GenZ EP 27 Hindi Dubbed

  • last month


00:00Why don't you let her meet him?
00:07We won't let her do as she pleases.
00:10Our love has ruined her.
00:13She's different from the other kids. She needs a different treatment.
00:15If we don't force her, she'll always be sick.
00:18She never had a fever in our house. How did she get sick all of a sudden?
00:21She's only 18 years old. We can't just leave her at your house.
00:24Do you know the punishment for imprisoning her?
00:31I've already spoken to her mother about this.
00:35If she doesn't get better, we'll assume that we don't have a daughter.
00:38You stay away from our family matters.
00:40How can you do this to your daughter?
00:43We love her a lot.
00:45We've put rods in her so that nothing happens to her.
00:47We keep her away from stupid things.
00:49But you...
00:50What do you think of her? She's a human, not an animal.
00:52I'm not happy about this either.
00:54But she's sick. Do you know what she's done?
00:56No matter what she's done, you have no right to imprison her.
01:00This is illegal.
01:08This is my family matter.
01:10So don't interfere.
01:12Got it?
01:13Leave right now.
01:15You're doing the wrong thing.
01:17I won't leave without taking your daughter.
01:19No matter what.
01:21Where are you going?
01:23We're here to help your daughter.
01:26Where is she?
01:27We're worried.
01:28But your husband won't let us see her.
01:31If he doesn't leave right now, call the police.
01:33Did you hear that?
01:36But ma'am...
01:42We made a mistake by coming alone.
01:44We should've brought the police with us.
01:46We couldn't have.
01:48I've seen it in movies.
01:50The police are in the pockets of the rich.
01:57Let's talk to Rebecca.
02:05There's very little chance.
02:06But why?
02:07They're forcing her.
02:09They've kidnapped her.
02:10According to Article 239 of the Criminal Law,
02:13two situations can be considered kidnapping.
02:15First, if she's been kidnapped to take someone's property.
02:19Second, if she's been kidnapped to take advantage of someone.
02:24As far as I know,
02:26there's no one from either of them in Shumang's situation.
02:29What about unlawful detention?
02:31That's not it either.
02:32Because there are two situations.
02:34If someone restricts another person's freedom...
02:37Yes, that's it.
02:38We went to meet her.
02:40She was crying her eyes out.
02:43But this should be illegal.
02:45Only then can the case be made.
02:47We can't prove this allegation.
02:49They're both her parents.
02:50According to the law,
02:51they can't be held accountable.
02:55And besides,
02:56family abuse cases,
02:57child abuse cases,
02:59can't be interfered with
03:01because it's a family matter.
03:03What kind of law is this?
03:05If it's a family,
03:06will they kill their child?
03:08That's wrong.
03:10There's an old saying.
03:12Even the biggest judge can't solve a family problem
03:16because the police are mediators.
03:19And Shumang is very different from the other kids.
03:22How will you convince the police
03:24that Shumang will be safer with you than her parents?
03:27But that's the truth.
03:28Her parents care more about their status than her.
03:31They don't love their daughter at all.
03:33They think that because of Shumang,
03:35their society is being insulted.
03:38There's no such thing in court.
03:39Evidence is needed.
03:40Where's the evidence?
03:44There's only one way to convince her parents.
03:58I think Rebecca is right.
04:00If we convince one of the parents,
04:02it'll work.
04:03At least she'll get permission to go out.
04:07Do one thing.
04:08Tell your father to talk to his father
04:11and try to convince him.
04:13He'll definitely listen to the teacher.
04:15I'll talk to his mother.
04:17I think his mother will be different from his father.
04:20Women are soft-hearted.
04:22What if she...
04:23My father won't listen to me.
04:24He won't listen to me.
04:26He'll say I'm wrong.
04:28Then talk to your mother.
04:29Look, it's about Shumang.
04:31My mother won't help me.
04:35Talk to your grandfather.
04:36Tell him to pressure your father.
04:38It'll work.
04:41try talking to my father.
04:46No, it won't work.
04:48She's your girlfriend.
04:49Why should I talk to her?
04:51It's your personal matter.
04:53I won't interfere.
04:54And yes, be a man.
04:55Consider it your responsibility.
04:57Helping her doesn't mean I like her.
05:01Then what's all this?
05:04Leave it. You won't understand.
05:08Let it be.
05:09I'll talk to the teacher.
05:23Where are you?
05:24Let's go.
05:25Hurry up.
05:26Come with me.
05:27We have to save someone.
05:28Let's go.
05:30What are you doing?
05:33Why did you bathe me?
05:36I didn't bathe you.
05:37I just cooled you down.
05:40Now tell me everything.
05:42Why are you jumping around like a monkey?
05:45Stand up and tell me.
05:47Shumang is in trouble.
05:50Tianzhen sent you here, right?
05:53He only uses you.
05:57Tell him to come and talk to me.
05:59Or I won't help you.
06:00No, no, no.
06:01We just came from his house.
06:03His parents have locked him up.
06:05He was crying a lot.
06:07Please listen.
06:08I'm sure his parents are troubling him a lot.
06:13Maybe you're mistaken.
06:16Do you think so?
06:19Do you think I'll lie to you?
06:22You're used to beating around the bush.
06:25Please, this is not the time to joke.
06:27I'm going to be the heir of Jiang Family Acupuncture.
06:30I won't lie.
06:31I fight wherever I'm needed.
06:42But you said...
06:44I don't want to be the heir.
06:46What happened all of a sudden?
06:50This is the most important thing in my life.
06:54That's why I'm serious.
07:02Do one thing.
07:04Take me to his house.
07:12Please, madam.
07:13She's your daughter.
07:15She needs extra care right now.
07:17Give me her responsibility.
07:19I'll try my best to cure her.
07:22You can't do it.
07:23I can.
07:24She was fine when she was with us.
07:28So what?
07:30I'm her mother.
07:32I know her.
07:33She's acting.
07:36How can you say that about your daughter?
07:40Look at this drawing.
07:44Shumang made this when she was two years old.
07:47She used crayons for the first time.
07:49She was so happy.
07:50She was jumping all over the house.
07:52I still remember her first cry.
07:56She was filled with innocence.
08:03She made all the drawings you see here.
08:06Look at this.
08:18What do you think of them?
08:21When did she make this?
08:23Before she met you all.
08:26Her drawing teacher told her to participate in the International Drawing Competition.
08:31And she made this.
08:34After seeing this, her teacher realized that she was mentally ill.
08:38She was depressed.
08:40She didn't want to go to school.
08:42She didn't want to go to school.
08:44She didn't want to go to school.
08:47After seeing this, her teacher realized that she was mentally ill.
08:51That's why she called us there.
08:57What does she want to hide?
08:59I tried to find out.
09:02But I still don't know what the secret is.
09:16Professor Ran.
09:18I locked my daughter in her room for her own good.
09:26I'm afraid of what people say.
09:30What people say?
09:36The society we live in, we meet people every day.
09:40This is her age to be misled.
09:42If something happens to her, her future will be ruined.
09:46People will talk about it.
09:48I don't think so.
09:52If we have to live according to people's likes and dislikes,
09:56then there is no point in living.
10:00What about our choice?
10:04Listen to me.
10:05A respectable person only loves one thing, and that is respect.
10:12I just want to know,
10:14what mistake has your daughter made,
10:18that you are punishing her for?
10:24We know that no one is perfect.
10:28Our daughter has many shortcomings.
10:31I don't want her to repeat her past mistakes in the present.
10:43Do you like her?
10:45If that is the case,
10:47I will tell you everything about her past.
10:55I like her.
10:58But only like an elder brother.
11:01If you are worried about who will take care of her in the future,
11:04then being a doctor, I promise.
11:08I will take care of her for the rest of her life.
11:12Such a promise is not important for me.
11:15Do you know when I met your daughter for the first time,
11:19she was about to die because of my misjudgment.
11:24That day I promised myself
11:26that I will take care of this patient for the rest of my life.
11:30And I will cure her.
11:33You don't understand.
11:36You don't understand.
11:41There is no self-respect in it.
11:42Please don't say that.
11:46Everyone has made a mistake in their life.
11:49No one is perfect.
11:51Then why do you hate him so much?
11:54You don't know the truth.
12:05I love you.
12:14Do you think that by locking her up in the room,
12:18her future will be made?
12:22When you were going to send her to school.
12:26She can't go.
12:27She can't go to school.
12:29Why can't she go?
12:31We took life insurance policy for her
12:34which was valid for 18 years.
12:36Yesterday I got a call from the insurance agent.
12:38He said that he withdrew the money
12:40on Shumang's request.
12:42That's when I doubted.
12:44I got an investigation done.
12:46He has a bank account in which we have deposited a lot of money.
12:49And he has withdrawn that money too.
12:52That's why I brought her back from your house to my house.
12:57Didn't you ask him
12:59why he needed so much money?
13:01I did.
13:02But he didn't tell me.
13:04He must have given it to his boyfriend.
13:06How do you know?
13:08Because this is the truth.
13:10When we checked the CCTV camera,
13:12he broke the camera with the spoon he was given to eat.
13:16His mother even snatched his phone.
13:18When we checked the phone, we found out
13:20that he has deleted the chat records
13:22taken from that boy.
13:24Then you can retrieve those chat records.
13:27He is 18 years old.
13:29If we do this,
13:31the law will find us guilty.
13:34If a CCTV camera
13:36keeps an eye on you day and night,
13:39how would you feel?
13:42Tell me.
13:47There is a limit to everything.
13:50And we should not cross that limit.
13:52Your daughter is also a human being.
13:54We have put that camera
13:56in her room for a reason.
14:12As soon as she grew up,
14:14her ways and behavior
14:16have deteriorated to this extent.
14:18I feel ashamed to even tell her.
14:21I feel ashamed to even tell her.
14:25When a person grows up,
14:27he changes.
14:29This is a natural process.
14:32It must have happened to you too.
14:34What is there to be ashamed of?
14:36I am not like that.
14:40If your son was in his place,
14:42would you hate him so much?
14:48Your daughter
14:50has not done anything wrong in her life.
14:52These are all natural changes.
14:54What is the fault of that poor girl?
14:56This is her age.
15:00I have also passed her age,
15:02but like her,
15:04I did not spend the night with boys.
15:06All this is the result of our love.
15:09Otherwise, she would never have done this
15:11by being born into a respectable family.
15:13I know this is the only problem
15:15between you and your husband.
15:17You care a lot about status and society.
15:34I have so much respect in society.
15:37And my wife is a successful businesswoman.
15:41We both are educated people.
15:43We have also raised our daughter well.
15:46And we did not even think about it in our dreams.
15:49I always think
15:51that what is missing in our love
15:53that it has become like this.
15:55Do you think we do not love her?
15:58She has forced us to be strict.
16:02We are not bad parents.
16:04I do not understand
16:06how a daughter of a respectable parent
16:08like us can be so characterless.
16:12Whenever I see her,
16:14I ask myself
16:16what sins I have committed in my past life.
16:22I also hear this often.
16:26I also hear this often.
16:28I also hear this often.
16:30I also think
16:32about this often.
16:36I am a doctor.
16:38And my wife is also a TCM practitioner.
16:40Earlier, I used to think
16:42that my son will have qualities like us.
16:46He will become a great doctor
16:48and will make our name proud.
16:50Believe me,
16:52I tried my best.
16:54But still,
16:56I have never seen
16:58such qualities in my son.
17:00And I have never seen
17:02a good doctor in him.
17:04At least, he is capable of earning.
17:06My daughter does not do anything.
17:08If we do not
17:10change her this time,
17:12she will never be able to stand on her own feet.
17:14We both are getting old.
17:16We will never be able to take care of her.
17:18I am afraid
17:20that if something happens to me,
17:22she will come on the streets
17:24and get beaten up.
17:26Even after death, I will not be at peace.
17:30That is why,
17:32I am being strict with her.
17:34If she still does not change,
17:36then tell me one thing,
17:38what will you do?
17:40Will you put her on a pedestal?
17:42I know,
17:44you are an educated and respectable man.
17:46You have a reputation in the society.
17:48But you cannot
17:50shoulder the burden
17:52of your daughter.
17:56Family does not matter
17:58who is smart
18:00and who is brilliant.
18:02Only love matters.
18:04When your daughter
18:06needed her parents,
18:08were you both with her?
18:10No, you were working.
18:12Your daughter was all alone.
18:14And she was yearning for your love.
18:26I want to ask you
18:30How much time
18:32do you spend with your son?
18:34Do not get me wrong.
18:36I just want to know
18:38what is the difference
18:40between me and
18:42other fathers.
18:50There is no difference.
18:53As a mother,
18:55I just want to say that
18:57a family man like you
18:59should marry my daughter
19:01and get her out of this pit
19:03so that she can live a good life.
19:05But madam,
19:07why would someone else come to save her?
19:09I do not understand how you can even think like that.
19:13Now I understand
19:15why your daughter runs away from you.
19:17Maybe she thinks
19:19that she cannot live up to
19:21your expectations.
19:23That is why you always
19:25humiliate her and torture her.
19:30We will give you
19:32all the money we have.
19:34You just take care of her.
19:36You will get everything.
19:38As her mother,
19:40I know that
19:42she trusts you more than us.
19:44If you become her boyfriend...
19:46No, madam.
19:48Love cannot be bought with money.
19:52I love someone else.
19:56I knew it.
19:58A boy like you
20:00is the dream of every girl.
20:04The one I love,
20:06maybe she does not love me.
20:25What did you say?
20:31What did you say?
22:03Why did you do this?
22:06Why did you leave me alone?
22:11I told you not to let her go out.
22:14She was your daughter,
22:16but I raised her.
22:18She was suffocating in a closed room.
22:22People take their dogs out
22:24every day.
22:26She was my daughter.
22:28I thought it was good for her.
22:30That is why I refused.
22:32I know.
22:34I should not have sent her out.
22:36I only allowed her to go to the balcony
22:38on the second floor.
22:40I did not know she would jump.
22:42I thought she would be happy
22:44in the fresh air.
24:46Do you recognize me?
24:48We met at the supermarket.
24:50I am Ren Tian Zhen.
25:06The two of us in the setting sun
25:13This youth...
25:15Why are you sitting there? Come here.
25:17I'm sorry, uncle.
25:18She's my patient.
25:19I can't leave her here alone and go there.
25:22You guys eat.
25:25Hey, don't be scared.
25:27Don't be scared. I'm here.
25:28Don't be scared.
25:37Shumeng. Shumeng.
25:38Shumeng, it was just a dream.
25:39I've turned it off.
25:45Come out. Everything is fine.
26:30Take this.
26:33Your aim is worse than a kid.
26:35We won.
26:59There are always people who deserve you to cross mountains and rivers
27:06To share the years and the stars
27:10I am sure that you are that person's dream god
27:29Good morning!
27:30I wanted to ask you if you have changed my shift for tomorrow?
27:34Don't worry, you will get a leave
27:37You are going to meet your first client tomorrow
27:40Come back after fixing the deal
27:42All the best
27:43Thank you so much Ms. Zia
27:45Get ready for tomorrow
27:46Bye Madam, I am going to the bus
27:59Hello, you are back
28:09You are back early?
28:10Weren't you busy today?
28:12Everyone is mourning the death of Shuman
28:16I called a few patients today
28:18I got free early
28:20I can't believe he committed suicide
28:25If I was in his place, I would have thought about my family
28:31I wouldn't have committed suicide
28:35Can I do it?
28:37Be careful
28:44Tianzhen is the saddest
28:46He didn't even come to the center today
28:49I don't know how he is
28:52Be careful
29:14Yes, grandma
29:16Where are you?
29:18When will you come home?
29:20I am out for a walk
29:22I see, you are out for a walk
29:25When will you come back?
29:31After a few days, don't worry
29:34I want to be alone for a few days
29:37You want to be alone?
29:40But you are too young
29:42It's not safe for you to be alone
29:44Come home soon
29:45Mom, give it to me
29:47Talk to your mom
29:51Hello, listen
29:56What happened?
29:58He cut the call
30:00Let him be alone for a while
30:02That will be better
30:04As a doctor, we have to face defeat many times
30:09Then we should pack our bags and leave
30:14There is a huge age gap between us
30:17Age has nothing to do with it
30:20As a doctor, he is a man
30:23Does it matter to him?
30:26I am sad too
30:27But what about my patients?
30:29Who will look after them?
30:38Send someone to look after him
30:41Send who?
30:43And where will we find him?
30:46Nowadays, you can find him on the phone
30:49You can use his location
31:00I know where he is
31:11Let's go
31:41I love you
32:11I will miss you
32:13I will miss you
32:15I will miss you
32:17I will miss you
32:19I will miss you
32:21I will miss you
32:23I will miss you
32:25I will miss you
32:27I will miss you
32:29I will miss you
32:31I will miss you
32:33I will miss you
32:35I will miss you
32:37I will miss you
32:39I will miss you
32:42I will miss you
32:49Ren Jianxin
32:50Ren Jianxin
32:58Don't jump into the ocean
33:09Ren Tianxin!
33:20Ren Tianxin!
33:39Ren Tianxin!
34:06Wake up! Open your eyes!
34:08Wake up!
34:10Ren Tianxin! Talk to me!
34:14Wake up!
34:17You are very bad!
34:22You scared me!
34:31Are you out of your mind? Are you crazy?
34:33I will kill you!
34:35You have crossed all limits today!
34:37If something had happened to you, what would have happened to your family?
34:40They would have died!
34:42Why did you have to jump into this lake?
34:44If I hadn't come to save you, you would have died!
34:47Why did you do this?
34:49Wake up!
34:51Talk to me!
34:53I wanted to know...
34:58...what did Shumeng feel...
35:01...while jumping from the balcony?
35:08Now I know...
35:11...I am not fit to be a doctor.
35:13Papa is right.
35:16I have been a loser since my childhood.
35:20I couldn't even save my patient.
35:24After a lot of thinking, I did bungee jumping.
35:28If you hadn't saved me, I would have died.
35:33No matter what I do...
35:38...I will always be a loser.
35:43One day, Papa said in a lecture...
35:46...those who are successful...
35:48...their strength increases day by day.
35:52They feel they can never make a mistake.
35:55In their success, along with talent...
35:59...luck also plays a part.
36:03You are lucky.
36:06It's just that your time is not right.
36:10Don't try to comfort me, Tata.
36:14Some people are really lucky.
36:17Like you.
36:20You are always successful in saving people.
36:24That's why you should have become a doctor.
36:27You should have been born... their house instead of me.
36:36You are wrong.
36:39I am not lucky.
36:42I just don't give up.
36:45I didn't see the rope in your feet.
36:49When you jumped down, I was like...
36:52But still, if I hadn't reached on time...
36:56...I wouldn't have been able to save you.
37:00You are lucky.
37:02If I hadn't reached on time... could have died.
37:08I could have called the police.
37:11But I didn't.
37:14I ran here.
37:17I kept running.
37:20If I had run so much in a competition...
37:23...I would have broken the world record.
37:26Your Papa was right.
37:28A woman can do anything to save her loved ones.
37:32You think I am very lucky.
37:35You are mistaken.
37:38My stubbornness doesn't let me give up.
37:41I have faith in myself.
37:44I know my importance.
37:47No one knows us better than ourselves.
37:50Do you remember that day at the festival...
37:53...we met a fortune teller?
37:55You will succeed sooner or later.
37:58You are lucky.
38:01You are destined to succeed.
38:04Keep working hard.
38:16I am not as confident as you.
38:19But I have faith in you.
38:25I believe in you.
38:47What happened?
38:50I have a stomach ache.
38:58When did it start?
39:04Tatao! Where is your phone?
39:07Tatao! Open your eyes.
39:10Tatao! Don't sleep.
39:13Tatao! Please talk to me.
39:16Tatao! Is anyone here?
39:19Is anyone here?
39:25Tatao! Open your eyes.
39:28Tatao! Tatao!
39:31Tatao! Please wake up.
39:37He has a high fever.
39:40Keep a bandage on his head.
39:43Ruba, peach and winter melon?
39:46They are very strong.
39:48What do you want?
39:51We should take him to the hospital.
39:54But it is too late.
39:57No one will help him now.
40:00Tell Gui to bring his car. I will drive.
40:03How far is the hospital from here? I will call a cab.
40:06You won't get a cab here.
40:11Because this is a village and the road is bad.
40:14And it is dangerous outside.
40:18You have an acute abdomen.
40:21You will need proper treatment.
40:24We have to go to the hospital.
40:29There are three hours left.
40:32There is a risk in both cases.
40:48You take care of him.
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