00:00♪ Closer each day
00:03♪ Home in the way
00:07Money was taken from the surf club the other night.
00:10Do you know anything about that?
00:12Oh, it's terrible.
00:13Dr Fowler, if you know anything about the theft,
00:15you know you're obligated to tell me.
00:17Listen, I was sorry to overhear
00:19that some money's been stolen from the surf club.
00:21480 bucks, to be precise.
00:23Well, I'd be happy to reimburse you for that.
00:25I'm never one to knock back a donation.
00:29Would you mind keeping this anonymous?
00:31You were right about her spending my money.
00:33Apparently, she's just withdrawn $150 from my account.
00:36You should have blocked your cards.
00:37Actually, you should do that now.
00:39Abby seemed really happy when she was here.
00:41When she just goes and does this, it's just not adding up.
00:44At least, with her using my cards,
00:46I have an idea of where she is.
00:48Have you had any second thoughts about this art competition?
00:52Oh, my goodness.
00:53Gosh, that's fantastic.
00:55I mean, I knew about your boards,
00:56but I did not know about your artwork.
00:58When did you take that photo?
00:59I tell you, this is private,
01:00and then you go around and show everybody.
01:02Marley, you just need to back yourself.
01:03And you need to back off.
01:04I was a bit surprised to see you snap at Kirby like that before.
01:08You want to tell me what's going on?
01:16I got a hand at the DA, you know.
01:18Howard threw the work today.
01:19He was just a bit flat.
01:22Is he any home tonight?
01:24No, he's with Kirby and Remy.
01:26Those guys have each other.
01:29I'm guessing they've heard about the funeral.
01:32Not sure.
01:33When is it?
01:34Uh, day after tomorrow.
01:39I'll move some jobs to the garage,
01:40so Theo and I can go.
01:42No need, Father Tom.
01:44Family only.
01:46As in?
01:47As in, only Cash, Gary and Eden are going to be there.
01:51Well, that's it.
01:52No one else is invited.
01:53That's what Eden said.
01:55That doesn't feel right.
01:56Of course it doesn't.
01:59But if that's what Cash wants.
02:02Well, it just feels wrong that her funeral's going to be so small.
02:06But it's up to Cash, right?
02:09Need to respect that.
02:16Just get the lights.
02:18I can put these away on my own if you like.
02:20No, that's okay.
02:21You don't know where anything goes.
02:23I'm just mad at myself that I didn't think about cancelling this delivery.
02:27Well, your head hasn't exactly been focused on the work lately.
02:30Okay, so fruit and microherbs go in the container on the left.
02:35Container's on the left.
02:36Forgot it.
02:37At the bank again?
02:39How much this time?
02:41A hundred and fifty.
02:42And how much is she going to have to withdraw from your account
02:44before you actually take my advice and lock it?
02:46It's not a lot.
02:47It's a hundred here, three hundred there.
02:48What, Levi?
02:49That is a lot.
02:50I can afford it.
02:51I just wish I knew what she was spending it on.
02:52Does it even matter at this point?
02:54Well, yeah.
02:55It doesn't change the fact that she's stealing from you
02:57and you won't do anything about it.
03:04She just won't drop it.
03:05And it's doing my head in.
03:07Yeah, but that still doesn't explain why you won't do what she wants you to do.
03:11I mean, from what I've heard, everyone seems to think this painting's great.
03:18So what's the problem?
03:20It's complicated.
03:23I wasn't in the best place when I started that.
03:26I was working through some stuff.
03:30What sort of stuff?
03:34Mostly at myself.
03:37The things I'd done and the choices I made.
03:41Sometimes when I look at it all, I feel this shame.
03:46The thought of putting that in front of strangers to judge.
03:50Yeah, I can't handle that.
03:53Mate, you know, it's funny, but when I look at that,
03:57all I see is a marlin on a line.
04:02Look at that.
04:03That's the line down there, and there's the fish over there.
04:08Well, it mightn't exactly be a marlin,
04:11but what I'm trying to say is it wouldn't matter who looked at that painting.
04:18Nobody is going to see what you've just told me.
04:22I appreciate the chat, but I'm just not keen to answer it into some column.
04:30Hi, Mr Stewart.
04:33Do you need a tea?
04:34No, no, I'm right, thanks, love.
04:36I just thought if you were nearly finished for the day, I'd walk home with you.
04:39Oh, thank you.
04:40I'm nearly finished, so, um, are you OK?
04:44Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
04:46I just feel a bit useless at the moment, that's all.
04:49Don't we all?
04:51Did you hear about the funeral?
04:52It's going to be way out in the country.
04:54Yeah, Leah sent me a text.
04:57I just wish we could be there for Cash and Gary, you know.
05:00I mean, I want to send flowers.
05:01I haven't even got the address.
05:02Yeah, well, I wouldn't worry too much, love.
05:04They all know how much we care.
05:06Yeah, but it's not the same.
05:09I'm sorry, Marilyn, I'm going to have to take this.
05:14Hey, love.
05:15Thanks for calling back.
05:18No, no, no, I just need your help with something.
05:22OK, I'm all done.
05:24OK, let's go.
05:27I'm sorry about before.
05:29That's OK.
05:30Let's get out of here.
05:32Levi, she's taking advantage of you and you need to log that card.
05:35And, look, I know that you don't want to mess things up with another sister.
05:38It's not about that.
05:41I couldn't track her down in the city, so at least this way I know she's safe.
05:46Stealing from you to prove she's safe?
05:48Well, every time Abby makes a withdrawal, I know she's alive
05:51and that she has the money to get through whatever she's going through.
05:55OK, how do you know that she's not just using the money to party?
05:58Call it instinct.
06:00All right, well, say for argument's sake, there is a problem.
06:03You're letting it happen by bankrolling her.
06:06Or as if you cut Abby off,
06:09you're actually forcing her to deal with whatever the real problem actually is.
06:19You're right.
06:23I've locked the card.
06:25Good job.
06:34I've spoken to Cash at all?
06:36I sent him a text to check in, but I haven't talked to him.
06:39Sounds like he's really bumpering down right now.
06:41Can't blame the guy.
06:43I just wish there was more I could do, you know?
06:46He's done so much for my brother and me.
06:48Has Xander said where the assaults are opening today?
06:51Apparently, it's business as usual from this morning.
06:53Oh, well, that's something.
06:57But he's still worried.
06:59Maybe it's just too soon for her to be back at work, you know?
07:06Mac, here.
07:07Oh, thanks.
07:08Are you sure you want to go in today?
07:10Everyone's going to understand if you want to take another day.
07:12Um, work will get easier.
07:14I've just got to push through.
07:16Okay, I'll drive you in.
07:18Actually, you know what? I feel like I need to go now.
07:22I'll see you later.
07:27I feel like I need to go now.
07:30Well, maybe you can make me a proper coffee at Salt.
07:32I could go a second breakfast.
07:33That can be arranged.
07:34What is wrong with you?
07:35How could you cut me off?
07:37You want your wallet?
07:38Here's your wallet.
08:00G'day, Mr Stewart.
08:02I was hoping to have another word to you about your artwork.
08:06Not sure there's much else you can say.
08:08Well, hear me out.
08:10I gave Martha a ring last night.
08:13Your missus?
08:15I might have mentioned she's an artist too.
08:18Yeah, you did.
08:19Well, she reckons nerves and your worries are all perfectly normal.
08:24In fact, she said if you're not feeling a bit vulnerable, you're probably not doing it right.
08:29Well, it still doesn't make me feel any better about putting my artwork out there for someone to judge.
08:34Yeah, well, Martha has a trick about that too.
08:37Go on then.
08:38Well, she reckons once your art's out there in the big wide world, it's not yours anymore.
08:45You know, she reckons everyone's going to bring their own perspective to it.
08:49Like these judges, for instance.
08:51Whatever they're thinking, it's actually not about you.
08:56It's about them.
08:58Kind of like the marlin on the hook.
09:01That's the one.
09:02Yeah, that's what I was trying to say last night, only Martha put it a whole lot better.
09:07What people see is out of your control.
09:11But for your audience, it's not going to be much different to all your other artwork.
09:16You know, the designs on your boards.
09:18So if you don't want people to know the meaning behind it, don't tell them.
09:27Did it ever occur to you that maybe your little sister really needed that money?
09:30Why? What have you been spending it on?
09:31Life, Levi. Existence is expensive, okay?
09:34Alright, as fun as this all is, I actually do have to get to work.
09:37Good luck.
09:38Yeah, you too.
09:41She told you to lock the car, didn't she?
09:43Yeah, I thought so.
09:44You don't get to come in here and lecture me when you've been stealing money from my car.
09:47I am going to pay you back!
09:48And what about the Surf Club petty cash, huh? You gonna pay that back?
09:51Ugh! Stop going on about that club!
09:55I'm sorry. What if you'd just give me a couple hundred?
09:58Absolutely not. Not until you tell me what you've been spending it on.
10:01I already told you.
10:02The truth this time. This isn't like you.
10:05You're stealing from family, from other people.
10:08And I know that you moved out of your share house weeks ago.
10:11You called them?
10:12Can you just tell me what is going on? Are you in some kind of trouble?
10:15You are so dramatic!
10:16Fine, if you're not going to lend me the money, I'm just going to ask Eden.
10:19You leave Eden alone.
10:22She's going through enough right now.
10:27Why? What happened?
10:39Justin, hi. Have you ordered?
10:42Have you ordered?
10:44Actually, I came here to check in on you and see how you're holding up.
10:48Must be hard being back here.
10:50It is. Yeah, I am.
10:53I was a bit of a mess yesterday, but I feel like I'm managing better today.
10:57Can't say I'll be holding it together at the funeral, but I will do my best.
11:01You haven't heard then?
11:02The funeral's going to be out of town. And it's family only.
11:08No, but Felicity, she didn't have any family besides Cash and Gary.
11:11Well, Eden's going to be there, but other than that, yeah, it's just them.
11:15What, so Eden gets to go but not Remy or Kirby or anyone who knew her for as long as they did?
11:20I guess.
11:21What about Tane? I mean, he was family up until two seconds ago.
11:25And what about all the people that worked here with her?
11:28I would have liked to have gone and paid my respects, but, you know, it's family's wishes.
11:33Which is fine, but they're not the only people who lost someone.
11:40It's alright. It's alright. I get it.
11:43I was thinking that we should hold something here, in the bay.
11:47Give everyone who wanted a chance to, you know, remember Felicity and pay their respects.
11:54Like a memorial?
11:58I just, I think that's a really great idea.
12:02Wow, what's that?
12:05Uh, it's just a piece I've been working on.
12:10Wait, you did this?
12:13Oh, it's just so different from your usual stuff.
12:17Good different, though, right?
12:20See you later.
12:22Actually, Rose.
12:25See you later.
12:27Actually, Rose.
12:32Could you tell me what you think?
12:35Well, I don't know anything about art.
12:37It doesn't matter. Just look at it. Tell me what you see. You can be honest.
12:46I mean, it's cool. Bright.
12:50I really like the colours you've used. Looking at it kind of makes me feel...
12:56I don't know, it's kind of like fireworks.
13:01Why, is that wrong?
13:03No, no. It's cool. Thanks.
13:15Okay, our supplier can deliver extra boxes of bubbles this afternoon.
13:19Great. That is all the drinks taken care of.
13:22Just as well. Given who we're celebrating, free-flowing champagne feels like a must.
13:27Hey, Rose.
13:29Your coffee order.
13:31You guys planning a party?
13:32Oh, yeah. In a way.
13:34It's a memorial for Felicity.
13:37Of course. That's a great idea.
13:39Yeah, you should come. It's here, it's tomorrow, and everyone who knew her is invited.
13:44Can I leave? I've got the day off work.
13:46He's got his hands full.
13:47Busy saving lives.
13:49Or not.
13:50His little sister Abigail is in town.
13:53Oh, sounds like there's a story there.
13:55Don't get me started.
13:56I'm going to get out of here and start spreading the word. Thanks, mate.
14:01You not a fan of Levi's other sister?
14:05I've never really been a fan of thieves.
14:10What makes you think she's a thief?
14:12Oh, she just took her brother's wallet.
14:15Okay, when was this?
14:17Right after Eden's engagement party.
14:20Look, I know I shouldn't be one to judge other people's siblings, but I just...
14:23I get worried that Levi's being taken advantage of.
14:26Well, you might be onto something.
14:31For a moment last week, I suspected Levi's sister of stealing the surf club's petty cash.
14:39I heard Levi leaving a voicemail for Abigail and...
14:43He really wasn't happy.
14:44Really wasn't happy?
14:47Did you ask him about it?
14:48Mm-hmm, yep.
14:49He told me I had nothing to worry about.
14:53And you don't believe him?
14:54I didn't then and I certainly don't now.
15:04Hey, mate.
15:09I, uh, I've got some news.
15:12I entered the art con.
15:14Oh, good on ya, mate. I'm proud of ya.
15:16Well, thanks to you and Martha for the advice, otherwise I probably wouldn't have pushed myself to do it.
15:22Well, that's very nice of you to say, but if anybody asks, I reckon you should give the credit to young Kirby.
15:29So, now that you've done it, how do you feel?
15:31I, uh... nervous.
15:35Well, that's understandable.
15:37Mate, um, I reckon you can relax now. You've done the hard bit.
15:41I don't know about that. The wait for the winner's announcement is going to be pretty tough.
15:45Ah, you need to learn a bit of patience.
15:47You sound just like my mum.
15:50Why don't you come fishing with me, eh? It'll help you calm down while you're waiting.
15:57You know, they reckon there's an art to fishing.
16:02Oh, I'm sure they do, Mr Stewart.
16:12That's really sad.
16:15Felicity seemed like a really cool girl.
16:18She and Eden were really close.
16:21How is Eden?
16:24I've left her a few messages. She's still yet to reply. Seems to run in the family.
16:31You really care about her, don't you? Even though she hates your guts.
16:36Of course I love Eden. I love you too.
16:38Can you give me $800 then?
16:42Please, that is all that I need to sort myself out.
16:45And I promise I will never ask you for anything ever again.
16:48I don't get it. What is it that you need to sort out? What's going on?
16:54I can't tell you, OK? Just please, I...
16:57Oh, goodie. You're both here.
17:00Did you lie to the police about her stealing from the surf club?
17:03Who told you that?
17:04Oh wow, so it is true. I'm just gonna... I'll go.
17:07Uh, no, no.
17:08No, please do go.
17:09Letting her steal your own money is one thing, but covering up a crime?
17:13Come on, when are you gonna draw the line here?
17:15Oh, I'm working on it.
17:16Oh really? It doesn't look like it. It looks like she's just walking all over you.
17:18OK, can you stop? This is my family. I need you to stay out of it and let me deal with it.
17:21Then actually deal with it, Levi.
17:23Don't cover it up, enable or look the other way, because seriously, that is all you've been doing so far.
17:29So the funeral is still happening, but there's gonna be a memorial here.
17:33What do you think?
17:35It just felt like people around here need this.
17:39Oh, I think it's a wonderful idea.
17:42Do you think you guys could help out with the catering?
17:44We'd love to.
17:45Yeah. I'll go and give Mac a ring now, OK?
17:47Thanks, Grace.
17:50What do you reckon?
17:51I think it's a great idea.
17:52I think it's a great idea.
17:53I think it's a great idea.
17:54I think it's a great idea.
17:55I think it's a great idea.
17:57Would you really?
17:58Feels right.
18:13I'm sorry about Mackenzie.
18:14It's fine.
18:16Please don't go. We need to sort this out.
18:19I can't even get up.
18:20You know that's not true. Stop.
18:23I'm not gonna let you get on that bus.
18:24I need to get out of this car.
18:28Come on. We're not done.
18:32Abby, just come on.
18:33Watch it.
18:36What's wrong with your arm?
18:42Is someone hurting you?
18:47Hey, what's going on?
18:52It's OK.
18:54It's OK.
19:20Hey, mate.
19:21Ah, it's a memorial, eh?
19:23That sounds good.
19:24Yeah, it was just in sighting.
19:26Is that right?
19:28Ah, there was Mackenzie.
19:29She just got back to me.
19:30Yeah? What'd she say?
19:31She said that she's fine with most of the catering,
19:33but she'd like some help with the sweets.
19:35Yeah, no, of course.
19:36Whatever she needs, we'll take care of it.
19:38Excuse me.
19:39OK, great.
19:41So what did Cash say when you told him?
19:44I didn't actually run it by Cash.
19:46Well, you should.
19:47Well, I would have,
19:48but word is he's gone to ground and
19:50I don't want to bother him with it.
19:51Mate, Cash is Felicity's last remaining family.
19:55It's only right that you get his blessing for this.
20:02You can tell me anything, OK?
20:06We can get you help, whatever this is, whoever this is.
20:09If it's a boyfriend...
20:11Nobody's hurting me, Levi.
20:13And what is it?
20:14And what is it?
20:30What are you using?
20:45Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
20:46It's OK, mate.
20:48It's OK.
20:50You're scaring me.
20:51You wouldn't talk.
20:52I don't know what to do to help him.
20:53It was those two against the world for a long time.
20:55It's not going to be an easy road back.
21:00Everything I love descends up here.
21:02I don't want to bury you as well.
21:03Hey, that's not going to happen.
21:04I'm not leaving you here.
21:06Eat it.