• last year
Hannah Jacobs's mother makes heartbreaking statement after inquestSky News


00:00Better awareness is really needed in these industries and across society of
00:05the symptoms of anaphylaxis. Allowing people who serve food and drinks to
00:11retake an allergy training test 20 times is not acceptable. Treating allergy
00:18training as a tick-box exercise is not acceptable. Being a medical professional
00:24and not reacting quickly to even a possible anaphylactic reaction is not
00:29acceptable. And the consequence of all of this is my daughter is no longer here.
00:36My beautiful Hannah had only 13 years on this earth when she should have had many
00:42many more. I truly believe that with Hannah's confidence, deep sense of right
00:49and wrong and her affectionate nature she could and would have achieved so
00:54much in this world.
