00:00突然间出现 你的画面 Suddenly, you appear in front of me
00:14闭上眼 我看见 某个时刻 某个地点 I close my eyes, I see a certain moment, a certain place
00:23偶尔偷偷看你一眼 躲在墙的后面 Sometimes, I secretly look at you, hiding behind the wall
00:30就让我坦白一点 就让我坦白一点 Just let me be honest
00:34即使是我 只为你先 Even if it's me, I'll do it for you first
00:42我的情人节 I love you so
00:45我想听你说 I love you more
00:49小小的剧弄 都让我喜悦 A small play makes me happy
00:53每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
00:57走了多久才走到今天 How long did it take to get here?
01:01我的记忆过 好甜美 My memories are so sweet
01:05只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you speak, everything is OK
01:09每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:12啊 多一些 啊 多一些 Ah, more, ah, more
01:16爱你多一些 I love you more every day
01:20我的情人节 I love you so
01:24我要对你说 I love you more
01:28即使我下跪 你对不下怀我 Even if I kneel, you don't care about me
01:32笑出来 还掉了眼泪 Laugh out loud, and cry
01:36走了多久才走到今天 How long did it take to get here?
01:40我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 My love, I'd rather not complain
01:44只要你开口 什么都OK As long as you speak, everything is OK
01:48每天都爱你多一些 I love you more every day
02:14我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 I love you more every day
02:18即使我下跪 你对不下怀我 Even if I kneel, you don't care
02:22我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 I love you more every day
02:26即使我下跪 你对不下怀我 Even if I kneel, you don't care
02:30我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 I love you more every day
02:34即使我下跪 你对不下怀我 Even if I kneel, you don't care
02:38我的情人节 我宁愿不怨 I love you more every day
02:42住手! Stop!
02:44大哥,快走! Brother, go!
02:46把她给我抓起来!把她给我抓起来! Grab her! Hurry!
02:48没事吧? Are you all right?
02:50你没事吧? Are you all right?
02:53好疼! It hurts!
02:55开上医院吧! Let's go to the hospital!
03:13医生,我这没什么事吧? Doctor, am I all right?
03:19你?手臂砸伤加脚踝扭伤,已经帮你爆炸处理过了 You? Your arm is injured and your ankle is sprained. I've treated it for you.
03:25回头喝点骨头汤晒晒太阳,就补回来了 You'll feel better after drinking some bone soup and sunbathing.
03:28大半夜的,就别折腾了啊 Don't toss and turn in the middle of the night.
03:43别听她的 Don't listen to her.
03:46待会儿再去给我做个全身检查 Later, do a full body check-up for me.
03:49还来? You're still coming?
03:51你这一大晚上的又X光又CT,查起天象,肿瘤,晒茬,最大的是我手臂受伤,丢得干净,我怎么了呢? You're X-raying and CT-checking all night, and you've got swelling, swelling, and sprains, and the worst thing is that my arm is injured. What's wrong with me?
04:01好不容易来趟医院,当然要把所有该查的都做一遍,不然过期不厚 It's not easy to come to the hospital. Of course, I have to do everything I need to check. Otherwise, it's too late.
04:08以后你要有什么后遗症可跟我一点关系都没有 In the future, if you have any sequelae, it has nothing to do with me.
04:11那个,我有个问题 Well, I have a question.
04:14说 Say it.
04:15为什么手臂受伤要来无菌病房啊? Why do I have to come to the infirmary when my arm is injured?
04:21难不成你要让我到走廊上跟那些不知道得了什么病的人在一起吗? Do you want me to go to the corridor with those who don't know what disease they have?
04:26那你可以不来啊 Then you don't have to come.
04:28你以为我想来啊?要不是因为…… Do you think I want to come? If it weren't for...
04:34我说,你是不是有病啊? I mean, are you sick?
04:36手臂……手臂擦伤算吗? My arm... Does my arm hurt?
04:40谁跟你说这个了? Who told you this?
04:41我的意思是,你以为你自己是谁啊? What I mean is, who do you think you are?
04:45我跟别人打架你凭什么掺和进来? If I fight with others, how can you intervene?
04:47我是要求你了还是拜托你的? I'm asking you or begging you.
04:50你过来帮我挡那么一下,告诉我原因,你到底图什么? Come and help me. Tell me the reason. What do you want?
04:54我就顺手帮一下呗。还能有什么问题啊? I'll just help you. What's the problem?
04:58难不成看到别人打你,我还不帮忙了? Do you think I won't help you when others hit you?
05:02我这人不喜欢欠别人人情。我身上的现金不多,这些你先拿着。 I don't like to owe others favors. I don't have much cash on me. Take this.
05:08然后你再把你的银行卡号告诉我,我让我的助理赚钱给你。 Then you tell me your bank card number. I'll ask my assistant to transfer the money to you.
05:12谁要你钱了?我的身体可比这金贵,还指望这个发家致富不成? Who wants your money? My body is more precious than this. I can't rely on this to get rich.
05:20行,那你告诉我,你有什么想要的吗?短期内就能实现那种,不说出来不许做。 Okay, then tell me, what do you want? Something that can be achieved in a short time. You can't do it without telling me.
05:28你这人还真矫情。那就,考研成功? You're so hypocritical. Then, success in the exam?
05:35这起码要一年吧,短期什么意思,懂不懂? At least a year. Do you know what a short-term means?
05:39短期?那就,艺术理论不挂科? A short-term? Then, art theory without a course?
05:47就这样。 That's it.
05:48很难好不好?美术史和艺术概论都超级超级难背的。两门里面能过一门我就谢天谢地了。 It's so hard, okay? Art history and art theory are so hard to memorize. If I can pass one of them, I'll be so happy.
05:58行,我知道了。 Okay, I got it.
06:00知道什么意思?就是你可以帮我喽?怎么帮啊? What do you mean? You can help me? How?
06:05闭嘴,等着就行了。 Shut up, just wait.
06:19周师,你这手怎么了?昨天还好好的,怎么一晚上就……? Zhou Shi, what happened to your hand? It was fine yesterday, but why did it become...
06:35没事。 It's fine.
06:36到底是怎么受伤的? How did you get hurt?
06:37打架。 A fight.
06:40算是英雄救美?不对,应该是见义勇为。 It was like a hero saving a beauty. No, it was like a hero saving a beauty.
06:46所以,你的手就这样了? So, your hand is like this?
06:49差不多吧。 Almost.
06:52我早就跟你说了,你就不应该去那种地方打工。那种人不值得你救。你想要挣钱,我下次介绍好一点的活给你。既轻松,又不用抛头露面。 I've told you before, you shouldn't work in that kind of place. That kind of person is not worth saving. If you want to make money, I'll introduce you to a better job next time. It's easy and you don't have to show up.
07:02喂,周师,你在听吗? Hey, Zhou Shi, are you listening?
07:06困死我了,今天是谁讲座来着? I'm so sleepy. Who is giving a lecture today?
07:10不知道,这次学校保密工作挺严的,估计是名人吧。 I don't know. The school's confidentiality is strict this time. I guess it's a celebrity.
07:17好大阵仗。不管了不管了,就算影帝来了也不能阻挡我睡觉。昨天一夜没怎么睡,我先补会儿觉醒。 It's such a mess. I don't care. Even if the影帝 comes, he can't stop me from sleeping. I didn't sleep much last night. I'll take a nap first.
07:39你好,我们都知道呢,魏先生您的家族是从经营画廊起家的,那像我们学校的很多学生一样啊,很多艺术新人啊,想要在一毕业的时候就和画廊签约,那对于这个部分的同学,您有什么建议呢? Hello, we all know that Mr. Wei, your family started from running a gallery. Like many students in our school, many artists want to sign with the gallery as soon as they graduate. What are your suggestions for this part of the class?
08:02作为画廊的经营者呢,首先要考虑的就是如何提高画廊的品牌价值。 As a gallery owner, the first thing to consider is how to improve the brand value of the gallery.
08:09而不是指望进入到某一间画廊之后来提高自己的身价。 Instead of hoping to improve your brand value after entering a certain gallery.
08:21非常感谢。那接下来就到了大家很期待的提问环节了。各位有什么想问的吗? Thank you very much. Now it's time for everyone's long-awaited Q&A session. Do you have any questions?
08:30看来我们的各位同学很热情,那就我们后排这位穿着黄色外套双手都举起来的女同学吧,稍微低下话筒。 It seems that our students are very enthusiastic, so let's have the girl in the back row who is wearing a yellow jacket and raising her hands up.
08:39什么情况? What's going on?
08:48这位同学,你有什么想要问魏总的吗? Do you have any questions for Mr. Wei?
08:57中午吃什么? What do you eat for lunch?
09:02下面那句了。 Next sentence.
09:36教授,他不是过来做商业活动的。 Professor, he's not here to do business.
12:27What's wrong with her?
12:30What bowls?
12:32Don't talk to me about bowls anymore.
12:33I'm surrounded by bowls now.
12:36Since last night,
12:37Lin Feifei is like being bewitched.
12:39When she sees a bowl, she will buy it with all her strength.
12:42I've already used up all my cards.
12:43If this goes on,
12:44my parents have to pay me back.
12:45I can't stop.
12:47Why are there so many bowls?
12:48My eyes are burning.
12:50It's black.
12:53How about this?
12:55No problem.
12:57Does it look like the two-year-old bowl?
12:59I won't talk to you anymore.
13:00Persuade your sister.
13:01I'll leave first.
13:03Don't go.
13:04What if she leaves?
13:06Why is she like this?
13:08Please agree with me.
13:10This is the 10th bowl you said looks like.
13:14Do you have a choice of style?
13:17Wait a minute.
13:24You bastard, where are you going?
13:35Are you crazy?
13:36You scared me.
13:37What's the matter?
13:38Did you pay the bill?
13:40That's good.
13:41Listen to me.
13:42Put it back.
13:43Don't buy it.
13:45Are you done?
13:46Why do you want so many bowls?
13:48Open a shop?
13:50Or collect bowls and summon the dragon?
13:53I don't care.
13:54I'm out today.
13:55Even if I lose tomorrow,
13:56I have to win that little white face upstairs.
13:58What a big grudge.
13:59What happened to you?
14:01No, I'm with you now.
14:04Let me say it.
14:05Here's the thing.
14:11Open the door.
14:22Here you are.
14:23I don't like to owe others things.
14:25I said I would pay.
14:26I will.
14:27All the shops around here
14:28are the smallest for you.
14:30I'll give it to you now.
14:31Don't say I'm taking advantage of you.
14:39Are you crazy?
14:40Don't break it if you don't want it.
14:44You don't want a bowl, do you?
14:45I'll pay for it.
14:46How much do you want?
14:47I'll go to the bank and get it for you.
14:50Wait a minute.
14:51I can pay by WeChat.
14:53Don't say a word.
14:55At least give me a reply.
15:02Open the door.
15:05I'll choke you to death if you say a word.
15:10Come down.
15:12Open the door.
15:21I'll give you the money.
15:22You go to get the same one.
15:27I'll call the police.
15:29I'll fight with you today.
15:31It's just a bowl.
15:32I'll pay for it.
15:33I don't need your money.
15:34I'll pay you the same one.
15:38The latest situation is
15:40she must find the same bowl.
15:43she returned all the bowls.
15:45I'm so scared.
15:46That's good.
15:47I don't have to see how much she has.
15:50Wrap this up for me.
15:56But she bought the most expensive bowl.
15:58Can she be more cunning?
16:02I'll talk to the boy upstairs when I have time.
16:04How old are you?
16:05How can you play such a game?
16:10I'm sorry.
16:19It can't be.
16:56Are you looking for me?
17:01What are you looking for?
17:02I'm looking for...
17:04I'm looking for the book.
17:05Why didn't I find it?
17:06It's here.
17:07It's here.
17:10Where is the female version of this book?
17:11Do you want me to turn it for you?
17:14No, thanks.
17:15I'll just take a look.
17:18You are also from the Department of Arts.
17:20Why haven't I seen you before?
17:23You won't show up
17:24only when you hand in your homework and take the exam, right?
17:29Won't the director and the professor bother you?
17:31Who are the director and the professor?
17:35Why are you so stubborn?
17:38Maybe it's because I draw well.
17:43It's okay to say it in front of me.
17:44Don't say it out.
17:45Don't be beaten.
17:47What book are you looking for?
17:48I'll help you find it.
17:49A Japanese book.
17:51What about the title?
17:52If you understand that trouble and confusion are the characteristics of young people,
17:55you don't have to worry.
17:56Because everyone grows up like this.
17:59I used to be a genius of trouble and confusion.
18:01If you realize that there is no growth in a place where there is no trouble and confusion,
18:05then you can do anything as long as you like to work.
18:08Go find it.
18:10This is the title of the book.
18:12It's too long.
18:13What kind of book can this guy read?
18:17The author is an artist.
18:19The author of the book.
18:24Then you...
18:26You heard it wrong.
18:27Wait for me.
18:29I'm really sorry about last night.
18:32My roommate didn't mean it.
18:34Although the development after that was a bit strange,
18:36but he really wanted to compensate.
18:39So, please forgive him.
18:47Are you okay?
18:52Is he okay?
18:54Why does he walk like a corpse?
19:05Are the materials ready?
19:07Not yet.
19:09Why do you have my phone number?
19:11Director, professor, bar, hospital.
19:14Where can't I get your phone number?
19:17Where are you now?
19:19I'm still in the library.
19:22It's so late.
19:24it's the teacher,
19:25not the chairman.
19:29Come to the bar directly at night.
19:31Remember to bring a computer.
19:33Monitor homework.
19:36Mr. Wei.
19:37Are you too invested?
19:40Start at nine o'clock at night.
19:41Don't be late.
19:56New design.
19:58I asked the design department to make it again.
19:59Combined with the most popular style at present.
20:03At least it's in line with the public's taste.
20:05But it's still rubbish.
20:07Although the design of the horse is based on the classic style,
20:10the main audience is young people.
20:12We want to recommend some new artists
20:14who are popular in the overseas media.
20:17The first one
20:18should be the most popular visual artist at present,
20:20Xun Ran.
20:23Xun Ran?
20:25I know.
20:27Fashion magazine
20:28selects her as the most popular
20:30fashion new artist now.
20:32Her works are bold and gorgeous,
20:34and unique.
20:36I heard that some time ago,
20:37she also shot the highest price of single artwork overseas.
20:40Even Sino Group
20:41wants to take her in.
20:43She has a promising future.
20:46she hasn't announced her name in the media yet.
20:50And she never participates in business activities.
20:52How do you contact her?
20:54According to the latest news,
20:55Mr. He has obtained Xun Ran's
20:57domestic economic rights.
20:59Chairman, don't you know that?
21:01I thought your relationship with Mr. He
21:02might be...
21:06If Mr. He can get her contract,
21:08we can cut off
21:09half of Yun Ma's sales
21:10in the new season.
21:12Go to the marketing department
21:13and the planning department for a meeting.
21:15Get a specific cooperation plan.
21:25Why are there so many
21:26men's products on the bill recently?
21:29It's not buying a baby,
21:30but raising a cat.
21:32Madam, she...
21:34You don't have to say it.
21:35I know her temper.
21:38She has always been
21:39fond of wild cats.
21:40She is closer to them than anyone else.
21:43She hasn't even said hello
21:44after coming back for so long.
21:46I got the news
21:47from someone else.
21:49I'll check it right away.
21:51Madam has always been capricious.
21:53Don't be angry.
21:57Can I be angry with her?
22:01It's really unpleasant.
22:03Cancel the meeting in the afternoon.
22:04I'm going out for a breath.
22:09Hey, you...
22:11Stop right there!
22:14I know I'm no different
22:15from the trash in this corridor.
22:17You don't have to accept my apology.
22:18You don't have to make things difficult for me.
22:21I always win.
22:22If I say I'll pay, I'll pay.
22:24Don't go.
22:27The 107th.
22:32This is the best I can give you.
22:34I argued with my boyfriend
22:35because of it.
22:36Now, I'm giving it to you.
22:37You can do whatever you want with it.
22:39I'll take it as a revenge for you.
22:42You don't have to pay.
22:43I'll pay for it.
22:46What about the police?
22:48I didn't call the police.
22:52I knew it.
22:53You're such a troublemaker.
22:58I'm sorry.
22:59I'm sorry.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I'm sorry.
23:09I'm sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:26I'm sorry.
23:35I thought we agreed to meet at 9.
23:36I'm ahead. Do you have a problem with that?
23:39But I just paid an hour to sing for the broadcast fee.
23:42Then sing. What are you talking about?
23:45We are different.
23:46Although we experience different things.
23:49I'm going to sing.
23:52I'm going to sing.
23:53I'm going to sing.
24:07I'm going to sing.
24:12The time is up.
24:13Just right.
24:37The creator's work is recognized.
24:40What's the theme?
24:42I asked you to do the art management brand painting and value painting before.
24:46That theme is too free.
24:48I can't do it at all.
24:50Who gave you the courage to change the theme I gave you?
24:53You asked me to do the information to help me pass the exam.
24:56But the exam is not a professional management thinking.
24:59Then why did you ask me to do the information?
25:02The brain can turn around.
25:05Then tell me.
25:06What kind of work is a good work?
25:08The first thing the painter expresses is the creator's own thoughts.
25:12This creator is of course the best work.
25:15When the third person appreciates it, he will naturally feel it.
25:18When the person I like in this painting appears, I will naturally buy it.
25:23In this way, this creator is the best work.
25:26For others, it is also the best work.
25:31This sentence does not seem to be what you will say.
25:33Which book did you copy?
25:35This is what the famous painter manager in Japan said.
25:38He is the famous person who promoted Cun Shaolong and Nailiang Meizhi to the world.
25:45How many Cun Shaolong and Nailiang Meizhi are there in this world?
25:48There are also a few managers who can wait until the day they become popular.
25:51Before that, the painter was long dead.
25:54Painting is business.
25:55It's even harder than selling fish.
25:58Because people will die if they don't eat.
26:00If you don't look at the painting, you will die.
26:02If you don't look at the painting, you will die.
26:04And 99% of the people in this world are vulgar.
26:07If you want to find a resonance with others through your own preferences,
26:10why don't you catch most people's hearts at the beginning?
26:14Popularity is the way.
26:16Art is even more so.
26:28You also like Xun Ran?
26:30Five years old fan.
26:31The kind of brain.
26:35What does he deserve to be liked?
26:37A person whose name and identity are all fake.
26:39What is there to be liked?
26:40But at least he is honest with himself.
26:43His painting is himself.
26:44He is himself.
26:46Naive and naive.
26:50Clear and transparent.
26:53Crazy and rigorous.
26:55It's just a combination of children and adults.
27:00And the devil.
27:04Anyway, that's what I feel from his paintings.
27:11The painting on the right is today.
27:15The painting on the left is home.
27:20What? Are you crazy?
27:22I can't believe it's your point.
27:25Speak Chinese.
27:27It's just a mess.
27:29No point. No subject.
27:33Who said no point?
27:35The theme of this painting is the urine bed.
27:42Ning Fei.
27:43I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom just now.
27:46But I didn't have time.
27:48I've been holding it in.
27:49So look at the shape of his painting.
27:52Is there a thousand miles of momentum?
27:55But after he came back.
27:57The pants changed.
28:00That must be the middle of the way.
28:02You want the pants to come up.
28:04The most hateful teacher.
28:07Have you seen him?
28:08Of course not.
28:11You really should go to see the elephant.
28:13See what?
28:18What are you doing?
28:28I want you to help me look at the face.
28:31But aren't we here to do a PPT?
28:35How did it become a face?
28:39The game is over.
28:43Let's get back to work.
28:53The purpose of the investment is to buy art works.
28:57The ultimate goal is to be able to sell it in the second-hand market.
29:09The ultimate goal is to be able to sell it in the second-hand market.
29:12Buy works of art that have a more stable value.
29:17And the more famous the artist is.
29:19The more stable the market is.
29:28In short.
29:29It's a brand art.
29:32The more recognizable artwork.
29:35The easier it is to be recognized by the public.
29:40Don't do it.
29:43Otherwise, I won't watch the whole PPT.
29:47Are you two done?
30:02Why can't you go through the net again?
30:04I may have seen too much in the past two days.
30:07I'm numb.
30:09Why am I so bad today?
30:11It's clear that the matter has been resolved.
30:12I'm still so upset.
30:14Calm down.
30:15He won't let you lose.
30:16What are you struggling for?
30:17Then I'm not reconciled.
30:19I sincerely apologized to him.
30:21He didn't even look at me.
30:23What did I do to hurt you?
30:25Isn't this just a bowl?
30:26It's broken.
30:27Is it necessary?
30:28Grandma wants me to restore it.
30:33Why didn't I remember?
30:34Since we can't find a replacement.
30:36It's better to restore them.
30:41Big sister.
30:42What age is it now?
30:43Who is still repairing the bowl?
30:45The broken mirror can be restored.
30:47Have you forgotten that I repair pottery?
30:49Anyway, I am also a craftsman.
30:50This can't be difficult for me.
30:53I'm afraid that I can't recover.
30:56Just like the money I spent today.
31:10What's going on?
31:11It seems to have spilled from upstairs.
31:13What should we do?
31:14Let's go.
31:15Wait for me.
31:24Is anyone here?
31:25Your water is leaking downstairs.
31:32Is there no one at home?
31:34It's impossible.
31:35I saw him coming back.
31:37And I didn't hear
31:38he went out.
31:40It's a little strange.
31:44Where are you going?
31:45Wait for me.
31:55Wait, wait, wait.
31:57What are you doing?
31:58I'm worried.
32:00Go up and have a look.
32:01His temper is so bad.
32:02He just broke the bowl.
32:03And he made a fuss with me.
32:04You go up so suddenly.
32:05Aren't you afraid that he will...
32:07If he is fine,
32:09he will scold me.
32:11If something really happened to him,
32:13if we help him,
32:14we can solve the problem of the broken bowl.
32:16Don't worry.
32:17Wait for me at the door.
32:18I'll open the door for you as soon as I get in.
32:20Be careful.
32:21Don't worry.
32:23Are you crazy?
32:32Are you crazy?
32:38How is it?
32:39Did you get in?
32:44Oh my god.
32:45Why is there so much water?
32:46What's going on?
32:56What if he is taking a bath inside?
32:58If you go in,
32:59you will see what you shouldn't see.
33:00I don't care.
33:03Oh my god.
33:04Why is there so much water?
33:06Did he commit suicide?
33:08Why did he commit suicide?
33:10Call the ambulance.
33:11Call the ambulance.
33:12Call the ambulance.
33:14Wait for what?
33:15If we don't save him, he will die.
33:17Did you hear anything?
33:19I don't care what it is.
33:20If we don't save him, he will die.
33:22Call the ambulance.
33:23Call the ambulance.
33:24What am I going to do?
33:25What if I become a suspect?
33:27Don't worry.
33:28You are fine.
33:33Oh my god.
33:41This is...
33:48Thank god.
33:49Thank god you are fine.
33:52Come over and smell it.
33:53I don't want to be so bloody.
33:54I don't want to go over there.
33:56Whose blood smells like fuel?
33:58Come over and smell it.
33:59It's fine.
34:02It's fine.
34:08Is it fuel?
34:09No way.
34:15It still smells.
34:33It's fine.
34:36There's no big problem.
34:37It's probably a malnutrition
34:38that caused a sudden coma.
34:40If a patient with myocardial infarction
34:41has been fasting for a long time,
34:42it's easy for this to happen.
34:44Has been fasting for a long time?
34:46But there is another reason for the coma.
34:49It's the head trauma.
34:50It should be
34:51where he accidentally hit when he was in a coma.
34:53Yes, yes.
34:54He accidentally hit himself.
34:56Is it serious?
34:58It's not too serious.
34:59He can wake up tomorrow.
35:02before he wakes up,
35:04who can go to the hospital
35:05for the procedures?
35:08I'll go.
35:12I still have a conscience.
35:15Remember to call me.
35:32I'll go.
35:33I'll go.
36:00He said he drew well.
36:02It looks like he's not bragging.
36:06By the way,
36:07why does this style
36:08look so much like Xun Ran?
36:11Could it be that he is Xun Ran?
36:15How is that possible?
36:17How old is he?
36:19I guess he's a fan of Xun Ran
36:20like me.
36:24This style
36:26is considered high-end.
36:33Xun Ran
36:59Mr. Dong
37:00Xun Ran
37:02Ning Fei's whereabouts have been found.
37:05He moved back to China two weeks ago.
37:07Under the arrangement of his wife,
37:09he studied in the Department of Fine Arts
37:10as a student
37:13and lived in the warehouse studio
37:14used by his father when he was alive.
37:17I just got the news
37:19that Ning Fei was sent to
37:21Ninghai People's Hospital
37:22because of a sudden coma.
37:24His wife received the notice
37:26and is on her way to the hospital.
37:30Ning Fei
37:37Hello, Dr. Wang
37:38This is He Yun.
37:39Yes, I'm back in China.
37:41That's good.
37:43Dr. Wang
37:44Could you please
37:45arrange a VIP ward for me?
37:46I need to arrange a patient.
37:50Okay. Thank you.
37:51Okay. Bye.
38:00Hello, is this Ms. Ning?
38:03Could you please tell me
38:04which ward is Ning Fei in?
38:07The environment here is too messy.
38:08I need to arrange for her to be transferred.
38:10Please wait a moment.
38:11What is the number of this ward?
38:15Okay, I see.
38:24Xiaofei, wake up.
38:25It's me, Xiaofei.
38:30Wake up.
38:31Let's go to the ward.
38:37Isn't this the one
38:38who took care of the little man?
38:42How long has he been like this?
38:44When will he wake up?
38:47Don't you have any measures?
38:49Just let him lie down like this?
38:51He won't wake up so soon.
38:55Who are you?
38:56I'm his neighbor.
38:57I brought him to the hospital.
38:59Ms. Ning
39:01I'm sorry.
39:02I'm sorry.
39:03It's okay.
39:04I'm He.
39:05I'm Xiaofei's guardian.
39:09It's okay.
39:10Thank you for saving Xiaofei.
39:12It's okay.
39:13This child is so important to me.
39:17If anything happens to him,
39:19I'm really...
39:21That's too much.
39:23Except for the face,
39:24I can't see what's good about this little white face.
39:28You're welcome.
39:29We're just doing what we should do.
39:31We also accidentally found him passing out.
39:34If we had known earlier that he was fasting,
39:36we might not have done this.
39:41We don't know either.
39:42The doctor said that with his weakness,
39:44he hasn't eaten for at least three days.
39:46As for what happened three days ago,
39:48I don't know.
39:52Don't go that way.
40:00It's just a bowl.
40:01Do you have to react so strongly?
40:03It doesn't seem to be right.
40:05This bowl seems to be particularly important.
40:16Lawyer He.
40:17I have something to ask you.
40:37You're back.
40:40His guardian is here.
40:41I changed the hospital and found a caretaker.
40:44I have nothing to do.
40:46But your tone doesn't seem to be okay.
40:50Zhou Shi.
40:51I really made a fatal mistake this time.
40:55What's wrong?
40:58The boy upstairs.
40:59I thought he was really sick because of this bowl.
41:04I didn't expect it to be true.
41:06What's the disease?
41:09Have you heard of it?
41:12It's a disease that only CEOs in TV dramas get.
41:16It looks cute.
41:17But it's not like that at all.
41:19I remember I read a news article before.
41:21It said that a child
41:22broke the cup he had been drinking since he was a child.
41:25He stopped drinking water from then on.
41:27I thought it was still fake.
41:29I didn't expect there was such a disease in the world.
41:34Miss Lin.
41:35It's not all your fault.
41:38It's also Xiaofei's attachment to the relics left by his family.
41:42Is that bowl a relic?
41:47The Ning family and the Wei family are sworn brothers.
41:50Xiaofei's father was a pottery master.
41:54This bowl is a peace bowl he made for Xiaofei.
41:58It was supposed to be a pair.
42:01Now there's one in Xiaofei's hand.
42:04The other one is out there.
42:07He has always kept it very preciously.
42:36I miss you every day.
42:42The hot weather is impatient.
42:45The mood is like rain.
42:49I miss you all the time.
42:56The us I long for
42:59turns out to be just you.
43:03The us I long for
43:06turns out to be just me.
43:10The us I long for
43:13if you didn't
43:16tell me so firmly.
43:24I believe your unobtrusive fringe
43:30doesn't follow my temper.
43:33Instead, it's like you.
43:41The hot weather is impatient.
43:44The mood is like rain.
43:48I miss you all the time.
43:55The us I long for
43:58turns out to be just you.
44:03The us I long for
44:06turns out to be just me.
44:10The us I long for
44:13if you didn't
44:16tell me so firmly.
44:24I believe you.
44:28I believe you.