• 2 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbors.
00:02Just ask her out if that's what you want.
00:04You're one of my best friends, but I don't want to date you.
00:07What do you feel counselling?
00:08I just wanted to ask you a question.
00:10She knew about this whole crisis that you're having?
00:13You've got dates, witnesses and emotional impact for all of Aaron's incidents.
00:18Let me call the lawyer and cancel the report.
00:21Another one of your intense panics and I'm done.
00:23I was made to feel like some foreign entity my whole childhood.
00:26It takes real patience and grace to navigate the world like you do.
00:56That's when good neighbours become good friends.
01:07Hey, so did something happen between you and Dex today?
01:11It's just he hasn't really come out of his room at all, which isn't really like him, so.
01:17He asked me out today, but I only like him as a friend.
01:25I tried to be as nice as I could be, but, you know, I guess it's hard for him to be around me right now.
01:34Yeah, that's totally understandable.
01:38I mean, like, if I were to ask you out and you weren't interested, I'd be cut.
01:48Yeah, because I still really like you, Nell.
01:52Yeah, I guess I never stopped.
01:56I still really like you too.
02:00I thought I would have heard from the uni today.
02:02Well, maybe no news is good news.
02:04Yeah, Warren kicked out of the course.
02:08Why? He's still here.
02:10I'm heading home now.
02:12Thanks again for your help.
02:14See you tomorrow at school.
02:37How'd you go?
02:38Assignment complete.
02:40Ah, good stuff.
02:43How's everything here?
02:47Oh, I've got another counselling session tomorrow morning.
02:51That's great, Dad. I mean, Rhonda helped me, so I'm sure she can help you too.
02:57Do we have any more basil in the car?
02:59I'm not sure. I'll go and check.
03:02I'm not sure. I'll go and check.
03:07Dad's really going through something.
03:16What's that smile?
03:19That can't be for your Dad and I.
03:22JJ told me he likes me and I told him I like him too.
03:27Don't get too excited.
03:30This all happened after Dex told me he likes me and I turned him down.
03:35I don't think anything's going to happen too soon.
03:37But it could in the future.
03:40All the same, I'm not going to tell Dad. Not unless something actually happens.
03:46Doesn't sound like an if to me. It sounds like a when.
04:08How'd you get up?
04:10You don't have to check on me.
04:13Sorry things didn't work out with you and Nell.
04:17Are you?
04:19Yeah, I am. I don't like seeing you upset.
04:22Even though this means you can make your move?
04:26Great. We're already together.
04:31Okay, well, we're not...
04:36If that does end up happening, would you be okay with that?
04:42I'd be fine. As long as I can move to another planet.
05:11Look, Leo, before you say anything, I just want to apologise about creating the AI content.
05:16I asked Nick to pass it off as their own. It's just I felt so bad about lying to that investor.
05:20So you tried to make up for an underhanded act by acting underhanded again?
05:26Yeah, I know I went about it all wrong.
05:29And what's worse is I behaved like my father, which is something I swore I'd never do.
05:33It terrifies me, the idea of turning it to him.
05:37Yeah, well, I guess I can relate to that.
05:41I was impressed with some of those ideas. It's clearly not Nick's work.
05:49So maybe you think about giving me another chance?
05:53If you come back, there can be no more distrust.
05:57As in, like, back, back, like active contributing partner.
06:02Do I have your word?
06:04You have more than my word.
06:09Last time we talked a lot about de-Steph and Sonia.
06:16Well, I think we can both agree that Steph was just a crazy moment in time.
06:20We were never meant to be more than friends.
06:24Today I'd like to concentrate on Melanie and Therese.
06:29Um, haven't we already gone over that, what, a few months ago?
06:33That was before you went back to Melanie.
06:37Before I cheated.
06:41I'm wondering, how exactly did you and Therese work through it?
06:48Well, after it happened, I realised that I'd made a huge mistake.
06:53And I went away for a little while and then when I came back, I begged Therese for another chance.
06:59And eventually she gave me one.
07:02Why? What are you thinking?
07:05If I'm honest, I'm thinking you never worked through it at all.
07:09I just wanted to, um, say thank you.
07:12Whatever you and Remy said to Kiri about prioritising Isla, it's really helped.
07:17And, well, she's given me a second chance.
07:20Oh, right.
07:22Um, yeah, nah, that was all Remy.
07:27I think what you're doing to Aaron is appalling.
07:30And, yeah, sure, look, I don't have the details.
07:33I think what you're doing to Aaron is appalling.
07:36And, yeah, sure, look, I don't have the details.
07:39But I do know that when Isla was a baby, you took her from Aaron and David and then swapped her out for Abigail.
07:50Yeah, um, I'm not proud of that.
07:54And that was a bad time in my life.
08:04**Slow, somber music**
08:30I was insecure about Therese and Paul.
08:33and Melanie was there, it should never have happened.
08:38I'll always regret it.
08:40I'm curious to know, in the aftermath,
08:44how you were able to write off your behaviour so easily.
08:48I just told you, I was wrong about Therese and Paul.
08:53I betrayed Therese for nothing.
08:55And you felt no residual feelings for Melanie?
09:05No, I don't think so.
09:10I don't know, it was very confusing.
09:13You know what, we actually went through this a little while ago,
09:16so I don't understand the purpose of rehashing all of this.
09:20I'm interested in patterns of behaviour.
09:23I don't think there's a pattern.
09:25A similar thing happened with you and Andrea when you thought she was D.
09:29That was different.
09:33I need to get back to work.
09:38We'll pause it there, but I've got a session available this afternoon
09:41if you'd like to come back.
09:43Um, no, I don't think I can make that, but thank you.
09:46All right, well, the offer's there if you change your mind.
09:51Look, there's something I should tell you.
09:53I knew that Dex was going to ask you out,
09:55and I even encouraged him to do it.
09:58You did? Why?
10:01We just couldn't keep going like the way we were,
10:03and if it turned out that you liked Dex back,
10:05I just didn't want to be in the way of that.
10:07But I promised that we weren't fighting over you like that,
10:09and I didn't want to be in the way of that.
10:11I just didn't want to be in the way of that.
10:13I just didn't want to be in the way of that.
10:15I just didn't want to be in the way of that.
10:17I just didn't want to be in the way of that.
10:19But I promised that we weren't fighting over you like before.
10:23So if I had have said yes to Dex, you would have been cool with it?
10:29Look, I would have tried,
10:32but honestly, I wasn't disappointed when you said no.
10:38Yeah, damn, I'm a terrible brother for that.
10:41It's a messy situation.
10:43Yeah, I just hope he sees it that way too.
10:50It feels like we should give each other some space,
10:54at least until he feels better.
10:59Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too.
11:16Not hungry?
11:18I guess I'm still a bit nervous about starting the mentorship.
11:25Really? I thought that you were feeling better about that now.
11:31Well, I guess all this talk about diversity and being made to feel different,
11:36it just stirred up a lot of feelings that I honestly haven't felt since high school.
11:43Look, I know your confidence took a big knock,
11:46but seriously, you shouldn't care what people think.
11:50You just need to be your own awesome self, okay?
11:55Look, I've got to get back to the station,
11:57but let's talk about the rest of this tonight, yeah?
12:00Remember, I am your number one fan.
12:12Hey, I've been thinking,
12:19maybe I could come to one of your sessions.
12:25With Rhonda?
12:26Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't want to get in the way,
12:28but seeing as you've already had a few sessions.
12:33We have talked about including you.
12:35Oh, great.
12:38Do you mind if it's just, you know, not right now though?
12:41Because I'm still a bit in my head.
12:46Yeah, of course.
12:49We'll definitely do a joint session soon though, I promise.
13:02So, I thought we'd have a meeting out here today.
13:04Works for me.
13:05I also thought we could get some celebratory champagne and snacks.
13:09Uh, why?
13:11I've asked Byron to come back on as active participating partner.
13:14I was pretty impressed with his marketing plan.
13:17Oh, you mean I didn't do an awesome job, but selling that as mine?
13:21Well, I'm glad you saw through that.
13:24Yeah, mine too.
13:25Let's just, um, think of today as a first stop.
13:28Things can only get better.
13:30Actually, Byron's on his way, I might grab some snacks.
13:32Could you help?
13:33Yeah, yeah, sure.
14:05Leah's just gone to the bathroom.
14:09Is that, is that what I think it is?
14:28Hey, how was school?
14:31Oh, why?
14:32Um, Dex isn't talking to me or JJ.
14:35Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart.
14:38Um, she might have asked to stay at Jasmine's for a couple of nights.
14:41It'd be good to get out of their faces for a bit.
14:44Sure, if you want.
14:45Can you tell your dad?
14:46Tell Dad what?
14:47Um, staying out of friends.
14:49Cool, I'm coming too.
14:51No, you're not staying at Jasmine's.
14:53I'm going to see Dad.
14:54Austin asked me to stay at his house as well.
15:02It, um, also might be good for you and Dad to have some time alone.
15:11Kiri, I didn't even ask for that letter.
15:13I swear it just turned up in the mailbox this morning.
15:16You should have ripped it up.
15:17I know.
15:18Why didn't you?
15:21Okay, look, I ran into Kara this morning,
15:24and she reminded me that my personal history is way worse than Aaron's,
15:27and that freaked me out.
15:30What did I say to you yesterday?
15:31You said a lot of things.
15:32I said one more intense panic, and our relationship is over.
15:37No, look.
15:40I haven't read it.
15:41I never will.
15:42See? No harm done.
15:43That was only because I caught you.
15:44It's not even been 24 hours, and you literally can't help yourself.
15:48We're through.
15:51Kiri, I know that I stuffed up,
15:53but you have to see this from my point of view.
15:55I've always tried to see the best in you,
15:58but you're not going to change.
16:04What's going on?
16:07I think moving forward, I just want to be a silent partner.
16:10No, you don't have to do that, Kiri.
16:12Come on, we can still work together.
16:14No, we can't.
16:15I'm trying to be professional, Nicolette.
16:17Please just respect my decision.
16:20Hang on.
16:21You're not leaving, Melvin.
16:22I'll call you later to sort things out.
16:28I love you.
16:59Hey, Rhonda, it's Toadie.
17:01I'm just ringing to say I'd love to take you up on the offer
17:04for the spare session, if it's still available.
17:08In fact, I'm just going to leave the office right now.
17:12Hey, guys.
17:14Just say yes.
17:17Yes to what?
17:18Are you going to stay at Austin's and me staying at Jasmine's tonight?
17:21Yeah, sure.
17:22If Therese is okay with it.
17:23She is.
17:24Are you done for the day?
17:25Can you drop us home?
17:27No, I've got another session with Rhonda.
17:29Is everything okay?
17:30Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:31Yeah, no, it is.
17:32Yeah, it's great.
17:33It's great.
17:34Yeah, actually, could you tell Therese?
17:36Because I really want her to know about it.
17:39Have a great time tonight, guys.
17:42Love you.
17:46Well, you'll be glad to hear that Mel and JJ are sensitive to Dex's feelings
17:50and they won't be getting together anytime soon.
17:53We'll just be sensitive to both ways, eh?
17:56Hands up.
17:57Hey, what about you?
17:59How are you holding up?
18:02I guess you've heard that Toadie and I are having issues.
18:05We just know that something went down at the nursery.
18:09It's no secret.
18:11Long story short, Toadie's getting some counselling.
18:15Would you consider having sessions together?
18:18It's funny, I just suggested that.
18:21He wants to wait before we do a joint session.
18:23Oh, fair enough.
18:24But if you're struggling, maybe you should have one on your own.
18:32What's up?
18:43How come you're back so soon?
18:44I'm just on a break, but I wanted to pick up on that conversation that we had at lunch.
18:51I felt like there was more that you needed to say.
18:59Yeah, well I guess the main reason I was feeling how I was feeling
19:06is because I had this intense conversation with Quinn about cultural differences and belonging.
19:13And it was really great, you know, being able to talk to someone who actually gets it.
19:16I didn't realise how much I need that.
19:20Yeah, and that's something that I can't give you, isn't it?
19:27What can I give you instead?
19:30Well, you always listen.
19:32I'm so grateful for that.
19:36But while I'm doing this mentorship, I'm going to need to keep having more conversations like those.
19:43Quinn fits the bill.
19:46You OK with that?
19:48Yeah, of course.
19:50I'm happy that you found a friend that understands.
20:05Hi, thank you so much for taking me to the airport.
20:08Oh, we have to take whatever time we can get.
20:11I'm sorry, it was a snap decision to come here and a snap decision to leave.
20:16I'm sorry I won't be here for the, you know.
20:18Hey, is sticking around really not an option?
20:20I know what will happen. Nicolette will suck me back in and I can't do that again.
20:25I came here because I had unfinished business and now it's done.
20:28Well, I hope that's not the only benefit you got from this trip.
20:31Um, hello?
20:37Hey, but you're still a partner in the vineyard, so maybe you'll come back?
20:41Never say never.
21:19Poor little me, poor little me.
21:22Give me some attention.
21:26Poor little me, poor little me.
21:29Poor little me, poor little me.
21:32I'm glad you came back.
21:34Yeah, I'm glad you still have the appointment.
21:36How are you feeling?
21:38Um, yeah, I was doing OK until Therese popped in for lunch and she suggested that we do a joint session.
21:46I think that's a good idea.
21:52And then Melanie, I saw her and she just walked, she walked the other way.
21:56It just, it seems that it doesn't matter what I do or whichever way I turn, I'm upsetting someone or they're upsetting me.
22:08Oh Rhonda, hi.
22:10I'm sorry, your assistant wasn't at her desk.
22:12Yeah, she had to go home, family emergency.
22:18I told you I'm not ready for this.
22:21No, I know.
22:22Why won't you listen to me?
22:26What are you, what are you even doing here, Therese?
22:27Toadie, please.
22:30You, you're in on this too?
22:36No, no, I'm not ready.
22:38I'm not ready!
22:39I'm not ready.
22:45Coming up on Neighbours.
22:47He keeps saying that it's about him and not me, but I can't believe that.
22:51Now is not the time to hesitate, Paul.
22:53I'm not afraid of you.
22:54See, now you should be.
22:56Come away with me.
23:00Have you been very secretive about this whole thing?