• last year
Islamic and informative video
00:00First of all, remember one thing in your mind that every companion of the Prophet and every person of the Prophet's progeny is the responsibility of the Muslim Ummah.
00:17Never be a victim of any destruction in the name of research.
00:22Never let your mind wander anywhere.
00:25There is no need for any new research.
00:29Research has been given to us by Hazrat Mujaddid Al-Faisani.
00:33Research has been given to us by Hazrat Fazl-e-Barelvi.
00:37Never be a victim of any destruction in the name of research.
00:40Respect every relation of the Prophet.
00:43As it is, we are commanded to take blessings from him.
00:50The Prophet said,
00:54My companions are like the stars.
01:00Whoever you follow, Allah will guide you.
01:05The Prophet said, I am giving you two things.
01:10Keep them safe.
01:13The Prophet said, I am giving you the Qur'an of Allah and I am giving you my Ahl-e-Bayt.
01:23We are commanded to take blessings from the companions and the Ahl-e-Bayt.
01:29There is no need to argue about them.
01:31The teacher of the college, who teaches Urdu, Islam, Science and Mathematics,
01:39enters the room and asks the students to take out their books.
01:45If a student gets up and asks him,
01:49Sir, tell me, you have done MA, so are you an M.Ed. student or not?
01:55And if you are an M.Ed. student,
01:57if you are an M.Ed. student, then tell me,
02:00did you get this education regularly or was it private?
02:04And when you got a job, were you on merit or on recommendation?
02:09If a student asks this question, the teacher does not teach him,
02:13in fact, he takes him out of the class.
02:16He says, this is not your responsibility, the principal will ask me.
02:20The chairman of the board will ask me, who are you?
02:23You study, take out your books.
02:26What is this?
02:28This is not your position. If he asks me something big,
02:32then I am a slave of the companions and the Ahl-e-Bayt.
02:35I don't have to check degrees, I have to take blessings from them.
02:40I have to get the fragrance from their words.
02:43I have to give my heart to their way of life.
02:48I have to give their homes and settle in my homes.
02:50If we go astray like this,
02:53then we will be stuck on thoughts and ideas.
02:57Then when a person starts living a life of doubts and doubts,
03:02then that poor person becomes uncertain.
03:06Then he goes from pleasure to joy.
03:10The light of prostration, the pleasure of worship, the taste of salutation,
03:14goes away from him.
03:16So take blessings from them.
03:18And secondly, my dear, remember that
03:21in human life, there is a great need to breathe,
03:24there is a great need to eat food.
03:27If a person does not sleep for 24 hours,
03:30then he cannot stand on his feet.
03:33There is a great need for sleep.
03:36If our breath goes in and out,
03:39if it stops,
03:41then also it becomes a test.
03:43So just like there is a need for all these things in life,
03:48there is a need for love to live much more than this.
03:55If everything is present in the house,
03:58if Allah the Almighty has given all the comforts,
04:01ease, necessities of life,
04:03if everything is present in the house,
04:05if there is no love between husband and wife,
04:09then despite all the blessings,
04:12there is no peace in the house.
04:14There is no peace.
04:16Even though people think that this is an ordinary thing,
04:20but it disturbs your whole life.
04:25Instead of your peace, there is your home.
04:28Even if you sleep on the best bed in someone's house,
04:31the sleep of peace that comes to your house,
04:34it does not come to anyone's house.
04:36So for a person,
04:38love is so important that
04:41everything in the house should not have love.
04:44Then all the blessings are felt.
04:47And if the house is raw,
04:50if there is roti with pickle,
04:53if the children study in a government school instead of a private school,
04:57but if you love each other,
05:00then even in a raw house, there is no peace.
05:03If you work somewhere,
05:06if you work in some institution,
05:09then you are given the best salary,
05:11you are given allowances,
05:14the salary package is very good,
05:16it is easy to come and go.
05:18All the facilities that a person should have while doing his duty,
05:22they are all available.
05:25But where you want to do your job,
05:28there is no love for those people,
05:31there is no practice.
05:34So no matter how good your salary is,
05:37if you feel like going on duty,
05:39then you are going on duty.
05:42That is why in life, you should not create distractions.
05:45If someone does not listen to you,
05:48even if he does not listen to you,
05:51you should be careful.
05:54Even if someone does not listen to you,
05:57you should still be patient.
06:00There are maulvis everywhere,
06:03they lead the prayer in the mosque,
06:05so if you listen to all fifty,
06:08there is peace in the mosque.
06:11But if you listen to only forty,
06:14and one person stands up,
06:17then he says, there is no prayer here.
06:20So let's leave one thing,
06:23how can everyone be accepted?
06:26It is not possible, it does not happen.
06:29We do not give advice, we issue orders.
06:32When someone is consulted,
06:35and a lot of people come to us and say,
06:38they say, Maulana sahib,
06:41do this speech on Friday,
06:44say this, say that,
06:47they teach such a beautiful lesson,
06:50that one wants to say to them,
06:53that you should also come.
06:56Some people come to the panchayat,
06:59to make a decision,
07:02so they say,
07:05you should say to them,
07:08you are all educated,
07:11Chaudhary is a fool,
07:14he does not know how to make a decision.
07:17Yesterday I was at a place,
07:20and a person told me,
07:23my Imam has done this,
07:26he does this, he does that,
07:29so I said to him,
07:31I do not know what you are saying,
07:34until both people are present,
07:37the matter becomes clear.
07:40So our temperament is that,
07:43if we create problems in life,
07:46the children get spoiled.
07:49So in life there is a great need for love,
07:52the tone should be loving,
07:55the way of coming and going should be loving,
07:57beware of greed, beware of hunger,
08:00beware of arrogance, beware of jealousy.
08:03What does this mean, that if you are jealous of someone,
08:06you are harming him.
08:09When you have jealousy in your heart,
08:12you are the one who is harmed.
08:15If you are jealous,
08:18you are the one who is harmed.
08:21If you are a victim of arrogance,
08:24you are the one who is harmed.
08:27If you are a victim of greed,
08:30you are the one who is harmed.
08:33So the tone should be loving.
08:36If I say that
08:39there can be another name for the religion of Islam,
08:42then the other name for the religion of Islam
08:45is the religion of love.
08:48My religion talks about love everywhere,
08:53The Lord says,
08:56those who have faith,
08:59they love their Lord very much.
09:02These long prostrations are because of love.
09:05The one who makes his Lord sad for a long time,
09:08this becomes love.
09:14The one who stays in prostration all night,
09:17this becomes love.
09:20Allah says, those who have faith
09:23they love their Lord very much.
09:26As far as my Prophet is concerned,
09:29the Prophet said,
09:32you cannot taste the taste of faith
09:35until you love your Lord and Prophet more than anything else.
09:39You will have faith.
09:42This is what the Prophet said.
09:45He said, love Allah and Prophet more than anything else.
09:48Love Allah and Prophet more than anyone else.
09:50He said, after becoming a Muslim,
09:53if you do not like going towards kufr,
09:56if you do not like going into the fire,
09:59do these three things and you will enjoy being a believer.
10:02If you do not love, you will be a believer,
10:05but you will enjoy being a believer.
10:08If you want to enjoy being a believer,
10:11if you want to enjoy being a believer,
10:14in prayer, in worship,
10:17then love the Prophet more than anything else.
10:20Do not do it in love.
10:23Do not do it in empty gatherings.
10:26There are many people
10:29with whom we love,
10:32then we feel like meeting them.
10:35We miss them too.
10:38We have such a relationship with those people,
10:41that we like to be content with their pleasure.
10:45If love for the Prophet is complete,
10:47if love for the Prophet is complete,
10:50then it has nothing to do with naats.
10:53It has nothing to do with rasmi naats.
10:56It has to do with your emotional feelings.
10:59Naats collide with the heart.
11:02If a person is lying at home,
11:05he has a lot of tension.
11:08Everyone asks, is everything alright?
11:11The man was lying down and started crying at night.
11:14He was crying with hiccups.
11:17He asked his mother, what is wrong with father?
11:20Mother said, son, it is nothing to do with you.
11:24He said, mother,
11:27if there is any pain,
11:30we will arrange for a doctor.
11:33If there is any tension, we will try to relieve it.
11:36What is the problem?
11:39Mother said, son, go and sleep.
11:42It is nothing to do with you.
11:44The mother started crying.
11:47She said, son, your father
11:50remembers the city of the Prophet.
11:53He remembers the city of the Prophet.
11:56He is in pain right now.
11:59What happens with this?
12:02The love for the Prophet is born in the hearts of the children.
12:05When a person shows his actions,
12:08then there is attention.
12:11People's left and right,
12:14they are divided.
12:17So we are told to love
12:20Allah and the Prophet.
12:23The Prophet said,
12:26this is present in Tirmidhi,
12:29remember this hadith.
12:32The Prophet said, the one who loved my companions,
12:35it was because of me.
12:38And he said, the one who had enmity with them,
12:41it was because of me.
12:44So we should love the companions.
12:47And as far as the children of the Prophet are concerned,
12:50the companions,
12:53one day they all gathered,
12:56they had collected some money.
12:59And they presented it in front of the Prophet.
13:02They said, O Prophet of Allah,
13:05we will present this Nazrana every month.
13:08You have done many good deeds on us.
13:11We cannot repay them.
13:14But this is a small Nazrana.
13:17You can spend it on your household expenses.
13:20The companions gave the Nazrana.
13:23And they gave it to the Ahlul Bayt.
13:26Allah has revealed the Holy Qur'an.
13:29Allah said,
13:32O Beloved,
13:35tell them that I do not ask for any reward from you
13:38on the propagation of the religion.
13:41My reward is with Allah.
13:44Look at me.
13:47I do not ask for any reward from you.
13:50Except the love of nearness.
13:53Understand the depth of this verse.
13:56I do not ask for any reward from you on the propagation of the religion.
14:02The ones who are close to me, love them.
14:05These are my wives,
14:08my four daughters, their children,
14:11Sayyeda Fatima, Maula Ali,
14:14It is a habit.
14:17Love them.
14:20We are...
14:34May Allah grant you health and peace.
14:37Dear brother,
14:39The pure children of the Prophet,
14:42the princesses of the Prophet,
14:45especially Sayyeda Fatima Az-Zahra,
14:48had more love for the Prophet.
14:51Their children,
14:54have a heart-to-heart relationship with them.
14:57A person should love them to the extent of familiarity.
15:00We love some things.
15:03Look at the example of that.
15:06A person is sitting next to me,
15:09and he is giving me various arguments.
15:12But no matter how many stories he tells me,
15:15my heart is not ready to accept them,
15:18because I love that person.
15:21There are many people,
15:24who have been opposed.
15:27But their lovers have left them.
15:30When there is love,
15:33they have high feelings for their beloved.
15:35There should be true love.
15:38Not the love that we have learned from those people,
15:41who teach us to love for 40,000.
15:44The love that we are teaching with 30,000.
15:47We have not learned from them.
15:50I think many times,
15:53that Imam Hussain was martyred.
15:56He was martyred along with his children.
15:59He was martyred.
16:01The gathering that was organized in his name,
16:04there too business is going on.
16:07Beards are growing.
16:10The signs are coming.
16:13O servants of God!
16:16If they ask you in the morning,
16:19that I had given my life for this purpose,
16:22and you have made it a means of livelihood.
16:25Have you ever met someone,
16:28who does not know any art in this world?
16:31And people are doing business here too.
16:34And the atmosphere is like this.
16:37There should be special love.
16:40The old people of the village,
16:43their faith is pure.
16:46Are you upset?
16:49Have you ever been to a village?
16:52I have been to a village myself.
16:55It is a matter of great pride to be a villager.
16:58It is a matter of great pride.
17:01When a child was born in Mecca,
17:04they used to send him to a village.
17:07The Prophet himself went to Hazrat Ali's house.
17:10Why? Because he used to say,
17:13that the language of the village is pure,
17:16and the tone of the village is pure too.
17:19He used to be sent, and we are here,
17:22that we get upset.
17:25So think about what I am saying.
17:28The old people of the village
17:31used to be like this.
17:34Now it has come to an end.
17:37Imam Hussain has come to an end.
17:40Don't let the rice fall down.
17:43Now the VIP people have come.
17:46They themselves throw rice in the shahpur.
17:49They throw rice on their son's funeral too.
17:52Do you throw rice when you do the duty of a son?
17:55The food that is in the name of your son,
17:57and the food that is in the name of Hussain Ibn Ali.
18:01Have you ever gone to look for food
18:04to cook golden rice in the name of Imam Hussain?
18:07Have you ever tried?
18:10They say, call the one who cooks from far away.
18:13The community has to come.
18:16You have to be pure too.
18:19I appeal to my friends many times,
18:22that in gatherings,
18:24cook the food of the community equally.
18:27And if they have a problem,
18:30they will eat from home.
18:33Cook the food equally.
18:36You have created a strange atmosphere here too.
18:39The people of the village throw rice.
18:42On the day of Milad Sharif,
18:45the poor families who have been fighting for a year,
18:48if all the children come to that house
18:51to eat the meal of Milad,
18:54it is possible that the father,
18:57who does not feed the children all year round,
19:00will bring the children along on the day of Milad.
19:03And if there is more rice in the Paratha,
19:06it is possible that the son of the mother
19:09will ask him,
19:12brother, is everything okay today?
19:15Do you find more rice in the food?
19:18It is possible that the father will cry and say,
19:20there is more rice in the food.
19:23The father will cry and say,
19:26there is more rice in the food.
19:29But the problem is that
19:32here too, the V.I.B. is to be taken as a last resort.
19:35But the last resort of a simple man,
19:38has been taken away.
19:41I told them,
19:44I will break their cheeks.
19:47I told them,
19:50So, brother, special love for Huzoor's children, special, not every time does a person cry,
20:03only sometimes, when there is something special.
20:07Hazrat Usman-e-Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him, says,
20:11Hassan and Hussain stayed in the mosque the whole day.
20:14One day, Huzoor sent a special message,
20:17Huzoor said, call them, where are they?
20:20They were not far, they stayed there.
20:22And they left from there.
20:24Mahboor called them.
20:26It took some time for the princes to arrive.
20:29This narration was also written by Hazrat Fazl-e-Barelvi.
20:32And it is written there that it took time because
20:34Syeda Fatima was changing her clothes.
20:37She was putting on perfume.
20:39The two princes arrived a little late.
20:42And when they arrived a little late in Huzoor's court,
20:47the Prophet, peace be upon him,
20:49kept his holy knees on the ground.
20:52And opened both his arms.
20:55Imam Hassan and Hussain came running.
20:58Huzoor hugged one of them from one shoulder,
21:01and the other from the other shoulder.
21:03He said, pay attention.
21:05And then tears came in the eyes of my Prophet.
21:08And crying, what did Huzoor say?
21:12He said, O Allah,
21:14these are my two princes,
21:16they are my flowers in this world.
21:18Master, I love both of them,
21:22you also love them.
21:25And then Huzoor began to pray.
21:27He said, O Allah,
21:29whoever loves my Hassan and Hussain till the Day of Judgment,
21:32you also love them.
21:35And the Prophet, peace be upon him,
21:38opened his heart to his Ummah.
21:41The Prophet, peace be upon him, loved them.
21:44Let me tell you,
21:46a strong person always goes to a political gathering.
21:54The day he leaves,
21:56the day he has to go to a political gathering,
21:59he does not come for the sake of a poor person.
22:02But if he has to go to a political gathering,
22:05even if he breaks down, it is all right.
22:07At least he will become a good person in front of the leader.
22:10Then it is all right, and he leaves.
22:12A rich person does not go to the gatherings of Milad or Muharram.
22:16Where do they go?
22:18They go to political gatherings.
22:20We, the people who come,
22:22the middle class and the poor people,
22:24we too,
22:26in some places,
22:28we consider certain things to be just the taste of the ears.
22:32I go to a gathering,
22:34and a friend says,
22:36you have given a speech for half an hour,
22:38you should have given a full hour.
22:40So I said, who told you that I am appointed?
22:42I give advice.
22:44Which will benefit me as well as others.
22:46So the advice can be given in ten minutes.
22:48If you want to taste the ears,
22:50then it is not even in two hours.
22:52Then the method is that,
22:54last time we called them,
22:56then we have to call so and so.
22:58If we had called so many,
23:00then what effect did it have on you?
23:02What was the result?
23:04What is its result?
23:06What are its effects?
23:08What did the people get?
23:10What was the result?
23:12You should understand what I am saying.
23:14We should not just listen to the speech and leave.
23:16We should have a hearty feeling
23:18of love for the children of the Prophet.
23:20We should have a tone of love for them.
23:22We should have a good temperament.
23:24We should have a good temperament.
23:26First, we should love them.
23:28And second, we should see
23:30what is the method of that house.
23:34I hear from everyone
23:36that Imam Hussain's life,
23:38they say he went to Karbala.
23:40He went to Karbala after the age of 50.
23:42Where was he before that?
23:44Imam Hussain's life
23:46is in a cage,
23:48which no one knows about.
23:50He lived a full life.
23:52He lived a full life.
23:54Imam Ali Maqam's
23:56house did not hide
23:58a cage.
24:00So understand the method
24:02of the people of the Prophet.
24:04First of all,
24:06the style of that house was
24:08that they were people of patience.
24:10They were people of contentment.
24:12Look here.
24:14They were people who spent
24:16a little money.
24:18They were people who spent a little.
24:20The Prophet asked for prayers.
24:22O Allah, give my children
24:24a livelihood according to their needs.
24:26Wealth, property,
24:28we did not make it.
24:30We did not keep it.
24:32We did not love it.
24:34A poor man's daughter
24:36does so much work
24:38that his hands are covered.
24:40But Hazrat Fatima's hands
24:42were covered.
24:44Here people say,
24:46a girl came, what could I do?
24:48So Hazrat Fatima
24:50came to the Prophet and said,
24:52O Messenger of Allah, I have heard
24:54that slaves have come to you.
24:56So if you find a slave,
24:58he will grind the chakki,
25:00he will do the household chores.
25:02So the Prophet said,
25:04Son, I will give you
25:06a better remedy.
25:08O Messenger of Allah,
25:10say Subhanallah 33 times.
25:12Say Alhamdulillah 33 times.
25:14Say Allahu Akbar 34 times.
25:16He will ask you to free Islam.
25:28Please pay attention.
25:30Please pay attention.
25:32The Prophet said,
25:34Son, do the household chores.
25:36Here people say,
25:38a girl is very sad in her in-laws.
25:40What will she do?
25:42She will cook food.
25:44What will she do?
25:46Hazrat Fatima herself
25:48was grinding the chakki
25:50by covering her in-laws
25:52with a cloth made of camels' hair.
25:54My son is a darling.
25:56What darling?
25:58He doesn't do any work.
26:00He doesn't have to say anything,
26:02he is a darling.
26:04Can anyone in the world
26:06be as darling as the Prophet
26:08did to his daughter?
26:10We are destroying our children.
26:12The Prophet saw
26:14that his wife was grinding the chakki.
26:18While seeing this,
26:20the Prophet didn't say,
26:22Fatima, I will arrange something.
26:24I will go and bring something.
26:26No, no.
26:28Seeing this, the Prophet cried.
26:30Do you know what he said?
26:32Son, bear a little pain in this world.
26:34Allah will give you all the respect in the hereafter.
26:38Do the household chores.
26:40Do the household chores.
26:42The funny thing is that
26:44all the people who write
26:46the biography of the Ahl-e-Bayt,
26:48all of them will write
26:50that for months,
26:52they didn't cook food at home,
26:54they didn't light the stove,
26:56they lived on dates and water.
26:58If we didn't cook food in the evening,
27:00the children would break their mobiles.
27:02Let's talk about the elders as well.
27:04If the companions
27:06didn't cook food
27:08they would also say,
27:10throw it away.
27:12Because what did you cook?
27:16Listen to the way of the Prophet.
27:18Sayyeda Aisha Siddiqa
27:22I used to keep food for the Prophet.
27:26if I didn't like something,
27:28I would leave it.
27:30But the beloved
27:32never caused any harm to the food.
27:34From morning to evening,
27:36he was standing in the kitchen,
27:38in the heat.
27:40And you didn't take a minute,
27:42you kept everything.
27:44We don't need to realize
27:46that what we are doing is difficult.
27:48There are many other difficulties.
27:50We should create awareness.
27:52Please pay attention.
27:54All the biographies are written
27:56that for months,
27:58they didn't cook food.
28:00But the funny thing is
28:02that the person who is writing
28:04that for months,
28:06they didn't cook food,
28:08he leaves a few pages
28:10and says the same thing.
28:12It is written in the back
28:14that for months,
28:16they didn't cook food.
28:18But he leaves a few pages
28:20and says the same thing.
28:22The one who used to come to the door
28:24to ask for food,
28:26he was given a bag full of food.
28:28If we don't put emphasis
28:30on ourselves,
28:32then what is the point?
28:34If we have to put emphasis
28:36on ourselves,
28:38then what is the point?
28:40But what do the beggars have to do?
28:42We have a brother,
28:46He is buried under the loan.
28:48He doesn't come out of the house.
28:50And there is money in our treasury.
28:52We lie.
28:54We yearn for our own.
28:56But we
28:58didn't help our own.
29:00Except Allah.
29:02The beggar came to
29:04Hazrat Imam Hussain.
29:06He thought
29:08that he will get 2-4 dinars,
29:10and the matter will be settled.
29:12Imam was so generous,
29:14he didn't have anything at home.
29:16When he came and asked,
29:18Imam Hussain said,
29:20I don't even have 1 dinar.
29:22He said, sit for a while.
29:24He said,
29:26I sat for 2-4 hours,
29:28and there were 5 bags
29:30full of coins.
29:32There were 5000 coins.
29:36So I thought,
29:38if it opens, I will get 2-4.
29:40But I am a victim of
29:42Syeda Pak's son.
29:44He picked up 5 coins and put them in my pocket.
29:46Now the problem is,
29:48go and ask for something else.
29:50He picked up 5 coins and put them in my pocket.
29:52He said, I was in a bad state.
29:54I was worried.
29:56He gave me so much.
29:58I was thinking
30:00that Imam Hussain should speak.
30:02He said,
30:04Please forgive me.
30:06You had to wait.
30:08You had to wait.
30:10Please forgive me.
30:12I am a generous person.
30:14A generous person is not a rich person.
30:16A rich person makes plans.
30:18First he feels that
30:20if Allah gives me, I will spend.
30:22Then when he gets it,
30:24he falls into a trap.
30:26Then he likes the plot in front of him.
30:28He likes a big car.
30:30Then he falls into a trap.
30:32A rich person is not a generous person.
30:34A generous person is not a rich person.
30:36Yes, here and there,
30:38in both worlds, a generous person is not a pauper.
30:40A generous person is not a pauper.
30:42Always give in the way of Allah.
30:44This is the third thing I learned.
30:46First is simplicity.
30:48Second is generosity.
30:50And the third thing,
30:52is bravery.
30:56Remember that
30:58the generous people,
31:00the generous people
31:02do not fall at the feet of the situation.
31:04Because even if a star breaks,
31:06it does not fall on the ground.
31:08And in this world,
31:10there is no hypocrite
31:12who tolerates oppression
31:14and does not rebel.
31:16We are not...
31:38Sit down.
31:40What I am going to say,
31:42you will pay attention to it.
31:44Bravery to children.
31:46I always say this.
31:48Screaming is a fashion.
31:50If a cockroach comes out,
31:52you should scream,
31:54apart from being a burger family.
31:56They make a video and upload it.
31:58They say that the child cried
32:00because he slaughtered a goat.
32:02So how will the one who cries
32:04because of slaughtering a goat
32:06do Jihad in the field?
32:08What are you saying?
32:10Teach them bravery.
32:12Teach them to stand.
32:14Give them patience.
32:16This is the real wealth.
32:18If someone is oppressing
32:20a poor person,
32:22the father says,
32:24son, close the door from inside.
32:26This is his fight.
32:28Even if you do not participate
32:30in the fights for no reason,
32:32if someone is oppressed,
32:34stand with him.
32:36But we are made cowards.
32:38We have made people greedy.
32:40What do you do?
32:42Be brave.
32:44Look at what Allah does.
32:46And tell the people
32:48who are suffering.
32:50Situations change.
32:52They keep changing.
32:54Look at Imam Hassan and Hussain.
32:56They are princes.
32:58The Prophet used to fight in front of him.
33:00So that he becomes brave.
33:02Hazrat Maula Ali used to take them
33:04with him in every battle.
33:06And the day the rebels
33:08attacked Hazrat Usman Ghani,
33:10Hazrat Usman Ghani,
33:12Hazrat Maula Ali,
33:14Hazrat Usman Ghani,
33:16Hazrat Usman Hussain,
33:18Hazrat Usman Ghani,
33:20Hazrat Usman Hussain,
33:22Hazrat Usman Ghani,
33:24Hazrat Usman Ghani,
33:26Hazrat Usman Hussain,
33:32Learn from your children.
33:34Teach them bravery.
33:36Teach them how to face the situations.
33:38Teach them that
33:40We have to move forward, we have to move forward.
33:44And we also have to show a little courage to the children.
33:48We should not always complain about poverty at home.
33:51We should not always say, there is nothing, what should we do, where should we go?
33:54We should not always do this. This is how children become cowards.
33:57We should not always cry, we should also stand up.
34:01Just a little.
34:02Look, the circumstances are difficult, but is it easy to make noise?
34:08The boy must have fasted, the heat must be very intense.
34:12And in the afternoon, if he starts to suffer, the fast will be over soon.
34:17He has to fast at the time of Maghrib.
34:19He can make as much noise as he wants.
34:22If the circumstances are difficult, then we should postpone it to our time.
34:25This is a different thing, that some people's faces are understood.
34:29That they are going to walk according to the circumstances.
34:32They are not going to keep the tone of love.
34:36Someone had said, the whole life is like a dough.
34:39You don't have to make a lot of effort.
34:42The time has come, no one is sitting idle.
34:45They don't come.
34:47I have started summarizing, you will notice.
34:50They had patience, courage.
34:52Hazrat Fatima, Maulana Ali, Imam Hassan and Hussain have fasted for three days.
34:57But as soon as the time of Ishtari has come,
35:00The Fakir has rang the doorbell.
35:03He himself has opened the fast with dates water.
35:06And he has given all the food to the poor Fakir.
35:09This has been happening for three days.
35:11Because at the age of six, Amma had practiced to stay hungry for three days.
35:16So Yazid's army kept the water closed for three days or for thirty days.
35:21Those who knew how to stay hungry for three days at the age of seven,
35:25They didn't get worried even for a minute in the battlefield of Karbala.
35:28That is why in the battlefield of Karbala, the water was closed.
35:32The food was closed.
35:34But the recitation was not closed even for a minute.
35:38The prayer was not delayed even for five minutes.
35:41This was their attitude.
35:42These were routine talks.
35:44We have taught the children.
35:46If there is no roti left, eat a burger.
35:53Far from patience.
35:55This leads to anger.
35:57A person's nature becomes restless.
36:00I am saying the last words.
36:03You will pay attention.
36:05Hazrat Imam Hassan and Hussain were very big worshippers.
36:11You know that some people have a very strong relationship.
36:15Sometimes they say on the stage,
36:17You keep your prayers in mind.
36:19Our relationship is very strong.
36:21O God!
36:23Do you have any relationship?
36:25The strongest relationship of all is with Imam Hassan and Hussain.
36:28Syeda Fatima.
36:30She used to work all day.
36:33At night, a person gets completely tired.
36:35But Syeda Fatima used to lay a mat.
36:38She used to pray all night.
36:40We used to tell her to do all the work.
36:43Not to read the Tasbeeh.
36:47Get the gathering done for four hours.
36:49Pray for five minutes and run.
36:51I don't know what the problem is.
36:53I have seen it many times.
36:55There is a meeting in the courtyard of the mosque.
36:58And there is a long discussion.
37:00There is a lot of discussion.
37:02Someone should do this.
37:04The clerics are spoiled.
37:06There is a lot going on.
37:08The organization of the Jama'at is ruined.
37:10But when it is time to pray,
37:12A lot of people remember their work.
37:15You sit for half an hour.
37:18There is no problem.
37:20Read the Tasbeeh.
37:22You start sleeping.
37:24When do you have to do this?
37:27When do you have to do good?
37:30And here is the religious stage.
37:32People are being made impractical.
37:38Worldliness. Shopkeeping.
37:40Their contacts are also with young people.
37:42They say, don't tell the cleric.
37:44He is the director.
37:46What if he says,
37:48Talk about good.
37:50Understand things a little.
37:52Like the reality.
37:54This flood has come.
37:56Do go to Karan Naraan.
37:59Do spend a lot of money.
38:01But let's take care of these two.
38:04Those people who are in trouble.
38:07A believer is like a body.
38:10Allah's beloved said,
38:12If a place is in trouble,
38:14The whole body is in control.
38:16Why are we not in trouble?
38:18Whose houses have been looted.
38:20People are sitting in tents on the roads.
38:22We are having fun.
38:24We do the same thing.
38:26We do not pay attention.
38:28And those who do not pay attention in their area,
38:30What will they think of the rest of the Muslims in the world?
38:34If a little thought was given,
38:36Few pairs would have been bought in these days.
38:39If the expenses above us were reduced a little,
38:44Would there be any problem?
38:46I am not saying wrong.
38:51Eat simple food.
38:53Some expenses should be collected.
38:55Some of these poor people should be taken care of.
38:58Big children can study.
39:00But the expenses above us,
39:03We have made them big.
39:06We have made a relationship with worship.
39:09We are very worried.
39:11Many people.
39:13But some sorrows are very personal.
39:15It cannot be told to anyone.
39:17By keeping it inside,
39:19A person gets worried.
39:21There are very personal things.
39:24A person cannot say to anyone.
39:26When big people say,
39:28It cannot be said.
39:30How to say?
39:31It is personal.
39:32What is the solution to the problem?
39:34Keep it inside and pray.
39:36Then raise your hand for prayer.
39:39What you cannot say to anyone,
39:41Say it openly to the Lord and the Messenger.
39:43Say it openly.
39:44The heart will be lightened.
39:46Respect will also be maintained.
39:48And when a person says to the Lord and the Messenger,
39:50The grace will also be very fast.
39:52Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Zubair,
39:54After the martyrdom of Imam Hussain,
39:58When he gave the sermon,
40:00He said,
40:02You have martyred that Imam Hussain,
40:04Who used to do long Ruku.
40:06He used to do long Qiyam.
40:08He used to do long Sajda.
40:10He used to sit on the prayer mat for a long time.
40:13It was the middle night of 9th and 10th Muharram.
40:17Amr Ibn Sa'ad came and said to Imam Ali,
40:21There are only two things,
40:23Either there will be Bai'at or war.
40:25Say it.
40:27Imam Hussain said,
40:29Give me a night's time.
40:31I will talk to you in the morning.
40:33He left.
40:35Hazrat Abbas came.
40:37May Allah be pleased with him.
40:39He said, Huzoor, these people are strange.
40:41I don't know what they will think.
40:43I still know your decision.
40:45You don't want to do Bai'at.
40:47If there is going to be a war, why did you take the time?
40:51Imam Ali said,
40:53Abbas, what do you think?
40:55There is no time to think.
40:58He said, Huzoor, then why did you take the time?
41:00This is the matter of my Imam.
41:02O youth of my nation, remember this.
41:05Look at the beauty, pain and sincerity of these words.
41:09Imam Hussain said,
41:11Abbas, you know that I love Sajda a lot.
41:21He said, there is only one night left.
41:24Everyone knows the result.
41:27I feel like prostrating to my Lord.
41:31I prostrate to my Lord a lot.
41:34A lot.
41:36So let's go.
41:38We spent 2-3 hours on our mobile phones.
41:41Let's meet for 20 minutes.
41:44And I say this especially to the youth.
41:47You are a victim of depression and tension.
41:50You sit for 10-20 minutes
41:53and look at yourself.
41:55You will feel that you have become selfless.
41:58You don't need the world anymore.
42:00You don't need anyone.
42:02When a person's heart is attached to Allah,
42:04then he doesn't care if the world comes or goes.
42:07His attention is somewhere else.
42:10Make markets.
42:12Make shops.
42:14Do business.
42:16Do whatever comes to your mind.
42:18Let's say that Allah gives us sustenance.
42:24If you want to depend on people,
42:27if you want to work by deceiving people,
42:30if you want to work by committing fraud,
42:32it won't reach perfection.
42:37if you lie, money is sold,
42:39but only temporarily.
42:41There is no blessing in that.
42:43Muslims believe that Allah gives us sustenance.
42:47So then,
42:49according to those principles,
42:51we should follow the path of earning a livelihood,
42:53which is explained in the Quran and Sunnah.
42:58In our society,
43:00when a person doesn't open a shop,
43:02he gets the Quran recited first.
43:06But he gets it recited for blessings.
43:09If a friend tells me that
43:11he wants to get his children recited,
43:13I tell him that
43:15don't get the Quran recited first.
43:18Just do business according to the principles of the Quran.
43:24Religion is not only about making blessings.
43:27You see,
43:29a religious person's religion is known
43:31when his son gets married.
43:33How religious he is.
43:35In a mosque, all people are religious.
43:38In a gathering, all people are religious.
43:41But if he remembers religion
43:43at the time of marriage,
43:45then he is a religious person.
43:52If the rizq is haram,
43:55then it is possible that
43:57if a person gets some power,
44:01he dies.
44:04So much so that
44:07the rizq is haram.
44:11It causes so much loss
44:13that it breaks a person's relationship with Allah.
44:19A person was praying,
44:22O Lord, O Lord, O Lord.
44:24The Prophet said,
44:26whatever prayers you ask for will not be accepted.
44:29O Messenger of Allah,
44:31Allah is Merciful.
44:33It will not be accepted.
44:35The Prophet said,
44:37whatever you eat is also haram.
44:40Whatever you wear is also haram.
44:43Whatever you drink is also haram.
44:46So whatever meat you eat is haram,
44:48it goes to hell.
44:51Even if it is a little rizq,
44:53even if it is two meals a day,
44:56even if you travel in a small car,
44:58it is haram.
45:00The more you can avoid it,
45:02the more profit you will get.
45:04We are taught ways
45:06to become rich quickly.
45:08Short cut.
45:10Do this, do that.
45:12We get a lot of advice.
45:14Always remember,
45:16you must have seen many simple people in the world.
45:21But Allah has given a lot of wealth.
45:24Wealth is obtained by the grace of Allah.
45:27By showing cleverness, wealth comes,
45:29not blessings.
45:31By showing cleverness,
45:33a person may be rich,
45:35but he is not wealthy.
45:37He is not dignified.
45:39You are going to inaugurate a market.
45:42Make it easy for the people.
45:45And not only this,
45:47all of us who are inaugurating,
45:49make it easy for the people.
45:51A shopkeeper does it in such a way,
45:53that if he finds out,
45:55because there are cameras,
45:58that the person who is coming,
46:00has come in a big car,
46:02then he speaks in Urdu,
46:04in English,
46:06and deals with him.
46:08Sir, this is a big shop.
46:11But if a poor man,
46:13steps on the stairs of the shop,
46:15then he does not bow his head.
46:17Do you know,
46:19what does a poor man have to take?
46:23there is a hadith of Huzoor,
46:25in which it is said,
46:27that the sustenance you are given,
46:29is from the blessings of your weak people.
46:31Because of the weak people,
46:33Allah gives you sustenance.
46:35So those who get it,
46:37will be rejected.
46:39And then I have also seen in my life,
46:45a poor man should be given,
46:47a loan should be given to the poor.
46:49We give to the rich.
46:51Because we do not give to the poor,
46:53because we do not give to the poor,
46:55how will he return it?
46:57Make it a little easier for the poor.
46:59Give them a little space.
47:01Give them,
47:03a little chance,
47:05to come out of that pain.
47:07Listen to a hadith,
47:09and I will ask for a prayer.
47:11The Prophet said,
47:13that a merchant,
47:17used to do business.
47:19Some people used to take loans,
47:21and then he used to send
47:23his soldiers,
47:25his sailors,
47:27to collect them.
47:29So along with that,
47:31he used to say,
47:33that if a person is rich,
47:35and does not give money,
47:37then he can be strict.
47:39But if he is poor,
47:41then no problem,
47:43our sustenance is fine.
47:45If a person is strong,
47:47then he does not demand.
47:49And if a person is poor,
47:51then he does not demand.
47:55if you remember a hadith,
47:57then it will be beneficial.
47:59The Prophet said,
48:01that if you want to take money
48:03from a poor person,
48:05and he is poor,
48:07then give him some time.
48:09The Prophet said,
48:11that the amount of money you want to take,
48:13the amount of time you give,
48:15Allah will reward you
48:17with charity.
48:21the amount of money you have,
48:23you can give charity.
48:25The Prophet said,
48:27that the man used to say,
48:31to the customers,
48:33to his sailors,
48:35that if a person does not give,
48:37then he can be strict.
48:39But if he is helpless,
48:41then give him some time.
48:43Our sustenance is fine.
48:45When he will be in the court of Allah,
48:47then Allah will say,
48:49go, it is the decision of heaven for you.
48:51He did not forgive money,
48:53but he gave some space.
48:55He gave some space to the debtor.
48:57O Allah, my deeds are not like this,
48:59so this is the decision for me.
49:01So Allah will say,
49:03you used to make it easy for my people,
49:05so I will not make it easy for you.
49:07Please do me a favour.
49:09The poor need more.
49:11The weak, the needy,
49:13I am telling you the truth.
49:17the workers,
49:21The workers,
49:23they can drive a vehicle.
49:25But the poor,
49:27they cannot drive a vehicle.
49:29They do not have a car.
49:31If they have a car,
49:33then they will be smart.
49:35So, the poor,
49:37to be smart,
49:39they need money.
49:41I have to tell you this,
49:43they do business,
49:45they work day and night,
49:47but the real business is not this.
49:49The real business is prostration.
49:53The real business is to love your Lord.
49:55To earn money,
49:57I have seen this,
49:59some poor people,
50:01they have become victims of mental problems,
50:03when they earn money.
50:05They have four mobiles,
50:07they are telling someone something,
50:09they are in some trouble.
50:11The person himself gets disturbed.
50:13Don't spread your legs so long,
50:15that you cannot walk.
50:17Do hard work,
50:19but don't get so entangled.
50:21Don't get so entangled.
50:23Hazrat Maula Ali,
50:25went to a garden to work.
50:27He found two kilos of dates.
50:29He picked them up and brought them.
50:31He said,
50:33I don't want to work anymore.
50:35He said,
50:37I have found two kilos of dates.
50:39One kilo will be eaten by Ali's children,
50:41and the other by poor children of Madinah.
50:43The Lord who gives us life in the morning,
50:45will also give us livelihood.
50:47So, we have become entangled.
50:49I have seen some people,
50:51who don't earn as much as the poor people.
50:53Because they tell more stories,
50:55they don't speak the truth.
50:57They talk too much,
50:59they praise their wealth so much,
51:01that they repent.
51:03Don't do this.
51:05My claim is that,
51:07only true people work.
51:09People say,
51:11he takes more than Rs. 50,
51:13but gives the right thing.
