• 2 months ago
*Venezuelan TSJ starts analysis of electoral material.
*Dominican Republic organizations support legitimacy of Venezuelans’ decisions.


00:00Venezuela, the president Nicolás Maduro headed the working meeting for the communal consultation
00:04to be held on August 25th to strengthen democracy and national sovereignty.
00:09From the Miraflores Palace, the president informed that next August 25th, popular elections
00:15will be held in the country in more than 4,505 communal circuits that include a group together
00:22more than 49,000 communal councils.
00:25In this sense, the Venezuelan head of state reiterated that with the plan of the homeland,
00:30a new direct socialist-democratic phase will be entered, where the people will have the
00:36option to elect without interventionist attempts of foreign nations.
00:40Also the president Nicolás Maduro assured that the United States wants to interfere
00:44in Venezuela's internal affairs when it is not capable of solving its own social and
00:49political problems.
00:55We do not pretend that all countries have our system, imagine that I and we, we and
01:00I would like other countries to have the same model as Venezuela, and we would interfere
01:10in the internal affairs of other countries to tell them, you, United States, you do not
01:14have an electoral body, your elections are invalid, you, United States have an electoral
01:20system that has been accused of fraudulent, that leaves no record of any kind, no records,
01:29you United States do not have electoral power so you do not have democracy, imagine if I
01:35were to do that with every country, you United States do not allow observers, neither from
01:40the Carter Center, nor from the European Union, nor from anybody, we are preparing the delegation
01:48of electoral observers for the elections of November 5th in the United States, a commission
01:55of Venezuelan experts will go there and we are going to check table by table in the elections
01:59of November 5th.
02:03But if Maduro says that, Maduro is crazy, then they pretend that we accept the interventionism
02:09of foreign countries of foreign governments in Venezuela, bye bye fish compadre.
02:18We say in Venezuela, bye bye fish with you, gringo empire and its allies of the world
02:24right wing.
02:27In turn, the Venezuelan head of state denounced that the president of Argentina Javier Milley
02:32invested 100 million dollars to attack the Bolivarian revolution.
02:42Today I am reporting a denunciation from Argentina, here I have it, you see, the denunciation
02:53from Argentina, here I have it, I have it for you, precisely that the Argentine government,
02:59through the intelligence secretariat of Argentina, called the C I D E, in the last 20 days Diosdado,
03:06spent money from the public budget, from Argentina, 100 million dollars, the equivalent of 100
03:12million Argentine dollars, Milley says he has no money, spent 100 million dollars from
03:18the Argentine side, to attack with his voice, the Bolivarian revolution, the Bolivarian
03:26government and the Venezuelan political process, it is a denunciation that is there.
03:35The president of the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela, Carizlias
03:39Rodriguez announced that they have started the technical analysis of all the electoral
03:43material consigned related to the elections of last July 28th. Rodriguez informed that
03:49the National Electoral Council has provided all the digital and physical electoral material
03:54for the investigation process. Likewise, she pointed out that the investigation will be
03:59carried out by the best technical and specialized team until the High Court gathers the necessary
04:04evidence to certify the decision of the Venezuelan people. In addition, Rodriguez reiterated
04:09the commitment of the judiciary to impart justice in the face of the cybernetic coup
04:15of the global ultra-right, denounced by the re-elected president Nicolás Maduro.
04:26Various social and political Dominican organizations expressed their solidarity with Venezuela
04:31as the nation is being under attack after the July 28th presidential election. On a
04:35press briefing, Dominican revolutionaries claimed that the U.S. plans to stage a coup
04:40d'etat against the Venezuelan people. On a press release, they ratified that Venezuela
04:45sets the National Electoral Council as the entity empowered to arbitrate the elections
04:51as well as to give the results, and in compliance with the Constitution of the United Nations
04:55shouted, its decision must be respected by all countries. They further demanded that
05:01the Dominican president, Luis Abinader, stop compromising the country with meddling actions
05:06against other nations and be guided by the Constitution of the Republic.
05:16The history of humanity knows no country more despotic and terrorist than the United States.
05:20Those who are aligned with the U.S. are the actual dictators and the despots. Yes, they
05:24are the criminal and the terrorist, this is the truth that is systematically hidden
05:28by immediate dictatorship.
05:31Which countries are encouraging precisely that meeting? Countries that are puppets,
05:35that are lackeys of the U.S. So those nations have not proven their true sovereignty and
05:39self-determination. Those are the ones that want to impose a meeting of that nature in
05:43the Dominican Republic. Here we say no.
