The Very Best of Thomas and Friends (2002 UK VHS) Part 1

  • le mois dernier


01:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:40Thomas est un moteur de bateau
01:42qui habite une grande station
01:44sur l'île de Sodor.
01:46C'est un petit moteur
01:48avec six petites roues,
01:50un short stumpy funnel,
01:52un short stumpy boiler,
01:54et un short stumpy dome.
02:01Il est aussi un petit moteur.
02:03Il empêche toujours les coachs
02:05de se préparer aux longues journées
02:07pour les gros moteurs.
02:12Et quand les trains arrivent,
02:14il empêche les coaches
02:16pour que les gros moteurs
02:18puissent se reposer.
02:22Thomas pense que aucun moteur
02:24ne fonctionne aussi dur que lui.
02:26Il aime jouer des trucs sur eux,
02:28y compris Gordon,
02:30le plus grand et le plus fier moteur de tous.
02:32Thomas aime siffler rudement à lui.
02:34« S'il te plaît, Lazy Bones,
02:36pourquoi ne pas travailler dur comme moi? »
02:44Un jour, après avoir tiré
02:46sur le Grand Express,
02:48Gordon arrivait de retour
02:50et était très fatigué.
02:52Il allait dormir
02:54quand Thomas s'est réveillé
02:56et il lui a dit
02:58« Tu ne peux pas me retenir! »
03:00et il a disparu en riant.
03:02Au lieu de dormir de nouveau,
03:04Gordon a pensé
03:06à la façon dont il pouvait
03:08revenir chez Thomas.
03:10Un jour, Thomas ne se réveillait pas.
03:12Son chauffeur et son pompier
03:14ne pouvaient pas le faire commencer.
03:16Son feu s'est éteint
03:18et il n'y avait pas assez d'eau.
03:20C'était bientôt l'heure du Grand Express.
03:22Les gens attendaient,
03:24et Thomas a enfin commencé.
03:28« Oh mon Dieu! Oh mon Dieu! »
03:30Il hurlait.
03:32Il s'est mis dans la station
03:34où Gordon attendait.
03:36« Vite, toi! » a dit Gordon.
03:38« Vite toi-même! » a répondu Thomas.
03:40Gordon a commencé à faire son plan.
03:44« Oui, » a dit Gordon.
03:46« Je le ferai. »
03:48Et presque avant que les pompiers
03:50arrêtent de bouger,
03:52le train a commencé.
03:54« Allez vite, s'il vous plaît! » a hurlé.
03:56Thomas a souvent poussé
03:58derrière les grands trains
04:00pour les aider à commencer,
04:02mais il était toujours en premier.
04:04Cette fois, Gordon a commencé
04:06si vite qu'ils ont oublié
04:08de couper Thomas.
04:10La chance de Gordon était venue.
04:16« Allez, allez! » a dit Gordon
04:18aux pompiers.
04:20Le train allait de plus en plus vite.
04:22Trop vite pour Thomas.
04:24Il voulait arrêter, mais il ne pouvait pas.
04:26« Stop! Stop! »
04:28« Vite! Vite! Vite! » riait Gordon.
04:30« Tu ne peux pas t'en aller! Tu ne peux pas t'en aller! »
04:32riaient les pompiers.
04:38Pauvre Thomas allait plus vite
04:40que jamais avant.
04:42Il n'avait plus de respiration,
04:44et ses roues le faisaient mal,
04:46mais il devait continuer.
04:48Il pensait, malheureusement,
04:50que ses roues allaient s'échapper.
05:06Enfin, ils ont arrêté
05:08à la station.
05:14Thomas n'était plus couplé,
05:16tout seul, très fou et fatigué.
05:20Ensuite, il s'est mis sur une table,
05:22en pensant à tout le monde qui riait de lui.
05:30Et ensuite, il s'est mis
05:32sur un banc, hors du chemin.
05:34« Bien, petit Thomas »
05:36riait Gordon. « Maintenant, tu sais
05:38ce que signifie le travail dur, n'est-ce pas? »
05:40Pauvre Thomas ne pouvait pas répondre.
05:42Il n'avait pas de respiration.
05:44Thomas s'est mis lentement à repos
05:46et a bu un long, long verre.
05:52Il est rentré à la maison très lentement
05:54et a été prudent
05:56de ne plus faire de bêtises à Gordon.
06:14Sous-titrage MFP.
08:40Hello James, said Thomas. Feeling better? That's right. Oh, that's my guard's whistle. I must go. I don't know what the Fat Controller would do without me to run this branch line. And he puffed off importantly.
08:56Edward and James passed the field where James had had his accident. The fence was mended and the cows were back again.
09:05They ended their journey and rested before setting off for home. James was still wondering what the Fat Controller would have to say about his top hat.
09:24Next morning, the Fat Controller spoke severely to him. If you can't behave, I shall take away your red coat and have you painted blue. James didn't like that at all.
09:44He was very rough with the grumbling coaches as he brought them to the platform. Don't talk, come on, he called to them. Gordon never has to fetch his own coaches, he thought to himself, and he's only painted blue.
09:56To make James even more cross, this time no one came near him. I'll show them, he thought. They think Gordon is the only engine who can pull coaches.
10:14Hurry, hurry, hurry, puffed James. You're going too fast, you're going too fast, replied the coaches. James laughed and tried to go faster, but the coaches wouldn't let him. We're going to stop, they said, we're going to stop.
10:27What's the matter? James asked his driver. The brakes are hard on, leaking the pipe most likely. You've banged the coaches enough to make a leak in anything. How shall we mend it? said the guard.
10:45We'll do it with newspaper and a leather boot lace, replied the driver. Well, where is the boot lace coming from? asked the guard. Ask the passengers, said the driver.
10:57You have a leather boot lace there, I see, sir, said the guard to a smartly dressed man. Please give it to me. I won't, said the man. Then, said the guard, I'm afraid the train will just stop where it is.
11:09The passengers all said what a bad railway it was. Then they told the man how bad he was instead. Everyone was very cross. At last he handed his laces over.
11:20The driver tied a pad of newspaper tightly round the hole in the brake pipe and James was able to pull the train.
11:34But he was a sadder and wiser James and took care never to bump coaches again.
11:50To be continued...
12:20Translation by Jean Laflute
12:50Translation by Jean Laflute
13:20Translation by Jean Laflute
13:50When Cranky heard that the big engines agreed with him, he grew bossier still.
13:55Come on, come on, push those trucks closer to me! But Percy was too upset to concentrate and pushed the trucks too far.
14:06Poor Percy!
14:09Then, Cranky played a trick on Thomas.
14:13Push your trucks onto the outside line. It's easier for me to load up. So Thomas did.
14:26But Cranky left the loads beside the trucks, not in them.
14:31You must have known my arm can't reach you there, complained Cranky. This mix-up caused confusion and delay.
14:40The Fat Controller was most upset.
14:43Thomas and Percy, this new crane has an important job to do.
14:47I have heard that you have not been helping him today. You will go to your sheds and consider how you will improve yourselves tomorrow.
14:54Now, Thomas and Percy were upset too.
14:59That evening, a big storm raged across the island.
15:09Cranky and the big engines were trapped at the docks.
15:12We're sure to be safe in this shed, said Duck.
15:15But he was wrong.
15:18The engines had no idea that they were about to be put in great danger by an old tramp truck.
15:24It was out of control and running aground straight into the sheds.
15:42Help! called the engines from inside the shed.
15:46I can't go on like this.
15:50Help! called the engines from inside the shed.
15:54I can't! called Cranky pathetically.
15:58When the storm was over, the Fat Controller rushed to the scene of destruction.
16:02Thomas and Percy will help you, he called to Cranky, and then you can help the engines.
16:07Oh, please, hurry, cried Cranky, and tell them I'm sorry I was rude to them.
16:12So it was you, murmured the Fat Controller. I owe those engines an apology.
16:18Thomas and Percy soon came to the rescue.
16:23And it wasn't too long before Cranky was upright again and clearing the wreckage.
16:33At last, all the engines were free.
16:35Oh, thank you, said Gordon. What would I have done without you?
16:39Well, I had to be rescued before I could help you.
16:43But I never thought it would be by a couple of...
16:46Cranky was about to say bugs, but he quickly corrected himself.
16:49Ah, small engines, thank you. I'll never be rude again.
16:52However, you two mites are in my way, so move over.
16:56Pah, said Percy. He's back to bugging us.
16:59Don't move, you're still attached to Cranky.
17:02But it was too late.
17:05Cranky still looks down on the two little engines.
17:08But ever since that stormy night, he never calls them bugs or mites,
17:13because he knows they may bite back.
17:16Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
17:46To be continued...
18:16Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
18:47Why? asked Thomas.
18:49Because of a big boulder. I think it's watching me, said Rusty nervously.
18:53How can it be? Boulders don't have eyes.
18:56That's as may be, Percy. But there's something strange about this one.
19:00Just then, Edward arrived.
19:03He was delivering a new piece of machinery for the quarry.
19:06What's that? asked Rusty.
19:08It's called Thumper. Apparently it helps collect the rock faster, replied Edward.
19:14Soon, Thumper was working hard.
19:17The men were pleased, but no one bothered to check the boulder.
19:26When it rained, the workmen went away.
19:29Rusty gazed up and shivered.
19:32Above stood Boulder.
19:34Suddenly, a large slab of rock landed on the rails.
19:38Rusty was shocked.
19:40The driver was concerned.
19:41We'd best leave till the weather's better.
19:43The rain loosened some of this rock, he said.
19:46I think it's Boulder wanting us to go away, whispered Rusty.
19:58The next day, the sun shone.
20:01The quarry was filled with more machines.
20:04Suddenly, Rusty noticed something.
20:07Boulder's moving!
20:10Don't be so daft, it can't, said Rusty's driver.
20:13But it could.
20:21It's rolling along our line!
20:33We'll stop here until Boulder passes by, said Rusty's driver.
20:37But Boulder was nowhere to be seen.
20:41Oh no, it's behind us!
20:46Just ahead, they saw a small junction.
20:48One line went uphill.
20:51Boulder thundered past.
20:55Meanwhile, Skarloey was making his way up to the quarry.
20:58Then, he saw Boulder.
21:03Boulder was catching up to them fast, but they veered into a siding.
21:11We must warn the yards, shouted Skarloey.
21:14Yes, but how, called Rusty.
21:21Boulder rounded a bend, and there ahead was Rheneas.
21:24It's running loose, yelled Rheneas.
21:27His driver drove him back as fast as he could.
21:43Rather a smash than a squash, sighed his driver.
21:47At the yards, Percy was collecting trucks.
21:50Then, he heard Boulder.
21:53Oh no, it's heading straight for us!
21:57Oh no, it's heading straight for me!
22:18When the fat controller inspected the damage, he decided to close the mine.
22:23Then, he looked at Boulder.
22:25We should have left this part of the island alone, he said thoughtfully.
22:30They moved Boulder to a hill close by the yards.
22:34Rusty is sure that on a clear night it is gazing up at the mountain,
22:38and that its sighs are being carried on the wind to where it once used to stand, proud and silent.
22:44I wonder if Rusty is right. Don't you?
22:55To be continued...
23:25Translation by Jean LaFlute
23:55Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
24:25Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
24:55Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
25:25Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
25:55Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
26:25Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
26:55Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
27:25Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
27:55Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
28:25Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
28:55Sous-titres par Jean LaFlute
