Pres. Maduro leads national demonstration in defense of peace and sovereignty

  • last month
In Venezuela, the president, Nicolás Maduro, led the great national march for peace and in support of his popular victory in the presidential elections of July 28.


00:00And we begin with Venezuela, as the population continues to mobilize in defense of the electoral
00:06victory of President Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of the fascism and the ultra-right.
00:12And to join us live from Caracas is our correspondent Gladys Quesada.
00:17Tell us, Gladys, what's the climate on the streets?
00:20What is the latest over there?
00:21We have just heard from President Nicolás Maduro.
00:24Tell us the latest.
00:26Hi, Bel, thanks for this time.
00:31Thanks for the contact, hearing from the South.
00:34And as I always said, for this opportunity to showcase the truth of Venezuela and what
00:39is going on in Venezuela to our international audience.
00:44So far, the march that started today in Cantebé, in the Libertador Avenue here in Caracas,
00:51Venezuela, and all over the country, all of those marches had one end.
00:56And in this occasion in Caracas, the march headed towards Miraflores, the seat of the
01:03And there, after one part of the march was accompanied by the top authorities of the
01:07country, that's to say, the first vice president of the Socialist United Party of Venezuela,
01:14Jorge Rodríguez, the president of the National Assembly, and also the president of the nation,
01:20the re-elected and constitutional president, Nicolás Maduro Moros.
01:25The march ended in Miraflores, the seat of the palace, there in a large gathering.
01:30And now people is coming back from that gathering and the end of the march.
01:35This is the aftermath of the euphoria of the day, an euphoria that started today at noontime.
01:43And people start gathering, as I was telling you, with their families, with their friends,
01:49in a communal and maybe in a way that they were plural all the time.
01:55They were never alone in this march.
01:57And now they concluded this rally, this movement, in the Miraflores palace, the seat of the
02:05And as you can see behind me, there is all of these people coming back from the Miraflores
02:12There, the president addressed the crowd and addressed the nation.
02:16And he was referring to the anti-fascism law, one of the legislations that is to be
02:21approved but is under discussion by the parliament, the National Assembly of the nation.
02:29And it's a law that intends to cut off every terrorist faction, every manifestation, every
02:38display of fascism in the country, given the aftermath of the July 28th presidential elections
02:45and given the terrorist actions, the looting actions, and the violence that the country
02:52saw after the July 28th presidential elections, as we were saying.
02:57He was emphasizing that the country overcame the violence in 72 hours.
03:03That was a communal and plural and general effort, not only by the national police or
03:11the National Guard of Venezuela, the two main forces that went to combat the violence outbreak
03:17here in the nation.
03:19Also, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, he was referring to the need
03:24of national unity.
03:26And of course, they were also referring to the project that is upcoming now.
03:31And that is to say, the commune consultation next August 25th.
03:37As we were saying all over the day, that's the next goal, the next milestone for chavismo
03:44here in Venezuela, not only Caracas, but all over the country also.
03:49The top authorities were referring to the need to maintain peace, the need to maintain
03:55security and stability in the country.
03:58And the president was doing something very peculiar, and I want to stop here because
04:02we know that in social media, the radical far right, the extreme radical far right,
04:10is conducting a smear campaign against the government, against the Maduro administration,
04:17and against the people of Venezuela, even saying, you know, bringing them to a demise
04:24in words and bringing on them really negative characteristics.
04:31In this occasion, the president was saying, okay, they are powerful in the social media
04:37ambience, in the social media sphere.
04:40They have these influencers with millions and zillions of followers, but you are the
04:44people of Venezuela, you have the power to bring up your truth to the social media, to
04:50showcase in videos what is going on really in the country, to showcase that there is
04:55no violence, no repression, no physical, you know, submitting of the people here in Venezuela,
05:02that you have the right to vote and the right to express your will freely in the streets,
05:07and that you are against what the fascism groups are opposing to the nation.
05:13So he convoked to the youngsters and convoked to the people of Venezuela that each one of
05:18them become an influencer in a way that they could communicate the truth of Venezuela,
05:24the real Venezuela, and their real will on the politics of the country and the way they
05:30participate in the political landscapes and the political activities here in the country.
05:35He also tried to explain how works the underbelly of these campaigns, and that's to say he
05:43was saying that using lies and using, you know, distorted images and using A.D. radical
05:52and extreme far-right groups and are trying to construct a different Venezuela than the
05:59one that is really going on. And he was emphasizing that he is open to dialogue with the opposition,
06:07you know, affiliates here in the country, that the people that voted for the opposition,
06:13the people that is with the opposition has the opportunity to go and dialogue with the
06:18government to live in peace and to preserve their will. But he was reiterating and stressing
06:24that he will not tolerate, he will not tolerate any attack against the people of Venezuela.
06:31As you can see behind me, all of these people is coming back from that march, is coming
06:36back from that gathering. Behind me is this sir, is this man holding the Venezuelan national
06:44flag, but you can see after, or behind us, the crowd, the packed crowd that is coming
06:51from the Miraflores Palace, the seat of the government. So this is Venezuela right now.
06:55This is the aftermath of this euphoria nationally. This is the opportunity for the Venezuelans
07:00to express their will, to counteract violent actions, and this is the way they find peace,
07:09they fight for peace, and they find concord. So this is the information bill, and this
07:14is the information for our audience. So now, back to you.
