Usage Of Apostrophe

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00:00Hi friends! Today we will learn about the usage of apostrophe. So let's start!
00:10An apostrophe is used for just so many purposes in English language.
00:16But the first and foremost use is showing possession, that is changing a noun to its possessive form.
00:24Now let's see how we change nouns to their possessive forms in different cases.
00:31girl, girls
00:34boy, boys
00:37tia, tias
00:40That in case of singular nouns which do not end in s, we use an apostrophe plus s at its end to show possession or to convert it into its possessive form.
00:54Here we have example sentences.
00:58Sophia's dress is brighter than Eva's dress.
01:03Enid Blyton's novels are quite interesting.
01:07John's brother is a doctor.
01:11Here, Sophia's, Enid Blyton's, Eva's and John's, these words are possessives.
01:20They show possessions and we have made these words using apostrophe plus s.
01:28White House is the USA President's residence.
01:33The aeroplane pilot's cabin is called cockpit.
01:38So here again we have made possessives using apostrophe and s.
01:45Presidents, pilots are possessives.
01:51Now here we have two words.
01:54Chess, Jones
01:57Now how do we make possessive for these words?
02:01Should we add apostrophe plus s or just an apostrophe?
02:07There are various rules for it but the commonly or the most commonly accepted rule is
02:14just adding an apostrophe at the end of the naming word that ends in s.
02:20So it should be chess with an apostrophe and Jones with an apostrophe to show possession.
02:31Here we have the example sentences.
02:35Jones' book is with me.
02:39So we add only apostrophe in the end of a singular naming word that ends in s to make its possessive form.
02:49Here we have more examples.
02:53Charles' handwriting is outstanding.
02:58Here we are showing possessive form of Charles by just adding an apostrophe to Charles
03:06which means writing of Charles is outstanding or Charles' handwriting is outstanding.
03:18Next we will learn making possessives of plural nouns.
03:23So let's start.
03:25Here we have some plural nouns.
03:28Girls, boys, actresses, children, teeth.
03:35How do you make possessives for these plural nouns?
03:39We add only apostrophe to the plural nouns that ends in s.
03:45Here we have examples.
03:47She is waiting for you in girls' hostel.
03:51There is a big student's common room in our college.
03:56So we add apostrophe plus s to plural nouns that ends in s.
04:04Now we add apostrophe plus s to plural nouns that do not end in s.
04:12Here we have examples.
04:15This is a children's park.
04:19Milk is good for our teeth's health.
04:23That is we added apostrophe plus s to plural noun that do not end in s
04:30and we added only apostrophe in the end of the plural nouns that ends in s.
04:37Now let's learn how we make possessives from compound words.
04:43Here we have examples of compound words.
04:47Like brother-in-law, son-in-law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law.
04:54How we make possessives from these words?
04:58If it's a singular compound word like brother-in-law,
05:03its possessive would be brother-in-laws.
05:08Here we have example sentences.
05:11I am going to attend my brother-in-law's wedding.
05:16But if it is a plural compound word, brother-in-law,
05:21then its possessive would be brother-in-laws.
05:26Let's see its usage.
05:30Both of my brother-in-law's wedding was on the same date.
05:36Now let's have a look at more examples.
05:40Possessive of sister-in-law would be sister-in-laws.
05:45Possessive of sister-in-law would be sister-in-laws.
05:51Possessive of mother-in-law would be mother-in-laws.
05:57Possessive of mother-in-law would be mother-in-laws.
06:03Now let's see how we show possession when two people possess the same things.
06:11The work of Sam and Samuel is marvelous.
06:16Now how can we rewrite the sentence using possessive?
06:21Sam and Samuel's work is marvelous.
06:26So you can see that we put apostrophe plus s after the second name only
06:33if two people possess the same thing.
06:38Here are more examples.
06:42Julia and Ethan's dance was well coordinated.
06:47Here we're talking about the dance of Julia and Ethan.
06:52So we have put apostrophe plus s after the second name.
06:58So what have we learned?
07:00We use apostrophe plus s after the second name
07:05if we are showing the same thing is possessed by two things or persons.
07:11Now let's learn the examples of where one of the co-owner is a pronoun.
07:17Your and Sam's work is outstanding.
07:21Here the work belongs to you and Sam.
07:25So we use possessive adjective for you that is your
07:30and possessive form of Sam that is Sam's.
07:35Your and Sam's work is outstanding.
07:39Now let's learn the next case.
07:42It is if we have to show separate possessions like
07:47Sam's and Samuel's work are unique in their own perspective.
07:52That is we are not talking about the common work of Sam and Samuel.
07:57So we have to use possessives for both the words.
08:02Sam's and Samuel's work are unique in their own perspective.
08:07Here we have another such example.
08:11Both Eva's and Emma's dress is bright.
08:16Now let's have a look at another rule.
08:22Personal pronouns or possessive pronouns never take apostrophe
08:27like her, hers, their, theirs, who, whose, one, ones.
08:38Hers, theirs, whose, and ones are possessive pronouns of the pronoun her, their, who, and one.
08:47These possessive pronouns never take apostrophe.
08:52So we have learned till now that apostrophe is used for making possessives
08:58and how apostrophe are used for showing possessions in different cases.
09:05Now we will learn how to use apostrophe for making contractions.
09:11Does not can be written as doesn't.
09:16It is can be written as it's.
09:20Cannot can be written as can't.
09:24Will not can be written as won't.
09:29There are many more examples. Let's have a look.
09:33This computer doesn't work.
09:37It's getting awfully cold these days.
09:40Can't you be patient?
09:44I won't give you money as you spend it on useless things.
09:50Now let's have next use of apostrophe and it is for making plurals of abbreviations,
09:57single letters, and numerals.
10:00Let's have a look.
10:03Plural of letter B can be B's.
10:07Plural of numeral 2 can be 2's.
10:12Let's have example sentences.
10:16How many 2's are there in this mathematical expression?
10:21So you can answer, there are 3 2's in this mathematical expression.
10:28How many A's are there in this word?
10:32So you can answer, there are 3 A's in this word.
10:37So here we have used apostrophe plus S, not for making a possessive, but for making plural.
10:46So friends, today we have learned a lot about apostrophe.
10:51Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more.