About Is Love Episode 3

  • last month
00:00突然间出现 你的画面 Suddenly, you appear in front of me
00:14闭上眼 我看见 某个时刻 某个地点 I close my eyes, I see a certain moment, a certain place
00:23偶尔偷偷看你一眼 躲在墙的后面 Sometimes, I secretly look at you, hiding behind the wall
00:30就让我 坦白一点 就让我坦白一点 Just let me be frank
00:34即使是我 出于你先 Even if I'm the one who's in your way
00:42我的情人节 I love you so
00:45我想听你说 I love you more
00:49小小的聚能 都让我喜悦 The small gathering makes me happy
00:53每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
00:57走了多久才走到今天 How long has it been until today?
01:01我的记忆过 好甜美 My memories are so sweet
01:05只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you speak, everything is OK
01:09每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:12啊 多一些 啊 多一些 Ah, more, ah, more
01:16爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:20我的情人节 I love you so
01:24我要对你说 I love you more
01:28即使我小傀儡 你陪不下坏人 Even if I'm a coward, you can't keep me company
01:32笑出来 爱到了眼泪 Laugh out loud, tears of love
01:36走了多久才走到今天 How long has it been until today?
01:39我的情人节 我也不怨 My love, I don't complain
01:43只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you speak, everything is OK
01:47每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
02:13爱你多一些 I love you more every day
02:17即使我小傀儡 你陪不下坏人 Even if I'm a coward, you can't keep me company
02:21爱你多一些 I love you more every day
02:25即使我小傀儡 你陪不下坏人 Even if I'm a coward, you can't keep me company
02:29只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you speak, everything is OK
02:33爱你多一些 I love you more every day
02:37即使我小傀儡 你陪不下坏人 Even if I'm a coward, you can't keep me company
02:41来吧 Let's go
02:49我手上有新鲜出炉的蛋挞哟 I have a new egg tart
02:52怎么这么香啊 Why does it smell so good?
02:54我数到三你给我开门啊 I'll count to three and you open the door for me
02:56一 One
02:57二 Two
03:03我说的 I said it
03:11我说的 I said it
03:21她就是你找的新室友 She is your new roommate
03:23你好 我叫周氏 Hello, my name is Zhou Shi
03:26有什么不良嗜好吗 Do you have any bad habits?
03:27没有 No
03:29为啥呢 Why?
03:30会做饭 算吗 I'm good at cooking. Does it count?
03:32怎么证明 How do you prove it?
03:34手上那蛋挞就是她做的 She made the egg tart
03:37黄竹三月一节水电燃积费评分 有意见吗 Do you have any comments on the water and electricity bill for the first half of March?
03:43你不懂吗 You don't understand
03:44就是接纳你了呀 She just accepted you
03:46这么简单就对了 It's so easy
03:48我说的蛋挞呢 I said the egg tart
03:50我说的蛋挞是她的脑子又不是她的胃 I said the egg tart is her brain, not her stomach
03:55欢迎你 Welcome
03:58以后三餐就拜托了 I'll count to three from now on
04:01好 Okay
04:03还有吗 Anything else?
04:04我一会儿给你做 I'll cook for you later
04:06好 Thank you
04:07辛苦 Thank you
04:08走吧 Let's go
04:09我带你去参观一下 I'll show you around
04:15喂 Hello
04:16喂 Hello
04:17周氏吗 Zhou Shi
04:19你那个书记写生交了没 Did you hand in your student record?
04:21全班可就差你一个了 You're the only one left in the class
04:24差点忘了 I almost forgot
04:26因为日常作业会影响学期评分 因为日常作业会影响学期评分 Because your daily homework will affect your grades
04:29所以老班特地让我提醒你 So the class asked me to remind you
04:31虽然你国家奖学金落选了 Although your national scholarship was dropped
04:33但企业奖学金 But for the corporate scholarship
04:35你好歹还是可以申请一下的嘛 You can still apply for it
04:37对了 By the way
04:38早上那个云马集团老总来咱们美术系参观 The president of Yun Ma Group came to our art department this morning
04:42所以咱们系的学生入选概率还是挺大的 So there's a high probability that our students will be selected
04:47谢谢你提醒我呀 Thank you for reminding me
04:48你真是帮了大忙了 You really helped me a lot
04:49我今天无论如何都会画完的 I'll finish it today no matter what
05:02你到底是为什么要说大话呀 Why did you say such a big thing?
05:05还说什么有一天可以做完 You said you could finish it in one day
05:09没灵感呀 I have no inspiration
05:16干嘛 What are you doing?
05:20漂亮吧 Isn't it beautiful?
05:23好神奇啊 It's amazing
05:25它怎么突然钻我脑子里了 Why did it suddenly get into my head?
05:28画面竟然还不错 The picture is actually pretty good
05:35是不是沉迷于艺术的女士特别有魅力 Are you particularly fascinated by art?
05:44还行 It's okay
05:45我跟你说啊 I'm telling you
05:46她会做的不止是作品 She can do more than just painting
06:05她是个好女孩 She is a good girl
06:21大功告成 It's done
06:31反正也不会再见到他了 I won't see him again anyway
06:33他应该不会怪我把他画到作品里吧 He won't blame me for painting him in the work, will he?
06:53江主任 Director Jiang
06:58去吧 Go
07:02谢谢 Thank you
07:10魏总 这是周氏的 Director Wei, this is Zhou's
07:26不好意思啊 I'm sorry
07:27刚才还漏了一点 I missed a little bit just now
07:29美术绘画系 周氏 Art Design Department, Zhou's
07:33谁啊 Who is it?
07:37小王 小王 小王 Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang
07:41魏董事长 你们见过吧 Director Wei, you've met before, haven't you?
07:45台上那一说场面话无可厚非 现在只有我们两个人 你就不用装不认识了吧 We are the only ones on the stage now. You don't have to pretend you don't know us
07:50你就这么希望我记得你啊 Is that how you want me to remember you?
07:53我只是不希望活在别人的谎言当中 I just don't want to live in other people's lies
07:56特别是在这种没有必要的情况下 Especially in such an unnecessary situation
07:58说一句我认识那个讨厌鬼有那么难吗 Is it that hard to say that I know that annoying guy?
08:02还是说你这个人说谎已经成习惯了 Or is it that you've gotten used to lying?
08:06果然是小孩子思维凡事都要争个对与错 Sure enough, it's a child's thinking. Everything has to be right and wrong
08:10那我告诉你 我们两个见过 而且不止一次 那我告诉你 我们两个见过 而且不止一次 Then I'll tell you, we've met before, and more than once
08:14你信吗 Do you believe me?
08:17你看吧 你果然不信 You see, you don't believe me
08:20那你质疑我撒谎又有什么意义呢 Then what's the point of you questioning my lies?
08:23你不是说不想跟我扯上关系吗 Didn't you say you didn't want to get involved?
08:28我改变主意了 I've changed my mind
08:33小丫头 我们还会再见面的 Little girl, we'll meet again
08:43同学们安静一下 由于供应链系统出现了问题 所有分享典礼都要结束 请大家保持安静 依次离场 Please be quiet, everyone. Since there's a problem with the supply chain, the sharing ceremony will end here
08:48请大家保持安静 依次离场 Please be quiet, and please leave at once
08:51请大家保持安静 依次离场 Please be quiet, and please leave at once
08:54请大家保持安静 依次离场 Please be quiet, and please leave at once
09:00哎呀 新娘 怎么样啊 被钱砸到了感觉如何 How do you feel, new girl? How do you feel about being hit by money?
09:04还没到手呢吧 It's not over yet
09:06真的一拿到手 我估计得下个月都没了 If I get my hands on it, I'll be dead by next month
09:09是啊 我兜里有几个干贝儿 你们可知不知道 I have a few friends here. You don't know
09:13还不知道能不能撑到下个月 I don't know if I can make it to next month
09:15这是 这项项链你不是已经丢了吗 Isn't this necklace you lost?
09:24是啊 它是之前在酒店打工的时候丢的 Yes, I lost it when I was working at the hotel
09:28那个时候忙大街找都没找到 怎么会突然出现在我口袋 I couldn't find it on the street at that time. Why did it suddenly appear in my pocket?
09:32而且我丢的时候也没穿这件衣服 And I didn't wear this dress when I lost it
09:45小丫头 我们还会再见面的 Little girl, we will meet again
09:51原来那次在酒店我们真的不是第一次见面 It turns out that we really didn't meet for the first time at the hotel
10:15哇 电青 黛绿涂白琥珀 胭脂秋香银珠 Wow, it's light green with green, white and amber, and the fragrance of rouge
10:39苏芳 Su Fang
10:40怎么 怎么好看的颜料都这么贵啊 Why are all the beautiful colors so expensive?
10:50这国产的也很贵 一个颜料都抵我一顿饭钱了 This domestic one is also expensive. One color costs me a meal
10:56如果我有钱的话就把这些颜料全买下来 If I have money, I will buy all these colors
11:10哇 哇 哇 哇 哇 Wow, wow, wow, wow
11:29别动 Don't move
11:31你 你 你 你 你 You, you, you, you, you
11:41停 停 停 Stop, stop
11:43你这是要把整家店都买下来吗 Are you going to buy the whole store?
11:57我这遇到了什么事啊 What's going on?
12:10嗯 Um.
12:30快上车 I'll take you home
12:32没事 我自己回去就行 It's okay. I can go back by myself
12:33你一个人住那么大的房子没事吧 Are you okay living in such a big house alone?
12:40邻居们都好吗 没人骚扰你啊 Are the neighbors nice? No one is harassing you?
12:44我很好 I'm fine
12:46那好吧 自己当心点啊 Okay, then. Be careful
12:49嗯 Um.
12:51安迪再见 Bye, auntie
13:04哼 Ahem
13:19怎么这么烦啊 Why am I in such a muddle?
13:22哦 完了 完了 完了 I'm doomed. I can't afford to wash the food anymore
13:27来 来 来 Here, here
13:29What to do...
13:39Zhou Shi.
13:41General Zhang!
13:42You're here just in time
13:43I have something to ask you.
13:44What's up?
13:45I heard you're really good at drawing ink printing.
13:48Just so so.
13:49I'm pretty good at oil painting.
13:51What happened to your clothes?
13:52I accidentally got a bit of paint on it.
13:55I can't wash it off now.
13:56If it's dirty just get a new one then.
13:58No, I have enough money to buy more painting tools.
14:03Okay, what do you want me to help you with?
14:05Can you draw a few more strokes for me?
14:08Okay, I'm drawing.
14:12No way.
14:14Just help me draw.
14:16Help me.
14:17You draw better for me.
14:18I'm sorry.
14:19It's okay.
14:29It's hard for me to draw if you look at me like this.
14:33Then I won't look at you. You draw.
14:44Senior, we have enough school painting materials this time.
14:48Why do you come to the art department for an interview?
14:50I'll show you the habits of the art department.
14:53Art department?
14:54Didn't the art department interview 800 years ago?
14:56That was remodeled the day after tomorrow.
14:58Let me show you what a pure natural beauty is.
15:01Pure natural beauty?
15:06Stop shooting.
15:07What do you want to see?
15:13So you're doing creative work.
15:16It's a misunderstanding.
15:18Zhang Shuai's bird of pearl is the best in our theater.
15:20How is it?
15:21Is it good?
15:22It's really good.
15:25If you can be so stable in front of such a beautiful woman.
15:30The curve on your chest seems to be a little vague.
15:35It's really too close.
15:36Is your hand shaking?
15:41Where are you shooting?
15:43Can you give us a more artistic shot?
15:46Student Zhang.
15:47Have you ever drawn so many flowers?
15:50Is this the most three-dimensional one?
15:53If there is another planning selection.
15:54Will you vote for Zhou Shi?
15:56You look at him so closely.
15:57How many points do you think his appearance can get?
16:01Five points.
16:02Five points?
16:04Can you be honest with me?
16:05If I want you.
16:06You dare to compete with me.
16:09Don't tease him.
16:10He's a good kid.
16:15Zhou Shi.
16:16Director Xiao is here.
16:17Director Xiao.
16:18Let me hide.
16:19Zhou Shi.
16:23Have you seen Zhou Shi?
16:25If you see him.
16:26Let him come to the security office.
16:30Zhou Shi.
16:32Zhou Shi.
16:35Zhou Shi.
16:44Zhang Shuai.
16:45I'm sorry.
16:46I just took you as a shield.
16:48Don't do this next time.
16:50Don't do this.
16:51In fact.
16:52Since I was a child.
16:54I've been using a five-point brand.
17:00What's wrong with him?
17:02Did I pinch too hard just now?
17:05Why is it weird?
17:07You didn't pinch too hard.
17:11Zhou Shi.
17:12If I didn't know you very well.
17:15I thought you were a love mouse.
17:18All right.
17:19Don't talk about him.
17:20Why did Director Xiao come to see you again?
17:23You didn't pay the tuition fee again, did you?
17:28No way.
17:33You work several jobs a day.
17:35Where's the money?
17:36Drawing brush for national painting class.
17:37Xuan paper.
17:39Peach mud for sculpture class.
17:41Handmade homework.
17:42All right. Stop.
17:43I know.
17:44I know.
17:45Your art department is a pit of burning money.
17:47But your parents should give you your tuition fee.
17:50I don't want it.
17:53I didn't care about it.
17:54I have to go to such an expensive art school.
17:56How dare I ask them for money?
17:59You know my family's conditions.
18:02You didn't tell me at the beginning.
18:04Oh, my God.
18:05I really thought you were kidding.
18:06To save money.
18:07Buy cosmetics.
18:08Clothes bags.
18:09In order to stay with him in a city.
18:11You really went out.
18:12How can you be so exaggerated?
18:14As exaggerated as I am.
18:16You did so much for him.
18:17Does he know?
18:18Last time, when Qi Xi confessed to Qin Renjie.
18:20Didn't succeed.
18:21I don't know when to wait next time.
18:27Brother Ming Cheng.
18:29Twenty minutes later.
18:30Come to Guanghua University WeChat.
18:37Maybe I'm narcissistic.
18:39I always think he knows.
18:42Every time I'm in trouble.
18:44He always shows up.
18:46Brother Ming Cheng is so smart.
18:47He should know something.
18:50You're right.
18:52Okay, I'll go to your charger.
19:04I hope I won't meet it in my life.
19:08I heard you had a good vacation.
19:12Hit a car?
19:14A little bit.
19:16But the result is not bad.
19:19Miss Zhang on Weibo.
19:21Play the piano there every day.
19:24All of them are showing that they are unbeatable.
19:26You call this a good result?
19:28But the person who has a good result with me is not her.
19:30It's the one who was replaced by her.
19:33Can you really be sure.
19:34Is that the girl you are looking for?
19:36Ninety-nine percent.
19:37Unless she has a shadow.
19:39Is this girl easy to train?
19:43If there is no accident.
19:44About a month.
19:46It seems to be a weakness.
19:48How many?
19:50Not many.
19:51But the biggest weakness is.
19:54She is very poor.
20:06You are still so handsome when you are serious.
20:37How long are you going to stand there?
20:47Brother Ming Cheng.
20:48Come out.
20:51Don't stand there like a fool.
20:55Brother Ming Cheng.
20:56Why did you call me here?
20:57I heard you got a corporate scholarship.
21:08Our Shishi is finally promising.
21:11Let's go.
21:13Where are we going?
21:14Treat me to a meal.
21:16I've been waiting for you to get a scholarship.
21:17How many years have you been waiting?
21:20I am very poor now.
21:22Then you have to find a chance to eat and drink.
21:24You can eat and serve.
21:26If you eat too much.
21:27People will look expensive.
21:29I know a very delicious restaurant.
21:31Let's go.
21:34Let's go.
22:01Let's go.
22:02Let's go.
22:03Let's go.
22:31Hello, sir.
22:32Is this 60101?
22:34Here's the thing.
22:35You have two parcels.
22:36Sent to you together.
22:37Please sign.
22:54See you later.
23:02See you later.
23:30Eat more, Shishi.
23:33Brother Mingcheng.
23:34I'll do it myself.
23:35The rice is full.
23:40You are almost a senior now.
23:42Have you ever thought about what to do in the future?
23:46I don't know.
23:47I'll talk about it later.
23:49Have you ever thought about
23:51studying at Guanghua University of Fine Arts?
23:54What did you say?
23:55You mean me?
23:57Haven't you ever thought about it?
24:00I haven't even passed the fourth grade.
24:02If I go to graduate school,
24:03I'll be laughed at.
24:05And I'll go to graduate school at Guanghua University of Fine Arts.
24:08Such a difficult task.
24:09I'll leave it to you.
24:11I don't want to record it myself.
24:13Haven't you ever thought about
24:15studying at the same university as me?
24:16Although your cultural background is a bit poor,
24:19But the art foundation is there.
24:21And this major
24:23is very suitable for those who want to study further.
24:25After graduating from graduate school,
24:26Guanghua University of Fine Arts.
24:28So there's still this way.
24:30If I can get into the graduate school of Guanghua University of Fine Arts,
24:33I can play games together,
24:35go to the canteen together,
24:36go to the library together.
24:38A good teacher can sign for me.
24:39A good teacher can write for me.
24:41It's so wonderful.
24:44Chi Chi.
24:45Are you listening to me?
24:48I've made up my mind.
24:49I want to take the exam.
24:51You're ambitious.
24:53When you become my schoolmate,
24:55I'll give you a seat every day.
24:58We can study together,
25:00read together,
25:01listen to the lecture together,
25:02and do projects together.
25:04Why is it different from what I thought?
25:19Chi Chi.
25:20I'll go to the bathroom first.
25:23Eat more.
25:29Who is it?
25:32Hello, who is it?
25:37Your underwear.
25:42Dingga Si Lang?
25:44What the hell?
25:59Thank you for today, Brother Ming Cheng.
26:01Why are you so polite to me?
26:04I feel like I've eaten a whole fridge.
26:06I don't need to eat anything for the next month.
26:10Li Ming Cheng.
26:12It's really you.
26:14And your sister.
26:15I'm so happy.
26:16I'm so happy.
26:17I'm so happy.
26:18I'm so happy.
26:19I'm so happy.
26:20I'm so happy.
26:21I'm so happy.
26:22I'm so happy.
26:23I'm so happy.
26:24I'm so happy.
26:25I'm so happy.
26:26I'm so happy.
26:27And your sister.
26:30I'm sorry.
26:31My last name is Zhou.
26:32His last name is Li.
26:33We're not related.
26:34I'm not his sister.
26:35I don't think you're a family either.
26:37I can't see anything from your names.
26:39Like Guanghua University.
26:41And Guanghua Visual Arts.
26:42One is the national focus.
26:44The other one is San Ben.
26:45How can you be a family?
26:47What do you mean?
26:48Chi Chi.
26:49Ran Yu is talking about you.
26:51Just listen.
26:52When you get into Guanghua University,
26:54no matter which bus you take,
26:56when you enter the school gate,
26:57you're all the same.
26:58Got it?
27:00Got it.
27:02Brother Ming Cheng.
27:03I didn't mean anything else.
27:04Don't get me wrong.
27:06I don't think you can park here.
27:09the driver
27:10seems to have drunk a lot.
27:12Although the perfume smell on you
27:13has been covered a lot,
27:14the price of alcohol is illegal.
27:16It will seriously add to the criminal responsibility.
27:18Don't take it to heart.
27:20We're leaving now.
27:21We're leaving.
27:23Let's go, Chi Chi.
27:30Don't be like your juniors.
27:32We have something to do later.
27:34That girl is not my junior.
27:36How could she get into Guanghua University?
27:39Are you going to stay here and sigh?
27:41Or are you going to watch a good show at the bar?
27:44I got it.
27:45And you two.
27:46After you get into the bar,
27:47take it easy.
27:49My nephew's sense of smell
27:50is much better than that boy's.
27:52It's just a test.
27:53He'll forget it once he finds out.
27:56Don't let him find the line
27:58and get himself involved.
28:00Let's go.
28:09After hearing what you said,
28:11Brother Ming Cheng
28:12is really not an easy person.
28:14Is Li Ming Cheng
28:15the one from Guanghua University
28:17you're talking about?
28:19Do you know him?
28:21Oh, I remember now.
28:22You studied chemistry at Guanghua University.
28:24Does he look that smart?
28:27Of course.
28:28He's a good student.
28:29He's always been the top student.
28:31He even got into a top university.
28:32If he's that smart,
28:35who doesn't have a few top students
28:37who can get into Guanghua University?
28:39You look like Brother Ming Cheng
28:41when you talk about studying.
28:44I think
28:45you two should get to know each other.
28:47We'll see.
28:49I'm not interested in people
28:50with lower IQ than me.
28:54Fei Fei.
28:55Can you introduce me
28:56to a part-time job?
29:00It doesn't matter how hard it is.
29:01I'm going to take the exam in the second half of the year.
29:03So I have to save as much money as possible.
29:05Let me take a look at your face.
29:08Okay, beautiful.
29:09No need to draw.
29:10Come to work with me later.
29:12Fei Fei, you're the best!
29:14It looks good on you.
29:15Go and change your clothes.
29:16And your underwear.
29:17Right, underwear.
29:19I didn't buy any seaweeds.
29:20I'm looking for underwear.
29:21Didn't I ask you to keep it for me?
29:27This is strange.
29:28Why did you throw away
29:29the package in three days?
29:30Where did you put it?
29:31The address you wrote
29:33is No. 21, Yanjiang South Road,
29:35Huayun Community,
29:36Building 6, Room 1004.
29:40Did you send it upstairs?
29:43This building
29:44was renovated by a painter.
29:46So there's only one address.
29:48This is the first floor.
29:49It was originally a painter's storage room.
29:51It was rented out by the landlord.
29:53The main building is on the second and third floors.
29:55No one used to live here,
29:56so the package was sent to us.
29:57Now that the owner is back,
29:59I guess the delivery man who can't figure it out
30:01will send it as a whole family.
30:03Now that you mention it,
30:04I remember.
30:05It seems that
30:06a young man moved in
30:07upstairs the other day.
30:08Be careful.
30:10Now that you mention it,
30:11I remember.
30:12I got a strange call
30:13in the evening.
30:14It said
30:15the package was in the underwear.
30:17Then call him back.
30:32Oh my god.
30:34It's so disgusting.
30:36Come with me.
30:37Let's go upstairs.
30:50Is anyone here?
30:52Open the door.
30:55Feifei, don't ring the doorbell.
30:56You will disturb the neighbors.
30:59we are not the neighbors.
31:00We are not the neighbors.
31:01And I just want to disturb him.
31:05Is anyone here?
31:12You finally come out.
31:17It's you.
31:19Do you know each other?
31:21What are you doing?
31:32Let's talk.
31:35Do you remember me?
31:39Do you remember this color?
31:46It seems that you remember.
31:48In fact,
31:50we are not here to disturb you.
31:52I got a strange call
31:53in the afternoon.
31:55The man who said the underwear
31:57is you, right?
31:59Don't deny it.
32:00We heard the bell
32:01from your room.
32:03It's me.
32:04The package is really with you.
32:07I sent the wrong package.
32:09Sure enough.
32:11Can you give it back to us?
32:15It's in the room.
32:16I don't remember where it is.
32:28It's so big.
32:29How can we find it?
32:31So many paintings.
32:33Are they all painted by you?
32:35My master and my senior
32:37were here together when we were young.
32:42Don't forget what we are here for.
32:43Are you a fish?
32:44You are so quick-witted.
32:47Painters can't be bad kids.
32:49Don't take things too seriously.
32:51It's just underwear.
32:52I'll help you find it.
32:58Don't go there.
33:11It's just a bowl.
33:12Do you have to react like that?
33:15It doesn't seem right.
33:17This bowl seems to be very important.
33:20It's just an ordinary ceramic bowl.
33:22It doesn't look like an expensive item.
33:29There are so many paintings in this room.
33:32Is it really...
33:33Let's go.
33:34I don't want the express delivery.
33:35Let's go back.
33:36It's so scary.
33:37It's so scary.
34:01Did you get it back?
34:03Not only didn't I get it back,
34:05I also broke other people's things.
34:07It's just a bowl.
34:09There are bowls like this everywhere.
34:10I'm going to buy one now.
34:11But don't you still have to work?
34:13It's almost nine o'clock now.
34:15Can you help me?
34:16I just don't owe anything to anyone.
34:18I also think that if this matter
34:19is not solved today,
34:20I will be very happy.
34:22But I don't have much experience.
34:23What if I go and make trouble for you?
34:26What kind of experience do you need for this kind of job?
34:27You just have to look pretty and support the factory.
34:29Don't you have to work?
34:30Don't you have a part-time job?
34:31Isn't this an opportunity?
34:32Let's go.
34:33Change clothes with me.
34:34I don't know how to do it.
34:53Actually, you can fly a plane first.
34:56It's so fun.
34:58It's so convenient.
35:00Let's go.
35:18You must be Xixi.
35:20Are you a friend introduced by Feifei?
35:28So my house is this way.
35:32I came to work for Feifei temporarily.
35:34Do you have any instructions?
35:37What instructions?
35:38This girl is a bit interesting.
35:40In fact, working in our house
35:42is the same as outside.
35:44We are all waiters.
35:46It's just that the guests who come are more extensive.
35:48There are also more expenses for her.
35:51You newcomers
35:52just stay outside the box.
35:54Come and go as you like.
35:55You don't have to worry about other things.
35:58The waiter is coming.
36:02How about this?
36:03You call a few people
36:04to go out and explain to the guests.
36:06Just say that something happened.
36:08Apologize to the guests.
36:10And tell the friends
36:11not to let new guests in.
36:18Hurry up.
36:23Stand still.
36:24Stand still quickly.
36:25Stand still.
36:28Stand still.
36:48How could it be her?
36:50It seems to be such an occasion.
36:53The award ceremony in the morning.
36:54The bar at night.
36:55The gap is too big.
37:03Why are you still standing there?
37:05Don't you need people in this room?
37:06Hurry in.
37:07I'm new here.
37:08I don't know anything.
37:09I'd better stay at the door.
37:10No way.
37:11You are here on behalf of Feifei.
37:13You have to pay for this.
37:14But I...
37:15Don't but.
37:16Wei Shao just ordered a cup of royal tea.
37:18Hurry up and send it in.
37:19Hurry up.
37:25Hurry up.
37:47Wait a minute.
37:49Oh, no.
37:50I was recognized.
37:51This guy knows
37:52which department I go to.
37:53I also took his scholarship.
37:55What if he reacts to the school?
38:00Come here.
38:16I forgot your tip.
38:23You are welcome.
38:28It's really strange.
38:30I can't recognize me even though I'm so close.
38:36It's so exaggerated.
38:38I'm the king of diamonds here.
38:39I give people necklaces everywhere.
38:41This is the work of rich people.
38:46I can't find you.
38:47What are you looking for?
38:48Today he hugged me.
38:49It's all his.
38:51Xiang Wei has a lot of money.
38:54If this kind of flying
38:55is not our target,
38:57how can it be our client?
38:58What should I do?
38:59Have you thought about it?
39:00Just finish the job quickly.
39:03We'll talk about it later.
39:05By the way,
39:06Mr. He said
39:07he was looking for me.
39:09Okay, I got it.
39:12I'll be in charge of attracting Lou Lou.
39:13You'll be in charge of giving her money.
39:16Li Lu.
39:18Don't let the surveillance camera take pictures of me.
39:19Let's go.
39:25They said
39:26it was Wei Qing.
39:38Lin Shang, what's up?
39:40The girl who served the wine just now.
39:42Is she new?
39:45Her name is Xi Xi.
39:46She helped her friend today.
39:48She came here for the first time.
39:49The first time?
39:51Xi Xi?
39:53Mr. Wei, do you know her?
39:55I didn't expect
39:56to meet her so soon.
39:57It's still in this kind of place.
39:59It's a waste of my waiting.
40:01It seems that she and Mr. Wei are still fated.
40:03Do you want me to call her over
40:05to drink with you?
40:06No need.
40:07With her hot temper,
40:08even if she comes over,
40:09she won't show me a good face.
40:12Wei Qing, come with me.
40:18Be quiet.
40:22If you love each other,
40:23get out of here.
40:27What are you doing?
40:28I'm leaving.
40:30I'm talking to you.
40:31I'm leaving.
40:34Lin Shang,
40:35what's up?
40:38I'm here to beat you up.
40:39I'm not here to treat you to a meal.
40:40It's none of your business.
40:41I'm leaving.
40:42The beauty is right.
40:44You see,
40:45in this situation,
40:46it's a matter of life and death.
40:48Don't blame us for looking for you.
40:50Mr. Wei,
40:51you are too famous
40:52and have too many enemies.
40:55Should we do it
40:57or you lie down
40:58and get beaten up?
41:00It's midnight.
41:01If you do it early,
41:02you can finish it early.
41:03It's close to the hospital.
41:05It's convenient
41:06to hang up at this time.
41:09In fact,
41:10we are both men.
41:12If Mr. Wei doesn't want to be exposed,
41:14it's hard for us not to mind it.
41:17That's right.
41:19you pay double.
41:27Are you done?
41:30I don't have time
41:31to listen to you.
41:44I don't have time
41:45to listen to you.
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