Kickboxer 3 (1991) Action

  • last month
David Sloan travels to Rio de Janeiro with his trainer Xian for an exhibition fight. There he must use his kickboxing skills to rescue Isabella, a beautiful local, from a white slaver.
00:00:30I don't know what to do.
00:00:32I don't know what to do.
00:00:34I don't know what to do.
00:00:36I don't know what to do.
00:00:38I don't know what to do.
00:00:40I don't know what to do.
00:00:42I don't know what to do.
00:00:44I don't know what to do.
00:00:46I don't know what to do.
00:00:48I don't know what to do.
00:00:50I don't know what to do.
00:00:52I don't know what to do.
00:00:54I don't know what to do.
00:00:56I don't know what to do.
00:00:58I don't know what to do.
00:01:00I don't know what to do.
00:01:02I don't know what to do.
00:01:04I don't know what to do.
00:01:06I don't know what to do.
00:01:08I don't know what to do.
00:01:10I don't know what to do.
00:01:12I don't know what to do.
00:01:14I don't know what to do.
00:01:16I don't know what to do.
00:01:18I don't know what to do.
00:01:20I don't know what to do.
00:01:22I don't know what to do.
00:01:24I don't know what to do.
00:01:26I don't know what to do.
00:01:28I don't know what to do.
00:01:30I don't know what to do.
00:01:32I don't know what to do.
00:01:34I don't know what to do.
00:01:36I don't know what to do.
00:01:38I don't know what to do.
00:01:40I don't know what to do.
00:01:42I don't know what to do.
00:01:44I don't know what to do.
00:01:46I don't know what to do.
00:01:48I don't know what to do.
00:01:50I don't know what to do.
00:01:52I don't know what to do.
00:01:54Milton, how are you?
00:01:57Good to see you.
00:01:58Listen, did your son pass those exams?
00:02:02That's wonderful.
00:02:03That's wonderful.
00:02:11You're here again.
00:02:16Fresh new drink, huh?
00:02:27This one's on me.
00:02:38Boss, we have a problem.
00:02:40A big problem.
00:02:55Stop! Stop!
00:02:57Come back! Come back here!
00:03:00I don't get it.
00:03:02I feed them.
00:03:04I give them a home.
00:03:06I'm like a father to them people.
00:03:08Why would she embarrass me like that?
00:03:29Who's calling? Who's calling?
00:03:47Now, girls.
00:03:49What happens when we're bad?
00:03:52Who can tell me?
00:03:55This is very disappointing.
00:03:58This is very disappointing.
00:04:08Lesson is over.
00:04:25Rio de Janeiro, huh?
00:04:27This is beautiful.
00:04:31Hey, you in there?
00:04:37Come on.
00:04:38I can't believe this.
00:04:40How can a guy like you be afraid to fly?
00:04:43This is not flying.
00:04:45We're dropping out of the sky at a rate I do not want to do.
00:04:49This is not flying.
00:04:51We're dropping out of the sky at a rate I do not want to do.
00:04:55I'm not a passenger. I'm a projectile.
00:04:58Why don't you think about the money we're going to make?
00:05:01At this moment, I cannot think of money.
00:05:04I can only think of mortality.
00:05:19Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
00:05:50The championship fight is only seven days away.
00:05:53I think we should train this afternoon, David.
00:05:56Relax, man. We just got off the airplane.
00:05:59It's good to have a day off once in a while.
00:06:02Have it your way.
00:06:04Now you're pouting, right?
00:06:06I do not pout.
00:06:08Yeah, you do. You're pouting right now.
00:06:10I never pout.
00:06:12I ponder.
00:06:19Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
00:06:31The slaves in Brazil were not allowed martial arts.
00:06:34So they disguised it as a dance.
00:06:39It's beautiful.
00:06:41Very lethal.
00:06:43They used to fight with knives tied to their feet.
00:06:50Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
00:07:02Man, was I hungry.
00:07:08This is really good, Zian.
00:07:10How's yours?
00:07:14Yes? Can I help you?
00:07:16I'm just picking.
00:07:18I'm sorry. I was under the impression that this was my food.
00:07:21A tiny bit.
00:07:23I just took a tiny little bit.
00:07:25Well, you know, Zian, that's how it starts.
00:07:27First it's a tiny little bit.
00:07:29And then it's half a sandwich.
00:07:31And before you know it, you'll be asking me for my bacon and eggs in the morning.
00:07:36Man, please, can you help me?
00:07:38I'm starving.
00:07:44The camera.
00:07:47Hey, kid.
00:08:05Hey, kid, give me my camera.
00:08:16Give me my camera.
00:08:27Hey, kid, what are you doing there?
00:08:29Give me my camera.
00:08:31Get out of there, kid.
00:08:43Hey, that kid stole my camera.
00:08:46Hey, that kid stole my...
00:08:48What the hell is this?
00:09:08Get over here, kid.
00:09:10Where do you think you're going?
00:09:13Oh, come on, kid, now don't be stupid.
00:09:15Just give me the camera.
00:09:19Now, you give me the camera, I'll let you keep this arm.
00:09:23That's it.
00:09:27Now, what's the matter with you, pulling a knife on me like this?
00:09:30I ought to turn you in to the authorities.
00:09:32Next time I'll kill you.
00:09:34You know, you got a serious attitude problem, kid.
00:09:37You ought to work on it.
00:09:48Ah, I was hoping you would make it in time for dessert.
00:09:52Mine is great.
00:09:54Hey, kid gave me a souvenir.
00:09:59You did not hurt the kid.
00:10:01No. They're going to find him floating face down in the river, I'm afraid.
00:10:07Hey, I want my knife.
00:10:11My knife.
00:10:13I don't want to have to get rough with you.
00:10:15I'm not kidding. I want my knife.
00:10:18I think he means it, David.
00:10:20What am I going to do?
00:10:22No, I don't want to hurt the kid.
00:10:24Then feed him.
00:10:27I need my knife.
00:10:29Get the knife. Don't worry about it.
00:10:31Come on, eat your food.
00:10:36I got to have my knife or I don't live long.
00:10:39I'll pay you for it when I get a little money, okay?
00:10:45Ah, your partner in crime.
00:10:47Who's this?
00:10:49My sister.
00:10:51Without the knife, I can't protect her.
00:10:53Tell your sister to sit down, please.
00:10:58Don't touch her.
00:11:00To the bay, ma'am.
00:11:03Is everybody happy?
00:11:05Can we please now just eat lunch
00:11:07without anybody else getting insulted or stabbed?
00:11:18That's better.
00:11:20Waiter, we need another order over here.
00:11:25Hey, that looks pretty good.
00:11:27Nah, you don't want that. That's cat barbecue.
00:11:30Cat barbecue?
00:11:32Yeah, they say it's cow, but it's cat.
00:11:35Yeah, well, maybe I'll skip it.
00:11:38Look, you need someone to show you around.
00:11:40There's places you must stay away from.
00:11:42Bad places. I know these places.
00:11:45Yeah, I'll bet.
00:11:47I also know the good places, nice places.
00:11:49I'm your number one guy.
00:11:51Why not?
00:11:53Okay, kid, you're hired.
00:11:55All right!
00:11:56Now give me my wallet back.
00:11:59Give me the wallet.
00:12:01Anything you want, just ask.
00:12:03Wow, this is a nice hotel.
00:12:05Yeah, it sure is.
00:12:07Okay, so we'll meet you right here tomorrow morning,
00:12:09first thing, all right?
00:12:10Yeah, no problem.
00:12:12You need some advance?
00:12:14No, I don't take charity.
00:12:16You'd steal the fillings from my teeth,
00:12:18but you won't take a couple of bucks?
00:12:20What's the matter with you, kid?
00:12:21I'm a man.
00:12:22If you take something, you're a thief.
00:12:25But if you're given something, you're a friend.
00:12:34Come on, big guy, go for it.
00:12:37All right.
00:12:41We'll be here in the morning.
00:12:43Don't be late.
00:12:44All right.
00:12:55That kid stole our camera.
00:13:00We'll get it tomorrow.
00:13:31You shouldn't have brought his camera.
00:13:33He was trying to be nice to us.
00:13:36Don't worry, I'll give it back.
00:13:39I promise.
00:13:42Stop it, Marco.
00:13:44Stop it.
00:13:45I need a good picture.
00:14:09I love you, Marco.
00:14:12I love you, too.
00:14:18Hey, David.
00:14:20Hey, Marco.
00:14:25No problem.
00:14:26I just wanted to keep it safe for you.
00:14:28You got to watch it, David.
00:14:30There's a lot of robbers in the city.
00:14:32Tell me about it.
00:14:34Come, we have a surprise for you.
00:14:39What's all this?
00:14:40It's a benefit for homeless kids.
00:14:43I didn't know you were the kickboxing champion.
00:14:45You didn't ask.
00:14:47I don't believe it.
00:14:48Yeah, neither do I, kid.
00:14:51I would never have taken your camera
00:14:53if I'd known who you were.
00:14:54Yeah, that's good to know.
00:14:57Oh, hi, Mr. Sloan.
00:14:59How nice.
00:15:00Let me show you to your dressing room.
00:15:03Who are they?
00:15:05They are with us.
00:15:07We want them treated properly.
00:15:21Don't worry.
00:15:22They'll be taken care of.
00:15:24This way, please.
00:15:27Let me show you to your dressing room.
00:15:58Because we do not have money.
00:16:00We have a little.
00:16:02We are in need.
00:16:04We're desperate.
00:16:06We are cutting off my circulation.
00:16:13My name is Miguel Machado.
00:16:14I'm fighting after you.
00:16:17It's a pleasure to finally meet the champion.
00:16:19I've seen you fight.
00:16:20Very impressive.
00:16:22I'm happy that you think so.
00:16:24David, my corner man could not be here
00:16:26Would you honor me by taking his place?
00:16:29Oh, absolutely.
00:16:35All right.
00:16:36He's cool.
00:16:37Nice kid.
00:16:38And now, David Sloan!
00:16:56David Sloan!
00:17:14From Rio de Janeiro, Miguel Machado!
00:17:18Miguel! Miguel! Miguel!
00:17:27From Argentina, the man who next week will face the champion, David Sloan
00:17:33In the World Heavyweight Championship, Eric Martinez!
00:17:47It's you I want.
00:17:49Next week you'll die.
00:18:06What's your problem?
00:18:29What the hell was that?
00:18:31You know what an exhibition is, huh?
00:18:33Let it go.
00:18:36Shut up.
00:18:40Okay, Miguel.
00:18:45Come on, Miguel.
00:18:46Kick his legs.
00:18:47Kick his legs.
00:18:48Come on, now.
00:19:16Come on.
00:19:32Want to try that with me?
00:19:37Stop it.
00:19:38Take off your shoes.
00:19:40David, wrong time, wrong place.
00:19:43That kid needs a beating.
00:19:46I'll see you next week, pal.
00:19:48Easy, easy, settle down.
00:19:58David? David Sloan?
00:20:00Will you wait up a minute?
00:20:03Name's Frank Lane.
00:20:05I manage Martine.
00:20:08Well, I just want to apologize for what happened.
00:20:11I mean, out of the ring, this guy's as gentle as a lamb,
00:20:13but inside, I don't know, he loses control.
00:20:15He's like an animal.
00:20:16Please accept my apologies.
00:20:18Yeah, okay.
00:20:19You know, I'm a real big fan of yours.
00:20:21I saw you fight last year in L.A.,
00:20:23and, man, you were fantastic.
00:20:27Listen, I'm having a party,
00:20:29and I'd be real honored if you'd show up.
00:20:31You know, give you a chance to have some fun here in Rio
00:20:34and give me a chance to talk to somebody from home.
00:20:37What do you say? Can you make it?
00:20:39Here's the address.
00:20:418 o'clock, tomorrow night.
00:20:43Yeah, okay.
00:20:46I'll see you then, all right?
00:20:48And bring your friends, all right?
00:20:56You really pushed Martine around, David.
00:20:58You're gonna beat him easy.
00:21:07They never finished building this place.
00:21:09It used to be a hotel.
00:21:11You probably thought we lived on the streets, huh?
00:21:14I didn't know.
00:21:16We're pretty lucky.
00:21:18At least we have a place to stay.
00:21:20All the children live on the sidewalk.
00:21:24Great view, huh?
00:21:25Better than your hotel room.
00:21:27Yeah, bigger rooms, too.
00:21:30Hey, so where'd you learn to speak English so well?
00:21:32Oh, my father taught me.
00:21:34He learned from a man he worked for a long time ago,
00:21:36an American.
00:21:37What happened to your parents?
00:21:39My mother's dead, and my father's in jail.
00:21:42He had no work.
00:21:43We needed food, so we stole the sausage.
00:21:46Now because of the sausage, my father's in jail.
00:21:49How long?
00:21:50He's been there three years.
00:21:51He has five to go.
00:21:53Eight years for stealing a sausage?
00:21:55And the money.
00:21:56What money?
00:21:58The money that was in the bank.
00:22:01Look, he took the sausage on the way to the bank.
00:22:04On the way back home from the bank,
00:22:06he stopped by to pay the man for the sausage.
00:22:08But the man hit him with a club and called the police.
00:22:10So it is because of the sausage that he is in jail.
00:22:15Are you following all this?
00:22:17Of course.
00:22:19Of course.
00:22:25No, I don't think so.
00:22:27Try this one.
00:22:28It's very nice and colorful.
00:22:30I think you'll like it.
00:22:36Not good for me.
00:22:46Clothes don't make a woman beautiful.
00:22:49But it helps.
00:23:07The show's over.
00:23:09The show's over.
00:23:10Get out of here.
00:23:39This is my wine.
00:23:43Here is your club soda.
00:24:03Man, the women here are beautiful.
00:24:06You can say that again.
00:24:08You need to dance, David.
00:24:10Nah, I'm a fighter.
00:24:12I don't dance too good.
00:24:16I'll get you a group.
00:24:18Don't worry.
00:24:24I see you.
00:24:26Hey, Mr. Lane, how you doing?
00:24:28Hey, Sloan.
00:24:30I'm glad you could all make it.
00:24:32How are you?
00:24:34This is my partner.
00:24:36And Isabella.
00:24:38Very pleased to meet you.
00:24:45So, what do you think of the place, David?
00:24:48It's great.
00:24:50I want you guys to feel right at home.
00:24:53Anything you want, you just ask.
00:24:56Thank you.
00:24:58Not bad for a kid who never graduated from high school.
00:25:01You're doing pretty good to me.
00:25:04But you know, when I first came to Rio,
00:25:06I only had $500.
00:25:08Now look at me.
00:25:10I got a place in society,
00:25:12I command respect,
00:25:14and I got a thriving business.
00:25:16But there's one thing I never forget, David,
00:25:18and that's that I came from nothing.
00:25:24Hey, check Marco's out.
00:25:27That kid's an operator.
00:25:29I like you, Sloan.
00:25:31No, really.
00:25:33You know, if you decide to stick around Rio,
00:25:36maybe we could do something together.
00:25:38It's like the Wild West down here, David.
00:25:40A smart guy like you could make a lot of money here.
00:25:43A lot of money.
00:25:45All he needs is a score to get you started,
00:25:47and it's clear sailing from there.
00:25:49Think about it, all right?
00:25:52Sounds like a plan.
00:25:54Uh, I think somebody's trying to get your attention again.
00:25:57You are very pretty.
00:25:59Would you like to dance?
00:26:01Oh, no, thank you. I'm not a very good dancer.
00:26:04Vagabundo puta!
00:26:08What's your problem?
00:26:10Get him, get him, get him!
00:26:16Para, para! Para com isso!
00:26:37Hey, not bad.
00:26:39Welcome to Rio, David.
00:26:41Is this typical?
00:26:43I told you, it's like the Wild West here.
00:26:46Is he still breathing?
00:26:54No, gente, a festa foi linda.
00:26:57As pessoas, as roupas, as músicas.
00:27:00Vocês acreditam que o Marcos até dançou com uma menina linda?
00:27:04Ah, né, Marco?
00:27:06Mas ela não era tão bonita como vocês.
00:27:09Será que eu danço tão bem como ela?
00:27:12Ou ela, Marco?
00:27:14Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:27:37Yeah, right, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:27:41Marcos, what happened?
00:27:47Come on in, I'll get you cleaned up.
00:27:50They leave in the streets?
00:27:52No parents?
00:27:56What do you want us to do?
00:27:58Find her.
00:28:00We'll call you if we find anything.
00:28:02Hey, now, wait a minute.
00:28:04How long before I can expect some kind of answer from you?
00:28:06As long as it takes.
00:28:08What is that supposed to mean?
00:28:10Just what I said.
00:28:12Well, that's not good enough.
00:28:14I expect some action on this.
00:28:16Oh, yeah?
00:28:18Please, we start on your case, okay?
00:28:22Hey, hey, hey!
00:28:24Wait a second.
00:28:28A hundred thousand children living in the streets.
00:28:32A pretty girl.
00:28:34Someone decide they can make some money with her.
00:28:38They take her.
00:28:40No one cares.
00:28:42You don't know. We'll find her, you hear me?
00:28:45We'll find her.
00:28:47Hey, Mr. Isidoro.
00:28:53I don't advise you to get too involved with this.
00:28:57The kind of people who will do this.
00:29:00It's nothing for them to kill someone.
00:29:04It sounds hard, I know.
00:29:06But that is life.
00:29:09And real.
00:29:12Margarita works here.
00:29:14She knows all the bad guys.
00:29:16That's all we need.
00:29:18Hey, you stay here, big man.
00:29:20No way.
00:29:21This will be an ordeal.
00:29:23I should be the one who go inside.
00:29:25I admire your courage.
00:29:27There will be women of dubious morality.
00:29:30Possibly women with very few clothes on.
00:29:33This situation requires someone special.
00:29:35You mean an old guy.
00:29:37I mean a man of experience.
00:29:39I can handle this, no problem.
00:29:42Except, uh, what's her name again?
00:29:49Come on, I'll buy you ice cream, huh?
00:29:51Don't worry, we'll get her back.
00:30:16You're looking for me?
00:30:21Thank you.
00:30:23Marcos suggested I see you.
00:30:27Marcos, you mean the boy?
00:30:30He does errands for me.
00:30:33Can I offer you a drink?
00:30:34Oh, yes.
00:30:35Champagne, please.
00:30:38Thank you.
00:30:39Very quick service here.
00:30:42To new friends.
00:30:45To health.
00:30:51I want to ask you something.
00:30:53Why, talk.
00:30:56What would you like to do?
00:30:59I can do a variety of things.
00:31:03What's your name?
00:31:10That's a funny name.
00:31:12That's a funny name.
00:31:14Not where I come from.
00:31:16Well, Lucien, this is your lucky night.
00:31:20I'm looking for a girl.
00:31:22I think you've found one.
00:31:25I'm looking for this particular one.
00:31:33Somebody's taken her.
00:31:35Did you expect to find her here?
00:31:39She's Marcos' sister.
00:31:41I was hoping she won't end up in a place like this.
00:31:46So this is bad?
00:31:48I'm not saying it's good or bad.
00:31:52We just want to give her a choice.
00:31:55Is it wrong?
00:32:01I know of a place you can look.
00:32:04But be very careful.
00:32:07These boys can be naughty.
00:32:10Very naughty.
00:32:37Come on!
00:33:08Which guy is it?
00:33:10That's him.
00:33:12The man with the glasses.
00:33:14Excuse me!
00:33:18I need to talk to you now.
00:33:20Go away. We are rehearsing.
00:33:25I'm looking for a girl.
00:33:27A particular girl.
00:33:29She was kidnapped.
00:33:31What's the matter with you?
00:33:33Calm down.
00:33:35Let's talk.
00:33:41What does all this have to do with me?
00:33:44I heard you might know about this sort of thing.
00:33:47All right.
00:33:49But first tell me about the girl.
00:33:51She's American?
00:33:53Then what do you care about what happens to her?
00:33:57What's the matter with you?
00:33:59Calm down.
00:34:01I'm looking for a girl.
00:34:03What happens to her?
00:34:09I was told you could help me.
00:34:11So start helping me.
00:34:13I hate answering dumb questions.
00:34:16You know, you're pretty stupid.
00:34:19I bet you've been all over town making trouble.
00:34:23You understand, as a responsible citizen,
00:34:26I cannot allow that to happen.
00:34:30I want a piece of this bastard's balls!
00:34:48Excuse me.
00:35:48Do you know this girl?
00:35:49Do you know where I can find her?
00:35:52I don't hear anything you say.
00:35:57Can you hear me now?
00:35:59Yes, I hear you! I hear you!
00:36:04Talk to me.
00:36:06Bronco is the one you want.
00:36:08He has all the best girls.
00:36:11I'll tell you where he is.
00:36:14But I warn you, it's your funeral.
00:36:18Wow, we're definitely getting warmer now.
00:36:23Run, David, run!
00:36:26Hey, you're right in there.
00:36:28Very unpleasant people. I recommend you exercise great caution.
00:36:32We slowed him down for you a little bit.
00:36:34David, don't miss it.
00:36:36They've got guns.
00:36:38Yo, we're the good guys.
00:36:50She's a virgin.
00:36:52You sure?
00:36:54You're a doctor, aren't I?
00:36:57In some countries.
00:37:01Don't damage the goods.
00:37:08It's all right, kid. It's all right.
00:37:12Listen, relax.
00:37:15I know you don't understand a word that I'm saying.
00:37:19But no one is gonna hurt you.
00:37:22No one.
00:37:24Nobody's gonna touch a hair on your head until I say so.
00:37:30And you...
00:37:32are gonna make me a lot of money.
00:37:36A lot of money.
00:37:53Must be time for lunch.
00:37:56You should be getting proper training.
00:38:00Prepared for the fight.
00:38:02I don't think we're gonna see daylight for a long time, Zia.
00:38:06There's always hope.
00:38:08If one cannot hope, one cannot live.
00:38:11Yeah, well, I hope we get out of here this week.
00:38:14Florian, come here.
00:38:23Did you like our accommodations?
00:38:26Oh, hey, a few gallons of paint,
00:38:28some nice curtains, a little dynamite.
00:38:30You could do wonders with this place.
00:38:32All your problems have been taken care of...
00:38:36by a friend of yours.
00:38:39Boy there called me and told me you guys were in the slammer.
00:38:42Listen, you need a little female companionship.
00:38:44You let me know.
00:38:46I'll take care of you no problem, all right?
00:38:48Actually, we are looking for someone.
00:38:51I'll bet.
00:38:53Listen, hop in. I'll give you a lift to the hotel.
00:38:55What do you say?
00:38:57Yeah, I appreciate it.
00:38:59Hey, kiddo. Nice job. Thanks.
00:39:01No problem. I told you I was your number one guy.
00:39:03Man, I'm starving.
00:39:05Let's go get some of that killer cat marmite.
00:39:07Yeah, you say.
00:39:09People are very excited about this fight, David.
00:39:12Very excited.
00:39:14After you and Martine squared off that charity thing?
00:39:17People are billing this as a grudge match.
00:39:20You know, everybody thinks you're going to kick my boy Martine's butt.
00:39:24I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that was a strong possibility.
00:39:28You know, in this kind of thing, David,
00:39:30a guy doesn't necessarily have to win to make a lot of money.
00:39:33You know what I'm saying?
00:39:35No, I don't.
00:39:37Well, I'm just saying, if a guy had a bad day, all right?
00:39:39I mean, if he knew he was going to have a bad day,
00:39:41he could let his friends know about this upcoming bad day.
00:39:43And, well, they could take advantage of this knowledge
00:39:46and maybe put down a few bets for him, you know?
00:39:48Make him feel good after he loses.
00:39:50Say, I don't know, half a million dollars or so.
00:39:53Put it right in his pocket, he feels good right away.
00:39:56I mean, he don't even remember he lost the fight, right?
00:40:01Yeah, well, something like that, I don't think I can forget so easily.
00:40:04Well, so you remember. So fucking what?
00:40:06I mean, I got things I'd like to forget.
00:40:08But, hey, I'm a happy guy.
00:40:10Do you notice there's a change in the air?
00:40:13Yeah, it's almost like raw sewage in here.
00:40:19And very close, too.
00:40:23Pull the car over.
00:40:26Pario Caro. Agora.
00:40:36Thanks for the ride, Frank.
00:40:46We could have waited until we got to the hotel before you insulted him.
00:40:50Timing is everything.
00:40:54We're never going to get our training at this rate.
00:41:09Why are we just sitting here?
00:41:11We have to eat.
00:41:13We have to find him before something terrible happens.
00:41:15What if they kill her? What if she's already dead?
00:41:18We're going to find her, Marcos.
00:41:20Maybe, maybe not.
00:41:23It's okay. I'm smart.
00:41:25I can take care of myself.
00:41:28I'm not afraid of being alone.
00:41:30We'll find her.
00:41:32I'm going to kill them and bleed them very slowly
00:41:35so they won't know who I am before they die.
00:41:37And afterwards?
00:41:39They'll be dead.
00:41:42And you?
00:41:44What about you?
00:41:47Will you not also be dead?
00:41:51In there?
00:41:59She's all I got.
00:42:01The only person who cares whether I live or die.
00:42:04Without her, I'm dead already.
00:42:15I used to live here in the favela
00:42:17until my father got arrested.
00:42:19It's bad here. Coke dealers run everything.
00:42:45What's up, Marcos?
00:42:47Do you want that job?
00:42:49What's up? Have you changed your mind?
00:42:52I want to talk to Marcos.
00:42:54Okay. You know where he is.
00:42:56You can go.
00:43:05I know Marcos.
00:43:07His father is a friend of mine.
00:43:09I owe him some favors.
00:43:11But I don't know you. Who the hell are you?
00:43:13I'm just someone who's trying to help out, that's all.
00:43:15You think you can come to this city and perform a miracle?
00:43:19You know nothing.
00:43:21You're crazy.
00:43:23Are you going to get Isabela back?
00:43:32Hey, how about that 38 for Zin?
00:43:38And I'll take the Beretta.
00:43:47Take these.
00:43:5115 shots per clip.
00:43:53This many rounds, you should be able to stop an army.
00:43:57Justice Water adapts itself to the conformation of the ground.
00:44:01So in war, one must be flexible.
00:44:07Cuenca, the arts of war.
00:44:11It seemed relevant.
00:44:13A gringo philosopher and a boy.
00:44:17Good luck.
00:44:19She's beautiful.
00:44:23And very expensive.
00:44:25I want her.
00:44:27Like I said,
00:44:29she's very expensive.
00:44:32How much?
00:44:37I will need some time to get the money.
00:44:40No problem.
00:44:42Let's say next week.
00:44:44Please, don't sell her to anyone else.
00:44:47I want her for some foreign buyers.
00:44:50They'd love her.
00:44:52Then you'd better hurry.
00:45:02Good afternoon, Mr. Sloan.
00:45:04How you doing?
00:45:06Fine. How are you?
00:45:08Fine. What are you guys doing up here?
00:45:11Someone told me about the crazy American
00:45:14making threats against the citizens that live just up there.
00:45:18Yeah? Really?
00:45:20I saw a crazy American heading back down that way.
00:45:23Then I will not have to put him in jail.
00:45:26No, you won't.
00:45:28So I guess you guys be going home now, huh?
00:45:31No. I will wait here.
00:45:34Make sure the crazy man does not come back.
00:45:38You know, Mr. Sloan,
00:45:40even a pig is protected by law.
00:45:43Really? Yes.
00:45:45Especially a rich pig who knows important people.
00:45:49But such a pig would not rely only on the law.
00:45:54Such a pig would employ
00:45:58seven men to protect him.
00:46:01Exactly seven men to protect him.
00:46:06Yes. I see.
00:46:08Well, we were just taking in the sights.
00:46:14Then I guess you'll be on your way.
00:46:17Yeah. I'll be seeing you.
00:46:20Good day, Mr. Sloan.
00:46:28Okay, kid, you stay here.
00:46:30Come on.
00:46:32Hey, if I see you up there, you are in big trouble.
00:46:35You understand?
00:46:44Yeah, come on. Follow me.
00:46:58Come on.
00:47:29Come on.
00:47:42Hey, bro, did the Raiders win last night?
00:47:55That's one.
00:47:57All right, you go around back.
00:48:23Bronco, where's Bronco?
00:48:27You speak English? Bronco, Bronco.
00:49:58Oh, shit.
00:50:00Oh, no.
00:50:30Thanks a lot, pal.
00:50:36Come on.
00:50:47Look out, Rick.
00:50:57Come on.
00:51:27Come on.
00:51:29Come on.
00:51:31Come on.
00:51:55What do you say we stick together, huh?
00:51:57Might be safer.
00:51:59That's seven, right?
00:52:01How many you kill in the kitchen?
00:52:05That's six.
00:52:42Now, that's number seven.
00:52:44So let's go get Bronco.
00:53:00Senor Bronco.
00:53:02I hate to disturb your dinner engagement.
00:53:04That seems to be the list of my problems.
00:53:07Let's go.
00:53:09Come on.
00:53:11Come on, move.
00:53:21Fernier suggested I talk to you.
00:53:23I hope you don't mind.
00:53:25I don't know anything that would be of interest to you.
00:53:28I'm an investment banker.
00:53:30Well, I'd like to chat with you anyway.
00:53:32Now, I want to know if you've seen this girl.
00:53:35Who is she?
00:53:37Why have you destroyed my house?
00:53:39Because you're a pimp.
00:53:41Now, you hide it pretty well, but you're still just a pimp.
00:53:44Now, somebody took this girl, and I figure it was you.
00:53:47You go to jail for this.
00:53:51Ma'am, do you know what your husband does for a living?
00:53:55Look, we just want to get the girl back.
00:53:57You can understand that, can't you?
00:53:59Yes, I can.
00:54:01But you have the wrong man.
00:54:03My husband merely finances the business.
00:54:05You should look for his partner.
00:54:07He's the one who does the dirty work.
00:54:09And who might that be?
00:54:11His name is Lane.
00:54:15Thanks for the tip.
00:54:24That crazy son of a bitch beat the hell out of Branco.
00:54:28But I like that kid.
00:54:30He's got guts.
00:54:32It hasn't got much sense.
00:54:34That's for sure.
00:54:36That's because he wants the girl, and he wants her back.
00:54:39Let him have her.
00:54:41It's not worth it.
00:54:43I'm not so sure.
00:54:48Maybe we can work something out.
00:54:54How's that lobster?
00:54:56Not bad.
00:54:59It's freezing cold.
00:55:17You stay here.
00:55:19My sister might be in there.
00:55:21Hey, you stay here. I mean it.
00:56:03I thought I told you to stay put.
00:56:05I'm going.
00:56:07You could kill me, but I'm going anyway.
00:56:09You see? You just have to know how to talk to kids.
00:56:12That's true.
00:56:14Unfortunately, I don't know how to talk to them.
00:56:17Stay there. Come on.
00:56:25Everything looks normal.
00:56:27It looks too much like everything looks normal.
00:56:32Well, yeah, and sometimes what you see is what you get.
00:56:35Almost never.
00:56:38All right. You guys stay here. I'm gonna go around the side.
00:57:18Hello, Lane.
00:57:20Hi, pal.
00:57:22I've been waiting on you.
00:57:24Oh, hi, guys.
00:57:26Nice to see you.
00:57:28What can I do for you?
00:57:30Where's the girl, Lane?
00:57:32I want her now.
00:57:34No problem.
00:57:37You can have her alive...
00:57:39or dead.
00:57:41You know...
00:57:43all this fighting and shooting,
00:57:45it's so unnecessary.
00:57:50It's like I told you.
00:57:52If you want anything, David, anything,
00:57:54just ask.
00:57:58Give him the gun, David.
00:58:00Give him the gun.
00:58:02Give him the gun.
00:58:04Give him the gun.
00:58:06Give him the gun.
00:58:08Give him the gun.
00:58:11That's good.
00:58:25Let's go!
00:58:43Isn't this delightful, gentlemen?
00:58:45Spending a day at the beach together.
00:58:47I love it.
00:58:49What do you want, Lane?
00:58:51What do I want? I want what I've always wanted.
00:58:53I want you to show up for the fight, that's all.
00:58:55No problem.
00:58:57Good, because if you show up for the fight,
00:58:59I'll give you the girl.
00:59:01And you don't want me to throw the fight or anything?
00:59:03No. No.
00:59:05I got too much respect for you to do something like that.
00:59:07I just want you to show up
00:59:09and do your best, okay?
00:59:11No problem.
00:59:15But I want to be sure you're in good shape
00:59:17so you can give us a good fight.
00:59:21So I'm gonna give you a little extra training, all right?
00:59:23Tone you up a little more.
00:59:25Forget it. No way.
00:59:27Mr. Sloan.
00:59:29You know, I had hopes
00:59:31that we could become good friends.
00:59:33You're disappointing me.
00:59:35Kill the girl.
00:59:37No, wait a minute.
00:59:39Forget it.
00:59:41It's a very wise decision, Mr. Sloan.
00:59:47this is a little training device
00:59:49I developed for endurance.
00:59:51Pick it up.
00:59:57Hey, Pete,
00:59:59you obviously didn't put enough rocks in.
01:00:01Here, let me show you.
01:00:05Let me make it a little heavier for you.
01:00:07I mean, we want you in top shape, right?
01:00:11Yeah, that should do it.
01:00:13Have a nice day.
01:00:43Let's go. Move.
01:00:55Go on. Keep going.
01:00:59I said move it.
01:01:03Come on.
01:01:09Go on. Up, up.
01:01:17Keep going.
01:01:19Keep going.
01:01:33Where does Sloan train?
01:01:35No one has seen him
01:01:37anywhere in Rio.
01:01:39I don't know.
01:01:41From what I understand,
01:01:43he's training in secret someplace.
01:01:47Apparently, he's a very dedicated boy.
01:01:49No distractions at all.
01:01:51He must be in great shape by now.
01:01:53Your boy looks good.
01:01:55Yeah, he sure does.
01:01:57Yeah, Martin's gonna give the champion
01:01:59a real fight for his money. I can promise you that.
01:02:01Sloan will win.
01:02:03I have seen him
01:02:05in the United States.
01:02:07No one can beat him.
01:02:09Three to one, and you gotta bet.
01:02:13Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?
01:02:17Let's say $10,000, pal.
01:02:47Ooh, yeah!
01:02:55All right!
01:03:01Come on.
01:03:19David, the body and the mind
01:03:21do not always travel together.
01:03:27the body and the mind
01:03:29do not always travel together.
01:03:33You will need this tomorrow.
01:03:45Nice refreshing dip in the ocean.
01:03:47Do that boy a world of good.
01:03:51Why do you do this, Mr. Lane?
01:03:53Do what?
01:03:55The children.
01:03:57Oh, please.
01:03:59Now I suppose you're gonna tell me that we should be
01:04:01really nice to these little kitties, is that it?
01:04:03Come on.
01:04:05Life is not a walk across an open field,
01:04:07my friend.
01:04:09Either you use, or you get used.
01:04:11It's as simple as that.
01:04:13Anyway, those children are animals.
01:04:17You should see them before I have them cleaned up.
01:04:21diseased, filthy.
01:04:23Hey, I'm doing them a favor.
01:04:25I feed them.
01:04:27I dress them up. I give them a home.
01:04:29I don't see the problem, really.
01:04:33No. Listen.
01:04:35They should be thanking me for taking them off the streets.
01:04:37I should be rewarded, really.
01:04:39That is the beauty of it all,
01:04:41Mr. Lane.
01:04:45You will be rewarded.
01:04:47Yeah? How's that?
01:04:49It is the one absolute truth
01:04:51in this world.
01:04:53Everything we do
01:04:55comes back to us.
01:04:59You can count on it, Mr. Lane.
01:05:13See you soon.
01:05:23See you soon.
01:05:43Your drink, sir.
01:05:53That's a relief, isn't it?
01:06:23I was getting worried.
01:06:25Welcome back, David.
01:06:33That was pretty good.
01:06:35How are you feeling?
01:06:37Here, you earned it.
01:06:45I needed that.
01:06:49You obviously need more exercise.
01:07:25The body and the mind
01:07:27do not always travel together.
01:07:33The body and the mind
01:07:35do not always travel together.
01:07:53The body and the mind
01:07:55do not always travel together.
01:07:57The body and the mind
01:07:59do not always travel together.
01:08:01The body and the mind
01:08:03do not always travel together.
01:08:05The body and the mind
01:08:07do not always travel together.
01:08:09The body and the mind
01:08:11do not always travel together.
01:08:13The body and the mind
01:08:15do not always travel together.
01:08:17The body and the mind
01:08:19do not always travel together.
01:08:21The body and the mind
01:08:23do not always travel together.
01:08:25The body and the mind
01:08:27do not always travel together.
01:08:29The body and the mind
01:08:31do not always travel together.
01:08:33The body and the mind
01:08:35do not always travel together.
01:08:37The body and the mind
01:08:39do not always travel together.
01:08:41The body and the mind
01:08:43do not always travel together.
01:08:45The body and the mind
01:08:47do not always travel together.
01:08:50Incredible. He's like a machine.
01:08:56Let me clean this mess up.
01:09:03Nice calm sea.
01:09:05Beautiful day.
01:09:07Perfect for water skiing, David.
01:09:09How's your water skiing?
01:09:11Not bad.
01:09:12How about without some...
01:09:52I want you to take Mr. Sloan
01:09:54back to the hotel.
01:09:56I think he's had enough.
01:09:58And you remind that son of a bitch
01:10:00he doesn't show up for the fight,
01:10:02Isabella disappears.
01:10:04For good.
01:10:11What you need, David, is rest.
01:10:13You're weak. You must heal.
01:10:15Regain your strength.
01:10:17The fight is tomorrow.
01:10:47Let's go.
01:11:15Come on, Marcos.
01:11:17Come over and help me.
01:11:19No way. Keep that snake away from me.
01:11:30You've got the dried caterpillars
01:11:32and the chicken eyes.
01:11:34You want the mousetails, too?
01:11:36Yes, about 20 pieces.
01:11:38Vente, por favor.
01:11:45She says they're very good,
01:11:47fresh, powerful.
01:11:51Thank you very much.
01:12:17It's good.
01:12:31Let's go, Marcos.
01:12:45A hundred million cruzeiros on Martin.
01:12:48You're in for about $150,000.
01:12:52It's no problem.
01:12:54Sloan can't win.
01:12:56You trained him yourself, right?
01:12:58I hope you're right.
01:13:02Senor Vargas, how nice to see you.
01:13:04I'll take all you can handle, Lane.
01:13:09How about $600,000?
01:13:16Why not?
01:13:18Let's see it.
01:13:20Hey, I thought we were friends.
01:13:22For that kind of money,
01:13:24we would have to be married.
01:13:30So what do you want?
01:13:34This place.
01:13:36You're crazy.
01:13:38This is everything I got.
01:13:40You know, on the coffee exchange,
01:13:43we have an expression.
01:13:45When the market changes quickly
01:13:48and we get rid of the small players,
01:13:50we call it
01:13:52cleaning out the shoe clerks.
01:13:55Are you a shoe clerk, Mr. Lane?
01:13:58Hell, no.
01:14:00You got yourself a bet.
01:14:14It's okay.
01:14:39What are you doing?
01:14:43It will take the soreness away.
01:14:45It gives you strength.
01:14:49How do you feel?
01:14:51I'll let you know when I'm in the ring.
01:14:58Lane, it's David!
01:15:00My father's got his channel!
01:15:02Where have you been, David?
01:15:04Are you hurt?
01:15:06My team says you won't last two rounds.
01:15:08What's your reaction?
01:15:10Ladies and gentlemen,
01:15:12the main event of the evening,
01:15:15for the light heavyweight kickboxing championship
01:15:20of the world,
01:15:22from Argentina,
01:15:24the challenger,
01:15:26Eric Martínez!
01:15:46And, ladies and gentlemen,
01:15:48from the United States of America,
01:15:51the champion,
01:15:53David Sloan!
01:16:09All right, sit down.
01:16:15Hey, keep your eye on Isabella, okay?
01:16:17Got it covered.
01:16:19You just go out and fight.
01:16:21Eric, Eric, come here. Listen to me.
01:16:23Listen. Settle down, all right?
01:16:25Carry this sucker for a couple rounds
01:16:27and then destroy him, all right?
01:16:30You can do it, David. You're the best.
01:16:47Come on! What the hell are you doing? Fight him!
01:16:58Destroy him! Destroy him!
01:17:22Get up! Come on, get up!
01:17:25Go to your corner!
01:17:27Go to your corner!
01:17:29Go to your corner now!
01:17:32Come on!
01:17:36I don't want to wipe off the floor with him.
01:17:39Don't get overconfident.
01:17:41Sit down! Settle down!
01:17:43What the hell do you think you're doing out there, man?
01:17:45He's tearing you apart!
01:17:47Finish him!
01:17:55Kill him!
01:18:31Fight him! Fight him!
01:18:37Kill him!
01:18:41Are you all right? Are you okay?
01:18:45Take him out!
01:18:56Break it up! Break it up!
01:18:58Back to your corner! Back to your corner!
01:19:01Get back there! Stay there!
01:19:03Come on! Come on!
01:19:05Hit to the groin! One-point detection!
01:19:10Beautiful, kid! Beautiful!
01:19:12Keep it up! Keep it up! Come on!
01:19:33Come on, you son of a bitch! Get up!
01:19:35Get up!
01:19:37Eric, come on!
01:19:41Come on!
01:19:54Finish him!
01:19:56Back to your corner!
01:19:58Elbow! Elbow! Elbow!
01:20:13Break! Break!
01:20:34Let's get the hell out of here!
01:20:41Come on!
01:20:50Hurry up, kid! Move out of the way!
01:20:52Come on, kid! Hurry up!
01:20:58Come on!
01:21:10Come on!
01:21:20David! David!
01:21:22Wait a second!
01:21:24Check what happened to Bella! Let's go!
01:21:35Leaving the party early?
01:21:37I want that girl back! I want her right now!
01:21:40Why don't you come and get her?
01:21:42You wouldn't use that thing on me.
01:21:44Ain't exactly your style, is it, pal?
01:21:47Look, what do you care about her anyway?
01:21:49I just lost my ass on this fight!
01:21:52I leave here without her and I've got zilch!
01:21:55She's nothing!
01:21:57She's a piece of garbage you picked up on the street.
01:21:59Now give her to me!
01:22:03You'd die for that!
01:22:05You don't want to find out.
01:22:07Who needs her? Come on!
01:22:09There's plenty more where she came from.
01:22:11Let's go.
01:22:16Isabella! Isabella!
01:22:44There were other girls there.
01:22:46He even killed one. It was horrible.
01:22:48He sent a doctor to examine me.
01:22:50Son of a bitch!
01:23:17He was going to sell her to someone else.
01:23:19Like an animal.
01:23:21There are other children there.
01:23:23Lin killed one of them a few days ago.
01:23:42Hey, you and Isabella wait here.
01:23:44We pick you up on the way back.
01:23:46Isabella can wait. I'm going with you.
01:23:48No. If we don't make it back,
01:23:50what's going to happen to her?
01:23:52Now wait.
01:24:07What the hell are you guys doing here?
01:24:09I want to finish this.
01:24:11Finish what?
01:24:14What the hell are you talking about, man?
01:24:16Because of you, I've lost everything.
01:24:18You've ruined me.
01:24:20The bets, the fight.
01:24:22My partner. I even lost this place.
01:24:24What more could you possibly want from me, huh?
01:24:26I came for the girls, Lane.
01:24:30Are you kidding?
01:24:32Kill him.
01:24:38Now, come on.
01:24:40You're too smart to back a loser like this.
01:24:42Am I right?
01:24:46What are you waiting for? Kill him!
01:24:48Blow him away!
01:24:52Kill him!
01:25:00I never did like you.
01:25:04Pete, what are you saying?
01:25:06Come on, it's me.
01:25:08Come on!
01:25:12Let him live.
01:25:14He will create his own hell.
01:25:20You son of a bitch.
01:25:24Come back here!
01:25:26All right, come on, come on, come on.
01:25:28Let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:25:30Hey, you're free. Don't worry.
01:25:32Nobody's going to hurt you. It's okay.
01:25:34Go on. Go.
01:25:36What the hell do you think you're doing?
01:25:38Sit down!
01:25:40Sit down!
01:25:42You're not taking them men no way.
01:25:44They are all I've got, you hear me?
01:25:46You know I'm getting tired of you.
01:25:48Hey, sit down!
01:25:50Hey, listen to me, okay?
01:25:52I'm trying to help these girls, okay?
01:25:54Sure, they earn their keep, but I treat them good.
01:25:56Kids are more mature now, man.
01:25:58It's the 90s, pal.
01:26:02Oh, you son of a bitch!
01:26:04Get back in here, Sloan!
01:26:06You're not getting away with this!
01:26:08You son of a bitch!
01:26:38Those girls were all I had left, David.
01:26:40My only chance for a fresh start.
01:26:42I'm glad I could be of help, Frank.
01:27:04You underestimated me, David.
01:27:06You underestimated me, David.
01:27:10You may have beaten me,
01:27:12but you underestimated me.
01:27:16And, boy,
01:27:18am I gonna enjoy this.
01:27:24I may go down,
01:27:26but I'm taking you with me.
01:27:40How could this happen?
01:27:50You okay, Marcos?
01:27:52I thought I'd feel a lot better than this.
01:27:56Killing somebody never makes you feel good.
01:27:58Come on, let's get out of here.
01:28:00No mother weapon,
01:28:02no case.
01:28:08Time for you to go home, I think.
01:28:10We're just on our way to the airport.
01:28:14I'll give you five minutes.
01:28:18Goodbye, Isabella.
01:28:20You take good care of Marcos, huh?
01:28:22I don't belong in no orphanage.
01:28:24Yeah, you do.
01:28:28They could take a lot better care of you than I can.
01:28:30You gotta make something of yourself.
01:28:32Do something for the other kids.
01:28:34So you're gonna forget us?
01:28:36No, I'm not.
01:28:38I owe you my life.
01:28:40We're tied together forever, Marcos.
01:29:08Traffic is pretty heavy now.
01:29:10Perhaps I should give you an escort.
01:29:14Make sure you don't get lost again.
01:29:16Sounds like a good idea.
01:29:18If we make good time,
01:29:20perhaps we can share a beer at the airport.
01:29:22Love to.
01:29:24We've missed our flight.
01:29:26It's been 22 hours.
01:29:28Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:29:56It's been 22 hours.
01:29:58Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:00It's been 22 hours.
01:30:02Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:04It's been 22 hours.
01:30:06Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:08It's been 22 hours.
01:30:10Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:12It's been 22 hours.
01:30:14Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:16It's been 22 hours.
01:30:18Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:20It's been 22 hours.
01:30:22Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:24It's been 22 hours.
01:30:26Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:28It's been 22 hours.
01:30:30Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:32It's been 22 hours.
01:30:34Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:36It's been 22 hours.
01:30:38Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:40It's been 22 hours.
01:30:42Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:44It's been 22 hours.
01:30:46Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:48It's been 22 hours.
01:30:50Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:52It's been 22 hours.
01:30:54Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:30:56It's been 22 hours.
01:30:58Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:00It's been 22 hours.
01:31:02Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:04It's been 22 hours.
01:31:06Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:08It's been 22 hours.
01:31:10Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:12It's been 22 hours.
01:31:14Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:16It's been 22 hours.
01:31:18Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:20It's been 22 hours.
01:31:22Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:24It's been 22 hours.
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01:31:28It's been 22 hours.
01:31:30Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:32It's been 22 hours.
01:31:34Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:36It's been 22 hours.
01:31:38Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:40It's been 22 hours.
01:31:42Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:44It's been 22 hours.
01:31:46Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.
01:31:48Then I guess we'll share a lot of beer.