
  • le mois dernier
00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum everyone, this is Ahalya Zameer.
00:02Go grab your tickets for Purwaaz-e-Junoon, which is coming out this Eid-ul-Adha.
00:25Is Maryam asleep?
00:29I have put her to sleep with great difficulty.
00:32She is very upset.
00:35She has gone through a very difficult situation.
00:41Vijay, I am very worried.
00:47If that boy didn't kidnap Maryam, then who were those people?
00:52They didn't even ask for money.
00:55They just left Maryam.
00:57What did they want?
01:00I don't understand myself.
01:02Maryam is saying that she didn't see anyone.
01:06I am very worried.
01:10Tara, I have decided.
01:13Zamaan and Maryam will get married this month, not next month.
01:18But those people…
01:25What happened, Maryam?
01:27My child, what is the matter?
01:29Why are you crying like this?
01:31Mama, please don't leave me alone and go.
01:36My child, I didn't leave you alone.
01:38I had put you to sleep.
01:39You come here.
01:41Why are you getting scared in your house with mama and papa?
01:44Mama, he will kill me.
01:47He will crush me under the car.
01:50He will kill me.
01:51Please save me.
01:55Please save me.
01:57Whom are you talking about?
01:58Who will crush you?
02:02Tara, go and sleep with Maryam in her room.
02:09I won't go anywhere.
02:11My child.
02:25My child.
02:53Where are you going?
02:56To find aunt.
02:58There is no need.
02:59Go back to your room.
03:02Mama, I can't sit at home like this.
03:05I have to find aunt.
03:06I have to go to office.
03:07I told you.
03:08You won't go anywhere.
03:09Go inside.
03:11Mama, he is a man.
03:12How long will he stay at home?
03:14I have told you.
03:15No one will step out of this house.
03:17Did you hear that?
03:19Can't you see what is happening here?
03:21The one who goes out of the house either gets lost or dies.
03:24If anyone steps out of the house, I will break his legs.
03:28Did you hear that?
03:30And if he still doesn't come out, I will lock the door.
03:46Have we all gone mad in this house?
03:49This is what happens when death is used as an escape route instead of the ultimate truth of life.
04:01Death is the truth of life.
04:04More than three days are not allowed, my brother.
04:09But where people like you, people like revenge and people like aunt take the escape route,
04:15then the same stories are made in the house.
04:18Why don't you agree that Mahnoor's death was written like this?
04:23Why don't you agree?
04:26Instead of being the support of the family, you are torturing them.
04:31What are you trying to say?
04:33That my Mahnoor had to die?
04:35We all have to die at our time one day.
04:38Then why should we die before time?
04:40Wow Annie.
04:42It's amazing.
04:43God forbid, if something happens to your husband in the future,
04:46then you will also die.
04:48God forbid? What are you saying Shahroz?
04:54There is pain, my brother.
04:57There is a lot of pain.
05:00But the pain is not appeased.
05:05The pain is not nurtured.
05:08It is made its strength.
05:11But this thing,
05:14no one in this house will understand.
05:17No one.
05:45Did you wake up?
05:47I have seen you so many times.
05:50You were sleeping soundly.
05:52Yes, I slept for a long time today.
05:55It's okay.
05:57Now wake up, take a shower and freshen up.
06:00Then we will have something to eat.
06:02I have made your breakfast.
06:04I will make it for you.
06:07Then we will have something to eat.
06:09I have not had breakfast because of you.
06:13I will take out your dress.
06:15You take a shower.
06:30Get up.
06:35What is this?
06:37Mayu's dupatta.
06:39I want Mayu's dupatta to always be with you.
06:44What happened?
06:46I don't like this color.
06:49You bought this with so much interest.
06:53No, I don't want to wear it.
06:56Okay, no problem.
06:58I will take out something else.
07:00No, you go. I will take it out myself.
07:03And take this too.
07:05Give it to some servant.
07:10You come down, get ready.
07:12I will make breakfast.
07:34What is the hurry?
07:36Maybe he wants that when Maryam gets busy, she will come out of the space.
07:41I am also saying the same thing.
07:43Let her handle it first.
07:45She is not even capable of talking right now.
07:48When there will be a wedding in the house, she will handle it.
07:53Marriage is not a game that Maryam will be happy.
07:56It's a big responsibility.
07:58And why are you sitting quietly?
08:00Did you talk to Maryam?
08:10What happened?
08:12You are too much.
08:14Have tea, it's getting cold.
08:22If you have a problem with Zamaan, then why did you bring me? Bring her.
08:27Why did I bring you here?
08:30I will give her the same pain that she gave me.
08:33She snatched my love from me, I will snatch her love from her.
08:46How are you Maryam?
08:49I am fine.
08:51Why are you two in such a hurry to get married?
08:55Don't look at me with such strange eyes as if you don't know anything.
08:59Why are you so angry?
09:00Why are you so angry?
09:02Answer what I have asked you.
09:04That girl died, right?
09:06All of you lied to me.
09:09You treated me like a child.
09:13Do you know what he was saying?
09:16He was saying that he could have killed me on the road too.
09:20But I should have known that I am paying for someone's death.
09:25It was him, right?
09:26It was him, right?
09:28I knew that it was him, but why did you take his name in front of the police?
09:31Why did you save him?
09:33Because he wanted to hurt me to take revenge from you.
09:36I will go and tell uncle right now.
09:39You see, we will not leave him.
09:41No Zamaan.
09:43What would he do that would hurt you a lot?
09:48Did he ever do anything to you?
09:52Maryam, you were with him all night.
09:58This is not the reason why you people are in a hurry to get married.
10:04You have taken an oath, right?
10:06That you will always insult me.
10:09What happened Maryam?
10:11I have asked you a question.
10:13I have not committed any sin.
10:14He has not done anything like that.
10:18Did you hear that?
10:20He has not done anything like that.
10:24He just wanted to take revenge of his fiance by killing me.
10:28And I am not in a hurry to get married.
10:31Papa is in a hurry.
10:33He is scared.
10:35He wants to protect you.
10:44He wants to protect you.
11:04I am sorry, dear.
11:06I was praying.
11:08I had to wait for you.
11:10Greetings, aunty.
11:13No, aunty. You sit.
11:15I just came to meet Mahnoor.
11:17I could not come for the wedding.
11:20Are you her friend?
11:22Yes, aunty.
11:24We went to school together.
11:26After that she left the school and went to some other school.
11:29And after a long time, I got in touch with her now.
11:35She is not at home. Has she gone somewhere?
11:39What happened, aunty? Is everything fine?
11:44She left us and went somewhere forever.
11:49She had her mother.
11:52She was going somewhere with her mother's dress.
11:56It would have been better if she had not gone.
12:03Then one day her mother left this house in search of Mahnoor.
12:08And then she never came back.
12:13Mahnoor's hands will never get henna.
12:21May God curse those people.
12:25May they never get peace.
12:29May that girl never get married.
12:44For whom did she leave this?
12:47For whom did she leave this?
13:14She was Mahnoor.
13:16She was my friend.
13:22Let's go inside and talk.
13:39Suman, do you know?
13:43Mahnoor was about to get married.
13:47She was very happy.
13:51She would have never thought before leaving the house that she will die.
13:56Even after going to her house.
14:02It feels like time has stopped.
14:07I am feeling terror from the walls of that house.
14:12You should have taken her.
14:18I have a limit.
14:21What was the need to follow everything so much?
14:24People's relatives die and you are mourning a friend's death.
14:29Her death was already written.
14:32I didn't kill her knowingly.
14:35And by now her family must have also got patience.
14:37She must have got patience.
14:39She must have got patience.
14:42I don't have patience till now.
14:45What about her family?
14:49From where should I get patience?
14:51Tell me, I will go and bring patience.
14:57And Maryam, please.
15:00This is my office.
15:03And I don't want to see any situation here.
15:07It will be better if you don't show yourself from behind.
15:14It's a request.
15:17I am sorry.
15:19I am with you.
15:44She was Mahnoor's friend.
15:47She was saying that she couldn't come to the wedding.
15:50So she came to give a gift.
15:53So you should have returned her.
15:56I just felt bad for Mahnoor.
16:00And I don't know where she went.
16:03I saw her later.
16:07My child.
16:09You forget things.
16:11I don't know where a person goes from where.
16:18Mother, it seems very important to take care of her.
16:21She might come again.
16:29Her mother has gone mad and left the house.
16:35You are very bad.
16:37I don't know where she must be eating painfully.
16:40And she must be looking for her Mahnoor.
16:50I don't eat.
16:54I didn't know.
16:57Keep it.
16:59Mahnoor will eat.
17:01Oh God.
17:03What other loss did she have on my head?
17:05What happened?
17:07Mother, I know where Mahnoor's mother is.
17:10I am going there.
17:12No, you can't go out of the house again and again.
17:15Mother, nothing will happen.
17:17If that person had to hurt me, he would have done it that day.
17:21Nothing will happen.
17:23Mother, I am coming.
17:30And son, how is Mrs. Tyra?
17:32It's been so many days, she didn't even visit here.
17:35She is fine, God willing.
17:37She will come soon.
17:39I wanted to talk to you about something important.
17:42Yes, tell me.
17:44Do you remember Shabana Aunty?
17:48The one who ran away from home in search of her daughter.
17:51Oh yes.
17:53I didn't know that I know her.
17:56She was my friend's mother.
17:58I saw her a long time ago.
17:59She has troubled us a lot.
18:02One day it was too much.
18:04Why? What happened?
18:06She drank poison.
18:24This is my house.
18:26Yes, this is your house.
18:29This is my house.
18:31Didn't I tell you?
18:33There is a storm in my house.
18:35Look there.
18:38But why is it not working?
18:43Why is there no water in it?
19:02Where did you go?
19:05Someone leaves the house anyway.
19:08Shabana, I lost my house. I couldn't find it.
19:12I thought I lost you too like Mahnoor.
19:18You didn't come?
19:25Where did she go?
19:27Thank God, I found you.
19:33You brought her?
19:35Where did you meet her?
19:37Sorry aunty.
19:39I met her a long time ago.
19:41And I felt that I have seen her somewhere before.
19:45But I don't even remember if I saw her a long time ago.
19:50You have done us a big favor, dear.
19:53May God bless you with her.
19:54Where are you going?
19:56Let's go inside. Come, Shabana.
19:58No, aunty. I am going.
20:00Maryam, I won't let you go like this.
20:02You will have food and go.
20:04Aunty, I will come again.
20:06I have some work.
20:08Do come. We will wait for you.
20:10Take care of yourself.
20:12Allah Hafiz.
20:13Allah Hafiz, dear.
20:18What are you looking at?
20:20How have you kept the house?
20:22The grass is dry and the nets are also hanging.
20:25You have come, right?
20:27We will clean everything together.
20:35I don't know how many days she has slept peacefully.
20:39That girl proved to be an angel for us, dear.
20:43May God fulfill all her wishes and desires.
20:52I will heat the food for you. Come downstairs.
21:11Forgive me, aunty.
21:15I could neither protect Mahnoor
21:20nor could I find you.
21:23Nor could I take revenge.
21:31I didn't deserve a girl like Mahnoor.
21:38Maybe that is why fate has separated me from her.
21:47Forgive me, aunty.
21:52Forgive me, aunty.
22:11Dad, you?
22:13Have a seat.
22:15You look satisfied.
22:19Actually, Shabana aunty has gone back home.
22:22So, the burden on my heart has been lightened.
22:25That's good.
22:26Stop looking back.
22:28You have your life ahead of you.
22:32Yes, even I am thinking the same.
22:34Good girl.
22:35Very good.
22:39get me an appointment with a psychiatrist.
22:43Do you feel the need?
22:45The world thinks that
22:47my mind needs treatment.
22:50Forget about the treatment.
22:52Tell me about yourself.
22:56Get me an appointment.
23:00Okay, dear.
23:11Greetings, mom.
23:15You came early today.
23:17I thought of spending some time with aunty.
23:20That's good.
23:21But aunty is not at home right now.
23:23Where did aunty go?
23:25Aunty has gone to the doctor with Maryam.
23:29Yes, Maryam.
23:32Mahnoor's friend.
23:42She has taken her to the psychiatrist.
23:48Mom, what was the need?
23:49You could have told me.
23:50I would have taken her.
23:51You have already taken her to the psychiatrist.
23:56What will she think?
23:58That we can't even do this much for aunty?
24:01She won't think anything.
24:02She is a very nice girl.
24:04Your father has also gone with her.
24:06When you get to know about the doctor,
24:08you can take her.
24:11Okay, but we don't need to pay her any fees.
24:16You are too much.
24:17Is Shabana an orphan that we will take fees from others?
24:22Wash your hands.
24:23I will serve food for you.
24:25Leave it.
24:26I will have lunch.
24:28Will she be fine?
24:30Yes aunty, God willing.
24:31She will be fine soon.
24:33The doctor has given us a lot of hope.
24:35But she is not able to accept Mahnoor's death.
24:40Believe me, we also don't know.
24:43She was such a happy child.
24:45She passed away in front of our eyes.
24:50I had told you about her marriage.
24:53I had told you about her marriage.
24:55I had told you about her marriage.
24:59She was so happy.
25:04Anyway, I was waiting for aunty since a long time.
25:10Is she at home?
25:18Aunty, mom must be waiting.
25:20I have to go home.
25:21You should have had juice.
25:23No aunty, it's okay.
25:24I will leave now.
25:25She will get upset.
25:26Okay dear, as you wish.
25:28Keep visiting us.
25:29Allah Hafiz.
25:30Allah Hafiz.
25:39Did your guest leave?
25:40Yes, she left.
25:42She is a very nice girl.
25:44Very beautiful.
25:46May God bless her.
25:49I didn't even ask her if she got engaged or not.
25:55What will you do with her?
25:57Don't you want to get married?
26:02Mom, I have said it today.
26:03I won't say it again.
26:05Why won't you say it?
26:07Why won't you say it?
26:11Mahnoor was my love.
26:14But I can't die with a dying person.
26:25You will get married.
26:28You will have kids.
26:33Maryam is going to a psychiatrist these days.
26:36Who told you this?
26:38I went to Tahira.
26:39She told me.
26:40And I met Maryam too.
26:43Did you talk to her?
26:45No, I haven't met her for a long time.
26:49But I gave her this advice.
26:51Maryam looked very fresh.
26:54But I was just thinking
26:55how will such a sensitive girl survive in life?
26:59And that too with a person like you.
27:02I think your decision is not right.
27:07Which doctor are you going to?
27:12I will meet her and find out her condition.
27:16Yes, that's a good thing.
27:23Hey, what are you doing?
27:26Sister, I thought we will make a vegetable stew today.
27:30Are you going to make a vegetable stew
27:31or are you going to cook a dish?
27:34I had ordered vegetables for a week.
27:35I have cut everything.
27:38Then cook it yourself.
27:41Okay, okay.
27:43Why are you getting angry?
27:45Let's do one thing.
27:46Let's cook something now
27:47and freeze something.
27:50Let's do whatever we want.
27:55I was thinking
27:57let's go to Mahnoor's grave today.
28:00What if I say,
28:01let's go to Shahroz's grave?
28:05You talk too much.
28:24Mom, what has happened?
28:27He has said it with his mouth open.
28:29My heart has come to my mouth.
28:34Ignore Shabana's words.
28:37Her treatment is going on.
28:38She will be fine soon.
28:40That doctor's son took thousands of rupees in fees.
28:42There was no benefit at all.
28:45So you were sad about losing thousands of rupees?
28:48Move away.
28:49You will always understand me.
28:50Okay, tell me where is aunt?
28:52I will go and make her believe that I am there.
28:54She will read my fatiha tomorrow.
28:56Don't talk nonsense.
28:58God forbid.
28:59My child.
29:00Okay, don't cry.
29:13Maryam, I want to talk to you about something important.
29:15Sit down.
29:16Will you have coffee?
29:18Do you think I am a fool?
29:22What is the matter?
29:25She is fooling all of us.
29:28She is not going to a psychiatrist.
29:30In fact, she is taking that woman whose daughter is dead.
29:34What is your problem with this?
29:35There is a problem because you are lying to us.
29:38Look Zaman, it is my wish to go anywhere.
29:40You should not be concerned about this.
29:42I am concerned because I am going to marry you.
29:45But it won't happen now.
29:52I am breaking this engagement.
29:55I don't want to marry Zaman.
29:59And please don't force me.
30:36Please don't try to convince me anymore.
30:39I can't bear the burden of this relationship anymore.
30:43I am here to beg you.
30:47Didn't you leave from here?
30:50Who are you?
30:52What do you think of yourself?
30:54I don't want to talk to you.
30:56My name is Zaman Haider.
30:58When I talk, people listen to me quietly.
31:02And people like you don't know how many tissue papers I have...
31:04I can expect a worse thing from you.
31:09You will regret it.
31:12You will regret rejecting me.
31:16And I will see who can love you more than me.
31:19This is not your problem.
31:22You can go.
31:34Don't you think you are giving yourself too much importance?
31:39I just want to tell you that you are a very ordinary girl.
31:42Who am I and who am I not?
31:45You don't need to tell me.
31:47It's over. You can go now.
31:49One question.
31:51Answer me one question.
31:53Who am I?
31:56Why did you reject me?
31:58Why do you care?
32:00And isn't it strange...
32:03that in front of an ordinary girl...
32:06you are asking the reason for your rejection.
32:09I don't care about you.
32:10You don't need to stand in my house and talk to me like this.
32:26I am telling you, this is too much.
32:28Maryam's attitude is not right at all.
32:31How can someone break a relationship like this?
32:34How can someone throw away a ring like this?
32:36Don't worry.
32:37Don't worry?
32:39The cards have been printed.
32:41The wedding date has been fixed.
32:43People have come to know.
32:45The cards have been printed, not distributed.
32:47The date has been fixed.
32:49The wedding date hasn't been fixed.
32:51I am telling you, this is all your fault.
32:53She is not happy.
32:55Then she can't be happy with anyone.
32:57Write it like this.
33:03What did you talk to Maryam?
33:05She is immature.
33:07If she loses her temper, she will wear this ring.
33:19Stop him. He is getting so angry.
33:21Let him go.
33:23He has left but he won't come back.
33:30Will you support Maryam in all this?
33:33You tell me, what should I do?
33:35You are her father.
33:37You should make her understand.
33:39So much ego and attitude is not good for girls.
33:42I will talk to her.
33:44Not just talk, you will make her understand.
33:47You will convince her.
33:54Papa, you people try to understand.
33:58We both can't walk on the same path.
34:03She doesn't even know anything about me.
34:07She doesn't even understand my feelings.
34:12All this works in friendship but not in life partnership.
34:18Even if we get married,
34:22we will walk like two rivers.
34:28As time goes by,
34:31this relationship is becoming a burden on me.
34:40we can't even tolerate each other.
34:44How will we spend the rest of our lives together?
34:49We are very different.
34:52You have felt all this now.
34:57Papa, in difficult situations, you know who is who.
35:02And she never stood by me in my difficult times.
35:04She never stood by me in my difficult times.
35:07She never stood by me.
35:13Your mother is very upset.
35:17Right now, she is thinking like a typical woman.
35:22Papa, please.
35:24If you understand me,
35:27your mother will understand me too.
35:30And the way I have seen her attitude,
35:32then my decision will be more firm.
35:41Okay, I don't want to force you.
35:46It's not too late.
35:50Thank you so much, papa.
35:53Thank you so much for understanding.
35:56I am sorry I put you in a difficult situation.
35:59No, dear.
36:03I am sorry.
36:10you are not upset with me, right?
36:14No, dear.
36:18I am with you.
36:32I am with you.