Randy Owen cipta sensasi rangkul 3 Emas & 1 Perak SUKMA 2024

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Nadi Weekend (17/8/24)
00:06The sensation of Sarawak's Tekwando star, Randy Owen Agustin Lingi,
00:10has changed his life for the better
00:12and has won an incentive of RM50,000.
00:16Yes, and Owen is now ready to be promoted as a Sukma athlete in 2024
00:21after winning 3 gold and 1 silver medals.
00:24And Owen has the chance to be the first Tekwando athlete
00:27to be promoted as a Sukma athlete.
00:29Let's continue with our reporter, Karl Nunez.
00:32The official opening ceremony of Sukma Sarawak will be held tonight.
00:37However, the amazing sensation of Sarawak's Tekwando athlete
00:42has begun to take hold.
00:44Personally, I feel that with the achievement of 3 gold and 1 silver medals,
00:50this is the first candidate to be awarded as a Sukma Sarawak athlete
00:54in this edition.
00:55Randy, how do you see the achievement
00:58after winning 3 gold and 1 silver medals?
01:03I feel that being promoted as a Sukma athlete
01:09is a pride for all athletes
01:12and a dream for all athletes who love this sport.
01:16I feel quite happy with the achievement that I have received,
01:20but I am not sure if I will be promoted as a Sukma athlete
01:24because Sukma has just started and there are other challenges
01:30such as sports and swimming.
01:33But I hope I can be promoted as an athlete
01:37because I want to raise the name of Tekwando
01:40and Sarawak's name in Malaysia
01:43so that there are many young people who want to love Tekwando.
01:47I feel that by becoming an athlete,
01:51Tekwando will become more famous
01:54and there will be more young people who want to be involved in this sport.
01:58Making this sport more famous in Malaysia
02:02and many people will know about Tekwando.
02:05In conclusion, I hope that with 3 gold and 1 silver medals,
02:09I can help Sarawak to become the overall champion for this Sukma 2024.
02:15That's it.
02:16In other words, from an extraordinary athlete,
02:18the future of Tekwando will be in your hands.
02:21From Kuching, Sarawak, Nadi Wigan.
02:24Agi hidup, agi ngelaban!
