IRONHEART TRAILER 2025_ Iron Man Robert Downey Jr, Doctor Doom & Things You Missed
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie Marvel released a brand-new Ironheart trailer at
00:16D23 so will break it all down.
00:18I know you're wondering did Marvel forget about this series because they sure finished
00:21filming it a long a long time ago and have said nothing about it until D23 recently.
00:28There are a lot of reports about why that happened.
00:31It sounds like they shelved it because they wanted it closer to what the armor wars movie
00:35was going to be because it's meant to be connected to that with what's happening with the roadie
00:38character the real version of roadie not the fake scroll roadie from secret invasion in
00:44generally this was born out of the time where Marvel was just making series for every single
00:49possible person that was ever in the comics even for like a single issue.
00:53So when Marvel made their big shift behind the scenes to pull back and focus more on
00:57quality over quantity.
00:59This was one of the things that hit the shelf.
01:01It sounds like they just wanted to take a couple years because it has been done for
01:04a couple years now to just polish it until it was ready and release it when they felt
01:09like it would do the best.
01:11It's possible they were kind of worried about how it would perform because a lot of the
01:14stuff that they did release during Marvel phase 4 just did not pan out was not popular
01:19the way they wanted it to be everybody looking at you secret invasion with the Marvel potentially
01:23which is waiting for like way bigger more popular movies to sandwich this between like
01:28for instance Avengers 5 doomsday or like the fantastic four movie depending on what happens
01:32with that or like even right before secret wars.
01:35So right now I believe that their meaning to release this at the end of next year, but
01:40that could change.
01:41They could wait till after Avengers 5 to release it Marvel's done that before like the release
01:45their weaker stuff between more popular movies hoping that will help bolster it, but just
01:50starting at the beginning of this trailer is actually a pretty lengthy trailer.
01:53They start with a recap of RiRi Williams time during Black Panther Wakanda forever
01:58the introduction of her character with Shuri basically this exact scene they just cut and
02:02paste at the beginning of the trailers to remind people who the character is where she
02:05came from this scene was basically that last montage of her with Shuri building the new
02:10version of her suit right before the final battle in Wakanda forever.
02:15We get a little scene of her actually in the battle in the suit.
02:18Then they jump to right at the end of the movie right before RiRi Williams takes off
02:22and leaves Wakanda with Shuri basically tell her there's no way we're gonna let you walk
02:25off with that vibranium Iron Man suit you just built.
02:29We get a special Ironheart custom Marvel television logo remember the branding all the television
02:34shows is Marvel television.
02:35The live-action shows the animated shows their branding is Marvel animation which you see
02:39like before X-Men 97 I just did the daredevil born again trailer video from D23.
02:45It also has its own version of a Marvel television logo, but because this is Ironheart it's a
02:49technology software based logo meant to look very Iron Man esque like is meant to look
02:54like her heads up display that I believe this cityscape is actually meant to be Chicago.
02:59I could be mistaken, but I think she's meant to be from Chicago in the MCU because the
03:04rest the beginning of the trailer her is her getting kicked out of MIT because of what
03:08happened during the events of Black Panther Wakanda forever.
03:10So she has to leave school and go back home confirming that the series does largely take
03:15place after the events of Wakanda forever.
03:17I'm sure they'll be flashbacks to show more of her origin story to this seems like her
03:21just sulking back at home after she's been kicked out of school with a little bit of
03:25her arc reactor here the little energy piece here.
03:34Notice she talks about her internship abroad.
03:37That's basically her time in Wakanda with Shuri we see her workbench.
03:41She talks about being stuck after the events of Wakanda forever like mentally she just
03:46didn't know what she was supposed to do next.
03:47How she was going to move forward because she had $0 in a cost billions of dollars for
03:53Iron Man to build his new armors.
03:55They only briefly touched on it during the Iron Man movies, but essentially Tony Stark
03:59so rich that it didn't matter how much is Iron Man armors cost he just made new armors
04:04because he felt like he didn't worry about what it costs, but Pepper Potts who was CEO
04:08of Stark industries still on the sign all those checks technically and they cost billions
04:13of dollars for each armor.
04:15And we see what looks like a little bit of a flashback with her walking into an MIT lab
04:19like you can see the MIT logo here.
04:20It says hangar 17.
04:21This just seems like one of the places where she was working while she was at MIT.
04:26I don't know who Jim Rath is playing, but it sounds like he's going to be a big character
04:30working at MIT like one of her professors who's pissed off that she just took off and
04:34claims to be a genius and is trying to stop around like she owns the place like he's trying
04:38to tell her that it doesn't matter if you're one of the many geniuses that come through
04:42the doors at MIT for instance Tony Stark also went to MIT briefly.
04:47So when he says there are many geniuses who come to the doors at MIT like she's no better
04:52than any the other geniuses and she is gonna get kicked out if she doesn't attend classes
04:56for long enough which it sounds like she didn't kind of hard to make it to class and do your
05:00exams when you're busy fighting giant wars down in Wakanda against other mutant nations
05:04all she has to do is tell about all that underwater vibranium they were fighting over is a quick
05:09montage of her throughout MIT all the different places where she worked the different classes
05:14that she went to the different lab she attended within basically repeating himself like you
05:18can't just walk out of MIT and then not do anything and then show back up and expect
05:22to continue.
05:24He also talks about her using their resources to build her Iron Man technology you see her
05:29open the pad like it sounds like she's designing her next armor, but she's using all of MIT's
05:34millions and millions of dollars and resources to do this zoom in and hands on her whiteboard
05:39here you see Tony Stark's arc reactor here it sounds like she's trying to design a slightly
05:43new arc reactor in a new basis for her Iron Man technology to iterate on Tony Stark's
05:48armor technology as it says here iron suit dot dot dot artificial intelligence fun fact
05:54re real Williams in the comics actually worked with Tony Stark when he was a digital consciousness
05:59a digital artificial intelligence they introduce the character during a time at Marvel after
06:03Tony Stark was believed to had died, but he backed up his consciousness as an AI.
06:08So it was a version of Tony Stark, even though secretly they revealed that his body did survive.
06:14It was just a deep storage for a long time.
06:16It was part of that all new all different era at Marvel eventually they did bring Iron
06:20Man character back and sort of rebooted the comics with a brand-new Iron Man title which
06:24they tend to do in the comics very often little bit harder for them to do that in the movies,
06:29but we do have Robert Downey Jr. coming back as a version of Doctor Doom she talks to what
06:34seems like one of her professors at MIT saying that she wants to build something special
06:38something undeniable like basically her trying to say that she wants to build something different
06:42iterating on Tony Stark's Iron Man technology zoom and enhance you see one of her previous
06:47armors that she's iterating this is probably based on her armor from Wakanda forever probably
06:51her in the middle of designing the new armor that we see her wearing towards the end of
06:55the trailer is as she pisses off Jim Rath enough that she officially gets kicked out
06:59like she destroys this lab at MIT and that's the last straw for them like all right that's
07:03it you're out notice they very prominently tell you that Ryan Coogler is one of the executive
07:08producers of the series, so it should be a little bit more quality.
07:10I didn't know what his involvement was going to be before this, but it sounds like he had
07:14a hand in actually making it which explains her presence in the actual Black Panther Wakanda
07:18forever movie.
07:20I do not think that she was in the original version the movie when Chadwick Boseman was
07:23still alive in the plot of the movie was more centered around his character versus Namor
07:28there was like a whole different version that movie before Chadwick Boseman passed away.
07:31I talked about it back when Black Panther Wakanda forever came out so you can go back
07:35and watch those videos for one learn more about that that I think this is her going
07:39back to Chicago where she's from you see her walking around in a janky low-quality version
07:44of her armor as she's trying to dumpster dive build it together again like the new version
07:48of her armor but like she dumpster dived her original armor that we saw in Wakanda forever
07:53same basic idea she complains about needing money to finish building her suit because
07:58she's dead ass broke and then we see Anthony Ramos's character who's playing the hood from
08:02the comics who is a magic based character it sounds like he starts out trying to help
08:07her like he tells her I can help you get the money that you need to build your suit.
08:12But I don't know if when he starts out he actually is the hood character or if he slowly
08:16becomes the hood character over the course of the season making bargains with other magic
08:20based characters you see her back in her apartment with the pieces of her armor hanging near
08:24her as she's trying to cobble it together find funds to actually completed then zoom
08:29and enhance this is kind of potato quality version the trailer here, but this person
08:32helping her unfurl her new version of the armor like her mark three at this facility
08:37that seems like it's outside the city like they just find a place to work on her armor
08:40is Alden Ehrenreich's Zeke Stane the son of Obadiah Stane from the first Iron Man movie.
08:46I don't know what his relationship with Riri Williams is going to be during the season
08:50if is going to be a karate kid situation.
08:52If you didn't see karate kid three fantastic deep cut, but in that movie the main villain
08:57pretended to help Daniel, but was secretly pulling a fast one on in the whole time that
09:02might be what's going on with Zeke Stane during this series or there could be big twist that
09:07he winds up being a good character turning different from his father like I want to be
09:10like my father and winds up being good because it does seem like the hood might wind up being
09:15the main villain of the season, but it is possible that Zeke Stane is in league with
09:19the hood secretly and they're just not telling Riri Williams so you can let me know what
09:23your theories are in the comics like what is Zeke Stane doing during this series.
09:27I don't know who this character is, but it seems like she just tries to take a whole
09:30bunch of different jobs to earn money to complete the armor like she's working for a bunch of
09:35different random people than these shady people seem like part of the hood's crew that are
09:39robbing places all over town Riri Williams throws in with them because it gets her money
09:44to finish her gear.
09:45They might also be working in league with Zeke Stane if he really is one of the villains
09:49of the series not sure what they're robbing from this facility probably just some technology
09:54Anthony Ramos's character talks to her about doing things to get it done like basically
09:59implying that they can be doing some shady stuff to get the money that she needs not
10:03clear what facility here she's burning this might be back at MIT.
10:07You see Anthony Ramos's hood character robbing other safes and Ironhawk talks to him about
10:12pulling illegal job like these jobs were doing aren't super illegal are they which it seems
10:16like they are pretty illegal.
10:18You see her look at her new faceplate.
10:20He gives her a buttload of cash to buy more gear to complete her armor notice that he's
10:26wearing a cloak.
10:27I think that's just meant to be a reference to his hood identity from the comics.
10:31Then she completes her armor and activates it.
10:34So this is essentially what her version of the mark three looks like like the Ironheart
10:38mark three the title card does reveal this coming out next year which would be 2025 which
10:43is why I think it's coming out the end of next year.
10:45She does her first flight in that suit which is meant to be a parallel for Iron Man in
10:50his mark to the first flight in that suit we get a slow-mo montage of her and Anthony
10:54Ramos just throw in the money all over the place like she's flush with cash so she can
10:59finish her armor.
11:00This seems like his crew.
11:02So those people that were robbing that lab earlier probably belong to him is a quick
11:06montage of different scenes of them doing more shady stuff and finally the police show
11:10up at her apartment like you seem to be connected with some string of robberies what's going
11:14on here that it seems like she's in her armor running from the cops like this is all after
11:18she completes her armor that we actually see Anthony Ramos is hood character in his
11:22red cloak from the comics not sure what this facility is where he is with the lights are
11:27lighting up then this seems like what his character looks like under the cloak like
11:32this is the price that he's paying for the magic that he's given.
11:35There's a lot of rumors about this being connected to Mephisto, but basically he has to make
11:39a bargain with the more powerful magical being to get his magic.
11:43It's only a rumor, but supposedly Sasha Baron Cohen film scenes as a version of Mephisto
11:48for this series.
11:49But this was years ago when they film the series.
11:50So I don't know if that's changed or they've removed that stuff or switched it.
11:54So that is another magical character that he bargains with there even some rumors that
11:57he might be connected to act at the heartness at some point during the series.
12:00I don't know if that's going to wind up being true.
12:02They could have changed that as well either way part of the parallel here for the hood
12:06and iron heart is they're both doing shady things to get the power that they want like
12:10she's robbing all these different places to get the money to complete her armor in the
12:15hood is bargaining his life force basically to get more magical power.
12:20Then it seems like she actually starts fighting some of the other characters that she's been
12:23robbing places with.
12:24I don't know who this character is that she's talking to in the trailer where she's saying
12:28that she's bitten off more that she could shoot images be one of her friends from her
12:32Then we see Alton Aaron Reich's Zeke Stane character in the comics Zeke Stane also winds
12:37up becoming a villain in his own right basically taking his father's inheritance like all the
12:41money that he left him and going after Iron Man, but he's thought of as more of an Iron
12:44Man villain.
12:45Then we see Anthony Ramos in his full hood get up like with the red cloak and the guns
12:50from the comics not really sure who he's going after in the scene the broad daylight, but
12:54you can kind of see the magic perverting his body like certainly rotting his body with
12:59his lines coming off of his face that I don't know when this scene is happening in the course
13:03of the series, but is basically her in the middle of an action scene suiting up in her
13:07armor taking down this car that the trailer has a post credit scene wouldn't be a marvel
13:11trailer if the trailer didn't have its own post credit scene.
13:14This just seems like it's happening back in Chicago in her family house for the mother
13:18coming to check on her asking what the hell is going on.
13:21Then we get a shot of her flying overhead in broad daylight in her brand-new armor looks
13:26like she's given her armor a paint job to so I'm guessing this is from like the very
13:29end of the series not clear if her character will have any kind of interaction with the
13:33new version of Robert Downey Jr. who's playing Doctor doom from another universe Kevin Feige
13:38said that not all the brand-new characters during marvel phase four marvel phase five
13:41will appear in avengers five and avengers six.
13:44I think that confirms that a lot of the new characters, especially the younger characters
13:48they'll relegate to like a young avengers project and is like a darker supernatural
13:53team up to select not all the supernatural characters like Moon Knight for instance will
13:57show up in all the next avengers movies just because there are so many characters now like
14:02there's no way they can cram everybody into all the avengers movies, but another is gonna
14:06be a billion questions about what's going on with the characters.
14:08So if there's anything you spotted in the trailer that I didn't talk about in the video
14:12write them below in the comments still a lot of questions about what's going on with Zeke
14:16Stane during the series.
14:17Like how much of a villain will he be at the beginning of the series and will be a big
14:21turn at the end of the series where he becomes a much bigger villain or are they can have
14:24a big twist with that as well to were really the hood is the main goal of the series.
14:28The really crazy twist would be if Zeke Stane Alden Ehrenreich's character winds up being
14:33good in helping Ironheart like being a partner to her going forward.
14:37So there's always possible they go with that twist.
14:39There's a bunch more trailers that Marvel released at D23 that I haven't completely
14:43worked through yet.
14:44So I'll try to finish all those in the next week.
14:46My voice is slowly getting a little bit better.
14:48I was sick for like most last week, so it was kinda hard to get videos out.
14:51I just did a brand-new video for that Thunderbolts trailer click here for that and click here
14:55for my daredevil born-again trailer video thank you so much for watching and I'll see
14:59you guys the next one!