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¿Quieres saber en dónde están? Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos a las sensaciones virales más memorables de años recientes y lo que han estado haciendo recientemente.


00:00It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday
00:05Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español. I am G, and today we will get to know the most memorable viral sensations of recent years and what they have been doing.
00:16Gosh, I was in a Super Bowl commercial opened by Beyoncé, I've been on Jimmy Kimmel, America's Got Talent, Tosh.0
00:23Number 20. Silento.
00:25You already know who it is!
00:28In 2015, this 17-year-old rapper broke into the music scene with his viral single, Watch Me Whip Nay Nay.
00:36The catchy melody and choreography triggered a huge online campaign that helped push it to the third place of the Billboard Hot 100.
00:45But with the same speed with which the rapper jumped to fame, he also disappeared from the public eye, when the popularity of the song decreased.
00:53Unfortunately, the next time he appeared on the headlines was not for a good reason.
00:58In 2021, Silento was arrested and charged with multiple crimes, including murder, related to the death of his cousin.
01:06Since then, he has been in jail, awaiting his trial.
01:10New tonight, an Atlanta rapper who rose to fame with a one-hit wonder is now charged with murdering his cousin.
01:15Number 19. Russell Hoernig, Backpack Kid.
01:19What motivated you and your mom to sue Fortnite?
01:23It is quite difficult to eclipse an artist during his own show, but that is exactly what Russell Hoernig did.
01:30In May 2017, he went on stage with Katy Perry for his single Shrish Shrish and Saturday Night Live, and showed his characteristic dance move, the floss.
01:41This clip launched him to fame on the internet practically overnight and earned him the nickname Backpack Kid.
01:47Hoernig quickly gained a large number of followers on social media and took advantage of his fame to promote his musical career.
01:55In 2018, his mother sued Epic Games for his name, for including the floss in the Fortnite video game, although the lawsuit was later dismissed.
02:04Hoernig currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where he continues to create content for his YouTube channel.
02:10I be flossin' I be flossin'
02:17Number 18. Professor Robert Kelly and his family.
02:21So to mark this moment, guess what Professor Kelly did? He decided he was going to share some pictures of his beautiful family.
02:27Oh my God!
02:28As a father, overcoming the challenges of working from home with children can be quite complicated.
02:33Even before the pandemic, Professor Robert Kelly, an American political analyst residing in South Korea, found himself in this complex situation.
02:42In 2017, he was in a live interview on BBC News when his children carelessly entered his office, before his wife reached them.
02:51The viral moment captivated the hearts of many and attracted millions of views on the internet.
02:57According to all indications, Kelly continues to live and work in South Korea with his family, and has now fully adopted the nickname of BBC's dad.
03:06I've been doing TV for a while and I've never had before, obviously.
03:09Yeah, most of the time she locks the door.
03:11He has also been kind enough to share annual updates about his children.
03:16Number 17. Michael Sanator.
03:18And this year there's one high school senior named Mike Sanator, whose talent show performance is currently owning the internet.
03:25Sometimes the most random things are the ones that can give a complete turn to your life.
03:30For Michael Sanator, a student of the school Audrey Kell, Charlotte, North Carolina, it was the simple fact of throwing a bottle of water.
03:38In 2016, Sanator did it in the talent contest of his school, and the video broke the internet.
03:45Soon everyone tried the feat, including Stephen Colbert, who introduced the boy in his talk show.
03:51Since then, he has given a talk in TEDx, and graduated in business sciences from the University of South Carolina.
03:59It is not clear what he has been doing exactly, since he prefers to keep his social networks private.
04:04All I did was toss a water bottle on the table. What's so special about that? Apparently a lot.
04:10Number 16. Danielle Bregoli, Bad Baby.
04:14Kiss me outside, how about that?
04:17Kiss me outside, how about that?
04:19Kiss you outside, what does that mean?
04:22Have you ever wanted to know how far you can take 15 minutes of fame?
04:27Ask Danielle Bregoli, who became a sensation on the internet in 2016, after appearing on the show Dr. Phil, where she coined her famous slogan.
04:37In addition, she adopted the artistic name of Bad Baby, and released her single This Hose in 2017.
04:44Surprisingly, she reached number 77 on the Billboard Hot 100 list, and became the youngest rapper to debut on this list.
04:52Her next singles were a similar success, which led her to be nominated for the Billboard Awards, along with heavyweights like Nicki Minaj and Cardi B.
05:01In addition, she ventured into reality, opened a profitable account on OnlyFans, and released her own record label, Bad Music.
05:14How exciting is that?
05:16It's so exciting.
05:17Number 15. Alex C. Boehner.
05:19To be successful, you must first know exactly what you want to achieve.
05:25Most of us send job applications with a simple resume and a photograph.
05:31But Alex C. Boehner was not like the majority.
05:34In 2006, while studying in jail, he applied for a summer job at a bank.
05:39Along with the necessary documents, he included something unusual.
05:43A 7-minute video in which he offered advice on success.
05:47Interspersed with images of him lifting weights, skiing, playing tennis, dancing, and even breaking bricks.
05:55It was shared on the internet and ridiculed.
05:57Despite not getting the job he applied for, he graduated from college, got married, and created several companies.
06:04Tragically, he died in 2013, apparently due to a heart attack caused by an overdose of drugs.
06:11Number 14. Judson Lively.
06:14Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for our next keynote speaker, Mr. Judson Lively.
06:18You may not recognize his name, but you surely recognize his moves.
06:22Dressed in a simple orange shirt and cut-cut pants,
06:26Lively summarized a whole century of dance moves in his 6-minute video called Evolution of Dance.
06:33It became an unexpected success and even became the most watched on YouTube.
06:37As a former public speaker, this sudden fame served as a promotion for his business.
06:43Despite his recently found popularity, he remained dedicated to his conferences and published sequels of the original video from time to time.
06:51Nowadays, he mixes comedy with his speeches and always strives to entertain and educate his audience.
06:59I was very fortunate, I got to go on some television shows, got to go on a few different shows,
07:02got to go on Ellen, Good Morning America, I got to go on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
07:05Fantastic, amazing experience.
07:07Number 13. Tori Locklear.
07:09When our first guest posted a hair tutorial video on YouTube, it received more than 12 million views in just 5 days.
07:17It was a simple hairstyle tutorial that went wrong and that the internet never got tired of.
07:22In 2013, 13-year-old Tori Locklear decided to give styling advice to her YouTube audience.
07:29While using a hot straightener, she burned a bunch of hair that came undone and her reaction was priceless.
07:35Locklear's video exploded and gathered millions of views in a short time, largely due to the shame agenda.
07:42However, she gave it her all, as she appeared on Ellen and briefly collaborated with Pantene.
07:48Since then, she has taken her persistent star to TikTok, where she continues to make videos for her more than 200,000 followers.
07:57But it is safe to say that her hair tutorial days were left behind.
08:06Number 12. Mark Allen Hicks.
08:09The guy that did the backflip and knocked himself stupid with the hair.
08:14The double Mark Allen Hicks lived what many would consider a nightmare.
08:19The most embarrassing moment of his career went viral.
08:23It happened during an audition in 2004 for a Nike ad for LeBron James.
08:28When he tried to turn around in front of the camera, he fell on his face.
08:33He tried to recover, but things got worse.
08:36The video went viral without him knowing it, which earned him the nickname of Afro Ninja.
08:41Although he got the role, he was worried about the impact of the video on his career.
08:46Over time, he accepted it and even produced a feature film called Afro Ninja Destiny.
08:52Despite his initial concern, Hicks continues to triumph as a Hollywood double
08:56and has credits in important productions such as Avengers Endgame, Watchmen and The Suicide Squad.
09:06A dog?
09:07What? What kind of dog do you think it is, mate?
09:10Number 11. Candace Payne. The woman with the Chewbacca mask.
09:14And so here's what I got. I'm going to take it out of the box. And I can't wait to show you!
09:19If annual awards were given to the people who win on Facebook,
09:23the woman with the Chewbacca mask would have won it in 2016.
09:27Candace Payne, 37, was recorded in her car laughing at the sound effects of a Chewbacca mask,
09:33which began as a video to share with her Facebook friends.
09:37It became an instant sensation and accumulated more than 140 million views in a matter of days.
09:43This led Payne to appear in several interview programs,
09:47as well as to receive a $400,000 scholarship at a Florida university.
09:52Payne was the presenter of a TLC web series and wrote a book titled Laugh It Up in 2017.
09:59She is currently a motivational speaker and podcast presenter who continues to record videos in her car.
10:12Number 10. Mason Ramsey.
10:18Mason Ramsey broke into the music scene after he was recorded singing Love Sick Blues by Hank Williams
10:24at an Illinois Walmart in March 2018.
10:28This made him famous nationally. In a matter of days, millions of people had seen him,
10:33which rekindled interest in Williams' music and promoted Ramsey's career.
10:38The following month he began recording with Atlantic Records, a label under which he released his debut EP Famous.
10:45In 2019 he released another EP, lent his voice in The Angry Birds Movie 2,
10:50and participated in one of the 653 remixes of Old Town Road, The Lil Nas X.
10:56After taking a four-year break, Ramsey returned with a third EP in 2023,
11:01entitled Falls Into Place, which sums up his development quite well.
11:10Number 9. Sweet Brown.
11:12Kimberly Wilkins, or Sweet Brown as she is better known, coined one of the most iconic phrases in history.
11:19And then the smoke got me, I got bronchitis. Ain't nobody got time for that.
11:24After her apartment complex caught fire in 2012, Brown was interviewed by Oklahoma's KFOR-TV.
11:32She vividly described the incident and ended with the now-famous phrase.
11:36This interview made her a nightly sensation.
11:40She appeared on The View, had a cameo on Tyler Perry's Amantia Christmas,
11:45and starred in some local ads.
11:47But although her life changed drastically, in many ways it remained the same.
11:52Brown seems to have returned to her usual life,
11:55and apparently she still lives in the Oklahoma apartment complex that introduced her.
12:03Number 8. Harry and Charlie Davis Car.
12:06Charlie bit my finger.
12:08Harry and Charlie are the protagonists of the viral phenomenon Charlie Bit My Finger.
12:13Uploaded in May 2007, it spread quickly and became the most viewed video on YouTube,
12:18although it was already surpassed.
12:20Apparently, the family earned £100,000 in advertising revenue
12:25and bought a new house with the money, but they have also maintained their privacy.
12:30The parents of the children have refused to appear in interview programs on numerous occasions.
12:35And in a 2015 CBBC report,
12:38Charlie admitted that he found it a bit strange that the video had become so popular.
12:49In 2021 it was auctioned as an NFT and sold for more than $700,000.
12:55Surely this made Charlie less strange.
12:58So tell us what the auction was like.
13:00Were you guys at home when this happened?
13:01Did you have to go to some sort of a house to do this?
13:03What was that process like?
13:04And $760,000? Seriously?
13:06Number 7. Caitlin Upton.
13:09I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so
13:15because some people out there in our nation don't have maps
13:21and I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa...
13:28Upton, from South Carolina, participated in the Miss Teen USA beauty pageant in 2007.
13:33And like in most of these events, one of the judges asked her a question.
13:37Her incoherent answer quickly went viral and made her the laughingstock of the internet.
13:43But instead of hiding, she decided to take advantage of her moment.
13:46After this situation, Upton started working in ads and the model agency of Donald Trump hired her.
13:52Then she was third in The Amazing Race 16 with her ex-boyfriend, Brandt Horn.
13:57Today, she works as a real estate agent in Brantwood, Los Angeles.
14:01She's married and has two kids.
14:05I love you!
14:06Number 6. Gary Brolzman.
14:16Gary Brolzman went viral before YouTube existed.
14:19His leap to fame was due to a video he posted on the website Newgrounds in December 2004
14:25in which he appeared energetically dancing Dragon's Teeth in Tai from the group Ozone.
14:30In November 2006, the video Numa Numa Dance had more than 700 million views.
14:37Like many others on this list, Brolzman made appearances in interviews,
14:42but it was hard for him to deal with his new fame.
14:45He disappeared from the public eye for some time and reappeared in 2014 with the video Numa Numa 10 Year Reunion.
14:53Today he has his own YouTube channel where he shares original music.
14:57In 2023, he delighted his fans with a new version of the viral video.
15:09Number 5. Ghislaine Raza, Star Wars Kid.
15:14Star Wars Kid is like the precursor of all viral videos.
15:18It's from 2002, and in this one we can see 15-year-old Ghislaine Raza
15:22with a golf ball pick-up as if it were a laser saber with which he makes some senseless movements.
15:28The video went viral and even reached pop culture
15:31as parodies of Arrested Development and American Dad appeared, among other programs.
15:37Raza is one of the most popular artists in the world.
15:41Raza suffered fierce harassment both on the Internet and in person and was forced to leave school.
15:47However, he graduated from McGill University and was president of the patrimonial society Patrimoine Trois-Rivers.
15:55In 2022, he was the subject of a documentary in which he faced one of the first people to upload the video to the Internet.
16:04It was a video that was made by burlesque humor, if you will, which was for myself.
16:10Number 4. Tayson Day, Chocolate Rain Guy.
16:13I stay away from the mic to breathe.
16:15When those nine words appeared on the screen, we all knew we were watching a modern masterpiece.
16:22In April 2007, Tayson Day, whose real name is Adam Nirere Banner, released Chocolate Rain, a strange song about racism.
16:31The combination of his deep voice, the peculiar lyrics and the involuntary comedy of the video turned it into a sensation
16:39and suddenly Tayson Day was appearing in the headlines of the main media and touring the circuit of interview programs.
16:51Nowadays, Tayson Day runs his YouTube channel, does dubbing jobs and appears in several television and movie programs
16:59like The Jack and the Triumph Show.
17:04Number 3. Antoine Dodson.
17:13Dodson became a sensation in July 2010 after an interview on a local news channel
17:19after an intruder broke into his house and tried to sexually assault his sister.
17:25Despite the seriousness of the subject, his extravagant attitude, warnings to neighbors and threats to the aggressor were considered funny.
17:35Dodson made money with a remix of his interview called Bad Intruder Song and took advantage of the merchandise.
17:48He is currently married and has a son.
17:50In 2022, he announced that he was working on his own beer brand called Run and Tell Dat.
17:56Number 2. Rebecca Black.
17:58Rebecca Black needs a presentation.
18:00In case you lived under a rock during the 2010s, she was the famous artist responsible for the viral hit Friday.
18:07Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend, weekend.
18:15The song was incredibly popular, especially because of its very low quality, and the internet quickly ridiculed Black.
18:23Since then, a YouTube channel has been created that includes blogs and covers of popular songs and constantly releases new material.
18:32They'll be trying something new. Falling into you.
18:37He released a follow-up to Friday titled Saturday, which entered the Billboard Hot 100 list and released his EP debut titled Rebel in September 2017.
18:47However, it seems to have been redeemed, since his debut album in 2023, Let Her Burn, was released with mostly positive reviews.
18:57My body out of my head and my ribs are under my chest.
19:01Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
19:04Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
19:11You'll probably like them.
19:13Now, let's go to the end.
19:15Number 1. Cara Cunningham.
19:17Cara Cunningham became a media sensation after publishing the video Leave Britney Alone,
19:24in which she defends Britney Spears' presentation at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2007.
19:30Some loved the passion, others thought it was melodramatic and selfish, since she seemed to be using Spears' problems to become famous.
19:42In any case, she became an internet star overnight.
19:46Since then, she made news again in 2021, after the documentary Framing Britney Spears revived the debates about how the media treated the artist.
19:57That same year, she declared herself transgender and officially changed her name from Pila to Cara.
20:02Have you ever gone viral?
20:04Hung went back, got his MBA in mathematics and signed on as a crime analyst for the LA County Sheriff's Department.
20:11Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of Watch Mojo Español.
