to your favorite DEA agent?
09:21Don't worry, I...
09:22I'll give you a pass on accounting you're under so much pressure.
09:24Look, all I know is he's mourning Chucho.
09:26Oh, bullshit.
09:28Nothing's been said about...
09:29about plan, strategy,
09:31about cocaine shipments?
09:37I remind you that you're trying to keep your family together.
09:40Isn't that what you Cubans are all about?
09:44That reminds me.
09:45I got something here that might cheer you up.
09:49It's a hilarious driver's license.
10:01So now you're stealing my daughter's mail?
10:03As my informant,
10:04your mail and you are mine.
10:06And hers.
10:08So stay close to Nestor.
10:10And listen good.
10:13Oh, and, uh...
10:15make sure she buckles up.
10:22You gotta read Fear of Flying by Erika Jung.
10:24It'll change your life.
10:25Excuse me.
10:27Quick question.
10:29Do you know anything about a guest,
10:30Alvaro Gomez,
10:31staying at Monquitus Hotspot?
10:33Funny you should ask.
10:34We had to tell him the Mutiny girls aren't hookers.
10:36He's looking for a hot time.
10:39Well, apparently he's some big supplier.
10:41Nestor wants me to search his room,
10:43find out if he's for real.
10:44Bring him a free bottle of Dom.
10:45Or, frankly, free anything.
10:47Doesn't matter how rich you are.
10:49Everyone loves a freebie.
10:52Good idea.
10:53I know.
10:54Let's go.
11:13Buenas noches.
11:14I'm Roman Conte, the general manager.
11:16And I have some champagne and caviar for Mr. Gomez.
11:20We didn't order anything.
11:22They're a gift from a Mr. Nestor Cavalli.
11:36Come in.
12:11All right.
12:12All right.
12:23Give me one second.
12:31The fuck is this?
12:33It's a gift from Mr. Cavalli,
12:35who also asked me to convey a message.
12:38You have a message from Nestor Cavalli?
12:42He sends his regrets
12:44that he couldn't be with you all tonight.
12:49Tell that motherfucker
12:51he made a mistake by not coming here.
12:54And if he wants to do business,
12:55he needs to speak to me directly.
12:58Not send fucking room service.
13:02Now get the fuck out of my room.
13:05Yes, sir.
13:22Ay, Dios mío.
13:24The pancakes are burning.
13:26Oh, yeah.
13:29You know, wait till they're on your plate.
13:32Okay, well, I have to go.
13:33Because if I miss the bus, I have to walk.
13:36Well, did you finish your homework?
13:38Marty said he'd help me.
13:40Oh, wait.
13:41Hey, there's something for you.
13:52Oh, my God.
13:54When did this come in?
13:55Yesterday. Felicidades.
13:58Can I drive to school?
14:00When you get your own car, maybe.
14:06Have a great day.
14:07Love you.
14:41There you go.
14:47Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:50Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:52There's someone here for you.
14:56Your sister.
14:59Can you please grab me a nice suit from my closet?
15:02Of course.
15:25What the hell do you think you're doing, Constance?
15:27Getting a jump on the decor.
15:29It's all gonna have to change when we take over.
15:31Uh, who the fuck is we?
15:33And what do you mean, take over?
15:35A few years ago, you borrowed $3 million
15:37from Copley Savings and Loan.
15:39Yeah, I needed to do renovations.
15:41A balloon payment is due on that loan in three days.
15:46You owe the remaining $2.1 million, dumb shit.
15:52If you ever looked at your books,
15:54you'd know that your overhead rivals Disney World.
15:56You spend it as fast as you make it.
15:59And this little Bacchanalian orgy vibe you have going on...
16:03Hey, Burton. revolting.
16:06But more importantly, it's a fad,
16:08like Elvis or feminism.
16:11The good news is, this property is actually a decent asset.
16:15A lot of added value, just not in your hands.
16:18So we'll cut you a check,
16:20which you can go snort up your nose,
16:22and we'll turn this hotel
16:24into something more respectable and enduring.
16:26Over my dead body?
16:28Does Dad know about this?
16:30Who do you think authorized your payout, moron?
16:33You are lucky he's so generous.
16:35Fuck you and your ugly white pants.
16:38What makes you think I'd sell to you?
16:40Because everything you touch eventually turns to shit.
16:46be smart for once in your life.
16:48Take the money.
16:50You can come by my office to sign papers,
16:53and try not to be completely high out of your mind.
16:57I don't want any capacity issues.
17:04Still a fucking cunt.
17:14I was in Gomez's room for only a few minutes.
17:18Saw him writing in a little book.
17:21That's about it.
17:23Yeah, so he's selling for a new Colombian producer,
17:26and he doesn't come to see me?
17:28Boys, I hope you're hungry.
17:32This is my beautiful wife, Alejandra.
17:36La especialidad de la casa.
17:38He's my brother Roman.
17:40It's a pleasure, Alejandra.
17:43Oh, my God.
17:45So nice to finally meet you.
17:47Same here.
17:48Nestor has told me so much about you,
17:50I feel like I already know you.
17:52Mucho gusto.
17:54Bueno, I have a thousand cempasuchil
17:57to place on the ofrendas before the party tonight,
18:00so los dejo.
18:01Thank you, baby.
18:05Muchas gracias.
18:07Brother, I'm telling you, this one's real.
18:11And Mommy would have loved her.
18:15I'm happy for you.
18:17Tell me, do you have someone in your life?
18:19I do.
18:20I have a girlfriend, Marisol.
18:23She's brilliant.
18:25How'd she get along with Valeria?
18:27They love each other.
18:29And Valeria's doing very well at school.
18:31She's a straight-A student.
18:32I mean, she's a teenager, but she's a good kid.
18:37I want to get your opinion on something.
19:02Just like Mommy's.
19:33Hi, brother.
19:36I want to see my niece.
19:39I'm her godfather.
19:41I haven't seen her since she was, like, eight years old.
19:46Alejandra's having a Day of the Dead party tonight.
19:49Why don't you bring them?
19:50It'll be fun.
19:51They'll have music and dancing.
19:52She prepared all kinds of shit.
19:54Yeah, but Valeria, she's very...
19:57busy and...
19:59You know what?
20:04It's cool.
20:05I got it.
20:07I understand.
20:14You know what?
20:15We'll be here.
20:18We'll be here.
20:21Thank you, brother.
20:36138 rooms booked solid year-round.
20:40The Mutiny Club and hotel are a fucking institution in Miami,
20:43and you're telling me we don't have the money
20:45to make this fucking payment?
20:46Well, we could make a part of it,
20:48but you'd still be $700,000 short.
20:52Jesus Christ.
20:57New plan.
20:58Best offense is good defense.
21:00I think that's the other way around.
21:02What's our Blitzkrieg?
21:03Our Austerlitz.
21:04Our Trafalgar.
21:05Actually, Napoleon lost that last one.
21:07Shut up, John.
21:09May I?
21:10Of course you may.
21:11Right there.
21:22To put it bluntly,
21:23you're fucked.
21:25Your family are using the loan payment
21:26to initiate a hostile takeover.
21:28But it didn't, didn't we get hired?
21:30Hostile takeover.
21:31But it didn't, didn't we get hostile right back?
21:33You sure you want them opening up the books?
21:35Doing forensic accounting?
21:36Going over every receipt and corporate document
21:38with a magnifying glass?
21:40Whoa, whoa, whoa.
21:41When you say corporate docs,
21:43you mean like the original loan papers?
21:47That's exactly what I mean.
21:53Yeah, uh...
21:57You rang?
21:58What, did you miss my smiling face?
22:01What if I told you I could give you
22:02someone bigger than Nestor?
22:07There's no one bigger than Nestor right now.
22:09What if I told you Nestor says
22:10there's a new Colombian connection
22:12undercutting Escobar by 20%?
22:16I'd tell you to suck my fucking dick.
22:19Nobody is undercutting the Medellin cartel
22:22and living to talk about it.
22:26I'll give you a name.
22:27You check it out.
22:29If it pays off,
22:30you stop messing with my family
22:32and get me off the Nestor Cabal detail.
22:37You might win a shiny medal.
22:44Give me the name.
22:45Alvaro Gomez.
22:51since there's only a few Gomez's in Miami,
22:55this should be an easy task.
22:57Just check it out.
22:58Now, in return,
23:00I'd like you to plant this
23:02in your brother's house.
23:04Wherever he's most likely to talk about business.
23:08Is that a bug?
23:10Are you trying to get me fucking killed?
23:12No, no.
23:13But I am starting to wonder about your motivation.
23:16What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
23:17Well, you haven't given me diddly yet.
23:19Except this Alvaro Gomez guy,
23:21who that choo-choo dies with
23:23the doctor said he'd be fine.
23:26Could you be running a game on me?
23:28And risk my daughter?
23:37I just fucked up with you, man.
23:39Come on.
23:41It's all gonna be alright.
23:43In the end.
23:46Come on.
23:47Let's fuck off.
23:58Got to get up.
24:07Got to get up.
24:10Hey, Janice.
24:12Did housekeeping get Mr. Gomez's trash?
24:14Yeah, it's in your office.
24:17Thank God you're here.
24:18I've been looking for you, too.
24:19I need to take off early tonight.
24:21It's a family matter.
24:22Yeah, of course.
24:23Family comes first.
24:25Except in my case.
24:26See that unkind-looking woman over there?
24:29The mousy one by the entrance.
24:31Uh, yeah?
24:33Yeah, my sister.
24:34That two-faced bitch is trying to take my hotel.
24:37Yeah, we could all be out of a job.
24:38I don't know what to do.
24:40Hey, did the Maharishi check in yet?
24:42He just arrived with his entourage
24:44and a list of culinary demands.
24:48Maybe I can ask him for advice.
24:49I mean, he helped the Beatles
24:50when they were at each other's throats.
24:51Yeah, if you think that'd help.
24:53Well, if it doesn't,
24:54you might have to bail me out for murder.
24:57Kinahara, Kinahara.
24:58Sorry about that.
24:59I gotta watch my karma.
25:00Okay, I gotta go.
25:03Hey, Omar.
25:04Have you seen the Maharishi?
25:05Oh, yeah.
25:06He's right over there.
25:12Yo, excuse me.
25:13Hey, Maharishi, I'm Burton Greenberg.
25:15Can I help you?
25:17I'm the owner of this hotel.
25:18Well done.
25:19Its happiness radiates
25:21like the fragrance of a flower.
25:23Thank you so much.
25:24May I welcome the Maharishi personally?
25:27No, I'm sorry.
25:28He is meditating for the next six hours.
25:31To ingest that fragrance.
25:33Okay, but I really need to talk to him.
25:36How about I bring you a bottle of our finest champagne?
25:38We are fine.
25:43So why did you want Alvaro Gomez's trash?
25:46It's a military recon trick called rooting.
25:49Digging through an enemy's trash for information.
25:52And in this guy's case,
25:55that's an M-Porn.
26:00And here, Pat Deluxe.
26:03It's a French shoe polish.
26:05Very expensive.
26:08There's an import stamp.
26:09Buenaventura Seaport, Colombia.
26:14Ten-gallon tank, 91 octane.
26:17It's a Colombian cigarette.
26:19Any of this tell us anything?
26:21It confirms he's Colombian.
26:25Buenaventura is a port city.
26:28It could be where they're shipping it in from.
26:30What about the gas?
26:35I don't know.
26:37I'm gonna have to sneak into his suite,
26:40see if I can find more information.
26:42Assuming I can get Alvaro to clear out of there.
26:47Oh shit.
26:48I have to pick up Marisol and Valeria
26:50who are going to Nestor's tonight for a party.
26:53You're bringing your family to his house?
26:57I didn't have a choice, Janice.
27:00Look, I got this.
27:02Go to your party.
27:04Leave Alvaro Gomez to me.
27:29You're a fucking rat.
27:42What are you doing?
27:43I can't go through with this. I'm not going.
27:46He's expecting us.
27:47And Valeria shouldn't go either.
27:49I would never put either of you in harm's way.
27:54He's my brother.
27:56And he wants to meet you and see his goddaughter.
28:00He's a drug dealer.
28:09Please, mi amor.
28:16I'm trying to...
28:19figure a way out of this situation.
28:28Please, Marisol.
28:31Just one night.
28:37So, are we leaving or what?
28:40I'm totally dying to see him.
28:43As soon as Marisol is ready.
28:51Yeah, I'm ready.
28:56This is Padrino's place?
29:05Don't tell me this stunning young woman is my goddaughter.
29:10I missed you.
29:12Last time I saw you, you were eight years old and you were missing your two front teeth.
29:16Did they grow back?
29:17What do you think?
29:18I... I can't see them.
29:22I heard you just had a birthday.
29:23I just turned 16.
29:25Sixteen? Wow.
29:27I owe you a present.
29:39This is Marisol.
29:40Hi. Pleasure to meet you.
29:42Marisol, I've heard so much about you.
29:46The woman tells me you're a teacher and quite a scholar.
29:50Oh, no. He exaggerates.
29:52I just teach junior high.
29:54While working on her doctorate.
29:56Hello, hello. Welcome.
29:58Roman, nice to see you again.
30:01My wife, Alejandra.
30:02Oh, you must be Valeria.
30:04So nice to finally meet you.
30:07You too.
30:08And Marisol, of course.
30:10You look stunning.
30:13Come. Come with me.
30:15I'll get you set up.
30:18Trust me. It'll be fun.
30:22Let's go.
30:25Mira, nosotros no creemos en brujería.
30:28What is this Day of the Dead stuff?
30:31Bueno, es una cosa mexicana.
30:33I don't know.
30:34But it makes her happy, so...
30:37I can't believe how much Valeria looks like her mom.
30:40Acts like her, too.
30:42Defiant, headstrong.
30:44Maybe all 16-year-olds are like that.
30:46No. She has her mother's spirit.
30:50Great party. Thanks for inviting us.
30:54Congressman Landon, I want you to meet my brother Roman Conte.
30:58Nestor, you never mentioned you had a brother.
31:01A pleasure.
31:02Congressman, it's good to see you again.
31:04Have we met before?
31:05He was general manager at the Mutiny Club.
31:07You've seen him there.
31:11Ah, yes. You've seen him before.
31:13What a wonderful place.
31:16If you'll excuse us.
31:17Of course.
31:19Good night.
31:20Y lista.
31:26What are we supposed to be?
31:27We are Catrinas.
31:29And we're celebrating those who have passed.
31:33We don't celebrate that in Cuba.
31:35Neither in Spain.
31:36Well, no. It's a Mexican tradition to remember our loved ones
31:40and bring us closer to death so that we don't fear it.
31:44That's actually kind of cool.
31:48Impressive guests.
31:50He's a gritty bastard, but politicians are useful.
31:54Anything on Alvaro?
31:56No. Nothing yet.
31:58But I did see those men in his room the other night.
32:02Barry Solis, Cisco Armas, and John Adamo.
32:06They're at the club all the time.
32:10Solis is Cuban.
32:12He worked for Suarez for 20 years in Bolivia.
32:14They gave him Miami as a thank you gift.
32:17Armas, also Cuban.
32:18See that dog?
32:19It's on a diet of pure filet mignon.
32:22And the Yankee, Adamo,
32:24he's an associate of the Genovese crime family in New York City.
32:27Those guys aren't my competitors so much as my associates.
32:32Well, they spent the entire night in Gomez's room.
32:36And wouldn't they know where and how he smuggles his product?
32:40They don't care.
32:41They're already committed to buy.
32:43I'm just more careful and curious.
32:48Who has the fucking balls to undercut Escobar?
32:58Alvaro Gomez.
33:01Mr. Alvaro.
33:03The girls are here.
33:07I thought the mutiny girls didn't play for pay.
33:14Shut up.
33:23On the floor, bitch.
33:31Yes, Gomez.
33:57Come on, baby. Give me a little kiss.
33:59Hey, hey, hey. No, ya, ya, ya.
34:02Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya.
34:05I got it.
34:07No, better, better.
34:11What just happened?
34:16I'm sorry.
34:17I'm sorry.
34:18I'm sorry.
34:19I'm sorry.
34:20I'm sorry.
34:21I'm sorry.
34:22I'm sorry.
34:23I'm sorry.
34:24I'm sorry.
34:25I'm sorry.
34:34Nice face.
34:40No day did Dad make it for you?
34:43You kidding?
34:44My dad forced me to come here.
34:45No way I'm putting on that shit.
34:50But it looks cool on you.
34:53What brings you here?
34:54My dad.
34:56And who's he?
34:58Roman Conte.
35:00Never heard of him.
35:02Why would you have heard of him?
35:04Because I know all these guys.
35:06My dad's congressman landed.
35:08He, uh, works with them.
35:11What does your dad do?
35:13Um, he runs the Mutiny Club.
35:15Far out.
35:17That is the most radical spot in Miami.
35:18I bet you look really pretty under all that makeup.
35:21I do.
35:23On behalf of Nestor and myself,
35:27I'd like to welcome you all to our home.
35:29And now, in the spirit of my tradition,
35:33I'd like to sing you a little song.
35:35I need to find a bathroom.
35:37Let me guess.
35:39You're going to stay in there until the song's over.
35:43I'm sorry.
35:45I'm sorry.
35:47I'm sorry.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:51I'm sorry.
35:53I'm sorry.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:57I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:32Ay, de mi llorona, llorona, llorona, tú eres mi chunca.
36:51Ay, de mi llorona, llorona, llorona, tú eres mi chunca.
37:00Me quitarán de quererte, llorona, pero de olvidarte nunca.
37:09Me quitarán de quererte, llorona, pero de olvidarte nunca.
37:31Do you want to drag?
37:34I shouldn't.
37:35My dad's like a bloodhound.
37:36He gets on when I put onion rings for lunch.
37:42Do you like Zeppelin?
37:47Well, we should go see him sometime.
37:49Grab some onion rings afterwards.
37:53Are you a little bitch?
38:05Are you?
38:07Say it.
38:08Si ya te he dado la vida, llorona, ¿qué más quieres?
38:13¿Quieres más?
38:14Say it.
38:15I don't need it.
38:16Say it.
38:17You won't.
38:18Say it.
38:20Say it.
38:22Say it.
38:25Si ya te he dado la vida, llorona, ¿qué más quieres?
38:32You're going to fuck with my wife?
38:34Fuck you.
38:35Give me that.
38:36El coño de tu madre.
38:38¿Quieres más?
38:53¿Te gusta?
38:57¿Te gusta?
39:00¿Te gusta?
39:03¿Y esto?
39:06Do you like it?
39:14What about this?
39:36You wouldn't believe who was at Nestor's.
39:46Florida Congressman.
39:48They're all chasing the money, no matter where it comes from.
39:52Gotta love Miami.
39:54You should have seen Alvaro.
39:56He was in a perverted frenzy while we clogged his toilet.
40:06Good morning, Roman Conte.
40:12Your toilet is clogged.
40:14Yes, of course, Senor Gomez.
40:16I will personally oversee the repairs.
40:18Allow us to host you by the pool for a complimentary champagne breakfast while you wait.
40:23Yes, I will be right up.
40:25Si, Senor.
40:30Yeah, not so fast, fucknut.
40:32Hey, do you ever sleep?
40:34Uh, I checked out this Alvaro Gomez character.
40:39He took off out of Bogota and landed in Miami, and now he's got a reservation here at the Mutiny.
40:44He's traveling on a diplomatic passport.
40:46I told you it was big.
40:48It's easier to buy a passport in Colombia than a pack of fucking Bubblicious.
40:54Plus, Gomez is a fake name, asshole.
40:58You can be shit.
41:04Roman Conte.
41:05Hey, brother.
41:06You gonna let me have a good time last night at the party?
41:09Look, I have to call you back.
41:13I'm a little busy.
41:15Uh, yeah, listen.
41:16I need something on Gomez.
41:18Pero hoy.
41:21Sin problema.
41:25I'm losing patience.
41:26You fuck me around, I'm gonna see your life spin down the drain.
41:31Let's go.
42:01Marty Owens.
42:32Make sure Ray Dorado is well taken care of.
42:37Can you get a sec?
42:39Can you think of any of our regular guests who might be able to loan me some money?
42:42I'd pay it back with interest.
42:43Well, how much is some?
42:44Uh, well, if I don't make a payment of $700,000 on my balloon loan, I'm toast.
42:50Your sister?
42:51None other.
42:52Look, you don't want to get involved with our guests that way.
42:54If you can't pay them back, they don't send a collection notice, Burton.
42:58They send a hitman.
42:59Okay, okay, but, like, what about Ray Dorado?
43:01I mean, he's here all the time.
43:03And he owns a bank.
43:04He handles, like, millions of dollars.
43:06Yeah, laundering money for the cartels.
43:07He's the last person you should talk to.
43:09Ray Dorado's bad news.
43:11May we take him?
43:12You stay away.
43:13Yeah, yeah, yeah.
43:14Of course.
43:15It was a terrible idea.
43:18Your daughter and Mary Saul just pulled up.
43:19They're looking for you.
43:22Let me think on it.
43:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
43:27But if the phone is the others...
43:29They just delivered it!
43:32Delivered what?
43:33The car.
43:38Listen, I don't know how you did this, but thank you.
43:42I love you so much.
43:44Almost as much as I love this car.
43:49Roman, what's going on?
43:51I mean, we can barely afford the mortgage.
43:53How in God's name did you buy this?
43:56I didn't.
43:58You didn't?
44:01Yeah, I didn't buy it outright.
44:03Burton started a new lease program for employees, and...
44:10Well, you did good.
44:13I've never seen her so happy.
44:16I'm glad.
44:18Do you guys want to go for a spin?
44:21Perdóname, mi querida, but I have an errand I have to run.
44:25Maybe later, okay?
44:32Mucho gusto.
44:35Looks great on you.
44:37Drive safe.
44:42Me cago en el.
45:13Of course there were women there.
45:18It's a fucking bar!
45:22No, I don't know what time I'm going to be home tonight.
45:27Look, somebody just walked into my office.
45:30Yeah, I love you, too.
45:32Give the boys a big hug from Daddy, okay?
45:37How can I help you, friend?
45:39Well, Mr. Rowans, I have a message from Don Alvaro.
45:45Who the fuck are you?
45:48A friend.
45:49Oh, a friend.
45:50Well, I need a name, friend.
45:53Let me see some fucking identification.
46:04Ramón Conte.
46:07Manager of the Mione Club.
46:09That's where Don Alvaro's staying, as you probably know.
46:14He told me to tell you he needs specifics about the next shipment.
46:19When and where it's coming in.
46:22Why didn't he call me himself?
46:25Alvaro's worried his phone is tapped,
46:28along with every pay phone on the premises.
46:30He didn't discuss with me why he needs the information.
46:32He just needs it.
46:39Why would Gómez think you as his errand boy?
46:43I can't read it.
46:44Go fuck yourself.
46:47Jimmy, Pascal, throw this asshole out.
46:51He's running a game.
46:52Kick his ass while you're at it.
46:53That's not gonna be necessary.
46:55I'm leaving.
46:56I'm good.
46:57I'm fine.
46:59What the fuck are you?
47:13I need answers.
47:19What do you want to know?
47:21I need to know where, when, and how Alvaro imports his coke.
47:25His coke?
47:26That's right.
47:29Gómez doesn't import coke.
47:32It's motorcycles.
47:34He imports weapons and motorcycles.
47:37Kawasaki motorcycles.
47:39If you don't believe me, I can show you the paperwork.
47:55I'll bring your car around, Mr. Greenberg.
47:57Thank you so much.
48:21Uh, excuse me.
48:22Mr. Morishi.
48:23Mr. Morishi.
48:24Hi, I'm Burton Greenberg.
48:25I own this hotel.
48:26I really need to talk to you.
48:27I'm sorry.
48:28He does not have the dime.
48:30Okay, I know.
48:31I just have to ask him one thing.
48:32Just one little thing.
48:35He can.
48:36One always has time for the man in need.
48:39What is it that you seek, Mr. Greenberg?
48:43My sister's trying to take this hotel from me because of a bad loan deal I made,
48:46and, well, it's my home, goddammit.
48:51So do I go bankrupt fighting for it or let it go
48:55and watch her turn it into another homogenized hotel for super squares?
49:05When the elephant decides to walk through the village,
49:11the dogs come out and bark.
49:17When the elephant decides to walk.
49:27Wait, what the fuck does that mean?
49:31Are you fucking kidding me with that?
49:35Oh, fuck this.
49:38One tab can't hurt.
49:41If I take two tabs, nothing will hurt.
49:53I'd like to start by thanking everyone for coming on such short notice.
49:57The good news is this should all be relatively quick and painless,
50:01as long as everyone behaves.
50:03And by everyone, I mean you, Burton.
50:05Oh, really? I didn't know that.
50:10All you have to do is sign this contract, take your check,
50:15and you can walk out that door a debt-free man.
50:42Burton, are you going to sign the contract?
50:56When the elephant decides to move through the village,
51:01the dogs come out and bark.
51:09Be the elephant.
51:27Sign the contract.
51:55Sign the contract.
51:59Why are you doing that?
52:02Oh, my fucking God.
52:08Ha, ha, ha, ha.
52:18Stop that, Burton.
52:23Stop it, Burton.
52:25What are you doing?
52:27Stop it.
52:30You're embarrassing yourself.
52:33Oh, yeah!
52:35What are you doing?
52:37Whatever I want.
52:39That's what makes me the elephant
52:41and you all a bunch of little bitches.
52:44You cannot just do drugs on the conference table.
52:47There are...
52:49Oh, yeah.
52:50You love your rules, Connie.
52:52That's your problem.
52:54You're a rule follower.
52:56Take a look around, you idiot.
52:58We don't follow them.
52:59We make them.
53:00And I don't even acknowledge them.
53:02So who's the idiot now?
53:04Fortune favors the bold.
53:07Those who take what they want
53:08no matter what the fucking rules say.
53:11Quaaludes for breakfast,
53:12coke for lunch,
53:13pussy for dinner.
53:15People want to feel special.
53:17That's not a fad.
53:19That's the future.
53:21And I intend to give that to them
53:2324 hours a day,
53:25seven days a week
53:27at the Hotel Mutiny.
53:35Good meeting, guys.
53:40I thought Marty Owens was helping
53:42Alvaro Gomez import cocaine.
53:44He's not.
53:45He's importing motorcycles and guns.
53:48The coke comes later.
53:50I don't understand.
53:52Motorcycles are the preferred method
53:54of assassination for the Colombian cartels.
53:56They speed by, unleash a hail of bullets,
53:58and they're gone.
53:59So you're saying the Colombians
54:00are staking a claim for Miami?
54:02Yeah, I thought Alvaro Gomez was here
54:04to recruit powerful Cuban dealers
54:06like Adamo Solis and Armas.
54:08Alvaro was meeting with them,
54:09so they'd let their guard down,
54:11get them to view him as a friend,
54:13not an enemy,
54:14and my brother was suspicious.
54:15The Colombians are here
54:16to wipe out the competition,
54:18to wipe out the Cubans who were here first.
54:22A war is about to begin.
54:27I have to warn Nestor.
54:33Maybe the best move is to do nothing.
54:37Your brother made his bed.
54:39Let him lie in it.
54:40And what, just let him get killed?
54:42If Nestor goes away,
54:44so does your problem with the DEA.
54:46He's my brother.
54:47And Valeria's your daughter.
54:50Who's more important?
55:14I'm sorry.
55:15I'm sorry.
55:16I'm sorry.
55:17I'm sorry.
55:18I'm sorry.
55:19I'm sorry.
55:20I'm sorry.
55:21I'm sorry.
55:22I'm sorry.
55:23I'm sorry.
55:24I'm sorry.
55:25I'm sorry.
55:26I'm sorry.
55:27I'm sorry.
55:28I'm sorry.
55:29I'm sorry.
55:30I'm sorry.
55:31I'm sorry.
55:32I'm sorry.
55:33I'm sorry.
55:34I'm sorry.
55:35I'm sorry.
55:36I'm sorry.
55:37I'm sorry.
55:38I'm sorry.
55:39I'm sorry.
55:40I'm sorry.
55:41I'm sorry.
55:42I'm sorry.
55:43I'm sorry.
55:44I'm sorry.
55:45I'm sorry.
55:46I'm sorry.
55:47I'm sorry.
55:48I'm sorry.
55:49I'm sorry.
55:50I'm sorry.
55:51I'm sorry.
55:52I'm sorry.
55:53I'm sorry.
55:54I'm sorry.
55:55I'm sorry.
55:56I'm sorry.
55:57I'm sorry.
55:58I'm sorry.
55:59I'm sorry.
56:00I'm sorry.
56:01I'm sorry.
56:02I'm sorry.
56:03I'm sorry.
56:04I'm sorry.
56:05I'm sorry.
56:06I'm sorry.
56:07I'm sorry.
56:08I'm sorry.
56:09I'm sorry.
56:10I'm sorry.
56:11I'm sorry.
56:12I'm sorry.
56:13I'm sorry.
56:14I'm sorry.
56:15I'm sorry.
56:16I'm sorry.
56:17I'm sorry.
56:18I'm sorry.
56:19I'm sorry.
56:20I'm sorry.
56:21I'm sorry.
56:22I'm sorry.
56:23I'm sorry.
56:24I'm sorry.
56:25I'm sorry.
56:26I'm sorry.
56:27I'm sorry.
56:28I'm sorry.
56:29I'm sorry.
56:30I'm sorry.
56:31I'm sorry.
56:32I'm sorry.
56:33I'm sorry.
56:34I'm sorry.
56:35I'm sorry.
56:36I'm sorry.
56:37I'm sorry.
56:38I'm sorry.
56:39I'm sorry.
56:40I'm sorry.
56:41I'm sorry.
56:42I'm sorry.
56:43I'm sorry.
56:44I'm sorry.
56:45I'm sorry.
56:46I'm sorry.
56:47I'm sorry.
56:48I'm sorry.
56:49I'm sorry.
56:50I'm sorry.
56:51I'm sorry.
56:52I'm sorry.
56:53I'm sorry.
56:54I'm sorry.
56:55I'm sorry.
56:56I'm sorry.
56:57I'm sorry.
56:58I'm sorry.
56:59I'm sorry.
57:00I'm sorry.
57:01I'm sorry.
57:02I'm sorry.
57:03I'm sorry.
57:04I'm sorry.
57:05I'm sorry.
57:06I'm sorry.
57:07I'm sorry.
57:08I'm sorry.
57:09I'm sorry.
57:11I'm sorry.
57:12You did go ahead, Mano.
57:14You haven't lost your skills.
57:18Apparently not.
57:20Thanks for the warning.
57:23I feel very safe with you by my side, like nothing can fucking touch me.
57:35If you ever send anything to Valdivia without my permission again,
57:39I'll fucking kill you.
57:48Now let's go inside and find out who's behind all this.
58:10Look at you now.
58:14Better watch out.
58:18Look at you now.
58:20Supernature, watch it.
58:22There's something that you can't see.
58:26It's too late.
58:28Look what you've done.
58:30There's something that you can't run from.
58:32The monster's made.
58:34We will live.
58:36Supernature, better watch out.
58:39Supernature, look at you now.
58:43Supernature, better watch out.