• last year


00:00racetrack and we're ready to go second 250 moto ktm keys to the moto well it's championship day
00:06hayden you wrap this thing up now go have fun kid go have fun you wanted to beat him by 30 seconds
00:11well here's your chance but you got to get off this gate and i'm sure he's gonna pick that inside
00:16again let's go revs are up gates down oh this time he got pinched off big time digging it's nearly last
00:27kitchen i think gonna lead them in another rider goes down levi kitchen
00:31moto sport.com whole shot yeah it looks like the same thing happened to hayden that it did that
00:35first moto with chase so we're gonna find out uh where we where we at but good to see levi kitchen
00:41back up front which he's been out first few weeks and it looks like jaleek swole jaleek swole
00:46after getting third last weekend nice to see him up front chance hyman's trying to make a pass
00:52to get around julian but levi kitchen out front where he's been at lately yeah he has gotten lots
00:57good starts and won the last race a week ago at unidillo boom era the rookie yeah that's
01:02back-to-back good starts for him and that makes a huge difference on this track deegan sheesh i
01:09don't even think he might uh top 15 15th for deegan so doors open here for kitchen to make a run not
01:16just for the moto win but that would be uh maybe an overall win as well yeah and i wonder it was
01:21good to science to see levi have so much energy at the end of that race but with him being sick
01:25you got to wonder could he even last that long because in the middle part of that moto he
01:29struggled so second moto here on a hot day might be tough for him but you know he's going to give
01:33it all yeah kitchen did say he's been under the weather didn't really ride this week so where's
01:38the endurance for the 47 swole on the triumph second hyman's fourth dax benek finally getting
01:46off the gate the rookie is fifth masterful smith parker ross just jumping into the pro
01:52ranks last week and the slr honda is eighth hempshire and brown top ten yeah i'm looking
01:58at chance in 30 he's looking awfully aggressive or excuse me uh chance in second wow looking
02:04aggressive like he did last weekend that first moto good to see that ac guys watching the start
02:12you had hayden on the inside gate chance uh just just to the outside of him and i think
02:18i think my guy has had had enough of getting roasted on the instagram you know he came
02:23straight over and chopped him off and yeah he's uh taking full advantage of that right now okay
02:28we've had a war of words off the track and on social media between hymas and deegan carrying
02:34it onto the track perhaps there is the 48 gets aggressive off the line and he's aggressive
02:39after the start around swollen on a track down kitchen yeah i mean this is two weeks in a row
02:44um in motos that you see how aggressive chance is and confidence he knows he has space and he
02:50knows like all right i did it last weekend i'm able to get around these guys i got around so
02:55he looks pretty good and he's trying to run down levi and now you can see hayden deegan
03:02what is he running 11th yeah 11 so he's made a few passes now this is where look how everything
03:08is going to bottle up for him he's going to lose a lot of time right here he's got a funnel back in
03:12lines it's gonna be hard from the past guys in front of him he can only go as fast as the guys
03:17in front of him so that's tough well there's no pressure on deegan because he wrapped up the title
03:23in moto one so he'd love to win the race for sure that pays well race wins always feel good but he
03:30doesn't have to push it but we'll see how he plays it he has his teammate rovano on the 511 right
03:37ahead of him that's 10th place yeah this is that area where hayden really can't do anything go
03:42outside inside unless uh nick makes a mistake it's going to be hard for him to get around
03:47see if nick close them off
03:51goes around the outside oh two three corners it is taken still can't quite get it the owl the 16
03:58right in front of them yep there you go deegan did everything he could still couldn't make the
04:03yeah and that's the point of first lap position so and that's his teammate so tough tough position
04:08for hayden bn but good thing is tom bial's right in front of him bad thing is tom bial's right in
04:12front of him and rj is behind him so uh good to see rj back up up here but it just tough it showed
04:21you how tough that track is to pass on that section now we're finally into a spot where you
04:25can make some moves yeah like you don't have to rely on the guy to make a mistake to get around
04:29them too much but you can just see the opportunity uh hayden tried everything and how much time he's
04:34lost because he couldn't get around in those sections so now it is hymas we're out front
04:40challenging kitchen for the lead and for hymas this already could be the one that got away he
04:45was second on the last lap of the first moto and then crashed and finished eighth so he's not really
04:52in contention to win the overall today he's gonna go for the moto win though yeah i mean at this
04:58point in the championship chance was in second a couple weeks ago overall in the points but he's
05:03lost some points the last few motos i think what he's doing is the right thing he needs to build
05:07that confidence and speed and you can see what's happening now in the earlier parts of the race
05:12compared to earlier parts of the year he's a lot more aggressive he's able to close in on these
05:16guys as he's closing in on levi and if he can wrap this thing up win one of these races you're
05:22going to see things click for this kid it's already clicking in speed yeah there's no doubt
05:27as he has caught kitchen and they built up about three seconds to see swole coming through in third
05:34where can the 48 make a move he's got to probably wait till we get to that other sector yeah i mean
05:39you can see levi's doing a good job as long as he goes on the inside not makes any mistakes chance
05:43can't really do anything but now it opens up now chance might not be able to pass him in this spot
05:48but he can stay close to him and might have the opportunity once you get back to hendry hill
05:53where the track opens up and you can charge harder in that section so chance done a great
05:57job he just stayed close he can get out of this corner he might have an opportunity to pass right
06:02up here oh here we go the battle is on kitchen and hymas levi's gonna go down the middle to the
06:11inside now chance should be on the inside if he can get next to him but
06:15levi beat somebody to corner nice riding by him
06:20another section with a down and then back up right here here we go chance got squared up so
06:26you have more momentum than him oh hook it back out of the start now these rollers let's see if
06:32the 48 can make it happen no no i mean it's it's tough because the way this track is with those
06:39rollers you're always pushing out so it's going to be hard to get on the inside of the guy
06:45unless you got to be worried about hitting him so levi it's not like he's holding him up levi's
06:49just going in the right places and has a good pace so he knows he needs to keep chance behind
06:54him otherwise that you know 48 might run off from him wait with this pace and now back into the area
07:02where say it's pretty tough yeah big moves yeah now chance to be stuck behind him as he makes a
07:07small mistake and i'm looking at hey deegan he's still stuck behind his teammate in 10th place so
07:12just shows you how difficult this track is to pass a couple hours ago he had 10 seconds already
07:19on lead on these guys so shows you what a start does it's going to work on kitchen again
07:27we've primarily seen in this 250 class it's deep this year but it's kind of that cream rises to
07:32the top thing primarily seen vl kitchen hymas obviously deegan a couple other guys have poked
07:39in there for sure swole had the podium last week tie master pool got a win earlier in the year joe
07:44shimoda was looking good until an injury but we've seen a lot of battles between the 47 and 48 this
07:49year send it down to jt you know a popular bench racing topic is should riders be more forthcoming
07:55if they're dealing with an injury they're dealing with an ailment and i'll tell you one of the only
07:59times i think it really matters a situation like this where chance hymas is sitting behind levi
08:03kitchen and he's gonna know that levi's feeling under the weather he saw how he responded in that
08:08first moto he heard his comments or his team would have relayed that to him so that's going
08:12to give him extra confidence right he's going to know that levi is going to fade later in this moto
08:17and it's going to put into chance's head i should pass him i should be able to get this win so
08:21sometimes you know winning is in the margin and these riders are so fickle with with their
08:26confidence if you're ever wondering why riders don't share more information this might be a
08:30reason why you're just kind of leaning into you're a little bit under the weather well yeah and to
08:35that point jt we'll see is hymas going to wait and put on another attack because kitchen starting
08:40to pull away here at buds creek well i did not expect this once hymas got to the rear wheel of
09:01kitchen i didn't expect to see kitchen put nearly two and a half seconds in him but he's rallied
09:07right now yeah i was thinking like uh you know as quickly as you said chance lost that time but it
09:13reminded me of the first motor to 450 how chase was able to close in but once he got close it's
09:18just easy to make a mistake because you want to get around the guy but hayden deegan's still
09:22stuck behind his teammate in 10th place and just losing time and he's going everywhere you can see
09:28his uh next it's in ninth and eighth place is in front of him pulling away so hayden has more pace
09:34but can't really get around him it's our thor running order with these teammates both wearing
09:40the thor gear romano and deegan battling jordan smith right ahead of them and dexton beddick
09:45right behind them send it down to adam serrillo well i've had the distinct pleasure of wrapping
09:51up a title in the first moto like hayden deegan has done uh today and i was kind of just like
09:57him going into the second moto mindset wise i'm like man i'm gonna go out there i'm gonna do my
10:01do my normal thing i want to go out there and win and dominate and once i got out on the track i was
10:06like nah i don't think i want to i don't think i want to risk that much so uh maybe the race just
10:12hasn't gone um as great as he's wanted it to and he's kind of just backing it down and going with
10:17it well he's gonna have to right now because james you had eyebrows up watching deegan try
10:22to make moves on romano and then couldn't do that triple he lost some time yeah i think hayden's
10:28honestly i think hayden's riding like he did the first moto literally like aggressive he's going
10:33forward it doesn't look like you know there's any hesitation from him but it's the first lap
10:38position off the start this track we've been talking about all day you gotta be up front it
10:42is hard to pass and now you're hayden's figuring that out he's riding just as good if you put him
10:47up front i think he would ride off or ride with levi like he did that first moto but it's hard to
10:53pass you get frustrated and then you start making mistake mistakes when you get caught in behind but
10:58it was the first lap position that cost this moto so far so watching hayden deegan here tale of two
11:12starts great one in moto one dominant moto win bad one here in moto two he is stuck behind his
11:19teammate nick romano and we saw him take five six swings at it through these next couple turns
11:25a lap ago and none of them worked still trying got the other teammate jordan smith right in front of
11:31them deegan is trying everything and i saw nick take a look back so he knows his hayden hayden's
11:37been revving it up and you got to wonder uh does nick the championship's over so now he's going to
11:42race him if hayden still was trying to get these points for the championship he might have let him
11:47go through but right now it's like the first race of the year and i'm sure that's frustrating for
11:51hayden because he knows he can be a lot farther ahead than where he's at right now but nick's
11:55riding good and it's helping rj hempshire stick with them right behind in his return to racing
12:01after a broken wrist look at deegan just trying and trying and trying yeah he should have the
12:05pass here nick's gonna be on the outside deegan should be able to close that gap off see if he can
12:10get this triple still no no can't do the triple romano does and also hempshire did three-way
12:18battle oh that's tough you know hayden's frustrated now and you know rj knows the only reason he's
12:25still close to him because hayden's stuck behind him so even though rj's closing he has the same
12:30problem trying to get around these guys oh hayden almost lost that front end there
12:38and as a rider do you know look i've only got these couple of turns where passing is really
12:42available like this deegan like oh yeah hayden knows i mean but it's i mean still at the same
12:47time just because you know something doesn't mean you're you're okay with it it's frustrating i think
12:52hayden has to be careful of not getting too frustrated and do something and going down
12:58oh he's trying everything through these rollers he doubled on the inside it still wasn't enough
13:03big scrub for the 38th can that do it no yeah and you wonder why hayden didn't you know run it in
13:10because it's that ain't that lean angle and if hayden lost the front end going off the that face
13:15of that jump it would be over so he can only push so hard nick's like i said doing a good
13:20job starting to frustrate him maybe something like hayden might tip over but man he's gonna
13:26mess around let rj get around him oh look at rj on the inside oh yeah he's trying
13:37and deacon's gonna be the outside for this corner can he make a power run
13:47oh here it is this is a good battle with rj in it as well adam i'm looking at the lap times guys
13:54and one through ten one through ten is doing the same exact time so we may look at hayden
14:00back here in tens and be like he's having a bad moto i mean all these guys are ripping right now
14:05yeah it's that track position and look at that rj hemshire past deacon when deacon made a mistake
14:11now he and ramada are stuck on the outside together to the triple we go uh hayden's not
14:16gonna go to triple rj does i thought hey was gonna get a bogo special here but yeah it was tough and
14:21as i was mentioned earlier hayden's riding just like he did the first motor he's riding really
14:26good if you put him up front but track position now rj this is incredible i gotta give a shout
14:32out to nick i mean for somebody fighting hard i haven't seen guys fight hayden this much
14:38all year and ramado still holds deacon off but hemshire is through now nick's got to be careful
14:44here because now hayden might he might be really angry at this point yeah a teammate might be
14:50losing friendship right here again title is wrapped up for deacon so i guess gloves are off
14:57all the way around now we haven't seen anything that's dirty or anything like that but look at
15:01the distance habshire is opening up now and another shot at it from deacon yeah here we go
15:10and romano has not had a finish in the top 10 in a moto all year so he was fighting for it it will
15:16now push him to 11 deacon makes the pass and finally we can catch our breath and give you
15:21the moto sport.com whole shot replay hayden deacon's on the far end side doesn't get the best job
15:29yeah and chance cuts over a little bit i don't know if he was
15:32intentionally cutting over or or whatnot but yeah hayden didn't get the jump chance was
15:38elisa beside him that's his real estate as well clean start but levi kitchen out front here we go
15:46um yeah it kind of looks like chance wanted to cut over but he didn't get it wasn't far enough
15:52ahead but the one good thing is just what we saw like chase sexton because you're so far behind and
15:58being on the inside is pretty safe there you can sneak around the inside um and pass a lot of people
16:03but levi kitchen way to answer the bell well so far we're into the halfway mark of the moto so
16:09still 14 minutes and two laps to go can he maintain this and the good news for kitchen
16:19the riders that beat him in moto one deacon and vial we mentioned how far back deacon is 10th
16:25vial is only fifth so kitchen i don't even know if he'll need to beat him is to necessarily win
16:31the overall again let's send it back down to adam yeah watching levi right now there's been
16:38plenty of times that i'm sure jt and james you can say the same thing plenty of times where
16:44i come into the day sick and when i go out there my goal is purely efficiency and some days it
16:50works out to where that efficiency turns into good speed and i think that's what we're seeing
16:54right now from levi well we're gonna see if it's efficient enough to save enough energy to get to
17:02the end because it looks like ibis is ready to challenge for the lead for a second time
17:14kitchen gonna have to dig deep now hymas putting in another flurry yeah and you if you watch levi
17:20he's sitting down in certain spots so when you're talking about if he's sick he's trying to be
17:24efficient around here he's doing a good job at um when he has an opportunity to rest sit down
17:30and try to save some of that energy right before the finish line through those rollers he was
17:34sitting down and not because he's like tired but it's because he's trying to save energy so he has
17:38it to fight this um fight chance hamlin's off super motocross playoffs are going to be here
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17:56or scan that qr code on the screen and sign up yeah it's starting to tighten between hymas and
18:02kitchen swole is all alone in third it's high master pool it's been a while since ty has made
18:08it through a first lap on two wheels he did this time he's running fourth and now vl starting to
18:15battle yeah and ty's been running really good the last few weekends i've been watching him come up
18:19to the pack at least his lap times he's been coming up so we just saw that battle between
18:24hayden deegan rj and his teammate and that was for you know 9 10 11 so that's how good these guys
18:31are riding even if you're in 12 spots those are the kind of battles that's going on if
18:35ty looks back he sees that 16 16 might be on the end time right here wow yeah
18:42no ty fights back yeah get some tom got on the outside then he got in that loose stuff and
18:47these 250s once you get that momentum loss it robs you but it looks like he's going to get on
18:52the outside of ty and they're going to be side by side to the finish line and i think vl is going
18:58to hold it that inside line looks good doesn't always work and it did not for master pool
19:04yep and that's when your parents used to tell you all the kids out there don't look back well
19:09ty looked back made that mistake and that caused all this so it's a trickle effect but he's still
19:14doing a good job and yep tom vio has been riding good all day long so it's no shame to get passed
19:18by him and he's trying to move his way up the front to leak swoles a couple seconds in front
19:23of him so tom's not out of his race yet and neither is hymas he's back to the rear wheel of kitchen
19:34the battle for the moto win yeah and was jt was mentioning sometimes riders don't want to talk to
19:42you know talk about sicknesses and stuff if your chance hymas and you know that levi's
19:47sick what you do know is like once you start sitting down making some mistakes
19:52because you know he's sick you know that's the reason why so sometimes not saying hey i'm sick
19:57or something like that that's why riders don't do that because it could work in chance's favor
20:02now if you start seeing levi make a few mistakes because he knows that reason
20:09so levi kitchen continues the lead at bugs creek chance hymas was closing
20:13and once again it stretched back out there's a lap rider and then the 48 honda yeah chance
20:20got caught up behind those lap riders levi got through them and that's that gap you see right now
20:27we have several things to watch at once first kitchen trying to win the moto if he does that
20:32that should assure the overall and that's significant that'd be three out of the last
20:36four and this mechanic says you have more levi might say how do you know i'm sick man
20:43well i know when you're sick i know reading that pit board i'm putting my mind where levi
20:47seeing eight laps it doesn't do it for me man oh exactly oh no they don't have more eight laps are
20:53you kidding me so you can add those maps up in your head but not just the moto win that would
21:00assure it the real question is if he does get passed by hymas how far up would be y'all or
21:07deegan have to go to take the overall away from him so there's a lot that's going to transpire
21:12in these final nine minutes and two laps he wins the moto he's gonna have it but can he do that
21:21and three out of four overalls would be something that's for sure send it back to jt yeah i think
21:26there's a misconception sometimes you watch both of these guys where one guy's tired one guy's not
21:32and hymas sitting back there going i'm not tired at all i feel great i know kitchen's tired it's
21:36not really that it's more shades of gray where if hymas is hot and tired he's gonna look up and
21:41see kitchen knowing that he's a little bit sick and go well he has to be more hot and he has to
21:46be more tired than i am because he's not at a hundred percent that's where the difference comes
21:50in so as this race goes on surely that's in hymas's head the battle here is for kitchen to put all of
21:56that out of his mind and i agree with you james seeing eight laps that didn't do him any good
22:01and eight laps is an eternity in a pro motocross race yeah eight laps you're 100 right and what's
22:07going to happen chance has got to know how to use that against levi in a sense where he's got
22:13it okay all right the guy's starting to feel it you got to know when to attack a guy when you see
22:17the i would say the wounded duck you got to attack him because what's going to happen is levi holds
22:21on another two three laps then he'll be able to find the energy because now that eight laps is
22:26only like three or four and he's like man i'm close for an overall i keep this thing going so
22:31right now the opportunity for chance to get him is now before he lets levi gets that confidence
22:37and going as oh tom v hall and jaleek's wall going out it and that bottom box for third yeah
22:43tom is not out of this race either he's been closing in even though he's been stuck behind
22:48these guys he's still closing in and if levi and chance starts battling it might slow it down just
22:54enough tom might be able to get in if he can get around jaleek but jaleek's doing a great job
22:59third place last weekend running third this moto at competencies tom gets up the inside nope
23:06like i said that inside always looks good but it very rarely pans out in that left-hander
23:10so vl has to go into wait mode to find another spot on swole and hymus once again caught kitchen
23:20and once again kitchen stretches it a bit yeah it seems pretty easy for a chance to catch him
23:25he has more pace but where he catches them out or make a mistake but you got to give props to
23:30levi i mean at the moment he might actually just be i wouldn't say allowing chance to uh catch him
23:36but he there's a pass from vl he went on that right side and then closes it off yeah now he's
23:42on the same straightaway as these guys on some of the longer ones so tom's coming and he knows that
23:48levi's probably sick and just his chance so these guys battle get caught behind some lappers and
23:53number 16 might be coming up for an overall win too send it back to j2 more on swole's teammate
23:59well joey swole's on a roll but unfortunately for joey sabachi wasn't able to back up that great
24:04first moto just saw him pulling into the mechanics area had a word with him and headed back to the
24:08pit so it looks like more troubles for the second triumph rider and it has been that type of season
24:13for sabachi every time it looks like he's turning the corner and about to build some momentum then
24:17something goes wrong and we go back to hymus here continuing the charge after kitchen but you're
24:24right they better get going is vl he could start closing up in a hurry now that he's got clear race
24:30track yeah and as i was mentioning i think levi's just kind of allowing um you know he knows chance
24:35is gonna probably stay there for the race so just rest up and when he gets close then you try to
24:40push it so learn how to use that energy and try to save it so you can have some fight for the end
24:46because just going all out it's probably not going to work well but that was a nice nice move for
24:51chance all right gonna be a battle to the end here at least for the moto win
24:58kitchen and hymus late 250 class of butts creek
25:10and there's hymus gonna put in i'm gonna say what is this the fifth or sixth charge for the lead
25:17yeah i mean it's it's going and now he's starting to fall in that zone as i mentioned
25:21with levi there's gonna be a point where he's gonna be like i can ride three laps
25:25and chance is gonna have a hard time getting them so they got to keep pushing it now they
25:29kind of stabilize that gap over third place with tom vial um but i mean again you got to
25:34give levi a lot of pride so fighting this thing off adam yeah what levi has done we've seen chance
25:42make a charge to get to his back tire a few times now and just like you said james to your point
25:47levi as soon as he hears it's close he's putting in a little spurt and sometimes like if your chance
25:53putting in all that work to get up close to him and then having them sprint away from you that
25:57can be uh demoralizing so i really think what you said james that's it looks to be levi's strategy
26:04yeah and it gets as you mentioned it gets frustrating for chance because he's like
26:08i'm catching him i know he probably doesn't feel well but i can't get to him and you start
26:12making mistakes we saw what hayden was stuck behind his teammate i was starting to frustrate
26:17him and adam to your point with hayden um i think now he's going to that championship mode but jt
26:23what do you see down there well the most important thing for chance timers right now he's done most
26:28of the work he's back to the rear and he has to have a plan we saw how difficult it was for hayden
26:33to pass his teammate nick romano when he gets to he can't wait around just like if he waits too long
26:40that's going to give levi kitchen confidence so it's almost like he has to sprint up to the back
26:43of him plan the move and make the move decisively and go if he sits on his rear wheel there will be
26:49no passing and it's interesting i go back we talk about deegan who's just stuck in 10th he hasn't
26:58moved up from there i go back to way back aaron plessiger wrapped up the title in the first moto
27:03in this class in 2018 and the second moto was bad he finished 10th we had that year's 250 champ in
27:09the booth with us zach osborne he was out injured that year and he's like second moto after you win
27:13the title it's like an emotional drain bolt has been drained it's hard to get up for that and
27:19maybe that's what's happened with deegan here especially once he got the bad start last time
27:24these guys have everything to play for and that is a moto win maybe even an overall for kitchen
27:30yeah i mean i i agree i i think the difference between hayden when hayden won that title like
27:36it didn't look like everything he was like relieved he was more upset that he fell and
27:40he wanted 30 seconds so coming into this moto i think he really wanted to like beat these guys
27:46down and what's going to happen he got caught behind his teammate who was fighting now you go
27:51into that championship well i've already won this thing but he didn't show up this moto with no
27:56energy he showed up he got a bad start and then he showed it he's finding out how difficult it is
28:01getting a bad start on this racetrack and these guys got here are are letting them pay for it
28:07maybe you think any part of deegan though once he realized look man i'm it's i'm intent that i'm
28:12losing time at that point does the wind come out of the sails a little bit 100 yeah yeah 100 yeah
28:18my point right now he's in championship mode yes like i'm i'm over it but he went to the gate he
28:22went to the gate yeah and he was riding like he wanted to win but he just couldn't get around
28:26those guys and now he's in championship mode yeah now planning the party battle continues here
28:33super motocross from buds creek levi kitchen on the 47 out of washington leads he's led the whole
28:41way battling with some lap traffic that's the rider on the orange ktm but the rider he has
28:46to deal with is chance hamas second at the white gear of the red honda right there
28:56and finally able to get that lap traffic change yeah the racetrack's starting to get tough but
29:00got about three laps left and tom viao was closing in looks like he made a mistake so
29:05that's going to help chance hymas out now he doesn't have to worry about the 16 pressure him
29:10too much getting around they were able to pull away but chance is going to have to make the
29:15pass i would say within the next lap or so not sooner because as i mentioned levi's going to
29:21come around get that two lap board and he's going to make it work he's going to find any kind of
29:26energy that he has in that body as he's starting to pull away here he's going to make it happen
29:31because it's only two laps left and as you said if he what three overalls in four races yeah
29:37yeah two in a row uh this is like maybe the eighth time now that hymas got to him
29:45and then kitchen pulls back away it's what the riders refer to as the yo-yo battle stretches
29:50out tightens up stretches out tightens up right now advantage kitchen yeah and i think because
29:55of levi and the way he's riding be very economical and just being patient since he's out front that
30:02obviously helps him but i think that's why chance is able to catch him just like we saw in that 450
30:06chase was able to catch hunter but because of way hunter rod and levi's riding levi's not making
30:12mistakes and chance is by trying to um catch him so i think chance makes the mistakes get stuck in
30:18these corners or behind a lap rider and he loses a lot of time here so because levi's riding sick
30:23is making him not make mistakes around his track because he's very economical yeah and to be fair
30:29he has an illness when you say he's riding sick i mean maybe even the kids refer to it he's riding
30:34sick in both ways i mean he's leading the moto he is i mean pretty sick he's sick with it while being
30:39sick there is vial we wanted to show you this gap yeah he had taken it a little bit closer than this
30:45and then lost a little bit of ground so it's 6.3 vial even if he gets to hymas that would not be
30:52enough to pull off the overall he has to get to kitchen and incredibly vial is yet to win an
30:58overall this year that seems hard to believe he's been fast he's won motos kitchen pouring it on
31:05him he just got that two to go son yeah yeah and he yeah i think chance is starting to feel it
31:12because he just ran a 207 so either that was a mistake that was made in the last you know quarter
31:16of lap or he's kind of throwing in a towel and that's what i felt like what's going to happen
31:21if he wasn't able to get around levi it was going to be hard levi was going to pick it up and keep
31:26that pace and chance was going to get frustrated from not being able to get it but great move just
31:31what levi did the first motor he was going backwards and the kid fought ended up in third
31:36place and that's why you never quit no matter how bad things are going and you might have an
31:40opportunity to win another overall he can hold it off for two more laps showing some heart here
31:45the rider out of washougal washington supermoto cross playoffs two full days of smx fun you want
31:59to be there when history gets made and conquered fort worth and las vegas that's the cool thing we
32:05got activities on friday and saturday the two-day format at those playoff races supermotocross.com
32:12for more info on the playoffs what are you seeing from the leaders here james uh yeah levi got really
32:18close to that lapper he was trying to get to the inside and beat that lapper because he knew he's
32:22gonna lose time but lapper didn't see him levi goes over that that burn wouldn't say he almost
32:28went down but if chance was close he would got past there because that was a mistake
32:33and now closing on the white flag is levi kitchen well shoot if they just didn't have a race
32:39in his hometown at washougal we'd be talking about a heck of a win streak for kitchen
32:44wins in minnesota bad race at his home track wins in new york and looking for a win here in
32:50maryland yeah absolutely we'll just say he got shut down by the fire marshal so that race didn't
32:55count the kitchen yeah it was too hot but just like hunter lawrence in the 450 class they made
33:00a change to the bike remember levi was talking at millville that they made some changes he got
33:04more comfortable and ever since then he's won three out of four races so you got to believe
33:10that he feels a lot better coming to the races because there is a change like how he sat down
33:15going off that jump um so great to him and mitch payton but this is a rider that we expected to see
33:22and have been seeing the last few weeks yeah it drifted off he was battling deegan at the opening
33:28round deegan went 1-1 he went 2-2 and then it was uh started to turn into thirds and then fifth six
33:35and he has really rebounded in the second half of the year adam yeah guys what we were talking
33:40about earlier with levi and him going out there riding efficiently right it's very it's very easy
33:46to have that plan and you know be sick go out there okay i'm gonna you know save some energy
33:50but it's a whole different story when you get out front the excitement of leading a race
33:55and what i've seen with levi super impressive just a lot of mental discipline to kind of stay
34:00in his zone and uh wow he's really been on a roll no doubt about it and that's it hymas is 5.8
34:08seconds back adam and vial is actually not too far off of hymas so this should be it deegan he's
34:14gonna take the 10th master pull has drifted back to ninth shout out to hampshire that is a solid
34:20run there at eight for a guy who's only been on the bike about five days coming off a wrist injury
34:25good day for him yeah and i think he just got up looks like he's in eighth place now so yeah
34:29uh you know made his way up around tie and it's good to see rj having that energy at the end
34:35fighting yeah and just building momentum and fitness saddle time for the playoffs this guy
34:43getting hot at the right time for an smx playoff run it's going to be three overall wins in the
34:50last four races for levi kitchen who had never won a pro moto cross overall before he got that
34:57one in minnesota a month ago he looks over and sees no one hymas is out of the picture
35:06well sick in any way you want to call it he was ill and as the kids would say he was so sick
35:12on the track levi kitchen wins buds creek three out of the last four run to the checker hymas
35:21holding off vial second and third he's gonna put vial second overall and here it is hayden deegan
35:29this should be third overall on the day that doesn't mean that much the real story is that
35:35he already had clinched in moto one 250 national motocross title that is your champion right there
35:41baby congratulations kid this is all for you well deserved i'm sure hayden's probably gonna
35:47be disappointed that with the moto because he always wants to win but man this kid has showed
35:53up this year he was the favorite in this class he has delivered he's gotten better and is only
35:57continuing getting better so hayden deegan 2024 250 motocross champion here he is the true phenom
36:06has been winning at every level every step and hayden deegan is the 250 national motocross champion
36:16and there's a lot of fans of deegan everywhere we go
36:20i'm sure a lot of people happy to say they got to witness this in person
36:23and for some riders it's a chronic achievement i gotta imagine hayden
36:29just looks at this as another rung of the ladder
36:36that's awesome
36:41wanted to hold that championship so bad i just didn't want to crash he brings it home
36:45still will be on the overall podium today
