My Little Thomas and Friends - Thomas and Bertie Adventures (2002 UK VHS)

  • le mois dernier
00:30C'est pas possible !
00:32C'est pas possible !
00:34C'est pas possible !
00:36C'est pas possible !
00:38C'est pas possible !
00:40C'est pas possible !
00:42C'est pas possible !
00:44C'est pas possible !
00:46C'est pas possible !
00:48C'est pas possible !
00:50C'est pas possible !
00:52C'est pas possible !
00:54C'est pas possible !
00:56C'est pas possible !
00:58C'est pas possible !
01:00C'est pas possible !
01:02C'est pas possible !
01:04C'est pas possible !
01:06C'est pas possible !
01:08C'est pas possible !
01:10C'est pas possible !
01:12C'est pas possible !
01:14C'est pas possible !
01:16C'est pas possible !
01:18C'est pas possible !
01:20C'est pas possible !
01:22C'est pas possible !
01:24C'est pas possible !
01:26C'est pas possible !
01:28C'est pas possible !
01:30C'est pas possible !
01:32C'est pas possible !
01:34C'est pas possible !
01:36C'est pas possible !
01:38C'est pas possible !
01:40C'est pas possible !
01:42C'est pas possible !
01:44C'est pas possible !
01:46C'est pas possible !
01:48C'est pas possible !
01:50C'est pas possible !
01:52C'est pas possible !
01:54I'm Bertie. Who are you ?
01:56I'm Thomas. I run this branch line.
01:59So you're Thomas, eh ?
02:01I remember now. You got stuck in the snow.
02:04I took your passengers and Terence the tractor pulled you out.
02:08I've come to help you with your passengers today.
02:13Help me, said Thomas. I can go faster than you.
02:17You can't, said Bertie.
02:19I can, huffed Thomas.
02:21I'll race you, said Bertie.
02:24The drivers agreed to the race going ahead.
02:27The station master said,
02:29Are you ready ?
02:31Go !
02:33Thomas never could go fast at first.
02:36And Bertie drew in front.
02:40Why don't you go fast ? Why don't you go fast ?
02:43Called Annie and Clarabel.
02:45Wait and see, wait and see, hissed Thomas.
02:47He's a long way ahead, they wailed.
02:50But Thomas didn't mind.
02:52He'd remembered the level crossing.
02:59There was Bertie fuming at the gates.
03:02While they sailed gaily through.
03:04Goodbye Bertie, called Thomas.
03:13After that the road left the railway.
03:15So they couldn't see Bertie.
03:22And then they had to stop at the station to let off passengers.
03:27Quickly please, called Thomas.
03:29And off they went again.
03:31Come along, come along, sang Thomas.
03:33We're coming along, we're coming along, sang Annie and Clarabel.
03:37Hurry, hurry, hurry, pouted Thomas.
03:39Then he looked ahead.
03:41There was Bertie tooting triumphantly on his horn.
03:45Oh dearie me, oh dearie me, groaned Thomas.
03:52Steady Thomas, said his driver.
03:54We'll be Bertie yet.
03:56We'll be Bertie yet, we'll be Bertie yet, echoed Annie and Clarabel.
04:00We'll do it, we'll do it, panted Thomas.
04:03Oh bother, there's a station.
04:09Then he heard Bertie.
04:11Goodbye Thomas, you must be tired.
04:14Sorry I can't stop, we buses have to work you know.
04:20Oh dear, thought Thomas.
04:22We've lost.
04:24But he felt better after a drink.
04:27A signal dropped.
04:29Hurrah, we're off, hurrah, we're off, puffed Thomas.
04:38As they crossed the bridge, they heard an impatient honk, honk.
04:42There was Bertie waiting at the traffic lights.
04:46He started with a roar and chased on after Thomas again.
04:52Now Thomas reached his full speed.
04:54Bertie tried hard but Thomas was too fast.
04:59Whistling triumphantly, he plunged into the tunnel,
05:03leaving Bertie toiling far behind.
05:07I've done it, I've done it, panted Thomas.
05:10We've done it, hurrah, we've done it, hurrah, chanted Annie and Clarabel
05:15as they whooshed into the last station.
05:26Everyone was there to celebrate Thomas' victory
05:29but they gave Bertie a big hug.
05:32Everyone was there to celebrate Thomas' victory
05:35but they gave Bertie a big hug.
05:38Well done, Thomas, said Bertie, that was fun.
05:41But to beat you over that hill,
05:43I should have to grow wings and be an aeroplane.
05:51They now keep each other very busy.
05:54They often talk about their race
05:56but Bertie's passengers don't like being bounced like peas in a frying pan.
06:00And the Fat Controller has warned Thomas not to race at dangerous speeds.
06:04So although between you and me, they would like to have another race,
06:09I don't think they ever will, do you?
06:30Translation & subtitling by Quentin Dewaghe Traduction & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
07:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
07:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
08:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
08:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
09:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
09:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
10:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
10:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
11:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
11:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
12:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
12:23Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
12:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
13:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
13:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
14:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
14:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
15:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
15:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
16:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
16:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
17:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
17:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
18:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
18:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
19:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
19:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
20:00Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
20:30Sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
21:00Sous-titrage par Juanfrance
21:30As a toad eyed him suspiciously
21:33Bust my buffers, muttered Thomas
21:36The day started so well too
21:42Duck pulled away the trucks
21:45And Edward helped Thomas back to the junction
21:49Suddenly Thomas remembered about the missing tar
21:52He told Edward all about it
21:55That's strange, said Edward
21:57A truck full of tar has been left at my station
22:00That must be it
22:02Driver will make sure it gets to Bertie now
22:08Later James spoke to Thomas
22:10I'm sorry about your accident, he muttered
22:13And so is Gordon, we didn't mean to get you into trouble
22:16No indeed, spluttered Gordon
22:18A mere misunderstanding, Thomas
22:20All's well that ends well
22:23Just then Bertie arrived
22:25He looked much more cheerful
22:28My road's being mended now
22:30Oh, I am glad, replied Thomas
22:33Thanks for all you did
22:35Now I know I can trust an engine
22:37Especially if his name is Thomas
22:40Gordon and James puffed silently away to the shed
22:44But Thomas still had company
22:46Well, well, he sighed
22:48What a day for surprises
22:50The toad, who was looking forward to a ride home
22:53Noisily agreed
23:23To be continued
23:53To be continued
24:23To be continued
24:53We have a friend called Bertie and he's a bus
24:56But he likes the railway
24:58Sometimes he teases us about it
25:00But he'd never want to see it ripped up
25:02Huh, growled the bus
25:04I know Bertie, he's too small in size to be of any use
25:08Duck took no notice
25:14That bus is silly, he thought as he steamed away
25:19At the junction, Duck told Oliver all about him
25:23I call him Bulgy, chuckled Oliver
25:25Then he puffed happily away
25:34But that afternoon, when the two engines met again
25:37Oliver was no longer laughing
25:39Bulgy's friend has come, he said
25:41He's rude too
25:43He's taking Bulgy's passengers home
25:45So as to leave Bulgy free to steal ours
25:48But he can't, objected Duck
25:51Bulgy says he can get them to the big station before us
25:55Rubbish, replied Duck
25:57It's much further by road
25:59Yes, continued Oliver
26:01But Bulgy says he knows a shortcut
26:09That evening, the engines were preparing for the homeward rush
26:14Where are the passengers, they wondered
26:17Look, shrilled Oliver, look at Bulgy
26:20He's a mean scarlet deceiver
26:23Bulgy was wearing a large sign saying railway bus
26:30Yaboo snubs, he jeered as he roared away
26:33Come on, puffed Duck to his coaches
26:36Let's see what he's up to
26:45Duck wanted to pay Bulgy out
26:48But he wasn't sure how
26:56Then, in the distance
26:58Duck saw a man waving a red flag
27:01That meant danger
27:04The line here crosses a narrow road
27:07And there was Bulgy, wedged firmly under the bridge
27:11So this was his shortcut, chuckled Duck
27:15He tricked us, shouted Bulgy's passengers
27:18He said he was a railway bus
27:20But he wouldn't accept our return tickets
27:22He wanted us to think railways are no good
27:25Duck's crew examined the bridge
27:28It's risky, but we must help the passengers
27:32Passengers are urgent, agreed Duck
27:36Duck slowly and carefully set off across the bridge
27:41Bulgy wailed as he felt the bridge quiver
27:52Stop, he shouted
27:54It might fall on me
27:56That would serve you right for telling lies, said Duck
28:00But the bridge didn't collapse
28:06Duck made good time and all the passengers caught their trains
28:12The bridge is now mended
28:14But not, unfortunately, Bulgy and his ways
28:18He never learned sense
28:20He's a henhouse now
28:22And his lies can do no harm
28:25The hens never listen to them anyway
28:35Translation & subtitling by Quentin Dewaghe Traduction & sous-titrage par Quentin Dewaghe
29:05Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
