Peppa Pig English Episodes Best Movies 2014 HD

  • le mois dernier


00:00Champion Daddy Pig
00:05Peppa et sa famille regardent du sport sur la télévision.
00:11C'est un long pas ! C'est un nouveau record mondial !
00:17Maman, qu'est-ce que le record mondial ?
00:21Ça signifie que tu es la meilleure dans le monde à quelque chose.
00:24Tu es un champion et ton nom est dans un livre.
00:27Il y a des champions pour courir, sauter, nager...
00:32J'aimerais que tu sois dans le livre, papa !
00:35Je suis dans le livre !
00:37Non !
00:38Oui, Daddy Pig est le champion de l'escalier !
00:42Wow !
00:43Personne ne m'a encore battu.
00:45Je ne pense pas qu'ils le feront.
00:47Le prochain événement est l'escalier !
00:52C'était un grand éclat !
00:55En fait, je pense que...
00:57Oui ! C'est un nouveau record mondial !
01:02Daddy, tu n'es plus le champion !
01:06Tout le monde sera triste !
01:09Oh oh ! Je suis sûr qu'ils ont plus d'importance à s'inquiéter, Peppa.
01:15Daddy Pig, tu as perdu le record mondial !
01:19Tout le monde veut que tu sois le champion de nouveau !
01:21C'est important !
01:23Vraiment ?
01:24Oui !
01:25D'accord, je le ferai demain !
01:28Hurray !
01:29Mais je vais devoir m'entraîner à sauter dans les poudres.
01:33Tout le monde sait comment sauter dans les poudres, papa.
01:38Mais pas tout le monde est un champion, Peppa.
01:41Daddy Pig est le maître !
01:45Papa, tu vas s'entraîner à sauter en haut et en bas ?
01:49Non, Peppa. Je dois être à l'un avec la poudre.
01:53Quoi ?
01:54Pour sauter dans une poudre, je dois penser comme une poudre.
01:58As-tu besoin de courir ?
02:01As-tu besoin de faire des press-ups ?
02:03Non. Je dois dormir et rêver de poudres.
02:10C'est le jour du grand saut dans les poudres.
02:13Daddy Pig porte son costume de saut dans les poudres.
02:16Je n'arrive pas à trouver mes chaussures d'or.
02:19J'ai donné ces chaussures à grand-père pour son jardin.
02:22Mes chaussures d'or chanceuses pour être utilisées comme chaussures de jardin ?
02:27Tu en as d'autres.
02:28Ce n'est pas pareil.
02:33Bonjour ?
02:34Grand-père, tu te souviens des chaussures d'or que je t'ai données ?
02:37Euh... oui.
02:39Papa a besoin de les encore.
02:41Tu les as cherchées ?
02:43Euh... Elles ont été enlevées.
02:46Grand-père Pig crée des tomates dans les chaussures d'or de papa.
02:51Nous les avons besoin pour le saut dans les poudres.
02:53Aujourd'hui ?
02:54Très bien. Je te retrouverai là-bas.
02:58Tout le monde est venu voir le saut dans les poudres de Daddy Pig.
03:03Le saut dans les poudres
03:06S'il vous plaît, bienvenue votre ami et le mien, Monsieur Potato !
03:12Hurray !
03:14Bonne chance, Daddy Pig !
03:16Oh, mais où sont vos chaussures d'or chanceuses ?
03:19Ah, ici elles sont.
03:21Merci, Grand-père Pig.
03:23Je peux sentir les tomates.
03:26Et maintenant, pour le saut dans les poudres de Daddy Pig.
03:31Daddy Pig est en train de penser.
03:33Prêt ?
03:34Prêt ?
03:35Go !
03:37Je dois devenir l'un avec le saut dans les poudres.
03:41Je dois être le saut dans les poudres.
03:49Le saut est parti !
03:51Le saut est parti sur nous tous.
03:55Daddy Pig est devenu l'un avec le saut dans les poudres.
03:58Tout le monde est devenu l'un avec le saut dans les poudres.
04:01C'est un nouveau record du monde !
04:04Hurray !
04:06Champion Daddy Pig !
04:08Et qui est-ce ?
04:10Je suis Peppa Pig.
04:12Un jour, je serai le champion du saut dans les poudres.
04:16Je l'ai entraîné.
04:18Ah, être entraîné par le maître.
04:21Qu'avez-vous appris ?
04:23Si vous sautez dans les poudres, vous devez porter vos chaussures.
04:30Delphine Donkey
04:37Bonjour, c'est Daddy Pig.
04:39Monsieur Pig, comment allez-vous ?
04:41Oh, il y a quelque chose de mal avec le téléphone.
04:43Quelle temps fait-il en Grande-Bretagne ? Il y a de la pluie, des soleils ?
04:46Vous voyez ? Le téléphone parle de bêtises.
04:49Allô, comment allez-vous ?
04:50Allô, monsieur ?
04:51Est-ce que Delphine peut rester pour un jour ?
04:54Elle vient juste de prendre le train.
04:55Au revoir.
05:23Bonjour, c'est bonjour en français.
05:29Bonjour, monsieur Donkey.
05:31Mon Dieu, c'est-ce que c'est que ce casse-pieds pour Delphine ?
05:35Oui, Delphine a apporté quelques petites choses pour sa visite.
05:39Des choses que vous n'avez pas à apporter.
05:41C'est un cadeau.
05:42C'est un cadeau.
05:43C'est un cadeau.
05:44C'est un cadeau.
05:45C'est un cadeau.
05:46C'est un cadeau.
05:47C'est un cadeau.
05:48C'est un cadeau.
05:49C'est un cadeau.
05:50Des choses que vous n'avez pas ici.
05:52Du fromage, du pain, des tomates, de l'eau.
05:57Au revoir, Delphine.
05:58Je reviendrai te chercher demain soir.
06:04Où je dois mettre la bague de Delphine ?
06:06Dans ma chambre, au dessus d'une maison.
06:14Et cette bague est pour une journée ?
06:16Ah oui, c'est pour ça que j'ai seulement une petite bague.
06:23Maintenant, Delphine est ici pour pratiquer l'anglais.
06:26Donc, nous devons tous l'aider.
06:28Oui, maman.
06:30Tout d'abord, je dois dire que je suis désolée.
06:32Je ne parle pas très bien l'anglais.
06:35Tu ne parles pas trop mal.
06:37Tu es très gentil, Monsieur Pig.
06:40Mais je peux te poser une question sur l'anglais ?
06:44Bien sûr.
06:45Je suis un expert en parlant.
06:48Est-ce que l'anglais sépare l'infinitif,
06:51une forme d'un verbe irrégulier,
06:53ou un pronom passé ?
06:56En fait, il est assez tard.
06:58Pouvons-nous préparer la chambre de Delphine ?
07:00Maman ! Maman !
07:02Est-ce que Delphine peut dormir dans ma chambre ?
07:04Avec un pilote à chaque bout ?
07:06Bonne idée, Pepper.
07:08Pepper et Delphine dorment à chaque bout de la même chambre.
07:13Maintenant, enfants.
07:14Essayez de dormir.
07:16Vous avez un jour occupant demain.
07:18Delphine visite votre groupe de jeux.
07:20Waouh !
07:21Dormez bien.
07:23Dormez bien est le français pour dormir bien.
07:26Je ne suis pas du tout en train de dormir.
07:29Allons chanter une petite chanson pour la faire dormir.
07:33Oui !
07:35Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,
07:39Dormez-vous, dormez-vous,
07:42Sonnez le matin.
07:44Delphine's pretty French song has sent everyone to sleep.
07:53Delphine has come to visit Pepper's playgroup.
07:58Madame Gazelle, this is my French friend Delphine Donkey.
08:03Bonjour !
08:05Ah ! Bonjour Delphine !
08:07Delphine sang a pretty French song last night.
08:11Can we teach her an English song ?
08:14How about the bing-bong song ?
08:17Yes, sing me this bing-bong song.
08:20It would be good for my English.
08:27We're playing a tune and we're singing a song
08:30With a bing and a bong and a bing
08:34Bon bing-bong, bing-bong-bing,
08:38Bing-bong, bing-li-bong-li-bong
08:41Bon bing-bong, bing-bong-bing,
08:45Bing-bong, bing-li-bong-li-bong
08:48Good, I have learned lots of new English words.
08:52Bing, bong, bing-li-bong-li-bong
09:00Fun run !
09:01It has been very stormy weather and the school roof is leaking.
09:06How can we raise the money to fix the school roof ?
09:10We could have a fun run.
09:12What's a funny run ?
09:15It's a day for picnics and giving money to see people run.
09:19And the more money you give, the further they run.
09:22Good idea, Daddy Pig.
09:24How far can you run ?
09:26What ?
09:27Well, I can run as far as you like.
09:30But Daddy, you can hardly run at all.
09:33Nonsense, I'm an expert at running.
09:37Good, does anyone else want to run ?
09:40No, thank you.
09:41But I'll give money to see Daddy Pig run.
09:45Me too.
09:46And me.
09:47Excellent, thank you Daddy Pig.
09:51Pepper and her family are eating spaghetti.
09:55Delicious, is there any more spaghetti ?
09:58Daddy Pig, you've already had three helpings.
10:02Eating gives me energy and I need energy for my fun run.
10:06You also need to practice running.
10:09What if I practice eating today, then practice running tomorrow ?
10:14No Daddy, you need to practice running now.
10:18Oh !
10:19Come on Daddy, race you !
10:22This is easy !
10:24It is easy to run downhill.
10:28It is hard to run uphill.
10:30I don't think I should have eaten so much spaghetti.
10:36It is the day of the fun run.
10:39Madame Gazelle has a chart to show how far Daddy Pig must run.
10:43If Daddy Pig can run to here,
10:46the supermarket,
10:48then to here,
10:49my grandad's garage,
10:51and all the way to here,
10:54Windy Castle,
10:56then we'll have enough money to fix the school roof.
11:00I'll do it now.
11:02Ready, steady, go !
11:05I did it !
11:07Now we can have the picnic.
11:09Silly Daddy, that's just a drawing.
11:13Yes, now you must run to the real Windy Castle.
11:18Ready, steady, go !
11:21Hurray !
11:26Come on Daddy Pig, you can make it !
11:35Come on Pops, you can make it !
11:38The school bus has made it to Windy Castle.
11:42Now everyone can enjoy the picnic.
11:45Water ! Water !
11:49What a lovely hot day,
11:51and such a relaxing way to raise money.
11:54Water ! Water !
11:56Daddy Pig has reached the supermarket.
11:59All the running has made him very thirsty.
12:06Let's look through the telescope.
12:09I can see Daddy.
12:11The telescope makes everything look closer.
12:14Oh, he's not going very fast.
12:17Daddy Pig has arrived at Grandad Dog's garage.
12:20That's it, I can't go on.
12:23Daddy has stopped.
12:26You look rather hot.
12:28You need something to cool you down and give you energy.
12:32Have an ice lolly.
12:34Thank you Grandad Dog.
12:38That's nice.
12:40A wasp.
12:42Shoo, shoo, get away you little pest.
12:45The wasp wants to share Daddy Pig's ice lolly.
12:48No ! This is my lolly.
12:51Daddy started running again, really fast.
12:55Hurray !
12:58Get off ! Get off !
13:01You can stop now Daddy Pig.
13:04We have enough money to fix the school roof.
13:09Daddy Pig has lost the wasp.
13:11Well done Daddy Pig.
13:14Well done Daddy Pig.
13:16All that extra running means we've got enough money for a new school bus too.
13:21Thank you Daddy Pig.
13:24You're most welcome.
13:29Gym class.
13:31Peppa and her friends are going to the gym today.
13:35Let's check you've all got your gym kits on.
13:38Pedro is wearing a superhero costume.
13:41Pedro, where is your gym kit ?
13:43It's at home. I thought it was dressing up day.
13:48Follow me children.
13:51This is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves.
13:56Are you all having fun ?
13:58Yes, lots of fun.
14:01Your gym teacher for today is Grumpy Rabbit.
14:05Where is he ?
14:07Hello children. Are you ready to exercise ?
14:11Yes Grumpy Rabbit.
14:16Do we have to do that ?
14:19No, that's only for big athletes like me.
14:22Not for little explorers like you.
14:25We're not explorers.
14:27I'll make explorers of you.
14:29But you, you look like a superhero.
14:33It's just pretend.
14:35Pretending, that's good.
14:37Right, let's warm up.
14:40Everyone, run on the spot.
14:43And flap your arms.
14:46Now stretch.
14:50Bubble like a jelly.
14:58And rest.
15:00Now we're all warmed up, we can start.
15:03Start what ?
15:04Your adventure.
15:06I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle.
15:11It doesn't look like a jungle.
15:13Where are the trees ?
15:15You have to imagine it.
15:17The trees, the rain, the fast flowing river at your feet.
15:21Your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river.
15:27That's easy.
15:29But it's night time and it's windy.
15:34What ?
15:35That's how it was for me.
15:37It was a dark and stormy night.
15:41I was on an adventure.
15:47Ready ?
15:48But it's not windy or night time.
15:52You have to pretend.
15:56Everyone crosses the pretend river safely.
16:02Well done my little explorers.
16:05What's next, Grumpy Rabbit ?
16:07Your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles.
16:14I can't see any crocodiles.
16:17You've got to pretend.
16:19Let those crocodiles know who's boss.
16:23Go away, you naughty crocodiles.
16:26That's the spirit.
16:28Did you ever swing across a crocodile swamp ?
16:31Of course I did.
16:33Were you scared ?
16:35Not as scared as they were of me.
16:46Ready ?
16:47Don't forget to do the call.
16:52Everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely.
16:56Well done.
16:57What's next adventure ?
16:59This is a vault.
17:01Big athletes jump over it like this.
17:06But you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs.
17:11Have you crawled through a dinosaur's legs, Grumpy Rabbit ?
17:15Oh yes.
17:16Once I was walking in the jungle when I stumbled into a lost world of dinosaurs.
17:28And that's it. You've made it out of the jungle.
17:34Did you have a good gym class, children ?
17:37Yes, Madame Gazelle.
17:39They're real little explorers now.
17:43We walked across a river.
17:45And we swung over crocodiles.
17:47And we crawled under a dinosaur.
17:50I love doing gym class with Grumpy Rabbit.
18:00It is a school day for Peppa and her friends.
18:03Aho ! Children, today we will be learning all about numbers.
18:09Does anybody know what numbers are for ?
18:13Are numbers for counting ?
18:15Yes, Peppa. Who would like to do some counting now ?
18:19Me ! Me ! Me ! Me !
18:21Ok, Pedro.
18:241, 2, 3, 4
18:31Well done, Pedro !
18:34Can anyone count higher than 4 ?
18:37Me ! Me ! Me !
18:401, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
18:47Excellent, Rebecca !
18:50Madame Gazelle ?
18:51Yes, Candy ?
18:52My mom can count to 10 !
18:55Wow !
18:56Yes ! After 7, there is 8, 9, 10 !
19:018, 9, 10 !
19:04Very good !
19:08It is play time.
19:11Rebecca Rabbit, Zoe Zebra, Suzy Sheep and Peppa all like to skip.
19:16I like sand.
19:18I like sea.
19:20I like Suzy to skip with me.
19:25I like ping.
19:27I like pong.
19:29I like Zoe to skip along.
19:33I know ! Let's see who can skip the most without stopping.
19:38Squeak ! I'll count.
19:401, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 !
19:50Zoe wins ! Hurray !
19:53Hurray ! Hurray !
19:57Pedro, do you want to do some skipping ?
20:00No thanks, Peppa. I'm hula-hooping !
20:04Wibble-wobble, wibble-wobble, wiggle-waggle-wee !
20:07Hula-hoop ! Hula-hoop !
20:091, 2, 3 !
20:11Ouh !
20:12How many can you do without stopping ?
20:15A million and three !
20:17Wow ! That's a lot !
20:20Let's count them !
20:221, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 !
20:28That was 8 !
20:30I'm a bit tired.
20:32I'll do the rest later.
20:38Can you do hula-hoops, Emily ?
20:40I can do them my own special way.
20:43Emily Elephant is hula-hooping with her trunk.
20:47Hurray !
20:48I think that was about 100 !
20:54George wants to play Leapfrog.
20:57George likes playing Leapfrog.
20:59Leapfrog, everybody !
21:031, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 !
21:22Madame Gazelle, we can all count to 10 now !
21:26Very good !
21:27But we need to be playing to do it.
21:30Of course !
21:31Reach up !
21:32Edmond, bring the extra long skipping rope !
21:37Hello ! I've come to collect Peppa and George.
21:41Daddy, you're too early !
21:43Oh !
21:44Not to worry, you can join in our game !
21:47Oh ! Ok !
21:48Is everybody ready ?
21:50Ready !
21:51Counting to 10 !
21:541, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 !
22:07Oh ! You look tired, Daddy Pig !
22:10I'm fine ! I could skip to 100 !
22:15Good idea, Daddy Pig !
22:17To 100 !
22:19Maybe to 20 !
22:21Ok ! To 20 !
22:28Santa's Grotto !
22:30It is Christmas Eve !
22:32Hands up ! Who wants to go and see Father Christmas ?
22:36Me, me, me !
22:37Are we going to the North Pole ?
22:40Not quite that far, Peppa !
22:42But Father Christmas lives at the North Pole !
22:45Lucky for us, he's got a grotto at the Christmas Fair !
22:52Peppa and George have come to visit Santa's Grotto !
22:55Hello, everyone !
22:56Hello !
22:57All aboard the Elf Train !
22:59This way to Santa's Grotto !
23:03Suzy, what are you asking Father Christmas for ?
23:07I don't know !
23:08What are you asking for ?
23:10I would like a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep !
23:17I'll ask for that too !
23:19How does Father Christmas remember what toys everybody wants ?
23:23He makes a list !
23:25His sleigh must be very fast to go around the whole world in one night !
23:30It's a super sleigh !
23:32Father Christmas is really old !
23:35He's hundreds of years old !
23:37Even older than my daddy !
23:42Santa's Grotto !
23:46Ho ! Ho ! Ho !
23:48Hello, everyone !
23:50Hello, Father Christmas !
23:52Have you all been good ?
23:54Yes !
23:55Have you all kept your bedrooms tidy ?
23:59Yes !
24:00Have you ?
24:01Ho ! Ho ! Ho ! Of course !
24:03Now, come and tell me what you'd like for Christmas !
24:07Can I have a football, please ?
24:09A xylophone ?
24:10Tiddlywinks !
24:11A magic set, please ?
24:14A racing car !
24:16A bouncy ball !
24:18Boing ! Boing !
24:19A train, please ?
24:21A toy train !
24:23Not a toy train, a real train !
24:27One I can drive with real passengers !
24:32Ho ! Ho ! I'll see what I can do !
24:35Is that everyone ?
24:37We haven't seen you yet !
24:39I am sorry !
24:41What is your name ?
24:43Je suis Peppa Pig !
24:45On s'est rencontré avant !
24:47Ah, oui !
24:48C'est agréable de te voir de nouveau, Peppa !
24:51Qu'est-ce que tu aimerais pour Christmas ?
24:53J'aimerais avoir un oiseau qui marche, qui parle,
24:56et qui ferme ses yeux quand il va dormir, s'il vous plaît !
25:01Moi aussi, s'il vous plaît !
25:03Très bien !
25:05Vous savez où je vis, n'est-ce pas ?
25:08Oh, oui !
25:09How old are you ?
25:11Oh, I'm hundreds of years old !
25:14I told you !
25:16Goodbye, Father Christmas !
25:18Don't forget to leave me a mince pie and...
25:21And a drink, we know !
25:23And a carrot for the reindeer !
25:26Ho ! Ho ! Ho !
25:29Peppa and her family are driving back from the Christmas fair.
25:33Daddy, why have we got our bags in the car ?
25:36We're spending Christmas at Granny and Grandpa's house !
25:40But Father Christmas won't know where we are !
25:43Don't worry, Peppa, Father Christmas knows everything !
25:48Granny Pig, it's nearly Christmas !
25:52Yes, and I've got a very important job for you !
25:56Stir the Christmas pudding and make a wish !
26:00Peppa and George are making a wish !
26:03Racing car !
26:04Oh, don't tell me what it is !
26:06Here's the mince pie and a drink for Father Christmas !
26:10And a carrot for the reindeer !
26:14Who can that be at this time of night ?
26:17We're not buying anything !
26:20Merry joyful greetings, festive happy cheerings
26:24Carol singers !
26:25Snow is falling gently in Christmas time
26:29Oh, Merry Christmas !
26:31It is bedtime for Peppa and George.
26:35This used to be my bedroom when I was a little piggy !
26:38Father Christmas knows where Granny and Grandpa live, doesn't he ?
26:43Oh, yes ! He's been here many times before !
26:46Good night, Peppa ! Good night, George !
26:49Peppa and George have fallen asleep.
26:52When they wake up, it will be Christmas !
26:57Teddy Playgroup !
26:59It is home time at Peppa's Playgroup !
27:03Daddy, Teddy Playgroup is coming to stay !
27:06Who ?
27:07Teddy Playgroup is our school mascot !
27:09It's Peppa's turn to take him home !
27:11He has pyjamas, a photo album and a toothbrush !
27:16It's all in his suitcase !
27:19I see !
27:22Peppa, Daddy Pig and Teddy Playgroup have arrived home !
27:26Mummy Pig, we have a special guest staying with us tonight !
27:31Really ? Who's that ?
27:32Teddy Playgroup !
27:34He has pyjamas, a photo album and a toothbrush !
27:39What's the photo album for ?
27:41We take photos of him doing exciting things !
27:46My friends have took Teddy Playgroup all over the world !
27:51London ? Paris ? Egypt ?
27:55Oh, I say ! Teddy Playgroup does have an exciting life !
27:59I hope he has an exciting time with us !
28:04It is Peppa and George's bedtime !
28:07Everybody, this is Teddy Playgroup !
28:11Hello !
28:12He is our special guest !
28:14You all have to make room !
28:19Oh, and that is Mr. Dinosaur !
28:22He's not very good at talking !
28:26Let's take a photo for Teddy Playgroup's album !
28:30Say cheese !
28:32Cheese !
28:34Daddy !
28:35Teddy Playgroup needs to have an exciting time tomorrow !
28:40Can we go to the North Pole ?
28:42How about the supermarket ?
28:45Yes !
28:46I don't think Teddy Playgroup has ever been shopping before !
28:51It is morning ! Peppa is taking Teddy Playgroup to the supermarket !
28:56This shop sells everything !
28:59Oranges, apples, bananas !
29:03Very interesting !
29:07This is the checkout, where all the food is paid for !
29:12George wants to take a picture !
29:14Ok, George !
29:16Cheese !
29:17Cheese !
29:18Cheese !
29:22That's enough pictures, George !
29:29Where is Teddy Playgroup ?
29:31Teddy Playgroup is missing !
29:33Daddy ! You've lost Teddy Playgroup !
29:36Don't worry, Peppa ! I'm sure we'll find him !
29:41Hello ! How was your day ?
29:44Daddy lost Teddy Playgroup !
29:46Oh no !
29:47But I've got a plan to find him !
29:51How are we going to find Teddy Playgroup, daddy ?
29:54First, we print out all the photos we took of him !
30:03Mummy Pig is unpacking the shopping !
30:06Where are you going ?
30:07We're going to stick pictures of Teddy Playgroup on trees !
30:11Oh !
30:13Daddy, wait for me !
30:15Why are we sticking photos on trees, daddy ?
30:18When people see the pictures of Teddy Playgroup, they'll know he's lost !
30:22And they can help us find him !
30:24Oh !
30:25This is Teddy in my bed !
30:29This is Teddy in the kitchen !
30:33And these are George's pictures at the supermarket !
30:38Oh ! Teddy Playgroup !
30:40I know where he is !
30:45Oh ! Hello !
30:46Mummy ! We know where Teddy Playgroup is !
30:50Yes ! He's in the shopping bag with the pasta and tomatoes !
30:57Peppa is showing her class Teddy Playgroup's photo album !
31:01I was worried that Teddy Playgroup wouldn't have an exciting adventure with us !
31:07Then luckily, my daddy lost him at the supermarket !
31:14But we found him again in the shopping !
31:18That was an exciting adventure !
31:20Yes, it was !
31:26The rainbow !
31:28Peppa and her family are going for a drive to the mountains !
31:32Are we nearly there yet ?
31:34Not yet, Peppa !
31:37Let's play a game !
31:39We each have to spot a car of our favorite color !
31:42Yes !
31:43My favorite color is green !
31:46Mine is orange !
31:48Mine is red !
31:50George, what's your favorite color ?
31:53Blue !
31:54George's favorite color is blue !
31:56Let's see which color car comes along first !
31:59Ok !
32:01Here is Candy Cat in her green car !
32:04Green ! That's my favorite color ! I win !
32:10Hello Candy !
32:11Hello Peppa !
32:15Here is Danny Dog in Grandad Dog's breakdown truck !
32:18Orange ! So I win !
32:20Hello Danny !
32:22Hello Peppa !
32:24Here's another car !
32:26It's Suzy !
32:28Hello !
32:29Hello Peppa !
32:31Blue !
32:32Yes George, it's a blue car ! So you win !
32:37This is a silly game !
32:40There isn't a red car anywhere !
32:43There is one red car, Peppa !
32:46Where ?
32:49What color is our car ?
32:52It's red ! I win ! I win !
32:58The family have arrived at the mountains !
33:01We'll have a fantastic view when we get to the top !
33:06We're here !
33:07Hooray !
33:08Look at the lovely sunny view !
33:13Oh dear ! It has started to rain !
33:15Where's the lovely view ?
33:18There's a lovely view !
33:21It is Miss Rabbit's ice cream store !
33:24Hello Miss Rabbit !
33:25Hello Daddy Pig !
33:27Four ice creams please !
33:29What flavors would you like ?
33:31Mint, orange, strawberry and blueberry please !
33:35Ok !
33:39Look what I've got !
33:41Ice cream !
33:44They're our favorite colors !
33:46That's right !
33:48Green for me !
33:49Orange for me !
33:51Strawberry red for me !
33:53And George's is...
33:55Blue !
34:00Look ! The sun has come out !
34:03And look what else has come out !
34:05A rainbow !
34:07Peppa and George love rainbows !
34:10A rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time !
34:17It's got all our favorite colors in it !
34:21Yes !
34:22Red and orange and green and blue !
34:28And do you know what you find at the end of a rainbow ?
34:32No !
34:33You find treasure !
34:35Oh ! Can we go find the treasure now ?
34:39Ok ! The end of the rainbow looks like it's just on the next hill !
34:44Let's go !
34:50It's a rainy sunny day !
34:52The rainbow's here to play !
34:55Rainbow ! Rainbow !
34:58Red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue !
35:02Rainbow ! Rainbow !
35:05It's a rainy sunny day !
35:09Here we are !
35:10Oh ! Where's our rainbow gone ?
35:13It's moved to the next hill !
35:15You cheeky rainbow !
35:17Quick ! Let's catch it !
35:19Rainbow ! Rainbow !
35:21It's a rainy sunny day !
35:24It stopped raining !
35:27And the rainbow is gone !
35:31Don't worry George ! Maybe the rainbow has left some treasure behind !
35:36There's something over here !
35:38Have you found the rainbow's treasure ?
35:41Yes ! I have !
35:43A big muddy puddle !
35:46Hurray !
35:49This is the best rainbow treasure ever !
