Fboy Island Australia Season 2 Episode 2

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Fboy Island Australia S02E02


00:19Come on gin, this is where you can write your wrongs
00:57Hello Abby
01:00It's me
01:17Say if I can shoot love of money at the end of this I would choose the bag dog and run
01:30Have the full house
01:34Caleb she come here as a nice guy or an f-boy. I'm a good f-boy
01:40But I'm saying it's a game
01:44Come on yo, I'll tell you good. I'll take it steady. I'm dead
01:53I was so irredeemable. I
01:57Wasn't able to leave the island
02:00I've been here a whole year
02:03Help me help me food board even a job. Oh, this is so pitiful
02:14We did say we'd help rehabilitate f-boys, yes
02:23It's so pathetic
02:29Fine Caleb come with me. I've got a job for you Gina you say here
02:33Come on, let's go. Come on, Caleb. I'll help you out. Just try better next time
02:37It's what about a job gonna take what you can get by the job
03:04Last night first elimination where the star I was so nervous. I literally felt so sick. I was I was shaking
03:17No, I was just saying how sick I felt I just yeah
03:20I didn't know what to do all of yesterday was just a really hard just reality hits you
03:25Yeah in one big these men are here to play the game
03:30I'm feeling really conflicted knowing that I wasn't really Joe's first pick at the start
03:36I came in with the attention of
03:42Ali who was in your bottom two Mitch and
03:51And I felt a lot for this guy, but I was literally like it hit me
03:55I was like this could all be a lot. It's gonna be an act. Oh
03:59My god Joe, yeah, I was so hard
04:01I think the way that Joe has treated Ali is terrible
04:05But if she's into him, I'll support her but I do not want a bar from Joe half of them aligned to us
04:12Talking with you guys all the time really help. Yeah, and I think that's when like we work the best
04:19Us girls really need to stick together to weed out these f-boys
04:34For today's first group date
04:36I'm hoping to see some personalities come out of their shells
04:39Seeing how people go and the amount of energy they put into this group date is gonna be able to level us on the spectrum
04:45Of f-boy and nice guy. Oh here they are
05:00There's a lot of topless man I
05:08Want to see the guys get all hot and sweaty I want to see them sandy I
05:13Want to see them get messy and fight over us. It's hot
05:19You boys look really good
05:25As a civilization we have participated in sporting events since ancient Greek times
05:33Competitions full of athletic excellence
05:37feats of strength and
05:40Men trying to prove their masculinity in really dumb ways
05:47In that spirit is my great honor to present to you
05:53The inaugural
06:04Wow, wait, how many of us don't know what BD means
06:12Come on boys
06:15That is so fucking embarrassing
06:19It's a bondage maybe it stands for big dog energy
06:26Baby a boy does mean big big energy Oh
06:35Does BD matter to you?
06:37Absolutely. I think there's like an essence about it, but it can also mean that you're compensating for like, you know downstairs
06:46It's like an aura not a physical trace the thing if you have a small dick it's okay boys
06:55You're on dry
06:59Yeah, I might have a two-inch terror mate, but mate there's some energy in that thing it's like fusion
07:11All right, ladies time to select your teams crystal you have the first pick who you choosing
07:24Yeah, Doug good on you Doug
07:26Had to put Dougie on my team. He's caught my little bit the rig on that boy
07:32You must be joking
07:34I'm gonna pick Jerome
07:40Jerome possesses a lot of confidence and he's a really funny guy and it's kind of cute
07:49Aaron I
07:53Picked Aaron
07:55Because he has got the muscles like wow, this man looks like he's been carved out of stone
08:04My second pick is
08:09It's bits kind of boring
08:13Cut the aerial shot
08:15And back to me. That's the aerial shot now back to me and let's just see who was picked last
08:31Getting picked last is fundamentally small dick energy. So Joey's got some catching up to do
08:54Round one is a chariot race
09:01Each team must find a chariot hidden somewhere in this amphitheater
09:08It's actually just a stretcher buried in sand, but you have to try and find it
09:15You must then carry your team captain on her chariot and race to the finish line and
09:22The losing team can look forward to watching the rest of the games in the bleachers. I
09:28Think out of this group day. I'm just looking for those typical f-boy characteristics
09:33Like who's the most competitive well, I must be there this morning at this high there look it's not natural
09:40He's a bit of a sore loser Oh
09:42Fucking height sand big no-no for me
09:46Who's like determined to win and only win boys? You need to win?
09:51Screens red flag. So my f-boy goggles they are out and they're ready for him on your marks
09:59Get set
10:03Oh, okay, the starting horn has nobody is that's good
10:14What chaos watching these guys dig yeah, it's like they're in the jungle
10:26Some of them are digging their way to the center of the earth looks like Aaron's really taking charge
10:38And there's others like Todd who don't seem to be digging at all
10:44No doubt no doubt
10:51It's like watching some of you try to find the clitoris
10:55That's the part that makes women come
10:58You dig faster baby name's Doug, I'm Doug and I like to dig
11:09Doug is just gonna keep digging until he can't dig no more
11:18Oh my god has Jack hurt himself
11:26My god, they're bleeding I think Jack actually drew blood
11:35We need a medic
11:46Holy shit
12:05The medical emergency was a splinter on my thumb, yeah, it's fine
12:18Going on sand
12:20Chaos, it was medic team were getting called out blood
12:23Cocks everywhere rigs everywhere and I'm thinking
12:28Even the dream
12:34She is running she is running
12:42A blue team, baby. Well, I wasn't on the blue team was I wasn't yellow
12:56And now we're left with red and blue get your girls on the chariot
13:25Really noticed Aaron and Frank's effort today. They really performed and stepped up to the challenge and I was really happy to see it
13:33Good job boys. That was crazy
13:36Sean Jack really stepped up. Yeah, they really took charge and I think who let it behind was God
13:43You just didn't do it for me today
13:50All right guys, it's time for the final round of the VDE games a
13:58Tug of war
14:01This will be really easy for all the nice guys had a lot of practice tugging I suspect
14:09How often do you?
14:12Sometimes twice a day three times. I don't know depends a bull name
14:18Got a lot backed up
14:26These boys owe me the win now
14:29Winners or nothing boys
14:46I'm just hanging on for dear life, but it was so painful
14:52Rope burn ranting. It's kind of like a bad corner
15:03My god
15:06Tugging away and I'm so I'm good at tugging usually and we're there for at least what felt like four hours Oh
15:14Yellows yellows really
15:24Winners I'm so proud of my blue ball boys
15:36And so it draws to a close the inaugural VDE game
15:46What a journey, I think we finally learned about VDE
15:52Especially Doug who learned what it stands for
15:59And also all of us who learned the only thing harder to find the clitoris is a stretcher buried in sand
16:09What's a clip
16:11Pussyhole, sorry, sorry Doug
16:18digs Doug tugs
16:22Doug does
16:25And in first place team
16:33We came in here and proved that we the better team
16:36It feels amazing. I can't don't lie to you Ali
16:40In that box of yours is the prize for the man in your team who has the most VDE
16:46Who is that?
16:49Today the man with the biggest VDE is
16:56Everyone's always complimenting me because of my size my stature my looks so I think I've got this in the bag
17:09Your BDE for days boys inches inches for me
17:17It's a face I don't think there's enough BDE on this to measure mine. Oh
17:25It's not normally that limp honestly, it's usually stays up longer than that I promise I promise
17:46Boy you look good man. I love the outfit. Thank you. I know sure
18:06Going into this mixer tonight. I can't wait to see all the guys. There's gonna be a lot of meat there
18:11I did a really great date with Jack yesterday, but I need to still keep my options open
18:20Joe's got me a little giddy, but I'm a little apprehensive as he's expressed that he's also but I spent a call
18:26Tonight I'm really looking for Joe to step up. I want to know where Joe's head is that I'm no one's second choice
18:37In the past I've only gone for the hot boys
18:41That's how it goes
18:43It's not got me anywhere still single. So
18:46Tonight, it's the mixer of myths
18:50Hit simply the myths the guys that are only stereotyping you hot
18:56Just means I've got a bit more Riz people character and personality about them they make you laugh
19:03And it's never a dull day with me
19:05Oh, yeah, and that is myths definitely are more likely to be nice guys
19:12Actually, yeah, we know we are the first one up straight
19:17Sweating me fucking ring out. You know, I'm saying shit. What's he got? I've got a sweat rag. Oh, yeah
19:22Do you carry that all time? No, I just got it before
19:27Stupid these things
19:30Hide them
19:32They call me sex figures because I fuck everything I touch honestly, I just break everything just one of a kind
19:37Oh, I'm different. I
19:39Jerome is funny. He's making me laugh
19:42He's just got something about him. Like he's got his own style. He's own his own person. Oh
19:48Sorry, I just burped that stinks
19:53That's all right, it's all it's your drama day. Yeah, okay anyone else absolutely not and
20:00I'm pretty weird
20:03And I really actually like thank you I like I like him she really genuine like he's a real nice guy so
20:12Huge green flag in my eyes
20:30I'm my best foot forward for any other future event. You know, she didn't quite bring the BDE that I was
20:39The mixer has only just begun and I feel Joe's eyes on me
20:46Now I need to shut this down because Ali's my girl and I know that she's really into him
20:53You look lovely. Thank you
20:56Us girls don't cut each other's grass
20:59I wanted to just have a little talk to you
21:03Obviously at the elimination last night. You're in his bottom two
21:07It was and she let me know what you had kind of said to her
21:11At the start I came in with the attention of
21:17You were my first pick. Yeah, so I kind of just yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. Yeah. Yeah
21:23I'm just not really vibing with you at the moment
21:28Gotta be honest. Yeah, I didn't expect that. Hey, I thought she would have been super keen as well for sure
21:35But I don't know. I'm not I'm not stressed. I ain't worried
21:39Thanks, Joe. I think I'm just gonna stick with my guns and
21:43Just about
21:45100% I'm getting a kiss today. Yeah, no doubt about it
21:57Okay, right myself on the f-boy radar, yeah
22:03Fuck all clean as a whistle solid zero
22:11Love it
22:16How would you measure your B day
22:24Real BDA
22:37I'm humble. Oh, that's not bad. That's not bad. Wow. Wow. Wow, that's just outstanding
22:44I'm not trying to hurt anybody. No, we're not. Absolutely not. No one wants a punch in the lung. No, I'm fine.
22:49Early days with Aaron, but there may be something there
23:02Sean Sean Sean, come take a seat. Oh
23:06Sean with the mullet. I
23:09Haven't really spoken to Sean yet, but he's definitely caught my attention
23:14How long have you been rock rocking this for a couple months before that long hair?
23:19Did you back Sean just has Riz? He just has
23:24Something about it
23:26You're kind of giving me like that party boy. Yes boy, you know, definitely do like to go out and have fun. Yeah
23:35It's only in the sort of last couple of years that I've even been able to go outside and have fun and have a dance
23:39I've been shy growing on the whole life even through high school. Really?
23:42yeah, like to the point where I'd have to get mom to come to the hairdresser with me to
23:48Tell the hairdresser what I want. Yeah
23:51Sean kind of surprised me. I wasn't expecting him to be preserved and shy
23:56It's like a warmth about Sean that is really pulling me in
24:01Yeah, it's definitely giving me the feels
24:09When I saw Sean kissing Nicole
24:17Saying that was like yeah a massive stab in the heart. I reckon I've got some strong competition here
24:28Have gone from guys in the background to make him out with the gold
24:36Interested in getting to know you a little bit more today
24:39All right, let's go I'm bouncing
24:42I'm like that DVD logo, but I'm going at fucking eight times speed. I'm going all over the show. I'm in every fucking corner
24:57Sometimes like I think the right thing but it comes out the wrong way. Yeah, it comes out, but it's kind of like
25:06Yeah, there's something about Doug he's just big and strong he's very unapologetically himself
25:13I there's only one Doug. I just really love that about him. I need to see that place
25:19I'll just be in a group in any group situation, but every time in a cave like you're looking at me. Yeah
25:26Always smiling and looking at me. Yeah, why is that?
25:31We've actually like had a talk and connection I feel so do you feel like there is something yeah, I reckon
25:39Makes me feel like I got little butterflies in my stomach
25:42But when I'm talking to her, she's like right here a big eyes like a big lips and I'm like, whoa
25:48By hypnotizing me
25:50No, I do I do as well. Yeah, but you just be a really good f-boy. You could just be
25:57Playing a game really well
25:59No, no
26:02100% I'm here for a reason 100% I'd like I'm not looking for an f-way funny enough
26:22Yeah, let's get this shit started hi everybody is Kayla
26:32This guy working it now
26:34Y'all know what time it is, man
26:37It's the ultimate right here. Y'all know what time it is. Y'all see me all here already, man. Fuck you know, it's crazy
26:45Kayla's walked in and I'm like, what the fuck is he doing here? He's a fuck boy like he had his shot last year
26:51Why the fuck is he back here now?
26:53He's not staying is he surely not
26:58He's the ultimate f-boy and everyone knows it oh my god
27:05Boy with a capital F King f-boy
27:09Why is he young? Are you working? Are you one of us man? I'm working on the bartender
27:14Bartender now, so I'm just a bartender
27:17Abby gave me a job. I'm not here as a contestant man. Good seeing you boss
27:21And all I want to do is stir some drinks and see what's going on
27:29Oh my god
27:31We had an incident with Kate. Oh, no, what do you mean? Okay, so
27:36After the last season I jokingly like for advice. We sent him on Instagram. I was like
27:44I've always sent him and I was like, hey big big big big big see
27:53In that voice like I'm thinking I'm never gonna see this man again
27:57Oh, don't get response for a month and then he sends a voice note back to me. He's like, hey, baby girl
28:03Well, I'm doing fine babies. You beautiful big big big booty woman. I
28:09Love to keep you warm baby girl
28:11Okay, stop tape just to be crystal clear
28:16Nothing happened between me and Caleb, but we had a few flirty DMS and it was super hot
28:22You want some water? Please? Thank you
28:24I'll give y'all some water so I can make right now some water
28:28Help me out brother cuz I ain't that guy but we're gonna work on it, you know, I'm saying
28:34Haley bees 100% my typical type. I'll get you water
28:38But here he's an absolute. No, no
28:42He's the master like he's hot like he's you know, he's it's hot
28:48But he's like the biggest f-way from last year. So I'm like so how you gonna approach it? Are you gonna talk to him?
28:53I think you should I think you should keep the boys on their toes. Okay?
29:10How you doing feels crazy see me in real life
29:20Do they know each other
29:23Do they know each other in real life Lee did I just see that obviously, yeah, I
29:30Just sent you the voice that randomly yeah, and yes, I appreciated that
29:36Did you
29:40Different cuz like I like black women. Oh, I love chocolate. Ah the chocolate baby. I got a sweet tooth for her, baby
29:46When I seen you I was like, that's your pretty pretty in person. So thank you Bob. I
29:51Love your energy. I feel you. He was laying on sick, babe
29:57Instantly very flirtatious very charming endearing
30:02There's a reason why he's successful with the ladies ultimate f-boy. Yeah
30:08Do you think that's like you've changed? I'm matured a lot
30:11Okay, no, I'm saying like I'm at that point like now I'm like wanna have a good partner somebody that feels you that loves you
30:17Yeah, really?
30:20When do you think you will be ready for that like serious honestly like sooner than later
30:26Like legit
30:27It's time. I can't keep being a hoe
30:31That's what I want. My a reformed f-boy
30:36Yes, I am
30:38kind of
30:43I'm pretty big on a show. Are you? Yeah
30:46Much about stars. I'm okay. I'm a Virgo. I'm an Aries. Are we compatible?
31:23Nicole is not a fortune. So gonna step up a little bit more with Ellie
31:28Yeah, how you feeling about like everything obviously yesterday and our date and then the information and I was um, I was confused
31:37You had my heart racing good. You have had my heart racing since I met you. So I
31:43Think you already know that
31:46Yeah, I do. I know what it is. I'm tall. I'm dark. I'm good-looking
31:51I'm muscly. I got a big dick
31:56Whatever girl wants. Hey, so so why did you pick me for elimination? I don't understand why you chose me. I
32:07Guess just I wanted to clarify the whole Nicole situation
32:12Joe said that Nicole was his first choice. It hurt me a little bit. I just don't feel it wasn't cold anymore
32:22No, no, no, we I had an amazing day with you
32:27But that date sort of clarified it clarified a lot a lot for me. I don't know
32:32I think I felt something a little bit deeper
32:35quicker than I really
32:37Usually do feel things
32:43Yeah, yeah, I think we have a good connection, you know, yeah
32:51I want you to know and I only got eyes for you. I do want you to know
33:01You're right, I'm fine I just yeah
33:06Tossing and turning up in my mind a lot of things right now
33:10Talk to me. Tell me
33:16It's boy nice guy, how am I gonna hurt you? I don't know
33:20I'm absolutely worried that Joe might just be telling me everything. I want to hear
33:24It's definitely still in the back of my mind, you know, 50% of these guys are here for wrong reasons
33:31Don't hit me and I won't hate you
33:42Connection between Joe and I feels really good and real
33:48Don't have a look this right now
33:55I wasn't really expecting to feel anything this fast and this soon. Oh, it's kind of a lot
34:14Joey is an f-boy. He is playing a damn good game. I'm
34:58Everybody wants a piece of that luxurious life
35:03Sophisticated Queen
35:07Am taking Sean on a date today because I'm very attracted to him
35:11He looks like a bit of bad boy, but also he's got this super soft side
35:21He seems really sweet, but I want to dig a little deeper
35:24Sean's definitely different to the guys. I typically date he's younger. He's got a mullet
35:29He is emotionally mature and aware of himself. So it seems
35:35I'm getting nice guy, but he could also be a soft f-boy
35:39A soft f-boy isn't too forward in being an asshole
35:44Essentially, they're a little bit more
35:47Subtle in their ways. I think it's a little bit more subtle in the way that they're talking to each other
35:52Subtle in their ways. How did you get this scar here?
35:57Do you want the the cool story or the truth
36:01Let's go with the cool story
36:03Cool story is I got glassed when I first turned 18 out in front of an art club. Oh god. Yeah, just
36:10Took it to the neck and ate staples and a couple weeks in hospital. Oh my god
36:15So what's the truth? The truth is I had a big abscess grow from my neck. Oh
36:19So, do you know what? I just learnt just then
36:21That you can tell a really good lie
36:30Even though it was a cool story
36:33You told that with such conviction that it kind of scared me a little bit to be honest
36:38If he can lie that easily about a scar that makes me wonder what else he could be hiding
36:44You know, I'm here to find a connection and I'm trying to figure out if that's what you want to but
36:48There's the thing in the back of my mind of like there's also money involved and
36:53Money and love like two very very powerful things. What would you do with the money?
36:59If you were to win if I was to win, you know, I'm coming in as a nice guy
37:04so if I'm winning it's getting split and I'd use that money to you know,
37:11Build a relationship with someone
37:13good answer
37:24Really love spending time with Sean today and I've drawn like a really strong attraction towards him
37:34Everything felt really genuine, but I'm feeling confused
37:42It's just playing a lot of my mind now obviously I went on a date with Jack and
37:47Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out if one of them is lying to me if they're both telling me the truth
37:54There's just a lot going through I yeah, I don't know where I'm at
38:09I couldn't I couldn't measure where you're at. But because I think it seems like every guy is after the car, right?
38:14Like she's a hot topic. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sean is my biggest competition
38:22It sucks to see her take Sean on a date if it's right it's right and I've just got to trust that you know
38:27If it is right with her then it'll work out but jealousy is all right
38:40If you have a cheat on anyone
38:46I'm 100% here to find love. But at the same time we are here to get rid of the f-boys
38:51So plan is I'll ask your own question rip it off
38:55See the response. What are you here for?
39:00I'm here for love
39:02You're actually here to find love
39:04Why not?
39:06I'm here to like get out of my comfort zone. Yeah, and I'm like so terrified
39:12What you terrified of cuz you know, I don't wanna get hurt
39:17Jesus that was a good one. I picked your own because
39:21He's just got the humor. He's got the Riz. He just really intrigued me. Are you good in bed? I am I
39:30Reckon I got all right. Oh, you know
39:35But could you honestly like see us together on the outside or what's the guy
39:41Okay, like honestly, I feel like this. This is cool. I could say it's together, but
39:45You can yeah, like but like we're gonna have to be doing this
39:52What did you just waterboard me I feel like that'd be better
39:56With Jerome look he's got the banter. He's funny. He's a type that you know, I'd have cheese and wine and just might accidentally sleep with
40:07It's alright he's definitely
40:10Someone I I would consider there we go. That's it. Yeah, I
40:15Feel like I get a really genuine honest
40:18Energy for me
40:20Honestly a big thing for you huge. I forget who said the quote it was like
40:25Like being being honest all the time is hard
40:30But living a lie is a fucking not a nightmare
40:44He missed the key to my heart so sexy you could be a 3 out of 10 and you're suddenly a 9 out of 10
40:49Just because you've made me laugh a few times
40:56You're just funny
40:57Um, do you know what I'm noticing?
41:00Like from this whole conversation after like wacky. You've like made me feel I feel hot and sexy around you
41:07I feel fucking groovy. You are gravy. Thank you
41:18Little tits up. Hey, she's got the lips for it. Yeah, I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. You are. Yeah, why'd you stop?
41:26Do you baby?
41:29I didn't see it coming. I
41:32Feel like we just really felt comfortable around each other
41:34I actually have got crush on you. I will be honest stop
41:40I like him. I do genuinely like him
41:55Ali's gorgeous, but like I feel like I've already got a connection with her, you know
41:59How do you feel about like obviously your girls are on dates at the moment, you know, like yeah, of course
42:06I'm gonna get a little bit jealous like
42:08When you start forming relationships on you don't really want to see
42:11It feels like your girl. He's on a date with someone else
42:15There's a lot of blokes here as well, man. There's a lot of blokes here man. Yeah, this is a fucking competition. So I've been
42:22Getting competitive. I can definitely see other people gonna try to take Ali and I'm not gonna have it
42:29We'll see who comes out on top. Yes. Yes, sir, man
42:42High-school, baby
42:49Bringing Aaron on this date today. I was really impressed at the BDE games
42:56And I just want to see what's beneath the surface of the rig that the richest fuck
43:09So, I guess why yeah, like I've been to a lot of countries, you know, I've had a lot of experience in my life
43:16But there's only so little pictures you can take, you know, I feel like it'd be nice to just share those memories of someone
43:26I really feel like I can trust you and from the chats that we've had. I
43:31Feel like you're really genuine. It's nice to hear that. So I wasn't sure that I made any sort of impression
43:36I'm glad I'm on your radar. Would I would I be your usual type?
43:42You give off that bad boy energy the BD everyone
43:47I would have probably steered clear. So I'm not gonna butter on them. Yeah, I wouldn't say that you're my usual five-pack
43:53It's not the first time I've heard that I'm open to hearing that
43:57I'm really enjoying getting to know Aaron. He's really sweet. Shall we have an oyster?
44:06But I can't stop thinking about Joe
44:13I'm just not feeling sparks flying. I mean they are aphrodisiacs. Oh, they are. Sorry. How you feeling? I'll let you know
44:23I don't know if I could see him anything more than a friend at the moment
44:45Going into elimination. I am feeling really good. I
44:50Sent home an f-boy on the first elimination. So hopefully I can just carry that through and keep getting rid of these f-boys
45:05Tonight I'm putting up two guys need to step their pussies up. I'm not having my time wasted by them
45:17Want to eliminate boy tonight so bad my bottom two are based on a pure f-boy radar
45:26Alarms are ringing in my head and I think I've got this in the bag
45:58Good evening everyone
46:02Boys it's elimination time
46:06or for those of you who grew up on social media
46:09Think of it as being unfollowed blocked and reported
46:15Ladies how are you feeling?
46:18You know last elimination. I sent home an f-boy and I really listened to my gut and I was right
46:25This week. I'm just hoping that that f-boy radar is still on I believe in you. I reckon you can do it
46:33Crystal how are you feeling?
46:36I'm ready to go. I'm
46:38I'm always ready
46:40Literally, I've had a read over my little black book read over my notes
46:44Not the black board. Yes, I've been I'm scared of the black book. I'm like, what's she writing in there about me?
46:50Yeah, the black book never lies
46:54Ali how about you I
46:57Came in here with my walls
47:00Sky-high, but I think I've met some guys in here that have helped me break that wall down
47:08So good to hear already
47:12Nicole crystal Ali who's in your bottom two?
47:40And a day
47:50Joey and
48:00Gentlemen if your name has been called, please stand up
48:15Nicole why I'm in Jara and dart in your bottom two
48:22I need a more excitable and upbeat kind of man. I
48:28Feel like our energies just aren't really aligning
48:41If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, oh my god, then let it be told
48:47Over these last couple of days. I had glimpses into your soul
48:52I don't want to go if you give me this chance. I
48:56Could write poetry of me that you could write
49:01And breathe into this life
49:13Wow, have you ever had a poem written for you before that was actually very strong, but yeah
49:24You didn't really step up to the plate at the BDE games
49:27Which disappointed me a little bit?
49:33Is there anything you'd like to say?
49:36Let me try something different
50:00Fuck it up
50:02Ain't a perfect picture of the beauty that I see the breath of beauty release holding smoking arms
50:08Lude to the life cycle underneath last part of movie
50:11I dream pattern and signals are so frequent seeing two sided design schemes pixelated appearances. We have had your turn
50:44Crystal why a nugget and Eddie your bottoms
50:48Nugget and Eddie
50:50Even are you
50:58You've not made one effort to chat to me you need to step you pussy up
51:08Ali why Joey and Vincent
51:16Joey what are you here for?
51:21Why everyone else is here, right
51:24Looking for love
51:30Well half of them are here for money Joey that's the point of the game
51:40You seemed to have the same spiel with all of us
51:46Magic in the hands. Can I see your hand? Can I see your hand? Can I see your hand?
51:51Sure, what's going on here? Do you believe in magic?
51:54This is gonna sound a kind of repetitive, but when you have triangles in your hand, do you see that triangle?
51:59What does that mean means that you've got magic in the blocks? I've got magic. Yeah, doesn't everyone have that triangle. So I'm a witch
52:07the magic in the hands
52:09That's a weird fucking pickup line
52:17Now is the time to make a decision
52:21Who are you going to eliminate tonight?
52:43Love you
52:48Crystal who are you going to eliminate tonight?
53:05Ali what about you?
53:33Nugget and Joey you've been spared
53:37Have a seat
53:46Gentlemen, this is the moment. We've all been waiting for the status reveal
54:03I'm a nice guy
54:07I knew you were a nice guy. You're a talented guy. That's amazing. Of course he is. Sorry
54:15Can we take him back?
54:18Eddie what about you? Nice guy or f-boy?
54:24I'm the biggest f-boy
54:30Little dick energy
54:32Hey Vincent, well, I'd say I'm pretty good but here I'm a fucking f-boy, baby
54:57Wow shock horror
55:05Nice guy nice try
55:09Yes, thank you
55:12Thanks excellent try
55:16You're so talented dad. Thank you. Let me just see
55:24Vincent and Eddie f-boy f-bye
55:31Get out of here. Oh, let's go bro. See you boys. Yeah, see you boys
55:40They didn't want to say bye
55:46Ladies two for three. I'm so proud of you. Let's go
56:12Quick question is kind of on the menu
56:23Next time on f-boy Island, Australia
56:28The boys try and get our ladies engines ready
56:35Haven't things escalated quickly
56:38Before oh, oh shit. I've seen I'm bit nervous now. We will out the oldest trick in the book
56:45And use the shock no one
56:48There will be intruders tonight
56:51with a spicy f-boy twist