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00:00You are a brave man, Ertugrul.
00:02You were very clever in front of Uday Khan.
00:05And you put me in a lot of trouble, Ertugrul.
00:09I won't let you die so easily.
00:12Don't think that the time is up, Noyan.
00:15You can't scare me with death.
00:17I'll cut your legs with which you escaped.
00:20After that, I'll cut your hands with which you injured me.
00:24I'll cut you into pieces.
00:27Fulfill your desire, Noyan.
00:29Do whatever you want to do.
00:31It was very difficult to catch me with so many soldiers.
00:34You can never make me give up.
00:38We are here, brother.
00:41I'll kill your men.
00:43You'll die before them.
00:44You can never harm my wife, Noyan.
