Sahih Bukhari Hadees No. 557 558 560 567 | Hadees Nabvi in Urdu | Shan E Quran world

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00:00There is a narration from Abdullah bin Umar that he heard from Rasool-e-Kareem Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam
00:09He used to say that in comparison to the Ummah before you, your life is only as much as the time it takes for the sun to set from Asr
00:20The Torah was given to the people of the Torah, and they practiced it from morning till night.
00:27Then they became weak and could not complete the work.
00:31In return for their practice, they were given one Qirat, which is said to be the fourth to sixth part of the Dinar.
00:38And according to some people, it was the twentieth part of the Dinar.
00:43Then the Bible was given to the people of the Bible.
00:46They practiced it from midday till Asr, and they also became weak.
00:52They were also given one Qirat in return for their practice.
00:57Then at the time of Asr, we received the Quran.
01:00We practiced it until the sun set, and completed the work.
01:05We received two Qirat of reward.
01:08Upon this, these two people of the Bible said,
01:11O our Lord, you have given them two Qirat, and we have only one Qirat.
01:18Although we have done more than them.
01:21Allah Azzawajal said,
01:23So have I wronged you in giving reward?
01:27They said, No.
01:29Allah Almighty said,
01:31Then it is my grace to give more reward.
01:34I can give whatever I want.
01:37Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 557
01:43It is narrated from Abu Musa Ashari Abdullah bin Qais, may Allah be pleased with him.
01:49He said to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:52You said that the example of the Muslims and the Jews and the Christians
01:57is such a person who told some people to work day and night.
02:04They worked for half a day.
02:06Then they said that we do not need your reward.
02:10They were the Jews.
02:12Then that person called other laborers
02:14and said to them that the remaining part of the day is left.
02:18That is half a day.
02:20Complete it.
02:21According to the condition, you will get the labor.
02:24They also started working.
02:26But in the end, they also said,
02:29They were the Christians.
02:31So this third group, who are the people of Islam,
02:35took the full labor of the first two groups.
02:38Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 558
02:45Abu Burda narrated from Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari, may Allah be pleased with him.
02:51He said that I with my companions
02:55who came with me in the boat from Abyssinia
02:58and set up in Bathan.
03:00At that time, the Prophet used to come to Medina.
03:05One of us used to come to the Prophet's service
03:10every day in Isha prayer.
03:15Coincidentally, I and one of my companions
03:18once came to the Prophet's service.
03:21He was busy with some work.
03:24He and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him,
03:29were talking in a mutual matter.
03:31Because of this, he got late in the prayer.
03:34And almost half a night passed.
03:37Then the Prophet came and led the prayer.
03:42After completing the prayer, he said to the audience,
03:45Sit in your place with dignity.
03:49And listen to a good news.
03:51There is no other person in the world
03:55who prays at this time.
03:57Or he said that
03:59no other Ummah had prayed at this time.
04:03I am not sure which of these two sentences
04:06he said.
04:08Then the narrator said that
04:09Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him, said,
04:12We returned very happy
04:15after hearing this from the Prophet.
04:18Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 567
04:48Had the sun been clear and bright,
04:50he would have led the Asr prayer.
04:52He would have led the Maghrib prayer as soon as it came.
04:55And he would have led the Isha prayer early or late.
04:59When he saw that people had gathered,
05:01he would have led the prayer early.
05:03And if people had not gathered early,
05:05he would have delayed the prayer.
05:07And he would have waited for the people.
05:09And he would have led the prayer of peace,
05:11may Allah be pleased with him.
05:13Or he said that
05:14the Prophet used to pray in the dark.
05:17Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 560
