Post-race interview - Stage 7 - Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift 2024

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00:00Julie, I guess this Combativity Award tastes like a victory for you.
00:06Yeah, but with Justine's victory, I'm so proud of her.
00:11I can't believe that we did it.
00:14You're proud about Justine, but you should be also proud about your amazing work today.
00:18Yeah, I tried to do my best to give everything I had to bring her as close as possible.
00:27First for the points and then in the end also for the win.
00:31So yeah, I gave all.
00:33At the beginning of the stage, the plan was to try to defend the polka dot jersey.
00:37Did you ever think to stage victory?
00:40Yeah, when we got away and the gap was growing and growing, I was thinking, yeah, would we
00:48make it?
00:50But still, yeah, it's six of us against the whole bunch.
00:55That's not easy.
00:57I just started to believe in it when Justine attacked and went away on her own.
01:04Then she had still three minutes, I think, or two and a half.
01:09So then I was counting how much can she lose per kilometer.
01:14And then I thought, yeah, she can do it.
01:16She's super strong.
01:17Congratulations, Julie.
01:19Enjoy it.
