Lester Martinez vs Carlos Gongora (28-06-2024) Full Fight

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00:00It's good, it's good.
00:09It's your turn.
00:31And that's it.
00:32Looking to be the man in Guatemala when it comes to boxing.
00:33This is the start of round number one.
00:36Martinez in the black and white trunks.
00:41Carlos Gongora in the white and blue.
00:44You immediately see the range of Gongora.
00:46Covers a lot of space in that ring.
00:48Big wingspan, long arms.
00:50Right now, utilizing that reach advantage.
00:55Being able to touch his man from the outside.
00:58a 10-round fight. We've said earlier tonight, Lester Martinez averages under
01:03three and a half rounds per fight. He gets it done quickly. Carlos Congora used
01:08to going to war. Both of his losses by decision.
01:14That was a wild, wide just lead overhand right coming from Lester there. Looks like he's just got to get a
01:21little more comfortable. It was slow too. Yeah. Slow, awkward punch. Very indecisive
01:27punch. That's the thing. Congora at his best. He's tricky, he's slick,
01:35he's hard to hit. Against Christian Mimbilli, he just got overwhelmed.
01:40Mimbilli's one of those guys comes to the front door, just lets his
01:43hands go. He's such an engine. Congora just really had to take a lot of
01:47punishment in that fight. Landed his own punches, but was just outworked all night
01:50long. At this rate, at this pace, this is much better for Carlos Congora.
01:55Better pace, and he just landed about two or three punches in a row right there.
02:00Now, is it one of those things, gentlemen, where we know you're in there against a
02:03veteran, you're a power puncher, you're used to laying guys out, do you pace
02:07yourself a little bit more? Do you get a little bit out of what you would
02:09normally do knowing you've got a veteran in front of you? Yeah, I mean, you know, you look at
02:13the corner of Lester and you see that he's got a Terence Crawford, Bo Mack
02:19entourage for the Second Wars in his corner, which means they're going to be
02:22methodical. They're going to start slow, they're going to find their way, and build.
02:26And, you know, that's kind of the Bo Mack, Terence Crawford, Omaha way.
02:32Nice uppercut landing right there. Good shot. Martinez coming in. He keeps speaking about the range of
02:37Congora. His uppercuts are nasty. That's how he knocked out Ackman up. It was two
02:41left uppercuts in the last round that laid him out in his back. He used the
02:45uppercut well, and he hurt Mbile with it in their fight, even though he was
02:47dominated for most of the fight. He was able to hurt Mbile a few times, and the
02:50uppercut was one of the main sources of that power. So, the thing with this pace
02:56here is you just, you allow Congora to be comfortable, and you allow him to operate.
03:02At some point, they'll look to turn it up, and then we'll see what happens.
03:10On our air, Pro Box TV, Lucas De Abreu, of course, knocked out by Lester Martinez.
03:17That was June 2023. It was a TKO win. Easy work that night.
03:25They haven't easy worked so far with Carlos Congora in a measured fight, round number one.
03:47Lester Martinez's corner saying he's got to move. He hits you with the left. Our main event coming up, Lamont Roach Jr.
04:16Taking on Fearless, Feargo McQuarrie. 12 rounds, super featherweight division,
04:22title on the line. The WBA title belongs to Lamont Roach Jr. Lester Martinez ready to go, round number two.
04:34Round number one at the pace of the bigger, more experienced Carlos Congora in the blue and white.
04:39Lester Martinez, the power puncher in the black and white.
04:43I mentioned that Congora has a good chin, but that's not to say he doesn't get hurt.
04:48He's been hurt, he's been down in many fights. He just battles back and is able to find his own shots and also make it to the end of the fight.
04:55We'll see, because Lester Martinez is a finisher. He's a guy with a big punch.
04:58He has 15 KOs and 17 wins. I mentioned that that chin can run out.
05:03We talked about the power of Martinez, but I see some speed from the young man, too.
05:07He's got some speed on that chin.
05:09Also, Showtime, one of those things where Carlos Congora, the taller guy, but he tends to lean over and kind of put himself in range against Martinez a little bit.
05:15For him, he's been fighting shorter guys for so long that that kind of, again, has become a part of his nature.
05:22Nice right hand, good ripping shot to the body.
05:25And Martinez landed a beautiful left hook to the body in the middle of that. That was smart.
05:29Carlos Congora, apparently not afraid of a firefight here, gentlemen.
05:33Some blood coming out of the right nostril, as well.
05:39Oh, good right over the top there from Martinez. Martinez, man, he's tricky. He punches with you.
05:45Oh! Big shots.
05:48Good combination from Martinez. Again, a nod of acknowledgment.
05:52I mean, those are neck-snapping blows that he's eaten.
05:57Don't miss anything down on the Pro Box TV app, your boxing channel.
06:02Check out our news. Check out our Wednesday night.
06:05Nice beautiful right hand.
06:07And Martinez, again, a nod of acknowledgment.
06:10Carlos Congora, again, a nod of acknowledgment.
06:13Carlos Congora, again, a nod of acknowledgment.
06:16Carlos Congora, again, a nod of acknowledgment.
06:19Check out our news. Check out our Wednesday night.
06:21Nice beautiful right hand. Don't miss our main event tonight.
06:25Martinez, explosive, powerful, finding a home.
06:28Congora, man, he did not leave his nuts in the dressing room, that's for sure.
06:36Nuts and guts.
06:40And for the people at home, this is not the fight you should go get popcorn.
06:44Could end at any time.
06:47As this great man once said, guts will get you so far, then they'll get you killed.
06:50Congora's got to be able to unload in punching range without falling for the knockout shot of Lester Martinez.
06:55As you say, champ, 15 knockouts and 17 wins.
06:59Undefeated, the kid doesn't know how to lose.
07:02It's not like going the distance, either.
07:06I'm seeing much improved head movement from Lester Martinez.
07:09His last time before our air, he was walking the man down, taking shots he didn't need to.
07:14Tonight, though, I'm seeing him get his head off line, being tricky with his punches,
07:19being deceptive in how he approaches and closes the distance to land those power shots.
07:24What's his pace like? What's the comparison?
07:27Like this, but he builds, he builds.
07:30Round by round by round.
07:32Increased pressure.
07:35Lester Martinez, round in round number two.
07:39A young man growing in confidence.
07:41If you thought he would be a little more gun-shy against an experienced opponent,
07:44we're finding out that isn't the case.
07:46Experienced, but also 35.
07:48It's a very important number when you're talking about professional boxing.
07:51Yeah, I mean, he ate a lot of punches that round,
07:54but the difference now is how long are you going to be able to sustain that?
07:58Taking those kind of shots.
08:00Those are heavy blows.
08:01Heavy blows.
08:02Oh, that body shot was nasty, right in the middle.
08:05And it was a little bit of everything.
08:07I mean, we've got a hook and a right hand,
08:09and then he comes right back with a one-two,
08:11and then snapped his head again with a right hook.
08:13We got a little bit of everything that round from Martinez.
08:16Toya, Toya, Toya, Toya, Toya, Toya.
08:18What do you want?
08:19A towel.
08:20I got it.
08:23Gengora does have power of his own,
08:25but to your reach-in position before it comes from awkward, weird positions,
08:29when you throw these weird overhands and weird short hooks,
08:32they've been at much more orthodox range so far in that round number two.
08:35We know what happened is he got a little tricked.
08:38He landed an uppercut and rocked the head of Lester Martinez,
08:41and went to follow up and land another one, and then another one,
08:43and then they got into those exchanges, and Lester got the better of it.
08:47You've got to be careful with a true power puncher.
08:49You can't get greedy.
08:53Yeah, it's funny.
08:54It's like one way to beat a power puncher is push them back,
08:57but you can't get greedy in the process.
08:59You're right.
09:01But you can't lift to the body from Gengora.
09:05Gengora's very smart in the way he places his punches,
09:09but also he fights a little bit reckless at times with too much heart.
09:15And he stays there after he punches.
09:18That's been another theme of the night.
09:20Everybody's punching and then just standing there right after they punch.
09:24Admiring their work.
09:25I will say, though, in the Aqueduct fight,
09:27when she was a big underdog and it was a huge upset win,
09:30he got rocked really bad the second round.
09:32It looked like he was going to get stopped.
09:33Had a rough night for the next couple rounds
09:35and then came back to stop him in the 12th.
09:38I'm not saying that's a precursor of what's going to happen tonight.
09:41That was four or five years ago at this point.
09:43But it is certainly a possibility.
09:45Those awkward punches over the top.
09:47Gengora has found success so far in this fight.
09:55Such explosive punches from Martinez, man.
09:59You talk about that much-improved head movement, footwork from Martinez.
10:04Not a stationary target.
10:06But I'm always curious to see how punchers go with their power as the rounds go on.
10:12A lot of guys, they lose their power, they let their hands go.
10:15They shoot their load and then there's not much left.
10:18So we'll see if Gengora can survive these early rounds, what happens late.
10:23Muddy body shot.
10:27And I don't know if you listeners at home or viewers at home can hear these punches.
10:31Both these guys throwing heavy leather.
10:34This uppercut from the outside landed from Martinez.
10:36From ringside, you can feel it, especially those body shots.
10:40Been a theme throughout this card here in Washington, D.C.
10:43Great body punching.
10:46You can feel it because you ain't never been hit.
10:48I don't know.
10:49You can feel it because you ain't never been hit.
10:51I don't imagine feeling this stuff.
10:54He's taking a knee to the midsection. That is the worst.
10:58What a combination.
11:00And right.
11:01And Gengora is hurt.
11:05Absolutely stunned him with 30 seconds left to go in round number 3.
11:09And Martinez does a really good job of closing the distance.
11:11He rocked him.
11:13Gengora stepped back but he was safe and Martinez was all over him right away.
11:17The man is a shark, an outstanding finisher.
11:21Gengora staying in the pocket right now, answering back.
11:34Look at that, getting under the shot.
11:36And that's the comment.
11:37He just got hurt but he's still willing to be there.
11:47Good job.
11:50Hey, you're hitting him hard. Don't let your guard down.
11:52Everything's good.
11:53Work on the distance.
11:54Get out of the way because he's got it.
11:56If you're going to walk, walk to this side or walk to the outside.
12:02Come on.
12:05Carlos, we have to win.
12:07We need to win.
12:08We lost this round.
12:09We need to get back up.
12:10Let's move that waist and start hitting from the bottom up.
12:12Let's go.
12:13We need to get back up.
12:14Let's move that waist and start hitting from the bottom up.
12:16Let's go.
12:44He needs to up his energy right now because if he doesn't,
12:47he's going to get run out of the ring.
12:48You mean be a little bit sharper?
12:49He's got to be sharper.
12:50He's got to be faster.
12:51He's got everything has to increase for Gengora.
12:54And he's got to stay switched on.
12:55You can't have moments like that where he gets lulled to sleep
12:58or he's going to end up asleep.
13:00But he's got a habit.
13:01His habit is he steps back, he drops his hands, and he fixes his issues.
13:05So it's kind of like his thing.
13:08And he got him in trouble right there.
13:11That's kind of picking up the energy I'm talking about.
13:15More physical pressure in round number four.
13:17Lester Martinez in the black and white.
13:19Carlos Gengora in the white and blue.
13:22Gengora 22-2 as a pro.
13:24The issue with Gengora is he's always right in front of you.
13:27He doesn't step around.
13:28I'm looking at him like he'd do the math.
13:30You know, it's his three punches, four punches maybe.
13:34So Lester Martinez is 5'6".
13:37Another big shot.
13:39These are what we call Pez dispenser shots.
13:41His head's going all the way back.
13:43He's going to have a sore neck tomorrow.
13:44That's dirty.
13:46Remember we were saying about—
13:47Oh my God, what a right hand!
13:50Lester Martinez has Carlos Gengora in big trouble.
13:55Lester's looking like that guy.
13:57Looking like that guy that everybody was saying he was.
14:00You said we'd find out tonight, Chris, and we're finding out.
14:04Minute 30 left in round number four, and he is feeling good.
14:07That's the energy.
14:08See, there's two different levels to the energy.
14:11He brought his A-game tonight.
14:13Gentlemen, it's not the game you have.
14:15It's the game you bring.
14:17Nice push off there from Lester.
14:18Didn't want to get tied up.
14:19Didn't allow it.
14:21He brought his A-game tonight.
14:22Takes two to tango.
14:23He didn't want any of it.
14:24I want to fight.
14:25I want to punch.
14:26I feel like he just learned that move, though,
14:27because the way he bumped off, it was like he saw all of that arm.
14:32He just learned that discount.
14:34He didn't get warned for it.
14:38Martinez, that right hand, that chopping overhand shot.
14:42I'm telling you, he's there, but he ain't there.
14:44Gungor, he ain't going to be good in a little while.
14:49The shots seem to freeze him, and he stays in position to get hit again.
14:54Worst look to see in a fighter's eyes is,
14:56who is this guy, and why is he hitting me?
14:59What's going on as they're in there?
15:01Trying to figure out what's going on as they're in there.
15:06Seen that look quite a few times.
15:19Carlos Gungor has not gotten the respect of Lester Martinez yet.
15:24Every time he starts to unload with combinations,
15:26he eats that right hand.
15:28Gungor is smiling.
15:29He's smiling at Martinez.
15:40Gungor, physically not going away, not checking out of this fight.
15:48Gungor, last, going to his corner.
15:51He's got to change something.
15:52He's got to change something.
15:58Big punches landed this round for Martinez.
16:00I mean, that punch right there,
16:02that's one that'll wake everybody in this room up.
16:05And again, the same thing, the hooks, right hands, overhand rights,
16:09it's everything.
16:11And watch this overhand right.
16:13He's got that overhand right that Marcos Maidana used to throw,
16:17and also like triple G with the left hook on the top.
16:21Over the top punch where he wants to hit you on top of the head.
16:23Only guys with bricks for hands can throw punches like that.
16:27Hit the guy on top of the head, and you're not worried about hurting your hand,
16:30you've got bricks for hands.
16:31Chuck Liddell for the MMA fans, that turned over shot, love that punch.
16:37Watch Gungor's corner.
16:39He looks comfortable.
16:41He doesn't look bothered.
16:42No, that's how he is.
16:44We talk about his confidence.
16:45That's how he fights.
16:47Unbothered, unfazed.
16:48Yeah, I'm going to get him.
16:51I don't know if he's going to get him.
16:52Now, it's great, Chris, to still be mentally in the fight,
16:55and round number 5 is scheduled for 10.
16:57It's great to be mentally in the fight, but tactically,
16:59you've got to change something around.
17:00And that's why I looked over there, because when you take those kind of punches,
17:03I want to know how cognitive are you at this point.
17:06How into this are you?
17:08He looked fine.
17:09Yeah, he did.
17:10He's very with it.
17:11And I've seen that in other fights, too.
17:13The Aqueduct fight, the Mbili fight.
17:14He took so much damage in that fight.
17:16But he was always in the fight.
17:17He was just getting outworked.
17:21This fight certainly getting outworked and outpunched
17:23by Lester Martinez from Guatemala.
17:2517-0, 15 knockouts.
17:28But already past his average rounds.
17:32Round number 5.
17:35This guy's not used to going the distance is an understatement.
17:39Also, one thing about Gongora, and I think it might have hurt him,
17:42is in past fights, he's gotten himself out of a jam with late power.
17:46And he might be getting into that rut where he's like,
17:48yeah, you know what, I'll get him later.
17:50But, man, he's going to take so much damage on the way there.
17:55Sometimes later never comes.
17:57Yeah, that, too.
17:59As he did in the Mbili fight.
18:01He hurt Mbili a few times, couldn't get him down, couldn't finish him.
18:04Ended up losing a wide decision.
18:06It worked in the Aqueduct fight, but hasn't worked since.
18:10And he's breathing hard.
18:11You know, we're, what, five rounds in now.
18:14And he's breathing.
18:15He's 35 years old.
18:16Lester Martinez is young.
18:18He's got the youthful exuberance.
18:20That's the part of boxing people don't realize.
18:22You're taking these head shots.
18:24Yeah, you're getting hurt internally.
18:27But the other side of that, too, is it's wearing you down.
18:30You know, so we see in five rounds, he's mouth open, he's sucking wind.
18:33Even though his pace has been pretty slow.
18:36Gongora hasn't done that much.
18:37He fights at a very relaxed pace in general.
18:40Lester Martinez now backing off just a little bit.
18:43Voluntarily took himself to the ropes.
18:46Did a lot of punching in the last round.
18:48A little bit arm weary.
18:54Every good punch that Gongora lands, Lester comes right back.
18:57Martinez is very good at answering shots.
18:59And so good at placing his punches right in the middle.
19:02The combinations of Gongora.
19:03Yeah, punches with you.
19:04Those are dangerous punches.
19:05Not a your turn, my turn fighter.
19:07He punches with you.
19:12I once asked Antonio Tarver, a friend of all of us,
19:14what it was like taking on Roy Jones.
19:15He goes, you have to throw in the middle of his speed.
19:17When he's throwing combinations, throw something in the middle.
19:19Like throwing a stick in the bicycle wheel, right?
19:21You've got to throw something in there.
19:23And right now, Lester Martinez is doing a great job of doing just that.
19:25Well, that's easy for Antonio Tarver to say,
19:28because he was big and had a hell of a chin.
19:30A lot of other guys in Roy Jones Jr. woke up in the locker room
19:33when they punched with him.
19:36Also a tricky southpaw.
19:38We love you, Antonio.
19:40Man, legend.
19:45Gongora having a better round.
19:47Not good enough to win, but...
19:49Showing some life here at the end of round 5.
20:14That's it.
20:24That's good enough for the second round.
20:26Five, four, three...
20:28What are we feeling like over here?
20:33Ready to begin round number 6.
20:35As you said, Chris, a better round for Gongora in the last one.
20:38Doesn't mean he won, but suddenly a better round,
20:41around like he's making adjustments to the power of Lester Martinez. Is this where we find out,
20:46Showtime, if this is, if he has the gas for a tough fight late? Is where, this is where
20:51Lester Martinez, if he's going to start slowing down, it's going to be now. Oh yeah, yeah,
20:56yeah, absolutely. You know, he's thrown a lot of heavy blows, usually. The other side of that
21:01though is he's landed a lot. It'd be different if he was throwing them and missing them.
21:05There's something about it. When you throw a miss, it takes something out of you, you know. So
21:10he is landing a lot, but yeah, you're right. At this point, this is where we're going to look to
21:14see whether or not he's able to turn it up and sustain what he turns up to.
21:20This is a man, 17 professional wins, 15 knockouts average. There's under three and a half rounds per
21:27fight coming in this fight tonight. You know, Jimmy, we always talk about comparison rounds,
21:32right? We talk about stammering. That last round was a comparison round in that
21:36Goncora didn't get badly hurt. He didn't have to get his head knocked back where he saw every
21:40light on the ceiling, so it was a better round for him. Still not enough to win the round,
21:43but comparatively to the other rounds, better round. Yeah, that's something that Emmanuel
21:47Stewart said. I never forgot it, because judges tend to sometimes give rounds to the wrong guys
21:51who are doing better than they did, but still shouldn't have won the round. That's why we're
21:57not judges. This guy sitting next to me, Sean Porter, is a very judgy guy. I'm not looking for
22:02a scorecard. I've learned my lesson, dude. I'm not here to catch some hands from Showtime Porter,
22:07all right? Sean will judge you on your trunks. Carlos Goncora, by the way, in the white and
22:13blue. Speaking of trunks, Lester Martinez from Guatemala in the black and white.
22:19Wants to be the go-to guy when you think of Guatemalan boxing. Carlos Goncora trying to
22:24use that bigger frame on paper. It's a one-inch height advantage to see in the rings. It's more
22:29than that. Goncora, actually the bigger man, starting to try and lean on Martinez. Slow the
22:37explosive man down. You know what else I'm learning about Lester Martinez is that even if he doesn't
22:42get the knockout, even if he's not getting the knockout, he's still fun to watch. I said he's
22:45exciting because he gets the knockout. Even if he doesn't get the knockout tonight, this is still
22:49entertaining. He's so explosive. You don't exactly know what he's going to do. He lands big,
22:54eye-catching shots. He gets hit. Just like that, nice short left.
23:02Did you see the bump up? I did, yeah. Oh, you did? Okay, I was going to say that's how you do it.
23:08He's crafty. Goncora is very crafty.
23:13Yeah, I think that to your point of Goncora being crafty now, let me smother Martinez,
23:19let me try to wear him down, and then let me be explosive off the back of that.
23:23Oh, they can carry my weight.
23:27Jimmy, this is what you said a lot about Goncora this week, that he gives up his height and fights
23:32on the inside. He actually has success there. He's finding these uppercuts on the inside,
23:37that craftiness, and now Martinez, who may be slowing down a little,
23:41not quite as explosive as he was, is getting a little bit worse for wear here.
23:45But he can't give it up. That's what he's doing now. Great stuff from Lester Martinez again.
23:53Goncora stays too long.
23:59Needing more devastating punches toward the end of the round.
24:04Great stuff from Lester Martinez in round number six.
24:08That was a good round for Goncora. I was looking at it. I'm judging it. I'm like,
24:16you know, he's doing much better. The nice little bump off right there. Boom, boom. That's how you
24:20do it. You know, he bumped, and then he waited for that space, and he threw the punch. Here it is.
24:25Bump. Wait for it. Boom. There it is. Clean shot delivered right there. But then he just gives it
24:31all back, Chris. Yeah, he stays too long. He made that nice, beautiful move. He was having a good
24:35round. Actually, the whole round was a pretty good round. Then he gets rocked again, and that's
24:39the issue. The difference is the power of Lester Martinez. He punches with you, hits you with the
24:43shot you don't see, but Goncora just stays too long. Stays in front, doesn't cut angles, doesn't
24:48box enough, gets greedy, and then gets hit back. In the midst of being judging, I do feel like
24:57what we're seeing from Goncora is age. We're seeing that he can turn it up, but he can only
25:03sustain it for so long. But the other side, when he gets hit, his neck, his head goes back so far.
25:10He's lethargic on the back end of that, so he has no energy to come back. Doesn't look alive. I think
25:16we're seeing age right now. Yeah, you see that with aging fighters. They can't fight three minutes of
25:21every round. You see that time and time again. Some guys are able to utilize that and not necessarily
25:26use their advantage, but they adapt. Bernard Hopkins, Evander Belushi, guys that didn't need
25:30to fight three minutes of the round. They understood how to win the round either way.
25:34Goncora's not that guy. He stands in front too long. He freezes at times. He gives it back, waits
25:39for the receipt, which is something my coaches say. You hit a guy, don't wait for the receipt.
25:43Get out of there. Right, right, right. On the other side of Alester Martinez, there's a lot of things
25:49that he needs to hit on. Defense. He's getting hit way too much from a guy where I think he should
25:55be able to see everything. Good sportsmanship there. Playful taps in the back rather than
26:03cracking in the spine. He said, I'm just going to crack you in the front.
26:12A lot of respect between these two fighters. Very experienced. Carlos Goncora, 22 and 2.
26:17Lester Martinez, a big step-up fight for him. 17 and 0, 15 knockouts.
26:24Showing the odds before. Lester Martinez, a heavy favorite.
26:29The power has been the story of this fight.
26:35This is something that I've seen from Goncora in the past. He's like a zombie. He gets hit with
26:39huge shots. Comes back. He hurt their body there. Got his hands down. Talk about his chin.
26:47Goncora must have concrete in his head to be taking these shots. I don't know if it's his
26:53chin or his recovery. He just takes the shots and then he's right back in it. To your point,
26:58Sean, a couple rounds ago you said, I want to see how he is cognitively. He looks fine. He recovers.
27:04But those body shots, that's hard to recover from, especially at 35.
27:09Another adjustment for Lester Martinez. How many punches to the head are you going to hit this guy
27:14clean with before you realize, okay, he's not going anywhere. Let me go to the body and break
27:18him down. Still some room to grow. That's the thing about body shots. They make the head shots
27:23even more effective. Once you're hurt to the body, it's often easier to hurt a guy to the chin once
27:27he's already hurt there. But you need the experience of having to do that to find out.
27:34This is Martinez's first step-up to this level. A good experience fight here. He's getting rounds
27:40in for a lot further than three and a half rounds, which is his average, right, Jimmy?
27:44Yep. He's well over that and still throwing with authority.
27:49That's Carlos Gongora, who somehow finds a way to keep coming forward.
27:56No quit at all from the Ecuadorian, but the Guatemalan Martinez all over him yet again.
28:41Carlos Gongora. Let's take a look at that action from round number seven.
28:44Another dominant round of the books for Lester Martinez. Just unloading huge shots. Gongora,
28:49like a zombie out there, takes the punches, comes right back, but man, he has taken a hell of a lot
28:54of damage. I got news for you, Chris. Head shots can kill a zombie. It doesn't look like he can.
29:03Jason Voorhees, there you go. Love it. He left his machete in the dressing room, though.
29:09Round number eight. Lester Martinez in the black and white, the pride of Guatemala.
29:16Carlos Gongora in the white and blue. Ecuadorian Olympian two times.
29:23Right now, the power of Lester Martinez, that has been the difference in this fight.
29:27He's showing a good chin, too. He's taking some good shots, especially early on
29:31against a guy who's a good puncher and hasn't seemed to be bothered or anything.
29:34Nice, nice reversal there.
29:43I think it's suffice to say, Chris, to answer your question,
29:46Martinez is that guy. Yes, he is that guy. As good as we thought he was. Things could still
29:51go wrong. Plenty of time left to go, but he is not disappointed in this step. No, not at all.
29:56He's improved greatly since the last time we saw him. And to your point,
30:01champ, you know, Sean, you said, yeah, there's things to work on. Absolutely. But a lot of the
30:04things that we saw last time, he adjusted. There's still more adjustments to make, but
30:08this has been a very impressive improvement since last time out. Against much better opposition.
30:15And that's what you need, too, when you talk about a statement. Everybody thinks the statement
30:19is denial. The statement, you know, you show people that you're better than you were in the
30:23last hour. You show people that you can go the distance. You're learning things and you're
30:29showing everyone else you're making other statements as well. So big statement, I would say
30:33from Lester Martinez, if this continues to go this way. And to his, you know, defense or whatever
30:41the case may be, Gongora has helped him. You know, Gongora hasn't been the most difficult opponent.
30:48Now, slow paced, stays in the pocket, stays with you,
30:52doing exactly what, you know, Martinez would want him to do, basically.
31:00He's had success. Carlos Gongora needs to bring in physical pressure on Lester
31:05Martinez. Lean on him a bit. You can carry his weight, but power has always been the answer
31:12for Lester Martinez. I can't help but think about Lester Martinez and Jaime Mujia.
31:16Oh man, that's a fun fight. That would be outstanding. With this win, should this fight
31:24continue in the manner it has been going so far, some big fights in the future for Lester Martinez.
31:36And Martinez has stayed very dialed in. You know, you see his eyes, you see where he's at.
31:41He's, you know, he's got a guy in front of him. He just does not want to go down,
31:44doesn't want to stay down. But, you know, he's staying locked in because he understands the man
31:48in front of him is dangerous. He's landed some good shots himself. He's still tricky and crafty.
31:54And Martinez is still looking to try and get that knockout. Not sure he's going to get it,
31:57but he's trying. Faced with a tough veteran with an iron chin, Lester Martinez has kept the volume
32:05going. Two more rounds to go in this 10 rounder. Gregorio can smile. He's still in this fight,
32:14but tactically hasn't found a way to get Lester Martinez off his game. That has not happened yet.
32:20I've been watching Gregorio in between all these rounds. I'm waiting to see him break. And it's,
32:23he comes back and he's smiling and he's laughing as he walks into the corner. And he sits down
32:27and shakes his head, no. He's like, I can't, I can't, I can't figure it out. That's, it seems
32:33like what it's going through his head. That's not what I'm reading. I'm reading. He's just here.
32:38I'm just here. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm in shape. I can take all this, but I'm just going to
32:43take a beating. You know, what I'm reading is that he doesn't have it anymore. And I think
32:47round after round. And he's realizing it. He's realizing it round after round. So he's laughing
32:51as like, ah, I just don't got it. Yes. Yes. Which I hate to see. Yeah. Yeah. Especially
32:59taking damage like this. Corner said you're fighting Martinez's cornices. You're fighting
33:06great. Keep the distance. Don't want Carlos Gongora smothering his punches with two rounds
33:12left to go. Well, Gongora has been shown to be dangerous on the inside with those uppercuts.
33:15So that's actually the best punches he's landed tonight. And especially in recent rounds is when
33:19he's been in close. So that's, that's good advice from the corner, Martinez and the outside you're
33:24winning outright anyway. And landing shots like that. Yeah. I was going to say, if we do see a
33:30knockout, it's going to be pretty bad. Yeah. At this point. Yeah. Considering what he's had to
33:35take so far. Yeah. No, we, we, we, the question of one of the Martinez's power, you know, carried
33:44through the fight. We can see now we're at round nine. He still looks very strong. And listen,
33:52I mean, I don't know how many, how many fights in a row, but they're looking like this every time
33:57he took so much punishment in Billy fight. And he was much more in that fight than this fight.
34:01This fight, it's just, it's a very one-sided meeting.
34:09On a mileage on Carlos Gongora, 22 and two, a lot of that spent at the elite level,
34:1517 knockouts in those 22 wins. Mr. Martinez's question is how would he handle this big step up
34:22in competition? And then he has been fighting the elite at 168 pounds. And so far he has passed
34:27this test with flying colors. When we look at 24 fights as a professional, and we also look at
34:34two Olympic games, which more than likely means those were two Pan-American games and world
34:40championships and just a list of things. You know, when we talked last round about him coming back
34:45to the corner and kind of smiling at, I just don't got it anymore. It's very conceivable to believe
34:51he really truly does.
34:56Every time he tries to get hit hard.
34:59Like he finds a little success and then pays for it.
35:04Nice overhand left landed. Yeah, it did. It's a good shot. And then he took two shots right
35:10for, for his, his hard work. Under a minute left in round number nine.
35:22Lester Martinez, the biggest test of his career so far doing an outstanding job.
35:30Question is, can Carlos Gongora, he keeps saying age 35, does he have one great punch left in him?
35:37Still smart. He's still thinking. I just, I just believe he can't come out and execute
35:44the way that he used to. Yeah, it becomes, it gets to that point where you see the openings,
35:48but you can't pull the trigger fast enough. You can't get there anymore.
35:54You see the punches coming and you just take it out of the way. Yeah, all that.
36:09I mean, what a chin on Gongora though.
36:19Last round.
36:41Five, four, three, two, last round.
36:49Corner of Carlos Gongora in July. Jared Herr is going to be fighting for us. Of course, he is ringside.
37:02It's ready to go.
37:06Some frustration in the corner of Carlos Gongora in this final round.
37:12Did you hear her language? I did. I heard that colorful language from the corner.
37:16Where'd that come from? A little frustrated at their man taking some big punches.
37:20They were speaking Spanish over there. That translates everywhere. Lester Martinez in the
37:26black and white from Guatemala doing his country proud tonight. Carlos Gongora
37:32from Ecuador. He said champ two-time Olympian into a lot of fights at the elite level and
37:39couldn't just out of gas his last opportunity against a big puncher. You know, Gongora is
37:44going for it. He might get knocked out in this round.
37:49You say because every time he comes forward to land something meaningful,
37:52there's a punch waiting for him. He pays for it.
37:58Y'all wouldn't want me to be a ref. I'd have stopped this fight a long time ago.
38:01Yeah, because I'm seeing this head, the way this head is going back.
38:05I'm not used to seeing that, man. Especially the way he comes right back into the frame.
38:11That's yet to be off his feet in this fight.
38:14Despite taking some shots and making him check out the lights above us.
38:19Which is impressive, but you know, now he needs to truly say how many more times am I going to
38:25be in fights like this. Chin becomes a detriment at a certain point. Yeah, I think that's a great
38:29point. Yep. Watch your head. Too tough for your own good. And all those gentlemen, when it goes,
38:35it goes. Oh, Jesus, speaking of. His breath can step in at any time.
38:42Carlos Gongor getting knocked around like a pinball.
38:48Referee does not look particularly close.
38:52Martinez just throwing bombs. Martinez is really good at finding holes. Off balance.
38:58I thought that was going to be it.
38:59Lester Martinez throws two more meaningful shots. This one should be over.
39:04He's still throwing hard shots here in the 10th round. Martinez is showing a great gas tank.
39:09Carlos Gondor smiling, but I don't know if he knows where he is.
39:19You can hear these punches race high. Heavy, heavy shots.
39:23You got headphones on. Yeah, exactly. You can hear them through the headphones.
39:29No body work. Like, I know. Go to the body.
39:37Corner still pleading for Carlos Gondor to throw punches.
39:42Throw some effing punches, if I'm hearing it correctly. I'm pleading for him to throw a towel.
39:46I'm pleading for him to throw punches. 20 seconds left in round 10. More big shots from Lester
39:53Martinez. Wondering how he would do late. Well, guess what? He's throwing like he was in round
39:59number one. Looks like Gondor is going to get to the end. 10 seconds left. Not because Lester
40:08Martinez didn't do everything he could to get him out of there, but Carlos Gondor, too tough perhaps.
40:14Too tough for his own good, but he will see the final bout.
40:19That's a three-day headache right there.
40:22Lester Martinez looking absolutely fantastic. Chris, he is that guy. He is that guy, man. He
40:27looked strong. He made a bunch of adjustments. Are there still more to make? Absolutely. Is he
40:32still rough around the edges sometimes? Absolutely. But man, the physical gifts that he has,
40:37physically strong, explosive. He's got a gas tank. He's got a chin. He's got to hit with some big
40:42shots tonight. That thick neck ain't just for show. How about we say he's becoming the guy.
40:49He's not the guy yet, but he's literally becoming the guy. I think right now, tonight,
40:54it's going to take him miles because he got in the ring with a veteran, very crafty, knew what
41:01he was doing, and he found a way to find those openings, big punches, landing them, and just kept
41:06going. Big moments in every single round of this fight. And he needed to stay switched on because
41:11Gondor was trying to win as much as he could throughout, and Martinez kept shutting him down.
41:17Every bit of success that Gondor had, Martinez shut it down immediately with shots like that.
41:22Yeah, and the important part of staying on is because when you feel like I got it,
41:26you know, and you got somebody in there that's got some serious power and can
41:29throw off-balance punches, you have to stay turned on because a bad moment can happen at any point.
41:35I'm sure everyone out there knows that, but round after round, big overhand rights,
41:39overhand, big left hooks landed. I think I gave Gondor the first round, and that was the first
41:46round, and that was it. After that, it just became all Martinez, uppercuts, hooks, overhand rights.
41:54He couldn't keep any sustained success tonight. Like I said, every time that he was able to open
42:00up, he got a little too greedy, stayed on the inside, and got hit with some big shots,
42:03and Martinez's punches had more in effect. Chris, we went over how stacked the super middleweight
42:08division is. How many super middleweights, even at the elite level, even the guys you mentioned,
42:12could take those shots and still be standing up? Oh, no. Gondor has got a next level chin. I mean,
42:17I don't know what's in that thing, but I've seen him take shots like this from Mbile, who's a big
42:22puncher, gets a lot of knockouts. I've seen him take shots like that in the Aquedot fight. He was
42:26another big puncher. I mean, he's just, I don't know. His ability to recover and take these shots
42:32is otherworldly.
42:38Found success at every single point in this fight. I'm impressed. My first time seeing
42:46Lester Martinez, of course, seeing highlights, but this was nice. Good fight.
42:53Came out to impress. That is exactly what he did. No suspense here when it comes to scorecards,
42:59but still, Jim Sorensen will make it official in this 10-round fight.
43:07Ladies and gentlemen, 10 rounds of fantastic fighting action brings us to the judges'
43:15scorecards. Judge Tony Lundy and Judge Wayne Smith both see it 99 to 91, and Judge Steve
43:25Reynos sees it 100 to 90 for your winner, by unanimous decision, and new WBA continental
43:35Latin America super middleweight champion undefeated, Lester Martinez!
43:47They are cheering in Guatemala. He said, I'm going to make my country proud. That's what he did
43:53tonight. Lester Martinez passed this test in unbelievable power-punching fashion. Yeah,
44:00I mean, fantastic performance against the best fighter, best opponent of his career.
44:04Stayed switched on all night long, showed improvements. I mean, power, explosion, chin.
