‍♀️ Day 10: Gut Reset Meditation ‍♀️

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Welcome to Day 10 of our Gut Reset Phase! Today's meditation focuses on enhancing mindfulness and promoting healing energy throughout your body. This session is designed to deepen your awareness and support your gut’s healing process, fostering a holistic sense of well-being. Let’s step into today’s practice with mindfulness and intention!

**What to Expect:**
- Guided meditation to enhance mindfulness and healing
- Techniques to cultivate positive energy for gut health
- Breathing exercises to deepen relaxation and awareness ️

- Continued support for gut healing and digestion
- Heightened mindfulness and emotional balance
- A renewed sense of peace and well-being

Allow yourself to fully embrace the healing energy of this meditation, supporting both your mind and gut in this journey.

**Reminder:** Stay committed to your practice. Every meditation session brings you closer to your health goals.

**Subscribe for daily updates and continue your gut health journey with us!**

#GutHealth #Meditation #WellnessJourney #Mindfulness #StressRelief #HealthyLiving #DetoxProgram #AarogyaWave


00:00So let's get started with today's meditation and if everybody has joined it, I'll just
00:12write it in the chat about the experiment which I talked about yesterday that how atom
00:20or a proton, how it changes behavior the moment it knows that it's being watched.
00:28So I'll just write it down.
00:46So you can search for this on YouTube or Google, you'll find a lot of material on this and
00:56how it works and how it feels.
01:06So let's get started with today's session.
01:10So because I've been talking so much about the, you know, good vibes and good energies
01:15and high vibrational energies.
01:18So today I wanted to talk a little about what is high vibration and what all you can do
01:25to increase your vibration.
01:28What are actually the qualities of the people who are into high vibration like, you know,
01:34there are people whose energies are, you know, something like infectious and you want to
01:41be around those people and that there are people you want to avoid and you feel that
01:45they drain you out of your energies, right?
01:48So what are the possible, you know, traits of high vibrational people or high vibration
01:56energies where you want to stay?
01:59Any guesses?
02:00You can just write it in the chat that what should be the traits of people who have high
02:04vibration and what you think should a high vibrational trait be?
02:11How it impacts your behavior?
02:13So what exactly should it be to vibrate at a higher level to, you know, attitude should
02:22be right, uplifting, yes, any more?
02:34Spiritual base.
02:36So I will talk about it's, you know, a lot of people take spirituality, no gossip, smiling,
02:44optimistic, concentration, calm.
03:01So, the first trait of vibrating at a high level, which is actually the most difficult
03:10trait of all, because this is so human to do it.
03:14And I think we all inner peace.
03:17Wow, that's a huge, that's a huge job.
03:23So, the first thing, which, you know, I want to talk about and you know, I think, which
03:28all of us resort to generally, but yes, there are times we resort to and we, we do not understand
03:36that trait.
03:37And then we think, Oh, really?
03:38Oh, really?
03:41You know, we want to talk about that trait.
03:43So the first thing is acceptance.
03:44When you are all those people who accept their circumstances, number one is, they're not
03:54So the thing which actually kills your energy or kills your vibration is complaint.
04:01When you are complaining, you complain when you do not take the responsibility.
04:06So you hold somebody else responsible for what is happening.
04:10So you lose your power.
04:14It's not that you are complaining.
04:16So complaining is bad.
04:18You get, Oh, it, you know, a gauji mood, mood upsets, negative.
04:25But as soon as you complain, what do you think?
04:28As soon as you complain, you make yourself helpless and you give somebody else the power.
04:36That I did this and it happened because of it.
04:40And this thing is not right.
04:42I'm just complaining about what is happening to me.
04:45I'm not accepting what is happening to me.
04:47This is not right.
04:48I shouldn't be here.
04:49You know, so you don't accept your now.
04:53You don't accept the energy of the present moment.
04:56You don't accept that flow.
04:58You fight that energy.
05:01And you keep fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting.
05:04The more you fight, the more energy you take.
05:07The more you dissipate your energy.
05:10The more you go to the level of low vibration.
05:13So the first thing is get over with the complaining attitude.
05:19Start to find ways to accept what is happening.
05:23Do all that you can do to change it.
05:27Create something which you want.
05:29But there are some things which might not change also, you know.
05:33But then accept them heartedly.
05:35Like with a good heart, you just have to accept them.
05:38So number one, most important thing which we all need to check on is the complaining attitude.
05:46And that complaint can be as simple as the weight.
05:49You must have seen people talking about their body.
05:53Something like, I even feel the breeze.
05:56And I can do anything.
05:57There is no difference in my body.
05:59You have seen people talking like that.
06:01They justify themselves with their own words and gossip about themselves.
06:12So you are actually telling yourself that no matter what you do, you will not change.
06:16And this body will stay just the way you are.
06:19So what can be worse than this?
06:22You are becoming the biggest demoting factor for yourself.
06:27When you tell this to yourself, whether anyone else hears it or not, you are the one who hears it the most.
06:33So imagine saying this to yourself.
06:36That you are not going to change.
06:38No matter how hard you work, this is here.
06:41What is the use of such an attitude?
06:46So please watch yourself when you do this to yourself.
06:49And right now, we are not even talking about doing this to anyone else.
06:52We are just talking about how we behave with ourselves.
06:56So number one is this self-complaining attitude.
07:00Non-accepting attitude.
07:02Fighting with the nature attitude.
07:05Fighting with the universal laws attitude.
07:08Complaining the whole day and then thinking that you should get some good vibes from somewhere.
07:13If you are complaining the whole day, then where will you get the right energy from?
07:18Whatever you are giving out is what you are cutting in.
07:22Send in the right energy, you will get the right energy.
07:26But sending in a long complaining attitude and then waiting for the right energies to come to you is not happening.
07:36Even if right here for 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes, you do the right meditation.
07:42You try to stay focused on the present.
07:45Progressive thoughts, positive thoughts.
07:48And right after those 30 minutes, you go back to your original pattern of thinking.
07:53I did meditation, it didn't make any difference.
07:56I was like this the whole day.
07:57I was negative the whole day.
07:58Nothing good was happening.
07:59I was even doing journaling.
08:01See, please come out of this way of thinking.
08:05And start to watch what you are thinking every second.
08:10Let me tell you something very important.
08:12The universe doesn't know what is right or wrong.
08:16Whatever you believe in, that is the truth for you.
08:20And that is the truth for the universe from your side.
08:24If you believe something to be true and say it again and again for the whole day,
08:31then that is the truth for the universe and it says Amen.
08:37So don't do this to yourself.
08:40If you are thinking that you don't want that thing and you want to do something different from that thing,
08:47then please do what you have to do to become that different person.
08:53Do whatever action plan you want.
09:00Think whatever kind of thought you want.
09:05And if you become that person,
09:09then behave the way that person behaves and you are there.
09:15Do not fall back to your old patterns because then you will become what you were.
09:22If you have to reach from here to here,
09:29that's it.
09:31If you want to change your reality today,
09:34then change the way you think about your reality today.
09:38That's why I never talked about right or wrong.
09:43Because there is no such thing as right or wrong.
09:47This is just our own perspective.
09:49The way we see, we see.
09:51The way someone else sees, they see something else.
09:54Both of us are right.
09:57So judgment itself is a sound way of complaining.
10:03So today we will meditate only on the fact that we will not complain.
10:11Come what may, you will not complain.
10:14If you have to complain about anything,
10:17then put up that thing in a positive way.
10:21I understand dealing with the kids and very elderly people in the family gets very difficult.
10:28So we do something or the other in the day.
10:31If we deal with the patterns of our age group,
10:36then we complain about something or the other.
10:39It could be about our kids or it could be about elderly,
10:42but watch it.
10:48If you feel that your kid is not sitting for a very long time to study,
10:52instead of saying it in a complaining mode like
10:59Try to figure it out to say in some positive frame of mind.
11:04For your good, for the good of the child
11:08and for the good of creating a positive energy around.
11:11I am giving the example of just two things,
11:13kids and elderly because I guess it applies to everyone.
11:17But it could be for anything else.
11:21The things that come in our daily life,
11:25we are molding them in some way or the other with our complaining attitude.
11:32We can mold them with our positive attitude,
11:35positive functioning in some way or the other.
11:41The way you talk,
11:45that's why it's called spell, spelling.
11:49You spell it, when you write it, when you speak it,
11:53you're spelling, you're causing a spell.
11:55That's why I say journaling.
11:57You remember when we started meditation,
12:00I said that every day,
12:02even if it's not a long time,
12:04whatever you learn for 5 minutes,
12:06journal it because it's somewhere.
12:08It hardens it inside your supraconscious, subconscious.
12:13Somewhere it does that.
12:15So that's why journaling is so important.
12:20So to move on that track of a high vibration
12:25and becoming a better person for yourself.
12:29The first thing we have to do is
12:31we are moving away from the complaining attitude.
12:37Even if it is for once in a day.
12:42The moment you do it,
12:44just bombard it with 100 positive things.
12:48I know it's not possible that you don't say it even once in a day.
12:52I started by saying it that
12:54we all do this and do it once or twice a day.
12:58Wherever you feel you have done it,
13:00consciously correct it.
13:02This was an experiment
13:04in which you are sitting with a very clean glass of water.
13:08It is crystal clear water.
13:10Very beautiful.
13:12In it, the soil fell,
13:14half the storm came,
13:16and the water became muddy.
13:18It's all muddy.
13:20Water is absolutely mud
13:22and you cannot see through anything.
13:24Now let that water fall.
13:27Without breaking that vessel,
13:29you see that water.
13:31How can you make it crystal clear again?
13:43What I just said was a hint.
13:51Yes, you said it.
13:53Suresh Ji, pour a lot of good water.
13:57If you pour a lot of positive water on that vessel,
14:01white clean water,
14:03then slowly slowly
14:05that clean water will fill up
14:07and the muddy water will come out.
14:09After a while,
14:11again that water will be clear.
14:13So, there is no end to anything.
14:15Don't think that
14:17I have spent so much time in life
14:19and now what?
14:21There is nothing like that.
14:23For that matter, we really don't know
14:26what is going on in the universe.
14:28Is it a simulation?
14:30Is it a parallel universe?
14:32Is it heaven?
14:34Is it somewhere else?
14:36And the timelines we are giving
14:38is just a timeline we are giving to ourselves
14:40thinking of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years
14:42as a divide.
14:44You never know.
14:46It's like a never-ending process.
14:48We as a form of energy
14:50may live forever,
14:52always and always.
14:55There is no point.
14:57Whenever you want to change,
14:59do it.
15:01And that change will last forever.
15:03And it starts from the day
15:05you decide it.
15:09So, this is the strong point
15:11I wanted from today
15:13that through story,
15:15through affirmation,
15:17through talks,
15:19all this should go in your mind
15:21and next time when you feel
15:23your vessel is so beautiful
15:25that God has given to you,
15:27crystal clear,
15:29if there is any mud in it,
15:31quickly put 10 buckets of
15:33clear water and clean it again.
15:37But do it then and there.
15:39Do not make it muddy.
15:41Keep it nice and clear.
15:43So, let's get started.
15:45Just sit nice and tall.
15:47Make sure you close your eyes.
15:49I will also share the music.
15:53Let's do guided meditation.
16:09Keep your eyes
16:11slightly closed.
16:13If you want to keep your eyes
16:15open for a while,
16:17you can.
16:19Take a
16:21nice deep inhale.
17:13Slowly, right from the crown chakra.
17:42Relax each and every organ, body part, muscle of your body.
17:51Right from the top, leave it slowly.
18:15Forehead, release the area around your forehead, jawline, smile a little, release the area
18:41around your jawline, neck, shoulders, roll your shoulders back, release the area around
19:07your shoulders, you're not able to feel it, it's as light as air, just a wave, just the
19:31Sit bones, just the way you're sitting, do your legs, thighs, quad muscles, hamstrings,
19:59lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower
20:20back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower back, lower
20:51just concentrate on your root chakra, right at your excretion organs.
21:05Root chakra pe ek intention, ek affirmation, ek thought ko drop karenge that you are letting
21:19go of all the complaints you ever had against anyone or anything that happened.
21:29Aap apne aapko free kar rahe hain unn sabhi thoughts se, unn sabhi complaints se, unn
21:43sabhi grudges se jo aap sochte hain aapke khilaf hain, aapke against hain, aapki khushi
21:53ke liye nahi hain aur aap unn sab ko fully accept karte hain just as a part of you, just
22:03as much they are a part of you.
22:07Is affirmation ko, is vibe ko apne andar internalize karte hain.
22:20Free karte hain apne aapko har kisi judgement se, har kisi complaints se, consider yourself
22:30as the most powerful creator, release right now all the energies from your root chakras
22:46which you think are not working for you, wo sabhi energies jo aapko lag rahi hain aapki
22:55khushi ke liye, aapke happiness ke liye, aapke accepted moment ke liye nahi bani hain usko
23:04jaane deechi aur unko jaane ke baag fir dekhiye itna sundar hain ye jeevan, itni sundar hain
23:15ye free energies jo aapke aas paas hain, har moment ko, har thought ko fully accept keejiye,
23:25aapko us thought pe delve nahi karna hain, us thought ko bahut zyada chintan bhi nahi
23:32karna hain, hawa ki tarah usko bhi jaane deechi, lekin acceptance ke saath.
23:43Fir is lightness of energy ko enjoy kuch, ye jo aap apne aas paas create kar rahe hain,
23:52with that acceptance, acceptance of who you truly are, acceptance of all that you are doing,
24:06acceptance of wo sabhi kuch jo aapke saath hua, ya hone wala hai, ya hoga,
24:15tabhi cheezon ko achche se dono haath khol kar accept keejiye aur fir us moment ke saath do kar liye.
26:06Slowly on the mat for a while.
36:51and slowly move
37:13Thank you, thank you so much everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow then. Bye, take care.
