
  • last month
00:00Jake, tell him he's unresponsive right now.
00:02I cannot, I cannot believe this.
00:05Folks, I'll tell you what, our emotions are still going to be in that parking garage.
00:09We have a match here scheduled, obviously, but we're going to do our best to refocus if possible.
00:16The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:19Introducing first, Gail Kim.
00:22Gail Kim making her way to the ring, and we're joined by the WWE Women's Champion,
00:31Welcome, Molly, to our broadcast.
00:40Do you see what happened?
00:41Yeah, I don't know what to say about that.
00:43Maybe you can figure out what to say about what we saw last week here on Raw.
00:48Molly and Gail ended up double teaming Lita, who had just returned from neck surgery.
00:57Molly, it was a two-on-one attack, and it was obvious that you and Gail Kim were out to re-injure Lita.
01:03Well, if Lita wants the title, then she's going to have to learn what it takes to try to get it.
01:08Gail and I aren't messing around.
01:09We're not playing games here.
01:11We're out to destroy.
01:12Okay, but the two of you, what do we want?
01:15Young woman that's just healing up from a broken neck.
01:17I mean, come on.
01:18Hey, if she's ready to come back, she's ready to pay the price.
01:22Well, she's ready to come back, all right.
01:25And making her rusher ring, Lita.
01:32What an ovation for Lita.
01:35Standing ovation here at the sold-out Mohegan Sun Casino.
01:43And Lita's big moment last week when she was about to talk about her new book.
01:48The talk's still now everywhere, Molly, and quite frankly, and I'm disappointed in your character.
01:56Yeah, well, I'm supposed to be the one with the book.
01:58I mean, I am the Women's Champion for Hannah Alvada.
02:00I'm the one who deserves some attention around here.
02:02She's been out for a whole year, and all of a sudden, she gets everything?
02:07It sounds to me like that you're jealous of Lita.
02:11No, no, it sounds to me like she made a good point there, JR.
02:14Yeah, I mean, she hasn't even earned her way back up here.
02:18Well, I guess that's just a difference of opinion.
02:20Well, let's face it.
02:20Molly's the Women's Champion.
02:22There should be a book about you, Molly.
02:23There should.
02:25I have lots of interesting things to say, and I have an interesting life, too.
02:28Lita, Lita, Lita, Lita, Lita.
02:31What does Molly got to write about?
02:32I mean, what does Lita got to write about?
02:34Recovering in the hospital for a year?
02:36Yeah, sounds pretty boring to me.
02:37Looks not to take away from the importance of this matchup,
02:41but it's something that necessitates us breaking away from this match
02:47to go back to the parking lot area we will.
02:51You saw the emergency rescue people working feverishly
02:54to free Kane from that wreckage.
02:56And it is Lita reversing the table here on the rookie,
03:01Gail Kim, who became the Women's Champion her very first night on Raw.
03:06That's right.
03:07You don't want to forget that.
03:08She is the champion, and she can win it again, but just not from me.
03:13Lita also a former champion going for the cover here,
03:15and Gail Kim able to kick out.
03:20It is hard, so hard to bring her emotions down.
03:23I know, JR, I know you don't like Kane.
03:25I know he burned you, and he's done a lot of bad things,
03:27but still, what we just witnessed earlier, that shouldn't happen to anybody.
03:31So you're going to have to be objective about that.
03:33You know, you know that should not happen to anybody.
03:35Well, I will try to be objective.
03:37Look at this cover.
03:38This cover, what a unique cover there by Lita on Gail Kim.
03:43And it looks as if Lita has fully recovered.
03:46At least we think she has fully recovered from her serious neck surgery
03:50out over a year.
03:54Well, that's what you said, Molly.
03:55If she's fully recovered, then she takes what she gets, right?
03:58That's right.
03:58Well, it looks like Gail's giving it to her right now.
04:00Well, at least it's one-on-one, not two-on-one as it was last week.
04:04That was my point exactly.
04:06Uh-oh, uh-oh, look out.
04:08That's right, that's right, yeah.
04:09Right to the neck, that knee right to the neck.
04:12And now Gail Kim trying to turn.
04:13Divasola's got the cover.
04:14Pitting predicament, but Lita shows that great fighting spirit,
04:17able to kick out.
04:21And reverse chinlock again, focusing on the surgically repaired neck and spine
04:28of Lita.
04:29That's the best strategy you can take.
04:31You know, she's going to spend all the time talking about, ooh, her neck, her neck.
04:33Well, what do you think you're going to go for?
04:36Like having a big bullseye on your neck.
04:37That's right.
04:41That's right, Gail.
04:42Come on, girl.
04:43Gail Kim again, focusing on the neck.
04:45Can't say anything wrong with that strategy.
04:46But again, my point is, at least it's one-on-one, as it should be.
04:51Not two-on-one as we witnessed last week, Molly.
04:54Trish was trying to get in on the action, too.
04:57And let me tell you, Trish, Lita, neither one of them
04:59stand a chance against me again.
05:02Gail Kim grabbing the elbow to the neck of Lita.
05:05You know what I'm wondering, JR, is how you can even call this match with what
05:08we've witnessed.
05:09I mean, there's a man, there's a human being in a car
05:12that's been smashed beyond belief back in the parking garage.
05:16I'm trying to be professional here.
05:17I don't like Kane.
05:18You're right.
05:19And I'll never like Kane for what he did to me and others.
05:22But I'm trying to be professional here.
05:23Look out.
05:24There's a hook of the leg.
05:24And again, Lita refuses to stay down.
05:27Lita, the great fight, that great fighting spirit.
05:32Made her a WWE superstar.
05:34She's fighting her way back now.
05:36You know what, you could talk a little bit about Molly.
05:38She's sitting here right next to you.
05:40She is our women's champion.
05:41You got a great fighting spirit, don't you, Molly?
05:43Well, yeah, of course I do.
05:45And so does Gail here.
05:46She's really taking it to Lita.
05:48Molly is the top female competitor in the WWE.
05:52And look at this.
05:54There's a dragon sweep for a fly too.
05:57That's right.
05:58I really wrenched on the back of that neck.
06:00That's what I'm talking about.
06:02So you and Gail strategized prior to this match.
06:05Oh, definitely.
06:06Yeah, she's been watching tapes of Lita.
06:09She's not new to wrestling.
06:10She may be new here, but she's been watching stuff.
06:14What does it look like to you, Molly?
06:15Does it look like Lita's back to 100%?
06:18Oh, a dropkick.
06:19Not right now, does it?
06:20No, definitely not after that.
06:22Boy, it'd be a shame if Lita went back on the shelf
06:24for a while, wouldn't it?
06:25Oh, it would be a horrible, horrible shame.
06:28Well, I wouldn't even want to wish that on my worst enemy.
06:30After what, she was out of here over a year.
06:32What are you wishing on Kane right now?
06:34What are you thinking about Kane?
06:36How can you even talk about this match
06:37with what's happening to Kane back there?
06:39Yeah, that is a pretty scary thing,
06:42talking to Kane, but...
06:43It's a tragedy, OK, Kane?
06:45Molly, it's a tragedy what happened to Kane.
06:48But some...
06:49And I don't think it was an accident.
06:51Obviously, it wasn't an accident.
06:54Well, I reluctantly agree with that.
06:58And this crowd trying to win Lita back into this fight.
07:05I think the crowd's actually trying to get their mind off of this,
07:08of what they've seen happen here tonight.
07:09I've never seen anything like this so wrong in my life.
07:12Nice counter to the side Russian leg sweep by Lita
07:15on Gail Kim.
07:17This has gotten me completely out of my game here.
07:21I'm trying to be professional,
07:23trying to refocus on this match
07:25that is so important to both these young women.
07:27Nobody there for Gail Kim.
07:30High back body drop by Lita.
07:32Lita seems to be gaining momentum here offensively.
07:34What do you think, Molly?
07:35Oh, no, come on, Gail.
07:36She's not looking good right now.
07:38That's all right. She'll recover.
07:41Starting to burst.
07:42Went Gail to the top.
07:44And a Lita bomb!
07:46Oh, my Lord!
07:49Lita barely missing getting that three count on Gail Kim.
07:53Gail Kim's got a lot of stamina.
07:55Gail Kim's in great shape.
07:57Showing her resilience as well.
07:59And a little overzealous was Lita that time.
08:02And, oh!
08:04That drove Lita's head right into the mat.
08:06Look at this! The roll up, the cradle!
08:10Gail trying to almost a modified burp off there,
08:12it would seem.
08:14Oh, look out.
08:15Lita looking for the twist of fate.
08:19Going downstairs.
08:23Good grief!
08:24What a DDT!
08:26A sparring, tingling DDT in his home!
08:31Here is your winner, Lita!
08:37Well, much to the, uh, dismay of our women's champion,
08:42Lita is victorious here!
08:45Uh-oh, Molly, I think, uh...
08:48I think Lita spotted you.
08:50Lita wants a women's championship, it would seem to me.
09:02It would seem to me!
09:10A great victory for Lita tonight!
