Leo the Truck Full Episodes Learn Street Vehicles for Kids - A Fire Truck & a To

  • le mois dernier


00:31Un avion bleu est nettoyé à la carwash.
00:36C'est Max.
00:39Et voici les robots.
00:41Ils demandent à Scoop de faire un trou dans le playground.
00:46Je me demande pourquoi.
00:49Ils pensent qu'il y a de l'arbre caché ici.
00:57Ou ici.
00:59Peut-être ici.
01:01« Rien qu'ici », dit le robot bleu.
01:06Est-ce vrai ?
01:09Voyons voir.
01:14Un peu plus.
01:24Ah, de l'eau !
01:27Oh oh !
01:49Ouh !
01:56Oh oh !
02:01Mais d'abord, nous devons fermer l'eau.
02:04C'est le tapis.
02:06Tourne-le, robot.
02:18Scoop, faisons le trou plus grand,
02:21pour pouvoir sortir l'arbre.
02:26Oh oh !
02:47Oh oh !
02:57Oh oh !
03:12Oh oh !
03:26Les portes
03:32Les portes
03:38Les lumières
03:50La poignée pour les pipes
03:56Excellent! La poignée pour les pipes est prête!
04:02Regardez! Elle enlève la pipe qui a été cassée
04:13Wow! Quel trou!
04:15Maintenant, nous devons trouver une pipe similaire qui n'est pas cassée
04:26La poignée pour les pipes
04:32Va-t-elle fonctionner?
04:40Et celle-ci?
04:47Pas celle-ci non plus
04:50C'est la pipe dont nous avons besoin
04:56La poignée pour les pipes
05:12La poignée pour les pipes laisse la pipe en place
05:19Hurray! Nous l'avons fait!
05:23Nous devons allumer l'eau pour s'assurer que tout fonctionne
05:36L'eau ne s'échappe plus du sol
05:39Scoop! Resserez le trou
05:53La pompe
06:15Comment sont les choses à l'émission?
06:17Ha! Ha! Max can finish his bath now. Thanks Leo!
06:48Bucket and shovel.
06:53Let's go!
06:59Unload the parts here.
07:02Oh! These are parts of a fire engine.
07:06Let's build it!
07:11and chassis.
07:18Now, doors.
07:26And a water tank.
07:35Compartment for tools.
07:38Let's put the bucket and the shovel there.
07:42Do you know that some of the parts of a fire engine
07:46Do you know that sometimes firemen put out fire with sand?
07:59Attach wings.
08:12And headlights.
08:16And here is a rotating mechanism for the ladder.
08:26But where is the ladder?
08:35Robots, did you take the ladder from the fire engine?
08:40What is it?
08:42Flashing beacons.
08:44We need them too.
08:49Leo, these beacons look like small horns on you.
08:59Oh! Where are you?
09:04Here you are.
09:07And now, let's find the ladder.
09:13Where can it be?
09:17Have you noticed it already?
09:26Look carefully.
09:32It's behind the sandbox.
09:45Let's put the ladder on the fire engine.
09:53And now the beacons.
09:59The fire engine is ready.
10:03Now, let's fill the tank with water.
10:10Look! It's watering flowers!
10:17Robots, do you also need water?
10:24The fire engine is ready.
10:28Let's fill the tank with water.
10:32And now, let's fill the tank with water.
10:39The fire engine fills the pool with water.
10:45Now ducks can swim.
10:52The fire engine is so useful.
10:59Four little cars quickly drive along the road.
11:03Oh! A puddle!
11:07Wet road like this can be very slippery.
11:12Oh! Careful!
11:31The yellow car is stuck and can't get out.
11:35Will you help it?
11:44To pull out the car, let's build a tow truck.
11:49Let's start, Leo.
11:57Take the chassis and attach the platform for the cabin.
12:06Put two seats.
12:14Now, steering wheel and control panel.
12:22The cabin.
12:36Front bumper.
12:42Four wheels.
12:57And a red platform.
13:00We'll attach a boom and a hook to it, so the tow truck can pull out the car.
13:08But where are the boom and the hook?
13:11Leo, we need to find them.
13:14Oh! The hook is here.
13:17Put it in the back.
13:24And the boom is under the slide.
13:33Now, the tow truck can pull out the car.
13:37Let's build the tow truck.
13:44Yes! That's it!
14:01Install the boom with the winch and attach the hook to the cable.
14:05Well done, Leo!
14:14Look! The tow truck is so strong.
14:18He can even move Leo.
14:20Little car, we'll get you out quickly.
14:51The tow truck lowers the hook.
14:54Grab it! Like this!
14:57Good job!
15:14Oh, little car, you are so dirty!
15:21Let's take you to the car wash.
15:38Time to wash.
15:40And after, you can drive on.
15:43But this time, be more careful.
15:50See you soon!
