• anno scorso


00:00:00Oh, yeah, good. This is a pretty crazy first day
00:00:05When 24 singles took the biggest leap of faith
00:00:08He is very nice to look at some found an instant connection at the end of the aisle. I think that's gonna be an
00:00:20But when Steven was caught flirting with a hairdresser, there was a sexual spark for me that I've not felt with you
00:00:26Michael was left feeling blindsided
00:00:28I'm upset. I'm hurt. I'm angry. I honestly don't know if I care to salvage it
00:00:34The annual couples retreats are gonna be an opportunity for us to get closer together
00:00:39So Lucinda and Timothy reach new emotional heights. I feel like Tim and I are really in the beautiful place
00:00:47Hey pools. Hey taking my shirt off. You've rocked out being like all look at all the whales here. It's a joke
00:00:53Jack was at the center of yet another storm when he compared Tristan to a whale. I can't support that Jack
00:01:00I cannot support that
00:01:03But it was at the dinner party. Tell Tim what you did last weekend. Otherwise, we will do it where Sarah was exposed
00:01:15After it was revealed that she had been catching up with her ex behind Tim's back
00:01:27The first time I'm sitting here thinking maybe these two could actually have something more than a friendship
00:01:34Romantic breakthroughs will be celebrated
00:01:37It's some kind of possible future for us progress as our couples reach exciting new milestones
00:01:44I introduced rich to my daughter. It makes me really happy seeing the way he is with her
00:01:50I was like, oh I'm falling in love with you
00:01:53But not everyone will be feeling the love. You look a little bit uncomfortable
00:02:01Thought about this so much
00:02:08Expert John holds Jack to accounts
00:02:10They looked like whales coming from the personal trainer who should know better has Tori
00:02:16Finally reached her limits. Do you trust Jack?
00:02:24Then this is a pattern that I have to call out the experts apply the pressure
00:02:30Why were you meeting up with your ex as they ask Sarah?
00:02:34What kind of relationship do you have with your ex the hard?
00:02:37Questions I thought you mentioned that you did hook up with him a month before coming on to the experiment
00:02:42Do you still have feelings for your ex?
00:02:56Following a massive week on the experiment where our couples gained important perspective at the retreat
00:03:05The fifth commitment ceremony is almost here and some of our couples are stronger than ever
00:03:14How you feeling I feel great I'm the same just another day I guess just another day bridge and I are good
00:03:20I feel like we're going into the commitment ceremony strong. I feel like the retreat made us closer, and I
00:03:27introduced bridge to my daughter
00:03:31Everything was perfect. They got along well, which was really important to me, so I feel a lot more comfortable now
00:03:37I think you're lucky. I'm such a blessing
00:03:44Real lucky right now going into tonight. I feel like we're connected on a deeper level
00:03:50I feel good about it, and I feel like we are good
00:03:54Down the corridor
00:03:56Lucinda and Timothy are also on a high
00:03:59Basking in the afterglow of Timothy's emotional breakthrough at the retreat you are the epitome of the snow burn
00:04:07You weren't lying
00:04:09But we're making lovely progress
00:04:12It may take us into
00:04:142026 but I'm holding in there
00:04:18After an emotional few days
00:04:21Timothy finally trusted Lucinda enough to lower his guard and
00:04:27reveal his true vulnerabilities
00:04:30I've never seen that side of Tim. It was a real turn around and
00:04:35I just want to like be in devotion to that
00:04:41It's been a really beautiful journey with Tim since the retreat actually there's been some very lovely
00:04:48Openings and some walls that have come down. I feel a more of a softness and a receptivity to me
00:04:55There is a little bit of flirting
00:04:57There is a little bit of flirting
00:04:59There's something in the air. I do feel a deep respect and regard and a reciprocal
00:05:06Like love like a song love with him. What are they gonna talk to us about?
00:05:12Well, I don't know but I know what I'm gonna tell them and that is just like how
00:05:18Brave I think you are and how awesome that's it's been to feel your vulnerability and some walls come crumbling down
00:05:28Had an emotional moment which I don't do and
00:05:36Lucinda was very thoughtful and caring
00:05:39She didn't sort of cut and run. She genuinely was worried about me
00:05:44Lucinda was very good about it
00:05:49You know, I've loved watching everybody just really see you and accept you
00:05:54Just being you know the team that I see which was just a bloody great bloke. Yeah
00:06:02Thank you, but yeah
00:06:06Overall I'm a bit nervous to unpack some stuff
00:06:11But we had a good time at the retreat
00:06:14Everything's been good
00:06:20Too much of the group Byron Bay already feels worlds away
00:06:28Overshadowed by last night's wild dinner party and the revelation that Sarah has been visiting an ex-boyfriend
00:06:37You missed a cracker. I missed the dinner party. It sounds like a blessing in disguise
00:06:43Like I did feel really bad for Tim, yes
00:06:46I did I I did feel bad for Tim not not good emotional cheating physical cheating. It's all the same to me
00:06:51Go back to your ex. Yeah
00:06:54When I asked I was like wait, you just said that you were dog-sitting, but then you told Eden it was a lie
00:06:58He's all I wasn't actually I was like, why did you just tell us that you were?
00:07:03Maybe something happened. Maybe it didn't
00:07:06But even if they didn't like they're still texting and planning it's not a line
00:07:11It's like lying. If it was innocent, why would she lie about it?
00:07:17Sarah and Tim spent the night apart
00:07:23And in his solitude
00:07:26Tim has been reeling from last night's bombshell revelation
00:07:31I'm just feeling
00:07:36The trust has been broken and I was growing feelings for him
00:07:40you know and
00:07:42then this news kind of came out of nowhere and
00:07:50Exploded in my face really
00:07:53It's crushing it's devastating to me to hear that got my heart broken again, and I'm just trying to process everything, you know
00:08:03it feels like it's been a struggle of a relationship this whole way through and
00:08:09There was a lot of red flags from the very beginning I
00:08:15Just feel like I know what it's like to not be over next
00:08:20Feel like I should have just trusted my gut early on like I feel like a fool. She paid me for a fool
00:08:26You must reveal your latest correspondence on the device you use most your phone. I'm happy to share everything
00:08:32I haven't given you a reason not to trust me. So what's the point?
00:08:38See if it was strongly about not doing it. Yeah, I do
00:08:41The concern of mine would be if you're talking to other guys. I'm not I
00:08:48Felt like something she had something to hide. Did you have anything to hide? No, no
00:08:56Saw his lies. She made me doubt myself
00:09:00Gone along with her crap. I knew you're gonna cancel our date for the third week in a row
00:09:06Don't take things so personally
00:09:10So what's the genuine reason that you canceled on him three times I
00:09:18Went out with my girlfriends on Saturday, and I wasn't feeling great on Sunday
00:09:23I was hungover
00:09:27Now that I'm looking at it this whole time has just been smoke mirrors, you know waste the time I've been let on
00:09:36We will tell him if you don't tell him Sarah
00:09:40Well, I ran into my ex it was a planned premeditated
00:09:55Many of you at this table have cheated on a partner
00:10:05Are you good Tim
00:10:14I feel like I tried so hard to meet her needs and expectations
00:10:19But now it's pretty obvious like she definitely doesn't care about me
00:10:23She didn't even apologize to me. She didn't even check up on me
00:10:27She didn't even text me last night to see if I was okay
00:10:30She didn't she didn't care how I felt about this. She's just worried about how she's gonna look
00:10:38Also at a loss after last night's dinner party
00:10:41Tori is once again being confronted by Jack's behavior
00:10:46After Jack referred to Tristan as a whale on the retreat the latest in a long line of indiscretions
00:10:54Whoever I've offended hundred percent. I do apologize. It isn't who I am
00:10:59I've made mistakes. It's a mistake and I've apologized. We've got to move on Tori
00:11:04What will it take for you to say to him like it's enough. I'm probably like
00:11:11Like halfway
00:11:17While last night Tori only had 50% tolerance for Jack
00:11:22The reality of her husband's actions have begun to sink in
00:11:27You know, I did sit there and I did have Jack's back at the dinner party
00:11:32But I kind of like reflected on the night and I really am not okay with the comment that Jack made
00:11:39around the pool to Tristan like it was so disrespectful and
00:11:44I think realizing that I don't really like what's happened at all
00:11:58You're pissed at me I
00:12:02Just feel like I
00:12:05Think when I really think about these things and I kind of reflect back like it's just been one thing after the other
00:12:15Don't want you to be pissed with me. Obviously last night was shit
00:12:18And trust is a big thing though. You get that right trust
00:12:20It's you just like in the top three of my values like trust and respect if you do not have trust you have nothing
00:12:28So I get it
00:12:32But it's who I am I make mistakes do you make mistakes but you do that's real life I
00:12:40Know he says he's sorry, but at this point they are words and I need like hardcore
00:12:46Actions. I need him to show me that the things that he's saying he actually means
00:12:53Because right now it does have me questioning my trust for him
00:12:59Despite being called a whale on the retreat
00:13:03Tristan is feeling positive going into tonight's commitment ceremony
00:13:07Having made a surprising declaration to Cassandra the whale thing sucked, you know
00:13:14But gas was amazing throughout the whole thing
00:13:18She made me feel better about myself and feel a lot more closer to her
00:13:22So this morning
00:13:28Well, I told her I was falling in love
00:13:31This is the girl that has took by me has been patient has waited for me
00:13:36And I've never said I love you to anyone which is obviously a very very big step, but I'm feeling great
00:13:45You never say five five we've done five which is good five more times in that house
00:13:50How do you feel? How are you feeling? Great?
00:13:58Reckon I think this is the most I guess feeling like we're a team if that makes sense
00:14:02Yeah, it's going really well. Like it's just we're at that point, you know when it comes to tonight's commitment ceremony
00:14:09I'm not nervous about it
00:14:10I'm just happy to be around it to be honest as we always do honey
00:14:14We go in together as a team and then we leave together as a team
00:14:18What's going on in your relationship at the moment?
00:14:22Yeah, so Tristan has
00:14:27Confessed that he has feelings of love for me
00:14:42So do you for the same
00:14:48when Tristan
00:14:50Told me that he loves me
00:14:57Very handsome yourself
00:15:01Tristan doesn't know this, but I do not love him
00:15:12If I don't love him then I should I leave
00:15:15It's a huge decision because when you're writing the word leave, it's it's a like a clear message that you're giving up, but
00:15:24I have to do what's best for my heart. I
00:15:29Had strong feelings for Tristan earlier on I
00:15:33Tried so hard and I've been so patient and I've waited and waited and I'd never ever want to hurt Tristan
00:15:41But I feel very strongly that I know for certain that I do not love this man and
00:15:46I always come back to the same answer
00:15:55As our couples complete the final touches before tonight's commitment ceremony
00:16:03There is an unexpected knock on the door
00:16:05Hi, Kegman
00:16:12When Sarah entered the experiment she did so struggling to exit the toxic hold of her previous relationship
00:16:21Having gone back and forth for six years
00:16:25When I was with my ex-boyfriend, I was in a relationship with my ex-girlfriend
00:16:31Having gone back and forth for six years
00:16:34When I was with my ex
00:16:37He ended up cheating on me
00:16:40multiple times with multiple women
00:16:43But I just kept going back to him for like four or five years
00:16:51Even though it was toxic and childish and
00:16:55He had an emotional pull over me and
00:16:59I couldn't help myself. It was one of the reasons I wanted to do this experiment because I wanted to get out of those
00:17:06Yeah, those
00:17:08Toxic patterns with my ex. I
00:17:11Want to be better. I
00:17:13Want to do everything that I can to show Tim that I
00:17:17Just want you to know that I know that what I did was wrong and I'm taking full ownership for it. I am
00:17:36Don't really know what to say to be honest
00:17:43You know
00:17:45You do something like this like you want to wear a cute dress for your ex like come on I didn't wear a cute dress
00:17:54Not even the point like that it's part of the point
00:17:58It's like you asking Eden for a cute dress because you're gonna see X and I asked I asked her for a shirt
00:18:03That's asked her for a shirt. I didn't say a cute dress
00:18:08She's trying to apologize and then she's bringing up excuses instead of being like I look I'm sorry. It's the wrong thing
00:18:14To me it just seems like she's upset. She got caught. She's just deflecting
00:18:21I'm just pretty disappointed the way that you acted last night
00:18:26You obviously didn't care about how I felt you didn't care about
00:18:31My feelings you just left you didn't check up on me
00:18:36But that's not the point like I don't like I
00:18:40Am NOT getting into the details Tim
00:18:43Today's not about like what happened last night. I don't want to defend myself. That's why I'm saying if that's the point minute
00:18:50Stop saying oh, that's not the point. That's I did boy. I am admitting it team
00:18:54I will stop saying that those little things aren't the point you just want to have your result that you want
00:18:59Okay, I can't do this
00:19:02Because I feel like I'm trying to I'm saying I'm owning it
00:19:06I'm saying that I'm sorry apologies if you want to apologize to someone don't defend yourself. Just apologize and take it
00:19:13Happy and you're doing it again. You're running away
00:19:15Tim it's cowardly behavior yelling at me yelling at you. I'm telling you you're cowardly behavior because I'm just running away. You don't want to own it
00:19:45Hello greetings gents evening
00:19:50Hello, hi
00:19:52I'm grab a seat settle in
00:20:03Evening ladies. Hello ladies
00:20:20Well, welcome everybody to the fifth commitment ceremony
00:20:24we are well and truly getting into the heart of the experiment now and
00:20:29last night at the dinner party
00:20:32It was explosive to say the least
00:20:36Now we'll get into all of that and more
00:20:40But also you're coming off the back of a couple's retreat
00:20:43Where you got to spend time with different couples
00:20:48you got to see yourself in a new setting and
00:20:54we're going to hear how your relationships have been put to the test and
00:20:58What the future is going to hold?
00:21:04So, let's get our first couple up on the couch
00:21:12Lucinda and Timothy
00:21:18Hello, hello you two welcome
00:21:24Well, you're looking very cute and fun together tonight, oh, thank you
00:21:30Tell us about the retreat you start now you
00:21:34Don't want you stuff. It was tough. Yeah, it was tough for me. What was tough about it. I
00:21:46Sort of I sort of had a bit of a breakdown like just as just a bit of a break through a break through
00:21:53Yeah, I call it a breakdown. Yeah
00:21:58What happened
00:22:00It was just
00:22:02We were playing a card game and there was a couple of questions in there that that sort of triggered something inside me
00:22:11What did it trigger inside you
00:22:17Just incredible like sadness, yeah. Yeah
00:22:27And what was the sadness about
00:22:34Family yeah family. Yeah, I
00:22:39Felt like I was the most lonely person there
00:22:48Because I've got no family left so I left and took me a while to sort of
00:22:55Compose myself and and and come back to the to the retreat
00:23:00But the cinder was really good
00:23:05How did it feel knowing that she was there by your side
00:23:13It was it was really nice because
00:23:31Oh, he's making me cry
00:23:43Um, I
00:23:45Really appreciated that she was really there for me
00:23:51She had my back
00:23:54It's everything because I
00:23:58I haven't had that feeling in a really long time. Yeah
00:24:06This is a big deal for you, yeah
00:24:09The cinder what was it like for you being by his side during all of this
00:24:15Yeah, I'm just so proud of Tim
00:24:18Yeah, it's it's it's just been amazing to watch some of the walls come down
00:24:23I suppose they didn't tell you about the big hug. They had a melted
00:24:30It was one of my favorite hugs of my life really
00:24:36We kind of came to this
00:24:38crescendo and
00:24:40Vulnerability to me is the bravest thing
00:24:43You know, so I've just felt like a more softness and a more opening in just Tim's energy and presence
00:24:51It's really lovely the kindness that's just in the field there's a lot of respect regard no defenses
00:24:58We're just sort of flowing very easily together. Aren't we Tim?
00:25:03We we actually just get on like a house on fire. It's we do
00:25:07We do get along really really well
00:25:09It's just the laughs, isn't it? Yeah, we just actually live to crack each other out at this point
00:25:17You know, I
00:25:19Think the first time I've seen the two of you with a chance of it actually going romantic is right now
00:25:29Because you come in angry with the pointy finger yelling and bellowing at everybody, but that's just you being scared
00:25:39This couple's retreat actually you got vulnerable
00:25:44You opened up
00:25:46You let Lucinda get close to you, yeah, she's a very patient woman Lucinda very patient
00:25:52Yeah, and for the first time I'm sitting here thinking. Oh
00:25:56Maybe these two could actually have something more than a friendship
00:26:05Let's get to the decision
00:26:07Lucinda first
00:26:09So Tim, yes, I've enjoyed you so much the last week
00:26:13so precious and
00:26:16I have said stay and
00:26:20I've got some more brick walls exploding on
00:26:24And a request for you know, just a hug a day. Yeah
00:26:32Since the retreat we we haven't had one hiccup. It's been yeah, it's been good. So I've wrote stay
00:26:43Wonderful and Tim
00:26:46Definition of courage. Yes
00:26:49Thanks, but we're gonna need you to be even more courageous. Yeah, you're gonna need to give her minimum one hug a day
00:26:58Now that's what she said she wants it she certainly deserves it and
00:27:04That is a very practical way to get this going
00:27:07You can go back to the group well done well done you guys
00:27:19Tonight was a tough but with Lucinda next to me. I do feel stronger
00:27:27Coming up Tristan is hit with Cassandra's true feelings
00:27:31So I decided to put it all on the line and I was like, oh I'm falling in love with you
00:27:35I have to say Cassandra. You look a little bit uncomfortable
00:27:46And Sarah goes head-to-head with the experts what kind of relationship do you have with your ex it's a friendship
00:27:55Friends don't get naked
00:27:59You did that a month before the experiment started
00:28:02What was your question?
00:28:13Can we have our next couple tonight
00:28:22Eden and Jaden
00:28:32Love you too. Hello team. How are you guys? We're very well, but we're more interested in how you guys are doing
00:28:42To be honest, we've had a very rough week
00:28:48It sounds like it
00:28:51Yeah, it's probably the hardest week for me in the experiment so far what made it so difficult for you Eden
00:28:59Obviously the whole messages from Sarah situation
00:29:03Sarah sent me a message and asked for an outfit to borrow. She wanted something to wear
00:29:09I'd also where she was going. I
00:29:13Sat with Jaden he saw my phone and she said I'm going to see my ex-boyfriend
00:29:20What we learned was that Jaden and my morals and principles align exactly
00:29:26However, the way we would go about things was quite different
00:29:30Jaden wanted Tim to know
00:29:32Immediately after it happened. I I didn't want to stop him from
00:29:37Doing what he would want to do in this situation
00:29:40But then I also just felt so uncomfortable doing it. I felt like if I didn't bring it out, I would lose Jaden
00:29:47I get a little bit of anxiety as it is and it just snowballed it to be worse and worse
00:29:53Like I kind of thought
00:29:56Anyone should know like straight away
00:29:59I've been in that position so many times before and I know I know how I felt. I didn't want him to feel that
00:30:07So the longer you wait the worse it's gonna get I
00:30:15Just felt like in any
00:30:18Whatever I decided to do. I was never gonna win out of it. It was it was a lose-lose situation in every possible way. I
00:30:25Honestly truly thought that everyone in the room would be like you're so untrustworthy for for doing I really appreciate you guys coming to me
00:30:32with the information
00:30:37Yeah, it was it was hard hard for you to step out even but it was just being yeah doing the right thing
00:30:43So I appreciate both of you for doing it. Thanks Tim
00:30:48So what did that angst do for the two of you in terms of conflict what happened there for you
00:30:55We were we were fighting a lot
00:30:59And I my anxiety was as worse as it's been in a long long long time
00:31:06Coming out of it on the other side having chosen to be upfront and clear to Tim
00:31:13What does that this do to the relationship now, where do you guys stand now I
00:31:20Personally feel like we're stronger than ever now. I think that there's a lot of trust built
00:31:27We know our morals are the same
00:31:31And I know that even though maybe he didn't help in the moment Jaden really really really wants to help
00:31:38And I don't think I've ever had someone that wants to help that
00:31:41So it's very nice Wow you ain't ever been with the big dog. Oh, but you are now
00:31:49We're gonna hear your decisions guys
00:31:51This is not a hard one, let's just go come on
00:32:03Okay, and I've got stay as well also
00:32:14Well done guys, yes, thank you well done
00:32:25Next up on the couch
00:32:32Tristan and Cassandra
00:32:40Don't leave Cass behind Tristan
00:32:45Come on, honey. We're over here
00:32:48Very eager you're so enthusiastic about reaching the couch Tristan
00:33:00How have you guys been big week the retreat it was like really tough for me mentally
00:33:07But I feel like we're doing really well like we actually had a massive breakthrough
00:33:16Yeah, so for a while. I've been like I've got weird special feelings Brian. This is the first time I've had with a girl
00:33:22Because all I needed someone to kind of accept me who who I am and that's what she's done the whole time
00:33:27So I decided to put it all on the line I was really nervous I was shitting balls actually
00:33:31And I was like oh, I'm falling in love with you
00:33:38That's what I feel like it is
00:33:41And then I was really scared that she was gonna run away and then and then she ran away, which is awesome
00:33:51So did you say I'm falling in love with you because you feel like you are falling in love or because you want to exchange
00:33:57Love with you because you feel like you are falling in love or because you want to express how much you really like her
00:34:04No, cuz I'm falling in love
00:34:09You are falling in love yeah, it's first time instead of falling in love I
00:34:16Was so nervous I was scared like like wait first, you know like fantastic first
00:34:34Don't regret it at all
00:34:39Because she's a special one and you got and you got and you guys did well, so thank you for that I
00:34:47Have to say Cassandra you look a little bit uncomfortable
00:35:13Tristan you are falling in love. Yes first time set of falling in love
00:35:21Because she's a special one and you got and you got and you guys did well I
00:35:25I have to say Cassandra. You look a little bit uncomfortable
00:35:40He he's I'm I didn't I'd I really wish that I felt the same way back
00:35:51That's probably why I feel uncomfortable
00:36:04But it's not there
00:36:13Do you see that as a possibility in this relationship for you to grow that kind of feelings at this point you see it
00:36:19or not
00:36:21Um right now, I I'm not sure
00:36:29I've thought about it a lot
00:36:33But the relationships that I've been in when there's love there
00:36:37You just want to be around that person you want to message them you want to call them gonna talk to them you want to
00:36:43Be in their space you want to eat with them, and I was like
00:36:46We like we don't we rarely kiss and
00:36:50It's hard, and he I just I don't understand like it can be very confusing
00:36:55So you're not convinced of the type of love. He's expressing
00:37:01Yeah, I feel like his his version of love is different to
00:37:07Mine maybe
00:37:12All right
00:37:14Let's go to the decision Tristan
00:37:20Well you can't say you fall in love with someone and not actually say stay so I have said stay I
00:37:33Do I do my turn please?
00:37:37What I want to say
00:37:40I'm sorry. I'm just frozen
00:37:50Have thought about this so much
00:37:56And I
00:38:01Feel like you've just you have pushed me away quite a bit like emotionally mentally and physically
00:38:10I've tried, and I just don't have the same feelings for you. Oh
00:38:20Maybe I think we are better as friends, and I believe
00:38:47Honey we'll have a great seven days. You know see what can happen in seven days, and then
00:38:52We'll go from there. You guys look great
00:38:55You like hold on hold on
00:39:02I see Cassandra slipping through your fingers
00:39:07And we know she's great, but you're gonna lose her
00:39:13But there's not I'm I'm also just like I've like I do try like every every I know
00:39:19I know, but then I just don't know at this point
00:39:20I just don't know how I can do anymore like you know. I'm like leaning in I'm trying to lean in and do this
00:39:25I'm trying to come that's what you guys have got to figure out
00:39:30You've had us for six weeks seven weeks telling you exactly what to do
00:39:34Now it's on you guys to pull it together
00:39:37Or get out cop it up
00:39:42For now you can go back to the group
00:39:51Thought it blindsided. That's the first time I've ever said. I love someone and
00:39:56She won't leave
00:39:58And she won't leave
00:40:07Jesus I thought we're making progress. I guess I was off. I guess they say off on the wrong page
00:40:13I'll still give it a hundred and ten percent for the week because I don't want to lose her
00:40:18But I'm just a bit more confused than ever to be honest
00:40:24Our next couple up on the couch
00:40:34Andrea and Rich
00:40:48You were unwell on the retreat. I understand on the retreat. I'm well for a week
00:40:52You know it's the old in sickness and in health you know that kind of part of the marriage vow
00:40:58Getting it all that's the bit that we've been challenged with you've been putting it to the test. Yeah, I actually really like sick Richie
00:41:06And why is that he was this quieter and and cute?
00:41:13And I got to like I mean all the time he is cute all the time
00:41:18But he was quite like little baby cute, and I could like nurture a little bit. It was kind of nice
00:41:23Not quite sure how that lands for you Richie
00:41:28Doesn't look good. Yeah, well, it's interesting because there's I
00:41:34mean I take that great, you know very nice, but
00:41:38You know when I'm sick. I'm half myself. You know I'm not my boisterous energetic usual self
00:41:45So that's what Andy prefers
00:41:49What does that mean I?
00:41:52Didn't say I prefer. I just said I like
00:41:55Yeah, and whilst I take the joke about yeah, I like him better when he's sick. Yes
00:42:01Perhaps the message there is Andy's more nurturing softer side is able to come out when you are perhaps a little bit
00:42:09less Richie
00:42:11And that's fine. Yeah our relationship those I see it like we're far into the experiment now
00:42:19We haven't kissed for over six weeks
00:42:27We haven't had an intimate kiss for over six weeks, so he's all of this getting in the way of that I
00:42:35Don't know that connection hasn't been made to me. I'm not really sure what's going on
00:42:42Andy from your position
00:42:44Was it that moment on the couch when Richie was very open about your sex life was that the turning point for you?
00:42:53That was pretty horrible for me, yeah
00:42:57But I have tried to
00:43:01Get past that and we've had a few other little things that sort of make me pull back
00:43:08So I haven't felt like that
00:43:14Can you put your finger on why yeah
00:43:18I don't know the mood the tone the
00:43:24Not the not the softness and that sort of thing I'm hearing that Richie I
00:43:34Mean I've slid on this couch, and I've been told by Andy a number of times
00:43:37How nice a person I am and how supportive I've been for her and how?
00:43:43Patient and how I mean all he's used all those words
00:43:46Isn't that soft and kind of nice
00:43:51And then it's been turned on me now suddenly, I'm this bombastic guy and okay
00:44:02Guys I've got to say there's there's a real disconnect between the two of you and I
00:44:12Don't think you're listening to each other at the moment
00:44:16You know this seems like a really pivotal point for the two of you
00:44:23We've seen the energy between the two of you we know that you like each other
00:44:28You can't continue in this way
00:44:33We're gonna go to the decision
00:44:38I'm choosing to stay today good
00:44:51Alright you two well
00:44:53This is about coming back together and giving each other that feedback about what's working and what's not working really listening to each other
00:45:01Noticing how that dynamic changes
00:45:04Hopefully there might be some more kissing this week
00:45:07Let's hope thank you guys
00:45:17I'm a bit frustrated by that to be honest. I
00:45:22Don't really know where I stand with Andy
00:45:25But all I want to do is get our relationship back to where it was
00:45:31Still to come
00:45:33Jack I'm at a point now where I'm almost lost for words a fed-up expert John holds Jack to account
00:45:41It's not good enough
00:45:42Coming from the personal trainer who should know better and Sarah tries to make amends
00:45:48I'm gonna do everything in my power to make Tim my priority. I don't care what you guys think
00:45:53There's still a lot to unpack. Sorry. Can I just finish what I was saying? I
00:45:57Was just getting to a point
00:46:07Alright next up on the couch
00:46:16Jonathan and Lauren
00:46:22Hey guys, thank you
00:46:27How was the couple's retreat for you both
00:46:30I'd say the last days of the retreat were really good for us
00:46:34We sat by the pool and had some of the best longest chats we've had
00:46:39We just sat there and we literally just like laughs the whole time like we started talking like there's some kind of
00:46:47Possible future for us, which we've never really done
00:46:50Yeah in the last few days we sort of been holding hands and actually sitting close to each other with each other instead of being
00:46:58like I
00:47:00Love it progress always happy with progress
00:47:05Let's go to the decision
00:47:07Lauren, okay. I
00:47:10Wrote save an exclamation mark. Oh, wow. There's the a6 day. I like it. I like it
00:47:17Jonathan I had the best three days. So I think it's going well, I'm not like to stay
00:47:27Thank you so much Jaden Ridge
00:47:36Well, let's get straight into it couples retreat like the couple's retreat was great we had the best time
00:47:41Literally the best time I don't look at anyone the way I look at Jade
00:47:46I've always said the next girl who comes along who has everything I want in a partner
00:47:49I'm gonna give everything that I have and that's that's Jade. I mean, these are big feelings. Mmm, definitely rich big point, too
00:47:56She's only 6.5 and she thinks she likes me more. Can you believe that?
00:48:02Rich and I definitely in a good place and
00:48:05I introduced rich to my daughter
00:48:09We went to the zoo
00:48:11Obviously, I was flattered that she even wanted me to go meet her daughter, but I was I was always ready for it
00:48:16It made me really happy seeing the way he is with her
00:48:21Well, it's just wonderful to hear
00:48:26Let's go to the decision stay or leave let's go with you first rich stay good
00:48:37Jade what do you got stay or leave I
00:48:40Have stay
00:48:43With that you can go back to the group. Thanks guys
00:48:52Let's get our next couple up
00:48:58Michael and Stephen boys
00:49:09Well you two last time we saw you on the couch it was clear that Stephen you were gonna step up and
00:49:15We're very keen to know how it all went
00:49:21Yeah, that kind of went downhill quickly
00:49:26We had a publicity shoot and
00:49:30There was a little spark that Stephen had with the hairdresser
00:49:35And on the way home I was like was there any feelings there was there any attraction and I was told no
00:49:40Only to fast-forward a few hours later to find out that there was a spark there and that he'll never see anything here
00:49:48So it was basically like a hard
00:49:55What made you decide I'm gonna tell her about this spark I'm clean for me when I felt that spark it was like a
00:50:03Light bulb moment. I was like, that's what's missing and
00:50:07I feel I felt like it was just a lie for me to go on another minute without voicing that I
00:50:17Blown away because I'm trying to grow something deeper than just a spark
00:50:21But you didn't give me a chance to build anything deeper because you got distracted in the heartbeat. I think that I
00:50:29Have always been honest. I
00:50:31Have never felt a spark and
00:50:35Don't want to lead you on and there have been many times where we are getting along really well and that misleads you Michael
00:50:43What's it been like for you on the receiving end of it throughout this experiment? Look it it really crushed me
00:50:51Like I've come into this with an open heart open mind wanting to give it my all I'm absolutely defeated
00:50:57I'm deflated and I'm
00:51:00Exhausted now
00:51:05We've got to go to the decision
00:51:08Stephen let's go with you first
00:51:11Stay or leave. What do you reckon?
00:51:13Yeah, look I
00:51:18I think you know, it's time to call call it
00:51:27Michael stay or leave
00:51:32Don't feel like you ever tried. I don't feel like you ever showed up here to try
00:51:36I feel like you got here immediately was like, I don't like you. I'm ready to go
00:51:41You kept your foot at the exit the entire time
00:51:45I've always been a fighter and I've given everything my all
00:51:50But sometimes you have to keep your head held high so
00:52:00Yeah, I decided it's time to go
00:52:04Michael I know how much you wanted this
00:52:07So we are absolutely devastated that it hasn't worked out
00:52:11But in saying that even the way you've handled this situation tonight has just shown everybody your integrity
00:52:18We've loved having you as part of the experiment. We wish you all the very best. You can go back. Thank you guys so much
00:52:28Came into this
00:52:30Wanting to give it my all and I did I felt extreme highs of extreme lows
00:52:36But I'm grateful for the experiment. It was good to go back home knowing. I'm a stronger person
00:52:42Our next couple up on the couch
00:52:50Tori and Jack
00:52:58Had a chance to observe you guys last night and a lot was going on
00:53:04I'd like to hear from you. How do you sum it all up couples retreat and everything that's gone down. Yeah, look it's
00:53:12It's been a tough one
00:53:15we've um
00:53:16Definitely had our issues. We're hoping couples retreat would be a good time and a jolly time but come under fire again
00:53:27Know it's always pretty pissed with me
00:53:31It shows yeah, I
00:53:37Just feel like it's just been one thing after the other good job
00:53:44Last night the dinner party the whole thing regarding the whale comment. It was just really off-putting
00:53:52And I think
00:53:55Jack said sorry quite a bit, but I'm at a point where I need like firm action
00:54:01It's interesting because what we saw at the dinner party was a very united front again
00:54:07Feel like last night. We were very united and then when we got home I did have a moment of like
00:54:15hold up I
00:54:18Don't condone this behavior like I don't stand for any of this. Yeah, exactly
00:54:27Jack I'm at a point now where I'm almost lost for words because let's just reflect
00:54:36We've got you coming in to this experiment
00:54:41In a cloud of suspicion that you've got an ex-girlfriend on the outside
00:54:48You then use a muzzle comment during the dinner party
00:54:55You then mention, and it's hard for me to say
00:55:01That if there's a partner swap
00:55:04They're gonna get to have sex with your partner
00:55:10And when you think I might be done, I'm not
00:55:13There's more
00:55:25We've got you coming in to this experiment in a cloud of suspicion that you've got an ex-girlfriend on the outside
00:55:34You then use a muzzle comment during the dinner party. I don't want to go on but I will go on
00:55:40You then mention that if there's a partner swap
00:55:45They're gonna get to have sex with your partner
00:55:50And when you think I might be done, I'm not
00:55:54Because there's other things here. There's more
00:56:00You top it off with
00:56:06You top it off with a comment when you were at a pool that they looked like whales
00:56:14And this frankly is coming from a personal trainer who should know better
00:56:21It's not good enough
00:56:25What I do see tonight that's different is that Tori has cottoned on to you
00:56:32It's cottoned on to you
00:56:35Your body language says we're in deep trouble and I'm at a point now where I'm almost lost for words
00:56:45I've got to clean my act up
00:56:48And I can only moving forward from here. I know you're distant from me last night was shit
00:56:54And I want to make it up to you and everyone else as well. Like no more shady comments
00:57:00no more shitty acts and
00:57:03I want to get through this and focus on us and show you what I think the real me is
00:57:13Do you trust Jack?
00:57:25Do you trust me
00:57:30That that element of trust is like in question, yeah
00:57:39Okay, I think that's basically my biggest concern pay attention to what you're seeing
00:57:49People will show you who they are and they can be very intelligent and know better
00:57:55But it's how they act
00:57:57You're seeing behaviors
00:58:00So, let's find out your decision this week starting with you Jack I'm staying
00:58:27Like I said before I don't need to heal anymore I need to see
00:58:37And in order to see that I need to stay
00:58:56Tori I
00:59:02You just have to observe people they will show you
00:59:08Pay attention to what you're seeing
00:59:14Have a good week. Thank you
00:59:19Going to be a
00:59:21pubertal week
00:59:23Because the trust has been shaken
00:59:26Like I know you're sorry. You've said it. That's great. Love that for you. No, I need to see it
00:59:35Let's get our next couple up Sarah and Tim
00:59:54Well, let's get straight into it shall we
01:00:00That dinner party
01:00:11What happened
01:00:13Basically, yeah, we came in pretty good from the retreat very good
01:00:20yeah, probably the best we'd ever been and
01:00:24Then Jaden and Eden pulled us aside and said is there something you want to tell Tim about what you did on the weekend?
01:00:30I told him that I met up with my ex-boyfriend
01:00:37Yeah, that was that was what happened
01:00:47Help me understand this. Why were you meeting up with your ex?
01:00:53There was no specific reason behind it
01:01:01What kind of relationship do you have with your ex it's a friendship
01:01:09So, how long have you been not going out with him for six years
01:01:15But throughout those six years you've been seeing him on and off. Yes
01:01:19so you've kind of been going out with him, but not in a
01:01:24classic stereotypical way
01:01:28For the first four years after yes
01:01:33That no, we didn't hook up after that
01:01:36I thought you mentioned that you did hook up with him a month before coming on to the experiment
01:01:45Yes, yes I did
01:01:50So it hasn't been two years just to clarify yes, correct, okay
01:02:07We didn't hook up after that I thought you mentioned that you did hook up with him a month before coming on to the experiment
01:02:17Yes, yes I did
01:02:22So it hasn't been two years just to clarify yes, yes, correct. Yeah, okay
01:02:31Sarah a very important point friends don't get naked and have sex
01:02:42You did that a month before the experiment started
01:02:50What was your question
01:02:58Didn't what were the texts that made you feel suspicious
01:03:03Well, she said I'm going to see my ex and then she wrote she
01:03:08She was asking for a dress. She said she wanted to look good
01:03:11Sir, if you just friends, why would you want to borrow a dress to meet your ex? That's a good question
01:03:17Because he's not just a friend
01:03:23Wanted him to know that I was doing well
01:03:25And that's a confusing part is like, you know
01:03:27If you were if you wanted to show that you're doing good, you would have been proud to bring me there
01:03:35So the question has to be asked you still have feelings for your ex no and I told him that
01:03:43Because you behave this is otherwise I
01:03:46Mean you guys can keep saying that but I know how I feel
01:03:50She's taking this
01:03:55So if he's just a friend why didn't you tell him about it did you think you'd get away with it
01:04:05Yeah, if I didn't say anything, there's no way you would have said anything no chance
01:04:09Mm-hmm. This is my time on the couch. This isn't a dinner party. Thank you
01:04:17I'm looking at your body language right now. You seem very reserved guarded almost like
01:04:26You don't want to be answering these questions
01:04:31Well, personally, I don't understand why everyone is having an opinion right now
01:04:35You're just sorry that you're caught not actually sorry for what you did. Sorry guys my turn. Thanks
01:04:45What impacted I have on you take us there
01:04:50Yeah, it was devastating
01:04:51we went through some turmoil at the retreat and we came back out in a really good place and
01:04:57To hear that I was I was really hurt
01:05:01But to me, it's been a bigger picture sort of thing
01:05:04the whole experiment I just haven't felt like
01:05:07Sarah's wanted to be here with me. I don't think she really likes me
01:05:15She doesn't even like value me as a person in her life
01:05:20You think anything physically happened between Sarah and her ex?
01:05:26I'm not too sure like initially I thought for sure definitely she did
01:05:31But you know, the problem is I'll never actually know
01:05:35I've danced this dance before
01:05:38And I'm very patient and I'm forgiving but like I've done it before and I just get hurt
01:05:44you know, this is just
01:05:47Just push me further down and kill my self-esteem
01:05:56One of the big issues that we've had is that we've had a lot of people come to us and say
01:06:01We saw as experts at the dinner party Sarah was that you didn't relate to Tim
01:06:09You didn't talk to him
01:06:11You didn't really get his point of view or a sense of where he was coming from
01:06:16I actually I tried to pull Tim aside once and he didn't want to come speak to me Sarah
01:06:22This is a pattern that I have to call out
01:06:26You deceived and betrayed Tim
01:06:30You're the one storming out and not saying sorry
01:06:34There is a problem with that. I
01:06:38Didn't know what to do. I honestly didn't know what to do. What about say, sorry
01:06:45Yeah, absolutely why didn't you I don't know
01:06:56Just left me you just
01:06:58Heard this news. You're just offending yourself and you just left me
01:07:02Yeah, I get it. Everyone wanted answers a group wanted to hold you accountable
01:07:05But you left and then you didn't even follow up with me. You didn't even text me to see are you?
01:07:11Okay, you know and so for me what like what do you think that shows me?
01:07:16It's kind of just drilling in the fact that I feel like
01:07:19Like what are we even here for you know what I mean like I
01:07:26Want to be with someone who wants to be with me
01:07:32One of the things that we've complained about throughout this experiment is that the communication doesn't work
01:07:40You say that Tim needs to step up
01:07:43And what I saw last night at the dinner party gave me the answer to why he doesn't step up
01:07:50Because your fight style is combative and it's aggressive
01:07:57And Tim is too scared
01:08:00To mention anything and when an issue does come up Sarah we saw what happened
01:08:06There's not an apology
01:08:08There's not a sense of remorse or accountability
01:08:12If that doesn't change
01:08:15It's going to make it very hard for someone to date you
01:08:19I see that I
01:08:23Don't know if you do I do
01:08:29Yeah, I think what we're seeing now is not how you're always like
01:08:33Behind closed doors. I feel like you're a lot more on Tim
01:08:37On him, I don't think if you're like that more often can I just say something on that I?
01:08:44Get it because
01:08:46For a lot of this experiment. I saw a lot of things that I felt
01:08:51I didn't want but obviously there was a lot that I need to work on as well
01:08:57I'm worrying about Tim and I right now and about how I feel about Tim, but I'm gonna deal with it with Tim
01:09:05Yeah, I feel like there's there's still a lot to unpack about like this, so I can can I just finish what I was saying
01:09:15I was just getting to a point, and I don't know where I was up
01:09:25What was I saying
01:09:38I'm worrying about Tim and I right now and about how I feel about Tim, but I'm gonna deal with it with Tim
01:09:45Yeah, I feel like there's there's still a lot to unpack about like this, so I can can I just finish what I was saying
01:09:55I was just getting to a point, and I don't know where I was up
01:10:04Was I saying
01:10:07So yes, I know what it looks like to everybody I get that and I know you guys aren't gonna believe me
01:10:13I'm gonna do everything in my power to make Tim my priority. I don't care what you guys think
01:10:18I just want to focus on him. Can I make a quick observation with what I just saw you do?
01:10:26You just gave this big spill to us all about how your priorities Tim
01:10:30And you are gonna put him first, but when he tried to speak you shut him down
01:10:35Thank You Stephen
01:10:37When just just now just then just now yeah, yeah, oh when he when he started talking
01:10:43Yeah, but I was speaking. I know but I think what the experts have just said is that you're so
01:10:49Worried about being in the right and getting your point across that when your partner
01:10:54Who's your priority that you've just said tried to speak you shut him down
01:10:58So you could get your point across?
01:11:01Your first initial reaction should have been like I'm so sorry like at this point if you stay
01:11:07I think it was like you're staying for yourself because if I did expect it that's head for him
01:11:11You wouldn't drag him along for the ride hundred percent. Yeah
01:11:15Thank you everybody
01:11:22Right well this has been
01:11:24Raw and emotional, but it was always going to be
01:11:27Now we've got to find out your decisions. They'll leave you first Tim I
01:11:35Mean I feel like an idiot, and I feel like I'm being taken for a ride, and I feel like
01:11:41You know I want to be
01:11:44respected and loved and liked and I
01:11:47Deserve to have my self-esteem pulled up in a relationship as opposed to push down
01:11:52so there's a lot of things that I left unsaid, but anyway obviously the trust has been broken and
01:12:00Yeah, I have to leave
01:12:05Sarah over to you stay or leave. What do you got?
01:12:13Frankly don't care what everybody else says I know what I want to do
01:12:27So I'm staying
01:12:35It's cool
01:12:46Okay as you know if someone says stay and the other person says leave and they have a week to turn it around a
01:12:53Betrayal has occurred
01:12:56You Sarah have to win him back that is your mindset that is your attitude that is your priority
01:13:04Turn to him and
01:13:07Tell him what you were gonna do and how you're gonna do it
01:13:11to repair
01:13:13What you smashed apart?
01:13:20Put me on the spot
01:13:25Tim I
01:13:28I hope you can give me the chance to show you that. I really do want to be here
01:13:40I'm sorry
01:14:12So sorry
01:14:18You've only got one week to turn it around and I believe you can but you've got to walk a very different walk
01:14:26And we'll see you next time you can go back to the group good luck
01:14:34Right now I feel disappointed I feel guilt
01:14:40But I don't care what the group thinks of me I don't care if they like me or not because I'm here for Tim
01:14:55There's a lot of things that I need to tell Sarah, I'm just sick of being a punching bag
01:15:01What she's done is disgusting baby. I like some answers
01:15:11If anything inspires from the loins up and through game on
01:15:17You are a bit of a ticking time bomb the fallout stop with the low blows. It's facts
01:15:22Let me speak takes a new turn. I need you to back off. I'm done. Leave me alone
01:15:30Tomorrow 730 on 9 and 9 now
