Venezuela: Supreme Court reports a 60% progress on the audit of the provided material

  • last month
The minutes, corresponding to the last presidential elections of July 28, were delivered to the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice by the rectors of the National Electoral Council. It is about the investigation of the electoral contemption resource brought by president Nicolás Maduro to verify the results of the elections.


00:00In Venezuela, the Supreme Court of Justice reports a 60 percent progress in the audit
00:06of the provided electoral material of the July 28th presidential elections.
00:12The minutes correspond to the last presidential elections of the July 28th were delivered
00:19to the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice by directors of the National Electoral
00:26It is about the investigation of the electoral contention resource brought by President Nicolás
00:33Maduro to verify the results of the elections.
00:37The political parties supporting the former candidate Edmundo González were the only
00:42ones that did not submit the report's records.
00:47González also did not appear before the Supreme Court of Justice the day he was summoned.
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