Ziva Fey vs Jenny Holesome _ FULL FIGHT _ Lingerie Fighting Championships

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00:00The following goddess is headed for three rounds, three minutes each round.
00:04Entering seat first, fighting out of the black corner, with a record of zero wins with one loss.
00:10She is a Western State 5'6 tall, weighing in at 145 pounds.
00:15Fighting out of Phoenix, Arizona, Jay Hulsta!
00:27And her opponent fighting out of the red corner,
00:29with a record of one win with zero losses.
00:32She is a Taekwondo specialist, State 5'4 tall, weighing in at 110 pounds.
00:39Also fighting out of Phoenix, Arizona, Siva Pei!
00:46Your Marino challenger, with instructions.
00:51Ladies, let's have a good, clean fight. No standing strikes to the face. Touch, gloves, and blow.
00:58Alright, willing touch of gloves there, and they don't back away very much back to the corner. I like that!
01:04I said, well as long as we're here this close, why don't we just stay here?
01:08This battle of two Phoenix natives, and you see it's Siva Pei that gets the early takedown.
01:17I always say it's a little bit of MMA, a little bit of wrestling. She definitely has a little bit of clothing.
01:22Yeah, very, very little.
01:25No complaints here from this part of the crew.
01:28In the meantime, Jenny Holsten has been able to work back to the feet there, a little bit of a reversal.
01:34And back to the feet.
01:38They engage once again, as Hulsta, the wrestler, looking for the inside trip.
01:42Beautiful job there.
01:45On command, the wrestler shows the skills in that clinch.
01:49Right to the back, looks like a hand's underneath the chin.
01:52Look at this, trying to get the hooks in, you can see, elevating the legs of Siva Pei.
01:57And you nailed it right there, the right arm is underneath the chin.
02:00Siva Pei is in some trouble earlier.
02:02She's able to work through it, and spin inside.
02:05That right arm was menacing under the neck.
02:08Yes, nice reversal, and she worked it into herself, and got her arm underneath it.
02:12Working it like she's working in a choke there.
02:15Shoulder pressed in right now, trying to isolate that left arm perhaps.
02:20Again, Siva Pei, the taekwondo stylist, but looks comfortable.
02:25I said she looked comfortable on top until she was just muscled off.
02:28Just thrown off by Holsten.
02:30She rushes forward, and again, you see the wrestling of Holsten driving in there.
02:34Oh, look at that. Acrobatics from Siva Pei.
02:38She scrambles to the top, and she's in mount.
02:41Excellent work there. That was creative.
02:45Great finding the legs.
02:47Yes, that's tough. They're moving up in the mount.
02:50Moved up high in the mount.
02:52Holsten felt it, was able to counter, but now she's got to pay attention to the guillotine choke.
03:01Tense moments here.
03:03Oh, beautiful work from Siva Pei. That was nice.
03:06Outside trip to the ground, maintaining control of the neck.
03:10Jenny Holsten now tries to escape free, but gives up the back once again.
03:14She's not in right now, but that arm is definitely around the neck as they work to the feet.
03:18Oh, look at that.
03:19Jumps up, takes her back, and works the guillotine.
03:23Beautiful from Siva Pei to just jump the back.
03:26Was holding on to the neck.
03:28And now look at that. Both hooks are in.
03:30She's high on the back, though, and Holsten rolls out of it.
03:33Yes, that was a great escape from that.
03:35You don't see that that often. That was great.
03:37Yes, just dove forward, was able to escape, but not able to get herself out of trouble.
03:41Yes, Siva so quick, just jumps right back to the back again.
03:45Time winding down here in the opening round.
03:48Back and forth action between these two.
03:51Jenny Holsten, the wrestler, she showed him.
03:53And Siva Pei showing that she's got a little knowledge in the grappling game as well.
03:57Look at this. Late here in round number one, she's trying to work to the back.
04:01Look at the legs up on the shoulders and just pulling the arms back.
04:05That's just mean.
04:07And fortunately, saved by the bell.
04:12Take a look at some of the replays here from a very competitive opening round.
04:17Siva Pei, the taekwondo stylist, but she was showing some skills with the takedowns there.
04:22Yes, that was nice. Nice little takedown straight into a mount.
04:27That was a beautiful moment where she took her back.
04:30Yes, that was good.
04:32Definitely showing the exhaustion. It's so hot in here.
04:34And you can see with them jumping around, taking the back.
04:37It's just so tiring.
04:39You can definitely see it on the face of Siva there.
04:41But you see a lot of determination right there too.
04:44She looks focused.
04:46But yes, the heat here inside the FSW Arena, no joke.
04:49Summertime in Las Vegas. It is a reality.
04:52I've been living here 16 years, but it's always warm in the summer.
04:56There's just no getting around it.
04:58I think it's a little warm in here anyway.
05:00Looking at what we're looking at, it's a little hot in here.
05:02It could be hot no matter where we were.
05:04It could be hot wintertime.
05:06All right, so we get ready for round 2.
05:08We'll see what adjusts today.
05:09Now you see Siva Faye trying to flash the striking a little bit.
05:12It looked like maybe she wanted to prove a point with the grappling in round 1.
05:15But now trying to lean on that taekwondo background.
05:18Although, as I say that, into the clinch now.
05:20She's controlling the neck and looking for maybe a head and arm throw here once again.
05:26Jenny Holston, though, not going to allow it.
05:28Oh, that was nice.
05:30Real battles for position here.
05:32I mean, you can see the struggle.
05:35I mean, it's the little tiny details and beautiful work there from Holston
05:39to roll it over to the top, and she's immediately into full mount.
05:46First time that Holston's really been able to set up in top position.
05:49She has a plan while she's there.
05:51Constricting the breathing a little bit, you know, make it tough for your opponent.
05:54I mean, the strategy there.
05:58Siva Faye turns her knees back to her feet.
06:02Oh, look at this.
06:03Beautiful little lat drop there.
06:05Although, she's got to be careful with the arm.
06:07Again, back and forth again in the grappling department.
06:10Oh, my goodness.
06:12Trying to set up on this.
06:13Oh, look at that.
06:15My goodness.
06:16And that's going to do it.
06:18Beautiful work.
06:19That got the tap.
06:21My goodness.
06:22Siva Faye against the wrestler shows that she's got some grappling chops.
06:26Take a look at that.
06:27That was great.
06:28Had her arm trapped in there, so she couldn't clearly defend that.
06:31Only had the arm free to do the tap.
06:34Look at that.
06:35What a great finish.
06:48Siva Faye moves the 2-0, and the Taekwondo stylist shows she's got some grappling as well.
06:53Jenny Holston, no joke.
06:55She's got some real skills that we'll certainly see in the future,
06:58but that was a vicious submission win from Siva Faye.
07:02Yes, indeed.
07:03I like the show of respect there from the two Phoenix athletes.
07:06I'm sure we'll see them in there against each other again one of these days.
07:11Definitely two skilled athletes that will certainly be back here at LFC.
