Electoral Chamber of the TSJ began hearing process

  • last month
The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice began the hearing process of the ten presidential candidates of the elections of last July 28. teleSUR
00:00We are live in TeleSur English and we go now to Venezuela to the Supreme Court of the country
00:10to see the latest updates on the following up of the elections that took place on July
00:19We are looking at live images from the Supreme Court of Justice.
00:27Let's recall that on Wednesday, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, filed an appeal
00:37before the Supreme Court, in particular before the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court,
00:46in order for the court to be able to verify the complete process of the elections that
00:52took place on July 28th.
00:56And after this appeal was made, the Supreme Court of Justice summoned for this Friday
01:04all the political actors that participated in the elections of July 28th for this Friday
01:14to begin the verification process regarding these elections.
01:24Now we're looking at images of President Nicolás Maduro, who has arrived at the Supreme
01:31Court of the country.
01:35He is one of the political actors who has been summoned in this context.
01:46And of course, all of the other candidates have also been summoned.
01:51The objective of this process, as was presented by President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday,
01:58was to be able to verify the complete process and also begin a thorough investigation also
02:10into all the actions that happened after the election, including a sector of the opposition
02:20that decided not to recognize, openly not to recognize, the results provided by the
02:26electoral authorities.
02:28So the appeal made by the president aims for the Tribunal of Justice to be able to go over
02:37the entire process, summon all the political actors, and follow through on the complete
02:45investigation to guarantee the complete process being open and clear for the Venezuelan people.
03:00Of course, in a sovereign way, in a context of an important siege by part of the international
03:10media that the authorities of the Venezuelan country have also been constantly denouncing.
03:20So what we're looking at now is President Nicolás Maduro at the Supreme Court in this
03:29process that begins today, Friday.
03:35That is what we are looking at.
03:37We have heard just recently ago from the National Electoral Council authorities, and
03:48at this moment we are looking into images that are live images right now from Caracas,
03:55from the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, now taking upon themselves to follow through
04:04on the appeal filed by the constitutional president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro,
04:13who has also been awarded as winner of the elections, as was communicated by the National
04:23Electoral Council on Sunday, July 28, after election day, and also ratified today, Friday,
04:38by the same National Electoral Council authorities.
04:43Let's recall that at the moment of presenting and announcing to both national and international
04:52media the decision of the president to file this appeal before the Supreme Court regarding
05:02the election process in an attempt for the justice system to take over the clarification,
05:13and any clarification, if any, needed regarding the election process.
05:18The president, Nicolás Maduro, stated that one of the key points of his presentation
05:27was to make sure that the PSUV and the Great Patriotic Poll, representing the ruling party,
05:37the ruling coalition, committed themselves to presenting 100% of the tally sheets regarding
05:46the election of July 28, and they committed themselves to that.
05:52They assured that this would be the case.
05:55They would do this, of course, as summoned by the tribunal, the Supreme Court of Justice.
06:02And in the same effort, they stated that all other political parties, if the Supreme Court
06:16deemed this necessary, could be summoned to do the same.
06:21In this way, presenting all the tally sheets that they hold in their power, we are talking
06:28about confirmation tally sheets that are part of the Venezuelan electoral system and can
06:42be used as a way to attest, to prove the election.
06:49This is part of the electoral system with which Venezuela carries out its elections.
07:00Let's recall that this has been a very thoroughly audited system.
07:05It has been audited several times, both from national and international technicians.
07:13Still, this effort of being able to present all the data from the ruling party and also
07:21summoning all participants in the activity to do the same is an effort from the government,
07:30in this case from President Nicolás Maduro, to try to clarify, as he said it, anything
07:42that needs to be clarified, if needed, with transparency, with clarity, and with the Venezuelan
07:54Supreme Court of Justice as the maximum authority to decide on the matter in a sovereign way,
08:06in a context in which international interference is, of course, rejected by the government
08:17of Venezuela.
08:19So, of course, the maximum court, the top court of the country, is the constitutional
08:26organ capable.
08:30In this case, we're talking about the electoral chamber within the tribunal court.
08:36So, we were talking about images.
08:49We're looking live from Caracas.
08:51This is the Supreme Court of Justice.
08:53We have seen constitutional president Nicolás Maduro, along with other candidates who have
09:00made themselves present.
09:02They have been summoned by the top court for this occasion, and this comes about after
09:12President Nicolás Maduro filed on Wednesday a contentious resource, an appeal before the
09:23electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in order for the maximum tribunal,
09:31the top court of the country, to be able to, in a transparent manner, verify the complete
09:39electoral process that took place on July 28th, and also all the actions that happened
09:50after the July 28th.
09:53Let's recall that the general attorney of the country, we're just seeing him on screen,
10:02has been giving updates all throughout this week about the investigations that are currently
10:10being carried out for vandalic and violent actions that have been present, specifically
10:21since Monday, one day after the election took place, apparently after or on behind of different
10:35groups, far-right groups, and after a part of the extreme right-wing opposition decided
10:43not to recognize the official results of the...
11:05So that is what we were looking at.
11:07We are looking for, we'll be seeing further updates.
11:14We were seeing all the actors, political actors, that have been summoned to the tribunal court
11:24of justice.
11:25This is one of the appeals and one of the instances that Venezuela, in a sovereign way,
11:34is appealing for this court to bring light and reassurance and transparency to anything
11:45that has happened, including allegations from the extreme right-wing opposition, which will
11:50be called upon, probably in this instance, to show proof of declarations that they have
12:02One of the objectives of the executive in this case, that again, let's recall, it was
12:11President Maduro on Wednesday who filed the appeal that brings all the political actors
12:16together at the Supreme Court.
12:19At this moment, one of the objectives is to be able, through the power of the top court
12:27of the country, to summon the political actors to show proof before justice of any allegations
12:37that they may have, as to confront this with the real information and the proof that all
12:49the other political actors have.
12:51And so, in this way, the maximum tribunal of the country may be in a position to issue
13:03a final statement on the situation regarding July 28th.
13:11Let's recall that July 28th was presidential elections, first presidential elections after
13:18a number of democratic instances in which a sector of the extreme right-wing opposition
13:26agrees after a process of international mediation to rejoin the democratic game.
13:36So they presented themselves in this election process.
13:43However, after President Nicolás Maduro was announced re-elected on Sunday night by the
13:52National Electoral Council, this sector of the opposition rejected the results, did not
14:02recognize the results, and ballot issued a series of accusations for which they have
14:09shown no official proof and no official denounces before the correct institutions.
14:22They have been mainly operating in the media realm.
14:27So through this appeal, President Nicolás Maduro seeks to bring this situation to the
14:42realm of the top court of the Supreme Court of Justice for it to be able to carry out
14:50a thorough investigation, including all political actors, and find all the denunciations, find
15:01all the proof, and consider, if necessary, what is their final statement.
15:10Also what are the responsibilities that lie upon different actors who have, for example,
15:21not acknowledged the results of a democratic process and of the same authorities that they
15:27had agreed to respect, in this case the electoral authorities of the country represented by
15:36the National Electoral Council, headed by Elvis Amoroso, who was in charge of issuing the first
15:45results on Sunday night and also earlier today gave their final results, which were issued
16:05just some minutes ago. We were live with them as well in Teluso English, and we will continue to
16:14provide updates on the situation. So the process that is being opened right now, as we look at
16:25live images with President Nicolás Maduro and other political actors already participating,
16:34already in the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Venezuela, opens this new chapter
16:48in what began, or at least had its paramount event on July 28th, Sunday, Election Day.
16:57And Election Day also, let's recall, happened in a calm environment, a peaceful environment,
17:08in which all Venezuelans who were credited and registered to do so could come to the ballot
17:19and place their votes. This was a very significant moment after an important part.
17:30Let's listen to the authorities.
17:49Good afternoon to all of you. It has been declared the opening of this at.
18:09Secretary, please, you have the floor. The target of the present hearing is
18:18in conformity with Articles 207 and the Articles 12 and 14 of the Code of Proceedings
18:30applicable to the organic law of the Supreme Court of Justice in the
18:40in the contentious appeal filed by President Nicolás Maduro Moro.
18:48And this is, there is a constancy of the claiming of Nicolás Maduro Moro,
19:01well, Claudio Eloy, Fermin Maldonado, Benjamín, José Rodríguez, Luis Eduardo Martínez Hidalgo,
19:12Javier Alejandro, Petuchi Carrero, and Daniel Omar Ceballos Morales, and Enrique Octavio
19:20Marquez-PĂ©rez, who are acting in the character as presidential candidates who participated on
19:29July 28th elections, 2024. Likewise, there's a record of the, well, there is record that
19:47the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, is present, and it is being
19:53informed to the sides that the president of the chamber, Magistrate Beatriz RodrĂ­guez,
20:01will read the corresponding, the respective act. I proceed to read the present act.
20:14Minutes. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme
20:24Court of Justice. This Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Bolivarian
20:29Republic of Venezuela declares that from the historical moment that, from 1999, the deep
20:40debates of the National Assembly that founded the present constitution of the Bolivarian Republic
20:49of Venezuela, it was conceived the republic as a democratic state, social state of rights and
20:59justice, in which the sovereignty lies in the people who exercises directly through elections
21:12as a participative means. With the proclaiming of the constitution, it was born what we know
21:26as the electoral system of Venezuela in its article 187, which main objective is to protect
21:36the political rights of the population in which there are highlighted the rights of participation
21:43on elections established in articles 62, 63, and 64, respectively, of the constitutional test.
21:54So, from here, thereafter, the Electoral Chamber acts within the constitutional principles of due
22:04proceeding and to guarantee the assets of the aforementioned electoral system by applying
22:17the proceedings that regulate, that monitor the matter. So, it must be executed by constitution
22:26and with a strict observance of the principles that ruled the electoral principles.
22:37The performance of the Supreme Court of Justice ruling of the judiciary power in Venezuela in
22:45charge of providing justice, of dispensing justice, and aware of the historical accountability in the
22:55Electoral Chamber and attached to article 2 of the constitution establishes, and I cite,
23:04Venezuela is made up of a social democratic state of rights and justice that sustains as
23:15superior values the life, the freedom, justice, and equality, solidarity, and democracy,
23:26social responsibility, and in general, the prevalence of human rights, ethics, and plural
23:36multipolar politics. And as one of the public powers of the Venezuelan states
23:45is attached to the essential articles, as I cite, the defense and development of the person
23:58and the respect for its dignity, the democratic exercise of the will of the people, the building
24:05up of a fair society, lover of peace, the fostering of welfare of the people, and the
24:17guarantee compliance of their rights and duties dedicated in this constitution.
24:27So, understanding that without justice there won't be peace, the Electoral Chamber
24:36as it is in charge of protecting the activity of citizens that participated in the presidential
24:45election, took up the contentious appeal filed by constitutional president of the Bolivarian
24:55Republic of Venezuela, citizen Nicolás Maduro Moro, by which it was requested a review of the
25:06electoral process of elections on July 28th with the end of investigate and verify and validate
25:16and validate unrestrictedly the results of those elections in this organization,
25:29the only in charge of validating that, so it become these decisions of compulsory compliance.
25:42That is why all candidates, political parties and the National Electoral Council and other
25:52entities must attach, must deliver all legal minutes
26:02that have been requested by this chamber, so in this chamber lies the jurisdiction in electoral
26:15affairs, so that is why it is urged for all presidential candidates and political parties and
26:25other entities involved to respect the decisions of the court, and so we signed on August 2, 2024,
26:37the president Beatriz RodrĂ­guez RodrĂ­guez, vice president Fanny Beatriz Marquez Cordero,
26:46magistrate Inocencio Antonio Figueroa Alizaleta, and the attorney general of the Republic, Tarek
26:56William Saab, and other candidates who were summoned to the present hearing. Please,
27:09citizen secretary, could you collect the signatures?
27:37those were the statements of magistrate, president of the electoral chamber,
27:42and so there we have been seeing how the officials have been signing this important
27:59document, including now the court bailiff regarding this case.
28:12We're looking at images from the criminal court of justice in Venezuela,
28:17we're just listening to the authorities, in particular,
28:22president of the Supreme Court of the nation, as they began this important process into
28:30the election process, which aims to bring clarity, transparency in a sovereign way to
28:38the electoral process that took place in Venezuela. Let's recall that this comes after
28:45an appeal of protection that was filed by the president of the nation,
28:51Nicolás Maduro, seeking for the tribunal to be able to summon all the candidates. We see now
29:01as president Nicolás Maduro is signing this act that was just presented by the Supreme Court
29:15authorities. This is an important act and an important event also following the elections
29:27on July 28th and what the government itself has denounced as an attempted coup that,
29:36according to Venezuelan authorities, has been orchestrated by the extreme right wing that
29:44did not recognize the results, the official results. And then after all that process,
29:53Nicolás Maduro filed this appeal of protection that is now at this moment being taken upon
30:03by the Supreme Court of the country.
30:08We were listening to CarĂ­s LĂ­a RodrĂ­guez, president of the Supreme Court.
30:13She gave an account of the process, also of the relevance of the Venezuelan institutions,
30:22which are capable of taking upon themselves the investigation of their own electoral process.
30:33She also highlighted the importance of the process that begins today and also of respecting
30:49the democratic values of the country, of which this process, which has summoned all the candidates
30:56we are seeing now as how candidates are going up to sign the document that the president of
31:06the Supreme Court has presented. The importance, we were saying, the relevance of this kind of
31:15commitments to strengthen the democratic values of Venezuela.
31:32So, we are looking at images from the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela.
31:40Now, we are looking at BenjamĂ­n Rauzo, one of the candidates
31:54who has stated the importance of respect and commitment
32:02to the results issued by the democratic institutions of the country.
32:10Let's recall that all the participants of this election, except the opposition represented
32:21by Edmundo González, which is an extreme right-wing opposition to the current government,
32:28all of the other participants, including, of course, President Nicolás Maduro,
32:34had signed beforehand, as is usual and almost tradition in Venezuela,
32:43they had signed an agreement to commit themselves to acknowledge whichever results
32:54the National Electoral Council, the electoral authority of the country, gave after the election,
33:00after an election that had been audited, the electoral process has been audited by members
33:08of all parties, all political parties. So, all the candidates that we're seeing right now
33:15have previously signed already in a democratic gesture an agreement to acknowledge
33:22all the results from this election. The only sector of the opposition that had failed to sign
33:33that agreement was the sector of the opposition that, after the results were announced by the
33:42National Electoral Council, argued that they did not recognize this, to which
33:52a series of violent acts followed. Let's listen.
33:58Well, this chamber orders to add,
34:17and we appreciate, we thank you for your attendance at this hearing, at this electoral
34:30chamber of the Supreme Court, the guarantor of peace and the due proceeding.
34:39It's been declared the closure of this act.
35:09So, Edmundo González Urrutia was the only candidate who didn't attend the hearing.
35:25We're looking at images from the Supreme Court of Justice, the act for which all the candidates
35:43were summoned by the Supreme Court has just been announced as closed. Now, we see as the authorities
35:53are shaking hands with the candidates, and also one of the facts to recall, to underscore,
36:07is the absence of only one candidate in this election out of all of them who have been
36:13summoned, and that is the absence of Edmundo González,
36:20far-right candidate, former candidate in the July 28th elections, who did not come
36:30to this event, to which he, as all participants in the July 28th elections, was summoned.
36:38And in this process that is being opened at the Supreme Court of Venezuela.
36:47Those were the images, the important images from this event at the Supreme Court of Justice.
37:10Let's recall that this happens after Democratic President Nicolás Maduro summoned
37:18and called, filed an appeal before the top court to start an inquiry, a complete verification of
37:27all the results of all the data before, during, and after the July 28th elections.
37:34That is what the beginning of that process is, what we were just looking at with live images
37:41from Caracas, and we brought that live to you, the opening of that process that is now at the hands
37:52of the top court of the country, of the Supreme Court of Venezuela.
