• last year
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00:00I was just walking out of my favorite thrift store, when two scary maniacs jumped out of an alley and blocked my way.
00:06Give us your necklace, or else!
00:08I was about to make a run of it, when suddenly Jerkface, I mean Tom, appeared at my side.
00:13He threw a stinky egg sandwich at one of the maniacs' faces, pushed him onto the other guy, and grabbed my hand.
00:18We raced down the street and turned a corner.
00:21Just then, I saw Tom staring at my necklace with a stupid twinkle in his eye.
00:25I pulled my hand away and turned a corner to ditch him, but he caught up to me.
00:29I'm usually a fast runner, but you try running in these heels.
00:32Anyway, I was running for my life, and stupid Tom hopped in front of me.
00:36Ava, that's a dead end. We should go this way.
00:38Leave me alone.
00:40I'm trying to save your life.
00:41You're a liar. I don't believe you. All you want is my necklace.
00:45Yeah, but I don't want to see you get hurt either.
00:47Since when do you care about me, Jerkface?
00:50Since I... realized that I like you.
00:53Hi, my name is Ava. And before I continue, please like and subscribe.
00:57Okay, I admit, I'm a little weird.
00:59It's not my fault. I come from a family of weirdos.
01:02My parents own a bug exterminator business, and they're totally obsessed with bugs.
01:07Weird, right? Like, they kill bugs for a living.
01:10And yet, they adore them.
01:11They even have a couple pet tarantulas named Simon and Igor.
01:14When I was ten, my parents set up a playdate for me and all the kids from the neighborhood.
01:19Things were going fine as we played board games and danced to music.
01:22But then, Dad came downstairs with his huge ant farm.
01:26Kids, did you know that ants don't have ears, and some of them don't have eyes?
01:32Dad went on and on about stupid facts about ants.
01:35And just when I thought he couldn't get more embarrassing,
01:38he tripped on his shoelace and dropped the ant farm, which broke, and ants flew everywhere.
01:44They crawled up a kid's leg, into another kid's hair, and one picked up a handful and ate them.
01:49Mmm, that's crunchy.
01:50Their parents were so upset, they banned their kids from coming over.
01:54And well, I was now known as the Bug Lady.
01:57It wasn't easy to make friends, and eventually, I stopped trying or caring.
02:02And then in high school, things got even worse.
02:04My parents lost a huge client, and money got really tight.
02:08So, I decided to get a part-time job to help out.
02:10I applied everywhere, but no one was hiring.
02:13And then, I walked by this amazing thrift store.
02:16It had these beautiful secondhand dresses in the window, and I couldn't help staring.
02:20Once I stepped inside, I fell in love.
02:22The owner was an old lady, Miss Green, and I begged her to work there.
02:26Luckily, she gave me a job.
02:28I spent half my money helping my parents out, and the other half, I used to thrift.
02:32I bought the most amazing retro dresses in all these cool colors.
02:36Blouses with shoulder pads, bell-bottoms, and clunky heels.
02:40Every day when I walked down the hall, I'd imagine that I was in a fashion show,
02:44but dumb kids would make stupid comments.
02:46Oh my god, what year is it?
02:48The year fashion went to die?
02:50Are you a circus clown, or did a rainbow blow up in your face?
02:54But I'd just pull down my sunglasses and look them square in the eye.
02:58No, it's thrift chic.
02:59Then, I'd strut down the hall like a boss.
03:02Miss Green and I had a blast at the thrift store.
03:05I'd help her dress the mannequins and arrange the clothes,
03:07while she taught me the art of negotiating a good deal.
03:10She was almost 60 years older than me, but she was my BFF.
03:14Life was great, until her stupid grandson, Tom, came to town.
03:18Tom was my age, and he thought he was super cool with his perfect hair,
03:23perfect teeth, and expensive clothes.
03:25The rumor was, he had a genius IQ because he aced every test.
03:29All the teachers loved him, and all the popular girls waited in line to date him.
03:33Tom moved in with Miss Green because his parents had to travel overseas for business.
03:37He started working at the thrift store too, but he was the absolute worst.
03:41He'd complain all the time about the stupidest things.
03:44It smells like mothballs in here.
03:47This music is so unsophisticated.
03:49Can I please have a chair?
03:51These handmade Italian shoes weren't made for standing all day.
03:55And then one day, I came in early,
03:57and I overheard Tom and Miss Green in the office at the back of the store.
04:00Granny, you really should consider selling this place.
04:04You're getting too old, plus you're losing money.
04:07I found a buyer who's willing to take all this junk, I mean clothes, off your hands.
04:12Think of all the extra money you'd have in the bank.
04:14We could go on vacation, you could buy me a car, and...
04:17I couldn't take it anymore, so I barged in.
04:19You can't sell this place.
04:21No one asked for your opinion.
04:23Please, Miss Green, don't listen to him.
04:25This store is too important.
04:27Think about the customers. They'll be so heartbroken.
04:29We're losing money right and left. We can barely make rent.
04:33I'm sorry, Ava. Tom is right.
04:35I don't know if we can afford it anymore.
04:37I refused to go down without fighting,
04:40so I put my thinking cap on and came up with a wonderful idea.
04:43I went online and found several chat rooms for thrifters.
04:47Then I posted a bunch of pictures with me posing in clothes I bought from the thrift store.
04:51The next day, a swarm of thrifters showed up at the front door.
04:55They raced through the aisles and bought a ton of clothes.
04:57We made twice as much money as usual.
05:00That night, Miss Green and I celebrated with a sparkling bottle of apple cider,
05:04while Tom sulked in the corner like a five-year-old.
05:06Business was steady for a couple of weeks, but then things quickly went back to normal.
05:11One day, Tom ambushed me at my locker at school.
05:13You won't stop me from convincing my granny to sell that stupid store,
05:18so I suggest you back off.
05:20The store isn't stupid. Miss Green loves it,
05:22and you'd know that if you weren't such a selfish jerk.
05:25You're so naive. You don't even know what you're talking about.
05:28I'm so sick of you filling my granny with your dumb ideas.
05:31She's only keeping that store because of you.
05:33That's not true.
05:34I've never met someone so lame.
05:36Your best friend is an 80-year-old.
05:38At least I have a friend.
05:40You're so annoying and boring, I'd rather scratch my eyes out than spend another second with you.
05:45That's just your stupid opinion.
05:47Haven't you seen how popular I am around here?
05:49It's just because you have amazing hair, gorgeous eyes, a nice set of teeth, and a pack of abs.
05:54Lucky for you, people are dumb and superficial.
05:57Imagine if you had to rely on your personality.
05:59You'd get the biggest loser award.
06:02Are you sure you'd be willing to part with the trophy?
06:04It would be hard to give it up when you've been winning 16 years in a row.
06:08I shoved him out of my way and marched off.
06:11I couldn't stand his jerk face anymore.
06:13Later in gym class, we were playing a game of dodgeball, and the gym teacher put me and Tom on the same team.
06:18Tom kept giving me dirty looks.
06:20Then I got distracted, and a ball slammed into me and knocked me right on my butt.
06:24Tom laughed like a hyena, and I got so mad that I tackled him to the ground.
06:28The gym teacher sent me and Tom to the principal's office.
06:31This is all her fault.
06:33He started it.
06:34She's crazy.
06:35The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in detention after school for hours with Tom.
06:39This is clearly a misunderstanding.
06:42Truly, the ball is at fault.
06:44Dodgeball is a dangerous game.
06:45Someone was bound to get hurt.
06:47I blame the gym teacher.
06:48I blame society.
06:49The principal still gave us detention, and my animosity toward Tom grew even worse.
06:54A couple of weeks later, Miss Green got a bunch of new donations, and as we were going through the box,
06:59I found the most beautiful necklace that I immediately tried on.
07:03Wow, this is amazing.
07:05I've never seen anything like it.
07:06You can have it, sweetie.
07:08No, I can't take this.
07:09It's way too nice.
07:11I insist.
07:12I appreciate everything you've done for me.
07:14Consider it a thank you and a goodbye gift.
07:18Miss Green's words rocked me to my core.
07:20She told me she decided to close the store next week.
07:23No, there must be something we can do.
07:26The landlord doubled the rent.
07:27Tom and I ran the numbers.
07:29There's no way we can afford to keep the store.
07:31I felt like a knife had sliced through my heart.
07:34Tom glared at me from across the room, and then I got a text from him with a stupid meme that said,
07:39I told you so.
07:41I put on the necklace and went straight home.
07:43All of a sudden, it was like my world turned gray.
07:46I couldn't smile or pretend to laugh at my parents' stupid bug jokes.
07:50What's the matter, Ladybug?
07:52You look as sad as a slug.
07:54A sad slug?
07:56That's funny.
07:57I told them I was fine, but I really wasn't.
08:00The next day, I was in the library, and the most surprising thing happened.
08:04The librarian walked up to me, glanced at my necklace, and suddenly, her face turned white as a ghost.
08:09That necklace, where did you get it?
08:11It was a gift.
08:12Come with me.
08:13I followed the librarian to an aisle filled with a ton of old, dusty books.
08:17She pulled one off the shelf, then showed me a picture of an ancient Egyptian princess wearing my necklace.
08:23The next thing I knew, me and my parents were whisked away to this huge lab where a famous archaeologist examined my necklace.
08:30Then, he had a huge press conference.
08:33Professor, are the rumors really true?
08:35Yes, we've confirmed it.
08:36The necklace is authentic, and it's worth $200,000.
08:41After that night, my life turned upside down, and everyone around me went bananas.
08:46Camera crews camped out on my lawn, and magazines and news stations wanted to interview me.
08:51There were even conspiracy theories that said that I was a long-lost princess, and the necklace traveled through time and space to find me.
08:59Even my parents started acting crazy.
09:01One night, they barged into my room with a projector and a slideshow.
09:05You must sell the necklace.
09:07It could pay for your college tuition, a sailboat, and a new wardrobe.
09:11We could even expand the bug business worldwide.
09:14Cockroaches and termites, beware.
09:16It didn't feel right spending the money on me.
09:18I wanted to give it to Miss Green to save the thrift store.
09:21The next morning, I went to the store to meet her, but I bumped into stupid Tom instead.
09:26What are you doing here?
09:27None of your business, jerk.
09:29If you're looking for my granny, she's not here.
09:31She's out of town, but I'm glad I ran into you.
09:34I need that necklace back.
09:35No way! Miss Green wanted me to have it.
09:38That was a mistake. I don't have time to explain.
09:40I need that necklace back now!
09:42Tom tried to grab the necklace, but I ran.
09:45He chased me around the store.
09:46I grabbed a pair of boots off the shelf and threw them at his feet.
09:49Tom tripped and fell on his face.
09:51I hustled out the door.
09:52I was wearing my new ruby red heels, so I didn't move very fast.
09:55Just when I thought I was in the clear, these two crazy maniacs jumped into the street.
10:00And you know the rest.
10:01I guess we can pick back up at the kiss.
10:03I like replaying it in my head all the time.
10:05Since when do you care about me, jerk face?
10:08Since I... realized that I like you.
10:11And he pulled away, grabbed my hand, and we hopped on a bus.
10:14The bus sped away just as the crazy maniacs turned the corner.
10:18We were in the clear.
10:19I turned to see Tom staring at me.
10:21I was totally confused.
10:22Just minutes ago, Tom was my enemy.
10:25The Joker to my Batman.
10:26The pimple to my forehead.
10:28And now he tells me he likes me?
10:30Yeah, I'm as confused as you are.
10:33I hated you for weeks.
10:35Your silly clothes and your obsession with thrifting was so annoying.
10:39But then something changed.
10:41The truth is, I was just jealous.
10:43Jealous of what?
10:44You're smart and funny.
10:46You don't care what anyone thinks.
10:48You pull off your hideous clothes with confidence.
10:51And the way you are with my grandma?
10:53I've never seen her so happy.
10:54I've never seen anyone smile like that in my family before.
10:58And you're so brave.
10:59You never give up.
11:00I guess you inspired me.
11:02Then why did you try to steal my necklace?
11:05I wasn't trying to steal it.
11:07A couple of days ago, I was at the shop alone
11:10when these scary-looking men came searching for the necklace.
11:13I didn't know what they were talking about.
11:15They said they'd hurt me and Granny if I didn't give it back.
11:18I searched everywhere for that necklace, but I couldn't find it.
11:21But Miss Green found the necklace and gave it to me.
11:24That night you were on the news?
11:26The bad men came to the store and took my Granny,
11:28demanding the necklace's ransom.
11:30They said they'd hurt her if I went to the police.
11:33I don't know what to do.
11:34I glanced out the window and saw the bad men tailing the bus in a car.
11:38Then I got an idea.
11:39I pulled out my cell phone and told my parents about our dilemma.
11:42They told us they'd meet us at the next bus stop.
11:44Are you sure about this?
11:46Yeah, I come from a family of exterminators.
11:48We know how to get rid of pests.
11:50Tom and I stepped off the bus, and just as I imagined,
11:53the scary men pulled up.
11:54Tom started freaking out.
11:55They're coming! We have to run!
11:57But before I could calm Tom down, we were surrounded by the bad guys.
12:01Give up! It's over, you stupid kids!
12:03Then my parents jumped out of the bushes with their gas masks and exterminator gear,
12:07screaming like lunatics and spraying them with insecticides.
12:11Stop it! Stop it!
12:12You better hold still then, or I'm gonna release Simon and Igor on you next.
12:16They bite when they get anxious.
12:18The men revealed where they'd been holding Miss Green,
12:20and we called the police immediately.
12:22They sent a team to rescue Miss Green from an abandoned building,
12:25while the bad men were taken to jail.
12:27After that, I sold the necklace.
12:29I tried giving the money to Miss Green to save the thrift store,
12:32but she insisted that we become business partners instead.
12:35Tom and I started dating, and he stopped being a jerk.
12:38Well, somewhat.
12:39Your jacket is ugly, but you're beautiful, and I love you.
12:43I'm gonna throw your pretentious shoes in the dumpster later, but I love you too.