Usage Of Colon

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00:00Hi friends, today we will learn how to use a colon, so let's start.
00:10Let us learn where we can use a colon.
00:14Colon is used before introducing a list and before starting a description, definition,
00:21or explanation.
00:24Now let's learn with examples.
00:27My dad's company deals in three products, computers, laptops, and mobile phones.
00:35Here colon is used to introduce the list of items.
00:40Here we have next example.
00:44My garden has a variety of flowers, rose, lily, bougainvillea, tulip, jasmine, and many
00:54Here again you can notice that we have placed a colon before introducing the list of flowers.
01:02Let us take another example.
01:06This movie has many interesting features, dramatics, action, and mystery.
01:14Here again you can notice that we have to put a colon before giving the list of features.
01:22Here we have next example.
01:27This shop has many types of dresses, jeans, shirts, jackets, shorts, skirts, and others.
01:36Here where should we put colon in this sentence?
01:41It should be after the word dresses, as we are introducing a list of types of dresses
01:49after this word.
01:51So colon should be put after the word dresses.
01:57Yes, now it's looking fine.
01:59This shop has many types of dresses, jeans, shirts, jackets, shorts, skirts, and others.
02:09Let's have one more example.
02:12This store sells everything for daily needs, eatables, beverages, toiletries, cosmetics,
02:21Here again where should we put colon in this sentence?
02:26We should put colon after the word needs.
02:31So yes, colon should be put here.
02:37Here we have another example.
02:40I saw many animals in the zoo, tiger, zebra, giraffe, elephant, monkeys, and many more.
02:49Here again where should we put colon in this sentence?
02:54In this sentence the list of animals starts after the word zoo.
03:00So we should put colon after the word zoo.
03:04Yes, now it is correct.
03:08So we have learned a lot many examples where we have used colon before introducing a list
03:15of items.
03:17List of items introduced after a colon can also be given in the form of points starting
03:23from numerals, bullets, or alphabets.
03:28Here we have examples.
03:30If the list that you are giving after a colon are complete sentences, then the sentence
03:37should be punctuated.
03:40Like first letters should be capitalized and they should also end with a right punctuation
03:46mark because they are complete sentences.
03:51Let's have a look at example.
03:55All the three siblings are in same school.
03:58Robin is studying in level 2.
04:01Diana is studying in level 5.
04:04Phil is studying in level 10.
04:09Let's have a look at another example.
04:12The company was facing problems on three counts.
04:17The sales were falling, the inventory was increasing, the stock prices had come down.
04:25So you can see we are giving a list of three sentences after a colon and they are complete
04:33So we have punctuated them.
04:37Each sentence starts with a capital letter and also ends with a right punctuation mark.
04:44So colon is used for giving a list of items.
04:50Now can give a list of words, phrases, or even sentences.
04:57Now let's learn the next use of colon.
05:02We use a colon before starting a clause that explains or gives reasons for the previous
05:09Let's have an example.
05:13We have little time for practice.
05:15The tournament starts next week.
05:19We have two clauses in this sentence where the second clause explains or gives reasons
05:25for the first clause.
05:28Let's have another example.
05:31Jim was annoyed because I didn't join the party.
05:35I hadn't got the invitation.
05:38Here again we have two clauses in this sentence where the second clause is giving a reason
05:45for the first clause.
05:47So we use colon before a clause that is giving reason for the first clause.
05:53Here we have another example for you.
05:56There is no need to see the doctor.
05:59I am feeling much better now.
06:02Here again we have two clauses in this sentence where the second clause is giving a reason
06:09for the first clause.
06:11So we have used a colon.
06:14Here we have another use of colon.
06:17We can also use a colon when we want to lay stress on a single word or a short phrase.
06:25Here we have examples.
06:27After a long trial, the judgment was announced.
06:34Here we have to lay stress on the word guilty which is being separated by the use of colon.
06:43Here we have another example.
06:47Everyone knew who would win the match.
06:52Here again we have laid stress on the word dragon.
06:56So we have separated by a colon.
07:00Always remember speed thrills but kills.
07:05Here we are laying stress on the phrase speed thrills but kills.
07:11So we have used a colon to separate it.
07:16Now let's learn another use of colon.
07:20We also use colons while writing time.
07:24Let's learn.
07:26Colons are used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds.
07:31So let's write time using colons.
07:35Here we are given with time written using colons.
07:40It means 10 hours, 20 minutes, 15 seconds.
07:46We can use colons to write time in 24-hour format too.
07:5210 p.m.
07:54Let's see how we can write 10 p.m. in 24-hour format.
08:00Yes, like this.
08:0322 hundred hours.
08:07This is the way we write 10 p.m. using colons in 24-hour format.
08:14Similarly, 11 p.m. can be written like this.
08:2023 hundred hours.
08:23Similarly, 9 p.m. can be written like this.
08:29Now let's see how colons is used in mathematics.
08:34In mathematics, colon is used to represent ratios.
08:40This is 1 ratio 4.
08:44This is 2 ratio 3.
08:48Now here we have the last use of colon.
08:52Use of colon in formal letters and emails.
08:57You must have often seen colons written after from date, subject, to, cc in case of emails.
09:08So we use colons in formal letters and emails.
09:13We will learn in detail how to write emails in the next section.
09:17Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more.